ERCOT Planning Guide Section 6: Data/Modeling: November 1, 2020
ERCOT Planning Guide Section 6: Data/Modeling: November 1, 2020
ERCOT Planning Guide Section 6: Data/Modeling: November 1, 2020
Section 6: Data/Modeling
November 1, 2020
6 DATA/MODELING............................................................................................................................................1
6.1 STEADY-STATE MODEL DEVELOPMENT...........................................................................................................1
6.2 DYNAMICS MODEL DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................................2
6.2.1 Dynamics Data Requirements for Generation Resources and Settlement Only Generators.................5
6.2.2 Dynamics Data Requirements for Load Resources................................................................................5
6.2.3 Dynamics Data Requirements for Transmission and/or Distribution Service Providers......................5
6.2.4 Dynamics Data Screening and Maintenance.........................................................................................6
6.3 PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING SHORT CIRCUIT CASES.........................................................................................7
6.4.1 Transmission Project Information and Tracking Report.......................................................................8
6.4.2 ERCOT Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................8
6.4.3 TSP Responsibilities...............................................................................................................................8
6.4.4 Regional Transmission Plan Projects in Transmission Project Information and Tracking Report......9
6.4.5 Content of the Transmission Project Information and Tracking Report................................................9
6.5 ANNUAL LOAD DATA REQUEST.....................................................................................................................10
6.6 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK........................................................................................................................11
6.7 DATA DICTIONARY.........................................................................................................................................11
6.8 RESOURCE REGISTRATION PROCEDURES........................................................................................................11
6.8.1 Resource Registration..........................................................................................................................12
6.8.2 Resource Registration Process.............................................................................................................12
6.9 ADDITION OF PROPOSED GENERATION TO THE PLANNING MODELS..............................................................13
6.10 CONTINGENCY FILING REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................14
6.12 ADDITION OF A PROPOSED DC TIE TO THE PLANNING MODELS...............................................................16
(a) The Annual Planning Model base cases, which represent the annual peak load
conditions, as prescribed in Protocol Section 3.10.2, Annual Planning Model,
shall be developed annually, updated on a triannual basis, and may be updated as
needed on an interim basis. Each Annual Planning Model base case, triannual
updates, and off-cycle updates shall be posted on the Market Information System
(MIS) Secure Area to ensure availability of the most accurate steady-state base
(b) Additional steady-state base cases, such as seasonal base cases, shall also be
developed annually, updated on a triannual basis, and may also be updated as
needed on an interim basis. These derivative base cases, triannual updates, and
off-cycle updates shall be posted on MIS Secure Area to ensure availability of the
most accurate steady-state base cases.
(c) Off-cycle updates not associated with the triannual update shall be posted in a
timely manner and include:
(d) Off-cycle updates that are posted as described in paragraphs (1)(a) through (c)
above shall be in the form of a Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E)
formatted incremental change file.
(e) All steady-state base cases and incremental change files on the MIS Secure Area
shall be available for use by Market Participants.
(f) The Steady State Working Group Procedure Manual describes each base case that
is required to be built. The schedule for posting all steady-state base cases shall
be made available on the MIS Secure Area.
(2) Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) and ERCOT shall develop the steady-state base
cases. The steady-state base cases are derived from the Network Operations Model to
ensure consistency of key characteristics, including Ratings, impedance and connectivity
for Transmission Facilities that are common between the Network Operations Model and
each steady-state base case. Minor differences between the models will occur for several
reasons. For example:
(a) The Network Operations Model is converted from a “breaker, switch, and AC line
segment” convention to an equivalent steady-state base case “bus and branch”
convention. This conversion reduces the number of breakers/switches that may
be included in the steady-state base case model and may combine buses separated
by breakers/switches in the Network Operations Model.
(b) Additional detailed modeling may be added to the converted Network Operations
Model for planning purposes.
(c) Future projects are added to the converted Network Operations Model that do not
exist in the Network Operations Model past the model build date used to extract a
snapshot from the Network Operations Model.
(3) Using the Network Model Management System (NMMS), ERCOT and TSPs shall create
steady state models that represent current and planned system conditions from the
following data elements:
(a) Each TSP, or its Designated Agent, shall provide its respective transmission
network steady-state model data, including load data.
(b) ERCOT shall utilize the latest available Resource Entity and Private Use Network
model data submitted to ERCOT by the Resource Entity and the Private Use
Network owners through the Resource Registration process for Resource Entities.
(c) ERCOT shall utilize proposed Generation Resource model data provided by the
Interconnecting Entity (IE) during the generation interconnection process in
accordance with Section 5, Generation Resource Interconnection or Change
(d) ERCOT shall determine the operating state of Generation Resources (MW,
MVAr) using a security-constrained economic dispatch tool.
(1) To adequately simulate dynamic and transient events in the ERCOT System, it is
necessary to establish and maintain dynamics data and simulation-ready study cases
(2) Dynamics data is the network data and mathematical models required in accordance with
the Reliability and Operations Subcommittee (ROS)-approved Dynamics Working Group
Procedure Manual for simulation of dynamic and transient events in the ERCOT System.
(3) For Resource Entities, dynamics data includes the data needed to represent the dynamic
and transient response of Resource Entity-owned devices and/or Loads including but not
limited to generating units, plants, and other equipment when connected to the ERCOT
System including the data for any privately owned transmission system or collection
system used to connect the Resource to the ERCOT System.
(4) For Transmission Service Providers (TSPs), dynamics data needed to represent the
dynamic and transient capability of TSP-owned devices including but not limited to Load
shedding relays, protective relays, FACTS devices (e.g., DVARS, SVC, STATCOM,
SMES), Direct Current Ties (DC Ties), variable-frequency transformers, automatically
switched shunts, and transformers with automatic load tap changers.
(5) The Facility owner shall provide appropriate dynamics data to ERCOT and the
interconnecting TSP, including the data for a planned Facility. The dynamic data shall
include the following:
(a) A model with parameters that accurately represent the dynamics of the device and
that is compatible with the current version of the planning and operations model
software as described in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual. If a
user written model is provided, the data shall also include the following:
(ii) A user manual to describe procedures and considerations for using the
model in dynamic simulations, including steady state representation and
limitations for model adequacy and usability in the software. The model
shall allow the user to determine the allocation of machine identifiers (bus
numbers, bus names, machine IDs etc.) without restriction.
(b) Test reports that support the model data based on field tests.
(c) Results of model quality tests and associated simulation files that demonstrate
acceptable performance of the models in the planning model software as
described in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual. The purpose of
these tests is to ensure the quality of the provided dynamic data and models for
use in numerous system studies. Therefore, the Facility owner shall also assess
sufficient sensitivities, including but not limited to Voltage Set Point at the Point
of Interconnection (POI), real power output, and Reactive Power output to ensure
acceptable model performance over the entire range of operating conditions.
(i) All site-specific dynamic models required to represent the Facility shall be
included in the model quality tests. These tests can be performed in a
simple test system without requiring ERCOT System information.
(iii) Results for the following model quality tests shall be provided to
demonstrate acceptable model performance. Additional details about each
test, including the set up and description of desirable response, are
included in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual.
(1) For IRRs and inverter-based Resources, the high and low
Voltage Ride-Through (VRT) profiles as described in
Nodal Operating Guide Section 2.9.1, Additional Voltage
Ride-Through Requirements for Intermittent Renewable
Resources, shall be applied to the POI to demonstrate the
Facility’s dynamic response.
(E) System strength test: The model for IRRs and inverter-based
Resources shall be tested under a few equivalent short circuit
ratios, as described in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure
Manual. This tests the robustness of the model to varying system
(6) Dynamics data for a planned Facility will be updated by the Facility owner upon
completion of the design for the Facility.
(7) Updated dynamics data for an existing Facility shall be provided to ERCOT when field
tests, inspections, or other information demonstrates that the dynamics data should be
changed to accurately represent the dynamic characteristics of the Facility.
(8) Dynamics Data is considered Protected Information pursuant to Protocol Section 1.3,
(9) Dynamics data shall be provided with the legal authority to provide the information to all
TSPs. If any of the information is considered Protected Information, the Facility owner
shall indicate as such.
6.2.1 Dynamics Data Requirements for Generation Resources and Settlement Only
(1) A Resource Entity shall submit new or updated dynamics data in accordance with Section
5, Generation Resource Interconnection or Change Request. The Resource Entity shall
provide all dynamics data as described in paragraph (5) of Section 6.2, Dynamics Model
Development, and the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual.
(2) A Resource Entity is responsible for tuning and validating the parameters that go into
their models to ensure that the models produce an accurate representation of a device’s
capability and response. If ERCOT, the interconnecting TSP, or the Dynamics Working
Group (DWG) identifies inappropriate or incomplete dynamics data, ERCOT, in its sole
discretion, may reject the submitted dynamics data and will provide the Resource Entity
an explanation for the rejection. The Resource Entity shall take action to resolve
discrepancies and provide updated dynamics data to ERCOT and the interconnecting TSP
within 30 days.
(1) ERCOT shall provide the updated Load Resource relay models.
(2) Load Resource relay models shall be updated as described in the Dynamics Working
Group Procedure Manual.
(1) The owner of under-frequency Load shedding equipment shall provide necessary data to
model under frequency Load shedding relays for their portion of the ERCOT System as
described in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual.
(2) The owner of under voltage Load shedding equipment shall provide necessary data to
model under voltage Load shedding relays for their portion of the ERCOT System as
described in the Dynamics Working Group Procedure Manual.
(4) The DWG shall document appropriate Load model data as described in the Dynamics
Working Group Procedure Manual for use in dynamic simulations.
(5) The owner of a dynamic element connected to the transmission system shall provide the
dynamic data needed to simulate the action of the device in dynamic simulations to
ERCOT and the TDSP to which the element is connected.
(6) The owner of a dynamic element connected to the transmission system shall verify the
dynamic models through comparison with operational data of actual events or test results
within five years of energization and a minimum of every ten years thereafter. Industry
accepted testing techniques shall be used for testing, measuring and calculating the
modeling parameters. The owner of the dynamic element shall document and retain
results for the model verification effort. Documentation shall include the operational data
used to verify the modeling parameters.
(1) In order to maintain simulation-ready base cases and associated dynamics data files for
use in dynamic simulations, ERCOT, in consultation with the DWG, shall perform
dynamic simulations called flat-start simulations as described in the Dynamics Working
Group Procedure Manual.
(2) The schedule for producing the flat start simulations will be reviewed annually and
submitted to the ROS.
(3) Transmission owners shall review the completeness and applicability of dynamics data
used in the flat start simulation for equipment connected to their system. The model
should be appropriate for the equipment and the data shall be appropriate for the model.
(4) ERCOT shall contact the appropriate TSP or Resource Entity to resolve any dynamics
data problems, incomplete or missing data, encountered while preparing the flat start
(5) Upon completion of each flat start simulation, ERCOT shall distribute an electronic copy
of all files necessary to replicate the flat start simulation as described in the Dynamics
Working Group Procedure Manual to the DWG.
(6) ERCOT and the DWG shall document assumptions made, data created, and data changed
during the creation of a flat start simulation.
(7) ERCOT shall be responsible for storing all of the dynamics data and shall maintain a
repository of dynamics data with tuned parameters and any submitted revisions.
(8) Within 30 days of receipt, ERCOT shall forward all dynamics data received to the TSP to
which the dynamics device is connected.
(1) This Section describes the process for the development of the short circuit cases used for
planning purposes. Section 6, Disturbance Monitoring and System Protection, of the
Operating Guides describes other non-planning aspects relating to system protection and
disturbance monitoring requirements.
(a) ERCOT shall collect the short circuit data sets or data updates developed by each
Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and shall compile and maintain the short
circuit cases.
(b) During the first quarter of each calendar year, ERCOT shall compile and
distribute the Current Year (CY) short circuit case to the System Protection
Working Group (SPWG).
(c) During the second quarter of each calendar year, ERCOT shall compile and
distribute the Future Year (FY) short circuit cases for years two through five to
the SPWG.
(d) The transmission and generation systems of each Facility owner in ERCOT shall
be represented completely including positive and zero sequence data. Generation
Resource data shall be provided by the Resource Entity.
(e) Each common bus within both the short circuit case and the corresponding steady-
state load flow case shall have a matching bus name and matching bus number.
Each additional bus added to the short circuit case as necessary to perform short
circuit studies shall be assigned a name and bus number that does not conflict
with pre-existing names and bus numbers used in the current set of load flow
(f) The positive sequence impedance of Transmission Elements used in both the load
flow and short circuit cases shall be the same.
(g) Zero sequence data shall include mutual impedance of multi-circuit transmission
lines and of adjacent circuits within the same right-of-way, unless the TSP
considers such impedance to be insignificant for studies made from this data.
6.4 Transmission Project Information and Tracking Report and Data Requirements
(1) The ERCOT Transmission Project and Information Tracking (TPIT) report contains the
status of the transmission projects (60 kV and above) that have a material impact to the
flow of power in the ERCOT System as of the most recent Steady State Working Group
(SSWG) case build or SSWG case update.
(2) The transmission projects listed in the TPIT report are typically projects that are planned
for completion by a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) within the near-term planning
horizon. Projects that may not be listed in the TPIT report include:
(a) Any project that requires Regional Planning Group (RPG) review and has not
completed the review process;
(b) Any project with a projected in-service date beyond the last year for which an
ERCOT SSWG case is posted; or
(c) Any project that consists of only a Remedial Action Scheme (RAS) or an
Automatic Mitigation Plan (AMP) (which is not typically modeled).
(1) ERCOT shall prepare the TPIT report using data supplied by each TSP, or its Designated
(2) ERCOT shall update the TPIT report with updated information provided through the
SSWG case build and SSWG case update process.
(3) ERCOT shall publish the TPIT report on the ERCOT website coincident with posting the
most recent SSWG case build or SSWG case update on the Market Information System
(MIS) Secure Area.
(1) The TSP responsible for submitting model data used in the SSWG case build or SSWG
case update shall provide information for its transmission projects to ERCOT.
(2) The data provided by the TSP for inclusion in the TPIT report shall include the following
information in addition to the model data required by the ERCOT Steady State Working
Group Procedure Manual:
(c) Project status – The project status categories available for use shall be
“Conceptual”, “Planned”, or “Under Construction”;
(d) Status indicates that the project is or is not in the published SSWG case;
(e) Project ID – When one large project is listed in the database as a series of smaller
projects, the TSP shall assign a Project ID in a manner that allows the smaller
projects to be identified as part of the larger project;
(f) ERCOT Regional Transmission Plan project number – The TSP shall identify the
ERCOT Regional Transmission Plan project number associated with the Project
ID for a particular project or series of projects;
(g) Projected In-Service Date – The anticipated project completion and energization
date; and
(h) Actual In-Service Date – The recorded project completion and energization date.
(1) Each year, with input from stakeholders, ERCOT develops a Regional Transmission Plan
that identifies a set of reliability-driven and economic-driven transmission projects based
on the current steady-state base cases. Transmission projects identified in the Regional
Transmission Plan are typically at varying stages within the planning process and thus,
are subject to change. When a Regional Transmission Plan project is deemed appropriate
for inclusion in the steady-state base cases, the TSP shall initiate inclusion of the project
in the Future Projects section of TPIT, and ERCOT shall assign a TPIT project number.
The project shall also remain in the Regional Transmission Plan section of the TPIT.
(a) A section that describes each data field and the Entity responsible for providing
the data within each field;
(e) A section for projects approved in the ERCOT Regional Transmission Plan;
(1) The Transmission and/or Distribution Service Provider (TDSP) or its Designated Agent
must provide Load data each year to allow necessary ERCOT System reliability analysis
and planning and to meet requirements of North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC). Each TDSP or its Designated Agent is responsible for providing
historical and forecasted Load data to ERCOT for all Loads connected to its system as
outlined in the Annual Load Data Request Form Instructions. Data supplied in the
Annual Load Data Request (ALDR) is considered Protected Information.
(2) Some or all of the following factors may be considered when developing Load forecast
(a) Economic;
(b) Demographic;
(d) Conservation;
(3) Each Distribution Service Provider (DSP) or its Designated Agent directly interconnected
with the ERCOT Transmission Grid shall provide annual Load forecasts to ERCOT as
outlined in the Annual Load Data Request Form Instructions.
(4) For each substation not owned by either a Transmission Service Provider (TSP) or a
DSP, the owner shall provide a substation Load forecast to the directly-connected TSP
sufficient to allow it to adequately include that substation in its ALDR response.
(5) ERCOT shall annually provide each DSP with a list of registered Distributed Generation
(DG) facilities in the DSP’s territory, including information about how each facility is
mapped to its designated Load in the Network Operations Model. This list will be posted
to the Market Information System (MIS) Certified Area. In conjunction with the ALDR
process, the DSP shall verify that each DG facility on the list is correctly mapped to its
Load in the Network Operations Model. TSPs shall cooperate with ERCOT and the DSP
to verify that each DG facility on the list is correctly mapped to its Load in the Network
Operations Model.
(6) The TDSP or its Designated Agent shall coordinate with the appropriate working group
as described in the Annual Load Data Request Form Instructions for issues with data
(7) Load data that is incomplete, not timely submitted on the schedule, or not in the format
defined in the Annual Load Data Request Form Instructions will be considered missing
data. For these missing Load data, ERCOT shall calculate Loads based on historical data
and insert these Loads into the Load flow cases during Data Set A and Data Set B annual
(1) The Data Dictionary provides additional bus data that is not included in the steady-state
base cases or network model data. The Steady State Working Group Procedure Manual
defines the requirements for the planning portion of the Data Dictionary.
(a) Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) shall submit all pertinent Data Dictionary
data for each bus in its transmission system for Steady State Working Group
(SSWG) models as specified in the Steady State Working Group Procedure
(b) ERCOT shall provide pertinent Resource Entity data for the Data Dictionary.
(3) ERCOT shall make available a copy of the ERCOT Steady State Planning Data
Dictionary and contingency files on the Market Information System (MIS) Secure Area
per the Steady State Working Group Procedure Manual and in accordance with the
schedule posted on the MIS Secure Area for Annual Planning Model Data Submittal.
(1) In accordance with Protocol Sections 3.7, Resource Parameters, 3.10, Network
Operations Modeling and Telemetry, and 16.5, Registration of a Resource Entity, a
Resource Entity shall register each Generation Resource, Settlement Only Generator
(SOG), or Load Resource with ERCOT. The Resource Entity shall submit Resource
Registration data and information through the Resource Registration process pursuant to
Section 6.8.2, Resource Registration Process, and made available on the Market
Information System (MIS) Public Area.
(1) A Resource Entity shall submit complete Resource Registration data pursuant to Section
6.8.2, Resource Registration Process, for each Generation Resource, SOG, or Load
Resource prior to inclusion in applicable ERCOT systems.
(2) All data elements requested in the Resource Registration process will be contained in the
Resource Registration Glossary. Changes, deletions or additions to the data elements in
the Resource Registration Glossary will be made in accordance with the revision process
specified for the Resource Registration Glossary.
(3) ERCOT shall post the Resource Registration Glossary on the MIS Public Area.
(4) ERCOT shall post a detailed Resource Registration Guide on the MIS Public Area that
provides detailed instructions and explanations required for Resource Registration data
and shall conform to the Resource Registration Glossary.
(5) ERCOT shall make available related documents for Resource Registration on the MIS
Public Area and shall notify Market Participants when changes are made to the Resource
Registration process and requirements, including Resource Registration forms, the
Resource Registration Glossary, and the Resource Registration Guide.
(1) A Resource Entity shall submit the Resource Registration data for Generation Resources,
SOGs, or Load Resources as described in the Resource Registration Glossary.
(2) Upon receipt of the Resource Registration data, ERCOT shall review the completeness
and accuracy of the data submission. ERCOT shall provide notice of acceptance and/or
deficiencies to the Resource Entity.
(3) ERCOT shall provide notice to the Resource Entity if the Resource Registration data is
accepted, which is not the same as an approved Network Operations Model Change
Request (NOMCR). The acceptance of the Resource Registration data only means that
the registered data moves to the next step of being converted to a NOMCR. After
acceptance and/or approval, the data is still subject to various and continuous validation
(4) If ERCOT’s notice reports deficiencies through the data submission process or through
subsequent validation processes, the Resource Entity shall make necessary changes
specified and re-submit the Resource Registration data as necessary, until acceptance of
the total set of registered data is granted.
(5) Upon acceptance of the Resource Registration data, ERCOT shall provide the Resource
Entity with the model ready date on which the Resource Registration data will be
implemented in production. Although a model ready date has been provided, subsequent
data corrections may be required as a result of validation processes.
(6) If a Resource Entity desires that the submitted Resource Registration data become
effective earlier than the schedule established in Protocol Section 3.10.1, Time Line for
Network Operations Model Changes, it may submit a request for interim update as
described in the Resource Registration Guide.
(7) ERCOT shall notify each Resource Entity when applicable changes to the model are
processed and implemented in accordance with Protocol Section 3.10.1.
(8) A Resource Entity shall revise the Resource Registration data as required by this Section
to reflect changes in any data related to a Generation Resource, SOG, or Load Resource.
(9) The Resource Entity must submit updated Resource Registration data containing changes
made for the reasons below for a Generation Resource, SOG, or Load Resource:
(a) Within ten Business Days of ERCOT approval of a Net Dependable Capability
test to reflect the results of the test;
(b) Within ten Business Days of ERCOT approval of a reactive capability test to
reflect the results of the test;
(c) Within ten Business Days of a request by ERCOT to check or update specific
Resource Registration data; and
(d) Within ten Business Days of a known change to any Resource Registration data.
(1) For generation meeting the conditions of paragraph (1) of Section 5.1.1, Applicability,
ERCOT will include applicable generation in the base cases created and maintained by
the Steady State Working Group (SSWG) once each of the following has occurred:
(a) The Interconnecting Entity (IE) provides all data required in the Security
Screening Study, if the Full Interconnection Study (FIS) has not started, or the
FIS, if the FIS has started;
(b) ERCOT determines that the IE has received all necessary Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality (TCEQ)-approved air permits or that no such permits are
(ii) A public, financially binding agreement between the IE and the TSP under
which the interconnection for the applicable generation will be constructed
along with:
(A) A written notice from the TSP that the IE has provided notice to
proceed with the construction of the interconnection; and
(iii) A letter from a duly authorized official from a Municipally Owned Utility
(MOU) or Electric Cooperative (EC) confirming the Entity’s intent to
construct and operate applicable generation and interconnect such
generation to its own transmission system.
(2) Upon receiving notice from ERCOT that the IE has met the requirements of paragraph
(1) above, the IE shall provide within 60 days the remaining required data as specified in
the Resource Registration Glossary, Planning Model column, using the applicable
Resource Registration process. The purpose of submitting the data is for modeling of the
applicable generation in the base cases created and maintained by the System Protection
Working Group (SPWG) and the Dynamics Working Group (DWG).
(3) Once the IE has met these requirements, ERCOT will notify the SSWG, SPWG, and
DWG that the applicable generation will be included in the base cases created and
maintained by these working groups.
(1) Each Transmission Service Provider (TSP), or the entity designated as its modeling entity
in Appendix A to the Steady State Working Group Procedure Manual, shall provide
updates to the ERCOT contingency list corresponding to the steady-state base cases for
the TSP’s existing system and planned future Transmission Facilities. ERCOT shall post
the list to the Market Information System (MIS) Secure Area. The list shall be reviewed
and updated as described in the Steady State Working Group Procedure Manual. At a
minimum, the list shall contain all required category P1, P2, P4, P5, and P7
contingencies, as described in the NERC Reliability Standard addressing Transmission
System Planning Performance Requirements, all contingencies representing the Forced
Outage of a double circuit (two circuits on the same structures in excess of 0.5 miles in
length), and any other contingencies described in the Steady State Working Group
Procedure Manual.
(b) ERCOT, in collaboration with TSPs and Resource Entities, may set a Generation
Resource to out of service prior to receiving a Notification of Suspension of
Operations (NSO) if the Resource Entity notifies ERCOT of its intent to
retire/mothball the Generation Resource and/or makes a public statement of its
intent to retire/mothball the Generation Resource.
(i) ERCOT will post and maintain the current list of Generation Resources
that will be set to out of service pursuant to paragraph (1)(b) above on the
Market Information System (MIS) Public Area.
(c) Each TSP, or its Designated Agent, shall provide its respective transmission
network GIC model data in accordance with the GIC System Model Procedure
(d) Each Resource Entity, or its Designated Agent, shall provide its respective
Resource Entity-owned generating units, plants, transmission lines, shunt devices
and Generation Step Ups (GSUs) connected to the ERCOT System in accordance
with the GIC System Model Procedure Manual and the Resource Registration
(d) Each Resource Entity, or its Designated Agent, shall provide its respective
Resource Entity-owned generating units, plants, transmission lines, shunt
devices, Main Power Transformers (MPTs), and Generator Step-Ups (GSUs)
connected to the ERCOT System in accordance with the GIC System Model
Procedure Manual and the Resource Registration Glossary.
(e) ERCOT shall aggregate the GIC system model data supplied by each TSP and
Resource Entity and shall compile the data to form the GIC system models. Upon
completion of compiling the data for the GIC system models, ERCOT and the
TSPs shall review and finalize the GIC system models. Upon completion of the
review of the GIC system models, ERCOT shall post these models on the ERCOT
MIS Certified Transmission Service Provider Information page.
(f) Guidelines and formats for the GIC system model data and model maintenance
can be found in the GIC System Model Procedure Manual.
(g) GIC data is considered Protected Information pursuant to Protocol Section 1.3,
(2) Each TSP and Resource Entity shall provide ERCOT for use in the GMD vulnerability
assessments as outlined in Section 3.1.8, Planning Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD)
(3) TSPs and Resource Entities may refer to a Reliability and Operations Subcommittee
(ROS)-approved methodology for developing the equipment lists described in paragraph
(2) above. TSPs and Resource Entities are not required to submit the equipment lists
described in paragraph (2) above until 30 days after ROS approves a methodology.
(1) For a proposed Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) that will not be owned by a Transmission
Service Provider (TSP), ERCOT will include the applicable DC Tie in the base cases
created and maintained by the Steady State Working Group (SSWG), System Protection
Working Group (SPWG), and the Dynamics Working Group (DWG), and will notify the
SSWG, SPWG, and DWG once ERCOT receives:
(a) A signed interconnection agreement from the TSP and a written notice from the
TSP that the DC Tie developer has provided:
(ii) The financial security required to fund the interconnection facilities; and
(2) ERCOT will provide notice to the DC Tie developer of the specific data ERCOT requires
to model the DC Tie after ERCOT receives the information required under paragraph (1)
(a) above.
(a) ERCOT retains discretion to request any data it deems necessary to model the
new DC Tie.
(b) The DC Tie developer shall provide the data to ERCOT within 60 days of
receiving the notice from ERCOT specifying the data required.