QUIZ 2 Notes
QUIZ 2 Notes
QUIZ 2 Notes
Program Development - user created applications
Backup and Recovery - copies database
Database Usage Reporting - captures statistics on database usage (who, when, etc.)
Database Access - authorizes access to sections of the database
User Programs - makes the presence of the DBMS transparent to the user
Direct Query - allows authorized users to access data without programming
Query Language
Programming language that permits end users and programmers to access data in the database without the need for
conventional programs.
● Can be an internal control issue since users may be making an ‘end run’ around the controls built into the
conventional programs?
• Structured Query Language (SQL)
4th generation languages emerged as the standard for all relational databases
Database Administrator
Does not exist in a flat file environment
the labeled line connecting two entities or tables in a data model, represented with a verb, such as ships, requests, or
line describes nature of relationship
In picture: the labeled line “SUPPLIES”
the degree of association between two entities.
Describes the number of occurrences in one table that are associated with a single occurrence in a related table
Used to determine primary keys and foreign keys
In picture: (1:M) means 1 vendor can supply Multiple inventory.
Table that restrict user’s access to the info they need
Irregular, abnormality, peculiar, deviation
*Anomalies can be corrected by creating additional relational tables.
3 types of anomaly: (IDU)
● Insertion Anomaly → Cannot insert a new item without the presence of a particular attribute item. Eg cant add
a course unless we have at least one student enrolled. can result in unrecorded transactions and incomplete
audit trails.
● Deletion Anomaly → certain attributes are unintentionally lost because of deletion of other attributes. can
cause the loss of accounting records and the destruction of audit trails.
*the most serious anomaly of all 3.
● Update Anomaly → data inconsistency because not all attributes may be updated. Because there is redundant
data in tables, updater may not realize that to update one attribute, might have to update couple of times. can
generate conflicting and obsolete database values.
Normalize = remove the abnormality/anomaly
A process which systematically splits unnormalized complex tables into smaller
tables to allow users to insert, delete, and update without creating problems
- Need to normalize in order to create foreign keys and link the tables!!!!
- User is responsible for normalization, accountant should be able to
determine whether a table is Normalized or not
*Splitting to eliminate anomalies
When unnormalized tables are split and reduced to third normal form (final normalized
form), they must then be linked together by foreign keys.
● 1st normal form: remove repeating groups
● 2nd normal form: remove partial dependencies
● 3rd and final normal form: remove transitive dependencies
Centralized Database
Users send request to central site; central site processes the requests and transmits the data back to the users
o reduction of storage costs
o elimination of multiple update procedures
o Establishment of data concurrency
Data Currency
The degree to which data is reflective of most updated or current info
During transaction processing, data will temporarily be inconsistent as records are read and updated
(eg may be reading the old version when it is in process of updating)
Partitioned Databases
Splits the central database into segments that are
distributed to their primary users
Basically, splitting the tables into smaller ones to increase
processing efficiency
● By splitting a large table into smaller, individual
tables, queries that access only a fraction of the
data can run faster because there is less data to
- Increases users’ control by having data stored at
local sites
- Improved transaction processing response time
- Reduced volume of transmitted data
- reduced potential data loss from a disaster
*Partitioned database is an example of a distributed database.
Database Lockout
Method of control that locks other computers or transaction so that transmission or update of data in one computer is
not interrupted
Procedures necessary to keep IPUs from reading inconsistent data and from writing transactions written by another
● prevents simultaneous access of different IPUs to the same individual data
● Aims to control data concurrency
Replicated Databases
The duplication of the entire database for multiple IPUs
● Effective for situations with a high degree of data sharing, but no primary user
● Supports read-only queries
● Data traffic between sites is reduced considerably.
Database Concurrency
The presence of complete and accurate data at all IPU sites
Currency→ reflects current info
● With replicated databases, maintaining current data at all locations is difficult.
Time Stamping
Used to serialize transactions. A non-lock control.
Prevents and resolves conflicts created by updating data at various IPUs.
- given two transactions that affect the same object, the operation of the transaction with the earlier timestamp
must execute before the operation of the transaction with the later timestamp. However, if the operation of
the wrong transaction is actually presented first, then it is aborted and the transaction must be restarted.
R - Resources
E - Events
A – Agents
REA Model
is an accounting framework or approach to database design meant to overcome problems with traditional approaches:
- formalized data modeling and design of IS
- permits both accounting and non accounting data to be identified, captured and stored in centralized
- use of centralized database
- use of relational database structure
- collects detailed financial and non-financial data
- supports accounting and non-accounting analysis
- supports multiple user views supports enterprise-wide planning
Phenomena that effect changes in resources.
a source of detailed data in the REA approach to databases
- To R: each event should affect at least one resource
- To A: Each event should have at least 2 agents
Events fall into two groups:
- Economic – directly increases or decreases resources
- Support – control, planning, and other management activities; indirectly affect resources
individuals/ departments inside or outside of organization
- To E: Participate in events
- To R: Have discretionary power to use or dispose of resources
*Each economic event involves at least 1 internal and 1 external agent
*KEY FEATURE of the REA model is economic duality (for economic event, not support)
Events occur in pairs: Represent the give event and receive event of an economic exchange.
ERD versus REA Diagram
Classes of entities
- ERD– one class
- REA – three classes (resources, events, and agents)
Arrangement of entities
- ERD – determined by cardinality and readability
- REA – organized into constellations by class
Sequencing of events
- ERD– static picture
- REA– chronological sequence of business processes
Naming conventions
- ERD– all nouns
- REA– nouns (R’s and A’s) and verbs (E’s)
Many-to-Many Associations
CANNOT be directly implemented into relational databases.
require the creation of a new linking table or breakdown (bc too many)
Splits the M:M association into two 1:M associations.
The linking table requires a ‘composite primary key’.
NON ERP systems limits compatibility outside firm and communication WITHIN firm
2 MAIN ERP applications:
On-line Transaction Processing (OLTP)
- Core applications —> applications that support day to day operations
- Makes use of the OPERATIONAL DATABASE → which contains customers, production, vendor and inventory
- Pasok din dito ung TPS
- Eg for Business planning, sales and distribution
Database Configuration
Configuration: arrangement of parts or elements
Selection of database tables in the thousands setting the switches in the system
Determining the switches requires understanding of the existing processes
May involve decisions to reengineer the company’s processes
Bolt-on Software
“Add on” feature to ERP system for additional specific functionality.
Provided or old by a third party
Less risky if bolt on software is recommended by erp vendor
- Supply Chain Management (SCM) links vendors, carriers, logistics companies, and IS providers; software that
supports the supply chain; can be linked to ERP for more efficient operations
- Supply chain → activities involved in moving goods from raw materials to the consumer
Data Mart
Data warehouse organized for a single department or function
Data Warehouse
A multi-dimensional database with large store of data, accumulated from a wide range of sources within a company
aka the operational databases, used to guide management decisions.
- Data are extracted periodically from operational databases or from public information services.
- A database constructed for quick searching, retrieval, ad-hoc queries, and ease of use
- Data contained are in a nonvolatile, stable state.
*Otherwise, management data analysis may result in pulling system resources away from operational use.
*Also, there are many sophisticated data-mining tools.
data contained represents current transactions data contained represents historical data
data updated regularly to reflect only current data is non-volatile or stable: when new data is added,
transactions the old data is not erased ; accumulation of data
gets data from transactions gets data from the operational database
operational views: virtual in nature with underlying base data warehouse views: physical tables.
tables ***OLAP permits users to construct virtual views
Data Warehouse Process
five stages: (MECTL)
1. Modeling data for the data warehouse
2. Extracting data from operational databases; collect
3. Cleansing extracted data; correct
4. Transforming data into the warehouse model; summarize
5. Loading data into the data warehouse database;