Auto CAD Notes
Auto CAD Notes
Auto CAD Notes
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................3
1.4 CPU...................................................................................................................................4
1.7 Plotters..............................................................................................................................6
1.12 Auto- CAD Window.....................................................................................................9
1.13.1 Keyboard....................................................................................................................9
1.21.1 Units.........................................................................................................................18
1.21.2 Limits.......................................................................................................................18
1.23 Layers..........................................................................................................................20
1.24 Hatching......................................................................................................................21
1.1 Introduction
Auto-CAD is a powerful drafting and designing package used in many industries and
educational institutions all over the world.
It is flexible user friendly software that enables the user to create two dimensional drawings and
3 dimensional models for a wide variety of applications.
The work station is connected locally or remotely to the Central Processing Unit of the
computer. It consists of the input and output devices, display devices and the supporting
software. The included software consists of programs, which are lists of instructions written in
computer language needed for producing drawing, images etc. Basic activities of any CAD
system are:
Displaying and
Outputting of information.
1.4 CPU
Central Processing Unit is brain of the entire System. It consists of integrated circuits of three
parts: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Controller and Main Memory.
The ALU consists of electronic circuits which perform logic and mathematical
Controller Circuits are used to regulate various operations carried out in the computer.
Main Memory circuit store processed dates such as results of calculations and
programme instructions inside the computer.
Hundreds of electronic circuits are reduced and etched on to a silicon chip as small as a pin head.
1.5 Input Devices
MENU: - A layout of a variety of commands and functions required to operate the system.
Sending these commands into the computer produces complete engineering drawings. The
choice of optional commands on the screen menu is made by indicating the required position
with the cursor cross hairs or by typing a required code. Movement of the cursor on the screen
may be controlled by the following devices.
(a) A Keyboard: where the located keys control the required movement.
(b) Thumb Wheel: where one wheel controls horizontal movement and another wheel
controls vertical movement.
(c) A Light Pen: where the required position is selected by pointing the pen directly at the
(d) A Joy Stick: a vertical lever mounted in a box controls movements in any direction.
(e) A mouse: a small box which when pushed across a surface controls movements in the
same direction.
(f) A Tracker Ball: - its rolling in mounting controls movements in any direction.
1.6.1 The Printers
The Printer may be impact, where images are formed by striking action or non-impact.
They are the dot matrix type and form shapes by the appropriate selection of small dots from
the print head.
1.7 Plotters
There are 2 basic types of plotters namely flat bed and drum.
1.8 Display Devices
The display devices are used for visual display of information. There are three types of
computer display screen: storage, raster and refresh.
(a) Primary Storage: is the main memory, which is connected directly to the CPU.
(b) Secondary Storage: is the auxiliary memory stored externally on magnetic disc,
USB/memory card and loaded into the main memory when required.
(d) Rotate and view the object from various sides and directions.
(e) Prepare detail component drawings, giving full details of dimensions, tolerance, surface
finish requirements, functional requirements, functional specifications etc.
(f) Prepare assembly drawings.
(g) Prepare exploded views of assemblies for service and maintenance manuals.
(h) Plot or print the picture/drawing stored in a computer file.
(i) Analyze stress, static deflection and dynamic behavior for different mechanical and
thermal loading configurations and carry out quickly and necessary design modifications
to rectify deficiencies in the design.
Disadvantages of Auto-CAD
Arc eyes due to exposure to the light on the screen for long periods of time.
Back ache due to bad posture for long periods of time
Dependence syndrome and addiction
Loss of stored information due to computer virus.
A skilled and experienced draughtsperson is required to generate engineering drawings.
a) Keyboard
b) Screen menu
c) Pull down menu
d) Icon menu
1.13.1 Keyboard
Enter any Auto-Cad command at the keyboard by typing the command name at prompt. After
entering command, press enter key.
Typing: Exit <enter> or Quit <enter>
Type the required file name in the file name box. Then click on OPEN box.
To tell AutoCAD which entity to draw, type the required command (e.g. line) on the key board
or select the command from the menu by a pointing device e.g. mouse.
Then respond to the prompts on the screen, by supplying the parameters of the chosen entity.
When the entity parameters are complete, the drawing of entity appears on the screen.
Exercise 1
a) Absolute Co-ordinates
b) Relative Co-ordinates
c) Polar Co-ordinates
d) Trim/ Offset Commands
e) Direct Distance Entry Method
1.19.1 Absolute Co-ordinates
Use the horizontal distance x and the vertical distance y from the fixed origin to locate the
required point.
Command: LINE
Example: Draw a line from point (30,100) to point 300 units in x- axis and 75 units in y -axis
relative to first co-ordinates.
Figure 3 : Relative Coordinates
Command: LINE
Figure 5 : Polar Coordinates
Command: LINE
Draw bracket shown in figure 6 using (a) Absolute Coordinates, (b) Relative Coordinates and
(c) Polar Coordinates. Assume coordinates of the starting point to be 30,100.
Specify next point: 180,210 E.T.C
(c) Polar Coordinates
Specify next point: @20<180 Specify next point: @20<180
Using DDE is simple. Just move the cursor and type the distance. Negative and positive is
understood automatically by moving the cursor up (Positive), down (negative), right (positive)
or left( negative) from the last point entered. No minus sign necessary.
Moving the cursor to the right and typing 5 and < enter> tells AutoCAD that the 5 is
positive and horizontal.
Moving the cursor to the left and typing 5 and < enter> tells AutoCAD that the 5 is
negative and horizontal.
Moving the cursor up and typing 5 and < enter> tells AutoCAD that the 5 is positive
and vertical.
Units, Limits, Grid Spacing, Snap Spacing, Object Snap, Line Types and Layers.
1.21.1 Units
Type: Units <Enter> or Pulldown : Format Units
Dialog box appears. Select appropriate type, precision and press the OK button.
1.21.2 Limits
Select drawing limits command using one of the following:
Type: Limits <enter>
NB You can specify one of the following paper sizes the coordinates of the upper right corner:
A2 420 * 594 mm
1.21.4 Grid
It displays dotted lines on the screen at defined spacing. These dotted lines act as a graph used as
reference lines in drawing. You can change grid spacing as you require.
Command: Grid
1.21.5 Snap
It is used to set increments for cursor movement. If the screen is on snap mode, the cursor jumps
from point to point only. This jumping distance can be set to any value, say 0.5 units.
Command: SNAP
1.22.1 Loading Line Types
Type Ltype on the command prompt area or use the Pulldown menu as follows:
Format Linetype. Linetype Manager Dialogue box appears. Pick the LOAD tab to open
the load or reload linetypes dialogue box. Select the required types of lines from the available
list. E.g centre line, hidden line, etc. A continuous line for outlines is loaded by default.
After loading the required linetypes, press the OK button and close the linetype manager box.
1.23 Layers
It is necessary to create and use different types of layers and lines because:
i. Layers: control the drawing by means of visible drawing entities in color, linetype
and line weight.
ii. To facilitate drawing management through layer options:
1.23.2 Draughting Layers
Using layers is an important part of managing and controlling your drawing. It is better to have
too many layers than too few. Draw like objects on the same layer.
For example, place all hidden lines on the layer “hidden line” or centerlines on the layer
When you create a new layer you will assign a name, color, line type, line weight and whether or
not it should plot.
The layer Properties Manager dialog box shown below will appear.
2. Select the New Layer button and a new layer will appear.
Type the new layer name and assign colour, linetype and line weight.
1.24 Hatching
The following are the hatch options.
Pick Points: determines and selects the boundary from existing objects visible on the screen.
The objects must form an enclosed area. A point within the boundary area to be hatched selects
the whole defined object.
Select Objects: determines and selects the boundary from existing forming enclosed area. The
CAD primitives of line, arc and circle forming the component profile are selected.
Angle: specifies the angle of the hatch pattern gradient fill relative to the x-axis of the current
User Defined Pattern: creates a hatch pattern of lines by user, based on the current linetype in
the drawing. The angle, spacing style of the hatch pattern lines are the parameters that can be
controlled in user-defined pattern.
Scale: expands or contracts a predefined or custom hatch pattern to define the hatch density in
relation to paper and object to be hatched scale.
Text Creation
(b) Dtext : Single Line Text allows you to draw one or more lines of text. The text is visible
as you type.
To place the text in the drawing, you may use the default START POINT( the lower left
corner of the text), or use one of the many styles of justification described on the next page
(b) Mtext: Multiline Text- command allows you to easily add a sentence, paragraph or
tables. The Mtext editor has most of the txt editing features of a word processing program.
You can underline, bold, italic, add tabs for indenting, change the font line spacing and width
of the paragraph
When using MText you must define a text boundary box. The text boundary box is defined by
entering where you wish to start the text(first corner) and approximately where you want to end
the text(opposite corner). It is very similar to draw2ing a rectangle. The paragraph text is
considered one object rather than several individual sentences.