This document contains a price list across 7 columns for electrical items. It lists the item, description, price and quantity for 3 suppliers - PHILPS, VIHAN and INDOASIAN. The items include sockets, switches, plates and regulators of different sizes. It also shows subtotals, discounts, taxes and final grand totals for each supplier.
This document contains a price list across 7 columns for electrical items. It lists the item, description, price and quantity for 3 suppliers - PHILPS, VIHAN and INDOASIAN. The items include sockets, switches, plates and regulators of different sizes. It also shows subtotals, discounts, taxes and final grand totals for each supplier.
This document contains a price list across 7 columns for electrical items. It lists the item, description, price and quantity for 3 suppliers - PHILPS, VIHAN and INDOASIAN. The items include sockets, switches, plates and regulators of different sizes. It also shows subtotals, discounts, taxes and final grand totals for each supplier.
This document contains a price list across 7 columns for electrical items. It lists the item, description, price and quantity for 3 suppliers - PHILPS, VIHAN and INDOASIAN. The items include sockets, switches, plates and regulators of different sizes. It also shows subtotals, discounts, taxes and final grand totals for each supplier.