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Principles of Communications

Meixia Tao

Dept. of Electronic Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Chapter 2: Signal, Random Process, and Spectra
Selected from Chapter 2.1-2.6, Chapter 5.1-5.3 of Fundamentals
of Communications Systems, Pearson Prentice Hall 2005, by
Proakis & Salehi
Signal and Noise in
Communication Systems

Information Output
Source Transmitter Channel Receiver Signal

uncertain Noise

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 2

Topics to be Covered


2.2.Review of probability and random variables

2.3.Random Processes: basic concepts

2.4.Guassian and White Processes

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 3

What is Signal?
 In communication systems, a signal is any function that
carries information. Also called information bearing signal

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 4

Classification of Signals (1/4)
 Continuous-time signal vs. discrete-time signal

 Continuous valued signal vs. discrete-valued signal

o Continuous-time and continuous valued: analog signal

o Discrete-time and discrete valued: digital signal
o Discrete-time and continuous valued: sampled signal
o Continuous-time and discrete valued: quantized signal

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Classification of Signals (2/4)

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Classification of Signals (3/4)
 Deterministic signal vs. random signal

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Classification of Signals (4/4)
 Energy signal vs. power signal
∞ T /2
 Energy
= ∫
= ∫
Ex x (t ) dt lim x(t ) 2 dt
T →∞
−∞ −T /2
T /2
T →∞ T ∫
 Power Px = lim x (t ) 2
−T /2

 A signal is an energy signal iff Ex is finite

 A signal is a power signal iff Px is finite

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 8

Fourier Transform

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 9

Topics to be Covered


2.2.Review of probability and random variables

2.3.Random Processes: basic concepts

2.4.Guassian and White Processes

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 10

Example 1
 Consider a binary communication system

P(0) = 0.3 P01 = P(receive 1 | sent 0) = 0.01

P00 = P(receive 0 | sent 0) = 1- P01 = 0.99
P10 = P(receive 0 | sent 1) = 0.1
P(1) = 0.7
P11 = P(receive 1 | sent 1) = 1- P10 = 0.9

 What is the probability that the output of this channel is 1?

 Assuming that we have observed a 1 at the output, what is
the probability that the input to the channel was a 1?

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 11

Conditional Probability

 Consider two events A and B

 Conditional probability P(A|B)
 Joint probability

P( AB ) = P( B ) P( A | B ) = P( A) P( B | A)

 A and B are said statistically independent iff

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Law of Total Probability
 Let be mutually exclusive events

 For any event B, we have

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Bayes’ Theorem
 Let be mutually exclusive events such
that and B is an arbitrary event with nonzero
probability. Then

 Example 1 on slide 11?

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 14

Random Variables (r.v.)
 A r.v. is a mapping from the sample space S to the set of
real numbers.

 A r.v. may be
 Discrete-valued: range is finite (e.g. {0,1}), or countable
infinite (e.g. {1,2,3 …})
 Continuous-valued: range is uncountable infinite (e.g. )

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 The Cumulative distribution function (CDF of a r.v. X, is

FX ( x ) = P ( X ≤ x )

 Key properties of CDF

1. 0 ≤ FX(x) ≤ 1 with
2. FX(x) is a non-decreasing function of x
3. F (x1 < X ≤ x2) = FX(x2) − FX(x1)

Probability Density Function (PDF)
 The PDF, of a r.v. X, is defined as

f X ( x ) = FX ( x ) FX ( x ) = ∫ f X ( y )dy
d x
dx −∞

 Key properties of PDF

1. p X ( x) ≥ 0 2. ∫
p X ( x)dx = 1
3. P ( x1 < X ≤ x2 ) = PX ( x2 ) − PX ( x1 ) = ∫
p X ( x)dx

Area = P( x1 < X ≤ x2 )
FX ( x ) f X (x )
1 1
Area = f X ( x )dx
P( x1 < X ≤ x2 )

Xmin 0 x1 x2 Xmax x Xmin 0 x1 x2 x x+dx Xmax x

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 17
Some useful distribution:
Bernoulli Distribution
 A discrete r.v taking two possible values, X = 1 or X = 0.
with probability mass function (pmf)

 Often used to model binary data

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Some useful distribution:
Binomial Distribution
 A discrete r.v. taking the sum of n-independent Bernoulli
r.v. , i.e.

 The PMF is given by


 That is, the probability that Y = k is the probability that k of

the Xi are equal to 1 and n-k are equal to 0

 Suppose that we transmit a 31-bit long sequence with
error correction capability up to 3 bit errors
 If the probability of a bit error is p = 0.001, what is the
probability that this sequence is received in errors?

 If no error correction is used, the error probability is

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 20

 Assume 10,000 bits are transmitted over a channel in
which the error probability is
 What is the probability that the total number of errors is
less than 3?
 Solution:
 n=10,000, p=0.001

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 21

Some useful distribution:
Uniform Distribution
 A continuous r.v. taking values between a and b with equal
 The probability density function (pdf) is given by

 The random phase of a sinusoid is often modeled as a

uniform r.v. between 0 and

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 22

Statistical Averages
 Consider a discrete r.v. which takes on the possible values
x1, x2, …, xM with respective probabilities P1, P2, …, PM.
 The mean (均值) or expected value (期望值) of X is
m X = E [X ] = ∑ xi Pi
i =1

 If X is continuous, then

mX = E [ X ] = ∫ xf X ( x )dx


 This is the first moment (一阶矩) of X.

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 The nth moment of X

[ ]= ∫
EX n

x n p X ( x )dx

 Let n = 2, we have the mean-square value (均方值) of X

[ ]= ∫
EX 2

x 2 p X ( x )dx

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 n-th Central moment is
E ( X − mX ) = ∫
] ∞

( x − mx ) f X ( x )dx

 At n=2, we have the variance (方差)

σ X2 = E [( X − mX )2 ]
= E X 2 − 2mX X + m2X ]
= E [X ] − m
2 2

 σX is called the standard deviation (标准偏差)

 It is the average distance from the mean, a measure of the
concentration of X around the mean

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 25

Some useful distribution:
Gaussian Distribution
 Gaussian or normal distribution (正态分布) is a continuous
r.v. with pdf
1  1 
f X ( x) = exp− 2 ( x − mX )2 
2πσ X2  2σ X 
0 mX

 A Gaussian r.v. is completely determined by its mean and

variance, and hence usually denoted as
X ~ N m X , σ X2 )
 By far the most important distribution in communications
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 26
The Q-Function
 The Q-function is a standard form to express error
probabilities without a closed form
∞ 1  u2 
Q( x ) = ∫ exp − du
x 2π  2
 The Q-function is the area under the tail of a Gaussian pdf
with mean 0 and variance 1

 Extremely important in error probability analysis!!!

More about Q-Function
 Q-function is monotonically decreasing
 Some features

 Craig’s alternative form of Q-function (IEEE MILCOM’91)

 Upper bound

 If we have a Gaussian variable X ~ N ( µ , σ 2 ) , then

 x−µ 
Pr( X > x) =
Q 
 σ 
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 28
Joint Distribution
 Consider 2 r.v.’s X and Y, joint distribution function is
defined as
FXY ( x, y ) = P( X ≤ x, Y ≤ y )

∂ 2 FXY ( x, y )
and joint PDF is f XY ( x, y ) =

 Key properties of joint distribution

∞ ∞
∫ ∫
−∞ −∞
p XY ( x, y )dxdy = 1
y2 x2
P( x1 < X ≤ x2 , y1 < Y ≤ y2 ) = ∫ ∫ p XY ( x, y )dxdy
y1 x1

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 29

 Marginal distribution
∞ x
PX ( x) = P( X ≤ x, − ∞ < Y < ∞) = ∫ ∫ p XY (α , β )dαdβ
−∞ −∞

y ∞
PY ( y ) = ∫ ∫ p XY (α , β )dαdβ
−∞ −∞

 Marginal density

p X ( x) = ∫ p XY ( x, β )dβ

 X and Y are said to be independent iff

PXY ( x, y ) = PX ( x) PY ( y )
p XY ( x, y ) = p X ( x) pY ( y )

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Correlation (1/2)
 Correlation (相关) of the two r.v. X and Y is defined as

RXY = E [ XY ] = ∫
∞ ∞

−∞ −∞ ∫ xyf XY ( x, y )dxdy

 Correlation of the two centered r.v. X-E[X] and Y-E[Y], is

called the covariance (协方差) of X and Y

 If , i.e. , then X and Y are called

Correlation (2/2)
 The covariance of X and Y normalized w.r.t. σX σY is
referred to the correlation coefficient of X and Y:

 If X and Y are independent, then they are uncorrelated.

 The converse is not true (except the Gaussian case)

Joint Gaussian Random Variables
 X1, X2, …, Xn are jointly Gaussian iff

 x is a column vector
 m is the vector of the means
 C is the covariance matrix

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Two-Variate Gaussian PDF
 Given two r.v.s: X1 and X2 that are joint Gaussian

 Then

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 For uncorrelated X and Y, i.e.

X1 and X2 are also independent

If X1 and X2 are Gaussian and uncorrelated,

then they are independent.
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 35
Some Properties of Jointly Gaussian r.v.s

 If n random variables are jointly Gaussian,

any set of them is also jointly Gaussian. In particular, all
individual r.v.s are Gaussian
 Jointly Gaussian r.v.s are completely characterized by the
mean vector and the covariance matrix, i.e. the second-
order properties
 Any linear combination of is a Gaussian

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 36

Law of Large Numbers
 Consider a sequence of r.v.
 Let

 If Xi’s are uncorrelated with the same mean and


 Then

the average converges to the expected value

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 37

Central Limit Theorem
 If are i.i.d random variables with common
mean and common variance
 Then,
converges to a

the sum of many i.i.d random variables converges to

a Gaussian random variable

 Thermal noise results from the random movement of many

electrons – it is well modeled by a Gaussian distribution.

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Meixia Tao @ SJTU 44
Some useful distribution:
Rayleigh Distribution








0 1 2 3 4 5 6

 Rayleigh distributions are frequently used to model fading

for non-line of sight (NLOS) signal transmission
 Very important for mobile and wireless communications

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 45

 Let , where a and b are i.i.d Gaussian random
variables with mean 0 and variance
 Show that the magnitude of h follows Rayleigh distribution

and its phase follows a uniform distribution

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 46

Topics to be Covered


2.2.Review of probability and random variables

2.3.Random Processes: basic concepts

2.4.Guassian and White Processes

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 47

Random Process
 A random process (stochastic process, or random signal)
is the evolution of random variables over time

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 48

Description of Random Process
 : random process
 : sample function of the random process
 : values of the random process at

Outcome of 1st
x2(t) Outcome of
Sample 2nd
space S experiment
xn(t) X(t1) X(t2)
Outcome of nth
t1 t2 experiment

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 49

 Uniformly choose a phase between and generate a
sinusoid with a fixed amplitude and frequency but with a
random phase .
 In this case, the random process is

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Statistics of Random Processes
 An infinite collection of random variables specified at time t

 Joint pdf

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 51

First Order Statistics
 = first order density of

 Mean
E [ X (t0 )] = E [ X (t = t0 )] = ∫ xf X ( x; t0 ) = X (t0 )


 Variance

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 52

Second-Order Statistics
 = second-order density of

 Auto-correlation function (correlation within a process):

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Example 1
 Consider , where is uniform in

 Mean:

 Auto-correlation:

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Example 2
 Consider , where

 Find its mean and auto-correlation function

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 55

Stationary Processes (平稳过程)
 A stochastic process is said to be stationary if for any
and :

 First-order statistics is independent of

= E { X (t )} ∫= xf X ( x)dx mX (2)

 Second-order statistics only depends on the gap

∞ ∞
= RX (t1 , t2 ) ∫ ∫ x1 x2 f X ( x1 , x2 , t2 − t1 )dx1dx2
−∞ −∞

=RX (t2 − t1 ) =RX (τ ) , where τ =t2 − t1 (3)

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 56

Wide-Sense Stationary (广义平稳)
 A random process is said to be WSS when:

E { X (t )}
= ∫=xf ( x)dx m
∞ ∞
RX (t1 , t2 ) ∫ ∫ x x f (x , x ,t
−∞ −∞ 1 2 X 1 2 2 − t1 )dx1dx2
=RX (t2 − t1 ) =RX (τ ) , where τ =t2 − t1 (3)

 A random process is strictly stationary (严格平稳) when:


Meixia Tao @ SJTU 57

Wide-Sense Stationary
 Example 1:

From the previous example:

X(t) is WSS

 Example 2: , where
Is Y(t) WSS?

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 58

Averages and Ergodic
 Ensemble averaging

X (t ) = E [X (t )] = ∫ xp( x; t )dx


RX (t1 , t 2 ) = E [X (t1 ) X (t 2 )] = ∫
∞ ∞

−∞ −∞ ∫ x1 x2 p( x1 , x2 ; t1 , t 2 )dx1dx2

 Time averaging ∆ 1 T
T →∞ 2T ∫−T
< X (t ) > = lim x(t )dt
∆ 1 T
T →∞ 2T ∫−T
< X (t ) X (t − τ ) > = lim x(t ) x(t − τ )dt

 If ensemble average = time average, X(t) is said to be Ergodic

So what?
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 59
Random process

Wide sense stationary


 Applications
 Signal: WSS
 Noise: (strictly) stationary
 Time-varying channel: ergodic => ergodic capacity
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 60
Frequency Domain Characteristics of
Random Process

Power Spectral Density




Meixia Tao @ SJTU 61

Power Spectral Density
 Given a deterministic signal
 Power:
 Truncate to get an energy signal
 x(t ) (t <T)
xT (t ) = 
. 0 (其余)

 According to Parseval theorem

 Thus,

Power spectral density of x(t)

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 62
PSD of Random Process
 Consider as a sample function of a random process
 Average power of

 Power spectral density of

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 63

 Given a binary semi-random signal

 is a rectangular pulse shaping function with width

 is a random variable that takes +1 or -1 with equal probability,
and it is independent for different n
 Sample functions of X(t) are
x(t, ei ) Tb

0 t

 Find its power spectral density

x(t, ei +1 )

0 t

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 64

PSD of WSS Process
 Wiener-Khinchin theorem

RX (τ ) = ∫ S X ( f ) exp( j 2πfτ )df
S X ( f ) ↔ RX (τ ) −∞

S X ( f ) = ∫ RX (τ ) exp(− j 2πfτ )dτ

 Property:

RX (0 ) = ∫ S X ( f )df = total power

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 For the random process
 We had

 Hence

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 Given a binary random signal

 is a rectangular pulse shaping function with width

 is a random variable that takes +1 or -1 with equal probability,
and it is independent for different n
 is a random time delay uniformly distributed within
 A typical sample function of X(t) is

T τ
x(t, ei+1 )

0 t1 t2 t


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 Find the autocorrelation function

 Find its power spectral density

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Random Process Transmission Through
Linear Systems
 Consider a linear system (channel)

X(t) Impulse Y(t)


Y (t ) = X (t ) * h(t ) = ∫ h(τ ) X (t − τ )dτ

 Mean of the output Y(t)

If X(t) is WSS

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Random Process Transmission Through
Linear Systems
 Autocorrelation of Y(t)

If X(t) is WSS

If input is a WSS process, the output is also a

WSS process

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 70

Relation Among the Input-Output PSD

 Autocorrelation of Y(t)

 PSD of Y(t):

SY ( f ) = H ( f ) S X ( f )

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 71

Deterministic vs. Random

Deterministic h(t)

WSS Random

SY ( f ) = H ( f ) S X ( f )

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 Let the random pass through the above

system, then

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Topics to be Covered


2.2.Review of probability and random variables

2.3.Random Processes: basic concepts

2.4.Gaussian and White Processes

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 74

Gaussian Process
 Definition:
 is a Gaussian process if for all and all
the sample values have a joint
Gaussian density function

 Properties:
 If it is wide-sense stationary, it is also strictly stationary
 If the input to a linear system is a Gaussian process, the
output is also a Gaussian process

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 75

 Often modeled as Gaussian and stationary with zero mean

 White noise
Sn ( f ) = N 0 2 Rn (τ ) = δ (τ )
White noise is completely

N 0 = 4.14 ×10−21
Meixia Tao @ SJTU 76
= −174 dBm/Hz
Bandlimited Noise
White noise Filter Bandwidth Bandlimited white
B Hz noise n(t)

Q1. At what rate to sample the noise can

we get uncorrelated realizations?

Q2. What is the power of each sample?

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 77

Band-pass Noise

White noise Band-pass noise

Bandpass filter n(t)

 Canonical form of a band-pass noise process

In-phase component Quadrature component

Low-pass noise process

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 Let n(t) be a zero-mean, stationary and Gaussian noise
 Then nc(t) and ns(t) satisfy the following properties
 Property 1:
 nc(t) and ns(t) are zero-mean, jointly stationary and jointly Gaussian

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 79

 Property 2:
 S n ( f − f 0 ) + S n ( f + f 0 ), f ≤ B / 2
nc ( f ) S=ns ( f ) 
0 otherwise

 Proof
HL ( f )

× Z1 (t ) 1 nc (t )

-B/2 0 B/2 f
2cos ω0t
n(t )
−2sin ω0t
HL ( f )

× Z2 (t ) 1 ns (t )

-B/2 0 B/2 f

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 80

Envelop and Phase
 Angular representation of n(t)
=n(t ) R(t ) cos [ω0t + φ (t ) ]

R(t ) nc 2 (t ) + ns 2 (t ) envelop
where ns (t )
=φ (t ) tan −1 [0 ≤ φ (t ) ≤ 2π ] phase
nc (t )

1 R(t )

n(t ) B

0 t



Meixia Tao @ SJTU 81

 Let n(t) be a zero-mean, stationary Gaussian process,
find the statistics of the envelop and phase
 Result:
 Envelop follows Rayleigh distribution while phase
follows uniform distribution
2π R  R2 
f ( R) =∫0 f ( R, φ )dφ =σ 2 exp − 2σ 2  R≥0

∞ 1
Proof? f=(φ ) ∫ f ( R, φ= )dR 0 ≤ φ ≤ 2π
0 2π
 For the same t, the envelop variable R and phase
variable φ are independent (but not the two processes)

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 82

 For WSS: S X ( f ) ↔ RX (τ )

 WSS transmission through a linear system

SY ( f ) = H ( f ) S X ( f )

 Gaussian, stationary, and zero-mean noise

 non-Gaussian noise?
 Snapping shrimp noise in shallow water acoustic communication

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 83

Suggested Reading & Homework
 Chapter 2.1-2.6, Chapter 5.1-5.3 of Fundamentals
of Communications Systems, Pearson Prentice
Hall 2005, by Proakis & Salehi

 Homework #1:
 Textbook Ch2: 2.5, 2.9, 2.13
 Textbook Ch5: 5.5, 5.10 (Hint: Q-fun), 5.22, 5.28,
5.40, 5.58

Meixia Tao @ SJTU 84

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