City Union Bank - Case Analysis-1
City Union Bank - Case Analysis-1
City Union Bank - Case Analysis-1
24(3) 376–378, 2020
Case Analysis I: City Union Bank— © 2020 MDI
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Residual Income Approach to Valuation
DOI: 10.1177/0972262920953751
Ullas Rao1
This is very interesting and could not have come at a more The spate of distressed signals sent by public sector banks
opportune time. An essential prerequisite of a good case in general is a testament to this fact. In that sense, it is
analysis rests on the ability of the case reader to discuss useful to argue three distinctive attributes supporting the
multifaceted issues and derive lessons by looking at the bank’s growth momentum—regional exposure, size and
case problem in its entirety. Consequently, the analysis of strategic sectoral focus. Even as India reels under a wider
the case is divided as follows. First, there is a general dis- economic slowdown, magnification of economic woes is
cussion surrounding the macro environment within which relatively tempered in the southern part. Partly owing to
the banks need to function and, therefore, bear the brunt better Human Development Index (HDI) indicators along
directly or indirectly. It follows with a discussion surround- with skilled manpower and disposable incomes imply that
ing the business and financial indicators presented in the smaller banks focused on the southern belt are relatively
exhibits and constructing the emergent thoughts with the better insulated from the volatile business sentiments impa-
larger issue surrounding the performance of the bank cting their bigger counterparts predominantly exposed to
within the prevailing business environment. And lastly, the non-southern geographies. As highlighted earlier, City
analysis critically looks at the most suitable approach to Union Banks is able to clearly reap rich dividends from its
valuation best suited to determine the intrinsic value of the lack of exposure to big business conglomerates as well as
City Union Bank. the infrastructure sector.
1 Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus, Dubai, UAE.
Corresponding author:
Ullas Rao, Department of Accountancy, Economics and Finance, Edinburgh Business School, Heriot-Watt University, Dubai Campus, Dubai Knowledge
Park, P.O. Box 38103, Dubai, UAE.
Rao 377
interest environment evident in external borrowings. To Ke (Cost of equity as in CAPM) = Rf + βi (Rm – Rf).
that extent, it is interesting to note that the City Union Bank
registered an impressive CAGR of 10.59 per cent in total where
deposits. In terms of loan and advances, the bank witnessed
Rf =
Risk-free rate of interest represented by long-tern
a moderately healthy CAGR of 8.39 per cent. The above
Govt bond
trends are well reflected in the increase in net profit for the
Rm = Return on market index
bank which increased from `322.03 crore in 2013 to
βi = Measure of systematic risk.
`502.77 crore in 2017 registering a CAGR of 11.78 per
cent. In the discounted version, the intrinsic valuation
Looking at the stock price performance, it is evident assumes the following form:
that the stock has clearly been a darling of the market
evidenced by its impressive growth from approximately Rt Rt + 1
V0 = BV0 + >{ H +> H (2)
`50 in 2013 to `140 in 2017 registering a CAGR of 29.36 _1 + K ei _1+ K ei _K e - g ni
per cent. With an estimated beta value at 1.24, the stock is
observed to be only moderately riskier in comparison to where
the market.
BV0 = Book value in the current year
In case of City Union Bank, the figures of DPS and EPS for Estimated beta = 0.98
2017 are given at `0.3 and `8.36, respectively, generating
a payout ratio of 0.03589. Given that the ROE for 2017 is Terminal beta = 0.7 (assuming the risk of the stock will
14.08 per cent, using Equation (3) yields a supernormal be much lesser than the market).
growth rate of 0.13575 or 13.575 per cent. An excel output involving the above amendments is
In respect of the terminal valuation, it is assumed that presented in Table 2.
the bank’s beta converges with the market beta with β = 1. With these changes, it may be observed that the intrinsic
Substituting the beta value yields a terminal cost of equity value of the share rises to `132. As an analyst, it is there-
at 0.1227. Further, it is assumed that the terminal growth fore best advised to indicate the valuation in a range using
rate reverts to the risk-free rate at 0.0717. It is assumed that multiple approaches than thrusting a single number based
the City Union Bank enjoys a supernormal growth period on a single approach. Would relatives be better suited to
of 10 years after which it will be slipping into the terminal value City Union Bank? That is another interesting dimen-
stage. sion best left for the discerning readers to figure out!
An excel output underlying the computations is
presented in Table 1.2
Attesting to the fact that valuation is partly science and ORCID iD
partly art, it may be vouched from the above analysis that Ullas Rao
the residual income approach yields an extremely conserv-
ative value pegging the intrinsic value of share at `70.
However, as is the case in any valuation exercise, there is Notes
no final word as such. 1. Readers wanting further details on the processes underlying
To better mirror the prevalent market realities, if the DCF approaches are encouraged to refer to any standard text
analyst were to make minor adjustments underlying the on valuation or contact the author.
above inputs: 2. Due to want of space, decimals have been rounded-off.