Taller Ingles
Taller Ingles
Taller Ingles
Singular and Plural
There + Be + Noun
Articles and Quantity
Americans and Where
They Live
Read the following Web article. Pay special attention to plural nouns.
CD 1, TR 16
Statistics are from the 2007 American Community Survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau.
98 Lesson 4
4.1 Singular and Plural—An Overview
Some kids live with one parent. Singular means one. Plural means more than
Some kids live with two parents. one. Plural nouns usually end in -s or -es.
Everyone pays taxes.
Some young men and women live with their Some plural forms are irregular. They don’t
parents. end in -s or -es.
Some children live with their grandparents. man men
woman women
child children
100 Lesson 4
11. knife knives 22. roach roaches
12. story stories 23. fox foxes
13. sofa sofas 24. house houses
14. key keys 25. turkey turkeys
15. movie movies 26. chicken chickens
16. squirrel squirrels 27. wolf wolfs
17. mosquito mosquitos 28. dog dogs
18. lion lions 29. bath baths
19. fly flies 30. pony ponies
20. cow cows 31. duck ducks
21. table
tables 32. moth moths
EXERCISE Go back to Exercise 2 and pronounce the plural form of each word.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 101
4.4 Irregular Noun Plurals
man men Some nouns have a vowel change in the plural form.
woman women Singular: Do you see that old woman?
tooth teeth Plural: Do you see those young women?
foot feet
goose geese
sheep sheep Some plural forms are the same as the singular form.
fish fish Singular: I have one fish in my tank.
deer deer Plural: She has ten fish in her tank.
child children For some plurals, we change to a different form.
person people Singular: She has one child.
mouse mice Plural: They have two children.
pajamas Some words have no singular form.
clothes Examples: My pants are new. Do you like them?
pants/slacks My glasses are dirty. I can’t see with
(eye)glasses them.
dozen Exact numbers use the singular form.
hundred Examples: The U.S. has over 300 million people.
thousand I need to buy two dozen eggs.
dozens The plural form of a number is not an exact number.
hundreds Examples: Thousands of people live alone.
thousands Millions of people live in New York City.
Pronunciation Note:
You hear the difference between woman (singular) and women (plural) in the first syllable.
Listen to your teacher pronounce one woman and two women.
Language Note:
The plural of person can also be persons, but people is more common.
EXERCISE The following nouns have an irregular plural form. Write the plural.
EXAMPLE man men
102 Lesson 4
EXERCISE Fill in the blanks with the correct plural form of the noun in
parentheses ( ).
EXAMPLE Some people like to live alone.
apartment have?
9. Some
kids live with grandparents.
(kid) (grandparent)
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 103
Finding an Apartment
You Read 1. Do you live in a house, an apartment, or a dorm?2 Do you live alone?
2. Do you like the place where you live? Why or why not?
There are several ways to find an apartment. One way is to look in the
newspaper. There is an “Apartments for Rent” section in the back of
the newspaper. There are many ads for apartments. There are also ads
for houses for rent and houses for sale. Many newspapers also put their
listings online.
Did You Another way to find an apartment is by looking at the buildings in the
Know? neighborhood where you want to live. There are often “For Rent” signs
Nowadays, people on the front of the buildings. There is usually a phone number on the
search for apartments sign. You can call and ask for information about the apartment that you
online using Web
sites such as
are interested in. You can ask:
Craigslist.org. • How much is the rent?
• Is heat included?
• What floor is the apartment on?
• Is there an elevator?
• How many bedrooms are there in the apartment?
• How many closets are there in the apartment?
• Is the apartment available3 now?
If an apartment interests you, you can make an appointment to see
it. When you go to see the apartment, you should ask some more
questions, such as the following:
• Is there a lease?4 How long is the lease?
• Is there a janitor or manager?
Dorm is short for dormitory, a building where students live.
Available means ready to use now.
A lease is a contract between the owner (landlord or landlady) and the renter (tenant). It tells how much the rent is, how long
the tenant can stay in the apartment, and other rules.
104 Lesson 4
• Is there a parking space for each tenant? Is it free, or do I have to pay
• Are there smoke detectors? (In many places, the law says that the
landlord must put a smoke detector in each apartment and in
the halls.)
• Is there a laundry room in the building? Where is it?
The landlord may ask you a few questions, such as:
• How many people are there in your family?
• Do you have any pets?
You should check over the apartment carefully before you sign the lease.
If there are some problems, you should talk to the landlord to see if he
will take care of them before you move in.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 105
4.5 Using There + Is/Are
We use there + is or there + are to introduce a subject into the conversation
when we show location or time.
Affirmative There is a/an/one Singular Subject Location/Time
Singular There is a janitor in my building.
There is an air conditioner in the bedroom.
There is one dryer in the basement.
There is a rent increase this year.
Note: There’s is the contraction for there is.
Negative There isn’t a/an Singular Subject Location/Time
Singular There isn’t a back door in my apartment.
There isn’t an elevator in the building.
There’s no Singular Subject Location/Time
There’s no balcony in my apartment.
There’s no heat this month.
Affirmative There are Plural Word Plural Subject Location/Time
Plural There are several windows in the bedroom.
There are many children in the building.
There are some cats in the building.
There are two closets in the hall.
There are — curtains on the windows.
Note: We don’t write a contraction for there are.
Negative There aren’t any Plural Subject Location/Time
Plural There aren’t any shades on the windows.
There aren’t any new tenants this month.
There are no Plural Subject Location/Time
There are no cabinets in the kitchen.
Language Note:
1. When two nouns follow there, use a singular verb (is) if the first noun is singular. Use a
plural verb (are) if the first noun is plural.
There is a closet in the bedroom and two closets in the hall.
There are two closets in the hall and one closet in the bedroom.
There is a washer and dryer in the basement.
2. There never introduces a specific or unique noun. The definite article (the) indicates a
specific or unique noun.
Wrong: There’s the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Right: The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
106 Lesson 4
EXERCISE ABOUT YOU Use the words given to make a statement about the
place where you live (house or apartment). If you live in a dorm,
use Exercise 7 instead.
EXAMPLES carpet / in the living room
There’s a carpet in the living room.
trees / in front of the building
There are no trees in front of the building.
1. porch
2. blinds / on the windows
3. door / in every room
4. window / in every room
porch 5. lease
6. closet / in the living room
7. number / on the door of blinds
the apartment or house
8. overhead light / in every room
9. microwave oven / in the kitchen
10. back door
11. fireplace
12. smoke detector
smoke detector
EXERCISE ABOUT YOU Make a statement about your dorm and dorm room
with the words given. (If you live in an apartment or house, skip
this exercise.)
EXAMPLES window / in the room
There’s a window in the room.
curtains / on the window
There are no curtains on the window.
There are shades.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 107
4.6 Questions and Short Answers Using There
Compare statements and questions with there. Observe short answers.
Singular There is a laundry room in Question word order:
Statement the building. Is + there + a/an + singular noun…?
EXERCISE ABOUT YOU Ask and answer questions with there and the words
given to find out about another student’s apartment and building.
(If you live in a dorm, use Exercise 9 instead.)
EXAMPLES a microwave oven / in your apartment
A: Is there a microwave oven in your apartment?
B: No, there isn’t.
closets / in the bedroom
A: Are there any closets in the bedroom?
B: Yes. There’s one closet in the bedroom.
108 Lesson 4
3. a yard / in front of your building
4. trees / in front of your building
5. a basement / in your building
6. a laundry room / in the basement
7. a janitor / in your building
8. noisy neighbors / in your building
9. nosy5 neighbors / in your building
10. an elevator / in your building
11. parking spaces / for the tenants
12. a lot of closets / in the apartment
13. how many apartments / in your building
14. how many parking spaces / in front of your building
EXERCISE ABOUT YOUAsk and answer questions with there and the words
given to find out about another student’s dorm. (If you live in an
apartment or house, skip this exercise.)
EXAMPLE a bicycle room
A: Is there a bicycle room in your dorm?
B: No, there isn’t.
1. married students
2. private rooms
3. a bicycle room
4. a computer room
5. an elevator
6. a bulletin board
7. graduate students
8. a quiet place to study
9. an air conditioner / in your room
10. a parking lot / for your dorm
11. how many rooms / in your dorm
12. how many floors / in your dorm
A nosy person is a person who wants to know everyone’s business.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 109
EXERCISE Use the words given to ask the teacher a question about his or her
office. Your teacher will answer.
EXAMPLES pencil sharpener
A: Is there a pencil sharpener in your office?
B: No, there isn’t.
A: Are there any books in your office?
B: Yes. There are a lot of books in my office.
1. phone 7. calendar
2. file cabinet 8. bookshelves
3. photos of your family 9. plants
4. radio 10. pictures
5. copy machine 11. fax machine
6. windows 12. computer
EXERCISE A student is calling about an apartment for rent. Fill in the blanks
with there is, there are, is there, are there, and other related words
to complete this phone conversation between the student (S) and
the landlord (L).
110 Lesson 4
L: 30 apartments.
There’s a janitor in the building. He’s in the basement. To introduce a new noun,
we use there + is/are.
There’s a little girl in the next She’s cute. When we use this noun
apartment. again as the subject of
another sentence, we use
There’s an empty apartment on the It’s available now. he, she, it, or they.
first floor.
A first-come, first-served basis means that people who arrive first will get something first (parking spaces, theater tickets,
classes at registration etc.).
Plenty of means “a lot of.”
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 111
EXERCISE 12 Fill in the blanks with there’s, there are, it’s, or they’re.
EXAMPLE There’s a small apartment for rent in my building.
It’s on the fourth floor.
EXERCISE 13 Ask a question about this school using there and the words given.
Another student will answer. If the answer is “yes,” ask a question
with where.
EXAMPLE lockers
A: Are there any lockers at this school?
B: Yes, there are.
A: Where are they?
B: They’re near the gym.
112 Lesson 4
Calling About an Apartment
You Read 1. Does your neighborhood have more apartment buildings or houses?
2. Do you prefer to live alone, with a roommate, or with your family? Why?
So-so means medium or average. (continued)
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 113
4.8 Articles with Definite and Indefinite Nouns
I live in a big The building is near We introduce a singular noun with the indefinite
building. the college. articles (a or an). When we refer to this noun
There’s a janitor in The janitor lives on again, we use the definite article the.
the building. the first floor.
May I speak to the We use the before a singular noun if this noun
landlord? is the only one or if the speaker and listener
He lives on the third share an experience and are referring to the
floor. same one. (In this case, they are talking about
The basement is dirty. the same building.)
114 Lesson 4
My building has The washing We introduce a plural noun with some, any, or
(some) washing machines are in no article. When we refer to this noun again,
machines. the basement. we use the definite article the.
Are there (any) Where are the dryers?
The tenants are We use the before a plural noun if the speaker
angry. and the listener share the same experience.
The washing machines (In this case, they are talking about the same
don’t work. building.)
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 115
EXERCISE Fill in the blanks in the conversation about apartment problems.
Use the, a, an, some, or any.
right away.
116 Lesson 4
4.9 Making Generalizations
A generalization says that something is true of all members of a group.
A snake is quiet. Snakes are quiet. To make a generalization about the subject, use
A dog makes Dogs make noise. the indefinite article (a or an) with a singular
noise. subject or no article with a plural subject.
I don’t like snakes. To make a generalization about the object,
Snakes eat mice. use the plural form with no article.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 117
EXERCISE 18 Add a plural subject to make a generalization.
EXAMPLE Students need a cheap apartment.
EXERCISE 19 ABOUT YOU Use the plural form of each noun to tell if you like or
don’t like the following in the place where you live.
EXAMPLE cabinet in the kitchen
I like cabinets in the kitchen.
118 Lesson 4
EXERCISE 20 Ask Do you like + the plural form of the noun. Another
student will answer.
A: Do you like children?
B: Yes, I do.
A: Do you like snakes?
B: No, I don’t.
EXERCISE 21 This is a conversation between two students. Fill in the blanks with
the, a, an, some, any, or X for no article.
A: Is there a copy machine in our library?
B: Yes. There are several copy machines in library.
A: Are copy machines free?
B: No. You need to use nickel9 for copy machines.
(3) (4)
What do you want to copy?
A: I want to copy my classmate’s textbook.
A nickel is a five-cent coin.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 119
Summary of Lesson 4
2. There + be
There’s an empty apartment in my building.
There are two washing machines in the basement.
Are there any parking spaces?
3. Articles
• To introduce a new noun into the conversation:
SINGULAR I have a dog.
PLURAL I have (some) turtles.
I don’t have (any) birds.
• To talk about a previously mentioned noun:
SINGULAR I have a dog. The dog barks when the
letter carrier arrives.
PLURAL I have some turtles. I keep the turtles
in the bathroom.
• To talk about specific items or people from our experience:
SINGULAR The janitor cleans the basement once
a week.
PLURAL The tenants have to take out their
own garbage.
• To talk about the only one:
The president lives in Washington, D.C.
The Statue of Liberty is in New York.
• To make a generalization:
SINGULAR A dog has good hearing.
PLURAL Dogs have good hearing.
Statue of Liberty I like dogs.
120 Lesson 4
Editing Advice
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 121
Editing Quiz
Some of the shaded words and phrases have mistakes. Find the
mistakes and correct them. If the shaded words are correct, write C.
122 Lesson 4
Lesson 4 Test/Review
PART Fill in the blanks with there, is, are, it, or they or a combination of
these words.
B: Yes, .
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 123
PART Fill in the blanks with the, a, an, some, any, or X for no article.
124 Lesson 4
Activities 1 Make a list of things you have, things you don’t have but would
like to have, and things you don’t need. Choose from the list below
and add any other items you can think of. Then find a partner and
compare lists.
a computer a house a credit card
a DVD player a diamond ring a speaker phone
a digital camera a CD player a cell phone
an encyclopedia an electric can opener a flat-screen TV
an electric toothbrush a microwave oven a letter opener
a pet a waterbed a hair dryer
a scale an electronic calendar an orange juice squeezer
Discuss your chart with a partner. Tell why you need or don’t need some
things. Tell why you want some things that you don’t have.
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 125
2 People often use the newspaper to look for an apartment. The
Sunday newspaper has the most ads. Bring in a copy of the Sunday
newspaper. Look at the section of the newspaper that has apartments
for rent. Ask the teacher to help you understand the abbreviations.
4 Look at the information about two apartments for rent below. What
are some of the advantages and disadvantages of each one? Discuss
your answers with a partner or with the entire class.
Apartment 1 Apartment 2
a view of a park on a busy street
rent = $950 rent = $750
fifth floor (an elevator in the
third floor walk-up
a new kitchen with a dishwasher old appliances in the kitchen
pets not allowed pets allowed
hardwood floors a carpet in the living room
the owner lives in the building on
the janitor lives in the building
the first floor
management controls the heat the tenant controls the heat
air conditioners in the bedroom
no air conditioners
and living room
faces north only faces east, south, and west
a one-year lease no lease
a large building—50 apartments a small building—6 apartments
washers and dryers on each floor a laundry room in the basement
parking spaces on first-come,
a parking space for each tenant
first-served basis
126 Lesson 4
5 Do you have a picture of your house, apartment, or apartment
building? Bring it to class and talk about it.
About It In a small group or with the entire class, discuss the following:
About It 1 Write a description of a room or place that you like very much.
(Review prepositions in Lesson 1.)
Two Apartments
There are many differences between my apartment
here and my apartment in Kiev, Ukraine. In my Kiev
apartment, there is a door in every room. In my
apartment here, only the bedrooms and bathrooms
have doors . . .
Singular and Plural; There + Be + Noun; Articles and Quantity Words 127