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#Dr. Lora Ecg PDF

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Allah the all merciful, I beg thee to accept this effort

for the soul of Dr. Lora
Do you find yourself confused while reading an ECG ?
Tired of getting through various text books ?
Need an easy way to recall basis of ECG ?

The answer to all your ECG problems lies in this simple yet comprehensive book,
Starting from the basic cardiac physiology ending with the various abnormalities
encountered, you will find yourself easily an expert in interpreting and extracting
wealthy information from the ECG.

The excellence of this book does not only lie in its simple read, understand and
recall way, but in the fact that it was written with the love of giving and passing
knowledge. Graciously accept this book, for as we can only give ourselves by giving
away to others.

Dr. Lora & dr.tafreegh


Subject Page
Introduction 1
Normal ECG 5
 Cardiac electric activity 5
 ECG generation 6
 ECG nomenclature 10
 ECG lead perspectives 11
 Time and the ECG paper 14
Comment on ECG 16
 Rhythm 16
 Rate 17
 Axis 17
 P wave 18
 P-R interval 20
 QRS complex 23
 S-T segment 25
 T wave 28
 Q-T interval 28
 U wave 29
Abnormal ECG 29
 Chamber enlargement 29
 Bundle branch block 31
 Coronary Ischemia 32
 Heart block 39
 Others 41
How to interpret an ECG 42
How to diagnose an ECG 43
Simple ECG Dr. Lora Khalil

The electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) is a special graph that represents the electrical
activity of the heart from one instant to the next. Thus, the ECG provides a time-voltage chart
of the heartbeat. For many patients, this test is a key component of clinical diagnosis and
management in both inpatient and outpatient settings. The device used to obtain and display
the conventional ECG is called the electrocardiograph, or ECG machine. It records cardiac
electrical currents (voltages or potentials) by means of conductive electrodes selectively
positioned on the surface of the body.

This book is devoted to explaining the basis of the normal ECG and then examining the
major conditions that cause abnormal depolarization (P and QRS) and repolarization (ST-T and
U) patterns.

Why is the ECG so clinically useful ?

The ECG is one of the most versatile and inexpensive of clinical tests. Its utility derives
from careful clinical and experimental studies over more than a century showing the following:
 It is the essential initial clinical test for diagnosing dangerous cardiac electrical
disturbances related to conduction abnormalities in the AV junction and bundle branch
system and to brady- and tachyarrhythmias.
 It often provides immediately available information about clinically important
mechanical and metabolic problems, not just about primary abnormalities of electrical
function. Examples include myocardial ischemia/infarction, electrolyte disorders, and
drug toxicity, as well as hypertrophy and other types of chamber overload.
 It may provide clues that allow you to forecast preventable catastrophies. A good
example is a very long QT(U) pattern preceding sudden cardiac arrest due to torsades de

Physiological anatomy of the heart :

The heart is a hollow muscular pump situated in the left side of the thoracic cavity partly
behind the sternum, consisting of 4 chambers : 2 atria and 2 ventricles.
The heart is covered externally by epicardium ( which is the visceral layer of the
pericardial sac). The inside cavity of the heart lined by endothelial layer called the
endocardium. An intermediate muscular layer lying in between the epicardium & endocardium
known as the myocardium.

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Simple ECG Dr. Lora Khalil

Physiology of Cardiac Muscle :

The heart is composed of three major types of cardiac muscle:
atrial muscle, ventricular muscle, and specialized excitatory and conductive muscle fibers.
The atrial and ventricular types of muscle contract in much the same way as skeletal
muscle, except that the duration of contraction is much longer. Conversely, the specialized
excitatory and conductive fibers contract only feebly because they contain few contractile
fibrils; instead, they exhibit either automatic rhythmical electrical discharge in the form of
action potentials or conduction of the action potentials through the heart, providing an
excitatory system that controls the rhythmical beating of the heart.

The cardiac muscle has certain special properties which are :

1. Rhythmicity: ability of the heart to beat regularly at constant rate.

2. Contractility: ability of the heart to contract and push blood into circulation.
3. Excitability: ability of the cardiac muscle to respond to an adequate stimulus
4. Conductivity: ability of the cardiac muscle to conduct excitation wave from one part of
the heart to another.
In EKG study we are concerned with study of Rhythmicity and conductivity of the cardiac

we will review a few simple principles of the heart’s electrical properties. The central
function of the heart is to contract rhythmically and pump blood to the lungs for oxygenation
and then to pump this oxygen-enriched blood into the general (systemic) circulation. The signal
for cardiac contraction is the spread of electrical currents through the heart muscle. These
currents are produced both by pacemaker cells and specialized conduction tissue within the
heart and by the working heart muscle itself.
Pacemaker cells are like tiny clocks (technically called oscillators) that repetitively
generate electrical stimuli. The other heart cells, both specialized conduction tissue and
working heart muscle, are like cables that transmit these electrical signals.

Electrical Activation of the Heart :

In simplest terms, therefore, the heart can
be thought of as an electrically timed pump. The
electrical “wiring” is outlined in Figure.
Normally, the signal for heartbeat initiation
starts in the sinus or sinoatrial (SA) node. This
is located in the right atrium near the opening of
the superior vena cava.

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The SA node is a small collection of specialized cells capable of automatically generating

an electrical stimulus (spark-like signal) and functions as the normal pacemaker of the heart.
From the sinus node, this stimulus spreads first through the right atrium and then into the left
atrium. Electrical stimulation of the right and left atria signals the atria to contract and pump
blood simultaneously through the tricuspid and mitral valves into the right and left ventricles.
The electrical stimulus then reaches specialized conduction tissues in the
atrioventricular (AV) junction. The AV junction, which acts as an electrical “relay” connecting
the atria and ventricles, is located at the base of the interatrial septum and extends into the
interventricular septum. The upper (proximal) part of the AV junction is the AV node. (In some
texts, the terms AV node and AV junction are used synonymously.) The lower (distal) part of
the AV junction is called the bundle of His. The bundle of His then divides into two main
branches: the right bundle branch, which distributes the stimulus to the right ventricle, and
the left bundle branch, which distributes the stimulus to the left ventricle.
The electrical signal then spreads simultaneously down the left and right bundle
branches into the ventricular myocardium (ventricular muscle) by way of specialized
conducting cells called Purkinje fibers located in the subendocardial layer (inside rim) of the
ventricles. From the final branches of the Purkinje fibers, the electrical signal spreads through
myocardial muscle toward the epicardium (outer rim).
The His bundle, its branches, and their subdivisions are referred to collectively as His-
Purkinje system. Normally, the AV node and His-Purkinje system form the only electrical
connection between the atria and the ventricles (unless a bypass tract is present). Disruption of
conduction over these structures will produce AV heart block.
Just as the spread of electrical stimuli through the atria leads to atrial contraction, so the
spread of stimuli through the ventricles leads to ventricular contraction, with pumping of blood
to the lungs and into the general circulation. The initiation of cardiac contraction by electrical
stimulation is referred to as electromechanical coupling. A key part of this contractile
mechanism is the release of calcium ions inside the atrial and ventricular heart muscle cells,
which is triggered by the spread of electrical activation. This process links electrical and
mechanical function.
The ECG is capable of recording only relatively large currents produced by the mass of
working (pumping) heart muscle. The much smaller amplitude signals generated by the sinus
node and AV node are invisible with clinical recordings.
Depolarization of the His bundle area can only be recorded from inside the heart during
specialized cardiac electrophysiologic (EP) studies.

Heart has two types of action

 Mechanical: Contraction &relaxation
 Electrical: Depolarization & repolarization

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Simple ECG Dr. Lora Khalil

Blood supply of the heart through the coronary arteries

Anatomy of the coronary arteries

The left Coronary artery:
It arises from the left sinus of Valsalva and
passes forwards & to the left in the
atrioventricular groove for a short distance and
then divides into two branches:
1. The left anterior descending artery: it
passes downwards in the anterior
interventricular groove to the apex of the
heart & then turns backwards to
anastomse with the posterior descending
2. The circumflex artery: it continues its
course in the left atrioventricular groove
to anastomse with the right coronary. It
gives several obtuse marginal branches.

The right Coronary artery:

It arises from the (right sinus) of Valsalva and runs in the right atrioventricular groove to
the posterior surface of the heart to anastomse with circumflex artery.
In the back of the heart it gives the (posterior descending artery which runs downwards,
in the posterior interventricular groove, to anastomose with the anterior descending artery.

Pattern of coronary supply

 Balanced circulation:
The left coronary artery supplies left atrium, left ventricle & anterior part of the
interventricular septum.
While the right coronary artery supplies right atrium, right ventricle & posterior part of
the interventricular septum.

 Right dominance:
The right coronary supplies also the posterior part of the left ventricle.
 Left dominance:
The left coronary supplies also the posterior part of the septum & the posterior wall of the
right ventricle.

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Normal ECG
Cardiac Electrical Activity
During each cardiac cycle, the atria contract in the diastole to fill the ventricles, while
the ventricle contract during systole to supply blood to the lungs and systemic circulation.
Contraction of the atria and ventricles is tightly coordinated by wave of depolarization
spreading through the muscular wall of this chambers.

The interventricular septum is the first part of the ventricular

muscle mass to be depolarized and it does so by movement of current
across the septum from the left to the right bundle branch . we will see
later this early left to right movement of current in the septum is crucial
to understanding several important ECG abnormalities.

After septal depolarization, the depolarizing wave begins to

spread rapidly to the bulk of the left and right ventricles.

The ventricular depolarization spreads from terminal fibers of the

conducting system outwards( from the endocardium towards the
epicardial surface of the heart) and also back along the ventricular wall
to the atrioventricular groove.

The final piece of muscle to be depolarized is the upper part of the

interventricular septum

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Cardiac repolarization is not truly propagated between cells,

however cardiac myocytes repolarize at different rates depending
on their anatomical locations within the heart. Within the
ventricular wall there is a gradient in the rate of repolarization.
Cells in the epicardial region has the fastest rate of repolarization
and repolarize first following ventricular contraction. The rate of
repolarization slows progressively as we move from the epicardium
towards the endocardium.

We will see later this retrograde spread of ventricular repolarization

is important in understanding the normal ECG reader

ECG Generation
Now, we are going to explain how the electric events are analyzed by the ECG leads to
produce the waves. The leads of the ECG machine detect the movement of the cardiac
depolarization and repolarization waves as they spread to the atria and ventricles.
Leads cables of detecting electric signals are placed on the patient body, and the
different lead position record the flow of current through the heart from different respective.
In this way the ECG recording can give information about these processes affecting different
anatomical regions of the organ.

We need to understand how the individual ECG leads. Analysis and records the cardiac

 In any ECG lead, a flat line is recorded

when no current is flowing >> iso-electric

 The depolarizing current moving towards

the lead produces a deflection on the ECG
paper above the iso-electric line ( a
positive deflection ).

 The depolarizing current moving away

from the lead produces a deflection but
below the iso-electric line ( a negative

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In contrast, repolarizing current has the opposite polarity to depolarizing current, Therefore :

 Repolarizing current moving toward the

lead produces a negative deflection on
the paper.

 While, repolarizing current moving away

from the lead produces a positive

As the depolarization and repolarization

waves spread over the normal heart in a well
defined pattern. This means that, if we know
the position of the ECG lead relatively to the
heart, we can predict the form of the readers
if recorded.

Let’s see how this work on 2 of 6 ( Chest leads V1 to

 Lead V1 is placed on the anterior surface of
the patient’s chest in the 4th right intercostals
space to the right of the sternum, and
therefore to the right of the bulk of the

 In contrast, lead V6 is placed on the patient’s

chest in the 5th intercostals space mid-axillary
line, and looks at the heart from the left of
the ventricles.

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In each cardiac cycle atrial contraction is

associated with a wave of depolarization
spreading over the chambers. As the atria setted
back in the chest cavity, this wave of
depolarization is not only spreading downwards
and to the left from the SA node, but also
outwards to the front of the chest, and therefore
to the chest leads.

As depolarizing current moves towards the

leads it produces a positive deflection on the ECG
This is the P wave ( atrial depolarization )

After a short delay, in which no current is

flowing, the AV node allows the depolarization
signals to travel into the ventricles. As seen, mid
zone of the interventricular septum is the first
piece of the ventricular muscle to depolarize and
it dose so by signals spreading across the septum
from the left towards the right bundle branch.

These early depolarization signals move towards V1 and therefore

produce a positive deflection on the ECG paper in recording from this
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However, this septal current is moving away from lead V6

producing an initial negative deflection in this lead.

As the septum continues to depolarize, the depolarization wave

spreads out over the muscle mass of the ventricle.

To understand what happens next records, it is important to realize that the magnitude of the
electric signal generated by the depolarizing muscle is directly proportional to the mass of this

What is meant by that ???

The more muscle fibers present, the more electric signals generated and the more signals
detected by the ECG machine.

the left ventricle has a much greater muscle than the right, so, dominate the electric signals of
the ventricular depolarization in all leads.

Therefore, as the wave of electrical activity reaches the

main muscle mass of the ventricles, the left ventricular
signals overwhelm all other signals. The wave in V1 ( the
deflection) become negative

In contrast, this signals is moving towards V6, producing

a strong positive deflection

The flow of depolarizing current along the ventricles is

recorded as QRS complex

When ventricular depolarization is completed, there is a brief period when no current is

flowing and recording returns to the iso-electric line. This period ends with the onset of
ventricular repolarization.

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Remember repolarizing current has the opposite

polarity to the depolarization wave, and
therefore, when it is moving towards the lead it
produces a negative deflection on ECG paper
and positive deflection when moving away from
a lead.

the deflection produced on an ECG by

ventricular repolarization is dominated by the
signals from the left ventricles

as this repolarizing current is moving towards

V1 >> the deflection produced >> is negative in
this lead.

In contrast, this repolarizing signals is moving away from V6 , producing a positive deflection

The deflection produced by a ventricular repolarization is termed a T wave

ECG Nomenclature

We need to make sure, that you are familiar with the

nomenclature of the ECG waves, remember the deflection
produced by the atrial depolarization is termed a P wave,
while ventricular depolarization produces the QRS complex.
The nomenclature of the QRS complex can cause some
confusion. Within the QRS complex any positive deflection
that is a deflection above the iso-electric line is termed a R
wave. Any negative deflection which follows R wave is termed
a S wave. However, if the first deflection of the QRS complex is
negative, this deflection is termed a Q wave.
This is important a Q wave can only exist if, and only if, the
first deflection of the QRS complex is negative. And the
negative deflection following a positive deflection no matter
how small that positive deflection may be is an S wave.

In lead V1 the classical morphology of the QRS complex is small r wave followed by
larger S wave. While in V6 an initial small negative deflection q wave is followed by large R
wave. In the example shown here there is no S wave present in V6, also small s wave is seen in
this lead in many normally ECGs.

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The section of the ECG recording,

connecting the end of the QRS complex
and the beginning of the T wave is termed
the ST segment. And the junction
between the ST segment and the end of
the QRS complex is termed the J point.

As all of the ventricular muscle

mass is depolarized at this time, there is
no current flow through the heart, and
the J point and ST segment should
therefore lie on the iso-electric line.

This is generally true, but you will learn later that, there are normal ECG varients in
which the ST segment lies above the iso-electric line. This becomes very important when we go
on to try to identify patients with myocardial infarction.

Finally, the diffuse deflection produced by ventricular repolarization is termed the T wave.

ECG Lead Perspectives

Learning the position of the leads

of standard ECG relative to the heart is
not as difficult as it seems. Consider the
12 leads in two groups of 6.
With the 6 chest leads also
refered to as the precordial leads
examining the heart in horizontal plane.
And second groups of 6 leads
which examine the heart in the vertical

We will first deal with the horizontal group ( the precordial or

chest leads), these 6 leads V1 to V6 are placed on the surface of
the chest wall.
 V1 in the 4th right intercostals space to the right of the
sternum .
 V2 in the 4th left intercostals space to the left of the
 V3 between V2 and V4.
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 V4 in the 5th left intercostals space in the mid clavicular line.

 V5 at the same horizontal level of V4 but at anterior axillary line in the left.
 V6 at the same horizontal lelvel of V4 but at mid axillary line in the left.

These 6 chest leads examine the heart in the

horizontal plane. In order to understand the view of
cardiac electric activity we need to remind you the
position of the heart in the chest cavity.
Let’s examine a horizontal section of the chest
taking at the level of the chest leads. As illustrated in
this section, the heart is positioned such that the right
and left atria sit behind the ventricles at the back of the
chest. Furthermore the organs is rotated towards the
left, so the right ventricle lies anterior to left,
immediately behind sternum. The 6 chest leads V1 to V6
examine the heart in this horizontal plane. Therefore,
V1 and V2 face the anterior surface of the right ventricle. V3 and V4 look at the anterior surface
of the left ventricle. While V5 and V6 look at the lateral surface of the left ventricle.

The remaining 6 ECG leads, we can consider in two groups :

 The standard leads ( Lead I, II and III).
 The augmented leads (aVR, aVL and aVF).

This vertical plane is known in anatomical terms as the frontal

plane. To remember the position of all 6 of the vertical leads, use
Lead one as your reference point .
 Lead one: looks directly at the heart from the patient left
hand side and define zero degrees in all for the discussion
of the frontal leads.
 Lead two: looks the heart at an angle 60o clock wise.
 Lead three: is positioned 60o clock wise from lead two.

The reader from the standard leads ( Lead I, II and III) are recorded
on the right hand of the ECG paper.

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Now, we will talk about the three further vertical leads ( the
augmented leads ) aVR, aVL and aVF.
 aVL: looks at the heart from the left 30o anti-clock wise
from lead one.
 aVR: looks at the right side of the heart and just like aVL
30o above the horizontal, relative to lead one.

As aVL and aVR are situated at 30o of the

horizontal plane, you can think of them as
left and right wings of the ECG

 aVF: looks straight at the inferior

surface of the heart and therefore at 90o clock wise from lead one.
Now you know the vertical leads two, three and aVF form a group examining the inferior or
diaphragmatic surface of the ventricles. A region supplied by right coronary artery.

The chest leads V1 to V4 examine the anterior surface of the ventricle and the septum. A region
supplied by the left anterior descending artery.

While leads one, aVL , V5 and V6 examine the left lateral aspect of the left ventricle. A region
supplied by the left circumflex artery.
The relation between the ECG leads and the walls of the heart
Leads Wall

II - III - aVF Inferior

I - aVL High lateral wall

V1 - V2 Septal ( antro-septal)

V3 - V4 Strict anterior

V5 - V6 Low lateral

V1 - V3R V6R RV free wall

Louis Leads Atrial Activity

N.B. posterior wall potentials are recorded in the anterior leads as a mirror image for
waves provided to be drawn in the posterior leads because posterior leads are

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technically difficult to be made.

There are some extra chest leads which can be used in cases of dextrocardia ….etc.
 V3R as V3 but on right side.
 V4R : as V4 but on right side.
 V5R : as V5 but on right side.
 V6R : as V6 but on right side.

Time and the ECG paper

If you look at the bottom of the ECG
paper, you will see a long run of recording
from lead two, this is called rhythm strip.
We use the rhythm strip to calculate the
heart rate and to diagnose abnormal
cardiac rhythms.

Lead two is used as the rhythm strip as it is

usually the easiest lead to show the P
wave. Which plays a key role in the
diagnosis of rhythm disturbances on the

Let’s deal with calculation of the

Heart rate, ECG recording paper is divided
into large squares ( 5 mm wide ), and
these large squares are subdivided into
small squares ( each of 1 mm in width ).

We can consider that, the recording

needle in the ECG machine, runs at a
constant speed over the ECG paper of 25
mm every second.

If you think about it, you will realize that, this means the
distance on the ECG paper equates to time. And the
recording rate of 25 mm per second >> 5 large squares
are covered in one second. So, three hundred large
squares represent one minute. Therefore the number of

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R waves in 300 large squares are the heart rate in beats per minutes .

Look at the rhythm strip on this ECG, there is one

R wave present every 5 large squares. So, in 300
large squares there will be 60 R waves present.

This patient 5 heart rate is therefore 60 beats per


A simple method to calculating heart rate from ECG,

 Identify two R waves on the rhythm strip.
 Count the number of large squares between them (n) .
 Divide 300 by this ( 300/ n ).
Provided that the heart rate is regular, this method gives you an accurate heart rate in beats
per minute.

You also noticed that 300 large squares equates one minute, and as there is five small squares
in each large square >> 1500 small squares will equate one minute.

Using exactly the same logic as before, therefore we can also calculate the heart rate by
counting the number of small squares between consecutive R waves and dividing this number
into 1500. This is useful when the R wave does not fall on large square.

You remember from physiology that sinus

arrhythmia is completely normal variant,
with heart rate slows during expiration
and speeds up during inspiration.
Many normal heart as illustrated here, the
heart rate somewhere irregular due to
phenomenon termed sinus arrhythmia.
We cannot use the RR interval technique to
calculate heart rate in this case.

As the RR interval varies. When calculating the

heart rate from an ECG in the presence of an
irregular rhythm count 30 large squares
( remembering that 5 large squares equates to
one second - 30 large squares equates to 6
seconds ), count the number of R waves in
these 30 squares.
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In this case they are 7. Seven beats in 6 seconds gives the heart rate of 70
beats per minute.
The standard recording speed of 25 mm per second:
 5 large squares corresponds to one second.
 One large squares corresponds to one fifth of a second.
 One small square corresponds to 0.04 second.

Comment on ECG
We will mention 10 items 
1. Rhythm
2. Rate
3. Axis
4. P wave
5. P-R interval
6. QRS complex
7. S-T segment
8. T wave
9. Q-T interval
10. U wave

1. Rhythm
We comment on two things :
 Sinus or not ??
 Regular or irregular ??

What is meant by sinus ??

Every P wave is followed by QRS complex

What is meant by regular ??

Numbers of big squares between each RR interval are equal

What is meant by irregular ??

Numbers of big squares between each RR interval are not equal.

This irregular rhythm may be :

 Marked irregularity ( e.g., atrial fibrillation )
 Occasional irregularity ( e.g., extra systole)

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We know the rhythm is regular or irregular from the rhythm strip. If you don’t find rhythm strip
in the ECG paper, you should search for any lead with more than 3 heart beats and count the
numbers of squares between RR interval to see if regular or not.
2. Rate
Normal heart rates ranges from 60 to 90 beats per minute.
 More than 100 beats per minute >> tachyarrhythmia
 Less than 60 beats per minute >> bradyarrhythmia

How to calculate the heart rate ??

First look at the rhythm :
 If regular rhythm >> the heart rate equates 300 / n ( which n the number of big squares
between RR interval).
Or 1500 /n ( which n the number of small squares between RR interval ), more accurate.

 If irregular rhythm >> count the number of R waves in 30 big squares and multiply the
result by 10.
Or, 300 / n ( which n the average number of RR interval)

You must comment on the rhythm before the rate 

3. Axis
Look at QRS complex in lead one and aVF ( or lead two ).
Normally QRS complex is positive in lead one and aVF .

If you found the QRS complex is

negative in lead one and positive in
aVF this means right axis deivation.

If you found the QRS complex is positive in lead one

and negative in aVF ( lead II) this means left axis

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Take care  in oral exam,

Types of axis deviation ??
 Right axis deviation.
 Left axis deviation.

Normal axis is not deviated 

Causes of right axis deviation Causes of left axis deviation

 Children  Q waves of inferior MI
 Tall thin adults  Artificial cardiac pacing
 Right ventricular hypertrophy  Left ventricular hypertrophy
 Chronic lung disease  Hyperkalemia
 Anterolateral myocardial infarction  Ostium primum ASD
 Pulmonary embolus  Injection of contrast into left coronary
 Atrial septal defect artery
 Ventricular septal defect Note : pt. of left ventricular hypertrophy not
usually has LAD

4. P wave
The P wave represent the atrial depolarization. It is the first positive
wave before the complex.
There some features in the process of spread of depolarization through
the atrial chamber which we would like you to know.
Atrial depolarization moves through the chambers downwards and
towards the left from the SA node. The normal P wave axis is indicated
here by the blue arrow. ( i.e., downwards and leftwards )
travels more or less straight down to lead II in the frontal plane.
Hence you can see here P wave originating from a sinus
discharge are usually strongly positive in the inferior leads
having maximum amplitude in lead II.
Also with an axis + 60o the P wave is positive in most of
frontal leads. And of course negative in the aVR

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So, P wave is better to seen in Lead II and V1 .

Width (duration ) : = ˂ 2.5 small square ( ˂ 0.12 sec. ).
Height (amplitude) : = ˂ 2.5 small square ( ˂ 2.5 mm).

The P wave has two possibilities :

 Present
 Absent

If the P wave is present, it has two possibilities :

 Normal ( less than 2.5 X 2.5 small squares )
 Abnormal
What is the possibilities of abnormal P wave ??
1. Broad P wave (M shaped- P mitrale )
where the P wave becomes broad ( ˃ 2.5 small
squares )
denotes left atrial strain.

2. Peaked and high voltage P ( P pulmonale )

where the P wave becomes tall and peaked ( ˃ 2.5 small squares )
denotes right atrial strain.

3. Pulmonale Mitral
where the P wave is tall and broad ( ˃ 2.5 X 2.5 small squares )

4. Biphasic
where part of the P wave is positive and the other is negative

The P wave in V1 is biphasic ( the first part represent the right atrium
and second part represent the left atrium )

The spread of the atrial depolarization is less

prominent in the horizontal plane compared to frontal
plane. As the left atrium lies somewhat posterior to the
right chamber, left atrial depolarization moving posteriorly
and to the left may produce small negative terminal

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deflection in the P wave recorded in lead V1 this is observed in many normal ECG.
However, in the presence of left atrial enlargement this finding can be
dramatically exaggerated. Enlargement in the chamber is usually
directed posteriorly and to the left and this can result in very prominent
negative terminal component to the P wave in lead V1 .

If the P wave is absent

Look at the rhythm  :
 Irregular (A.F.)
 Regular

Absent P wave with regular rhythm look at QRS complex

 Wide QRS complex ( ˃ 3 small squares ) :
Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular fibrillation

 Narrow QRS complex :

Supra ventricular tachycardia
Nodal rhythm
How to differentiate between them ??
By rate :
Supra ventricular tachycardia >> tachycardia.
Nodal rhythm >> slow

Don’t forget,
If you see sawtooth appearance >> Atrial flutter

5. P-R interval
The normal heart, the time between the onset of
atrial depolarization ( the beginning of P wave ) and the
onset of ventricular depolarization ( the beginning of
the QRS complex ) varies between 0.12 second to 0.2
second ( between 3 and 5 small squares ) this is PR

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The PR interval is made up of a number of elements :

 The first component represented here in ( blue ) is the time taken for the
depolarization wave ( normally generated from the SA node to the atria and reach
the AV node )
You know the depolarization reach the AV node
before the end of the P wave. However, the AV
node delays the transit of impulses to the
 This physiological delay in the AV node is
the second major component in the PR
interval. ( red )
 The third part contributing in the PR
interval shown here in ( green ) is the time taking by the depolarization wave to
transit through the bundle of His and the branches of the interventricular conducting

Better to seen in lead two.

What is the possibilities of PR interval ??

 Normal ( between 3 and 5 small squares )
 Prolonged ( ˃ 5 small squares )
 Shortened ( ˂ 3 small squares )

Prolonged PR interval

1. PR interval ( long and fixed )

just prolonged PR interval
First degree heart block

2. PR interval ( long with fixed

progressive prolongation of
PR interval until dropped beat
Wenckebach phenomena
urgent case 

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3. PR interval ( not fixed )( variable )

there is no relation between the atria and ventricle
Atrio-ventricular dissociation
Complete heart block

if the P wave is present before the
complex, it happens by chance.

Shortened PR interval
Normally the electrical stimulus travels to the ventricles from the atria via the
atrioventricular (AV) junction. The physiologic lag of conduction through the AV junction
results in the normal PR interval of 0.12 to 0.2 sec. Consider the consequences of having an
extra pathway between the atria and ventricles that would bypass the AV junction and
preexcite the ventricles. This situation is exactly what occurs with the WPW pattern: an
atrioventricular bypass tract connects the atria and ventricles, circumventing the AV junction
Bypass tracts (also called accessory pathways) represent persistent abnormal connections that
form and fail to disappear during fetal development of the heart in certain individuals.
These abnormal conduction pathways, composed of bands of heart muscle tissue, are
located in the area around the mitral or tricuspid valves (AV rings) or interventricular septum.
An AV bypass tract is sometimes referred to as a bundle of Kent.

Preexcitation of the ventricles with the classic WPW

pattern produces the following characteristic triad of findings
on the ECG :
1. Short P-R interval
2. Wide QRS complex
3. Delta wave

There are two types of Wolff-Parkinson-White:

 Type A >> left ventricular pattern ( more dangerous )
 Type B >> right ventricular pattern

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6. QRS complex
The QRS complex represents the spread of a stimulus through the ventricles.
Better to be seen in :
 Right ventricle (V1,2)
 Left ventricle (V5,6)

Q wave >> first negative wave in the

R wave >> first positive wave in the
S wave >> the negative wave following R

Q wave
is the first negative wave in the complex
Width : less than one small square
Height : less than ¼ the following R wave

N.B. Pathological Q :
Where the Q wave is deep and wide ( does not seen in normal ECG ) ( present in Myocardial
infarction )

If you found pathological Q, you should search for topographism :

 If in V1,2 >> anterior infarction
 If in V3,4 >> septal infarction
 If in V5,6 >> Lateral infarction
 If in V1,2,3,4 >> antro-septal infarction
 If in V1,2,3,4,5 >> Extensive anterior infarction

Pathological Q can be found normally in ECG ???

Yes, in aVR as it draws the cavity of the heart and aVL in case of dextrocardia

Sometimes, in V1 r wave is small to the extent that you feel it is absent and confuse with S and
Q wave >> So, don’t comment on pathological Q in V1 and aVR.
In Myocardial infarction >> anterior infarction in V1 and V2 ( not only V1 )

R wave
The first positive wave in the complex ( you may say the only positive wave in the complex)
Used as voltage criteria
Width : between two and three small squares
Height : between one and five big squares

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Wide R wave ( ˃ 3 small squares “wide complex” in cases of LBBB, RBBB, Ventricular

S wave
It is the first negative wave following R

There is a relation between S and R waves in chest leads :

 S wave starts big in V1 and gradually decreases till V5
 On the contrary R wave starts small in V1 and gradually increases till V6

 S in V2 is ˃ S in V1
 S progress from V2 to V5
 S usually absent in V6

One of the most confusing aspects of electrocardiography for the beginning student is the
nomenclature of the QRS complex. However, not
every QRS complex contains a Q wave, an R wave,
and an S wave hence the confusion. The
bothersome but unavoidable nomenclature
becomes understandable if you remember several
basic features of the QRS complex When the initial
deflection of the QRS complex is negative (below
the baseline), it is called a Q wave. The first positive
deflection in the QRS complex is called an R wave.
A negative deflection following the R wave is called
an S wave.

 If the amplitude of the wave less than 5 mm
( ˂ 5 small squares ) >> written in small
 If the amplitude of the wave more than 5 mm ( ˃ 5 small squares ) >> written in capital

Not every “QRS” contain “Q”,”R” & “S”, but it may be :

 Monophasic (R or QS)
 Biphasic (RS or QR)
 Triphasic (QRS or RSR’)

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˂ 1 big square (low voltage) ˃ 5 big squares (high voltage )

 Terminal heart failure  Ventricular hypertrophy
 Cardiomyopathy
 Obesity
 Emphysema
 Pericardial effusion

7. S-T segment
The ST segment is that portion of the ECG cycle from
the end of the QRS complex to the beginning of the T
It represents the beginning of ventricular
repolarization. The normal ST segment is usually
isoelectric (i.e., flat on the baseline, neither positive nor
negative), but it may be slightly elevated or depressed
normally (usually by less than 1 mm).
Some pathologic conditions such as myocardial infarction (MI) produce characteristic
abnormal deviations of the ST segment. The very beginning of the ST segment (actually the
junction between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment) is
sometimes called the J point.

J point
 Point where QRS complex returns to iso-
electric line.
 Beginning of S-T segment.
 Critical in measuring S-T elevation.

You should check ST segment in all leads.

What is the possibilities of ST segment ??

 Iso-electric line
 Elevated
 Depressed

Iso-electric line
is the base line on an electrocardiogram ( PR or TP line )

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S-T elevation
What is the causes of the ST elevation ( above the iso-electric line ) ??
 Pericarditis
 Myocardial infarction
 Prinzmetal’s angina

How to differentiate between them ??

 In precarditis ST segment elevation >> in all leads
 Angina & Myocardial infarction >> in some leads

How to differentiate between angina and myocardial infarction ??

 Cardiac enzymes >> elevated in myocardial infarction
 Timing >> ST elevation more than half an hour >> myocardial infarction

S-T depression
What is the causes of ST depression ??
 Digitalis
 Hypokalemia
 Angina (better to say ischemia as angina is a clinical diagnosis )
 Myocardial infarction
 Pericarditis
 Cardiac hypertrophy
 Bundle branch block

How to differentiate between them ??

 Digitalis
 Hypokalemia
 Pericarditis
With diffuse ST segment depression in all leads

Digitalis : the ST segment depression with J point at iso-electric line (

called sagging )

Hypokalemia : measuring the serum potassium

Pericarditis : clinically by stitch pain

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If ST segment depression in some leads :

 Angina (better to say ischemia as angina is a clinical diagnosis )
 Myocardial infarction
 Cardiac hypertrophy
 Bundle branch block

As Known V1, V2 and V3 >> the leads of the right

So ,
the ST segment depression in V1, V2 and V3 >> with
right ventricular hypertrophy >> strain pattern ( or
secondary changes )

Left ventricular enlargement >>

ST segment depression in V4, V5 and V6

Right bundle branch block >>

ST segment depression in V1, V2 and V3

Left bundle branch block >>

ST segment depression in V4, V5 and V6

Don’t forget 
 If you found rSR’ in V1 ( right bundle branch block ) check for ST segment in V1, V2 and V3
>> if depressed >> right bundle branch block or right ventricular hypertrophy

 If there is left ventricular enlargement >> check for ST segment in V4, V5 and V6 >>
If depressed >> secondary changes due to left ventricular hypertrophy

 If you don’t find ventricular hypertrophy or bundle branch block >> Angina (better to say
ischemia as angina is a clinical diagnosis )

The J point in ischemia is below the iso-electric line ( while in digitalis >> J point is iso-electric
line )

How the precarditis causes ECG changes, as we know ECG record cardiac muscle changes ??!!
Precarditis always associated with very superficial myocarditis

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8. T wave (Never absent )

The T wave represents part of ventricular
repolarization. A normal T wave has an
asymmetrical shape; that is, its peak is closer to
the end of the wave than to the beginning.
When the T wave is positive, it normally rises
slowly and then abruptly returns to the baseline.
When it is negative, it descends slowly and
abruptly rises to the baseline.
The asymmetry of the normal T wave contrasts with the symmetry of T waves in certain
abnormal conditions, such as MI and a high serum potassium level.

Width : less than 6 small squares

Height : less than 1/3 the preceding R wave

What is the possibilities ??

 Upright (positive )
 Inverted (negative )

Positive T wave
 Normal
 Hyperacute >> called Himalaya T
in cases of hyperkalemia

Inverted T wave
 May be normal in some individuals
T wave inversion is insignificant per se, its significance appears if it became upright in which
case would be called dynamic T which is dangerous sign

9. Q-T interval
The QT interval is measured from the beginning of the
QRS complex to the end of the T wave.
It primarily represents the return of stimulated
ventricles to their resting state (ventricular repolarization).
The normal values for the QT interval depend on the heart rate. As the heart rate increases (RR
interval shortens), the QT interval normally shortens; as the heart rate decreases (RR interval
lengthens), the QT interval lengthens. The QT should be measured in the ECG lead that shows
the longest intervals. A common mistake is to limit this measurement to lead II. You can
measure several intervals and use the average value. When the QT interval is long, it is often
difficult to measure because the end of the T wave may merge imperceptibly with the U wave.
As a result, you may be measuring the QU interval, rather than the QT interval
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Normally >> 11 small squares ( 0.44 seconds )

Long Q-T interval

 Drugs ( many antiarrhythmics, tricyclics & phenothiazines)
 Electrolyte abnormalities (K+, Ca++, Mg++)
 CNS disease (especially subarachnoid hemorrhage, stroke, trauma)
 Hereditary LQT

10. U wave
The U wave is a small, rounded deflection sometimes seen after
the T wave. Its exact significance is not known.
Functionally, U waves represent the last phase of ventricular
repolarization. Prominent U waves are characteristic of hypokalemia.
Very prominent U waves may also be seen in other settings, for
example, in patients taking drugs such as sotalol or one of the
phenothiazines or sometimes after patients have had a
cerebrovascular accident.
The appearance of very prominent U waves in such settings, with or without actual QT
prolongation, may also predispose patients to ventricular arrhythmias. Normally the direction
of the U wave is the same as that of the T wave. Negative U waves sometimes appear with
positive T waves. This abnormal finding has been noted in left ventricular hypertrophy and
myocardial ischemia.

Abnormal ECG
We will mention five items 
1. Chamber enlargement
2. Bundle branch block (BBB)
3. Coronary ischemia (MI & ischemia)
4. Heart block
5. Others

1. Chamber enlargement
Divided into:
 Atrial enlargement
 Ventricular enlargement

The atrial enlargement is further divided into :

 Right atrial enlargement
 Left atrial enlargement

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The ventricular enlargement is further divided into :

 Right ventricular enlargement
 Left ventricular enlargement

Atrial enlargement
P wave >> tall and peaked ( ˃ 2.5 small
squares ) ( called P pulmonal ) >> right atrial

P wave >> broad ( ˃ 2.5 small squares ) >>

left atrial enlargement

P wave >> biphasic in V1

 first part represent the right atrium ( positive part ) >> if
enlarged >> right atrial enlargement

 second part represent the left atrium ( negative part ) >> if

enlarged >> left atrial enlargement

Ventricular enlargement
Check QRS in V1,2,5,6
Normally in V1,2 >> S wave bigger than r wave
Normally in V5,6 >> R wave bigger than s wave

If you find in V1,2 S wave bigger than r wave, but the S wave is so deep ( exaggeration of
normal) ( S wave more than 5 big squares ) >> left ventricular hypertrophy

Voltage criteria of exaggeration of normal :

 S wave ˃ 5 big squares in V1 or V2
 R wave ˃ 5 big squares in V5 or V6
 The summation of S + R waves ≥ 7 big squares
This is means left ventricular enlargement
As the cardiac muscle hypertrophied and the blood supply didn’t change so, the cardiac muscle
will show some changes ( strain ischemia ) :
o Depressed ST segment
o Inverted T wave
o Or one of them
These changes will take place in lead V5 and V6 as we are talking about left ventricle

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How to know that the right ventricle is enlarged ?

If you found reversal of normal ( R wave ˃ s wave in V1, 2) or ( S wave ˃ r wave in V5,6 )

I can diagnose right ventricle enlargement from one lead only (V1, V2, V5 , V6)

As the cardiac muscle hypertrophied and the blood supply didn’t change so, the cardiac muscle
will show some changes ( strain ischemia ) :
o Depressed ST segment
o Inverted T wave
o Or one of them
These changes will take place in lead V1 and V2 as we are talking about right ventricle

If someone has biventricular hypertrophy,

The strain ischemia will appear in V1 , V2 and appears also in V5 and V6

2. Bundle Branch Block (BBB)

We will talk about :
 Right bundle branch block
 Left bundle branch block

How to detect bundle branch block ?

Look at QRS complex, you will find the shape of M ( RSR’)
M shaped in V1 or V2 >> right bundle branch block
M shaped in V5 or V6 >> left bundle branch block

QRS complex here is wide ( ˃ 3 small squares )

What are the benefits of QRS complex ?
 Shape
 Direction
 Voltage

I mean, look at the QRS complex checking the shape, direction and the voltage
Shape :
o M shaped >> bundle branch block
if normal shaped, look at direction
Direction :
o Reversal of normal >> right ventricular enlargement
If normal shaped and normal direction, look at the voltage
Voltage :
Exaggeration of normal >> left ventricular enlargement
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3. Coronary Ischemia ( MI & ischemia )

Myocardial cells require oxygen and other nutrients to function. Oxygenated blood is
supplied by the coronary arteries. If severe narrowing or complete blockage of a coronary
artery causes the blood flow to become inadequate, ischemia of the heart muscle develops.
Ischemia means literally “to hold back blood.” Myocardial ischemia may occur transiently. For
example, patients who experience angina pectoris with exercise are having transient
myocardial ischemia. If the ischemia is more severe, necrosis of a portion of heart muscle may
occur. Myocardial infarction (MI) refers to myocardial necrosis (or, in nontechnical parlance—a
“heart attack”).

The ventricle consists of an outer layer (epicardium or

subepicardium) and an inner layer (subendocardium). This
distinction is important because myocardial ischemia may be
limited to just the inner layer, or it may affect virtually the entire
thickness of the ventricular wall (transmural ischemia).

“Transmural” MI is characterized by ischemia and ultimately

necrosis of a portion of the entire (or nearly the entire) thickness of
the ventricular wall. Most patients who present with acute MI have underlying atherosclerotic
coronary artery disease. The pathophysiology of acute STEMI and subsequent evolving Q wave
MI most often relates to occlusion of one of the coronary arteries by a ruptured atherosclerotic
plaque, followed by the formation of a clot at this site. The clot is composed of platelets and
fibrin, blocking the blood flow downstream. Other factors can cause or contribute to acute
STEMI, including cocaine, coronary artery dissections (spontaneous or induced during
interventional procedures), coronary emboli, and other factors. Not surprisingly, large
transmural MIs generally produce changes in both myocardial depolarization (QRS complex)
and myocardial repolarization (ST-T complex).
The earliest ECG changes seen with an acute transmural ischemia/infarction typically occur
in the ST-T complex in sequential phases:
1. The acute phase is marked by the appearance of ST segment elevations and sometimes
tall positive (hyperacute) T waves in multiple (usually two or more) leads. The term
“STEMI” refers to this phase.
2. The evolving phase occurs hours or days later and is characterized by deep T wave
inversions in the leads that previously showed ST elevations. Transmural MIs can also be
described in terms of the location of the infarct. Anterior means that the infarct involves
the anterior or lateral wall of the left ventricle,
whereas inferior indicates involvement of the inferior
(diaphragmatic) wall of the left ventricle.

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The anatomic location of the infarct determines

the leads in which the typical ECG patterns appear.
For example, with an acute anterior wall MI, the ST
segment elevations and tall hyperacute T waves
appear in one or more of the anterior leads (chest
leads V1 to V6 and extremity leads I and aVL).

With an inferior wall MI the ST segment

elevations and tall hyperacute T waves are seen in
inferior leads II, III, and aVF.

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An important (but not always present) feature of

the ST-T changes seen with STEMI is their
reciprocity. The anterior and inferior leads tend to
show inverse patterns. Thus in an anterior infarction
with ST segment elevations in two or more of leads
V1 to V6, I, and aVL, ST segment depression is often
seen in leads II, III, and aVF.

Conversely, with an acute inferior wall

infarction, leads II, III, and aVF show ST segment
elevation, with reciprocal ST depressions often seen
in one or more of leads V1 to V3, I, and aVL.

The ST segment elevation seen with acute MI is

called a current of injury and indicates that damage
has occurred to the epicardial (outer) layer of the
heart as a result of severe ischemia. The exact
reasons that acute MI produces ST segment
elevation are complex and not fully understood.
Normally the ST segment is isoelectric (neither positive nor negative) because no net current
flow is occurring at this time. MI alters the electrical charge on the myocardial cell membranes
in a number of ways. As a result, current flow becomes abnormal ( current of injury) and
produces ST segment deviations.

The ST segment elevation seen with acute MI may have

different shapes and appearances. It may be plateau- shaped
or dome-shaped. Sometimes it is obliquely elevated.

The ST segment elevations (and reciprocal ST depressions)

are the earliest ECG signs of infarction, and are generally seen
within minutes of blood flow occlusion. Tall, positive
(hyperacute) T waves may also be seen at this time. These T
waves have the same significance as the ST elevations. In some
cases, hyperacute T waves actually precede the ST elevations.

Clinicians should be aware that ST changes in acute ischemia may evolve with the patient
under observation. If the initial ECG is not diagnostic of STEMI but the patient continues to
have symptoms consistent with myocardial ischemia, serial ECGs at 5- to 10-minute intervals
(or continuous 12-lead ST segment monitoring) should be performed. After a variable time lag
(usually hours to a few days) the elevated ST segments start to return to the baseline. At the
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same time the T waves become inverted in leads that previously showed ST segment
This phase of T wave inversions is called the evolving phase of the infarction. Thus with an
anterior wall infarction the T waves become inverted in one or more of the anterior leads (V 1
to V6, I, aVL). With an inferior wall infarction the T waves become inverted in one or more of
the inferior leads (II, III, aVF).

MI, particularly when large and transmural, often produces distinctive changes in the QRS
(depolarization) complex.
The characteristic depolarization sign is the appearance of new Q waves.
Why do certain MIs lead to Q waves?
Recall that a Q wave is simply an initial
negative deflection of the QRS complex. If the entire
QRS complex is negative, it is called a QS complex:
A Q wave (negative initial QRS deflection) in
any lead indicates that the electrical voltages are
directed away from that particular lead. With a
transmural infarction, necrosis of heart muscle occurs
in a localized area of the ventricle. As a result the
electrical voltages produced by this portion of the
myocardium disappear. Instead of positive (R) waves
over the infarcted area, Q waves are often recorded
(either a QR or QS complex). The common clinical
tendency to equate pathologic Q waves with
transmural necrosis is an oversimplification. Not all
transmural infarcts lead to Q waves, and not all Q
wave infarcts correlate with transmural necrosis.

In summary, abnormal Q waves are characteristic markers of infarction. They signify the
loss of positive electrical voltages caused by the death of heart muscle. The new Q waves of an
MI generally appear within the first day or so of the infarct. With an anterior wall infarction
these Q waves are seen in one or more of leads V1 to V6, I, and aVL. With an inferior wall MI the
new Q waves appear in leads II, III, and aVF.

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Not infrequently, patients may have two or more MIs at different times. For example, a
new anterior wall infarct may develop in a patient with a previous inferior wall infarction. In
such cases the ECG initially shows abnormal Q waves in leads II, III, and aVF. During the
anterior infarct, new Q waves and ST-T changes appear in the anterior leads.

The diagnosis of infarction is more difficult when the patient’s baseline ECG shows a
bundle branch block pattern or a bundle branch block develops as a complication of the MI.
Then the ECG picture becomes more complex.
Remember that RBBB affects primarily the terminal phase of ventricular depolarization,
producing a wide R′ wave in the right chest leads and a wide S wave in the left chest leads. MI
affects the initial phase of ventricular depolarization, producing abnormal Q waves. When
RBBB and an infarct occur together, a combination of these patterns is seen: The QRS complex
is abnormally wide (0.12 sec or more) as a result of the bundle branch block, lead V 1 shows a
terminal positive deflection, and lead V6 shows a wide S wave. If the infarction is anterior, the
ECG shows a loss of R wave progression with abnormal Q waves in the anterior leads and
characteristic ST-T changes. If the infarction is inferior, pathologic Q waves and ST-T changes
are seen in leads II, III, and aVF.

The diagnosis of LBBB in the presence of MI is considerably more complicated and

confusing than that of RBBB. The reason is that LBBB interrupts both the early and the late
phases of ventricularstimulation. It also produces secondary ST-T changes.

As a general rule, LBBB hides the diagnosis of an infarct. Thus a patient with a chronic
LBBB pattern who develops an acute MI may not show the characteristic changes of infarction.
Occasionally, patients with LBBB manifest primary ST-T changes indicative of ischemia or actual
infarction. The secondary T wave inversions of uncomplicated LBBB are seen in leads V4 to V6
(with prominent R waves).

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The appearance of T wave inversions in leads V1 to V3 (with prominent S waves) is a

primary abnormality that cannot be ascribed to the bundle branch block itself. The problem of
diagnosing infarction with LBBB is further complicated by the fact that the LBBB pattern has
several features that resemble those seen with infarction. Thus an LBBB pattern can mimic an
infarct pattern. LBBB typically shows slow R wave progression in the chest leads because of the
reversed way the ventricular septum is activated (i.e., from right to left, the opposite of what
happens normally). Consequently, with LBBB a loss of the normal septal R waves is seen in the
right chest leads. This loss of normal R wave progression simulates the pattern seen with an
anterior wall infarct. In this case, anterior wall infarction was not present. Notice that the ST
segment elevations in the right chest leads resemble the pattern seen during the hyperacute or
acute phase of an infarction. ST segment elevation in the right chest leads is also commonly
seen with LBBB in the absence of infarction.

As a general rule, a patient with an LBBB pattern should not be diagnosed as having had
an MI simply on the basis of poor R wave progression in the right chest leads or ST elevations in
those leads. However, the presence of Q waves as part of QR complexes in the left chest leads
(V5 and V6) with LBBB generally indicates an underlying MI. In addition, the appearance of ST
segment elevations in the left chest leads or in other leads with prominent R waves suggests
ischemia, as do ST segment depressions in the right leads or other leads with an rS or a QS

The subendocardium is particularly vulnerable to ischemia because it is most distant

from the coronary blood supply and closest to the high pressure of the ventricular cavity. This
inner layer of the ventricle can become ischemic while the outer layer (epicardium) remains
normally perfused with blood.
The most common ECG change with subendocardial ischemia is ST segment depression.
The ST depression may be limited to the anterior
leads (I, aVL, and V1 to V6) or to the inferior leads (II,
III, and aVF), or it may be seen more diffusely in both
groups of leads.
The ST segment depression with
subendocardial ischemia has a characteristic squared-
off shape. (ST segment elevation is usually seen in
lead aVR.)

Acute transmural ischemia produces ST segment elevation, a current of injury pattern.

This results from epicardial injury. With pure subendocardial ischemia, just the opposite
occurs; that is, the ECG shows ST segment depression (except in lead aVR, which often shows
ST elevation).

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In summary, myocardial ischemia involving primarily the subendocardium usually

produces ST segment depression, whereas acute ischemia involving the epicardium usually
produces ST elevation.

Angina The term angina pectoris refers to transient attacks of chest discomfort caused
by myocardial ischemia. Angina is a symptom of coronary artery disease. The classic attack of
angina is experienced as a dull, burning, or boring sub sternal pressure or heaviness. It is
typically precipitated by exertion, stress, exposure to cold, and other factors, and it is relieved
by rest and nitroglycerin.
Many (but not all) patients with classic angina have an ECG pattern of subendocardial
ischemia, with ST segment depressions seen during an attack. When the pain disappears, the
ST segments generally return to the baseline.
The ECGs of some patients with angina do not show ST depressions during chest pain.
Consequently, the presence of a normal ECG does not rule out underlying coronary artery
disease. However, the appearance of transient ST depressions in the ECG of a patient with
chest pain is a very strong indicator of myocardial ischemia.

If ischemia to the subendocardial region is severe enough, actual infarction may occur.
In such cases the ECG may show more persistent ST depressions instead of the transient
depressions seen with reversible subendocardial ischemia.

Is it possible for Q waves to appear with pure subendocardial infarction?

The answer is that if only the inner half of the myocardium is infarcted, abnormal Q waves
usually do not appear. Subendocardial infarction generally affects ventricular repolarization
(ST-T complex) and not depolarization (QRS complex). However, important exceptions may
occur, and so-called nontransmural infarctions, particularly larger ones, may be associated with
Q waves.
Another ECG pattern sometimes seen in non–Q wave infarction is T wave inversions
with or without ST segment depressions. (T wave inversions may also be seen in some cases of
non infarctional ischemia.)

In summary, non–Q wave infarction can be associated with either persistent ST

depressions or T wave inversions.

Myocardial ischemia clearly can produce a wide variety of ECG changes. For example,
infarction may cause abnormal Q waves in association with ST segment elevations followed by
T wave inversions. Subendocardial ischemia (e.g., during an anginal attack or a stress test) may
produce transient ST depressions. In other cases, infarction may be associated with ST
depressions or T wave inversions without Q waves.

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In brief
 Area of necrosis >> pathological Q
 Tissue damage >> elevated ST segment
 Ischemia >> inverted T wave or peaked T

Notes 
 Presence of pathological Q >> old myocardial infraction
 Finger print of MI >> is the pathological Q
 Elevated ST segment with pathological Q >> recent Myocardial infarction

3. Heart Block
Some people are born with heart block (congenital), while others develop it during their
lifetimes (acquired).
Acquired heart block is more common than congenital heart block. The three types of heart
block are :
first degree heart block
second degree heart block
third degree heart block

First degree is the least severe, and third degree is the most severe. This is true for both
congenital and acquired heart block.

First degree heart block

The heart's electrical signals are
slowed as they move from the atria to
the ventricles. All signals reach from
the atria to the ventricles.

Just prolonged PR interval

How to differentiate between first degree heart block and sinus brady cardia ?
In sinus bradycardia normal ECG with low rate, while in first degree heart block just prolonged
PR interval.

First-degree heart block rarely causes any symptoms, and it usually doesn't require treatment.

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Second degree heart block

In this type of heart block, electrical signals between the atria and ventricles are slowed
to a large degree. Some signals don't reach the ventricles. On an ECG, the pattern of QRS
waves doesn't follow each P wave as it normally would.
If an electrical signal is blocked before it reaches the ventricles, they won't contract and pump
blood to the lungs and the rest of the body.0
Second-degree heart block is divided into two types:
 Mobitz one
 Mobitz two
Mobitz one
In this type (also known as Wenckebach's block), the electrical signals are delayed more
and more with each heartbeat,
until the heart skips a beat. On the
EKG, the delay is shown as a line
(called the PR interval) between the
P and QRS waves. The line gets
longer and longer until the QRS
waves don't follow the next P wave.
Sometimes people who have
Mobitz type I feel dizzy or have
other symptoms. This type of
second-degree heart block is less
serious than Mobitz type II.

Mobitz Two
In second-degree Mobitz type
II heart block, some of the electrical
signals don't reach the ventricles.
However, the pattern is less regular
than it is in Mobitz type I.
Some signals move between
the atria and ventricles normally,
while others are blocked.
On an EKG, the QRS wave
follows the P wave at a normal
speed. Sometimes, though, the QRS
wave is missing (when a signal is
Mobitz type II is less common than
type I, but it's usually more severe. Some people who have type II need medical devices
called pacemakers to maintain their heart rates.

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Third degree heart block

In this type of heart block,
none of the electrical signals reach
the ventricles. This type also is
called complete heart block or
complete AV block.
When complete heart block occurs,
special areas in the ventricles may
create electrical signals to cause
the ventricles to contract.
This natural backup system is
slower than the normal heart rate
and isn't coordinated with the contraction of the atria.
On an EKG, the normal pattern is disrupted. The P waves occur at a faster rate that isn't
coordinated with the QRS waves.
Complete heart block can result in sudden cardiac arrest and death. This type of heart block
often requires emergency treatment. A temporary pacemaker may be used to keep the heart
beating until you get a long-term pacemaker.

 All type of heart block are regular except>> Mobitz one
 All types of heart block with normal QRS complex except >> third degree heart block

4. Others
ECG as a Clue to Acute Life-Threatening Conditions without primary Heart or Lung
 Cerebrovascular accident (especially intracranial bleed)
 Drug toxicity
 Tricyclic antidepressant overdose, digitalis excess, etc.
 Electrolyte disorders
 Hypokalemia
 Hyperkalemia
 Hypocalcemia
 Hypercalcemia
 Endocrine disorders
 Hypothyroidism
 Hyperthyroidism
 Hypothermia

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How to interpret an ECG

When you see an ECG paper
Relax and take a deep breath 
Don’t forget to comment on ten points
1. Rhythm
 Sinus or not ??
 Regular or not ??

2. Rate
o If regular rhythm >> the heart rate equates 300 / n ( which n the number of big
squares between RR interval).
Or 1500 /n ( which n the number of small squares between RR interval ), more
o If irregular rhythm >> count the number of R waves in 30 big squares and
multiply the result by 10.
Or, 300 / n ( which n the average number of RR interval)
3. Axis
 Lead one and two ( aVF ) positive >> normal axis
 Lead one ( positive ) and lead two ( aVF) negative >> left axis deviation
 Lead one ( negative ) and lead two ( aVF) positive >> right axis deviation

4. P wave
Normally >> 2.5 X 2.5 small squares
 ˃ 2.5 small squares ( tall ) and peaked >> right atrial strain
 ˃ 2.5 small squares ( width ) broad >> left atrial strain

5. P-R interval
From the beginning of the P wave to the beginning of the complex, measuring 3 to 5
small squares

6. QRS complex
 Q wave >> first negative wave in the complex
 R wave >> first positive wave in the complex
 S wave >> the negative wave following R

Q wave >> less than 1 small square width and less than one fourth of the next R
R wave >> between 2 and 3 small squares width and between 1 to 5 big squares tall
S wave >> has a special relation with R wave

7. ST segment
From the end of S wave to the beginning of T wave ( important in MI )
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8. T wave
Never absent, less than 6 small squares width and less than one third of the preceding R
( tall )

How to diagnose an ECG

First look at the rhythm, it may be :
 Regular
 Irregular (better )

Irregular rhythm
Why irregular rhythm is better ?
As they are usually one of three
 Atrial fibrillation
 Extra systole
 Mobitz one

Atrial fibrillation
How to differentiate ?
Usually tachycardia
Absent P wave

AF is usually rapid, but Slow AF in

certain cases :
 Patient on digitalis
 Patient on Beta blocker
 Associated with Heart block
 Lone AF

Irregular ECG with absent P wave >> AF however, tachy or not

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Extra systole
Extrasystoles are essentially
extra beats, or contractions,
which interrupt the normal
regular rhythm of the heart.
They occur when there is
electrical discharge from
somewhere in the heart other
than the SA node. They are
classified as atrial or ventricular
extrasystoles (VEs) according to
their site of origin.

Extrasystoles can occur frequently in people with completely normal hearts and often do not
cause any problems. However, they can also be a feature of certain cardiac diseases.

Atrial extrasystoles are premature P waves which look different from a normal P wave.
They may be hidden in the ST segment or T wave of the preceding sinus beat. They may be
followed either by a normal QRS complex, or the PR interval may be prolonged, or the impulse
may not be conducted at all.

Ventricular extrasystoles (VEs) are wide, abnormally-shaped QRS complexes. Extrasystoles

occurring at every second or third beat are called bigeminy or trigeminy respectively.

Mobitz one
How to differentiate it ?
Progressive prolongation of
PR interval until dropped QRS

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Regular rhythm
Look at the rate :
 Tachycardia
 Bradycarida
Normocardia as tachycardia 

Regular tachycardia
 Sinus tachycardia
 Ventricular tachycardia
 Supra ventricular tachycardia
 Atrial flutter

Sinus Tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia is a rhythm
in which the rate of impulses
arising from the sinoatrial (SA)
node is elevated.
Each sinus P wave is followed
by a QRS complex, indicating
sinus rhythm with 1:1 AV

Ventricular tachycardia
Ventricular tachycardia is
defined as a sequence of three or
more ventricular beats. The
frequency must by higher than
100 bpm, mostly it is 110-250
bpm. Ventricular tachycardias
often origin around old scar
tissue in the heart, e.g. after
myocardial infarction.
Also electrolyte disturbances and ischemia can cause ventricular tachycardias. The
cardiac output is often strongly reduced during VT resulting in hypotension and loss of

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conciousness. VT is a medical emergency as it can deteriorate into Ventricular fibrillation and

thus mechanical cardiac arrest.
Ventricular tachycardia can be catechorized as follows:
Non-sustained VT: three or more ventricular beats with a maximal duration of 30
Sustained VT: a VT of more than 30 seconds duration (or less if treated by
electrocardioversion within 30 seconds).
Monomorphic VT: all ventricular beats have the same configuration.
Polymorphic VT: the ventricular beats have a changing configuration. The RR interval is
180-600 ms (comparable to a heart rate of 100-333 bpm).
Biphasic VT: a ventricular tachycardia with a QRS complex that alternates from beat to
beat. Associated with digoxin intoxication andlong QT syndrome.

Supra ventricular tachycardia

Is a condition presenting as a
rapid heart rhythm originating
at or above the AV node.

It may be originating from :

 Atrium
 A.V. node

If it is originated from the

atrium the P wave will be
deformed. ( reversal of
electric current )

If it is originated from the ventricle the P wave may ( inverted or absent or deformed )

 Supra ventricular tachycardia :
May be associated with absent P, inverted P or deformed P
 Although "SVT" can be due to any supraventricular cause, the term is most often used to
refer to a specific example, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT)

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Atrial flutter
Is an abnormal heart rhythm that
occurs in the atria of the heart.
AV node makes reduction of the
atrial beats in a mathematical
fashion ( AV node transmit one of 2
or 3 or 4 beats )

Has a characteristic feature of

Sawtooth appearance

What is the differences between

atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation ?
 Atrial flutter >> is regular
 Atrial fibrillation >> is irregular

I have a regular long strip, I found there is
tachycardia :
1. Look at the QRS :
 deformed
 Narrow normal

If deformed >> ventricular tachycardia

If narrow normal >>

Look at P wave

Single >> sinus tachycardia

Multiple ( sawtooth ) >> atrial flutter
Others >> supra ventricular tachycardia

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Regular bradycardia
 Sinus bradycardia
 first degree heart block
 Mobitz two
 third degree heart block
 Nodal rhythm

Sinus bradycardia
Is a heart rhythm that
originates from the sinus
node and has a rate of
under 60 beats per minute.

First degree heart block

What is meant by first
degree heart block
Just prolonged PR interval

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Mobitz two
What is meant by Mobitz two ?
Regular drop of QRS complex

Third degree heart block

What is meant by 3rd degree heart
block ?
Deformed QRS with AV dissociation

Nodal rhythm
What is meant by nodal rhythm ?
The AV node is the peace maker of
the heart, hence the P wave will be
inverted or absent

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I have a regular long strip, I found there is bradycardia :
1. Look at the QRS :
 Deformed
 Narrow normal

If deformed >> third degree heart block

If narrow normal >>

Look at P wave

Single >>
 Sinus bradycardia ( normal ECG with heart rate
below 60 beats per minute)
 First degree heart block ( just prolonged PR
interval )

Multiple >> Mobitz two

Others >> Nodal rhythm

How to differentiate between atrial flutter and Mobitz two ?

 Mobitz two >> bradycardia
 Atrial flutter >> tachycardia

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