Prabhas Kumar Jha: Dear Mohan, Below Mentioned Claims Has Been Handed Over To You Kindly Process Further.
Prabhas Kumar Jha: Dear Mohan, Below Mentioned Claims Has Been Handed Over To You Kindly Process Further.
Prabhas Kumar Jha: Dear Mohan, Below Mentioned Claims Has Been Handed Over To You Kindly Process Further.
From: Swetha V
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2018 5:53 PM
To: Mohan L
Cc: Ravinder Souda; Rajeswari S.; Amandeep Singh; Hari Om Sharma; Pradip Maity; Amitesh
Kumar Verma; Pramod Chauhan; Reshma Manohar Baraskar; Sanket Vivekanand Telang;
Raghunandan Sahu; Aditya Nath Singh; Sambhu Kumar; Dheeraj Kumar; Prabhas Kumar
Jha; Amit Maurya; Debanjan Dutta; Sumit Chakraborthy; Rajni Kant; Pranay Bera; Jithin K;
Atul Kumar Singh; Vineet Tiwari; Abhishek Rambani; Akshay Kumar; Himanshu Joshi;
Chelladurairaja R; Sehban Ahmad Ghazali; Elamakanti Ganesh; Joseph John; Vikas
Prajapati; Anurag Manilal Mishra; Brajesh Kumar Tiwari; Rahul Lalit Semlani; Siddharth
Dwivedi; Parag G Mahalle; Robin Kumar Khristi; Kritarth Kudariya; Shailendra Singh
Baghel; Inpreet Singh; Lakhan Hardas Talreja; Kaushal Kumar Patel; Vishal R Chawda;
Rupak Bisen; Sajal Tyagi; Pankaj Sundriyal; Hiren Makwana; Brajesh Kumar Harinkhede;
Karthik M V; Prathap Patel; Amit Kumar; Gaurav Kumar; Tejas Gawade; David
Subject: NSG Emp Expenses Submitted on 07 Aug 18
Dear Mohan,
Below mentioned claims has been handed over to you kindly process further..
Dear Team,
If you have any further query (related to payment & others) request you to send a mail to Mahesh & Mohan L .
Best Regards,