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Grade10 English Q1 Week6 SLM

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Zone 6, Iba, Zambales
Tel./Fax No. (047) 602 1391
E-mail Address: zambales@deped.gov.ph
website: www.depedzambales.ph

Name: ______________________________________ Grade/Section__________

School: _____________________________________ Date: __________________


I. Introduction

Are you fond of reading texts, short stories, selections, articles, and
essays? How often do you read? How do you judge or critique if you found
dissatisfaction from what you read or with what a text or story says?
The word “read” is defined as; understand the meaning of a written or
printed words and symbols (Oxford South African Dictionary). Reading is a
way of language acquisition; produces communication, develops information,
and shares ideas. Through reading we expose ourselves to new things, new
ideas, new development in acquiring information and we learn deeper
understanding on things that interests us most. As we read, we explore the
world. We make connection with the world and to everything that surrounds
Good reading skills among students does not only depend on fluency
and understanding the word in the text or story. It involves reflecting on what
the text describes, analyzing and evaluating what the text means, in the
context of one’s understanding.
This Learning Activity Sheet contains exercises that will enhance your
skills in analyzing, evaluating and making judgement/ critique about what
you read.
II. Learning Competency
Evaluate and make judgements about a range of texts using a set of
criteria e.g. comparing arguments on the same topic, critiquing a short

III. Objectives

At the end of this learning activity sheet, you are expected to:
1. identify information from the text read;
2. determine the elements and steps in reading and critiquing types of texts;
3. critique factual and literary texts

IV. Discussion

Critical reading is a more active way of reading. It is a deeper and

more complex engagement with a text. Critical
reading is a process of analyzing, interpreting,
evaluating and/or critiquing. When we read critically,
we use our critical thinking skills to question both
the text and our own way of reading. Different types
of texts may have distinctive elements and steps of
critical reading (scientific, philosophical, literary, etc.)
Look at the table below. This shows the
difference between reading and critical reading.


Purpose To get a basic grasp of the To form judgements

text. about HOW a text
Activity Absorbing/Understanding Analyzing,
Focus What a text SAYS What a text DOES
Questions What is the text saying? How does the text
What information can I get works? How is it
out of it? argued?

What are the choices
made? The patterns
that result?
What kinds of
reasoning and
evidence are used?
What are the
What does the text
Directions WITH the text (taking for AGAINST the text
granted is it right?) (questioning its
assumptions and
interpreting meaning
in context)
Response Restatement, Summary description,

The table above gives you an idea between the difference of reading
and critical reading.
How to read critically? What needs to be done in evaluating and
These are the steps in evaluating or critiquing a factual text:
1. Self-reflect: What experiences, assumptions, knowledge, and
perspectives do you bring to the text? What biases you might have? Are you
able to keep an open mind and consider other points of view?
2. Read to understand
a. Examine the text and context: Who is the author? Who is the
publisher? Where and when it was written? What kind of text is
b. Skim the text: What is the topic or the main idea? What are the
supporting details?
c. Resolve confusion: Look for unfamiliar words or terms in
dictionaries or glossaries. Go over with difficult passages to
clarify them.

Thus, critical reading means being able to reflect on what the text
says, what it describes and what it means by scrutinizing the style and the
structure of the text, the language as well as the content.

For short story, here are the elements that will guide you in
critiquing or evaluating.


A character is a person or CONFLICT

sometimes even an animal, who
takes part in the action of a short The conflict is the struggle
story or other literary works. or problem between two people or
things in a short story.
 Man vs. Man
 Man vs. Nature
SETTING  Man vs. Himself (feelings,
emotions, illness)
The setting of a short story is  Man vs. Society
the time and place in which it
happens. Authors often use
descriptions of landscape, scenery,
buildings, weather, and social THEME

The central idea or belief

in a short story.


A plot is a series of events and

character actions that relate to the
central conflict

Now that you have understood the concepts of critical reading, are you
ready to work on the activities?

V. Activities

A. True or False!

Directions: Read the article below then answer the activity that follows.

Aggressive Driving Should be Avoided

(1)Aggressive driving is a phenomenon, which

has only recently got the public worried.
(2)The National Highway Traffic Safety
Council (NHTSC) defines aggressive driving
as “the operation of a motor vehicle in a
manner that endangers or is likely to
endanger persons or property”. (3)Actions
such as running red lights, improper passing,
overtaking on the left, improper lane change,
failing to yield, improper turns, running stop signs, tailgating, careless
driving, and speeding are examples of aggressive driving.

(4)Such actions are dangerous to other road users. (5)Aggressive driving

should be avoided because it causes crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

(6)The first reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it

causes crashes. (7)According to NHTSC between 78 percent (excessive speed)
and 100 percent (improper passing) of the cases of aggressive driving resulted
in traffic crashes and 96 percent of the drivers cited for “following too closely”
or tail gating caused crashes as a result of their aggressive driving.
(8)Moreover, “running red light”, “improper passing”, and “overtaking on the
left” topped other categories of aggressive driving in contributing to traffic

(9)Another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it

causes injuries.(10) NHTSC states that the percentages of the injuries caused
by aggressive driving are, in almost all categories of aggressive driving, above

100 percent. (11)Furthermore, the Department of Highway Safety (DHS)
reports that this is due to the fact that each motor vehicle crash accounts for
one or more injuries. (12) It was found that of the ten categories of aggressive
driving, “running red light”, “failing to yield”, and “running stop signs” are the
most serious factors contributing to injuries.

(13)Yet another reason why aggressive driving should be avoided is it

causes fatalities. (14)”Overtaking on the left” appears to be the most important
contributing factor in traffic fatalities as it relates to aggressive driving. (15)
“Improper lane change”, “running stop sign” and “running red light” rank
second through four in terms of their contribution to traffic fatalities (DHS,

(16)The above evidence shows that aggressive driving causes crashes,

injuries, and fatalities. (17) Hence, aggressive driving should be avoided.
(18)Since the opening of the North-South Highway, the number of kilometers
of roads in the country has increased by one percent while the number of
vehicle miles driven has increased by 35 percent. (19) More cars and more
drivers are also on the road, leading to more aggressive drivers.

Directions: Write True if the statement is clearly stated in the text and False
if it is not clearly stated in the text. Write your answers on your paper.

__________ 1. Aggressive driving is defined as the operation of a motor vehicle

in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or

_________ 2. Aggressive driving should only be avoided at night.

__________ 3. Driving aggressively endangers persons and properties.

__________ 4. The National Highway Traffic Safety Council (NHTSC) states that
the percentages of the injuries caused by aggressive driving are
above 100 percent.

__________ 5. Actions such as running red lights, improper passing, overtaking

on the left, improper lane change, failing to yield, improper

turns, running stop signs, tail gaiting, careless driving, and
speeding are examples of careful driving.

__________ 6. Recently, aggressive driving got the public worried.

__________ 7. According to NHTSC, between 78 percent (excessive speed) and

100 percent (improper passing) of the cases of aggressive driving
resulted in traffic crashes.

__________ 8. Overtaking on the left appears to be the least contributing factor

in traffic fatalities.

__________ 9. More cars and more drivers are on the road leading to more
aggressive driving.

__________ 10. The evidence shows that aggressive driving is dangerous to

other road users. Hence, aggressive driving SHOULD be avoided.

B. Reason out!

Directions: Go over the text “Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided” again,

then inside the box provided below, give three reasons why aggressive driving
should be avoided. Write your explanation opposite the box. Your answers will
be graded through the given rubric. Write your answers on your paper.

Your answer will be checked using the rubric below:

Accurate statements for each part – 5

Complete sentence with proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling – 5

Complete sentence with proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling – 5

Total: 10 points

C. Identify and Classify! From the model text argumentative essay, identify
its parts by rewriting the essential statements in the box.

Aggressive Driving Should Be Avoided




Your answer will be checked using the rubric below:

Accurate statements for each part – 5

Complete sentence with proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling – 5

Complete sentence with proper capitalization, punctuation, and spelling – 5

Total: 10 points

D. Figuring it out! Read the text/article/passage below and answer the

questions that follow.

1.) It’s true! At certain points in our lives, we stop and ask this
question: How do we turn challenges to opportunities?
2.) Yes, it’s not easy, but that doesn’t mean it is impossible to do.
3.) This means that we need to remember the important ways to put
into action. 4.) Of course, the first thing to do is to reflect not in
thoughtlessness but we need to start to focus and analyze the competition
taking place between the positive and negative limits of our emotions. 5.)
Eventually we ask, “How do we feel about the challenge? 6.) Do we feel
hopeless, angry, jealous, worried, inadequate, insecure, fearful or do we
feel their negative counterparts? 7.) It’s silly to allow them to overrule our
outlook in life. 9.) We must envision always that progress and success
come to those who adhere to practice hard work, determination, courage,
perseverance, humility, consciousness, justice, self-confidence, trust,
respect, love and other potent secrets of inner strength and success. 10.)
We need to be realistic that we need some if not all of them to turn
challenges to opportunities; thereby this will make us all contented and

1. The main point of the article is best expressed in sentence no. _____.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 5 D. 10

2. The generalization or statement about life or human experience the passage

makes is to _____.

A. bring out the best in you C. struggle against the odds

B. stand up for one’s belief D. take strength to bear up the odds

3. To “predict” is a/an _____ of the word “envision” in sentence no. 9.A.

connotation B. denotation C. opposite D. symbol

4. This article/passage would most probably interest a/an _____.

A. adolescent B. biography C. personal essay D. persuasive essay

5. The article is an example of a/an _____.

A. anecdote B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics

6. The writer’s comment/reaction about challenges and opportunities is best
supported by _____.

A. facts B. opinion C. reasons D. statistics

7. The strongest evidence used by the writer to support his opinion about
turning challenges to opportunities is stated in sentence no. _____.

A. 3 B. 6 C. 7 D. 9

9. An effective persuasive technique used by the author to emphasize his point

is through appealing to _____.

A. emotion B. moral C. reason D. both A and C

10. The fallacy committed in sentence no. 7 is _____.

A. attacking the person C. hasty generalization

B. bandwagon D. plain folk

E. Connect and Kinect!

Directions: Read the following short story then use the chart below to evaluate
the text. Use the questions provided as your guide.

Choose to Be Kind

I was randomly sending messages to my family, relatives, friends, and

colleagues, asking how they are, if they still have food and things they need
for the next few weeks of lockdown, forwarded quotes of hope.

Then a friend who is literally not in good condition since last year sent
me a message.

“Can I ask you a favor?” he said.

Without a second thought, I said, “Yes.”

Can I send you a small amount of money to help the kids in need,
especially the ones affected by the virus?”

I smiled and then I cried.

How could a kind-hearted person like him be suffering now?

How could this man still be like that despite his present condition?

I received another message, “I am still blessed, God is still looking after

me. I may not know why I am in this situation, but I believe, He has a better
plan for me.”

My questions were answered.

In this present situation, I guess, being depressed, being impatient,

anxious, hot tempered, being bad or selfish are valid, but we always have a

And I hope we will choose not to feel these, rather let us choose to be

The amount is not important, but the act of kindness he showed

inspires others. He is a living proof that there is no excuse not to be kind and
to help others especially at this time where one face mask or a penny can save

Well, I am not inspired, I am thankful because I am his friend.

Bella, Travel Professional, Philippines (April 16, 2020)

Title: __________________________________ Genre: ____________________

Element Description

1. Character(s): Who?

2. Setting: Where? place/time,
environment, atmosphere of the

3. Conflict: What is the main

problem in the story?

4-7. Plot: What is happening in the

story? What is the story about?

8-9. Tone/Mood: What was the

author’s attitude towards the
subject? What kind of emotion or
feeling did you get after reading the

10. Point of View: Who is telling or

narrating the story? Is one of the
characters acting as a narrator (first
person) or someone telling what is
going on (third person)?

VI. Assessment

Here is another text for you to read and critique.

Directions: Read carefully and answer the following activities and questions.


Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by a

newly discovered coronavirus.

Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus will experience mild to
moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment.
Older people, and those with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular
disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, and cancer are more likely to
develop serious illness.

The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed
about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads. Protect
yourself and others from infection by washing your hands or using an alcohol-
based rub frequently and not touching your face.

The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or

discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes, so it’s
important that you also practice respiratory etiquette (for example by
coughing into a flexed elbow), wearing of face mask, face shield and maintain
a one-meter away distance from other people especially when you are in the
public places.

At this time, there are no specific vaccines or treatments for COVID-19.

However, there are many ongoing clinical trials evaluating potential
treatments. The World Health Organization (WHO) and Department of Health
(DOH) will continue to provide updated information as soon as clinical
findings become available.

B. Read each statement from the text, write AGREE if the statement is
evidently stated in the text and DISAGREE if it is not evidently stated in the

__________ 1. COVID-19 is the other term for Coronavirus disease.

__________ 2. At this time, there is already a specific vaccine/ treatment for

Coronavirus disease, so it is safe to go out anytime you want.

__________ 3. Coronavirus develops serious illness to older people and those

with underlying medical problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
chronic respiratory disease, and cancer.

___________4. Frequent handwashing is one of the ways of protecting

ourselves from the virus.

__________ 5. COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or

discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

C. For nos. 6-10. Reread the model text above. Then, using the chart below,
determine the problem and solutions presented in the text.






D. For nos. 11-15. Critique the text by answering the questions that follow.

Questions Your answer

1. What is the main idea of the text?

2. What are the secondary or

supporting details in the text?

3. What kind of text is this? Is this

text current or out of date?

4. Where do you see the links and

connections in this text with others
you have read?

5. How do you feel about the text?

VII. Reflection

Having successfully accomplished your tasks for the entire week, you have
now all the reasons to celebrate and cherish the moments of your triumph.
However, before you proceed, it is important that you look back at your
journey. Write a short essay to record your experiences in this lesson. Be
guided by the following questions.

Which part/s of the lesson did you find most interesting?

Which part/s of the lesson did you find challenging?

How did you complete the activities successfully?


Prepared by:

Maurine M. Agan, Teacher I

San Guillermo National High School

San Marcelino District

VIII. Answer Key


A. True or False

1. True 6. True

2. False 7. True

3. True 8. False

4. True 9. True

5. True 10. True

B. Reason out!

Answers may vary.

C. Identify and Classify


Answers may vary.


Answers may vary.


Answers may vary.

D. Figuring it out!

1. D 6. A

2. D 7. D

3. B 8. D

4. C 9. C

5. B 10. D

E. Connect and Kinect!

Answers may vary.

VI. Assessment


1. Agree

2. Disagree

3. Agree

4. Agree

5. Agree

B. Problem-Solution Chart

Answers may vary.

COVID-19 Disease/Corona
virus disease
Answers may vary.

Answers may vary.

Answers may vary.

C. Evaluating the Text

Answers may vary.

VII. Reflection

Answers may vary.

IX. References

Critical Reading & Reading Strategies. 2020.

Retrieved from https://www.skillsyouneed.com/learn/critical-

Writer, S. 2020. Five Elements of A Short Story.

Retrieved from https://www.reference.com/world-view/five-

"ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY". 2020. Learnenglishessay.Blogspot.Com.


Almonte, Liza, Lerma Flandez, Angelou Hermosa, Nedia Lagustan, Liberty

Mangaluz, Elenita Miranda, Paul Anthony Mendoza, Lito Palomar,
Grace Annette Soriano, and Karen Villanueva. 2015. Celebrating
Diversity through World Literature Grade 10 Learner's Material. REX
Book Store Inc.

Riding Motorcycle Clipart. 2020. Image.

Retrieved from https://www.kindpng.com/imgv/TRomJTw_riding-
2020. Humankind PHIL. Retrieved from
2020. Coronavirus. Retrieved from https://www.who.int/health-


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