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IBO Mathematical Studies Examination Paper 1 and 2 May 04

1. The cumulative frequency table below shows the ages of 200 students at a college.

Age Number of Students Cumulative

17 3 3
18 72 75
19 62 137
20 31 m
21 12 180
22 9 189
23–25 5 194
> 25 6 n

(a) What are the values of m and n?

(b) How many students are younger than 20?

(c) Find the value in years of the lower quartile.




(b) ..............................................................


(Total 8 marks)


2. Let U = {–4, 3 , 1, , 13, 26.7, 69, 1033}.

A is the set of all the integers in U.

B is the set of all the rational numbers in U.

(a) List all the prime numbers contained in U.

(b) List all the members of A.

(c) List all the members of B.

(d) List all the members of the set A  B.

(Total 8 marks)

3. Let p and q be the statements:

p : Sarah eats lots of carrots.

q : Sarah can see well in the dark.

Write the following statements in words.

(a) p  q.

(b)  p  q.

(c) Write the following statement in symbolic form.

If Sarah cannot see well in the dark, then she does not eat lots of carrots.

(d) Is the statement in part (c) the inverse, the converse or the contrapositive of the
statement in part (a)?

(Total 8 marks)

4. The graph of the function y = x2 – x – 2 is drawn below.


A 0 B x

(a) Write down the coordinates of the point C.

(b) Calculate the coordinates of the points A and B.

(Total 8 marks)

5. Kurt wants to invest 2000 Euros in a savings account for his new grandson.

(a) Calculate the value of Kurt's investment based on a simple interest rate of 4%
per annum, after 18 years.

Inge tells Kurt about a better account which offers interest at a rate of 3.6% per annum,
compounding monthly.

(b) Giving your answer to the nearest Euro, calculate the value of Kurt's investment
after 18 years if he follows Inge's advice.

(Total 8 marks)

6. Two identical dice have sides numbered one to six. The dice are weighted. All the
numbers except the four have equal probability of appearing on top. The four is three
times as likely as each of the other numbers to appear on top.

The tree diagram below shows some of the probabilities.

8 tw o
1 th re e

fo u r

1 8
8 fiv e
s ix

(a) Find the values of a and b in the diagram.

(b) Both dice are thrown. Calculate the probability that two fours appear on top.

(c) One of the dice is thrown once. The result is not a two or a three. What is the
probability that it is a six?
(Total 8 marks)

7. The curve shown in the figure below is part of the graph of the function, f (x) = 2 + sin
(2x), where x is measured in degrees.

f(x )

3 .5

2 .5

1 .5

0 .5

–180–150–120 –90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 x

– 0 .5

(a) Find the range of f (x).

(b) Find the amplitude of f (x).

(c) Find the period of f (x).

(d) If the function is changed to f (x) = 2 + sin (4x) what is the effect on the period,
compared to the period of the original function? (Total 8

8. A student has drawn the two straight line graphs L1 and L2 and marked in the angle
between them as a right angle, as shown below. The student has drawn one of the lines

L 2

–4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 x

L 1

Consider L1 with equation y = 2x + 2 and L2 with equation y = – 4 x + 1.

(a) Write down the gradients of L1 and L2 using the given equations.

(b) Which of the two lines has the student drawn incorrectly?

(c) How can you tell from the answer to part (a) that the angle between L1 and L2
should not be 90°?

(d) Draw the correct version of the incorrectly drawn line on the diagram.

(Total 8 marks)

9. Arthur needs to calculate a value from a trigonometric formula. He uses his calculator to
find the value of r given by r = sin(86) – sin(85) .

(a) Calculate the value of r, correct to three significant figures.

(b) Arthur makes the mistake of rounding both of the sines to three significant figures
before taking their difference. Calculate the value of r found by Arthur. Call this
value rA.

(c) Calculate the percentage error E in Arthur's calculation, given by the formula

100(r – rA )
E= r

(Total 8 marks)

10. The following diagram shows a sloping roof. The surface ABCD is a rectangle. The
angle ADE is 55°. The vertical height, AF, of the roof is 3 m and the length DC is 7 m.


7 m
3 m


(a) Calculate AD.

(b) Calculate the length of the diagonal DB.

(Total 8 marks)

11. The following diagram shows the side view of a tent. The side of the tent AC is 6 m
high. The ground AB slopes upwards from the bottom of the tent at point A, at an angle
of 5° from the horizontal. The tent is attached to the ground by a rope at point B, a
distance of 8 m from its base.

ro p e
6 m
B 8 m


(a) Calculate the angle BAC.

(b) Calculate the length of the rope, BC.

(c) Calculate the angle CBA that the rope makes with the sloping ground.

(Total 8 marks)

12. A group of students has measured the heights of 90 trees. The class calculate the mean
height to be x = 12.4 m with standard deviation s = 5.35 m. One student notices that
two of the measurements, 44.5 m and 43.2 m, are much too big and must be wrong.

(a) How many standard deviations away from the mean of 12.4 is the value 44.5?

The incorrect measurements of 44.5 m and 43.2 m must be removed from the data.

(b) Calculate the new value of x after removing the two unwanted values.




(b) ..............................................................
(Total 8 marks)

13. The coordinates of the vertices of a triangle are P (–2, 6), Q (6, 2) and R (–8, a).

(a) On graph paper, mark the points P and Q on a set of coordinate axes.
Use 1 cm to represent 1 unit on each axis.
(b) (i) Calculate the distance PQ.

(ii) Find the gradient of the line PQ.


(iii) If angle RPQ is a right angle, what is the gradient of the line PR?

(iv) Use your answer from (b) (iii), or otherwise, to find the value of 'a'.

(c) The length of PR is 180 . Find the area of triangle PQR.
(Total 13 marks)

14. The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by un = 63 – 4n.

(a) Calculate the values of the first two terms of this sequence.

(b) Which term of the sequence is –13?


(c) Two consecutive terms of this sequence, uk and uk + 1, have a sum of 34. Find k.
(Total 7 marks)

15. A basketball is dropped vertically. It reaches a height of 2 m on the first bounce. The
height of each subsequent bounce is 90% of the previous bounce.

(a) What height does it reach on the 8th bounce?


(b) What is the total vertical distance travelled by the ball between the first and sixth
time the ball hits the ground?
(Total 6 marks)

16. The table below shows the number and weight (w) of fish delivered to a local fish
market one morning.

weight (kg) frequency cumulative

0.50 ≤ w < 0.70 16 16
0.70 ≤ w < 0.90 37 53
0.90 ≤ w < 1.10 44 c
1.10 ≤ w < 1.30 23 120
1.30 ≤ w < 1.50 10 130
(a) (i) Write down the value of c.

(ii) On graph paper, draw the cumulative frequency curve for this data. Use a
scale of 1 cm to represent 0.1 kg on the horizontal axis and 1 cm to represent
10 units on the vertical axis. Label the axes clearly.

(iii) Use the graph to show that the median weight of the fish is 0.95 kg.

(b) (i) The zoo buys all fish whose weights are above the 90th percentile.
How many fish does the zoo buy?
(ii) A pet food company buys all the fish in the lowest quartile. What is the
maximum weight of a fish bought by the company?

(c) A restaurant buys all fish whose weights are within 10% of the median weight.

(i) Calculate the minimum and maximum weights for the fish bought by the

(ii) Use your graph to determine how many fish will be bought by the restaurant.
(Total 16 marks)

17. There are two biscuit tins on a shelf. The red tin contains three chocolate biscuits and
seven plain biscuits. The blue tin contains one chocolate biscuit and nine plain biscuits.

(a) A child reaches into the red tin and randomly selects a biscuit. The child returns
that biscuit to the tin, shakes the tin, and then selects another biscuit.

Find the probability that

(i) both biscuits chosen are chocolate.


(ii) one of the biscuits is plain and the other biscuit is chocolate.

(b) A second child chooses a biscuit from the blue tin. The child eats the biscuit and
chooses another one from the blue tin. The tree diagram below represents the
possible outcomes for this event.



(i) Write down the values of a and b.


(ii) Find the probability that both biscuits are chocolate.


(iii) What is the probability that at least one of the biscuits is chocolate?

(c) Suppose that before the two children arrived, their brother randomly selected one
of the biscuit tins and took out one biscuit.

Calculate the probability that this biscuit was chocolate.

(Total 15 marks)

18. The veterinarian has gathered the following data about the weight of dogs and the
weight of their puppies.

Dog Total
Heavy Light
Heavy 36 27 63
Puppy Light 22 35 57
Total 58 62 120

The veterinarian wishes to test the following hypotheses.

H0: A puppy's weight is independent of its parent's weight.

H1: A puppy's weight is related to the weight of its parent.
The table below sets out the elements required to calculate the  value for this

fo fe fe – fo (fe – fo)2 (fe – fo)2 / fe

Heavy/heav 36 30.45 –5.55 30.8025 1.012
Heavy /light 27 32.55 5.55 30.8025 0.946
light/heavy 22 27.55 5.55 30.8025 1.118
light/light 35 a b c d

(i) Write down the values of a, b, c, and d.


What is the value of  calc for this data?


(iii) How many degrees of freedom exist for the contingency table?

(iv) Write down the critical value of  for the 5% significance level.


(b) Should H0 be accepted? Explain why.

(Total 9 marks)

19. A study was carried out to investigate possible links between the weights of baby rabbits
and their mothers. A sample of 20 pairs of mother rabbits (x) and baby rabbits (y) was
chosen at random and their weights noted. This information was plotted on a scatter
diagram and various statistical calculations were made. These appear below.

5 .0
4 .0
b a b y r a b b it’s
w e ig h t (k g ) 3 .0
2 .0
1 .0
1 .0 2 .0 3 .0 4 .0 5 .0 6 .0
m o th e r r a b b it’s w e ig h t ( k g )

Mean of mean of sx sy sum of x sum of y

x y
3.78 3.46 0.850 0.689 0.442 75.6 69.2

(a) Show that the product-moment correlation coefficient r for this data is 0.755.

(b) (i) Write the equation of the regression line for y on x in the form y = ax + b.

(ii) Use your equation for the regression line to estimate the weight of a rabbit
given that its mother weighs 3.71 kg.
(Total 7 marks)
20. The height (cm) of a daffodil above the ground is given by the function h (w) = 24w –
2.4w2, where w is the time in weeks after the plant has broken through the surface (w 

(a) Calculate the height of the daffodil after two weeks.


(b) (i) Find the rate of growth, dw .

(ii) The rate of growth when w = k is 7.2 cm per week. Find k.


(iii) When will the daffodil reach its maximum height? What height will it reach?

(c) Once the daffodil has reached its maximum height, it begins to fall back towards
the ground. Show that it will touch the ground after 70 days.
(Total 14 marks)


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