Performance Analysis of Phase Shifted SPWM Technique For Three Phase Diode Clamped Three Level Inverter
Performance Analysis of Phase Shifted SPWM Technique For Three Phase Diode Clamped Three Level Inverter
Performance Analysis of Phase Shifted SPWM Technique For Three Phase Diode Clamped Three Level Inverter
The Primary function of VSI is to convert fixed DC voltage into variable AC voltage at required voltage and
frequency. The diode-clamped multilevel inverter employs clamping diodes and cascaded dc capacitors to produce
ac voltage waveforms with multiple levels. The inverter can be generally configured as a three-, four-, or five-level
topology, but only the three-level inverter, often known as neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter, has found wide
application in high-power medium-voltage (MV) drives. The dc input voltage of the inverter is normally split by two
cascaded dc capacitors, providing a floating neutral point. The control of the neutral-point voltage deviation is also
elaborated.The dc supplies are normally obtained from multipulse diode rectifiers. Phase shifted PWM Technique is
analyzed and its performance will be compared. Simulation results will be presented to analyze the performance of
the PWM techniques. The simulation results will be verified using experimental results
Inverter is device which converts electrical energy in A. Need of three Level Inverter
DC form into AC form. The main objective of static
power converters is to produce an AC output waveform The output voltage contains higher values of Total
from a dc power supply. These are the types of Harmonic Distortion(THD), hence fundamental
waveforms required in adjustable speed drives (ASDs), component gets reduced. In two level inverter there are
uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), static VAR more switching stresses on the devices. Such inverters
compensators, active filters, flexible ac transmission are not applicable for high voltage application. The
systems (FACTS) and voltage compensators. The higher voltage level are not produced in two level
primary function of a voltage source inverter (VSI) is to inverter. Since higher switching frequency is used,
convert a fixed dc voltage to three-phase ac voltage hence switching losses are high. Where high-quality
with variable magnitude and frequency. voltage waveforms are required, power converters,
specifically inverters are constructed from power
In voltage source inverter thyristor, IGBT, MOSFET, switches and the ac output waveforms are therefore
GTO can be used as switches. Generally thyristor are made up of discrete values. This leads to the generation
not used because they require forced commutation. of waveforms that feature fast transition rather than
Single-phase voltage source inverters (VSIs) and smooth ones. For instance, the ac output voltage
current source (CSIs) can be found as half-bridge and produced by the VSI of a standard ASD is a three-level.
full-bridge topologies. Although this waveform is not sinusoidal expected its
fundamental component behaves as such. This behavior
should be ensured by a modulating technique that
controls the amount of time and the sequence used to SWITCHING STATE OF THE THREE-LEVEL DIODE
switch the power valves on and off. The modulating CLAMPED INVERTER.
techniques most used are the carrier-based technique
(e.g., sinusoidal pulse width modulation, SPWM), the
space-vector (SV) technique, and the selective-
harmonic-elimination (SHE) technique, phase shifted
pulse width modulation. The discrete shape of the ac
output waveforms generated by these topologies
imposes basic restrictions on the applications of
Φcr = 360°/ (m – 1)
Figure 6. Circuit diagram of three level inverter.
The modulating signal is usually a three-phase
sinusoidal wave with adjustable amplitude and
frequency. The gate signals are generated by comparing
the modulating wave with the carrier waves.
ADAVANTAGES OF THREE-LEVEL DIODE We are very much please to submit present “Project
CLAMPED INVERTER. Report”. It has been prepared in compliance with the
course in “Electrical Engineering”, set by the university
The Three-level diode clamped inverter has a several curriculum. The guidance of our honorable guide has
advantages that is not left untouched a single page of our report and
helped as a great deal in completing on time.
1. Common mode voltage: The multilevel inverter
produce common mode voltage reducing the motor We are grateful to our Prof. RUHI UZMA SHEIKH
and don’t damage the motor Ma‟ am for giving constant encouragement and
2. Input current: Multilevel inverter can draw input guidance. We extend our thanks to Principal Dr.Sajid
current with low distortion. Anwar who is our source of inspiration and extended
3. Switching Frequency: The multilevel inverter can every facility to us.
operate at both fundamental switching frequencies
that are higher switching frequency and lower Lastly, we are also thankful to our HOD Prof Mrs
switching frequency .It should be noted that the Archana Shirbhate Ma‟ am and all who helped directly
lower switching and indirectly during the course of this report.
4. Reduced harmonic distortion: Selective harmonic
elimination technique along with the multilevel
topology result the total harmonic distortion