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Seeking The Lost-TTBB

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46 Seeking the losst Seeking the Lost

W. A. O.
W. A. Orden.
A . D. P.

In - to tbe fold of my Re-deem - er,

In to the fold.. of my Re-deem er
1. Seek-ing the lost, yes, kind - ly en treat - ing Wan d e r - erI9
2. Seek-ing the iost, and point - ing to Je
3. Thus I Fould
Souls that are
go on Mi8 - S:ous oi
mer cy, Fol- low - ing


Je 6us, the Lamb for il-ner: slain, íor ain -

nere slain.
Je - Bns, the Lam . . . IOr S}n ners sl2!D. . . .

0 the moun-tains a - Soray: Come un to

Me," His mes -sagë T
Weak and hearts that are sore Lead 1ng them 1orth in Ways o! sa
Christ irom cay un - to day; Cheer-ing the fainut, and rais ing te

47 esus. Savior, Piioi ile

Edwere osper, F.D. ohr E. Gculs,

1. je - 8us, Sav ior, pi ot mie ve: ife's ten-pes-tUoE sea;

2. As 3 moth - er stilis ber cbiud, Thou canst bush the 9 cen wild,
peat ing,
Worde of the Mas ter speak -ing to-day. 3. When at last I near the shore, And the fear ful iresk-ers roar
a-tion, Show ing the p&tn te eer er more.

fal!-en, Point - ing the lost Jesus, the Way.

Unknown waves be-iore me roll, Hid ing rock and treach'rous stoal;
Boist'rous waves 0 bey Ty will When Thou say'st to them,"Be stilull"
up on the moun-tain,
wixt me and the peace-ful rest, Tben, while lean-iug on hy breast,
Go -ing a
up on the moun tain, ..
Go-ing a fer...

sus, Sav
from Thee, Je ior, pi lot me.

Chart and com pass

Bring-ing the wan - d'rer back a -gain, back a gan, Won-drous Bov-"reign of the sea, Je sus, Say 1or, pl- lot me.
d'rer back a - gain, . May I hear Thee 82y to me, *"*Fear not, 1 wiil pi - lot thee!'
Bring-ing the wan

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