Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Lesson Plan Template: Essential Question
Essential Question How can we use the way characters are presented in a text to write our own narratives?
What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses? What is the core
purpose of the lesson that includes the
strategies and skills necessary to
accomplish the deeper learning in the
standard? How does this lesson fit into
the larger unit of study?
State Learning Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.3.3
Identify relevant grade level standards Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions
and Learning Outcomes from the State contribute to the sequence of events
Content Learning Standards, Common
Core Standards, and school learning CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.3.3.A
outcomes. Establish a situation and introduce a narrator and/or characters; organize an event sequence that unfolds
Learning Targets/Objectives Students will be able to identify the traits of a character and explain why they think so.
What should the students know or be
able to do after the instruction? Use a Students will be able to write a narrative based upon their knowledge of character traits.
common format with a measurable verb
that matches the cognitive domain
standard. This should be a small piece of
the standard stated in measurable
Grouping Grouping
Describe how and why students will be
divided into groups, if applicable Students will have an opportunity to share their narrative with a partner through a turn and talk.
(homogeneous, heterogenous, random /
based on ability, interest, social Co-Teaching Strategy
purposes, etc.)
Co-Teaching Strategy N/A
September 1, 2020
How did you collaborate with your co-
teacher to plan, instruct, and assess
learning? What Co-Teaching Model will
you employ?
-One Teach, One Observe
-One Teach, One Assist
-Station Teaching
-Parallel Teaching
-Alternative (Differentiated)
-Team Teaching
Differentiation Content
Respond to your students’ needs and
adjust the content, process, product, The students will be able to access the text physically on paper or digitally via their chromebook.
and/or environment to reach individual
learners based on their readiness, Process
interests, and learning preferences
(Tomlinson, 2014). Discuss planned
supports here. For students that are having difficulty writing, myself, the ESL specialist or a teacher aide will write
what the student says on the graphic organizer.
Students will be able to produce their graphic organizer physically with a pencil and a piece of paper
or digitally with a chromebook. Students will also have question frames/sentence starters during the
turn and talk to stimulate conversation.
The directions of what the students should be doing will be verbally produced and physically written
in multiple areas of the classroom on whiteboards, so the students have a reminder. Also, with the
directions, a list of roots will also be available around the classroom in multiple areas.
Formative Assessment During/after reading the text, students will be filling out a graphic organizer in order to name a character’s
How will you monitor student learning traits and explain why they think so. I will be looking for students to fill out four “character trait” boxes in the
throughout the lesson? Be specific organizer with one of those boxes being the practice we do together.
September 1, 2020
about how your chosen assessments
connect with the objectives above. Also, I will be able to monitor student progress by observing when they are turning and talking to a partner
Does your formative assessment about the narratives they have written.
have/need evaluation criteria? If so,
attach a copy of your evaluation criteria.
Summative Assessment Based upon reading the text and understanding character traits through the graphic organizer, students will
How will students demonstrate mastery be writing their own narrative where they are the main character. They will be writing about their own
of the standard? Note: This assessment Halloween experience (real or pretend) and the sequence of events that happened throughout the day.
does not have to occur during/after this Students would be evaluated through a rubric that highlights different points that their narratives should
lesson but in upcoming lessons. include.
Evaluation Criteria
What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning? Please attach a copy
of your checklist, rubric, observation
criteria, or other measure.
Procedures (Teacher[s] will…, Students will…)
Describe the presentation of the overall Today, the students will be reading a short text entitled “Amy’s Halloween Secret” which highlights
lesson. some various traits of a character. In order to document these traits, I am going to show them a
Introduction and Connection to strategy to provide them assistance.
Previous Learning Next, we will activate prior knowledge of students by doing a quick review of characters and how they
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) can shape what the students are reading. While reading our text today, we will be breaking things
● Activate prior knowledge. down in a graphic organizer or chart to help us select character traits and why we think those traits
● Be sure students understand describe the character.
procedures and instructions for
Then, I will establish clear procedures and expectations for students for this lesson. First, the students
● Establish clear expectations. will get the text they are reading today. This can be done by either bringing it up on our class website
● Model concept on their chromebook or retrieving a paper copy from the front of the room. Second, students will get
The Introduction, During, and Wrap-up the graphic organizer they are going to fill out during reading. This can be done by either bringing it up
groupings/ instruction/ lesson on our class website as well or retrieving a paper copy from the front of the room. Here it is important
progression might look different! to remind students that they can have a mix of digital and paper, and it doesn’t have to be one or the
other in terms of the text and graphic organizer. After they get their supplies, students will read the
text silently and fill out the graphic organizer during the process (teacher modeling will be in the next
bullet point). After the students have been given ample time to do these tasks, I would check in with
them by giving a thumbs up or thumbs down in terms of them being finished. When students are done,
they will move on to other part of the lesson where they will write their own narrative based on their
comprehension of character traits. They will be writing about their own Halloween experience (real or
pretend) and the sequence of events that happened throughout the day. Students will write their
narratives with a pencil and piece of paper as it is imperative for them to practice writing every day.
September 1, 2020
Before sending the students off, I would model each of the parts of the lesson. For the graphic
organizer, I would read a selected paragraph of the story about the main character Amy, being brave in
a situation. I would then write this in an enlarged version of the organizer so the students could see it
clearly. I would then write below it why I thought Amy was brave with an example from the text. I
would make sure to point out that we comprehended that Amy was brave from the text and that traits
help us describe characters. I would tell the students that they would be filling out three additional
boxes themselves including the one we did together that I modeled, so they would have four in total. I
would then transition into the second part of the lesson where they will be writing their own
Halloween narrative about an experience that can be real or pretend. I would then write a narrative of
my own where I include three “character traits” about myself that are sequentially talked about
following a first, next, then and last format. I will remind the students again about the narrative after
they are done with the organizer, so they are not overwhelmed.
From here, students will be sent off by table to gather their paper copies and/or chromebooks.
During (Lesson Progression) Students will begin the lesson by gathering their proper materials and reading the text. When they
In this portion of the lesson, you will be come across a trait that Amy possesses, they will utilize the strategy that was shown to them in the
letting go and letting students engage in introduction section in order to list the trait and describe why based on evidence from the text.
productive struggle; engaging in gradual While the students are working, it is important to walk around the room to monitor progress. If some
release, inquiry, or other learning students are stuck on where to go after they located a character trait, I would say things like “How do
methods. Please write what you are
you know this?” or “Where did you read this in the text?”. When they are working on their narratives, I
looking for in terms of:
● Students’ thinking and how they would check in by asking things like “What traits are you using to describe yourself?”, “Is this a real
will start the lesson story or a pretend one?” while also making sure they are structuring with first, then, next, and last.
● Provide appropriate support If there are some students who are doing really well and are finishing before others, I would let them
(not explaining how to do it) move on to writing their narrative/draw pictures to enhance their narrative depending on the part of
● Provide worthwhile extensions. the lesson.
● Provide opportunities for When the students have finished reading, completed their graphic organizers and their narratives, this
students to engage in using the is the time for a turn and talk where they can discuss their narratives with a partner. As mentioned
academic language. above, students will be given question frames and sentence starters in case they are having some
This is where you will be suggesting or
difficulty getting started. Some examples of these could be “I enjoyed reading your narrative because
modeling specific strategies and
helping students choose which strategy
___” or “My favorite character trait that you used was ___”. While walking around the room, I will
makes sense to them. However, you monitor student progress by listening in and seeing how they used their knowledge of character traits
must make sure ideas come from to transfer it into their narratives.
students. After the students are given the opportunity to turn and talk, we will wrap up the lesson with a large
group discussion.
Wrap-Up and Extension Wrapping up, I would have a couple of students share out a character trait they used in their
This is where you have students talk narratives. After each student shares, I would ask two questions to the rest of the class: 1) “Did anyone
about their thinking and share strategies else use this trait?” (in order for students to see they are not alone) and 2) “Did anyone else use a
September 1, 2020
with the whole class. It’s important to different trait?” (in order to keep the large group discussing going and not repeat the same traits).
name strategies and use academic Finally, after a couple students have shared, I would reinforce the concept of how the students read
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to about character traits and used that knowledge to create their own work based on what they learned. I
broader ideas. would then have the students submit their narratives and graphic organizers digitally and/or
● Promote a community of
physically, ending the lesson.
● Listen actively and probe
thinking without evaluating or
telling them how you would do
Summarize main ideas and identify
future problems that they would be able
to solve using the thinking you have
Instructional Materials, -The text used is attached after the lesson plan.
Equipment and Technology
Attach a copy of ALL materials the -The graphic organizer used is attached after the lesson plan.
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to -Chromebook
answer, overheads, PowerPoint slides,
worksheets. List equipment or
technology that needs to be available.
September 1, 2020
September 1, 2020
September 1, 2020