Lesson 4-Introduction To FOLK DANCE
Lesson 4-Introduction To FOLK DANCE
Lesson 4-Introduction To FOLK DANCE
Lesson Objectives:
1. Familiarize with the different folk dance
2. Know the different characteristics of folk dance
3. Value the importance of folkdance
Review Check!
Write some folkdance you already know. Name as many as you can.
Ohhhhh, I see!
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Prepared by: Ma’am Christine Sena 1
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. Physical Education 12
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 Most Essential Learning Competencies
General Classification
B. Nature
like us on https://www.facebook.com/SoftnetITC
Prepared by: Ma’am Christine Sena 3
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. Physical Education 12
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 Most Essential Learning Competencies
1. Active
2. Moderate
3. Slow
like us on https://www.facebook.com/SoftnetITC
Prepared by: Ma’am Christine Sena 4
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. Physical Education 12
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 Most Essential Learning Competencies
1. Square or Quadrille
3. Set – consisting of two or more pairs as a unit, partners facing each other or
standing side by side.
Special Classification
like us on https://www.facebook.com/SoftnetITC
Prepared by: Ma’am Christine Sena 5
Senior High School (SHS)
SOFTNET Information Technology Center Inc. Physical Education 12
2nd Floor Bldg., SFB #8 FAB Mariveles, Bataan 2106 Most Essential Learning Competencies
like us on https://www.facebook.com/SoftnetITC
Prepared by: Ma’am Christine Sena 7