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Drug Name Dopamine Indications Contraindications Mechanism of Action Common Side-Effects Nursing Considerations

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Drug Name Indications Contraindications Mechanism of Common Side- Nursing

DOPAMINE Action effects Considerations

Brand name: To improve blood Contraindicated in: Dopamine produces  Nausea Monitor BP, Heart rate,
Inotropin pressure, Cardiac Tachyarrhythmias, positive chronotropic  vomiting, Pulse, ECG, PCWP, Cardiac
output, Urine output Pheochromocytoma, and inotropic effects on  tachycardia, output, CVP and urinary
Dosage: in treatment of Hypersensitivity to the myocardium,  palpitation, output during
shock unresponsive bisulfites resulting in increased  anginal pain, administration.
3-5 mcg/kg/min to fluid replacement heart rate and cardiac  hypotension,
Use cautiously in: contractility. This is  vasoconstricti Report any significant
Hypovolemia, accomplished directly on, changes of the VS to the
Action: Myocardial Infarction, by exerting an agonist  bradycardia, physician.
Inotropic, Occlusive Vascular action on beta-  hypertension,
Vasopressors, Disease adrenoceptors and  dyspnea, Monitor for possible
Therapeutic indirectly by causing  headache, adverse reactions.
adrenergics release of  azotemia
norepinephrine from Assess for heart failure,
storage sites in dyspnea and neck vein
Classification: sympathetic nerve distention.
Inotropic agents endings.
Drug Name Indications Contraindications Mechanism of Common Side- Nursing
VANCOMYCIN Action effects Considerations
 systemic Administer over a period of
Dosage: for the treatment of mastocytosis Inhibits the second  ototoxicity, no less than 60 min by
serious or severe  low levels of a stage of cell wall  hypotension, intermittent infusion.]
1 gm IV every 12 infections caused by type of WBC synthesis of susceptible  Nausea,
hours susceptible strains of  hearing loss. bacteria. There is also  Vomiting, Monitor the vital signs.
methicillin-resistant  kidney disease evidence that  nephrotoxicity Report any significant
(beta-lactam-  patients with vancomycin alters the  Rashes, changes.
resistant) known permeability of the cell  Phlebitis,
Classification: staphylococci hypersensitivit membrane and  back and neck Report any signs of
Anti-infectives y to this selectively inhibits pain, hypersensitivity
for penicillin-allergic antibiotic. ribonucleic acid
patients synthesis
Drug Name Indications Contraindications Mechanism of Common Side- Nursing
Methylprednis Action effects Considerations

Dosage: Short-term Contraindicated with The short-term effects  hypertension, Report unusual swelling of
management of infections, especially are decreased  nausea, the extremities, muscle
125 mg every 6 various inflammatory tuberculosis, fungal vasodilation and  acne, weakness, black or tarry
hours and allergic disorders infections, amebiasis, permeability of  decreased stools, fever, prolonged
vaccinia and varicella, capillaries, as well as wound sore throat, colds or other
Septic shock and antibiotic- decreased leukocyte healing, infections, worsening of
resistant infections migration to sites of  ecchymoses, disorder
Classification: inflammation.5  petechiae,
Corticosteroid Use cautiously with Corticosteroids binding  adrenal Monitor the patient during
Glucocorticoid kidney or liver to the glucocorticoid suppression, and after administration.
Hormone disease, receptor mediates  osteoporosis, Report any unusual
hypothyroidism, changes in gene  long term use changes in VS.
diverticulitis, active or expression that lead to may cause
latent peptic ulcer, multiple downstream moon face Avoid exposure to
inflammatory bowel effects over hours to and buffalo infections.
disease, CHF, days hump.
osteoporosis, seizure
disorders, diabetes
mellitus, and
Drug Name Indications Contraindications Mechanism of Common Side- Nursing
Paracetamol Action effects Considerations

Dosage: Temporary reduction Decreases fever by  drowsiness Assess the patient’s fever
300mg TIV PRN of fever Hypersensitivity inhibiting the effects of and fatigue or pain for type of pain,
Temporary relief of Intolerance to pyrogens on the  rashes and location, intensity,
minor aches and tartrazine (yellow hypothalamus heat itching duration and temperature
Classification: pains regulating centers & by
dye#5), alcohol, table
Analgesic a hypothalamic action Assess for allergic
sugar, saccharin
Anti-pyretic leading to sweating &
allergy to vasodilatation.
Relieves pain by Notify the physician for
inhibiting prostaglandin unusual changes in VS and
synthesis at the CNS allergic reactions
but does not have anti-
inflammatory action
because of its minimal
effect on peripheral

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