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5 Lies You Have Been Told About Learning English 2 PDF

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® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

My name is Thiago Fernandes and for 22 years I have studied
foreign languages. I started studying English at the age of 13 and started
in English courses in my city in São Luiz - Maranhao and when I turned
22 I went to the University to study English further.

I started to teach in 2002 and the way English has always been
taught here in Brazil always concerned me and then in 2008 I had the
opportunity to do a specialisation course with certification by the
University of Cambridge in teaching English to Adults in the city of
Bournemouth in England, where I met several natives and taught English
to people from all over the world and further improved my English.

When I landed in England and saw how the system worked there
and how students could learn English in a more accelerated way I found
out how much the way of teaching English in Brazil, especially for
adults, was going in the opposite direction of the world. After returning
from England in 2009 I commenced to teach and work as an interpreter
in major engineering projects in my city.

So in 2010 in tandem with my then-girlfriend-turned-wife, we

opened a minor English translation, interpretation and mentoring
company called The English Institute

We began to study more and more the process of learning foreign

languages for adults and with our tireless quest to understand how an
adult learns a language more quickly, my wife and I developed an
English Mentoring Programme® where my wife being a Master Coach
from Febracis and Florida Christian University and me for having also
been trained in Coaching by Febracis and Florida Christian University
® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br
we have combined all the powerful tools of this process into teaching
English to adults.

Throughout these years, I have been looking at more effective

ways of learning languages, applying the techniques of accelerated
learning, coaching tools to adult education since I have always been to a
certain extent against traditional ways of teaching and traditional English
schools in Brazil, that in my opinion, are much more concerned about
making money or simply pleasing the students than in teaching English
in an effective way.

With over 20 years of involvement, studies, research, and practice

in the field and with actual results among our customers, we have
developed the complete English Mentoring Programme® with a total
focus on adults who have never achieved fluency in English and we have
set a page on Facebook, Instagram and Linkedin to bring awareness to
adults on how to learn faster and more effectively.

This book you are about to start reading is a compilation of what I

have observed among adults and what has kept them from starting the
effective English acquisition process, and aims to take my expertise and
my message to as many adults as possible who dream of learning
English, because I really believe that any adult is able to learn English, as
long as he/she knows how to do it the right way!

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 6
Mindset Of Adults ......................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 1..................................................................................................... 8
LIE #1: Children Learn Faster Than Adults .................................................. 8
CHAPTER 2 .................................................................................................... 14
LIE #2: First I Need To Learn Grammar To Communicate... ...................... 14
CHAPTER 3................................................................................................... 17
LIE #3: I Need To Be Born With The 'Gift' Of Speaking English .............. 17
CHAPTER 4................................................................................................... 20
LIE #4: I Haven't Got The Money To Invest .............................................. 20
CHAPTER 5: ................................................................................................. 23
LIE #5: I’ve Got a Bad Memory ..................................................................... 23
CHAPTER 6: ................................................................................................. 29
Beware Of Dream Wreckers ............................................................................ 29
CHAPTER 7: ................................................................................................. 31
The Most Useful Tips For Learning English.................................................... 31

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Mindset Of Adults

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

How many of you have heard these statements before?

 Children are like sponges.

 They can absorb English faster.

Dear reader, our society is full of messages saying who is and

who is not able to learn English.

If you go out asking anyone randomly walking down the street

who can learn English faster, they will all probably say; Kids.

This seems a so obvious truth that it is hardly contested in our


So according to these statements, all children are perfect English

learners, and all adults can have only the slightest hope of achieving
only a small part of the children's success, right?

This is what I will show in this e-book that there are many
misconceptions, myths, urban legends and old lies about learning
English, most of which are spread by people who have no experience of
learning English and who have never been able to achieve fluency
because they did not have the right tools.

I'm going to cover these topics soon, but something that I will tell
you in advance, take those Preconceptions out of your head before I can
teach the techniques I use.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


LIE #1: Children Learn Faster Than


® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Probably the number one lie about learning English is this idea
that a child can somehow learn faster than an adult. This lie is not an
absolute truth.

If you think about being able to express yourself in complex

English topics, I'm sure an adult using his or her intelligence can learn
English faster than a child.

It is true that an adult learning English will hardly be able to

emulate a native accent with 100% accuracy. But the adult can still learn
much faster than a child when proper techniques are applied.

Children learn languages because they are "forced" to do so. For

them, it is a simple matter of survival. They also practice constantly, day
after day and have a massive contact with the language to which they
will learn.

Picture your kids on Youtube watching Peppa Pig in English?

How many hours do they spend watching episode after episode?

The truth that is not explained and disclosed to anyone is that

adults have an advantage over children when it comes to learning
English or any language. First, adults already master a language that in
our case is Portuguese. And second, they have more knowledge and
reference points that they can use as an advantage in the process of
associating and acquiring another language.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

The crucial question is, when you learn a language as an adult,
you have to use a different system from the one you used when learning
Portuguese as a child. And with the right system and techniques, you
will certainly learn faster than a child.

For now, I ask you to forget everything you have ever heard
about children learning faster than adults. Open your mind and pay
attention to the Advantages of being an adult that I will list here and
forget about the Disadvantages of being an adult compared to children:


As adults we always worry about age because there seems to be a

better place to be in: being a child. But this issue is something beyond
our control, we must focus on the dozens of other factors that affect our

For example, factors such as motivation, personality, learning

environment and learning strategies are all other factors we can
control that have a huge impact on our success as an English learner.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Forget your Brazilian accent. All the effort that you make
learning English will keep your brain healthy for many years.

What is the matter with having a small 'imperfection' when you

speak when all of your thought clarity and neural synapses that are
created are guaranteed to be kept well in the old age?



Adults are able to relate to the concepts and structure of a new

language and relate parts of it to something else they have already
learned and question how the new language works.



Not that an adult concentrates better, but adults learn fewer things
at the same time. Whereas children have to learn and focus on six or
more widely different topics (mathematics, biology, English, Portuguese,
chemistry, and geography) all at once, adults focus on learning one or
two new things they can manage better than children in school age who
are overwhelmed by multiple learning challenges

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Adults will learn if they have a compelling reason to learn and

will learn what they want to learn. It is the adult's choice and the decision
is his/her if he/she really wants to learn. Many adults have already
travelled to foreign countries and have been exposed to life where
English is commonly spoken and have realized how much speaking
another language can be useful. Adults know that there is more to life
than simply speaking Portuguese and want to live this experience of
speaking English and being able to enjoy everything that this language


Adults know how to ask the right questions and learn the
formula and techniques to speak a language in the right way, with the
right tenses, nouns, pronouns, etc.


What is speaking English good for? To communicate with other

people, do business, travel, study abroad, etc. Children do not have this
distinction on what they will do with the language they learn. Adults
choose a goal and go after what they have established.

These are just some of the most obvious reasons for not minding
the age. With so many great possibilities available through learning
English, why would you let a lie about age and English learning hold
you back?

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Of course, there are reasons why children are better learners.
There will always be. But by stating clearly and believing the lie that
children and babies are simply better than adults you ignore a lot of the
information we have out there. So stop making excuses, find your
strengths, learn and speak.

You can make a part of the adult group by spreading and

perpetuating this old lie, or you can join me and others who are proving
that such lies are only for demographic data, and can never apply to any

Interested in knowing how I do this?

Check out the link from my book Forget Everything You Have
Been Told About Learning English. - where I teach you the accelerated
learning and coaching techniques I use with my clients in the English
Mentoring Programme® at The English Institute.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


LIE #2: First I Need To Learn

Grammar To Communicate...

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Many adults have grown up believing that in order to speak a new
language you need to first learn the grammar.

This is a great popular misconception, which goes hand in hand

with the lie I mentioned in the previous chapter. Many vehemently
believe that fluency is a distant reality and that it will come someday
when you learn enough grammar in English.

I have a question for you then dear reader, when you learned
Portuguese did you learn to speak and then learned the grammar or
the process was the other way around?

The process of acquiring any language goes through the same

process, first you speak and consequently, you will learn the
grammar of the language.

It's okay to expect fluency in the future and great strides in your
grammar, and this will certainly happen with diligence and hard work,
but you may begin to find the courage to try small daily doses of fluency.

The theory and practice must go hand in hand throughout the

process. If you are not practicing the grammar you learn now, you will
probably forget it later.

Adults successfully fluent in English are able to cultivate fluency

from the outset in specific situations. If you know just how to introduce
yourself, learn to do it confidently, practicing often, always, where and
with whomever you can.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

If you have learned basic English for survival, like saying hello
and goodbye, start thinking about how you will apply the next day
without getting too focused on grammar.

This will be a great change in your attitude that will aid your
journey toward fluency. Every time you learn something without
focusing entirely on grammar itself it will be as if you were writing a
script for a play that you will act on over and over again and
consequently will have that script on the tip of the tongue when you
need to use it in a real situation.

My general advice for adults who have been on this journey when
it comes to grammar is simple: do not turn grammar into a priority,
you can study a little grammar for a while then spend some time without
visiting grammar and then gaining confidence for speaking by using the
set of learned sentences in a real context.

I cannot give a general solution to these lies, but I hope this

chapter will inspire you as to how you could deal with or avoid grammar
(ie, use your time more efficiently in other ways) in a way that works
better for you.

I am not saying that you should completely neglect grammar

because it is also very important in your learning process, just bear in
mind that grammar will polish your English to make it sound more
correct. Never forget that - you are allowed to make grammar mistakes.
Not being afraid to make mistakes can undoubtedly be the best thing that
will help you progress.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


LIE #3: I Need To Be Born With The

'Gift' Of Speaking English

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Dear reader, you surely have already stated that some people
have the gift to speak languages, haven't you? Out of many researches
that have been carried out in the world, this lie among adults has never
been proven.

Throughout my years of experience teaching English to adults

and my findings suggest that people who have learned foreign languages
in general:

 They are passionate about the language. They genuinely

want to learn English because they know all the benefits that
speaking that wonderful language will bring them. Adults
who speak English are always passionate about English and
its culture in general.

 They work hard. Apart from people who have grown up in

multi-language families, I have never met any adults who
have not made real efforts to learn English.
This is the lie that I hear the most throughout my years teaching
English to adults.

I believe the reason for this lie to be so widespread in our society

and especially among adults is because most are afraid to learn

This lie, more than any that I have already mentioned, ends up
giving an excuse for these adults not to learn English and to stay in their
comfort zones.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Because in the end, if you're ‘genetically predisposed not to
speak English’, then, of course, it will make sense that you cannot speak
English, right?

And that's right there that you're completely mistaken! Learning

English is not like the color of your eyes or hair that you are born and
cannot change them. Learning English is a skill and, like any skill, it can
be learned.

In short, this lie of "I do not have the gift to learn English" is
simply the translation of the phrase "I'm afraid of failing to learn to
speak English" that dwells in your mind all the time.

The Truth: Learning a second language does not require special

gifts or abilities. It just requires the right learning method.

What experts and researchers have discovered are proven

memorization tools and techniques to shorten your learning curve. These
are techniques that are worked out in my English Mentoring
Programme® and in my book Forget Everything You Have Been
Told About Learning English.

These techniques and tools aligned with the right motivation can
break down any lie or excuse you dear reader have inside your head and
prevent you from living your biggest dreams.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


LIE #4: I Haven't Got The Money To


® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Dear reader, we know that financial problems are real and have
always been a big issue in Brazil, there is no doubt about it. Besides,
most of us cannot afford to take our bags and board on a one-way flight
to England to learn to speak English, can we?

This misconception about traveling to a country where English is

spoken to learn is one of the most common lies we hear about, but it is
easy to see where this lie comes from.

People eager to learn English often use the idea of "traveling the
world" as part of their main messages to show that they only learned to
speak when they could have an interchange programme and live in
another country.

But in tandem with all this, there is an embedded cost that not all
people can afford.

Truth be told is, you do not have to spend money on trips to

learn English.

I am a living proof that if you dedicate time and use the proper
techniques you will be able to learn English even if you live here in
Brazil and when you have an opportunity to travel to another country,
which was my case when I went to England, you will polish even more
everything you've been learning every year.

It is extremely rare to see someone travel to another country for a

year and return speaking fluently.

How many cases have you heard of Brazilians who spent

years in a country and failed to develop the speaking skills?

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

These Brazilians have not been able to achieve fluency simply
because they do not know techniques about how to learn and improve
their English learning.

As I often say to my customers: 'You have not achieved fluency

in English yet due to the technique and method you do not know,
because if you knew them you would have already achieved it'.

Adults can learn English from the comfort of their cities without
having to travel. That's why I have developed the English Mentoring
Programme® and written the book Forget Everything You Have Been
Told About Learning English, so you learn techniques and tools to
immerse yourself without leaving the country.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


LIE #5: I’ve Got a Bad Memory

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

First of all, you don't even have a memory!!!

Your memory is not a thing. Instead, memory is a process. You

should think of the action of remembering as an activity and not a matter
of having a good memory or a bad memory.

The biggest lie adults believe is that they find memory to be static
when in fact it is dynamic, with the ability to expand, strengthen and
hone it with a bit of technique and effort.

Of all the lies about having a bad memory, believing you're stuck
with a bad memory is one of the worst, because this lie keeps you from at
least trying. Do not believe this lie - you can improve your memory.

The founding director of the Center for Neurobiology of Learning

and Memory James MacGaugh states that one of the most remarkable
aspects of memory is forgetfulness. Forgetting something you study is
normal and necessary.

There is a famous American writer called Sholem Asch who says

that "it is not the power to remember, but exactly the opposite, the
power to forget, which is a necessary condition for our existence."

Imagine your brain every day is bombarded with thousands of

information. Now can you imagine how messy your life would be if
you kept all this information and every day?

The key is to know that our mind every day chooses which
information is important to keep and which is the least important to

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Many adults complain that they have a bad memory, but this is
not a cognitive issue as many people think, this 'problem' is simply a lack
of zeal and a habit of creating memory codes every day.

The difference between remembering and forgetting is not in the

art of getting something out of your brain; the great secret is to put the
information in your brain in a way that you can use the memory, and
any adult can work to improve on this matter.

Memorizing is a learned skill. There is no easy way to do this. So

you need to decide if you're keen on forgetting this lie and make the
effort you need.

Let's put it this way. If you wanted to learn to play golf, drive a
car or any other skill, would you expect that there would be only one
easy way to do this activity?

With memory it is the same thing. Be aware that remembering is

a skill and requires effort. And you must learn and use the right

As with other skills, if you learn memorization methods and

techniques, you will remember things much better.

A quick memorization technique I'll show you here is John

Place's Memorization Technique.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

John Place is a successful professor in Management Information
Systems from the University of Missouri.

During his period in college, he memorized seven chapters (over

23,000 words) from his psychology textbook and was able to recite the
seven chapters in full. He was motivated to do this by two things stated
by his professor:

a) No student had ever got the top grade in the first test;
b) All answers to the test could be found in the first seven
chapters of the textbook

Of course you will not memorize 23,000 words for a test, but his
method is a good example of how a systematic repetition coupled with
the right reasons can be used to memorize anything.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Now let's go through the steps of John Place's memorization

1. First, use a pencil or word processor to type, in complete

sentences, anything that you find in English on a daily
basis. Use short sentences because they’re easier to
2. Take your printed notes into a quiet room, shut the door,
and eliminate all distractions.
3. Look at the first sentence in your notes and read it out
loud. Then, close your eyes and say the sentence without
looking at it.
4. Repeat the step above, this time with the first 2 sentences.
5. Next, try it with 3 sentences. Then 4. Repeat until you
have memorized every sentence in your notes.

After a study session, John Place recommends that his students to

take a quick nap.

According to him, new memories are very vulnerable, but studies

show that sleep helps the new memories stick and they still need time to

After the nap, the professor recommends repeating all previous

steps for maximum retention.

John became so good with this technique that he began to learn

all the studies for any test and subject in less than 6 hours.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Yes indeed, it may seem like a long time, but it is not too long -
because this technique works from the very outset, even if you have not
touched anything related to English for a long time.

When it comes to memory techniques, there are no good or bad

ones: the one I just showed is one of the several techniques we have in
the world so I recommend you Google some of them and stop believing
in that lie that your memory is bad.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Beware Of Dream Crushers

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

Dear reader, beware when you start learning English because
many people who do not know anything about it will try to scare you and
discourage you.

I call these people Dream Crushers. These dream crushers are

sometimes people close to you and when you reveal your dream of
speaking English they end up saying that English is not for you or that
you are too old for that.

I once met a person who told me that English would be

impossible to learn because her son-in-law said that 'English in
adulthood is impossible to learn' and that she would only waste her
time trying. It turns out that this person started the English Mentoring
and in 6 she had significant results on her journey to English and you
know what is best? She could prove to her son-in-law that she could
speak English even in adulthood.

Dear reader, ask this question when the dream crushers approach

Has that person ever had any successful experience or

expressive result with English?

Beware of these dream crushers. You will hear about many of

them out there. Some will say that the English you are trying to learn has
some insurmountable hurdles or that it is simply impossible to learn.

Challenge any assumptions or doubts and do not believe in

"dream crushers" when you are learning English.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


The Most Useful Tips For Learning


® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

We are nearing the end of our book, but i could not finish this
book without giving you precious tips on how to get your English back
on track.

So I decided to compile some important tips for you to start

seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

So without further ado, we will check them out:


As you begin your English journey you have to understand that

regular and consistent study over time is the key to achieving results.
You will go through periods when you lose your motivation or struggle
to find time to work on your English, and that is absolutely normal. The
important thing is that you stay consistent with your study and try to
dedicate some time each day. Stick to this idea and time will do most
of the work for you!


Do not worry about not understanding everything - try to guess

the things you do not know from the context, and ask or look for words
that often pop up which the meaning you cannot understand yet.

Try using any language you know, without worrying about

mistakes or looking silly - play with English, learn from your mistakes
and have fun.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Do not wait too long before you start talking to people in English.
It is normal to feel apprehensive about speaking when you are still

However, it is important to realize that you are good at speaking -

not waiting until you are ready, because that day never comes. Find a
language mate or mentor in English - local or online - and schedule
regular sessions. Researches point out that 3-4 times a week is ideal.

By talking regularly, you will quickly build trust and this will
boost your progress!


When you begin your journey in English, your mind will

constantly doubt whether what you are about to say is correct, whether
you know the words or not. It is IMPERATIVE on these occasions to
let your mind free and to ignore this inner dialogue of doubt.

Do not try to get a script internally for each sentence (that's not
how we speak in Portuguese). Instead, simply use what you know, or
find a way to talk about it. Do not wait for perfection! It may never
happen and as the saying goes: Better done than perfect.

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br


Accept that at the beginning everything will be a huge mess and it

will not make much sense. Eventually, you will start to understand loose
pieces in a conversation, song or movie and everything will piece it all

The more exposed you are to English, the faster you progress and
the more things will start to make sense.

It takes time, so do not feel discouraged if you do not understand

or struggle to create sentences. You will get there.


You may have heard the saying that living in the place where the
language is spoken is best for your learning. The idea is that you listen to
English every day and probably use it occasionally.

But what if you do not live in a country where English is


Let me suggest what you can do in your comfort and at your own
learning pace. It is best that you do this whenever possible:

 Read articles and check dictionaries;

 Listen to radio/series (it is better to listen to dialogues than

songs unless you want to learn to sing because if you want to
talk, learn how people talk);

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

 Talk to anyone at any possible opportunity (because the
language was meant for communication).

Another extremely important action you should take is to learn

techniques that will take you to the next level.

That is why I am leaving the link for my book Forget

Everything That You Have Been Told About Learning English so
that you learn techniques that have never been revealed and which
polyglots have been using for years and have not been disclosed in our

With this book, you will be ready to learn and practice much of
what my customers do in the English Mentoring and get a result
greater than 95% of the Brazilian population who does not speak
English fluently. That's for sure.

To Dare is To Do!

Warm Regards
God be with you

Thiago Fernandes
English Mentor and Co-founder
The English Institute

® Fernandes e Rodrigues 2019, All rights reserved www.thei.com.br

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