Berne Convention PDF
Berne Convention PDF
Berne Convention PDF
The countries of the Union, being equally addresses, sermons and other works of the
animated by the desire to protect, in as effec- same nature; dramatic or dramatico-musical
tive and uniform a manner as possible, the works; choreographic works and entertain-
rights of authors in their literary and artistic ments in dumb show; musical compositions
works, with or without words; cinematographic works
Recognising the importance of the work of the to which are assimilated works expressed by a
Revision Conference held at Stockholm in process analogous to cinematography; works
1967, of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture,
engraving and lithography; photographic works
Having resolved to revise the Act adopted by
to which are assimilated works expressed by a
the Stockholm Conference, while maintaining
process analogous to photography; works of
without change Articles 1 to 20 and 22 to 26 of
applied art; illustrations, maps, plans, sketches
that Act.
and three-dimensional works relative to geog-
Consequently, the undersigned Plenipoten- raphy, topography, architecture or science.
tiaries, having presented their full powers,
recognised as in good and due form, have (2) It shall, however, be a matter for legislation
agreed as follows: in the countries of the Union to prescribe that
works in general or any specified categories of
Article 1 works shall not be protected unless they have
been fixed in some material form.
The countries to which this Convention
applies constitute a Union for the protection (3) Translations, adaptations, arrangements
of the rights of authors in their literary and of music and other alterations of a literary or
artistic works. artistic work shall be protected as original
works without prejudice to the copyright in
Article 2 the original work.
(1) The expression ‘literary and artistic works’ (4) It shall be a matter for legislation in the
shall include every production in the literary, countries of the Union to determine the
scientific and artistic domain, whatever may be protection to be granted to official texts of a
the mode or form of its expression, such as legislative, administrative and legal nature,
books, pamphlets and other writings; lectures, and to official translations of such texts.
Appendix 1
(5) Collections of literary or artistic works exclusive right of making a collection of his
such as encyclopaedias and anthologies which, works mentioned in the preceding paragraphs.
by reason of the selection and arrangement of
their contents, constitute intellectual creations Article 3
shall be protected as such, without prejudice to
the copyright in each of the works forming (1) The protection of this Convention shall
part of such collections. apply to:
(a) authors who are nationals of one of the
(6) The works mentioned in this Article shall
countries of the Union, for their works,
enjoy protection in all countries of the Union.
whether published or not;
This protection shall operate for the benefit of
(b) authors who are not nationals of one of the
the author and his successors in title.
countries of the Union, for their works
(7) Subject to the provisions of Article 7(4) of first published in one of those countries,
this Convention, it shall be a matter for legisla- or simultaneously in a country outside the
tion in the countries of the Union to determine Union and in a country of the Union.
the extent of the application of their laws to (2) Authors who are not nationals of one of
works of applied art and industrial designs and the countries of the Union but who have their
models, as well as the conditions under which habitual residence in one of them shall, for the
such works, designs and models shall be pro- purposes of this Convention, be assimilated to
tected. Works protected in the country of nationals of that country.
origin solely as designs and models shall be
entitled in another country of the Union only (3) The expression ‘published works’ means
to such special protection as is granted in that works published with the consent of their
country to designs and models; however, if no authors, whatever may be the means of manu-
such special protection is granted in that coun- facture of the copies, provided that the avail-
try, such works shall be protected as artistic ability of such copies has been such as to satisfy
works. the reasonable requirements of the public,
having regard to the nature of the work. The
(8) The protection of this Convention shall performance of a dramatic, dramatico-musical,
not apply to news of the day or to mis- cinematographic or musical work, the public
cellaneous facts having the character of mere recitation of a literary work, the communica-
items of press information. tion by wire or the broadcasting of literary or
artistic works, the exhibition of a work of art
Article 2 bis and the construction of a work of architecture
shall not constitute publication.
(1) It shall be a matter for legislation in the
countries of the Union to exclude, wholly or in (4) A work shall be considered as having been
part, from the protection provided by the pre- published simultaneously in several countries if
ceding Article political speeches and speeches it has been published in two or more countries
delivered in the course of legal proceedings. within thirty days of its first publication.
(2) It shall also be a matter for legislation in
the countries of the Union to determine the Article 4
conditions under which lectures, addresses The protection of this Convention shall apply,
and other works of the same nature which are even if the conditions of Article 3 are not
delivered in public may be reproduced by the fulfilled, to:
press, broadcast, communicated to the public
(a) authors of cinematographic works the
by wire and made the subject of public com-
maker of which has his headquarters or
munication as envisaged in Article 11bis(1) of
habitual residence in one of the countries
this Convention, when such use is justified by
of the Union;
the informatory purpose.
(b) authors of works of architecture erected in
(3) Nevertheless, the author shall enjoy the a country of the Union or of other artistic
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
works incorporated in a building or other works the maker of which has his
structure located in a country of the headquarters or his habitual residence
Union. in a country of the Union, the country
of origin shall be that country, and
Article 5 (ii) when these are works of architecture
erected in a country of the Union or
(1) Authors shall enjoy, in respect of works other artistic works incorporated in a
for which they are protected under this Con- building or other structure located in
vention, in countries of the Union other than a country of the Union, the country of
the country of origin, the rights which their origin shall be that country.
respective laws do now or may hereafter grant
to their nationals, as well as the rights specially
granted by this Convention.
Article 6
(1) Where any country outside the Union fails
(2) The enjoyment and the exercise of these
to protect in an adequate manner the works
rights shall not be subject to any formality;
of authors who are nationals of one of the
such enjoyment and such exercise shall be
countries of the Union, the latter country may
independent of the existence of protection in
restrict the protection given to the works of
the country of origin of the work. Con-
authors who are, at the date of the first publica-
sequently, apart from the provisions of this
tion thereof, nationals of the other country
Convention, the extent of protection, as well as
and are not habitually resident in one of the
the means of redress afforded to the author to
countries of the Union. If the country of first
protect his rights, shall be governed exclusively
publication avails itself of this right, the other
by the laws of the country where protection is
countries of the Union shall not be required to
grant to works thus subjected to special treat-
(3) Protection in the country of origin is ment a wider protection than that granted to
governed by domestic law. However, when the them in the country of first publication.
author is not a national of the country of origin
(2) No restrictions introduced by virtue of
of the work for which he is protected under
the preceding paragraph shall affect the rights
this Convention, he shall enjoy in that country
which an author may have acquired in respect
the same rights as national authors.
of a work published in a country of the Union
(4) The country of origin shall be considered before such restrictions were put into force.
to be:
(3) The countries of the Union which restrict
(a) in the case of works first published in a the grant of copyright in accordance with this
country of the Union, that country; in the Article shall give notice thereof to the Director
case of works published simultaneously in General of the World Intellectual Property
several countries of the Union which grant Organisation (hereinafter designated as ‘the
different terms of protection, the country Director General’) by a written declaration
whose legislation grants the shortest term specifying the countries in regard to which pro-
of protection; tection is restricted, and the restrictions to
(b) in the case of works published simul- which rights of authors who are nationals of
taneously in a country outside the Union those countries are subjected. The Director
and in a country of the Union, the latter General shall immediately communicate this
country; declaration to all the countries of the Union.
(c) in the case of unpublished works or of
works first published in a country outside
Article 6 bis
the Union, without simultaneous pub-
lication in a country of the Union, the (1) Independently of the author’s economic
country of the Union of which the author rights, and even after the transfer of the said
is a national, provided that: rights, the author shall have the right to claim
(i) when these are cinematographic authorship of the work and to object to any
Appendix 1
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
translation of their works throughout the term communication to the public by wire of
of protection of their rights in the original articles published in newspapers or periodicals
works. on current economic, political or religious
topics, and of broadcast works of the same
Article 9 character, in cases in which the reproduction,
broadcasting or such communication thereof is
(1) Authors of literary and artistic works pro- not expressly reserved. Nevertheless, the source
tected by this Convention shall have the must always be clearly indicated; the legal con-
exclusive right of authorising the reproduction sequences of a breach of this obligation shall be
of these works, in any manner or form. determined by the legislation of the country
(2) It shall be a matter for legislation in the where protection is claimed.
countries of the Union to permit the reproduc- (2) It shall also be a matter for legislation in
tion of such works in certain special cases, pro- the countries of the Union to determine the
vided that such reproduction does not conflict conditions under which, for the purpose of
with a normal exploitation of the work and reporting current events by means of photog-
does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate raphy, cinematography, broadcasting or com-
interests of the author. munication to the public by wire, literary or
(3) Any sound or visual recording shall be artistic works seen or heard in the course of
considered as a reproduction for the purposes the event may, to the extent justified by the
of this Convention. informatory purpose, be reproduced and made
available to the public.
Article 10
Article 11
(1) It shall be permissible to make quotations
(1) Authors of dramatic, dramatico-musical
from a work which has already been lawfully
and musical works shall enjoy the exclusive
made available to the public, provided that
right of authorising:
their making is compatible with fair practice,
and their extent does not exceed that justified (i) the public performance of their works,
by the purpose, including quotations from including such public performance by any
newspaper articles and periodicals in the form means or process;
of press summaries. (ii) any communication to the public of the
performance of their works.
(2) It shall be a matter for legislation in the
countries of the Union, and for special agree- (2) Authors of dramatic or dramatico-musical
ments existing or to be concluded between works shall enjoy, during the full term of their
them, to permit the utilisation, to the extent rights in the original works, the same rights
justified by the purpose, of literary or artistic with respect to translations thereof.
works by way of illustration in publications,
broadcasts or sound or visual recordings for Article 11 bis
teaching, provided such utilisation is compat-
ible with fair practice. (1) Authors of literary and artistic works shall
enjoy the exclusive right of authorising:
(3) Where use is made of works in accordance
with the preceding paragraphs of this Article, (i) the broadcasting of their works or the
mention shall be made of the source, and of communication thereof to the public by
the name of the author if it appears thereon. any other means of wireless diffusion of
signs, sounds or images;
(ii) any communication to the public by
Article 10 bis
wire or by rebroadcasting of the broadcast
(1) It shall be a matter for legislation in the of the work, when this communication is
countries of the Union to permit the repro- made by an organisation other than the
duction by the press, the broadcasting or the original one;
Appendix 1
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
(3) The provisions of Article 13(1) shall not (3) Unless the national legislation provides to
apply. the contrary, the provisions of paragraph (2)(b)
above shall not be applicable to authors of
scenarios, dialogues and musical works created
Article 14 bis
for the making of the cinematographic work,
(1) Without prejudice to the copyright in any or to the principal director thereof. However,
work which may have been adapted or repro- those countries of the Union whose legislation
duced, a cinematographic work shall be pro- does not contain rules providing for the
tected as an original work. The owner of copy- application of the said paragraph (2)(b) to such
right in a cinematographic work shall enjoy director shall notify the Director General by
the same rights as the author of an original means of a written declaration, which will be
work, including the rights referred to in the immediately communicated by him to all the
preceding Article. other countries of the Union.
Appendix 1
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
(2) Subject to the provisions of Article (viii) establish such committees of experts and
28(1)(b), the Appendix forms an integral part working groups as may be necessary for
of this Act. the work of the Union;
(ix) determine which countries not members
Article 22 of the Union and which intergovern-
mental and international non-govern-
(1) (a) The Union shall have an Assembly mental organisations shall be admitted to
consisting of those countries of the Union its meetings as observers;
which are bound by Articles 22 to 26. (x) adopt amendments to Articles 22 to 26;
(b) The Government of each country shall (xi) take any other appropriate action
be represented by one delegate, who may be designed to further the objectives of the
assisted by alternate delegates, advisers, and Union;
experts. (xii) exercise such other functions as are
appropriate under this Convention;
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be (xiii) subject to its acceptance, exercise such
borne by the Government which has rights as are given to it in the Convention
appointed it. establishing the Organisation.
(2) (a) The Assembly shall: (b) With respect to matters which are of
(i) deal with all matters concerning the interest also to other Unions administered
maintenance and development of the by the Organisation, the Assembly shall
Union and the implementation of this make its decisions after having heard the
Convention; advice of the Coordination Committee of the
(ii) give directions concerning the prepar- Organisation.
ation for conferences of revision to the (3) (a) Each country member of the Assembly
International Bureau of Intellectual shall have one vote.
Property (hereinafter designated as ‘the
International Bureau’) referred to in the (b) One-half of the countries members of the
Convention Establishing the World Assembly shall constitute a quorum.
Intellectual Property Organisation (here- (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-
inafter designed as ‘the Organisation’), paragraph (b), if, in any session, the number
due account being taken of any com- of countries represented is less than one-half
ments made by those countries of the but equal to or more than one-third of
Union which are not bound by Articles the countries members of the Assembly, the
22 to 26; Assembly may make decisions but, with the
(iii) review and approve the reports and exception of decisions concerning its own pro-
activities of the Director General of the cedure, all such decisions shall take effect only
Organisation concerning the Union, and if the following conditions are fulfilled. The
give him all necessary instructions con- International Bureau shall communicate the
cerning matters within the competence of said decisions to the countries members of the
the Union; Assembly which were not represented and shall
(iv) elect the members of the Executive invite them to express in writing their vote
Committee of the Assembly; or abstention within a period of three months
(v) review and approve the reports and from the date of the communication. If, at
activities of its Executive Committee, the expiration of this period, the number of
and give instructions to such Committee; countries having thus expressed their vote or
(vi) determine the programme and adopt abstention attains the number of countries
the [triennial]* biennial** budget of the which was lacking for attaining the quorum in
Union, and approve its final accounts; the session itself, such decisions shall take effect
(vii) adopt the financial regulations of the provided that at the same time the required
Union; majority still obtains.
Appendix 1
(d) Subject to the provisions of Article 26(2), of the Assembly. In establishing the number of
the decisions of the Assembly shall require two- seats to be filled, remainders after division by
thirds of the votes cast. four shall be disregarded.
(e) Abstentions shall not be considered as (4) In electing the members of the Executive
votes. Committee, the Assembly shall have due
regard to an equitable geographical distri-
(f) A delegate may represent, and vote in the
bution and to the need for countries party to
name of, one country only.
the Special Agreements which might be estab-
(g) Countries of the Union not members of lished in relation with the Union to be among
the Assembly shall be admitted to its meetings the countries constituting the Executive
as observers. Committee.
(4) (a) The Assembly shall meet once in every (5) (a) Each member of the Executive Com-
[third]* second** calendar year in ordinary mittee shall serve from the close of the session
session upon convocation by the Director of the Assembly which elected it to the close of
General and, in the absence of exceptional the next ordinary session of the Assembly.
circumstances, during the same period and at
the same place as the General Assembly of the (b) Members of the Executive Committee may
Organisation. be re-elected, but not more than two-thirds of
(b) The Assembly shall meet in extraordinary
session upon convocation by the Director (c) The Assembly shall establish the details of
General, at the request of the Executive Com- the rules governing the election and possible
mittee or at the request of one-fourth of the re-election of the members of the Executive
countries members of the Assembly. Committee.
(5) The Assembly shall adopt its own rules of (6) (a) The Executive Committee shall:
procedure. (i) prepare the draft agenda of the Assembly
(ii) submit proposals to the Assembly
Article 23 respecting the draft programme and
(1) The Assembly shall have an Executive [triennial]* biennial** budget of the
Committee. Union prepared by the Director General;
[(iii) approve, within the limits of the pro-
(2) (a) The Executive Committee shall consist gramme and the triennial budget, the
of countries elected by the Assembly from specific yearly budgets and programmes
among countries members of the Assembly. prepared by the Director General;]***
Furthermore, the country on whose territory (iv) submit, with appropriate comments, to
the Organisation has its headquarters shall, the Assembly the periodical reports of
subject to the provisions of Article 25(7)(b), the Director General and the yearly audit
have an ex officio seat on the Committee. reports of the accounts;
(v) in accordance with the decisions of the
(b) The Government of each country member
Assembly and having regard to circum-
of the Executive Committee shall be repre-
stances arising between two ordinary
sented by one delegate, who may be assisted by
sessions of the Assembly, take all neces-
alternate delegates, advisers, and experts.
sary measures to ensure the execution
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be of the program of the Union by the Dir-
borne by the Government which has ector General;
appointed it. (vi) perform such other functions as are
allocated to it under this Convention.
(3) The number of countries members of the
Executive Committee shall correspond to one- (b) With respect to matters which are of inter-
fourth of the number of countries members est also to other Unions administered by the
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
Organisation, the Executive Committee shall (2) The International Bureau shall assemble
make its decisions after having heard the advice and publish information concerning the pro-
of the Coordination Committee of the tection of copyright. Each country of the
Organisation. Union shall promptly communicate to the
International Bureau all new laws and official
(7) (a) The Executive Committee shall meet texts concerning the protection of copyright.
once a year in ordinary session upon convoca-
tion by the Director General, preferably during (3) The International Bureau shall publish a
the same period and at the same place as the monthly periodical.
Coordination Committee of the Organisation.
(4) The International Bureau shall, on
(b) The Executive Committee shall meet in request, furnish information to any country
extraordinary session upon convocation by the of the Union on matters concerning the pro-
Director General, either on his own initiative, tection of copyright.
or at the request of its Chairman or one-fourth (5) The International Bureau shall conduct
of its members. studies, and shall provide services, designed to
(8) (a) Each country member of the Executive facilitate the protection of copyright.
Committee shall have one vote. (6) The Director General and any staff
(b) One-half of the members of the Executive member designated by him shall participate,
Committee shall constitute a quorum. without the right to vote, in all meetings of the
Assembly, the Executive Committee and any
(c) Decisions shall be made by a simple major- other committee of experts or working group.
ity of the votes cast. The Director General, or a staff member
designated by him, shall be ex officio secretary
(d) Abstentions shall not be considered as
of these bodies.
(7) (a) The International Bureau shall, in
(e) A delegate may represent, and vote in the
accordance with the directions of the Assembly
name of, one country only.
and in cooperation with the Executive
(9) Countries of the Union not members of Committee, make the preparations for the
the Executive Committee shall be admitted to conferences of revision of the provisions
its meetings as observers. of the Convention other than Articles 22 to
(10) The Executive Committee shall adopt its
own rules of procedure. (b) The International Bureau may consult
with inter-governmental and international
non-governmental organisations concerning
Article 24
preparations for conferences of revision.
(1) (a) The administrative tasks with respect
(c) The Director General and persons
to the Union shall be performed by the Inter-
designated by him shall take part, without
national Bureau, which is a continuation of the
the right to vote, in the discussions at these
Bureau of the Union united with the Bureau of
the Union established by the International
Convention for the Protection of Industrial (8) The International Bureau shall carry out
Property. any other tasks assigned to it.
(b) In particular, the International Bureau shall
provide the secretariat of the various organs of
Article 25
the Union. (1) (a) The Union shall have a budget.
(c) The Director General of the Organisation (b) The budget of the Union shall include
shall be the chief executive of the Union and the income and expenses proper to the Union,
shall represent the Union. its contribution to the budget of expenses
Appendix 1
common to the Unions, and, where applicable, (c) The annual contribution of each country
the sum made available to the budget of the shall be an amount in the same proportion to
Conference of the Organisation. the total sum to be contributed to the annual
budget of the Union by all countries as the
(c) Expenses not attributable exclusively to the number of its units is to the total of the units of
Union but also to one or more other Unions all contributing countries.
administered by the Organisation shall be con-
sidered as expenses common to the Unions. (d) Contributions shall become due on the first
The share of the Union in such common of January of each year.
expenses shall be in proportion to the interest
(e) A country which is in arrears in the payment
the Union has in them.
of its contributions shall have no vote in any
(2) The budget of the Union shall be estab- of the organs of the Union of which it is a
lished with due regard to the requirements of member if the amount of its arrears equals or
coordination with the budgets of the other exceeds the amount of the contributions
Unions administered by the Organisation. due from it for the preceding two full years.
However, any organ of the Union may allow
(3) The budget of the Union shall be financed such a country to continue to exercise its vote
from the following sources: in that organ if, and as long as, it is satisfied
(i) contributions of the countries of the that the delay in payment is due to exceptional
Union; and unavoidable circumstances.
(ii) fees and charges due for services per-
formed by the International Bureau in (f) If the budget is not adopted before the
relation to the Union; beginning of a new financial period, it shall be
(iii) sale of, or royalties on, the publications at the same level as the budget of the previous
of the International Bureau concerning year, in accordance with the financial
the Union; regulations.
(iv) gifts, bequests, and subventions; (5) The amount of the fees and charges due
(v) rents, interests, and other miscellaneous for services rendered by the International
income. Bureau in relation to the Union shall be estab-
(4) (a) For the purpose of establishing its lished, and shall be reported to the Assembly
contribution towards the budget, each country and the Executive Committee, by the Director
of the Union shall belong to a class, and shall General.
pay its annual contributions on the basis of a
(6) (a) The Union shall have a working capital
number of units fixed as follows:
fund which shall be constituted by a single
Class I 25 payment made by each country of the Union.
Class II 20 If the fund becomes insufficient, an increase
Class III 15 shall be decided by the Assembly.
Class IV 10
(b) The amount of the initial payment of each
Class V 5
country to the said fund or of its participation
Class VI 3
in the increase thereof shall be a proportion of
Class VII 1
the contribution of that country for the year in
(b) Unless it has already done so, each country which the fund is established or the increase
shall indicate, concurrently with depositing decided.
its instrument of ratification or accession, the
(c) The proportion and the terms of payment
class to which it wishes to belong. Any country
shall be fixed by the Assembly on the proposal
may change class. If it chooses a lower class, the
of the Director General and after it has heard
country must announce it to the Assembly at
the advice of the Coordination Committee of
one of its ordinary sessions. Any such change
the Organisation.
shall take effect at the beginning of the
calendar year following the session. (7) (a) In the headquarters agreement con-
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
cluded with the country on the territory of amendment to the said Articles thus accepted
which the Organisation has its headquarters, it shall bind all the countries which are members
shall be provided that, whenever the working of the Assembly at the time the amendment
capital fund is insufficient, such country shall enters into force, or which become members
grant advances. The amount of these advances thereof at a subsequent date, provided that any
and the conditions on which they are granted amendment increasing the financial obliga-
shall be the subject of separate agreements, in tions of countries of the Union shall bind only
each case, between such country and the those countries which have notified their
Organisation. As long as it remains under the acceptance of such amendment.
obligation to grant advances, such country
shall have an ex officio seat on the Executive Article 27
(1) This Convention shall be submitted to
(b) The country referred to in subparagraph (a) revision with a view to the introduction of
and the Organisation shall each have the right amendments designed to improve the system
to denounce the obligation to grant advances, of the Union.
by written notification. Denunciation shall
take effect three years after the end of the year (2) For this purpose, conferences shall be held
in which it has been notified. successively in one of the countries of the
Union among the delegates of the said
(8) The auditing of the accounts shall be countries.
effected by one or more of the countries of the
Union or by external auditors, as provided in (3) Subject to the provisions of Article 26
the financial regulations. They shall be desig- which apply to the amendment of Articles 22
nated, with their agreement, by the Assembly. to 26, any revision of this Act, including the
Appendix, shall require the unanimity of the
Article 26 votes cast.
Appendix 1
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
(b) Any country outside the Union may Convention is made applicable by another
declare, in acceding to this Convention and country of the Union by virtue of a declaration
subject to Article V(2) of the Appendix, that it under paragraph (1).
intends to substitute, temporarily at least, for
Article 8 of this Act concerning the right of Article 32
translation, the provisions of Article 5 of the
Union Convention of 1886, as completed at (1) This Act shall, as regards relations between
Paris in 1896, on the clear understanding that the countries of the Union, and to the extent
the said provisions are applicable only to trans- that it applies, replace the Berne Convention of
lations into a language in general use in the 9 September 1886, and the subsequent Acts
said country. Subject to Article I(6)(b) of the of revision. The Acts previously in force shall
Appendix, any country has the right to apply, continue to be applicable, in their entirety or
in relation to the right of translation of works to the extent that this Act does not replace
whose country of origin is a country availing them by virtue of the preceding sentence, in
itself of such a reservation, a protection which relations with countries of the Union which do
is equivalent to the protection granted by the not ratify or accede to this Act.
latter country. (2) Countries outside the Union which
(c) Any country may withdraw such reserva- become party to this Act shall, subject to para-
tions at any time by notification addressed to graph (3), apply it with respect to any country
the Director General. of the Union not bound by this Act or
which, although bound by this Act, has made a
declaration pursuant to Article 28(1)(b). Such
Article 31
countries recognise that the said country of the
(1) Any country may declare in its instrument Union, in its relations with them:
of ratification or accession, or may inform the (i) may apply the provisions of the most
Director General by written notification at any recent Act by which it is bound, and
time thereafter, that this Convention shall be (ii) subject to Article I(6) of the Appendix, has
applicable to all or part of those territories, the right to adapt the protection to the
designated in the declaration or notification, level provided for by this Act.
for the external relations of which it is
responsible. (3) Any country which has availed itself of any
of the faculties provided for in the Appendix
(2) Any country which has made such a may apply the provisions of the Appendix
declaration or given such a notification may, at relating to the faculty or faculties of which it
any time, notify the Director General that this has availed itself in its relations with any other
Convention shall cease to be applicable to all country of the Union which is not bound by
or part of such territories. this Act, provided that the latter country has
accepted the application of the said provisions.
(3) (a) Any declaration made under paragraph
(1) shall take effect on the same date as the
ratification or accession in which it was Article 33
included, and any notification given under that (1) Any dispute between two or more coun-
paragraph shall take effect three months after tries of the Union concerning the interpret-
its notification by the Director General. ation or application of this Convention, not
settled by negotiation, may, by any one of the
(b) Any notification given under paragraph (2)
countries concerned, be brought before the
shall take effect twelve months after its receipt
International Court of Justice by application in
by the Director General.
conformity with the Statute of the Court,
(4) This Article shall in no way be understood unless the countries concerned agree on some
as implying the recognition or tacit acceptance other method of settlement. The country bring-
by a country of the Union of the factual ing the dispute before the Court shall inform
situation concerning a territory to which this the International Bureau; the International
Appendix 1
(3) Denunciation shall take effect one year (5) The Director General shall notify the
after the day on which the Director General Governments of all countries of the Union of
has received the notification. signatures, deposits of instruments of ratifica-
tion or accession and any declarations included
(4) The right of denunciation provided by this in such instruments or made pursuant to
Article shall not be exercised by any country Articles 28(1)(c), 30(2)(a) and (b), and 33(2),
before the expiration of five years from the date entry into force of any provisions of this Act,
upon which it becomes a member of the notifications of denunciation, and notifications
Union. pursuant to Articles 30(2)(c), 31(1) and (2),
33(3), and 38(1), as well as the Appendix.
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
Appendix 1
Appendix shall be applicable to the territory in substituted for the period of three years
respect of which it was made. referred to in paragraph (2)(a).
(6) (a) The fact that a country avails itself of any (b) Any country referred to in paragraph (1)
of the faculties referred to in paragraph (1) may, with the unanimous agreement of the
does not permit another country to give less developed countries which are members of the
protection to works of which the country of Union and in which the same language is in
origin is the former country than it is obliged general use, substitute, in the case of transla-
to grant under Articles 1 to 20. tions into that language, for the period of
three years referred to in paragraph (2)(a) a
(b) The right to apply reciprocal treatment pro- shorter period as determined by such agree-
vided for in Article 30(2)(b), second sentence, ment but not less than one year. However,
shall not, until the date on which the period the provisions of the foregoing sentence shall
applicable under Article I(3) expires, be not apply where the language in question is
exercised in respect of works the country of English, French or Spanish. The Director
origin of which is a country which has made a General shall be notified of any such agree-
declaration according to Article V(1)(a). ment by the Governments which have con-
cluded it.
Article II
(4) (a) No licence obtainable after three years
(1) Any country which has declared that it shall be granted under this Article until a
will avail itself of the faculty provided for in further period of six months has elapsed, and
this Article shall be entitled, so far as works no licence obtainable after one year shall be
published in printed or analogous forms of granted under this Article until a further
reproduction are concerned, to substitute for period of nine months has elapsed
the exclusive right of translation provided for
(i) from the date on which the applicant
in Article 8 a system of non-exclusive and non-
complies with the requirements men-
transferable licences, granted by the competent
tioned in Article IV(1), or
authority under the following conditions and
(ii) where the identity or the address of the
subject to Article IV.
owner of the right of translation is
(2) (a) Subject to paragraph (3), if, after the unknown, from the date on which the
expiration of a period of three years, or of applicant sends, as provided for in Article
any longer period determined by the national IV(2), copies of his application submitted
legislation of the said country, commencing on to the authority competent to grant the
the date of the first publication of the work, licence.
a translation of such work has not been pub- (b) If, during the said period of six or nine
lished in a language in general use in that months, a translation in the language in respect
country by the owner of the right of transla- of which the application was made is published
tion, or with his authorisation, any national of by the owner of the right of translation or
such country may obtain a licence to make a with his authorisation, no licence under this
translation of the work in the said language Article shall be granted.
and publish the translation in printed or
analogous forms of reproduction. (5) Any licence under this Article shall be
granted only for the purpose of teaching,
(b) A licence under the conditions provided scholarship or research.
for in this Article may also be granted if all
(6) If a translation of a work is published by
the editions of the translation published in the
the owner of the right of translation or with his
language concerned are out of print.
authorisation at a price reasonably related to
(3) (a) In the case of translations into a lan- that normally charged in the country for com-
guage which is not in general use in one or parable works, any licence granted under this
more developed countries which are members Article shall terminate if such translation is
of the Union, a period of one year shall be in the same language and with substantially
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
the same content as the translation published (c) Provided that all of the criteria and condi-
under the licence. Any copies already made tions set out in subparagraph (a) are met, a
before the licence terminates may continue to licence may also be granted to a broadcasting
be distributed until their stock is exhausted. organisation to translate any text incorporated
in an audio-visual fixation where such fixation
(7) For works which are composed mainly of was itself prepared and published for the sole
illustrations, a licence to make and publish a purpose of being used in connection with
translation of the text and to reproduce and systematic instructional activities.
publish the illustrations may be granted only if
the conditions of Article III are also fulfilled. (d) Subject to subparagraphs (a) to (c), the pro-
visions of the preceding paragraphs shall apply
(8) No licence shall be granted under this to the grant and exercise of any licence granted
Article when the author has withdrawn from under this paragraph.
circulation all copies of his work.
Appendix 1
no authorised copies of that edition have been (ii) where the translation is not in a language
on sale for a period of six months in the in general use in the country in which the
country concerned to the general public or licence is applied for.
in connection with systematic instructional (6) If copies of an edition of a work are dis-
activities at a price reasonably related to that tributed in the country referred to in paragraph
normally charged in the country for com- (1) to the general public or in connection
parable works. with systematic instructional activities, by the
(3) The period referred to in paragraph owner of the right of reproduction or with his
(2)(a)(i) shall be five years, except that authorisation, at a price reasonably related to
that normally charged in the country for com-
(i) for works of the natural and physical
parable works, any licence granted under this
sciences, including mathematics, and of
Article shall terminate if such edition is in the
technology, the period shall be three years;
same language and with substantially the same
(ii) for works of fiction, poetry, drama and
content as the edition which was published
music, and for art books, the period shall
under the said licence. Any copies already made
be seven years.
before the licence terminates may continue to
(4) (a) No licence obtainable after three years be distributed until their stock is exhausted.
shall be granted under this Article until a
period of six months has elapsed. (7) (a) Subject to subparagraph (b), the works
to which this Article applies shall be limited to
(i) from the date on which the applicant
works published in printed or analogous forms
complies with the requirements men-
of reproduction.
tioned in Article IV(1), or
(ii) where the identity or the address of the (b) This Article shall also apply to the reproduc-
owner of the right of reproduction is tion in audio-visual form of lawfully made
unknown, from the date on which the audio-visual fixations including any protected
applicant sends, as provided for in Article works incorporated therein and to the trans-
IV(2), copies of his application submitted lation of any incorporated text into a language
to the authority competent to grant the in general use in the country in which the
licence. licence is applied for, always provided that the
(b) Where licences are obtainable after other audio-visual fixations in question were pre-
periods and Article IV(2) is applicable, no pared and published for the sole purpose of
licence shall be granted until a period of three being used in connection with systematic
months has elapsed from the date of the dis- instructional activities.
patch of the copies of the application.
Article IV
(c) If, during the period of six or three months
referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b), a dis- (1) A licence under Article II or Article III
tribution as described in paragraph (2)(a) has may be granted only if the applicant, in
taken place, no licence shall be granted under accordance with the procedure of the country
this Article. concerned, establishes either that he has
requested, and has been denied, authorisation
(d) No licence shall be granted if the author has by the owner of the right to make and publish
withdrawn from circulation all copies of the the translation or to reproduce and publish the
edition for the reproduction and publication edition, as the case may be, or that, after due
of which the licence has been applied for. diligence on his part, he was unable to find the
(5) A licence to reproduce and publish a trans- owner of the right. At the same time as making
lation of a work shall not be granted under this the request, the applicant shall inform any
Article in the following cases: national or international information centre
referred to in paragraph (2).
(i) where the translation was not published by
the owner of the right of translation or (2) If the owner of the right cannot be found,
with this authorisation, or the applicant for a licence shall send, by regis-
Latest Text of Berne Convention (1971 Paris Act plus Appendix)
tered airmail, copies of his application, submit- (iv) the country to which the copies have been
ted to the authority competent to grant the sent has agreed with the country whose
licence, to the publisher whose name appears competent authority has granted the
on the work and to any national or inter- licence to allow the receipt, or distri-
national information centre which may have bution, or both, and the Director General
been designated, in a notification to that effect has been notified of the agreement by the
deposited with the Director General, by the Government of the country in which the
Government of the country in which the pub- license has been granted.
lisher is believed to have his principal place of
(5) All copies published under a licence
granted by virtue of Article II or Article III
(3) The name of the author shall be indicated shall bear a notice in the appropriate language
on all copies of the translation or reproduction stating that the copies are available for distri-
published under a licence granted under bution only in the country or territory to
Article II or Article III. The title of the which the said licence applies.
work shall appear on all such copies. In the
(6) (a) Due provision shall be made at the
case of a translation, the original title of the
national level to ensure
work shall appear in any case on all the said
copies. (i) that the licence provides, in favour of the
owner of the right of translation or of
(4) (a) No licence granted under Article II or reproduction, as the case may be, for just
Article III shall extend to the export of copies, compensation that is consistent with
and any such licence shall be valid only for standards of royalties normally operating
publication of the translation or of the repro- on licences freely negotiated between per-
duction, as the case may be, in the territory of sons in the two countries concerned, and
the country in which it has been applied for. (ii) payment and transmittal of the compensa-
(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a), the tion: should national currency regulations
notion of export shall include the sending intervene, the competent authority shall
of copies from any territory to the country make all efforts, by the use of international
which, in respect of that territory, has made a machinery, to ensure transmittal in inter-
declaration under Article I(5). nationally convertible currency or its
(c) Where a governmental or other public
entity of a country which has granted a licence (b) Due provision shall be made by national
to make a translation under Article II into legislation to ensure a correct translation of
a language other than English, French or the work, or an accurate reproduction of the
Spanish sends copies of a translation published particular edition, as the case may be.
under such licence to another country, such
sending of copies shall not, for the purposes of Article V
subparagraph(a), be considered to constitute (1) (a) Any country entitled to make a
export if all of the following conditions are declaration that it will avail itself of the faculty
met: provided for in Article II may, instead, at the
(i) the recipients are individuals who are time of ratifying or acceding to this Act:
nationals of the country whose com- (i) if it is a country to which Article 30(2)(a)
petent authority has granted the licence, applies, make a declaration under that
or organisations grouping such provision as far as the right of translation is
individuals; concerned;
(ii) the copies are to be used only for the pur- (ii) if it is a country to which Article 30(2)(a)
pose of teaching, scholarship or research; does not apply, and even if it is not a
(iii) the sending of the copies and their sub- country outside the Union, make a declar-
sequent distribution to recipients is with- ation as provided for in Article 30(2)(b),
out any commercial purpose; and first sentence.
Appendix 1
(b) In the case of a country which ceases to be before becoming bound by Articles 1 to 21 and
regarded as a developing country as referred to this Appendix:
in Article I(1), a declaration made according to
this paragraph shall be effective until the date (i) if it is a country which, were it bound by
on which the period applicable under Article Articles 1 to 21 and this Appendix, would
I(3) expires. be entitled to avail itself of the faculties
referred to in Article I(1), that it will apply
(c) Any country which has made a declaration the provisions of Article II or of Article III
according to this paragraph may not sub- or of both to works whose country of
sequently avail itself of the faculty provided for origin is a country which, pursuant to (ii)
in Article II even if it withdraws the said below, admits the application of those
declaration. Articles to such works, or which is bound
by Articles 1 to 21 and this Appendix;
(2) Subject to paragraph (3), any country
such declaration may, instead of referring
which has availed itself of the faculty provided
to Article II, refer to Article V;
for in Article II may not subsequently make a
(ii) that it admits the application of this
declaration according to paragraph (1).
Appendix to works of which it is the
(3) Any country which has ceased to be country of origin by countries which have
regarded as a developing country as referred to made a declaration under (i) above or a
in Article I(1) may, not later than two years notification under Article I.
prior to the expiration of the period applicable
(2) Any declaration made under paragraph
under Article I(3), make a declaration to the
(1) shall be in writing and shall be deposited
effect provided for in Article 30(2)(b), first
with the Director General. The declaration
sentence, notwithstanding the fact that it is not
shall become effective from the date of its
a country outside the Union. Such declaration
shall take effect at the date on which the period
applicable under Article I(3) expires.
Note: Amendments to articles 22 and 25
were adopted by the Berne Assembly at its
Article VI
meeting in 2003 but have not yet come into
(1) Any country of the Union may declare, force. See further para 16.49 of the principal
as from the date of this Act, and at any time text.