Basic English - Part 2 (1st Edition) 2
Basic English - Part 2 (1st Edition) 2
Basic English - Part 2 (1st Edition) 2
1St Edition
I, you, we, they Drink Coffee
He, she, it Drinks Coffee
I, you, we, they Do Not Drink Coffee
He, she, it Does Not Drink Coffee
Do I, you, we, they Drink Coffee
Does He, she, it Drink Coffee
I live in Jepara.
The Moon goes round the Earth.
John drives a taxi.
He does not drive a bus.
We do not work at night.
Do you play football?
Does Eko work in a restaurant?
- to give your opinion - I like fried chicken. I don't like orange juice.
- to talk about schedules – Our company opens at eight. It doesn't open at 7.
- to talk about daily habits (routine actions)- Sara eats rice for breakfast every
day. She doesn't eat bread.
- to give facts - The earth circles the sun. The moon doesn't circle the sun.
A Good Boy
Billy always listens to his mother. He always does what she says. If his mother says,
"Brush your teeth," Billybrushes his teeth. If his mother says, "Go to bed," Billy goes to
bed. Billy is a very good boy. A good boy listens to his mother. His motherdoesn'thave
to ask him again.Sheasks him to do something one time, and she doesn't ask again.
Billy is a good boy. Hedoes what his mother asks the first time. Shedoesn'thave to ask
again. She tells Billy, "You are my best child." Of course Billy is her best child. Billy is
her only child.
Question Words
There are two types of questions:
Yes or no questions
Wh questions
Question words are also called wh questions because they include the letters 'W' and
'H'. There are so much question words in english, but in this lesson we will discuss
about main question of WH question, these are :
what(information) why(reasons)
where(location) Which (Choice)
when(time) How (manner)
Do you know him?
Do you have any brothers and sisters?
What do you do in your free time?
What do you think?
What do you want?
What do you want for breakfast?
Where do you live?
Where do you work?
Where do you want to go?
When do you want to have lunch?
When does he sleep ?
Who do you want to speak to?
Why do you love her?
Why do you learn english ?
Which newspapers do you read?
How do you know him?
How much does that cost?
How do you get there?
Self Introducing
My name is Steven I live in JerukWangi a village inJepara, Central Java Indonesia. Ilive
in a house with my wife Siti, and our twochildren areLisa and Roni. I work at PLTU TJB
Jepara,and I really enjoy my job I am a project manager and I have to responsible to the
management of construction activities. My responsibilities are implementation of the
plan requirements, supporting the Construction manager and responsible for assuring
that the quality assurance and quality control requirements during the construction
phase of the Project are met. For that responsibilities I have anauthority to delegate the
coordination of quality activities to the EPC IHE Project QA/QC Manager and
Construction Manager, including the development and implementation of the quality
program and providing QA/QC support to the construction activities. I have 2 days for
holiday in a week Saturday and Sunday. I enjoy the weekends with my family.
Isometimes take my family to beach or to visit my wife’s mum.She lives at Mlonggo a
subdistrict in Jepara. She loves to see hergrandchildren,Roni always tells her about his
activities atschool. I enjoy my life and I love my family so much.
Possessive Adjective
Possessive adjectives are used to show possession or ownership of something. While
we use them when we refer to people, it is more in the sense of relationship than
My car is very old.
Her boyfriend is very friendly.
Our dog is black.
Their homework is on the table.
friday is my favourite day of the week
My birthday is in september
Like all adjectives in English, they are always located directly in front of the noun they
refer to. (Possessive Adjective + Noun)
Possessive Pronouns
Possessive pronouns are used in English to avoid repeating information that is
already clear. In general it makes the sentence less confusing because the same
information is not being repeated.
This book is my book, not your book. (Sounds repetitive)
This book is mine, not yours. (Mine and yours are possessive pronouns)
In the sentence, mine is a possessive pronoun that replaces my book.
In the sentence, yours is a possessive pronoun that replaces your book.
I Mine
You Yours
He His
She Hers
It --- *
We Ours
You Yours
They Theirs
* We avoid using the possessive pronoun ITS.
I didn't have my umbrella so Sri lent me hers.
(I didn't have my umbrella so Sri lent me her umbrella).
Her car is faster than mine.
(Her car is faster than my car).
That food is ours and not theirs.
(That food is our food and not their food).
I know this drink is yours but I need to drink something.
(I know this drink is your drink but I need to drink something).