4 Purpose of The Study
4 Purpose of The Study
4 Purpose of The Study
The purpose of this study was to improve the well-being of glocal students using English
as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) by exploring their institutional language experiences. To do
this it was important to move beyond the rational, cognitive computational approach to
classroom language teaching that includes;
This was explored by combing two fields of study; Human Resource Development (HRD), and
Education. The HRD perspective emerged from the tradition of Kurt Lewin’s Action Research,
and Reg Raven’s Action Learning. While Education emerged from Paulo Freire’s participatory
action research.
When combining these perspectives or approaches they naturally merge under a heuristic
approach to inquiry. using a form of participatory action learning and action research, combined
with heuristic inquiry, hermeneutic phenomenology, and ethnography. second language learners
to become participating members in an interlanguage (English) community by improving
classroom language instruction while exploring the various interconnections between
interlanguage communication, development, and academic learning among language learners in
an EMI setting. that are in need of sustainability in the form of Interlanguage communities of
Three major objectives can be identified: 1) To be a change initiative; 2) for the research-
practitioner to conduct a heuristic or ethno-methodological inquiry into the first-person learning
experiences of the selected students; 3) for the students to gain personal insight from their first-
person learning experiences; 4) for students to initiate a program to change; thus 5) creating a
Praxial Interlanguage model.
The aim is to merge theory and practice into a praxis that improves interlanguage instruction for
students involved in EMI. Overall, this research is intended to be pragmatic by bridging the gaps
in language pedagogy between theory, practice, experience, and development. Theory deals
mainly with the nature of language and learning, as Practice deals with instruction, while
Experience deals with student participation, and Development deals with the progress of student
This can be accomplished by using Kurt Lewin’s change model, the fundamentals of autopoiesis
and neuroscience, and the ancient practice of mindfulness.
To investigate the nature of second language development using the five aggregates of
experience: 1 forms, 2 feelings/sensations, 3 perceptions/impulses, 4 dispositional formations, 5
The purpose of this research is to explain why acquiring, or learning, or developing a second
language is so very difficult.
purpose is to find what needs to be transformed. attention and awareness, but how can we?
The purpose of this research is to foster transformation in students, the groups they socialize in,
and the campus community of English lingua franca where they socialize, by creating the proper
context. According to Kurt Lewin, there can be forces in society that maintain a certain mindset,
and to initiate change requires a specific approach.
Define the change you want to see. Write down the goal or vision of a future
desired state. Or you might prefer to understand the present status quo or equilibrium.
Brainstorm or Mind Map the Driving Forces - those that are favourable to
change. Record these on a force field diagram.
Brainstorm or Mind Map the Restraining Forces - those that are unfavourable
to, or oppose change. Record these on the force field diagram.
Evaluate the Driving and Restraining forces. You can do this by rating each
force, from 1 (weak) to 5 (strong), and total each side. Or you can leave the numbers out
completely and focus holistically on the impact each has.
Review the forces. Decide which of the forces have some flexibility for change or
which can be influenced.
Strategise! Create a strategy to strengthen the driving forces or weaken the
restraining forces, or both. If you've rated each force how can you raise the scores of the
Driving Forces or lower the scores of the Restraining Forces, or both?
Prioritise action steps. What action steps can you take that will achieve the
greatest impact? Identify the resources you will need and decide how to implement the
action steps.Hint: Sometimes it's easier to reduce the impact of restraining forces than it
is to strengthen driving forces.
Unfreeze, change and freeze
Current teaching approaches focus on mainly on content when it is clear that students should be
considering their own experiences and how to construct knowledge and meaning from these
experiences. Contemplative education allows students to perform such practices. The purpose of
this study is to explore the classroom context and develop a model that can improve the students’
chances of success while attending the University in America.