Drug-Induced Movement Disorders: Tremor
Drug-Induced Movement Disorders: Tremor
Drug-Induced Movement Disorders: Tremor
receptor blocker, dose escalation, or when switching •• signs of central nervous system hyperexcitability
to an alternative drug. –– movement disorders, including myoclonus,
tremor, akathisia
Akathisia often improves following cessation of the
offending drug. Anticholinergics, beta blockers, –– hyperreflexia, clonus, spasticity or rigidity,
benzodiazepines, amantadine, mirtazapine and seizures
clonidine have also been used with varying efficacy •• autonomic instability, including mydriasis, fever
and with minimal evidence. and tachycardia.
Acute dystonic reaction Dopamine receptor blocking drugs (e.g. antipsychotics, metoclopramide)
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
The syndrome typically plateaus and improves not be required. Amantadine can also be used to
within 2–3 weeks of onset. Bromocriptine should manage levodopa-induced dyskinesias. Referral is
therefore be continued for several weeks to ensure recommended for patients with late-stage disease for
the syndrome has completely subsided. Consideration consideration of device-assisted therapy.
about restarting an antipsychotic requires a specialist
Tardive disorders
psychiatric opinion.
Tardive drug-induced movement disorders occur
Subacute disorders either during exposure or within weeks of stopping
Subacute drug-induced movement disorders occur a drug and are present for at least one month.1,11-14
within days to weeks of drug ingestion. Some The minimum duration of exposure to the drug is
of the syndromes listed in Table 1 can develop three months, or one month in adults aged over
subacutely. They usually respond to cessation of the 60 years. The most commonly implicated drugs
offending drug. include antipsychotics, antiemetics (metoclopramide
and prochlorperazine) and some calcium channel
Parkinsonism antagonists with dopamine receptor blocking
Drug-induced parkinsonism is typically characterised properties (cinnarizine and flunarizine).
by bradykinesia, rigidity and postural instability. It is
Tardive movement disorders include dyskinesias
the second commonest cause of parkinsonism after
(typically orobuccolingual), stereotypies, akathisia,
idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. Various drugs have
dystonia (focal, segmental or generalised), myoclonus,
been associated with parkinsonism (see Table 1).
tremor and tics. Additionally, tardive parkinsonism
In contrast to idiopathic Parkinson’s disease, may be experienced. Withdrawal-emergent
drug-induced parkinsonism usually presents as a dyskinesia can occur on abrupt cessation of long-term
symmetrical akinetic rigid syndrome which develops antipsychotic treatment, particularly in children. The
over days to weeks to months following ingestion dyskinesia improves on resuming the drug. The dose
of the offending drug. Additionally, there is a poor can then be gradually reduced.
response to typical antiparkinsonian drugs, including
levodopa, dopamine agonists and anticholinergic Management
drugs. Cessation of the offending drug usually results No good evidence exists regarding the management
in complete resolution of the disorder. of tardive drug-induced movement disorders.15
Additionally, toxins can cause parkinsonism. These Treatment usually consists of withdrawing the
include 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine offending drug, and a trial of a combination of drugs.
(MPTP), organophosphate pesticides, manganese, Clonazepam has been effective particularly for
methanol, cyanide, carbon monoxide, and carbon myoclonus. Resuming the offending drug or changing
disulphide. Unlike the drugs, toxins are often to an atypical antipsychotic is sometimes required.16
In patients with a chronic psychotic disorder clozapine
associated with irreversible structural damage to the
is preferred. Most recently, vesicular monoamine
basal ganglia visible on MRI.
transporter 2 inhibitors deutetrabenazine and
Levodopa-induced dyskinesia valbenazine have been proposed as treatment
Levodopa-induced dyskinesia is a common cause of options.17,18 Other oral drugs have been tried, including
dyskinesia in individuals with Parkinson’s disease. It tetrabenazine, amantadine and propranolol.
occurs due to the relationship between dopaminergic Antioxidants, including vitamin E, vitamin B6 and
loss and the resultant response to levodopa, rather Ginkgo biloba, have also been studied. Vitamin E had
than being due to excess levodopa ingestion only. conflicting results, while vitamin B6 and Ginkgo biloba
Risk factors for developing dyskinesia include young are probably useful in treating tardive movement
age at onset of Parkinson’s disease, higher levodopa disorders.17,18 Caution is needed with Ginkgo biloba
dose, low body weight, and more severe disease.10 because of its antiplatelet effects, especially in
A careful history is vital in establishing a pattern to patients taking antiplatelet drugs or anticoagulants.
the timing and duration of dyskinesias, which can then Anticholinergic drugs to prevent, or reduce the
assist in altering the levodopa dose. severity of, drug-induced movement disorders have
Depending on the duration of dyskinesia, the been suggested, however there is no evidence to
levodopa dose can usually be reduced to a lower support this.
dose which still maintains efficacy. It is worth noting Botulinum toxin injections can be effective for focal
that mild dyskinesias are often not bothersome manifestations of tardive dystonia.19 Deep brain
to the individual and do not interfere with their stimulation, targeting the globus pallidus, can be
function, therefore a change in levodopa dose may highly effective in severe cases.20
Movement disorders are a common, and at times Dr Duma has received a speaker honorarium
life-threatening, adverse effect of many drugs, from UCB.
Opioids Myoclonus
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