Final Lesson Plan 1
Final Lesson Plan 1
Final Lesson Plan 1
Literacy Standard:
RST. 9-10.7 Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a
text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed
visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.
WHST.11-12.2 Write informative/explanatory texts, including the narration of
historical events, scientific procedures/experiments, or technical processes.
Content Area Standard:
HS-PS1-7. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms,
and therefore mass, are conserved during a chemical reaction. [Clarification
Statement: Emphasis is on using mathematical ideas to communicate the
proportional relationships between masses of atoms in the reactants and the
products, and the translation of these relationships to the macroscopic scale
using the mole as the conversion from the atomic to the macroscopic scale.
Emphasis is on assessing students’ use of mathematical thinking and not on
memorization and rote application of problem-solving techniques.]
[Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include complex chemical
English Language Development (ELD) Standard:
Gr. 9-10: P2.A.1. Ex Apply understanding of how different text types are organized
to express ideas (e.g., how narratives are organized sequentially) to comprehending
texts and to writing brief arguments, informative/explanatory texts and narratives.
Gr.9-10:P1.C.10.Ex Write Short literary and informational texts (e.g., an argument
for wearing school uniforms) collaboratively (e.g., with peers) and independently.
Lesson Objectives & Supports
Content objectives:
● Students will be able to balance chemical equations using Stoichiometry.
● Students will know essential vocabulary pertaining to the balancing of
chemical reactions.
● Students will be able to calculate mass and moles of chemicals involved in a
balanced reaction.
Literacy objectives:
● Students will be able to read and write an experimental procedure
● Students will be able to read and translate balanced chemical reactions into
words. (RST. 9-10.7 )
Academic vocabulary:
Tier II (General)
Tier III (Domain specific)
Molar Mass
Avogadro’s Number
Limiting Reactant
Theoretical Yield
Actual Yield
Percent Yield
Literacy strategies and Integrated ELD Strategies (SDAIE, Specially Designed
Academic Instruction in English):
● Science Connection Overview: “Front-loading Strategy that guides students into
making connections to their lives and experiences as they study topics in science.”
[Student-directed preview of a science topic before reading to link the
material to previous knowledge.]
Objective Assessment
Write 1 objective per row - add more rows if you need them
Students will be able to balance chemical equations using Teacher will ask
Stoichiometry. questions/assign class activity.
Students will complete the Exit
Students will know essential vocabulary pertaining to the Students will complete the
balancing of chemical reactions. pre-vocabulary assignment.
Students will be able to calculate mass and moles of Teacher will ask questions
chemicals involved in a balanced reaction. during the lesson. Students will
Students will be able to read and write an experimental Students will read and
procedure (WHST.11-12.2) complete the pre-lab
Students will be able to read and translate balanced Students will complete the Exit
chemical reactions into words. (RST. 9-10.7 ) Ticket and pre-lab.
Lesson Introduction/Anticipatory Set - How you introduce your lesson & engage students
Time Teacher Does Student Does
Go over Learning Objectives in the 1st slide and
0-2 Listen to the teacher's agenda and objectives.
agenda for the next two days.
Ask any questions/comments relating to the lesson and
Ask/answer any question pertaining to the
3-5 lab.
pre-vocabulary assignment/lesson/lab.
Lesson Body – The lesson itself
Time Teacher Does Student Does
1. Looking at their pre-vocabulary assignment,
1. Ask students that have completed the
students will define and elaborate on what
pre-vocabulary assignment to define what
Stoichiometry is.
Stoichiometry is, Elaborating what the
definition entails when applying to balancing
2. Students still unsure on what Stoichiometry is
chemical reactions.
will understand on a base level that there will
a. Using the image and slide, explain
be the same # of each element on both sides
how the # of elements on each
of the chemical reaction.
side of the equation have the same
# of each element on both sides of
the equation.
10-15 3. Students will see the relationship of how the #
of elements on the left side (reactants) of the
2. Go over the concept of the conservation of
equation will be equal to the # of elements on
mass, in which matter is not created nor
the right side(products) of the equation.
destroyed during a reaction. Meaning that
the # each element involved in the reaction
will stay constant. (If there are 4 Cl’s on the
4. Students will complete the activity on their
reactant side, then there must be 4 Cl’s on
own after learning about how to balance
the product side.)
equations. After obtaining their best answers,
students will then share their answers in
15-20 groups.
3. Spend 2-3 minutes having students balance
the following unbalanced equations, then
spend 2-3 minutes going over the answers in
5. Students will get a better definition of what a
Mole is in terms of chemistry, asking questions
20-25 related to the # and size of Avogadro’s
4. Define what a mole is and be sure to relate
the idea of Avogadro’s # to Avocados, as
connecting the difficult term of Avogadro to
a familiar word will make it easier to learn.
6. Students will be able to translate atomic mass
25-30 values from the periodic table in order to
quantify moles of an element or substance.
5. Using an idea that students already know
*Although we’ll be working with only whole
(The use of terms to refer to a # of items, in
integers of moles for now.
this case being dozen to refer to 12 and ream
to refer to 500) By using these two concepts
7. Students will be able to understand the
that students already know, we can better
concept of Limiting Reagents by viewing the
define the large number of 6.022 x 1023)
example provided. Students will also
understand the relationship of Yields by
6. Explain why it’s necessary to have such a viewing the percent yield equation on the
large # in chemistry, connecting the size of slide.
atoms and elements and quantifying it in
understandable measurements. (Ex: Having
30-35 6.02214076 × 1023 atoms of Hydrogen will
yield 1.008 grams)
Lesson Closure – How you wrap up and transition to homework or the next lesson
Time Teacher Does Student Does
End the lesson by assigning a pre-lab assignment to
Students will complete the exit ticket in groups and
write an experimental procedure in their own words,
share answers once completed. Students will then
45-50 assigning an exit ticket to practice balancing equations,
prepare and complete the pre-lab assignment in
and preparing students for the Lab Experiment the
preparation for the next day’s Lab Experiment.
next day.