Carbon Family TKCH
Carbon Family TKCH
Carbon Family TKCH
Carbon is the first member of group 14 or IVA of the periodic table. It consists of five elements
carbon (C), silicon (Si), germanium (Ge), tin (Sn) and lead (Pb). Carbon and silicon are nonmetals,
germanium is metalloid and tin and lead are metals.
Electronic configuration
Elements Electronic configuration ( ns 2 np 2 )
6C 1s 2 , 2 s 2 2 p 2 or [He ] 2 s 2 2 p 2
14 Si 1 s 2 , 2 s 2 2 p 6 ,3 s 2 3 p 2 or [ Ne ] 3 s 2 3 p 2
32 Ge 1s 2 ,2 s 2 2 p 6 ,3 s 2 3 p 6 3 d 10 ,4 s 2 4 p 2 or [ Ar ] 3 d 10 4 s 2 4 p 2
50 Sn 1s 2 ,2 s 2 2 p 6 ,3 s 2 3 p 6 3 d 10 ,4 s 2 4 p 6 4 d 10 ,5 s 2 5 p 2 or [Kr ] 4 d 10 5 s 2 5 p 2
82 Pb 1s 2 ,2 s 2 2 p 6 ,3 s 2 3 p 6 3 d 10 ,4 s 2 4 p 6 4 d 10 4 f 14 ,5 s 2 5 p 6 5 d 10 ,6 s 2 6 p 2 or [ Xe ] 4 f 14 5 d 10 6 s 2 6 p 2
Physical properties
(1) Non-metallic nature : The non-metallic nature decreases along the group.
C Si Ge Sn Pb
Non-metal metalloid metal metal or semi metal
(2) Abundance: Carbon and silicon are most abundant elements in earth’s crust whereas
germanium occurs only as traces. Tin and lead also occur in small amounts. Only carbon occurs in
free state as coal, diamond and graphite and in combined state as carbonates, CO2 petroleum and
natural gas Silicon is the second most abundant element after oxygen in earth’s crust in form of
silicates and silica. Germanium found in traces in coal and in certain deposits. It is important
constituent for making conductors and transistors The important ore of tin is tin stone (SnO 2) or
cassiterite. Lead is found is form of galena (PbS), anglesite (PbSO4) and cerussite (PbCO3) The
abundance ratio in earth’s crust is given below,
Element C Si Gs Sn Pb
Abundance in earth’s crust (ppm) 320 277200 7 40 16
(3) Density: The density of these elements increases down the group as reported below
Element C Si Ge Sn Pb
Density (g/ml) 3.51 (for diamond) 2.34 5.32 7.26 11.34
2.22 (for graphite)
(6) Electronegativity : The electronegativity decreases from C to Si and then becomes constant.
C Si Ge Sn Pb
Electronegativity on pauling scale 2.5 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6
The electronegativity from silicon onwards is almost constant or shows a comparatively smaller
decreases due to screening effects of d10 electrons in elements from Ge onwards.
(7) Ionisation energy
(i) The ionisation energy decreases regularly down the group; Pb however shows a higher value
than Sn due to poor shielding of inner f-orbitals as a result of which effective nuclear charge
experienced by outer shell electrons becomes more in Pb.
(9) Catenation
(i) The tendency of formation of long open or closed atom chains by the combination of same
atoms in themselves is known as catenation.
(ii) The catenation is maximum in carbon and decreases down the group.
(iii) This is due to high bond energy of catenation.
Bond Bond energy in kJ mol
C-C 348
Si-Si 180
Ge-Ge 167
Sn-Sn 155
Pb-Pb No catenation
(iv) Only carbon atoms also form double or triple bonds involving p-p multiple bond within
> C = C<; – C C –
(v) Carbon also possesses the tendency to form closed chain compounds with O,S and N atoms as
well as forming p-p multiple bonds with other elements particularly nitrogen and oxygen
e.g. C =O; C=N; CN; C=S are the functional groups present in numerous molecules due to
this reason.
(vi) Carbon can form chain containing any number of carbon atoms Si and Ge cannot extend the
chain beyond 6 atoms, while Sn and Pb do not form chains containing more than one or two
(vii) The reason for greater tendency of carbon for catenation than other elements in the group
may further be explained by the fact that the C-C bond energy is approximately of the same
magnitude as the energies of the bond between C and other elements. On the other hand, the
Si-Si bond is weaker than the bond between silicon and other elements.
Bond Bond energy (k J/mol) Bond Bond energy (kJ/mol)
C-C 348 Si-Si 180
C-O 315 Si-O 372
C-H 414 Si-H 339
C-Cl 326 Si-Cl 360
C-F 439 Si-F 536
(10) Allotropy
(i) The phenomenon of existence of a chemical element in two or more forms differing in
physical properties but having almost same chemical nature is known as allotropy. If an
element or compound exists in two or more forms, it is also known as polymorphism e.g. zinc
blende and wurtzite are polymorphs of ZnS. This phenomenon is due to the difference either
in the number of atoms in the molecules [as in the case of oxygen (O2) and ozone (O3)] or
arrangement of atoms in the molecules in crystal structure (as in the case of various forms of
(ii) All the elements of group 14 except lead exhibit allotropy.
(iii) Crystalline carbon occurs mainly into two allotropic forms (i) graphite and (ii) diamond (a
third allotropic form called fullerenes e.g. C60 and C70 were recently discovered by Prof.
Richard E. Smalley and his coworkes), amorphous carbon exists in different forms viz coal,
coke, carbon black, lamp black, bone charcoal. Amorphous carbon is usually considered to
contain microcrystals of graphite.
The phenomenon of the existence of an element in different forms, which have different physical
properties but similar chemical properties, is known as allotropy. Such different forms of an
element are called its allotropes or allotropic forms. Carbon shows allotropy. The various
allotropic forms of carbon can be broadly classified into two classes.
Structure of diamond
In diamond, the carbon atoms are arranged tetrahedrally (sp 3 hybridisation of C): each C atom is
linked to its neighbours by four single covalent bonds. This leads to a threedimensional network
of covalent bonds. It is because of this, that diamond is very hard and has high melting and boiling
points. Since, all the valence electrons of carbon are used up in forming the covalent bonds, hence
diamond does not conduct electricity.
Structure of graphite
In graphite, the carbon atoms are arranged in regular hexagons in flat parallel layers.
Each carbon in these layers is bonded to three other by sp2 covalent bonds. This gives some double
bond character to graphite. Each layer is bonded to the adjacent layers by weak Vander Waal’s
forces. As a result, each layer can slide over the other easily. It is because of this structure that
graphite is soft and slippery and can act as a lubricant. The presence of double bond character (the
presence of delocalised electrons) makes graphite a good conductor of electricity.
Crystalline, transparent with extra brilliance. Crystalline, opaque and shiny substance
Hardest form Soft having soapy touch
Bad conductor of electricity Good conductor of electricity
3 3
High Density (3.51 g /cm ) heavy Low Density (2.25 g/cm ), lighter than diamond
Colourless Greyish white
Tetrahedral shaped Two dhnensional layer structure having regular hexagonal sheets.
3 2
sp hybridisation sp hybridization
Less stable, more energy More stable, less energy
CD CG ; = – 0.5 CGCD at high temperature and high P
Used in cutting glass and jewellery; an abrasive Used as lubricating agent, electrodes, in pencils, crucibles
(due to high
Chemical properties
(1) Hydrides : All the elements of group 14 combine with hydrogen directly or indirectly to
form the covalent hydrides, MH 4 (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn or Pb). The number of hydrides and
the ease of preparation decrease on going from carbon to lead.
The hydrides of silicon are called silanes having the general formula Si n H 2n 2 . The
hydrides of germanium are called germanes while those of tin are called the stannanes. Only
lead forms an unstable hydride of the formula, PbH 4 called the plumbane.
Three hydrides of germanium, i.e., GeH 4 ,Ge 2 H 6 and Ge 3 H 8 and only two hydrides of tin
i.e., SnH 4 and Sn 2 H 6 are well known.
(2) Oxides : Carbon forms five oxides CO ,CO 2 ,C 3O 2 (carbon suboxide), C 5O 2 and C12O 9 ,C 3O 2
is the anhydride of malonic acid and CO 2 is the anhydride of H 2CO 3 (carbonic acid) CO 2
is a non-polar linear molecule due to maximum tendency of C to form p–p multiple bond
with oxygen. Si forms SiO 2 . Pb forms a number of oxides. PbO can be obtained by heating
Pb(NO 3 )2 , 2 Pb( NO 3 ) 2 2 PbO 4 NO 2 O 2 .
The red form of PbO is called
litharge and the yellow form is massicot. Pb3O 4 (Red lead, or Sindur) is prepared by
470 C
heating litharge in air at 470C, 6PbO O 2 2Pb3O 4 , Pb3O 4 is a mixed oxide of
PbO 2 .2PbO. Pb2O 3 is called lead sesquioxide. GeO 2 , SnO 2 etc. are also network solids.
Note : SiO 2 ,GeO 2 ,SnO 2 and PbO 2 are all solids. CO 2 and SiO 2 is acidic, GeO 2 is
weakly acidic while SnO 2 and PbO 2 are amphoteric in nature. All the elements of group
14 except silicon from monoxides e.g., CO ,GeO ,SnO and PbO. Out of these monoxides
only CO is neutral, while all other monoxides are basic.
(3) Halides : Elements of group 14 react with halogens directly to form tetrahedral and covalent
halides except C where its halide is produced by the action of halogens on hydrocarbons.
PbBr4 and PbI 4 do not exist because Pb 4 is a strong oxidant and Br and I are strong
reductants. Hence Pb 4 ion is difficult to survive in presence of strong reductants Br and
I and is immediately reduced to Pb 2 .
Carbon is found to differ in many properties from the rest of the members of group 14. This is
because of the following : (i) Its smallest size (ii) Its high electronegativity (iii) Its property to
catenate (iv) Absence of d-orbitals in it.
Some of the properties in which it differs from other members are,
(1) The melting and boiling points of carbon are very high as compared to the rest to the members
of the family.
(2) Carbon in its diamond form is one of the hardest substance known.
(3) It has maximum tendency to show catenation.
(4) Carbon has high tendency to form P – P multiple bonds with other elements like nitrogen,
oxygen, sulphur etc. Other members of the family form P – d bonds and that also to a
lesser extent.
(5) CO 2 is a gas while the dioxides of all other members are solids.
(6) Carbon shows a maximum covalency of four while other members of the family may expand
their covalency to six e.g., [SiCl 6 ]2 ,[PbCl 6 ]2 etc.
(7) Carbon is not affected by alkalies whereas other members react on fusion. For example, silicon
form silicates, Si 2 NaOH 1 / 2 O 2 Na 2 SiO 3 H 2 .
Sodium silicate
Carbon monoxide
Structure of CO
Electronic structure of carbon monoxide may be represented as follows
:C:::O: or C O
(i) By the reduction of carbon dioxide with carbon.
CO2 + C 2CO
(ii) By the reduction of carbon dioxide with zinc or iron.
CO2 + Zn ZnO + CO
(iii) By the reduction of oxides of heavy metal with carbon. For example,
ZnO + C Zn + CO
(i) With hydrogen
Carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen when heated to 420670 K under 300 atm pressure and in
the presence of a catalyst (ZnO + Cu) to form methyl alcohol.
ZnO Cu
CO + H2 CH3 OH
420 670 K, 300 atm methyl alcohol
Chemical Properties:
The reaction forms the basis of lime water test for the detection of CO 32 and HCO3 ions in any
salt/salt mixture.
Carbonic Acid
Carbonic acid (H2CO3) has never been isolated, but it gives rise to two series of salts, hydrogen
carbonates and carbonates.
Sodium bicarbonate
H2CO3 2 (acid salt)
Sodium carbonate
(normal salt)
With NaOH
By precipitation:
Heavy metal carbonates are precipitated from their salt solutions with washing soda.
BaCl2 + Na2CO3 BaCO3 + 2NaCl
While carbonates of many metals are known, bicarbonates of only alkali metals exist in the solid
General characteristics
(i) The thermal stability of tetrahalides of carbon follows the order,
(ii) The tetrahalides especially those containing both fluorine and chlorine are chemically inert,
noninflammable gases or liquids.
CF4 > CCl4 > CBr4 > CI4
(iii) Freon (CF2Cl2) is used as a refrigerant.
Preparation of carbides
(a) Aluminium carbide is obtained by heating aluminium with carbon in an electric furnance.
4Al + 3C Al4C3
electric furnace
(b) Silicon carbide is obtained by heating (sand) with carbon in an electric furnance.
SiO2 + 2C
2300 K
SiC + 2CO(g)
(c) Calcium carbide is obtained by heating lime (CaO) with coke in a electric furnance.
CaO + 3C CaC2 +
electric furnace
2300 K
Kinds of Carbides
These are of three kinds
(1) Salt like carbides
Based on the product obtained on hydrolysis, they are further subdivided into three types.
(a) Methanide (b) Allylide (c) Acetylide
Both Be2C and Al4C3 are called methanides because they react with H2O, yielding methane.
Carbides with a C2 unit are well known. They are formed mainly by the elements in group I
(M2 C 2 ) ; group II (M C2); the coinage metals (Cu, Ag, Au); Zn and Cd and some of the
lanthanides (LnC2 and Ln4(C2)3). These are all colourless ionic compounds and contain the carbide
ion (CC)2. By far the most important compound is CaC2. This is made commercially by
strongly heating lime and coke:
CaO + 3C CaC2 + CO ; H = +466 kJ mol1
The reaction is endothermic and a temperature of 2200°C is required. These carbides react
exothermically with water, liberating ethyne (formerly called acetylene). So, they are called
CaC2 + 2H2O Ca(OH)2 + HCCH
The acetylides have a NaCl type of lattice, with Ca2+ replacing Na+ and C 22 replacing Cl. In
CaC2, SrC2 and BaC2 the elongated shape of the (CC)2 ion causes tetragonal distortion of the
unit cell, that is it elongates the unit cell in one direction. One of the two carbides of magnesium
Mg2C3 contains a C3 unit and on hydrolysis with water it yields propyne CH 3CCH. So, Mg2C3 is
called allylide.
(2) Covalent carbides
These are extremely hard and chemically inert. SiC and B4C are the most important covalent
carbides. Silicon carbide is hard, infusible and chemically inert. It is widely used as an abrasive
called carborundum and about 300000 tonnes are produced annually by heating quartz or sand
with an excess of coke in an electric furnace at 20002500°C.
SiO2 + 2C Si + 2CO
Si + C SiC
SiC is very unreactive. It is unaffected by acids (except H 3PO4), but it does react with NaOH and
air and with Cl2 at 100°C.
SiC + 2NaOH + 2O2 Na2SiO3 + CO2 + H2O
SiC + 2Cl2 SiCl4
SiC is often dark purple, black or dark green due to traces of Fe and other impurities,
but pure samples are pale yellow to colourless. SiC has a three dimensional structure of Si and C
atoms, each atom tetrahedrally surrounded by four of the other kind .
(3) Metallic / interstitial carbides
These are formed by bigger transition elements eg.Ti and V. These are formed mostly by transition
elements and some of the lanthanides and actinides. The Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni groups form a
large number of carbides with a wide range of stoichiometries. They are typically infusible or are
very high melting and are very hard. For example, TaC has a melting point of 3900°C, and is very
hard and WC is also very hard. Both are used to make cutting tools. Interstitial carbides retain
many of the properties of metals. They conduct electricity by metallic conduction and have a lustre
like a metal.
Uses of Carbides
Aluminium carbide (Al4C3) is used for the manufacture of methane. Magnesium carbide (Mg 2C3)
is used for preparing alkyne.
Al4C3 + 12H2O 4Al(OH)3 + 3CH4
Mg2C3 + 4H2O 2Mg(OH)2 + CH3CCH
CS2 is prepared from natural gas by the following reaction.
CH4(g) + 4S
600 C
CS2 + 2H2S
Al2O3 / SiO 2
(1) Occurrence : Silicon is the second most abundant element ( 27.7%) in earth’s crust next to
oxygen .It does not occur in free state. It occurs mainly in the form of Silica and silicates.
Silicates are formed in rocks and clay as silicates of Mg, Al, K or Fe. e.g. Feldspar ;
K 2 Al 2 O 3 . 6 SiO 2 , Kaolinite; Al 2 O 3 . 2 SiO 2 . 2 H 2 O .
(2) Preparation : Elemental silicon is obtained by reduction of silica with high purity coke in an
electric furnace using excess of silica e.g. SiO 2 2C Si 2CO
Very high purity silicon required for making semiconductors is obtained by reduction of highly
purified SiCl 4 form ( SiHCl 3 ) with hydrogen followed by purification by zone refining eg.
SiCl 4 2 H 2 Si 4 HCl ; SiHCl 3 H 2 Si 3 HCl
(3) Properties : Silicon exists in three isotopes 14 Si 29 (most common), 14 Si 30 with air at high
temperature SiO 2 form, Si + O 2 Si O 2 .
With steam, Si reacts when heated to redness to liberate hydrogen,
Si + 2 H 2 O Si O 2 + 2 H 2 .
With halogens, Si reacts at elevated temperature forming SiX 4 except fluorine which reacts at
room temperature.
Silicon combines with C at 2500K forming Silicon Carbide (SiC) known as carborundum (an
extremely hard substance), Si + C SiC.
2500 K
It reacts with metals like Ca, Mg etc in an electric arc furnace to form Silicides ( Ca 2 Si , Mg 2 Si etc.)
Silicon dissolves in hot aqueous alkalies liberating hydrogen,
Si + 4NaOH Na 4 SiO 4 2H 2
(4) Uses of silicon : It is added to steel as ferrosilicon ( an alloy of Fe and Si) to make it acid
resistant. It is used in the pure form as a starting material for production of silicon polymers
Hydrolysis of SiCl4
The hydrolysis of SiCl4 is rapid because Si can use a d-orbital to form a five-coordinate
intermediate, and the reaction occurs by an SN2 mechanism.
Cl O
Cl Cl
It is obtained by fusing soda ash (Na2CO3) with pure sand at a high temperature.
The resulting mass is extracted with water and the solution is evaporated to get a syrupy mass
known as water glass.
If in a solution of sodium silicate of density 1.1, some coloured salts like cobalt nitrate, nickel
chloride, ferrous sulphate, copper sulphate, etc., are placed and whole solution is left as such for a
night, beautiful hollow tubes of metallic silicate gels possessing different colours shoot up from
these crystals and look like plants. This is called silica garden or chemical garden.
Uses: It is used
(f) for making silica gel SiO2 xH2O. When a solution of Na2SiO3 is acidified with HCl, a
gelatinous precipitate of silicic acid (H2SiO3) is slowly formed.
If most of the water is carefully removed, the jelly like precipitate of H 2SiO3 is converted into a
solid product, which is called silica gel. It possesses excellent absorption property of gases and
These are organosilicon polymers containing SiOSi linkages. These are formed by the
hydrolysis of alkyl or aryl substituted chlorosilanes and their subsequent polymerisation. The alkyl
or aryl substituted chlorosilanes are prepared by the reaction of Grignard reagent and silicon
RMgCl + SiCl4 RSiCl3 + MgCl2
Grignard reagent
(i) The lower silicones are oily liquids but higher members containing long chains or ring
structures are waxy and rubber like solids.
(ii) Silicones are stable towards heat.
(iii) Chemical reagents have no action on silicones.
(iv) These are nontoxic.
(v) Viscosity of silicone oils remains the same at different temperatures.
(vi) Silicones are good electrical insulators.
(vii) These are water repellents.
(i) Silicone oils are used for high temperature oil baths, high vacuum pumps and low temperature
(ii) These are used in making water-proof cloth and paper by exposing cloth or paper to the
silicone vapour.
(iii) These are used as insulating materials for electric motors and other electrical appliances.
(iv) These are mixed with paints and enamels to make them resistant to the effects of high
temperature, sunlight, chemicals and damp.
(v) These are used in making Vaseline like greases, which are used as lubricants in aeroplanes.
(vi) Siliconerubbers are useful as they retain their elasticity over a range of temperatures.
Silicates are metal derivatives of silicic acid, H4SiO4 or Si(OH)4. Silicates are formed by heating
metal oxide or metal carbonates with sand, e.g.
O Oxygen
– –
O O O Silicon
Plane projection of
silicate ion
Silicates have basic unit of SiO44–, each silicon atom is bonded with four oxide ions tetrahedrally.
(i) Orthosilicates:
(ii) Pyrosilicates:
These silicates contain two units of SiO 44– joined along a corner containing oxygen atom. These
are also called as island silicate.
–O O– O– –
Si Si
– O –
O– O
–O O–
e.g., Thorteveitite Sc2Si2O7;
Hemimorphite Zn3(Si2O7) Zn(OH)2H2O)
– –
– O O O O
– –
– –
– – –
O O O O–
– –
O O–
(iv) Chain silicates
(a) Simple chain silicates or pyroxenes are formed by sharing two oxygen atoms by each tetrahedral.
Anions of such chain silicates have general formula (SiO 3 )n2n
– –
– –
– – –
O– O– O–
(b) Double chain silicates can be formed when two simple chains are joined together by shared oxygen
atoms. These minerals are called amphiboles. The anions of such silicates have general formula
(Si 4 O11 )n6n
O– O–
– –
O –
O O –
O O –O
– –
– –
– –
e.g., Synthetic silicates Li2SiO3, Na2SiO3
Spodumene LiAl(SiO3)2
Enstatite MgSiO3 ;
Diopsite CaMg(SiO3)2
Tremolite Ca2Mg5(Si4O11)2 (OH)2
O –
O O –
O O –O
– – –
– –
– –
–O –O –O
e.g., Talc Mg2(Si2O5)2 Mg(OH)2
Kaolin Al2(OH)4 (Si2O5)
These silicates involve all four oxygen atoms in sharing with adjacent SiO 44 – tetrahedral units.
e.g. Quartz, tridymite, crystobalite, feldspar, zeolite and ultramarines .
Glass is an amorphous and transparent solid which is obtained by solidification of various silicates
and borates of potassium and calcium.
(1) Preparation : Ordinary glass is a mixture of sodium and calcium silicates and is produced by fusing
together a mixture of sodium carbonate, calcium oxide and silicon dioxide ( Silica) in a furnace at
about 1700K
Na 2 CO 3 SiO 2 Na 2 SiO 3 CO 2 ; CaO SiO 2 CaSiO 3
On continuously heating the entire amount of CO 2 is driven out and clear viscous fused mass is
obtained. It is poured into moulds to get different types of articles, which are allowed to cool
This typed of glass is called soda glass or soft glass which has the approximate composition,
Na 2 SiO 3 , CaSiO 3 ,4 SiO 2 .
(2) Various varieties of glass : The different varieties of glasses and their special constituents are given below,
Type of glass Constituents Special use
Soft glass Na 2 CO 3 , CaCO 3 , SiO 2 Ordinary glass for window panes, test tubes, bottles, etc.
Hard glass K 2CO 3 , CaCO 3 , SiO 2 For combustion tubes and chemical glassware
High refractive index glass Lead oxide, K 2 CO 3 For making lenses cut glasses
Pyrex glass Na 2 CO 3 , Al 2 O 3 , B 2 O 3 or For high quality glass apparatus cooking utensils
borax, sand
Crook’s glass K 2 CO 2 , PbCO 3 , CeO 2 , sand Absorbs ultra violet rays, for making lenses
(3) Coloured glass : Addition of transition metal compounds to glass give coloured glasses. Small
amounts of Cr(III), Mn(IV), Co(II) and Fe(III) compounds impart green, violet blue or brown
colour respectively
Compound added – Colour imparted Compound added – Colour imparted
Cobalt axide ( CoO) – Blue Chromium oxide ( Cr2 O 3 ) – Green
Cuprous oxide ( Cu 2 O ) – Red Auric chloride ( AuCl 3 ) – Ruby
Cadmium sulphide (CdS) – Lemon yellow Manganese dioxide ( MnO 2 ) – Purple
It is insoluble in water. It is an amphoteric oxide. It dissolves both in acids and alkalies.
PbO + 2HNO3 Pb(NO3)2 + H2O
It is obtained by heating litharge at 470°C in air.
470 o C
6PbO + O2 2Pb3O4
It is a red powder, insoluble in water. When heated, it becomes almost black, but it again becomes
red on cooling. On heating above 470°C, it decomposes into PbO and O 2.
2Pb3O4 6PbO + O2
When treated with concentrated HNO3, lead nitrate and brownish black insoluble oxide, PbO2, are
formed. This indicates that Pb3O4 is a compound oxide containing both PbO2 and PbO in the ratio
of 1 : 2.
Pb3O4 + 4HNO3 2Pb(NO3)2 + PbO2 + 2H2O
With H2SO4, it evolves oxygen,
2Pb3O4 + 6H2SO4 6PbSO4 + 6H2O + O2
It acts as an oxidising agent.
Pb3O4 + 8HCl 3PbCl2 + 4H2O + Cl2
Pb3O4 + 4C 3Pb + 4CO
Pb3O4 + 4CO 3Pb + 4CO2
Note : Most of the plumbic compound are unimportant because they decompose readily on heating
and are hydrolysed to PbO2 by even cold water. An exception is tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4, a
colourless liquid which is used as an antiknock agent in petrol.
Stannous chloride
(i) It is a dark grey or black powder. It is insoluble in water.
(ii) It is burns in air with incandescence forming stannic oxide, SnO 2.
2SnO + O2 2SnO2
(iii)It is an amphoteric oxide. It dissolves both in acids and alkalies.
SnO + 2HCl SnCl2 + H2O
SnO + 2NaOH Na2SnO2 + H2O
Sodium stannite
Stannites are known only in aqueous solutions. Stannites absorb oxygen from air and are
oxidised to stannates which are stable in nature.
2Na2SnO2 + O2 2Na2SnO3
Sodium stannate
It is a white powder, insoluble in water. It is somewhat unreactive. However, it dissolves in
concentrated H2SO4 forming stannic sulphate.
SnO2 + 2H2SO4 Sn(SO4)2 + 2H2O
When the solution is diluted, stannic oxide is reprecipitated.
Sn(SO4)2 + 2H2O SnO2 + 2H2SO4
It readily dissolves in alkalies forming stannates.
SnO2 + 2KOH K2SnO3 + H2O
(i) Hydrated stannous chloride SnCl2.2H2O is prepared by dissolving tin in hot concentrated
hydrochloric acid and subjecting the solution to crystallisation.
Sn + 2HCl SnCl2 + H2
Anhydrous salt cannot be obtained by heating the hydrated salt as it undergoes hydrolysis and a
white solid of tin hydroxy chloride is formed.
(ii) Anhydrous stannous chloride is formed when dry HCl gas is passed over hot tin.
Sn + 2HCl(g) SnCl2 + H2
It can also be obtained when a mixture of Sn and calculated quantity of mercuric chloride is
Sn + HgCl2 SnCl2 + Hg
(i) It is a white crystalline solid. It is soluble in water, alcohol and ether.
(ii) In water, it is soon hydrolysed. However in presence of HCl (acid), hydrolysis is revered.
(iii)It forms a white precipitate with alkalies. The precipitate of stannous hydroxide, however,
dissolves in excess of alkali.
SnCl2 + 2NaOH Sn(OH)2 + 2NaCl
Sn(OH)2 + 2NaOH Na2SnO2 + 2H2O
Sodium stannite
(iv) It forms a dark brown precipitate of stannous sulphide on passing H 2S through its solution. The
precipitate dissolves in yellow ammonium sulphide.
SnCl2 + H2S SnS + 2HCl
SnS + (NH4)2S2 (NH4)2SnS3
Yellow ammonium Ammonium thiostannate
(v) It is a strong reducing agent. Few examples are given below:
(a) It reduces mercuric chloride to mercurous chloride (white ppt) and finally to metallic mercury
(dark grey or black).
2HgCl2 + SnCl2 Hg2Cl2 + SnCl4
Mercurous chloride
Hg2Cl2 + SnCl2 2Hg + SnCl4
(b) It reduces ferric salts to ferrous salts and cupric salts into cuprous salts.
2FeCl3 + SnCl2 2FeCl2 + SnCl4
2CuCl2 + SnCl2 2CuCl + SnCl4
(c) It decolourises iodine and thus can be titrated with it.
SnCl2 + 2HCl + I2 SnCl4 + 2HI
(d) Organic nitro compounds are reduced to amino compounds.
C6H5NO2 + 6HCl + 3SnCl2 C6H5NH2 + 3SnCl4 + 2H2O
Nitrobenzene Aniline
(e) It reduces gold chloride to metallic gold.
2AuCl3 + 3SnCl2 2Au + 3SnCl4
Colloidal gold
SnCl4 undergoes hydrolysis forming stannic acid which absorbs colloidal particle of gold and thus
forms purple of cassius.
Chlorostannic acid