Autopipe Vs Caesar
Autopipe Vs Caesar
Autopipe Vs Caesar
Product(s): AutoPIPE
Version(s): ALL;
Area: Results
Date Logged
Oct. 2017
& Current
Model Definition
The model taken is a pump system where Pump A(Point 1) or Pump B(Point 90) or both Pump A and
B are in operation. The point 170 is connected to a vessel oriented in Z axis and at this point we enter a
flexible anchors(by CAESAR under the WRC297 and by AUTOPIPE under user flexibility)
Pipe OD at Pump
A or B 168.3 mm
Wall Thickness at
7.1 mm
Pump A or B
Wall Thickness
8.2 mm
after the reducer
Temperature for
the pump in 450 degC
Temperature for
80 degC
spare Pump
Material A106B
Allowable Stress at
137.89 N/mm2
80 degC
Allowable Stress at
86.29 N/mm2
405 degC
Pressure 10 bar
Number of load cases : 4
Load case 1 - E1
X-Multiplier= 0.100
X1 Dir = .10 g`s
Y-Multiplier= -0.050
Y1 Dir = .00 g`s
Z-Multiplier= 0.000
Z1 Dir = .00 g`s
Load case 2 - E2
X-Multiplier= 0.000
X2 Dir = .00 g`s
Y-Multiplier= -0.050
Earthquake Y2 Dir = -.05 g`s
Z-Multiplier= 0.100
Loading Z2 Dir = .00 g`s
Load case 3 - E3 U3
X-Multiplier= -0.100 X3 Dir = .00 g`s
Y-Multiplier= -0.050 Y3 Dir = .00 g`s
Z-Multiplier= 0.000 Z3 Dir = .10 g`s
Load case 1 - W1
X= 1.000
Y= 0.000
Z= 0.000
Load case 2 - W2
X= -1.000
Y= 0.000
Z= 0.000
Load case 3 - W3
X= 0.000
Y= 0.000
Wind Loading
Z= 1.000
Load case 4 - W4
X= 0.000
Y= 0.000
Z= -1.000
User defined wind profile
Height (mm) Press (N/m2 )
----------- --------------
From : Ground
to : 7000.00 480.00
to : 10000.00 540.00
to : 15000.00 630.00
to : 20000.00 700.00
to : 25000.00 760.00
to : 50000.00 990.00
Valves between
5000 N each
75,75-80 Nodes
Reducer between
1-5,85-90 Nodes
168.3 mm/7.1mm
219.1 mm/8.2mm
Node point:
Welding Tee
Node points:
Radius 1.5 25,40,50,60,65,105,115,120,130,140,150,155
OD=304.8 mm
Node points:
V-Stop(+Y support) Support Friction=0.3
Node point:
Flexible Nozzle
AutoPIPE used
Vessel Axis = Global Z
User Flexibilities
Axial Translation Stiffness=32422 N/mm
Longitudinal Bending Stiffness=39422 Nm/deg.
Circumferential Bending Stiffness=8916Nm/deg.
Node point:
1, 90
Thermal Anchor
Case T1: DY = 2.35mm, Case T3: DY = 2.35mm
Case T2: DY = 2.35mm, Case T3: DY = 2.35mm
AutoPIPE caesar
Support Rigid Stiffness Support or Anchors Stiffness
Translation: 1.7512 E+9 N/mm Translation: 1.75E+11 N/mm
Rotation: 1.3558E+12 Nm/degree Rotation: 1.1298E+11 Nm/degree
Simulated Valves
AutoPIPE caesar
AutoPIPE assumes that a valve is 100 times CAESAR II forms rigid elements by multiplying
stiffer than the connecting pipe material at the the wall thickness of the element by 10. The
start of the valve. inside diameter, and the weight of the element,
remain unchanged.
The Surface Area Factor is the factor used to
multiply the insulation weight of the pipe per units The weight of insulation added is equal to the
length to get the insulation weight of the valve per same weight that would be computed for an
units length. equivalent straight pipe times 1.75 and cannot be
To simulate the rigid element like CAESAR II , the
valves are going to be modeled like an element According to CAESAR II Miscellaneous Data
with 10 times the wall thickness of the pipe and
we will have to correct the weight entered(5000 The element 533 has a total weight of
N) because in this case the weight per meter is 9381+439+253=10073 N/m
much bigger.
That means a weight of 5368.9 N
PIPE3 is the pipe with 82 mm wall thickness.
The element 419 has a total weight of
The weight of the pipe total =3170 N/m 11933+439+253= 12625 N/m
The element 533 mm= 1689.6 N
The element 419 mm=1328.2 N That means a weight of 5289.8 N
Sustain Stress
AutoPIPE caesar
GR(1)=GR+MaxP(1) L13=W+P1+H
GR=Weight L15=W+P3+H
MaxP(1)=The max pressure into the system
(Between P1,P2,P3) -W=Weight
(1)=Analysis Set 1 -P1=Presure 1
-P2=Pressure 2
-P3=Pressure 3
No stress
Operating loading cases are only to check the displacements & forces and moments
AutoPIPE caesar
GT1(1)=GR(1)+T1(1) L2=W+D1+T1+P1+H
GT2(1)=GR(1)+T2(1) L3=W+D2+T2+P2+H
GT3(1)=GR(1)+T3(1) L4=W+D3+T3+P3+H
Expansion Stress
Operating loading cases are only to check the displacements & forces and moments
AutoPIPE caesar
Amb to T1(1) Exp1=L2-L13
Amb to T2(1) Exp2=L3-L14
Amb to T3(1) Exp3=L4-L15
Max Range
GR(1)--> P1(1) P1(1)>T1(1)
AutoPIPE caesar
E1 = in x and -1/2 x in y dir U1=in x dir
E2 = in -x and -1/2 x in y dir U2=-1/2 x in y dir
E3 = in z and -1/2 z in y dir U3=in z dir
E4 = in -z and -1/2 z in y dir To be build:
Dir = direction L6=OP1-U1+U2
To be checked: L8=OP1+U2-U3
SUS+E1 L20=L6-L2=-U1+U2
SUS+E2 L21=L7-L2=U2+U3
SUS+E3 L22=L8-L2=U2-U3
SUS+E4 To be Checked:
SUS = GR(1) +MaxP L13+L20
AutoPIPE caesar
W1 = Wind in X dir WIN1=Wind in X dir
W2 = Wind in -X dir WIN2=Wind in -X dir
W3 = Wind in Z dir WIN3=Wind in Z dir
W4 = Wind in -Z dir WIN4=Wind in -Z dir
AutoPIPE caesar
Gr W+P1
T1 T1+D1
GT1 W+D+T1+P1
W1 (Wind) Win1 (wind)
E1 U1 (earthquake)
Output type:
Elastic Modulus: Ec or Eh
Input Check
AutoPIPE caesar
Big advantage using AutoPIPE, check the input
using 1 of 2 methods :
1. Input grid
2. Model input listing
Reducers Reducers
Elbows Elbows
There are very small differences between SIFI
,SIFO .Autopipe has only one flexibility factor,
CAESAR II has 2(inplane / outplane) but same
Tees Tees
E1= U1+U2
Wind Load-cases Wind Load-cases
Results Comparison
AutoPIPE caesar
The difference(9.36-9.35) is 0%
Max Displacement DX
the difference(2.8-2.79) is 0%
Max Displacement DZ
The difference(5.7-5.67) is 0%
Stress comparison in Stress comparison in
Temperature T1,T2,T3 Temperature T1,T2,T3
T1(1)Max Stress =67.89 N/mm2 :difference EXP(T1) Max Stress = 64.4 N/mm2
= 5.1%
Highest Stresses: (N./ )
CodeStress Ratio (%): 33.2 @Node
Code Stress: 64.4 Allowable: 193.9
Non-Linear Analysis
1. With +ve % difference results are CAESAR II bigger than AUTOPIPE. On 28 results, 23 cases
CAESAR II gives higher Forces and Moments.
When the difference is above 6.6 % ,it is always the case that CAESAR II is calculating higher
forces and moments. The maximum difference is 24.2%.
2. AutoPIPE has a more advanced non-linear analysis engine with load sequencing and we can
expect a more accurate non-linear results than CAESAR
Node Point 1
Node Point 90
Linear Analysis
To get CAESAR II to make analysis linear, set the restraints as Y instead of +Y supports at node
points: 110 ,125,135, and 140. If enter as +Y, the supports are non linear. The friction by the
loading cases are set to zero.
That means that you cannot do a linear analysis on the same input. We have to create a separate
input to set up the conditions for non-linear analysis.
AUTOPIPE is able on the same input to have non-linear and linear analysis because it can create
a new analysis set with the linear conditions.
Node Point 1
Node Point 90
Non-Linear Analysis
1. With +ve % difference results are CAESAR II bigger than AUTOPIPE. On 32 results, 23 cases
CAESAR II gives higher Forces and Moments.
One result, AUTOPIPE is bigger than CAESAR II ,we have a difference of 17%. Otherwise in most
cases CAESAR II is calculating higher forces and moments with a maximum of 19.3%
2. AutoPIPE has a more advanced non-linear analysis engine with load sequencing and we can
expect a more accurate non-linear results than CAESAR
Node Point 1
Node Point 90
Linear Analysis
1. The Linear Results are consistently under 5% difference, with only one result at 6.1 %
Node Point 1
Node Point 90
AUTOPIPE has a more advanced non-linear analysis engine with load sequencing and we can
expect a more accurate non-linear results than CAESAR II. Caesar non-linear results are consistently
higher than AutoPIPE.
By the comparison, the maximum differences for Stresses and Displacements was 5.1 %.
See WIKI here for typical reasons why results may be different.
See Also
Bentley AutoPIPE