Appendix 1: Lesson Plan Template
Appendix 1: Lesson Plan Template
Appendix 1: Lesson Plan Template
I am working on:
Lesson Focus
85% of the students will be able to know the needs and parts of the flower
Lesson Outcomes
critical thinking
Key vocabulary
Some students will find some difficulties Show them how to count from 1 to 10
because it’s online class and will not be
able to get my point correctly and fully
understand. And some will not be able to
sort or count till number 10. They will not Show them a flower diagram with the labelling
know what are the parts of the flower.
Resources/equipment needed
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Morning routine: Sing national anthem
Students will be able to talk to me and show the students a PowerPoint with the
answer the questions. And they will be class rules, see how they feel, ask them
able to discuss with me about the parts what’s the weather outside. Ask them
of the flowers. what’s the date today.
I’ll add a quick activity about the flag day,
I’ll show them the United Arab Emirates
flag and let them tell me what are the colors
in our flag.
Main activities
& Time
Students will: Teacher will:
Activity1: Model for them and tell them the
The students will have a worksheet instructions they must do. teacher will tell
where the must label the part of the them that they will have a fun activity as a
flowers homework.
& Time Plenary/Conclusion
Will answer the teacher and be able to Make a quick review and tell them that
know how to count and label the they have a homework.
names of the needs of the flower
Homework Go to LMS and choose the activity they want to do, and upload it to LMS