Dimitry Pospielovsky - A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice II
Dimitry Pospielovsky - A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice II
Dimitry Pospielovsky - A History of Soviet Atheism in Theory and Practice II
Also by Dimitry V. Pospielovsky
(2 volumes)
RUSSIA'S OTHER POETS (co-editor and co-translator)
Soviet Antireligious
Campaigns and
Volume 2 of A History of Soviet Atheism in
Theory and Practice, and the Believer
Dimitry V. Pospielovsky
Professor in Modem European and Russian History
University of Western Ontario, Canada
©Dimitry V. Pospielovsky 1988
Published by
Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 2XS
and London
Companies and representatives
throughout the world
Acknowledgements XVl
Preface XVlll
3 Persecutions, 1921-41 47
The NEP Era ( 1921-8) 47
1929-41 61
Vlll Contents
Epilogue 188
Appendix 1 193
Appendix2 213
Notes and References 229
Bibliography 260
Index 265
General Introduction to the
Three-Volume Work
Religious belief and the Churches have survived in the Soviet
Union in the face of almost seventy years of continuous
persecution, unprecedented in history in intensity, although
varying in degree and thrust, depending on the external and
internal circumstances. According to approximate calcula-
tions, given in our book on the history of the Russian Orthodox
Church under the Soviets, the toll of Orthodox clergy has been
in the region of 40 000 priests, probably as many monks and
nuns, and incalculable millions oflay believers. The number of
functioning Orthodox churches has been reduced from over
60 000 (this includes parish and monastic churches and
institutional chapels) before the revolution to less than 7000 in
the late 1970s. Other religions, except perhaps the Baptists,
have seen the numbers of their churches and temples reduced
by at least the same proportion. And yet in the last decade and a
half or so, more and more voices in the Soviet Union have been
heard claiming not only religious survival but even revival,
primarily of Christianity and Islam. According to all oral
evidence, both of Soviet-Russian clergy remaining in the Soviet
Union and of recent emigres, this neophytic phenomenon is
almost entirely limited to those under 40 years of age, while
their parents mostly remain outside any religion. Hence,
whatever the numbers and proportions, the current 'churchifi-
cation' of the intelligentsia is largely not a carry-over from one
generation to the next, nor is it a simple revival of a tradition,
because the tradition of the Russian intelligentsia, at least since
the 1860s, has been predominantly one of a rather passionate
atheism and positivism. 1
The main purpose of this study is a step-by-step presentation
and analysis of the changing styles, strategies and tactics of the
x General Introduction to the Three-Volume Work
I. Although the term samizdat appeared only in the early 1960s, the Church, the
theologians and other church authors have used similar methods for the writing
and dissemination of their literature from the early 1920s, after the regime had
deprived the Orthodox Church of printing presses, to the present day.
General Introduction to the Three-Volume Work xm
not a thief. The reader will soon see that the official Soviet
claims, declarations, the writings of the Soviet 'scientists' of
atheism or, as the Soviets call them, 'religiologists', will
constantly be 'caught by the hand', mostly by comparing
contradictory and mutually exclusive statements and claims
made by such authors and institutions in different years, under
different circumstances although relating to the same events or
periods. Second, the believers, and the dissidents with their
samizdat, are the parties under attack; they have to weigh
carefully every statement they make. They are taking tremen-
dous responsibility for every one of them. One is not likely to
make frivolous irresponsible statements when the price for any
'disseminated information' that contradicts the general line of
the communist party of the given moment is loss of a job, of the
right to receive education, of liberty, and even of life on
occasion. Although errors of transmission of information and
even errors of judgement may still occur, deliberate misinfor-
mation emanating from the religious' and samizdat circles in
general is very unlikely.
The study will be far from exhaustive in its coverage, for the
following reasons. First, there is no way to achieve a quantita-
tive analysis or to assess the degree of religious or atheistic
penetration in the whole country, categories of believers, etc.,
our sample of interviewees being too limited in numbers and
categories. Second, we have extremely little information on the
parallel processes (if there are any on any comparable scale)
among the common workers and peasants; further, as our
interviewees as well as samizdat writings are limited almost
exclusively to the intelligentsia, and predominantly to that of
Moscow, Leningrad and half a dozen other major cities, we are
forced to concentrate our study and analysis predominantly on
the Russian Orthodox Church, for this is the Church which
most of the neophytic intelligentsia join; and it is her theology,
traditions and legacy which are discussed and deliberated in
almost all samizdat religious and religio-philosophic docu-
ments, as well as in the Christian-orientated works of some
officially tolerated literary and artistic figures. In addition,
although there are plenty of samizdat documents of the
I. This, of course, excludes official public statements by the official spokesmen of the
Churches, especially when they are made for the Western media.
x1v General Introduction to the Three-Volume Work
I. The terms 'Great' and 'Little' Russians are of Byzantine origin, wherein the core
area of a nation was called 'Little' while the zones of its later imperial expansion
received the appellation 'Great'.
General Introduction to the Three-Volume Work xv
'The Bolsheviks come out against religion not only
because of the counter-revolutionary positions of the
Church, but also because of the programme and prin-
ciples on which the Bolsheviks stand.'
(Nauka i religiia, no.12, 1985)
Preface XIX
2 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
'May the Lord forgive you.' Shots were heard in the monastery.
Next morning his body was found in a pool ofblood. The body
was badly mutilated, evidence of torture prior to the murder or
as a form of protracted death. On 20 February 1918, Izvestia
reported the murder, denying Soviet responsibility for the
act. Is
The murder of M. Vladimir could be explained as an act of
local revolutionary vengeance against a convinced enemy of
the revolution. There were many such vicious random inci-
dents throughout the countryside. However, many murders
had no apparent cause or reason, such as those which took
place on 14January 1919 in the Estonian University town of
Tartu, when retreating Soviet troops arrested anyone they
could find and killed twenty detainees. Among them was
Bishop Platon (Kulbush) ofTallin who was discovered to have
had seven bayonet gashes and four bullet holes in his body.
With him were two Orthodox priests (Russian and Estonian), a
Lutheran pastor and sixteen laymen. 16
Monasteries were the targets of Bolshevik terror as early as
1918. One of the first to be plundered was the Holy Mountain
Monastery near Kharkov. In a nearby skete in the village of
Gorokhova a monk Izrail' was murdered for refusing to hand
over the keys of the skete cellars. In the same area a religious
procession was attacked when it rested for the night on its way:
two priests, a deacon, the owner of the cottage where these
clerics stayed, and the landlord's daughter were attacked and
killed in the night.
One Red soldier wrote to his family that having entered the
Don region in February 1918, the Reds were killing priests left,
right and centre:' I also shot a priest. We are continuing to chase
these devils and killing them like dogs.'
Prior to killing an 80-year-old monk-priest, Amvrosi, the
Reds savagely beat him with rifle-butts. Fr. Dimitri, a priest in
the same city, was brought to a cemetery, undressed, and when
he tried to cross himself before execution, a soldier chopped
off his right arm. An old innocent priest who tried to prevent
the execution of a peasant was beaten and sliced up with
swords. In the Holy Saviour Monastery a Red Army detach-
ment arrested and killed its 75-year-old abbot by first com-
pletely scalping him and then chopping off his head. In the
Kherson Province a priest was found to have been killed by
The Early Persecutions, 1917-21 11
20 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
the clergy had been usurping power ever since the Nicean
Council's resolution that no laymen should teach in church. He
attacked the clergy which he claimed 'enslaved the lay
believers', and his appeal was not to close and discontinue
churches but to take the churches over from the clergy. 10
Another report praises a rural parish which refused to accept a
priest sent to them by their bishop but elected as their priest a
former psalmist 'who stands for the Soviet power'. Their
resolution (7 January 1920) stated that the parish did not
recognize the authority of any patriarchs or bishops over them
and would physically defend their elected priest. They had
even addressed a letter to Lenin to that effect, and their right to
control the temple and run it was subsequently confirmed by
the People's Commissariat of Justice. 11
The first (and only?) issue of NiR opened with an editorial
condemning Patriarch Tikhon and his clergy for having 'sold
their teacher', Jesus, 'to the tsar and capitalists'. The journal
implicitly supports the Renovationist-Living Church schism by
declaring: 'Everything that is alive in the church has risen
against them', that is, against the Patriarch and those who
remained loyal to him. And indeed the leading priests and
ideologists of the schism- Kalinovsky, Krasnitsk y, Vvedensk y,
Belkov-are found among the contributors to this antireligious
publication, which passed itself off as being only anti-
Tikhonite, on the grounds of the Patriarch's resistance to the
state confiscations of sacramental church objects, allegedly to
rescue the famine-stricken. 12
But we know from Lenin's secret letter to the Politburo that
his intention to confiscate church valuables was far from
philanthropic. He wanted to provoke a major conflict with the
Church, using the famine situation in order to represent the
Church as a heartless, selfish institution, and thus to decrease
her national prestige. Hence his ban on any Church participa-
tion either on the famine-aid committees or in the money and
valuables collection campaigns. 13
To give the impression that it only separated the sheep from
the goats, NiR printed the cartoon opposite, showing a
compassionate parish priest handing a chalice over to a
starving old man on the left, then being anathematized by the
Patriarch on the right. This was followed by a letter from a
priest favouring the giving-away of all church treasures,
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26 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
Bourgeois: Jehovah, you must gather your whole people, find your lost children who
are hiding here somewhere. The colonel will help us. (Bezbozhnik u stanka, no. 1, 1924)
The caption over the poster reads: THE FIVE-YEAR PLAN IS A PRACTICAL PRO-
GRAMME OF STRUGGLE TO SMASH RELIGION. (Besbozhnik u stanka, no. 22,
The LMG concept of beauty: the Leningrad Putilov factory church on the left trans-
formed into a workers' club on the right. The author, Oleshchuk, presents this as a
model to be emulated.
F. Oleshchuk, Kto stroit tserkvi v SSSR (M.-L.: Moskovskii rabochii, n.d.) 24.
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48 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
sentences given to the Catholics and the Jews, once again shows
that at that time the regime continued to see the Orthodox
Church as its main enemy.
The most notorious of the trials was that of Metropolitan
Veniamin of Petrograd with a group of leading Petrograd
clergy and theologians. Its notoriety comes from the fact that
the main victim was innocent from the point of view of the
Soviet-Marxist class theory in all its aspects. The Metropolitan
came from the humble family of a rural priest in northern
Russia. As a vicar-bishop in Petrograd Diocese he continued to
behave like a parish priest, visiting the poorest workers'
dwellings, performing the rites of baptism, marriage, funeral;
was ready to respond to any call at any time. His residence was
always full of poor and humble folk in need of help, charity, or
advice; and the bishop was always attentive, loving, generous
and caring. The flock responded to this by democratically
electing him their metropolitan in 1917, soon after the
February Revolution. This appears to have been the first free
election of a diocesan bishop by the laity and clergy since the
seventeenth century. His sermons were very simple and were
loved by the common people. In short, he did not fit at all into
the stereotype of a prince of the Church, a representative of the
ruling and exploiting classes and of the tsarist ruling circles.
But a leading churchman who had such a charismatic appeal
and following among the working masses was too much of an
ideological embarrassment for the new masters. His fate must
have been decided upon by them irrespective of how he would
react to the valuables issue.
The Petrograd section of the State Famine Relief Com-
mission (pomgol) was at first apparently not aware of the
political calculations of the Kremlin and treated the issue quite
genuinely as aiming simply at saving the hungry from
starvation. Therefore, when on 6 March 1922 the Metropoli-
tan in person presented his plan to the Commission, they
accepted it entirely; and the meeting ended with the Metropoli-
tan rising, giving his benediction to the commission and saying
with tears in his eyes that he would personally take the precious
ornaments from the most revered icons and hand them over to
the commission 'to aid the starving brothers'. His policy,
accepted by the commission, consisted of the following
conditions: that the Church was prepared to donate all her
possessions to aid the starving; that it was necessary that the act
52 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
bishops, etc., but apparently its author was still unaware of the
contents of Metropolitan Sergii's Declaration of Loyalty and
reactions to it. In fact, it caused such an upheaval that schisms
on the right developed; they were conservative church move-
ments refusing to accept Sergii's policy. Consequently, most of
the bishops arrested in 1928-32 were those in revolt against
Sergii (while those who had been arrested earlier for following
Sergii continued to serve their sentence). The detained
churchmen in those years were often cynically questioned by
the GPU during the interrogations: 'what was their attitude to
"our" Metropolitan Sergii, heading the Soviet Church?'
According to internal secret statistics, 20 per cent of all the
inmates of the dreaded Solovki camps in 1928-9, or about
10 000 of the 1930 estimates of 50 000 total Solovki inmates,
were imprisoned in some connection with the affairs of the
Orthodox Church. 28 Between 1928 and 1931 at least thirty-six
additional bishops had been imprisoned and exiled, the total
number of bishops in prison and exile surpassing 150 by the
end of 1930. 29 The number of bishops breaking with Sergii on
account of the above declaration was no less than thirty-seven. 30
In the Ukraine the clergy faithful to the Patriarchal Church
began suffering mass reprisals as early as 1919-21, owing to
Soviet support for a Ukrainian nationalistic church movement,
the so-called Autocephalists (also known as Lypkivskyites),
which broke away from the Patriarch. Having achieved this
three-way split in the Ukraine (the Patriarchals, the Renova-
tionists, and the Autocephalists), this effectively weakened the
Church as an institution in general, and seeing that the vast
majority of the population in the Ukraine continued to cling to
the Patriarchal jurisdiction, 31 the Soviets lost interest in the
Autocephalists and began their selective persecution in 1924.
In addition, in the second half of the 1920s the regime began its
first manoeuvres to curb and eventually destroy local national-
ist movements, including the Autocephalist Church which was
an enclave of the most extreme Ukrainian ecclesiastical
nationalists. A wholesale persecution began: its leader was
imprisoned in 1926 and, after a number of reversals, the
Church was forced to declare its self-liquidation at its last
council in 1930. Practically all its self-appointed bishops, most
clerical and lay activists, were incarcerated, many were
executed. 32
Persecutions, 1921 -41 61
But the above table brings us only to the end of 1936; two years
of continuing and escalating liquidation of the Church were
still to come. No religions were spared, not even the Renova-
tionists, who were of no more use to the Soviets. The attack on
them began in 1934 when, according to Levitin who was then
an active Renovationist, the appearance of religiously dedi-
cated youth in its ranks, including young priests, promised a
possible transformation of Renovationism into something
more than just an obedient GPU tool. 45
The official Soviet 1941 figure of over 8000 religious
communities of all faiths, including 4222 Orthodox, included
the recently annexed territories of Moldavia, eastern Poland,
the Baltic republics and parts of Western Karelia, where the
number of Orthodox churches was well over 3000 and that of
Roman Catholic, Protestant and Jewish religious centres must
have been even higher. Levitin and many other Soviet citizens
estimate that there were only around a hundred Orthodox
churches still officially functioning in 1939 on the autochthon-
ous Soviet territory. Indeed, in Leningrad, of 401 Orthodox
churches functioning in 1918 only four Patriarchal and one
Persecutions, 1921-41 67
50 per cent of the total population must have been on the low
side, because throughout the existence of the LMG he and his
League were boasting of their great successes in making
headway against religion; and as has been shown before, in the
atheistic euphoria of the late 1920s their estimate of the
religious sector of the population was under 20 per cent. 56 But
even taking Yaroslavsky's 1938 estimate at its face value we see
that 1 per cent of the former number of churches was serving
50 per cent of the population. This alone is a clear recognition
of direct persecutions in the 1930s, and on a colossal scale.
But shutting the churches and liquidating the clergy were
not the only means of direct persecution. The atheist press
greeted the continuous work week (nepreryvka) as a mortal blow
to religion, depriving the believers of regular Eucharist.
Cartoons depicted groups of priests in rags in front of empty
churches with signs: 'Preachers' Employment Office'. A
Christmas cartoon depicts an angel asking StJoseph whether to
blow his horn announcing Christmas. Joseph: 'No use, brother
... there is no Christmas; the continuous work week has killed
It. 57
But had it? The Soviet press itself answered this question in
the negative: Bezbozhnik for 1937-8 published cartoons on the
'roaming priests' who wander from village to village, surrep-
titiously performing religious services in believers' homes.
They are often disguised as wandering repairmen, offering to
sharpen knives or do other odd jobs, or they have to conceal
their real vocation from the authorities and the informers. 58
The notorious Oleshchuk, complaining that young people
continued to be attracted to religion and were even converting,
whether to the Evangelical sects or to Orthodoxy, tells about
priests hiring themselves out free of charge (so, the clergy is not
that greedy after all) to youth parties as games organizers,
musicians, choir directors, readers of secular Russian litera-
ture, drama-circles directors, thus bringing the rural young
into the sphere of religious influence. 59
The admission that being caught as a church member -
whether clerical or lay- was very dangerous in those days, is
contained in the following passage written in typically Aeso-
pian language, full of contradictions:
The slogan on the flag reads: 'I am going over to the continuous workweek'.
Persecutions, 1921-41 73
to pay a tax of 125 000 roubles, when the average annual wage
was about 4000. The money was collected and submitted on
time, yet the church was administratively shut just before
Easter. The Passions were celebrated in the square in front of
the church - over 8000 people participated, forming a close
circle around numerous priests dressed in civilian clothes who
quietly pronounced the prayers, picked up by the impromptu
choir of thousands of people: 'Glory to Thy passion, 0 Lord!'
The same was repeated for the Easter Resurrection service,
with an even bigger crowd .... 61
Thus the laity struggled to keep their martyred bishop's
church alive.
A blatant case of prosecution for mere popularity was that of
the priest and, later, bishop, Arkadii Ostal'sky, accused in 1922
of inciting the masses against the state. When all witnesses
refuted the charge, the prosecutor retorted that their defence
was the best indictment against the priest, because it showed his
great popularity, while 'the ideas which he so passionately
preached ... contradicted the ideas of the Soviets, therefore
such persons ... are very harmful to the Soviet State'. Fr.
Arkadii was sentenced to death, then commuted to ten years'
hard labour. On his return from the camp he was consecrated
bishop. Exiled to the Solovki camps around 1931, he returned
three years later, went into hiding, was caught and sent to a
concentration camp again. Released shortly before the Second
World War, he informed his friends that the camp administra-
tion had promised him safety and job security if he would agree
to stay in the area of the camps and give up the priesthood. He
refused. A short while later he was rearrested and disappeared.
Metropolitan Konstantin (D'iakov) of Kiev was arrested in
1937 and shot in prison without trial twelve days later.
Metropolitan Pimen (Pegov) of Kharkov was hated by the
communists because he had managed to nip the Renovationist
schisms in the bud in that city. He was arrested on a trumped-
up charge of contacts with foreign diplomats. He died in prison
in 1933.
Bishop Maxim (Ruberovsky) returned from prison in 1935
to the city ofZhitomir, to where by 1937 almost all priests from
the Soviet part ofVolhynia were expelled, a total of about 200.
In August, all of them, including the bishop, were arrested and
shot in the early partofwinterwithouttrial. Posthumously, the
Persecutions, 1921-41 75
Soviet press accused them of subversive acts against the state.
Antonii, Archbishop of Arkhangelsk, was arrested in 1932.
The authorities tried to force him to 'confess' that he was an
enemy of the Soviet state, but he categorically refused. In a
written questionnaire on his attitude to the Soviet Government
he responded that he 'prayed daily that God forgive the Soviet
Government its sins and that it stop shedding blood'. In prison
he was tortured by being given salty food without adequate
drink, and by shortage of oxygen in a dirty and overcrowded
damp cell without ventilation, until he succumbed to dysentery
and died.
Metropolitan Serafim (Meshcheriakov) of Belorussia was
hated by the Soviets for having returned to the Orthodox
Church with much public penance after having been a very
active leader in the Renovationist schism. Soon after the
penance he was arrested in 1924 and exiled to Solovki. Shortly
after his return he was re-arrested and shot without trial in
Rostov-on-Don along with 122 other priests and monks.
Metropolitan Nikolai of Rostov-on-Don was exiled without
trial to the Hungry Steppe in Kazakhstan, where he and other
exiled priests built huts for themselves out of clay mixed with
some local grass; this grass was also their staple food. In 1934 he
was allowed to return to Rostov and to re-occupy his post.
Rearrested in 1938, he was condemned to death, but miracu-
lously survived the firing squad. Next morning believers
picked up his unconscious body from a mass open grave and
secretly nursed him. He then served as Metropolitan ofRostov
under the German occupation and was evacuated to Romania.
His subsequent fate is unknown.
Bishop Onufrii (Gagaliuk) ofElisavetgrad was first arrested
in 1924, obviously without cause, because he had simply been
deported in a prison train from his see. A year later he was
already again the ruling bishop of Elisavetgrad. But after two
more years he was arrested once again and exiled to Kras-
noiarsk in Siberia. On return from the Siberian administrative
exile, he occupied two more episcopal sees, only to be
rearrested in the mid-1930s and deported beyond the Urals
where, according to rumours, he was shot in 1938.
Bishop Illarion (Belsky) was exiled to Solovki at least from
1929 to 1935 in retaliation for his stubborn resistance to
Metropolitan Sergii. He was arrested again in 1938, apparently
76 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
92 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
Renewal of the Incendiary Propaganda 99
Nir (Nauka i religiia, i.e. Science and Religion) no. 11, 1968, pp. 96-7 .
Renewal of the Incendiary Propaganda 101
his advice was not heeded and NiR has continued to publish
material of antireligious propaganda and agitation along with
'educational material'.
Such antireligious agitation was often synchronized with
antireligious decrees and their implementation. Thus, a
decree of 1961 categorically reconfirmed the ban on group
pilgrimages to 'the so-called "Holy places"'. This was a blow to
one of the most ancient traditions of Russian piety. Pilgrimages
are tra<;litionally made to monasteries or churches, or sites
where according to a local oral tradition some miracle had once
occurred. In all instances they are made in particular on the
appropriate patron saint's feast-day. Now that these pilgrim-
ages were banned, a campaign of character assassination began
in the media against pilgrims and monasteries.
The monasteries were slandered also in order to rationalize
the mass forced closure of most of them during the same years.
Gne of the crudest Soviet 'religiologists', Trubnikova, pub-
lished an article at the end of 1962 slandering one of the most
nationally revered shrines, the Pochaev Lavra, as a nest of fat,
greedy, lustful loafers, allegedly raping young female pilgrims
and robbing people of their money. 9 This was at the height of
the persecution of the Pochaev monks and pilgrims, which was
often accompanied by their physical abuse by the police (see
Chapter 6). Another author issued a brochure, Truth about the
Pskov Monastery of the Caves (circulation 200 000 copies),
misrepresenting the whole history of the monastery, present-
ing it as a nest of national traitors from the Middle Ages to the
Second World War. In fact it had been a formidable fortress
defending Russia's western frontiers first from the Teutonic
and Livonian knights, and in the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries from the Lithuanians and the Poles. The Soviet
author even accused the monastery of disloyalty for its
condemnation of Ivan the Terrible's reign of terror. 10
Soon assorted articles began to attack pilgrims and pilgrim-
ages as charlatanism, clerical swindles to extract donations,
distraction of people from socially useful work, especially on
the farms. Among these one of the most vicious was Trub-
nikova's 'Hysteria on the March', an ugly caricature of the
traditional centuries-old pilgrimage to an allegedly miraculous
spring in a Kirov Diocese village, Velikoretskoe, on one of the
feast days of St Nicholas. He is supposed to have appeared to
106 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
nose'. His disciple, who had deserted a college to join the sect, is
'a pimply ninny'. To dispel the impression that college students
seek out God on their own, this is how this 'ninny's' conversion is
described. In the Siberian city of Novokuznetsk, Fr. Mina
meets this 'ninny in spectacles' who in the course of their
conversation 'expressed some doubt: "who knows, maybe
there is something in the sky up there ... "This is just what the
sectarians were waiting for.' Soon Mina persuaded him, and
the two were on their way to a Taiga Skete. On the way, in the
middle of the night Mina decided to baptize the new convert:
'Grasping his trembling, sweating hand in a mortal grip, Fr.
Mina dragged the convert to water.' Mina ordered him to
destroy all his papers, including the passport, but not the
money, which he took for himself, calling him a madman when
the youth wanted to destroy the money as well. And a few lines
later Mina and all his co-religionists are characterized as 'a
malicious enemy of all living things'.
It is a detective story of sorts; a series of mysterious
disappearances of young people, students, married men and
young women are being investigated. After several years of
fruitless searches a kidnapping network of sectarians is
allegedly unmasked and all their victims 'rescued' and brought
back into the secular world from their secret Siberian sketes and
underground theological schools. All the leaders are depicted
as criminals, swindlers, loafers using religion to extract money
from foolish religious simpletons. Their young converts are
'ninnies', 'infantile semi-idiots'. The state sends the former to
prison, but rescues their foolish disciples, returning them to
fruitful productive life. 15
Once again the persecution of clergy and active laity was
being justified by this kind of story, the readership was being
conditioned to accept such acts of the state as inevitable and
positive. But according to the propagandists of atheism's own
admissions, not many were convinced. 1"
Can you imagine: it all began with an innocent collection of religious art.
(Krokodil, no. 4, February 1983, p. 6)
For a long time the Soviet press refused to admit the growth
of religious sentiment among young generations of Soviet
intellectuals. They brushed the evidence aside as either an
empty fad or an intellectual swindle as in the Trubnikova
'report'. It is probably the flood of readers' letters, some of
which mention with concern the growing frequency of young
intellectuals turning to the Church, 36 which caused the appear-
ance in the 1970s of a special irregular publication, The World of
Man, issued by The Young Guard (Molodaia gvardiia), the
Komsomol literary monthly. The miscellany shows Nazis as
religious mystics, albeit trying to revive pagan cults, but still
religious and therefore irrational. Hence beware of the
religious mentality: it is akin to Nazism. The journal responds
to the growing interest in Russia's pre-Marxist culture by
claiming that Alexander Pushkin was an atheist, on the flimsy
evidence of his 1824 letter in which he admits his intellectual
interest in atheistic literature. An essay on Gogol, in contrast,
demonstrates the destructive effect of religion on that author.
Such writings are admittedly a response to letters from young
Soviet Komsomols to the publication who state that they see no
harm in their Komsomol friends getting married in church.
'We think it's wrong to turn away from our old traditions', they
write. And the miscellany retorts: 'Penetrating daily life
relations the religious ideology influences the views and
emotions of our youth.' 37 Unable to conceal the revival of
interest in religion among Soviet youth, the propaganda
blames it on Western ideological subversion, Western broad-
casts and Western religious organizations which smuggle
religious literature and bibles into the Soviet Union. As usual,
Soviet propagandists dress it all up as CIA and other Western
intelligence services operations, repeatedly quoting the late
General Secretary K. U. Chernenko's words at the June 1983
CPSU Central Committee Plenum:
The multiple ideological centres of imperialism are trying
not only to support but also to cultivate religiosity, givingitan
anti-Soviet nationalist orientation. 3H
NiR likewise tries to respond to the phenomenon of the
conversion to Christianity of Soviet youth. One such response
was in the form of a story of one Sasha Karpov, who had taken
monastic vows a very short while before. The obvious aim of the
118 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
122 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
once again meant to strike at the social and moral prestige of the
priest. He was made to appear a lazy selfish person who would
let a sick person die without spiritually attending to him, since
not a single priest could produce a document to vindicate
himself from such suspicions. Talantov, in fact, cites a case in
point. When a delegation of Kirov believers went to Moscow in
1963 to complain to the CROCA headquarters about this
regulation, an official responded: 'Don't you believe this. Your
priests are simply lying to you. No special government
permission of any kind is required to administer communion
or unction at private homes.' 27
The Soviet press made many admissions at the end of the
1950s and early in the 1960s of the growth of religiosity among
the young. 28 Undoubtedly this was at least partly caused by
their disillusionment with the official doctrines, particularly
after Khrushchev's condemnation of Stalin and his inability to
substantiate in practice his claims that there was a truly
attractive alternative model of Marxism-Leninism. Failing in
this, the only other alternative open to the regime to prevent
the increase of young churchgoers was to use coercion. Their
opening salvo banning the attendance of children and youths
at church services was apparently aimed at the Baptist Chuch,
as early as 1960. The probable reasons for starting with the
Baptists are several. Being a Church of adult baptism, in
contrast to the Orthodox Church, the children were not full
members; hence the Soviets must have thought the Baptist
Church might accept this pressure more readily than the
Orthodox. Second, as a fundamentalist religion, without the
complex symbolic ritualism and involved theology of the
Orthodox Church, the Evangelicals and Baptists were most
accessible to the theologically illiterate but religiously
searching Soviet youth than the Orthodox and thus were
attracting proportionally more young people than the Ortho-
Be that as it may, in 1960 the central leadership of the All-
Union Church of Evangelical Christian-Baptists (AUCECB)
issued a Letter of Instructions which, among other things,
stipulated that: sermons should cease to sound like appeals; 'an
effort must be made to reduce the baptism of young people
between the ages of 18 and 30 to the minimum'; 'Children ...
should not be allowed to attend services.' Much to the surprise
132 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
of the Soviet authorities, two years later this caused the most
significant split in the Russian Baptist Church in its history,
lasting to the day of present writing. Henceforth this other
branch of the Baptists, known at first as the Initsiativniki or
Action Group, but later adopting the name of Council of
Churches of the Evangelical Christians and Baptists (CCECB),
has become an institutionally persecuted Church in the Soviet
Union, with hundreds of its members constantly lingering on
in Soviet concentration or labour camps and prisons, 29 while in
contrast, the AUCECB enjoys more privileges than the
Orthodox Church, including the right of regular national
councils with relatively genuine elections and candidates
nominated from the floor. 30
The Baptist rebellion caused the civil authorities to use more
circumvention in imposing similar changes on the Orthodox
Church. First of all, it appears to have been only in 1962 that a
circular was addressed by the state to the Orthodox Church
instructing the priests not to conduct church services in the
presence of children and youths; although in some localities
instructions to this effect were given to the Orthodox clergy as
early as 1960 or 1961. 31 The text of the instruction was never
shown to the clergy. Instead, the plenipotentiaries generally
telephoned local priests, threatening to deprive them of their
registration if they allowed children to be present at services or
administered communion to them. In the Kirov Province
measures to prevent children and youths under the age of
twenty from attending the liturgy began to be applied as late as
the summer of 1963. 32 The first and direct attempt in Kirov
failed: women bringing children to church physically assaulted
the policemen and their Komsomol aids encircling the
churches and broke through, the policemen not daring to beat
the women in public. It was after this failure that CROCA
plenipotentiaries began to threaten the priests by telephone,
instructing them to refuse to administer communion to or
accept confessions from children and youths, even if present in
the church. The threat of de-registration and lack of support or
defence by the bishop worked. 33 Foreign diplomats remember
how they had to show their foreign passport in those days to
Komsomol patrols in front of most Moscow churches on
Sundays and feast days if they wanted to take their children to
church: the measures were applied unevenly and not uni-
Persecutions under Khrushchev 133
that unless there is a total unity of the nation with the Church
and undivided popular support for her, as in Poland, thereby
leaving no alternative for the communist regime except to
negotiate with the Church as a partner and adversary and not
as a powerless subordinate, steadfast resistance of a bishop or a
priest will simply result in his retirement and replacement by a
more com pliant one. It is probably this lesson that was drawn in
these years by the Patriarch and the rest of the bishops, hence
their compliance and lack of support for the parishes strug-
gling for survival - a reproach repeatedly levelled at the
hierarchy by Talantov, Frs. Nikolai Eshliman (deceased in
1984) and Gleb Yakunin, and many other samizdat authors. 45
It was in these years that five of the existing eight seminaries
were closed by Soviet authorities, and even in the surviving
seminaries the number of students was artificially reduced.
According toM. Nikodim, there were only seventy students at
the Leningrad schools of theology when he took over (in
contrast to 396 students in 1953 and about 400 by the time of
Nikodim's death in 1978). 46 As the above example of two
student-candidates to the seminary from Kirov shows, this
reduction of the student body was achieved by direct persecu-
tion of the candidates, as well as by preventing their registra-
tion at the seminaries by refusing to give them a residence
permit in the area where the seminary was situated. Another
ploy was to call up most of the students and candidates for
military service. Having thus emptied most of the seminaries,
the authorities then shut them down. 47
All these means of direct and indirect persecution resulted in
the reduction of functioning Orthodox churches from over
20 000 prior to 1960 to 6850 by 1972, and a simultaneous
decrease in the numbers of registered Orthodox priests (those
officially permitted to perform priestly duties) from over
30 000 to 6180. 48 Obviously this could not be explained by
attrition and a reduced number of new ordinations alone;
while the Soviet press boasted at the time that over 200
Orthodox priests resigned during the 1960s. 49
Board ... found certain monks [three are listed, 'and others']
mentally ill, although they were completely healthy.' They
were forcefully incarcerated in a mental hospital and 'treated'
in such a way that a perfectly healthy 35-year-old monk
Golovanov died within a few months at the hospital.
(2) Another commission diagnosed six healthy monks as
carriers of 'infectious diseases' and they were sent off by force
to another hospital.
(3) On 13 March 1962 another medical commission was set
up, but now monks simply refused to appear before it,
wherefore sixteen refusers were simply expelled from the
monastery when the militia cancelled their resisdence permits.
(4) Another thirteen young monks were conscripted into the
army, but sent to fell trees in the north instead. Ofthese, three
were in very poor health, one being almost totally blind, yet 'the
doctors passed them "fit" for military service'. In fact, they were
discharged at the nearest military assembly point, and mean-
while their Pochaev residence permits were cancelled.
(5) A novice night-watchman came to the rescue of women
pilgrims who were being brutally beaten by the militia one
night in the monastery yard. The militia in response beat him
savagely, while the KGB, after the incident, confiscated his
passport and expelled him from the monastery.
(6) On 20 November 1964, four monks were attacked in their
cells, beaten up by the police and sentenced to various terms in
prison on false charges. One of the arrested monks, being too
old for prison, was placed in a mental institution. Subjected to
injections, his body swelled up and he became an invalid for the
rest of his life. His relatives were allowed to take him from the
hospital only after he signed a promise not to return to
The tortures continued after Khrushchev's fall at least until
1966, and were renewed some fifteen years later; this will be
discussed in the next chapter. In the course of 1965, 'many
monks died prematurely . . . Yevgenii died after torture
outside the monastery, as did Andrei and a number of others.
Some who survived lost their good health.' Some arrests and
sentences still continued in 1966: one monk was sentenced to
two years' hard labour after he had reported the militia's brutal
beatings of pilgrims in July 1965 for spending the night at a
nearby cemetery.
Persecutions under Khrushchev 141
146 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
The Orthodox
the Volhynia Diocese, which had lost over 180 churches under
Khrushchev. One was a church in the village of Znosychy near
Rovno. Not without the local government efforts the church
had been deprived of a priest for several years, during which
the faithful took loving care of it and gathered there regularly
for prayers. From 1977 the authorities began their attempts to
wreck the church. When the population had prevented this,
the authorities laid grain into the church. The following day
the village went on strike: the adults did not show up for field
work, the children stayed out of school. The authorities were
forcedtoremovethegrain. Finally,on25Aprill979, the whole
population of Znosychy was assigned work in an adjacent
village, while their children were kept locked up at school.
During this time the church was wrecked and the site
bulldozed. The operation was carried out under the personal
command of the chief district attorney. The faithful of this and
of neighbouring villages began to gather at the site of the
former church for prayers: 'Sometimes up to twelve pilgrims
spent the night in each Znosychy house.' The authorities put up
patrols and barriers on all roads leading to the village,
preventing anybody from visiting it. The faithful began to
decorate pine trees around the church and pray under them.
The village authorities cut down all the trees. But the villagers
continue to gather regularly at the site of the former church for
communal prayers. 9
In at least two other Rovno Province villages the population
has been trying to reopen their churches closed in the early
1960s. In one case, in 1973, when the population was busy with
the harvest in the fields, the authorities dismantled the domes
and stored grain in the church. When the population protested
furiously the grain was eventually removed, but the church
remained closed. In 1978, finally, after years of complaints a
commission arrived in the village, but the village soviet
chairman pointed out only two Orthodox Christians to the
commission, claiming that believers were a tiny minority in the
village population. Although the crowd gathered outside to
protest, the commission members got into their car, paying no
attention to the protesters, and left. In the other case, the
church had actually been badly ruined in the early 1960s, but
from 1973 the faithful were appealing to all quarters for
permission to rebuild it at their own expense. All their efforts
Persecutions after Khrushchev 149
fanaticism and to gain a cushy job in the new church'. What sort
of religious fanaticism was this, and how could anyone hope for
a cushy job if the number of religious believers in the area was as
insignificant as the paper claimed? Moreover, the plaintiff on
behalf of the signatories was Dr Boris Zuckerman (now in
Israel), a professor of nuclear physics, a man of considerable
means by Soviet standards, whose summer house,just like that
of the cellist Mstislav Rostropovich, was situated in the vicinity
of the town. On 26 April 1971, there was a session of the local
court devoted to the subject. The signatories demanded the
following: first that they either be granted one of the existing
closed town churches, or be permitted to build a new one or to
rent a house- since the closest church was twenty kilometres
away, the suggestion that the believers ought to be satisfied with
that one was unreasonable; second, that the newspaper print a
denial of its original claim that the signatures were fraudulent.
The court rejected both pleas. An appeal hearing of 8 May
1971 at a higher court brought no satisfaction either. The court
stated that 240 people whose names appeared among the
signatories did not reside at the indicated addresses. The court,
however, refused to cite the names of such people and said
nothing about the remaining 1200 signatories. 13
Many more cases of such frustrated appeals to open
churches could be cited, 14 and probably many, many more are
not even known to us. But the above is a typical example of how
much bureaucracy (and expense) is involved in each appli-
cation for a church and how slim are the believers' chances of
success. Of course, the Orthodox are not the only ones whose
pleas are rejected by the authorities.
The Old Believers, who had split from the state Church in the
seventeenth century, and who in some respects have shown
more independence than the post-1927 Orthodox Church,
have at least as much difficulty in preserving their functioning
churches. We have already cited the case of the Trans-Baikal
Province in Eastern Siberia where, despite the presence of
several Old Believer villages, not a single officially open Old
Believer temple remains. A 1969 Old Believer samizdat docu-
ment enumerates a number of difficulties encountered by the
152 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
the church was converted into a flour mill. But the local miller
refused to work in the church. Consequently, the mill is in
operation only four hours a week. Petitions signed by 149
Zhaleyi residents and 114 residents of a neighbouring village to
open the church have been so far in vain. 20 The situation is
much worse in those areas where the Roman Catholics
constitute a small minority. Thus most Roman Catholic
churches in western Belorussia were closed in the 1960s (a little
over 10 per cent of Belorussia's population is technically
Roman Catholic). In Moldavia, where the Roman Catholics
constitute a mere 15 000 in a population of 3 000 000, all their
churches were closed except for a small cemetery chapel in
Kishinev, the capital. Being a multi-national group, Russian is
their only lingua franca; yet their only priest, Fr. Zaval'niuk, was
forbidden around 1977 to use Russian in his sermons or
services. He was allowed to use only German or Polish,
technically the languages of most of the Catholics, depriving
the Catholics of a sense of communal unity and the church of
potential converts. Next, the priest was forbidden to visit the
provincial communities. In the biggest of them, Rashkovo, the
population decided to enlarge their temple, as it was insuf-
ficient to house all the pilgrims who came on the rare occasions
of pastoral visits. But on 25 December 1977, the church was
wrecked by a detachment of militia and a wrecking brigade
brought in from outside. On the eve of this, the whole
population was ordered to hand in their hunting rifles. Early
on 25 December, the group of religious activists who had
guarded their church from destruction day and night, were
arrested in their beds, thrown into a car and driven away for the
duration of the day, while all schoolchildren were kept at school
under lock and key. Meanwhile the wrecking was carried out. 21
These were the familiar methods also used in the Rovno
Province village of Zhosychy described earlier.
The Uniates
of the search, floors and ceilings were cut open, walls and
chimneys ripped; blankets, mattresses and pillows unstitched;
two-metre deep holes dug out across the yard. Indeed, two
hiding places were found underground, containing suitcases
full of religious literature, tapes with sermons and psalms,
samizdat human rights documents, and underground religious
bulletins. Many tapes contained Western radio broadcasts,
presumably of a religious character. 28 Guns and mine detectors
were the only weapons of this supposedly ideological regime
against the written and spoken word.
Years Prisoners
Late 1979 87
Late 1981 120
Late 1982 165
Late 1984 over 20034
thought this was not subversive enough, and linked the whole
affair to Dimitry Miniakov (born 1922), an ECB pastor in
Estonia. To justify his arrest a 1978 report in an Estonian
newspaper was cited, according to which Miniakov had been
taken prisoner by the Germans in 1941 and subsequently
actively collaborated with the enemy administrators. The
article exclaimed: 'Is there any need for more proof that the
ECB Council activity has little in common with religion?' 37
This might have satisfied a Billy Graham, who upon his two
visits to the USSR declared there was religious freedom there;
but not an informed reader, who will have noticed that all three
sentences meted out to Miniakov have been for his church-
related activities. At the time of this writing his health has
rapidly deteriorated to the extent that he is unable to write
letters in his own hand anymore. 38
The Pentecostals
of the matron of the hostel where she wanted to live. She was
told she would surely get a room if she agreed to report that a
priest had beaten her. The real reason for his incarceration was
his writings criticizing the legal status of religion in the USSR,
calling Marxism 'an empty shell', and having contact with
Fathers Eshliman and Yakunin, the authors of the 1965
memoranda to the Patriarch and the Soviet Government on the
persecution of the Church. In fact, Yakunin's apartment in
Moscow was searched while Adelgeim was under pre-trial
investigation. According to his defence lawyer, Lev Yudovich,
the whole trial was a complete fraud, the purpose being to get
rid of a popular priest who was making religion too popular. 61
The priest was sentenced to three years' hard labour. He lost a
leg in the camp. Returned to priestly duties, he became the
second priest in the U zbek town ofFergana, where new trouble
awaited him in 1974. The parish hadjustexpelled the former
rector of the parish for dishonest financial operations, in-
appropriate observation of religious rituals, and other misde-
meanours. But the unscrupulous priest suited the atheists, and
the local CRA plenipotentiary wanted to bring him back. As the
parishioners refused to oblige, the plenipotentiary retaliated
by depriving Fr. Adelgeim of registration and replaced him by
another, unpopular and greedy, priest. 62
Most of this information was gained from the unofficial
Moscow Christian Committee for the Defence of Believers'
Rights (MCCDBR) set up in 1976 by Fr. Gleb Yakunin, an
Orthodox priest. The committee meticulously assembled all
cases it had found of abuse of believers' rights by local
administrators. At first it reported these cases to central Soviet
authorities. When this had no effect, it began to pass this
information to Western journalists and the Church bodies in
the Free World. In 1979 Yakunin was charged with anti-Soviet
agitation and propaganda (Art. 70) and sentenced to five years
in a strict regime labour camp followed by five years of internal
exile. His and his Committee's only crime was that they spoke
up for the alleged legal rights of believers of all faiths. 63 The
priest and former Soviet historian, Fr. Vasilii Fonchenkov,
who, along with another priest, Nikolai Gainov, took over from
Yakunin, lost his teaching position at the Moscow theological
academy and was soon transferred to a rural parish outside
Moscow, deliberately making his work on the committee
174 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
warned him to keep away from his former friends and not to
visit monasteries anymore, or else 'psychopathy can easily
evolve into schizophrenia'. His name remained on the Ufa
psychiatric register; this means he could be re-hospitalized by
force at any time during the rest of his life. 85
One of the most blatant cases of psy~hiatric treatment for
religion was that administered in 1976 to a 25-year-old Moscow
intellectual, Alexander Argentov, a neophyte Orthodox
Christian from an atheistic family. He was a founding member
of the Moscow-based religio-philosophic seminar founded in
1974 and headed by Alexander Ogorodnikov, a graduate
student of cinematography, who was expelled from the
institute, along with several other students, for trying to
produce a film which aimed at reflecting the unofficial
religious life of the contemporary Soviet youth. Ogorodnikov's
religio-philosophic seminar declared itself a continuation of
the religio-philosophic societies of Moscow and Lenigrad,
dispersed by the Soviets in the 1920s. The harassment of the
seminar began in earnest in 1976 after it had shown consider-
able vitality and signs of growth, having established sub-
sections in such cities as Ufa (Bashkiria), Leningrad, L'vov
(Ukraine), Minsk and Grodno (Belorussia). 86 The arrest of
Argentov (and Fedotov, who was also locked up in a forensic
institution for some time) was a terrorist act to threaten the
seminar members with what was in store for them. Argentov
was grabbed in a military draft recruitment centre, where he
had been summoned to appear. From there he was delivered
by force to a psychiatric dispensary, where the psychiatrist on
duty told him plainly, 'We shall knock that religion out of you.'
He was then delivered, again by force, to a psychiatric hospital.
A pectoral cross was torn off his neck, and powerful neuro-
leptics were administered to him by force for the two months he
was kept in the hospital. His early release was probably caused
by the wide publicity given to the case at the time by the protests
of the unofficial Christian Committee, the seminar members,
and Argentov's parents. They were addressed to the Soviet
Government, to the Patriarch and to the World Council of
Churches. 87
As these arrests indicate, persecution of religiously active
laymen, especially young intellectuals, has also been on the
increase at least since the second half of the 1970s, rising
182 Soviet Antireligious Campaigns
Epilogue 189
principle that religion is the opium of the people, as is, in general, any
idealistic Weltanschauung.
The main blow was directed against Orthodoxy. Although the Decree even
spoke of the freedom of the performance of the 'religious cult', the
authorities pursued the church activists with the utmost cruelty, covering up
their persecutions of the Church and believers by the struggle with counter-
revolution and its political opposition. Of course, no one doubted the simple
truth, that every member of the Church, and most of all her servants, were
persecuted before all else for their faith and adherence to Orthodoxy.
Such a condition existed already in 1923, that the Head of the Russian
Orthodox Church, His Holiness Patriarch Tikhon, was forced to acknow-
ledge- as was the entire Church- his guilt before the Bolsheviks for 'anti-
Soviet' activity. Having made public his confession through the press, the
Patriarch expressed regret over the former position of the Church, and with
his return from house-arrest he promised to change his political course,
refusing not only active, but even passive interference with the Soviet
What conditions called forth such a step by the Head of the Orthodox
Church with its flock of many millions?
The Bolsheviks, having siezed power by means of ruthless violence, and by
shedding a sea of blood of the Russian people, above all encountered the
Church's censure. Only the Church openly dared to declare the truth to them
to their face. The ruling circles and the intellegentsia either perished
honourably in the struggle with the usurpers, or were forced to flee abroad.
The voice ofthe Church remained solitary because the Russian people, worn
out by terror, could offer no real support. Hope remained alive for the first
five to ten years for assistance from the European states; but even this receded
further and further with each passing year, remaining only a distant and
perhaps insubstantial dream for the Russian people. Thus, on one side there
remained a small group of cruel usurpers - atheists - who were never
troubled by their methods of terror, and on the other 130 000 000 believing
Russian people. Meanwhile, life took its course, but each side understood the
necessity of some legal form, defining the position of the Church. This
position was especially strengthened after the recognition of the Soviet
Government by the European states. The Bolsheviks had to demonstrate
their 'tolerant' relationship to Church life.
If, in 1923, Patriarch Tikhon found it necessary to make a sacrifice of
personal humiliation for the sake of the Church, then at the moment of the
accession to the direction of the Church by Metropolitan Sergii of Nizhni-
Novgorod, one of the locum-tenens of the Patriarch, there arose with full
clarity the necessity of the stabilization of the Church administration. It is
necessary not to forget that the Bolsheviks, for reasons outlined above, had
already taken their own peculiar steps at 'legalising' the Church. Through the
agents of the Cheka they found a group of bishops and priests who
announced the deposition of the Patriarch, named themselves the 'Living
Church' or 'Renovationists', and who were already prepared to seize the
Church administration in their own hands. They even advanced the political
correctness of the Bolsheviks, and started on the path of open collaboration
with the organs of the Cheka. But this 'rebellion' against ecclesiastical truth
Appendix I 195
suffered a great defeat- the people did not follow them, and since the vile
intentions of the Bolsheviks became well known, the latter were forced to
change their tactics.
They even understood that the persecution of believers and the Church
was repeating the glorious historical page of the Christian martyrs of the past
and only strengthening the Orthodox consciousness of the Russian people.
Metropolitan Sergii, who had ascended to the direction of the Church
administration, was a man of high culture and a wide diplomatic mind, a
doctor of the historical sciences and of canon law. Having grasped the mood
of the episcopacy, the clergy, and believers, he fulfilled Patriarch Tikhon's
undertaking of the legislation of the Central Patriarchal Administration of
the Russian Church. In his declaration, founded on the true religious duties
of the Church, the Metropolitan announced both a refusal of the utilization
of his religious convictions for political goals, and the total loyalty of the
Church to the Soviet system. It must be said bluntly, that the Soviet
Government was deeply interested in establishing quiet amidst the emigre
circles and demanded appeals to these circles, which were under the
jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate. The Metropolitan - the locum-
tenens of the Patriarch- agreed to this, because these anti-Soviet statements
on the part of the emigre church activists did not have any practical meaning,
but especially painfully reflected on the Church in Russia. Every anti-Soviet
statement made in exile drew forth great sacrifices from among the
episcopacy, the clergy, and even from the ranks of the believing intellectuals.
Briefly put, by the efforts ofthe Head of the Church an external agreement
with the Soviet government was reached- a certain legal status of the central
Church authority- though inwardly they undoubtedly remained enemies.
This was clear to both sides, and Metropolitan Sergii and his co-workers did
not delude themselves with the hope of the transformation of Bolshevik
cruelty into any kind of mercy.
reconciled ourselves with this humiliation and disgrace for the sake of the
relative preservation of the Church for the Russian people and in the hope of
future deliverance from the atheistic yoke. I repeat, the position itself of the
Moscow Patriarchate did not protect her members from Bolshevik persecu-
tions at all. Many of her members suffered, many had yet to suffer, but their
hour had not yet arrived, by the will of God. Metropolitan Sergii personally
compared our position with chickens in the kitchen garden of a cook. The day
would come when even from the small garden the next victim would be
snatched. All were doomed, but the cruel cook did not lead all to the chopping
block immediately.
My accompanying service record will testify that I kept myself all of this
time enclosed within the life of the Church, never abandoning her for a piece
of bread or any personal benefit. Being the closest bishop to the Patriarchal
locum-tenens, I consciously supported his heroic feat of service to the
Russian Orthodox Church, and was convinced and remain convinced of the
correctness of his position concerning the external state ofthe Church in the
horrible conditions of the Soviet atheistic terror. As regards my direction of
the Exarchate in the Baltic territories, evidence of it exists among the organs
of the local Latvian clergy. During my three-month-long stay in Riga under
Soviet control I did not have any kind of relations with the civil authorities, for
the statute itself dealing with ecclesiastical communities was not introduced
here by the Bolsheviks.
We have been informed that London radio has recently broadcast the new
political declaration ofthe Metropolitan of Moscow. In this declaration it was
supposedly said that the Germans, upon seizing certain territory, are
destroying the Orthodox Church and its sacred things and are persecuting
the Orthodox people. Based upon this, the Metropolitan of Moscow
supposedly drew the conclusion that Orthodoxy, and Christianity in general
throughout the world, could only be saved by the victory of Bolshevik military
In answer to this appalling declaration, we consider it to be our duty to say
the following:
During the entire time of their rule the Bolsheviks have subjected the
Orthodox Church, and in general every religion, to the cruellest of
persecutions. We know this by first-hand experience, for in the course of
many years spent in the Soviet Union serving the Church, we were subjected
repeatedly, as were others, to painful humiliations, imprisonments, and
every sort of brutality, open or secret. The destructiveness of the Bolshevik
persecution of the Church is irrefutably witnessed to by hundreds of
198 Appendix 1
Sergii (Voskresensky)
Metropolitan of Vilnius
Exarch of Latvia
In the world there is much evil and sorrow, but there is nothing more
frightening and pernicious than Bolshevism. Bolshevism rose up against
God and trampled down man. Bolshevism not only destroys, but corrupts. It
destroys all that is sacred and of value, by which the soul of man is alive. It
transforms free persons into faceless slaves. It poisons them with its lie, and
tortures them with its brutality. A country with Bolshevism is ruled by fear,
hidden under the mask of a manipulated devotion and dictated enthusiasm.
Fear for oneself and one's own, fear of poverty and hunger; fear of
denunciation; and fear of the GPU and before each other. In a country under
Bolshevism all are forced to dissemble and lie, in order to escape a swift
200 Appendix 1
reprisal. There people suffer not only because they are half-starving and
going about in rags, exhausted by unendurable toil, not knowing any rest and
nightly awaitng arrest; but they suffer all the more acutely and irrevocably
because they feel themselves to be a people whose dignity has been trampled
upon and who live with a contemptible fear rankling in their breasts. There
they do not know the joy of free initiative, free labour, of free creativity; they
do not have consolation in a free faith, in the freedom of the search for truth.
In a country with Bolshevism everything is reckoned and determined from
above, beginning with the doctrine of Marxism and ending with the daily
schedule of compulsory work and further with the compulsory participation
in public meetings of various sorts. There every person becomes the
unwilling screw in the iron machine of communism. And how repulsively this
machine works! Constructed with the aim of bringing order to everything, it
leads everything into disorder. A schedule established to move the entire
country forward in five years, brings destruction daily everywhere. Everyone
fears responsibility, shifting it on to the next person and thus causing
stagnation in all matters. Everyone hates their forced labour, shirking it, and
trying only to become a little less tired from their hateful drudgery. This
resulted in the breakdown of all programmes and in constant confusion.
People felt their lives becoming meaningless, ugly, and lawless, filled with
gloomy boredom and irrational fear. But they did not dare admit this. They
were compelled to maintain the pretence of happiness. As slaves they were
ordered to proclaim that they were the most free of all the peoples on earth,
that there was nothing more joyful than their suffering lives, that they loved
their hateful overlords, that Bolshevik savagery was the highest form of
culture, and that the Bolshevik humiliation of human personality raises one's
But they hate it all! Oh, how they hate their executioners! They did not
forget, nor did they forgive their humiliations and their sufferings. And
really, could they forget and forgive? Never! Russia demands requital,
awaiting the hour of retribution. For victory over Bolshevism we, the Russian
people, are prepared for anything. And therefore Russia awaited the war,
desired the war. In the war, she saw the sole possibility to smash Bolshevism,
to enter into new open space, to a free life,and to begin anew thethreadofher
national history- that scared thread unravelled by the Bolshevik revolution.
Our Church shared this desire, because only in the military destruction of
Bolshevism did she see the path to her liberation. She was almost smothered
by the persecutions heaped on her and survived, I am determined to say, by a
miracle; a miracleofthat simple, heartfelt, unlearned faith which the Russian
people succeeded in preserving in their heart, despite all of the efforts of the
Bolshevik pogrom-makers. If the Bolsheviks would now succeed in winning
the war, then the Russian Church would be doomed to destruction. Driven
into a corner by German arms, the Bolsheviks realised that they could not
drive their slaves into battle only by machine-guns, or excite them only by the
slogans of communism. In Russia, no one has believed in these slogans for a
long time. And so the Bolsheviks began to speak of the defence of the
Homeland and Faith, appealing to feelings of Russian patriotism and
Orthodox religious sentiment. They were convinced of the strength of these
Appendix 1 201
feelings in the Russian people, and decided to exploit them. But they did not
forgive the Russian people for these feelings. For whoever had these feelings
rejected and hated both Bolshevik godlessness and the Communist Inter-
national. The vitality of these feelings in the Russian people manifested the
failure of Bolshevism, its cruel persecutions and crazed propaganda. In the
event of its victory, Bolshevism will avenge this failure- it will disperse the
Russian people throughout the world, destroy all the churches, and
annihilate the Russian clergy to the last man. For Bolshevism cannot change
or be regenerated. Its satanic nature is immutable and unchangeable. Only
naive people, deceived by Bolshevism and completely misunderstanding its
essence, could think otherwise. There are no such people in Russia. But
unfortunately, one can meet such people abroad, where they have neither
experienced Bolshevism, nor encountered it face to face.
The mendacity of Bolshevism surpasses all probability. There are people
who cannot imagine such deceitfulness. And they accept the assurances of the
Bolsheviks at face value. They think that, indeed, Bolshevism entered the war
not for the sake of international revolution and the universal triumph of the
Communist International, but for the Homeland, the Faith, and the freedom
of the people - especially the Slavs; for the self-determination of national
culture and the salvation of European civilisation and so forth- in a word, for
everything that is dear to the opponents of Bolshevism and hateful to itself,
for everything about which Bolshevik propaganda so importunately
clamours, yet insightfully allowing for the fact that by the open propagation
of internationalism, communism, and atheism it cannot presently attract to
its side public opinion in either allied Bolshevik, hostile, or neutral countries.
And so with unparalleled cynicism, Soviet propaganda is now shouting out
the very slogans for which the Bolsheviks have shot a million people, and for
which, in the event of their victory, they will yet shoot many more millions.
'Only let us win, and then we will settle all accounts'- this is the fundamental
principle of the contemporary wartime propaganda of the Bolsheviks. And
the world will suffer if it does not understand this and deceives itself!
The Bolsheviks are forcing the Church to be their accomplice in order to
further promote this deception. They are forcing the Church to call for a war
against the Bolsheviks' enemies, though they themselves are the cruelest of
her persecutors. This persecution is so monstrous that some people are
incapable of imagining its possibility and are therefore inclined to think that,
indeed, the Church in the Soviet Union is now free and that on her own
initiative and conviction is calling upon the believing people in Russia and
beyond her borders to arise in the defence of godless Bolshevism. But surely
everyone understands that this assumption is absolutely absurd, that it is
impossible for any kind of Church to support atheism by its own will. Be
assured that the voice of the Church resounding out of Russia now is
counterfeit. It is not her voice at all. It is the voice of the Bolsheviks speaking in
her name. They squeeze the throat of the Church for the words they need.
But the Church cannot speak the words she desires to. Yet I hear these unsaid
words. llere is what they say: 'Whoever believes in God - help us! Never
believe the Bolsheviks about anything! We are in captivity, we are being
tortured! They are forcing us to lie! Forgive us, for you have not experienced
202 Appendix 1
what we are experiencing! Do not nail the Church into a grave! Do not nail
Russia into a grave! Destroy the Bolsheviks! May God reward you for this! If
the Bolsheviks prevail, then we will both perish!'
Do not think that this authentic voice of the Church exists only in my
imagination and that I am speaking about something of which I do not know.
No, I know what is happening in the Soviet Union and I know that there the
Church is suffering. I know also the mind of the Church, for I have come
from there. Until 1941 -the time of my appointment to Riga- I lived in
Moscow and intimately participated in the labours of the Patriarchate,
carrying a common cross with my fellow brother-bishops. I know of the
horror there to this very day, and everything of which I am speaking is
grounded in my personal experience, accumulated at the altar, in a cell, in
prison, and in many years of personal contact with arch pastors, pastors, and
the laity of Russia scattered throughout various cities and villages. I have the
right to witness to the local life and expectations of the people and
churchmen, and I am obliged to do this, so that by my silence I do not render
indirect assistance to the diffusion of Bolshevik lies and the perpetuation of
Bolshevik persecution.
And do not imagine that the words which I am speaking were prompted or
dictated by someone from the side. No, I am now absolutely free-as free as is
my three-million-membered flock in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and the vast
Russian province from Leningrad to Pskov and farther south. The German
army brought them this freedom, having driven out the Bolsheviks. Now
that, as before, we are in canonical dependence to the Mother Church in
Russia, we are able to work in the vineyard of Christ unhindered. The
Germans have returned what the Bolsheviks have deprived us of. They have
returned to us the churches taken away by the Bolsheviks and we are now able
to serve and preach in them with freedom; they have returned to us the right,
abolished by the Bolsheviks, to teach the Law of God in secular schools, to
establish our own schools for the preparation of pastors, and to publish an
unlimited number of books and newspapers with religious content. And in
truth, according to our strength, we use all of these rights of ours- we use
them and thank God Who has granted us such freedom.
We do not want to lose this freedom. Freedom is as dear to us as the air we
breathe, as life itself. Listen to what the believers in our Russian villages and
cities are saying: 'We will bear anything- not only Bolshevism!' And again:
'There is no sacrifice that is too dear to us, if it leads to victory over
Bolshevism!' You have not experienced Bolshevism. Perhaps it is not very
easy for you to understand us. But we know that an ally of Bolshevism is an
enemy of God and humanity. And whoever is able to participate in the
struggle against Bolshevism, but does not because of one pretext or another,
indirectly supports Bolshevism and- whether he likes it or not- he is helping
those who are crucifying and tormenting the Church of Christ. Do not believe
them or their agents, or those who assure you that we here are suffering from
oppression and only dreaming of the return of the Bolsheviks. This is simply
a shameless lie! We, all of us, are praying for victory over Bolshevism, for the
liberation of the Church and Homeland from the communist yoke, for the
gift of strength in this struggle with them, and for blessings upon those who
enter into this struggle. And we believe that the Lord will have mercy upon
Appendix 1 203
the Russian people and upon those people who come to our assistance; we
believe that Bolshevism will be destroyed, that humanity will be saved from it,
and that the Church of God will arise to a new, free and joyful life.
Metropolitan of Lithuania and Vilnius
Patriarchal Exarch of Latvia and Estonia
14 May 1943
parishes were all concepts unknown to the Soviet law. To allude to such
concepts in their relationship with the Soviet State was both juridically
inadmissible and practically useless.
Only the so-called 'groups of twenty', which were at the head of separate
churches, legally existed in the Soviet Union and these groups of twenty
laymen were in no way obliged to submit even to the Patriarchate. At least this
is how conditions remained until the war. From that time, perhaps, there
occurred some kind of 'decorative' changes in their relationship of which,
however, I know nothing definite and of which, therefore, I am unable to say
anything. I speak only of what I know by my own experience acquired in the
pre-war years when I personally participated in the struggles of the
But I do not doubt that if some kind of changes did occur in the position of
the Church then, from the Bolshevik's perspective, this was only a new
simulation or a new form of malicious deception by which they always
shrouded their relationship to the Church. In actuality, the position of the
Church could not have changed and, of course, would not change as long as
the Bolsheviks ruled in Russia.
What is this 'group of twenty?' It is twenty laymen or laywomen who were
personally responsible for directing, under extremely difficult conditions, a
nationalized church temporarily leased to them by the State for the
organization of public liturgical services. The realization of just such a
procedure to open a church so that the religious rites could be served in it
depended upon the local 'commission concerning the cults'. It was also
dependent upon this commission as to whether or not a church was to be
closed at any given moment and, circumventing the authority of the
corresponding group of twenty, dismiss it from its direction. Equally as well,
the commission could, without closing the church, turn it over from one
group of twenty to another even ifthey did not belong to the same faith, or in
specific cases, to the same - using the Soviet expression - 'religious
The commission concerning the cults used this right extensively, as for
example when they forcibly took churches away from believers of the
'Tikhonite orientation' and handed them over to supporters of the
'Renovationist orientation'.
The commissions were made up almost exclusively of party members
active in the League of the Godless. The commission set itself the goal of
stifling the religious life of the population, over which it was commissioned to
direct a most severe supervision. In particular, the commission directed the
registration of the entire local clergy. One must bear in mind, that according
to Soviet law, the right to celebrate the religious rites was granted only to those
priests who were registered in the corresponding commission of the cults.
They could exercise this right in that church to which they had been assigned
as a priestly celebrant by the commission- to celebrate the religious rites in
other churches or outside of the churches was strictly forbidden to them.
To all intents and purposes the group oftwenty is totally dependent upon
the commission of the cults.
The composition of a group of twenty contained Soviet agents who
reported to their superiors about everything in the church, including the
Appendix 1 205
and then exile him or imprison him. Bear in mind, that even of this practice
the Bolsheviks said again and again that in no way was it a measure in the
struggle against religion, but only a weapon by which people of the revolution
defended themselves against their political enemies. Actually, according to
the letter of the law, celebrating the religious rites, as such, was still not a
criminal offence- precisely speaking, there existed the notorious 'guarantee
of the freedom of the cult'- and formally the priesthood was not punished for
this, but for a host of other types of activity. In reality, the clergy were pursued
precisely for their ecclesiastical activities, but, according to an edict of the
Stalin constitution, the game being played out was that they were being
pursued for crimes unconnected with these activities.
The celebration of religious rites, as we have mentioned, was allowed in no
other than those churches specified for this. To serve in other places was to
invite punishment. Secret religious rites therefore entailed a great risk.
Stricken from the registration list a priest found himself unable to continue
his service and deprived of the means of subsistence. To find other work was
difficult for him, for he was considered socially discredited because of his
membership in the clergy. This shame spread to his children. In order to find
his daily bread and relieve the lot of his children, he was forced to cover up his
past and, so as to find work, fill out the obligatory forms with false evidence.
This again entailed a great risk, because his exposure inevitably meant a cruel
reprisal for him.
The very appointment of a priest to a church formally depended upon the
group of twenty, employing him for a determined fee. But, the decisive word
actually belonged to the commission of the cults, which could, according to its
judgement, refuse to register him. Not having secured the assent of the
commission beforehand, it was not even worth presenting him for
registration. Thus, the entire clergy was dependent upon the arbitrary will of
the Bolsheviks, who allowed some to serve legally, but removed others,
naturally preferring the worst over the better.
Under such conditions, a registered priest lived in the unceasing
expectation of repressions. With trembling, day and night, he expected
arrest, after which could follow exile or imprisonment. Fear in the face of
arrest was so great, that people not possessing any remarkable strength of
moral character were prepared to enter into any bargain with their
conscience and to grovel before the Bolsheviks, if the latter would only leave
them in peace. Therefore, among the surviving clergy registered by the
Soviet authorities there remain relatively few truly steadfast unbroken
persons, true to their lofty calling to the end.
The registered priest attached to a church committed himself to celebrate
the liturgical services. Officially, this was his only role. He had no authority at
all. He had no administrative rights. Everything was arranged and taken care
ofby the groupoftwenty, which had full authority to order the clergy about as
they so desired. The twenty was not subjected to any kind of control from the
side of the parishioners. It even imposed its will upon them. Therefore
everything depended on the personal characteristics of the twenty's
composition and on the skill of the parish dean to be on good terms with it. If
the composition of the group of twenty was good, and if the parish dean
possessed sufficient moral authority, then everything would proceed, more
Appendix 1 207
of such great significance, that even the Bolsheviks had to take account of it.
Not wishing to annoy the believing mass excessively, the Bolsheviks were
forced to reconcile themselves with the existence of Orthodoxy and with its
victory over the Renovationists and to change their tactics in the struggle with
the Church significantly. It became clear that it was impossible to take the
Church by an open, lightning-like assault, but it was necessary to subject her
by a slow, systematic siege. This even allowed the Church, although with great
losses, to survive up to the present war, having preserved within herself a
small measure of organisation -i.e. to gain time and patiently await those
circumstances permitting her, for well-grounded reasons, to hope for the
swift destruction of Bolshevism and, together with this, for the liberation,
restoration, and revival of the Church.
Feasibly to delay and slow down the destruction of the Church undertaken
by the Bolsheviks, was always the main task of the Patriarchate. It strove to
protect the dogmatic purity and canonical integrity of Orthodoxy, to
overcome schisms, to preserve the canonically valid succession of the
supreme ecclesiastical authority, to maintain the canonically valid position of
the Russian Church ad mist the other autocephalousChurches, and to lead, in
such a manner, the Church to a better future when, following the destruction
of Bolshevism, the Church will be able to rise to a new life. In order to work for
the fulfilment of this task, it was incumbent upon the Patriarchate, before all
else, to preserve its own existence which was threatened by a great danger.
Indeed, denying the existence of the Church as a legal organization, the
Bolsheviks consistently had to deny the legal existence ofthe Patriarchate as
well. From the time of the arrest of Patriarch Tikhon ( 1922) the Bolsheviks
entered precisely upon this path, from which they were never deflected, both
from after his liberation from arrest (1923), and right up to his very death
(1925). But simultaneously Bolsheviks staged the establishment of some-
thing which was of benefit to themselves- the 'Living Church'- having
legalized the supreme organ ofits administration. The immediate task ... [of
the Bolsheviks] was the replacement or absorption of Orthodoxy by the
Renovationists. For this goal they made a whole series of attempts to hand
over into the hands of the Renovationists the administration of the Orthodox
Church. Under Patriarch Tikhon not one of these attempts succeeded. The
Patriarchate, although illegal, continued to exist, and the Bolsheviks found it
expedient to take this fact into account. They acted so for two reasons: (i)
abroad, they referred to the existence of the Patriarchate as evidence that,
despite their atheism, they supposedly did not subject the Church to
persecutions; (ii) they calculated that, nevertheless, it would turn out well for
them to hand over the Patriarchate into the hands of their agents the
Renovationists, thus destroying the Church from within.
After the death of Patriarch Tikhon, and under the locum-tenens
Metropolitan Peter (1925), the Bolsheviks continued their attempts in this
direction, but they did not achieve success. Metropolitan Peter was banished
to Siberia by the Bolsheviks and shortly afterwards died in exile. But before
his arrest he succeeded in appointing a successor to himself in the person of
Metropolitan Sergii. The latter, having shown himself to be somewhat
unyielding, was imprisoned ( 1926). But before his arrest he providently
appointed a whole row of successors, who had to consecutively take upon
themselves the responsibility ofthe leadership ofthe Church. However, the
Appendix 1 211
Bolsheviks began to subject one after another of them to arrest, so that the
Church lived without a leader and her business fell into total confusion. This
was the period when the Patriarchate simply did not exist at all, but what did
exist - and this legally - was the Renovationist administration, to which,
however, the Orthodox Church did not submit herself.
This situation turned out to be awkward for the Bolsheviks themselves. On
one side it com promised them abroad, hindering their success in propaganda
there. On the other side the Bolsheviks were convinced of the weakness of
Renovationism, of its unacceptability for stifling the majority of the
Orthodox, of the impossibility of controlling the Orthodox Church with the
help of the Renovationists. Therefore, the Bolsheviks decided to enter into a
compromise with Metropolitan Sergii, who, from his side, also came to the
conclusion that a compromise was necessary for the restoration of the
canonical administration of the Church, and her liberation from the
domination of the Renovationists. This compromise took place in 1927, and
included Metropolitan Sergii's declaration that the loyalty of believers to the
Soviet State was an obligation (Patriarch Tikhon had declared this earlier).
The Bolsheviks registered the Patriarchate as a legal institution, abandoning
all attempts to hand it over to the Renovationists. [This followed the] release
of Metropolitan Sergii from prison, which granted him the possibility of
fulfilling his responsibility as the Patriarchal locum-tenens.
Thus, the price of the political declaration of Metropolitan Sergii was paid
for by the legalisation of the Patriarchate and the liberation of the Church
from Renovationist domination. It was according to this model that further
relationships between the Patriarchate and the Soviet State were built. When
the Bolsheviks demanded certain political steps from Metropolitan Sergii, he
accepted their demands only on the condition of this or that indulgence for
the Church. I will relate an especially clear example. In 1930 Metropolitan
Sergii was forced to grant an interview to foreign journalists, and according to
the demands of the Bolsheviks he was to announce in this interview that the
Church in the Soviet Union was completely free and not subjected to
persecution. Metropolitan Sergii agreed to fulfil this demand of the
Bolsheviks on the condition that Orthodox priests would not be subjected to
the dispossession of the kulaks, such as was happening at that time, and this
condition was actually fulfilled by the Bolsheviks. At the cost of this
humiliating interview (during which agents of the CPU stood listening
behind a wall), Metropolitan Sergii saved many village priests- at that time
they still numbered around ten thousand- from destruction and death.
This example reveals that the Soviet authorities and the Patriarchate
opposed each other as two hostile powers, forced- each for their reasons -to
enter into a mutual compromise. But the Bolsheviks clearly carried more
weight in the compromise. With time this has become ever more obvious.
Having at first agreed to this compromise, and to certain concessions to the
Church, the Bolsheviks subsequently deceived the Patriarchate, making
these concessions illusory. Thus, no longer treating the rural clergy as
dispossessed kulkas, and after an interval oftime, the Bolsheviks simply began
sending clergymen into exile in great numbers and closing churches under
the pretence of certain legalities - most often for non-payment of a
deliberately back-breaking tax. It must be said that the very legalization of the
Patriarchate did not justify, in practice, those original expectations, since it
212 Appendix 1
The following is a list of Articles referred to (summaries only,for full text refer to the
Code) in the case histories.
N ole that all Articles in the text refer to the Criminal Code ofthe RSFSR unless otherwise
214 Appendix 2
the West). Dec. 1981 sentenced to 7 yrs str. regime camp and 5 yrs exile
under article 70, for writing and distributing his book On the Path ...
ANDREI, Fr. (Anatolii SHUR) Orthodox previously a monk at the
Pochaevskaia Lavra. Nov. 1982 arrested and sentenced to 1 yr str. regime
camp under article 214. Released Nov. 1983. Rearrested Jan. 1984. The
charge and sentence remain unknown.
ANTONOV, Ivan Ia., Presbyter, ECB Kirovograd, UkSSR
July 1981 completed a 2 yrsentence, having spent a total of 15 yrs in camps
for religious reasons. Began receiving 'anonymous' death threats. May
1982 arrested again, sentenced to 5 yrs str. regime camp and 5 yrs. exile,
with confiscation of property, under article 209-1 of the C.C. of the
UkSSR. His son Pavel was also sentenced to 3 yrs gen. regime camp under
article 138-2 oftheC.C. ofthe UkSSR. He was arrested in Feb. of 1982. In
May 1986 informed of new charges awaiting him before the 1987 release
ASATIAN, Fr. Ioakim Orthodox Shio-Mgvim, Georgia
7 Jan. 1982. He went to the Mamukelashvili museum/church in order to
serve the Christmas mass for which he had official written permission. The
museum's staff, however, beat up Fr. loa kim and locked him in the temple.
Had not passers-by heard his pleas for help and freed him, Fr. Ioakim
would have most likely frozen to death.
BAHOLDIN, Semen F. VSASD Tashkent, UzSSr b. 1930
An ordinary worker, engaged all his life in manual labour. He was chosen
by the authorities to be their witness against the head of the VSASD church
- V. A. Shelkov. Semen was thus arrested on 15 April1978. Despite threats,
he refused to bear false witness against Shelkov; the authorities thus
decided to make an example out of him. Before and after his conviction he
spent many days in isolation, often without food or water. In Feb. of 1979
he was sentenced to 7 yrs str. regime camp and 3 yrs exile. Despite being in
perfect health at the time of his arrest, in their desire to make an example
out of Semen, the authorities quickly drove him to a state of exhaustion.
When his wife visited him in March 1980, he was already so weak that he
had to be carried. Witnesses told Semen's family that he was feeling well on
November 10. He ate a full dinner at the prison hospital after which he
suffered severe pain and died. Six days passed before camp officials
informed relatives of the death. Semen's son and two sisters went to the
camp to discover that he had already been buried; the doctors refused to
give reasons for the death and refused to allow Semen's body to be moved to
his native town. The official death certificate states that Semen died in
Tashkent, and not in the camp (over 2000 km away).
BARATS, Vasilii M. Pentecostal Moscow
Editor of Listy, a Christian journal. Despite being an engineer he could not
find work and was forced to accept a job as a guard at a garage. He kept this
job for two months until the KGB forcibly took him to a psychiatric hospital
for three days and had him fired. 3 June 1982, had his home searched,
religious literature confiscated. 9 Aug. 1982, arrested while attempting to
board an airplane. He was beaten at the airport and at the police station.
Vasillii declared a hunger strike, which he maintained for thirteen days,
demanding to know the reason for his arrest. It was not until Aug. 23 that
216 Appendix 2
his wife was told where her husband was being held, yet still no pretext for
the arrest was given. When his wife attempted to meet with Western
correspondents she was also arrested. Vasilii is now serving a 5 yr camp
sentence. His wife, Galina, is serving a 6 yr camp and 3 yr exile
BARINOV, Valerii A. Baptist Leningrad b. 1944
17 Jan. I983, officially requested permission to perform concerts of
religious non-political music with his band 'Trubny Zov'. 24 Jan. I983,
temporarily arrested, ten letters and three cassettes were confiscated, no
pretext given. Summer 1983, under governmental pressure, the official
Baptist church kicked him out for wearing a cross with his jeans and for
preaching to alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes and other undesirables.
II Oct. 1983, picked up on the subway and forcibly interned in a psychiatric
hospital. His wife was told by his doctor that although Valerii was not 'really
ill', his views were so deviant from the 'norm ofa Soviet man' that hem ust be
treated. Other doctors told his wife that he was perfectly healthy but that his
release was subject to the approval of a 'special commission'. After his case
received wide Western publicity, Valerii was released on Dec. 20, but he
refused to return as an outpatient for subsequent 'treatments'. In early
March I984, a visitor, claiming to be a fan from Murmansk, came to Valerii.
He convinced him to come to Murmansk, which Valerii and his friend
TIMIKHIN did on 3 March. Returning from Murmansk by train they
were arrested and charged for supposedly attempting to leave the country
illegally via Murmansk. Valerii was sentenced to 2 1/2 yrs camp, despite the
fact that the trial did not prove the charge, but rather focused on Valerii's
activity in his Christian rock group, at the last performance of which, at the
end of I983, 80 people were arrested when police attempted to disband it.
Released on schedule, 4 September I986.
BATURIN, Nikolai G. ECB Shakhty, Rostov prov. RSFSR b. I927
Secretary of the ECB churches, arrested 5 Nov. 1979. Sentenced to 5 yrs
camp,str. regime, under articles 138-2, 187-1, 209-2ofthe UkSSRC.C.,
and 190- I of the RSFSR C. C. During 198I he was twice thrown into
punishment cells for I5 days for praying and singing Christian hymns. The
punishment cells are unheated, the prisoners are left without shoes or
outer clothes. They are served one meagre meal a day- beginning only on
the second day. After a term in the punishment cell the prisoner is usually
too weak to stand, yet he is required to return immediately to work and
fulfil his full quota. With one yr left on his sentence, Nikolai was rearrested
incampon 28Sept. 1983. On 26Jan. 1984, he was given an additional3 yrs
of str. regime camp. This was his 7th trial.
BIELAUSKIENE,Jadvyga Lith. Catholic
May I983, sentenced to 4 yrs str. regime camp and 3 yrsexile: for collecting
signatures for a petition against the persecution of young believers; for her
participation in the Chronicle of the Lith. Cath. Ch.; and for assisting in the
religious education of children.Jadvyga had already spent 8 yrs in prisons.
Released in October 1986 unconditionally. Exile term cancelled.
BUDZINS'KYI, Fr. Hryhorii, Ukr. Catholic b. I900
Has spent many years in prisons and camps, and he continues to be
harassed. On 24 Sept. 1981 ,he was fined 50 roubles; on 14Jan. 1982, 10 r.;
on 21 and 28Jan. 1982,on 13Jan., 17 Feb. and 5 May 1983,hewasfined 50
Appendix 2 217
r. each time. All of the fines were for performing an unauthorized religious
service at his home. In Dec. 1983, 'thieves' broke into his home and robbed
him of 270 r. The 'thieves' acted openly and without fear despite the fact
that Fr. Hryhorii's home is subjected to 24 hr police surveillance.
BULAKH, Eduard Pentecostal b. 1941
He has a wife and three children, which, under Soviet law, automatically
exempts him from military service. In Feb. 1981, Eduard was called up for
a review. During the review the doctor ordered him to submit himself to a
psychiatric hospital for 'evaluation'. Eduard, fearing imprisonment,
refused to do so. On July II he was forcibly hospitalized but was released on
the 22nd. On 9 Sept. 1981, he was sentenced to 1 yr of prison for 'evading
military service' (refusing to submit himself to psychiatric evaluation).
When his 1 yr term had officially ended, in Sept. of 1982, Eduard received
an additional 2\/2 year term. Released in December 1984, nine months
prior to the end of the term.
BURDIUG, Viktor Orthodox Moscow
April6, 1982, arrested with Nikolai BLOKHIN, and Sergei and Vladimir
B UDAROV. Viktor was sentenced to 4 yrs camp, with confiscation of all
personal property, his three companions received terms of 3 yrs each.
They were found guilty, under article 162, of printing and distributing
very large quantities of Bibles, Psalm books, and prayer books.
On 7 June 1980,30 people gathered at the homeofV. I. DURGUZHIENE
for private workshop. The KGB arrived, without a warrant they searched
the house, and took away nine males, who were all beaten. At the police
station they were ordered to sign previously written confessions admitting
'their presence at an illegal gathering of unregistered believers, and
promising never to repeat the offence'. The nine males refused, and
demanded to write their own statements. This they were denied but 7 of
them were released. Dembitskiy and G. E. Nikolaev continued to be held.
Nikolaev was thrown into a cell with common criminals who were
instructed to 'work him over'. When the lieutenant returned to find that
Nikolaev had not been 'worked over' he informed the other criminals that
they would not receive hot food, and then he proceeded to beat Nikolaev
himself. Nikolaev and Dembitskiy were both sentenced to 15 days'
imprisonment for singing 'anti-Soviet' hymns (Christian), for yelling 'anti-
Soviet' slogans and for general 'hooliganism' at their worship service.
DRUK, V. F. ECB Nizhnii-Marineshty, Moldavia
Drafted into the army. 13 Aug. 1981, with two months leftto his mandatory
military service, he was stabbed in the heart by another soldier, under the
orders of an officer. Druk was killed.
ESIP, Roman Ukr. Cathol. priest b. 1951
Sentenced in L'vov 28 Oct. 1981 to 5 yrs camp. gen. regime and 3 yrs exile,
with confiscation of property, under articles 138-2 and 209-1 of the
UkSSR C.C., for carrying out unauthorized religious services at people's
homes, cemeteries and in churches.
FEDOTOV, 1van Pentecostal, Bishop Maloiaroslavets, Kaluga prov. b.
1980-released after I 0 yrterm. Not permitted to reside in Moscow with his
mother, moved to Maloiaroslavets. 26 Nov. 1980, due to pressure from the
218 Appendix 2
authorities he was fired from his job, despite the fact that he had nothing
but positive references. The authorities informed him that if he could not
find new employment he would be tried for parasitism. 27 Nov. I980, fined
50 r. for refusing a policeman entry into a private home during a religious
service. 2I Aprili98I, arrested. Searches conducted in connection with his
arrest at the homes of7 other believers as well as Fedotov's home revealed
Bibles, religious literature and letters from abroad. Fedotov was entenced
to 5 yrs str. regime camp and given a IOOO r. fine, under article 227. At the
trial his crimes were revealed to be (i) that he headed a scet of Pentecostals
whose membership included those who were not trade-union members (II
out of 129 parishioners), even though membership in trade unions is
supposed to be 'voluntary' in the Soviet Union, (ii) that he had attracted
others into the sect, and (iii) that he encouraged his parishioners to renege
upon their civic duties (this was not proved). Released on 21 April 1986.
GALETSKY, Rostislav N. VSASD, preacher Tresviatskaia station, Voro-
nezh prov.
1 July 1980, arrested. Sentenced to 5 yrs gen. regime camp under articles
190- 1 and 227. During the trial he had all his notes confiscated, with which
he was attempting to defend himself and expose the fabrication of the trial.
GRIGOROVICH, Stefani Ukr. -Cath. priest Mukachevo, Svaliavskoe
Has already served 4 sentences. Fr. Stefanii and his daughter Katrusia
returned their passports. Katrusia was dismissed from her 5th yr of
medical school. 7 March 1984, they were both arrested and held for three
days until they accepted their passports again. 18 March, 1984, Fr. Stefanii
was rearrested.
IVANOV, Arkady Christian b. 1931
1 Sept. 1983 - declared 'dangerous to society' for teaching religion to
children, holding prayer meetings, organizing a youth choir, and
participating in worship services. Ivanov was confined to a psychiatric
hospital. Released in Sept. 1985.
IV ASHCHENKO, Yakov Efremovich Pastor, ECB Petrovsk, Kiev
prov. b. 1932
MemberofG. Vins and Soviet Relatives of Prisoners organizations. Early in
1980 a series of searches resulted in the confiscation of religious literature.
After these searches Ivashchenko went into hiding and was not arrested
until22 May 1981. On I9 August 1981 he was tried and sentenced to 4 yrs
str. regimecampand4 yrsexileunderarticles 138-1, 187-1 and 209-1 of
the C.C. of the UkSSR. His son, Anatoly, is also an active religious youth
leader and has also been sentenced to 2 112 yr sentence.
KADUK, Vera Stepanovna VSASD Kalinin RSFSR b. 1927
Arrested 16 July 1980, kept imprisoned until her trial in March of 1981.
Sentenced to 2 yrs camp with confiscation of home and property under
article 190-1.
KAKAVTSIV, Vasilli Ukr. -Catholic, priest L'vov b. 1934
Sentenced to 5 yrs camp gen. regime and 3 yrs exile with confiscation of
property under articles 138-2 and 209-1 of the C.C. of the UkSSR, for
unauthorized performance of religious services at private homes, at
cemeteries, and in churches.
Appendix 2 219
months was he permitted to write from his new prison, but his visitation
rights remained suspended. His 5 yr prison term should have ended in
August 1984, yet Vladimir was not released- instead he was sentenced to
an additional 3 yrs imprisonment under article 188-8 for 'malicious
disobedience of the orders of the administration of a corrective-labour
institution'. Released in the spring of 1986 but banned from professional
POTOCHNIAK, Anton Catholic, priest Stryi, UkSSR b. 1912
Arrested Oct. 1983 while still recovering from a stomach operation. As a
result, the operation had to be repeated in prison. He was sentenced to a 1
yr term in a str. regime camp; he had already served 28 yrs in the Soviet
prison system. In the camp the warden refused to hospitalize Fr. Anton,
saying he was a bad influence upon the other inmates. On 14 Dec. 1983, the
warden, V. Povshenko, informed him that a new instruction had been
received on how to treat Ukranian Catholics, and that from that point on he
would have to fulfil the full work norm (Fr. Anton was 71 yrs old). Three
days of these norms and he began suffering from internal bleeding. He was
admitted into the prison hospital, but two days later, when higher camp
officials discovered that he was there, he was immediately discharged from
the hospital. On 29 May 1984, his health finally gave up and he died in
PROTSENKO, Vladimir Antonovich ECB Kuz'molovo, Vsevolozhskii
dist., Leningrad prov. b. 1928
Held gatherings and services of the Leningrad ECB church at his home.
Arrested 8 Dec 1981, and sentenced on 19 Feb 1982 to 3 yrs camp, gen.
regime, with confiscation of home, under articles 190-1 and 227-2.
Protsenko has six children, the youngest was born in 1969.
PSHONNAIA, Mariia P. VSASD Vinnitsky Hutor, Vinnitsa prov.
UkSSR b. 1940
On 28 Dec. 1980, believers had gathered at her home, police broke into the
home, conducted a search and in the process beat up Mariia's sister, for
allowing this gathering and for singing religious songs, Mariia was fined
50 r.
PUSHKOV, Evgenii N. ECB Hartsyzsk, Donetsk prov., UkSSR b. 1941
Gifted violinist, pursued his beliefs as a musical minister. 1 May 1980,
arrested at a peace gathering of youth and sentenced to 3 yrs camp.
Released same day, only to be rearrested on 27 May 1983. Under articles
187-3, 188-1 and 209-1 ofthe C.C. of the UkSSR he was sentenced to 5
yrs str. regime camp, to be followed by 3 yrs exile. Pushkov has eight
children, the youngest was born in 1981.
RAZDYMAKHO, Taisiia Andreeva VSASD Kattakurgan, Samarkand
prov., UzSSR arrested in February 1980. On 28 Feb. her home was
searched- the floors were ripped up and the yard was dug up; a Bible, a
tape recorder, identification, a savings book and some religious literature
were confiscated. There was nobody present during the search and when a
fellow believer, Aleksei SPORYKHIN, rode by the house with his son on a
motorcycle, and saw what was happening, he was grabbed and dragged
into the yard. Aleksei, a second-class invalid, was hit and stepped on when
he fell to the ground, and told to shut up when he attempted to call the
Appendix 2 225
neighbours for help. His son also had his mouth bloodied when he
attempted to call for help. A warrant for the search has never been
ROZKALNS,Janis Baptist Riga, Latvian SSR
On 6 Jan. I983, a search at his home revealed Bibles and religious
literature. On 20 Jan., Janis declared his desire to emigrate to West
Germany. On I3 April he was arrested. In Nov. I983 he was tried and
sentenced to 5 yrs camp. str. regime, and 3 yrs exile, under article 65 ofthe
C.C. of the Latvian SSR - for anti-governmental behaviour. His state-
appointed lawyer refused to discuss the case with him even once and Janis
was prevented from cross-examining the witnesses. In transit Janis fell
gravely ill, but a week passed before he was finally examined and diagnosed
with advanced pneumonia. Nevertheless, he was not admitted into the
prison hospital- the nurse informed him that the administration would
not allow it. When he arrived at his camp, 37- Perm', again a week passed
before he received medical attention.
RUMACHIK, Petr Vasil'evich ECB, presbyter Dedovsk, Moscow prov.
b. I931
Deputy and temporary chairman of the Council of ECB Churches. Also a
past contributor to Vestnik lstiny and Byulleten'. Arrested I5 Aug I980,
found with various printing equipment, sentenced to 5 yrs camp, str.
regime, under articles 162, 209-I and 277 -I. This was his fifth trial and he
had already served I 0 yrs in prison; he also suffers from very high blood
pressure. After one year of imprisonment afterthis last trial, he has had his
visitation rights suspended, he does not receive his mail and his letters to his
family are either not delivered or delayed for long periods of time and
heavily censored. Rearrested a week before the expiry ofthe sentence. On
7 Feb. 1986 sentenced to an additional5 yr str. regime camp term in Chita
RYTIKOV, Pavel Timofeevich ECB Krasnodon, Voroshilovgrad prov.,
UkSSR b. I930
Arrested in I979 and sentenced to 3 yrs camp for his participation in a
Christian summer camp. Released in I982, only to be rearrested on 2 April
1983 and sentenced to 2 yrscamp, str. regime, under article 2I4 of the C.C.
of the UkSSR. Released in Aprill985, upon completion ofhis sentence. On
I June I985, when police broke up a worship service, he was arrested with 8
others. After I5 days all were released except for Pavel, who was kept under
arrest for another week. Upon his release he went underground to avoid
arrest and a possible fourth trial. In Jan. 1986 rearrested. Sentenced in
April to l 1/2 yrs str. regime camps for violation of administrative
surveillance regs. Had ten children as of I980.
SHAPOKA, L'onasa Lith. Catholic, rector
On I 0 Oct. 1980 his apartment was broken into and he was beaten for a
period of over 4 hrs until he was killed.
SHELKOV, Vladimir Andreevich VSASD b. 1895
Chairman ofthe All-Soviet Church of the VSASD from I949 to 1980. Was
tried four times, the last time in 1979, for which he received a term of 5 yrs
camp, str. regime, with confiscation of property and home. Died in the
camps on 27 Jan. I980; many consider that he was killed.
226 Appendix 2
connection with the trial, searches were conducted at the homes of Iosifs
relatives and friends; religious literature, books, and manuscripts were
confiscated-supposedly to prove Iosifs 'parasitism'? He was duly released
in Dec. 1983. On 16 Feb. 1984, the commander of the local militia paid a
visit, late at night. In a drunken state he threatened to blow up Iosifs home,
and displayed a package of dynamite that he had brought with him. On 8
Feb. 1985, Iosif was arrested again and charged with 'anti-Soviet activity'.
In Aug. 1985 he was sentenced to7 yrscampand 5yrsexile. Of41 yrsofhis
life 18 have been spent in concentration camps.
TRIKUR, Mariya, Catholic
Mariya and her husband, Mikhail, have returned their passports- stating
that they do not wish to have anything to do with a regime that persecutes
Catholics for their faith. She has served three terms in prison, her husband
has served five. Their children have been forcibly taken away from them
and placed in boarding schools, where their pectoral crosses were
confiscated form them. Both Mariya and her husband were arrested in
Dec. 1982, and sentenced to 2 yrs imprisonment each. Both served part of
their terms in psychiatric hospitals. In April 1984, Mariya was released
from camp. On June 15, in the village of Dolgoe in Zakarpatia, she was
attacked by a policeman in the middleoftheday. Yu. Starostadragged her
through the village by her hair, to the police station, so as to have a 'chat'. He
threatened her with rape and the destruction of her home.
VARRAVIN, Vitalii Fedorovich ECB Leningrad b. 1959
Arrested 19 Feb. 1982, and sentenced to 4 yrs camp, str. regime, under
article 206. In 1984, in camp, he was beaten and spent 33 days in solitary
confinement in one 2-month period. He was also threatened with a second
term and with 'accidental death' for not 'reforming'.
VIL'CHINSKAIA, Galina V. ECB Brest, Belorussia b. 1958
Aug. 1979, she was arrested for leading Bible studies at a summer youth
camp. She spent one year in prison, awaiting trial, before being sentenced
to 3 yrs camp. After spending one year in the camp, performing 10 hours of
heavy manual labour daily under conditions of poor nourishment and
poor clothing, her hair began to fall out, she started loosing her teeth and
her gums swelled up. After repeated threats of punishment if she did not
'keep quiet about God', she was beaten to a state of unconsciousness by four
thugs, on 8 July 1982, who apparently acted upon orders of the camp
commanders. Upon completion of her sentence in 1982, Galina was
released. Police pressured her to act as a collaborator, threatening another
term. She refused, and ten weeks later after her release police 'discovered'
drugs in her suitcase at an airport security check. She received a 2 yr
sentence. Upon completion of this sentence, when she arrived home in
Nov. 1984, her parents were fined 50 r. for allowing a crowd of her friends
to gather at their home to greet Gal ina.
YAKUNIN, Fr. Gleb Orthodox
Organized and founded the Christian Committee for the Defence of
Believers Rights in the USSR in 1976. Arrested I Nov. 1979, and sentenced
to 5 yrs camp and 5 yrs exile under article 70. In 1981 he had his Bible,
prayer book and church calendar taken away from him in the prison camp
(although Soviet law does not prohibit the possession of these in prison).
228 Appendix 2
His Bible was returned to him only after an 80-day hunger strike. 1982 to
1984 were spent by Fr. Gleb in almost total isolation; his visitation and
correspondence rights were suspended. In 1982 he was sentenced to 4
months' punishment cell for 'punishable behaviour, including the
conducting of religious propaganda among youth'.
YANKOVICH, Aleksandr Baptist Moscow
April1983-given 72 hours by police to leave Moscow. He refused and was
forcibly hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital. In May 1976 he had been
arrested under article 190-1 and had spent the next 4 yrs forcibly interned
in a psychiatric prison. He was released only in Sept. 1980
ZUEV, SERGEI V. Hari Krishna Moscow b. 1953
Early 1984 sentenced to 2 1/2 yrs imprisonment for his participation in the
religious sect.
Notes and References
l. For example, Nikolai Shchors and Vasili Chapaev were among such
anarchistic Bolshevik leaders of semi-regular, semi-partisan forces,
depicted very well in the figure of Strelnikov in Pasternak's Doctor
Zhivago. As Pasternak mentions in the novel, most of them were quietly
liquidated by Lenin towards the end of the Civil War when, like the SA in
Hitler's Germany some fifteen years later, they ceased to be an asset, and
became a dangerous liability to the new regime. See also: M. Zalygin,
Solenaia Pad', (M.: Voenizdat, 1981) passim; S. Golosovsky and G. Krul',
Na Manyche 'Sviashchennom'; Sektantskoe dvizhenie sredi molodezhy (M.:
Mol.gvard., 1931) p. 31.
2. For example, the address of the bishops imprisoned in Solovki to the
Government of the USSR on the conditions of coexistence and co-
operation between the Soviet State and the Orthodox Church (May
1927), Regelson, Tragediia, p. 422.
3. Chapaev appears to have in fact fallen in battle with the Whites, but
Shchors is generally thought to have been one ofthe commanders killed
on Lenin'sorTrotsky'sorders, although official Soviet sources say he was
killed in battle, without saying which battle. See, Sovetskaia istoricheskaia
entsiklopediia (M., 1976) vol. 16, pp. 388-9.
4. Regelson, Tragediia, p. 239; Protopresviter M. Polsky, Novye mucheniki,
vol. l, pp. 66-8. Polsky erroneously states that during the procession the
faces of the imprisoned Tsar and his family were seen at the window of
the house watching the procession. The bishop allegedly stopped and
gave his benediction in the direction of that window. The point is that
most of the family and the Tsar had been moved to Ekaterinburg the
previous day. Soviet confirmation of the murder in: V. Arkhipenko.
'Zagovor lliodora', N.i rei., no. 9 ( 1968), p. 26; the excuse being his
alleged 'counter-revolutionary activity'; for this reason the author
justifies the murder.
5. Polsky, Novye mucheniki, vol. l, pp. 77-81.
6. Russkiie Vedomosti (Moscow) 23Jan./ 5 Feb. ( 1918). English translations in
theN. Tsurikov Collection, Hoover Institution Archives, Folder B694.
7. Polsky, Novye, pp. 184-6.
8. Polsky, Novye, pp. 187-9.
9. A. A. Valentinov (ed.), Chernaiakniga(Shturmnebes) (no publication data,
probably Paris, 1925) p. 43.
10. Ibid, pp. 50-1. Based on documents collected by allied missions attached
to White Armies.
II. Polsky, Novye mucheniki, pp. 69-70. Regelson (Tragediia, p. 243) rejects
Polsky's version that Andronik had been buried alive. Apparently it was
another person, resembling Archb. Andronik, who had been killed in
this manner. See also, M. Manuil, Russkie ... ierarkhi vol. I, pp. 256-8,
230 Notes and References
and vol. 2, pp. 85-8. Regelson's version is based on a report in the local
diocesan journal of the time. He also cites notes for a sermon found in
Andronik's papers which illustrate his premonitions of martyrdom:
I. I am happy to be put on trial in the name of Christ and for the
Church ...
2. Counter-revolution, politics - this is none of my business; for
Russia ... will not be saved by our squabbles and despair.
3. But thecauseoftheChurch is sacred tome. Calling on everybody, I
excommunicate, anathematize those who have risen against Jesus,
who are attacking the Church ...
4. Only over my dead body will you defile the sacred. This is my duty,
wherefore I appeal to Christians to stand (for the Church) unto
5. Try me, but release the others. It is their duty todoas I say, as long as
they are Christians. Otherwise anarchy, chaos ... [will prevail].
Regelson, Tragediia 243 (from: Tobol'skie eparkhial'nyia vedomosti, no. 6,
12. Polsky, Novye mucheniki, vol. 1, pp. 73-6.
13. Ibid, pp. 72 and 71; and Valentinov (on Nikodim), Chernaia Kniga, p. 36.
14. Valentinov, pp. 37,42-3.
15. Polsky, pp. 11-24; Regelson, p. 231.
16. Polsky, pp. Rl-3.
17. Valentinov,pp.31-45.
18. lbid,pp.SI-2.
19. Regelson, pp. 228-31.
20. Valentinov, pp. 26-7.
21. Regelson, p. 266.
22. Valentinov, p. 48.
23. Dennis]. Dunn, TheCatholicChurchand theSovietGovernmmt, I 9 I 9-I 949
(N.Y.: Columbia Univ. Press; distributor: E. Europ. Monograph
No. XXX, Keston Book No. 10) pp. 31-2.
24. Regelson, Tragediia, 226-7, 234.
25. Valentinov, p. 26.
26. Ibid, p. 42.
27. Ibid, p. 46.
28. Ibid, pp. 40-1.
29. Regelson, p. 255.
30. Ibid, p. 271. Also, N. F. Zybkovets, Natsionalizatsiia monastyrskikh
imushchestv v Sovetskoi Rossii (19I7-I921) (M.: Akademiia Nauk SSSR,
1975) pp. II 0-11. He points out that the nationalization of monasteries
continued on a rapid scale beyond 1921, and by 1922 722 monasteries
were confiscated from the Church, leaving her theoretically with 531,
but a large part of the latter was in the western territories annexed by
Rumania, Poland, the Baltic states and Finland after 1918.
31. The most famous pre-revolutionary agrarian Christian communes were
founded by a pious and philanthropic aristocrat, Nepluev, with the
blessing of the Church. See: N. N. Nepluev, Trudovye bratstva ... i
khristianskoe gosudarstvo (Leipzig, Germany: Beer & Hermann, 1893);
Notes and References 231
21. 'Pod flagom religii', RiTs, no. 6-8 ( 1919) pp. 94-6. See also, Pospielov-
sky, Russian Church, ch. 4.
22. 'Bezbozhnoe obozrenie', Bezbust., no. 9 (1930) pp. 9-16; D. Gnezdilov,
'Rukovoditeli sektantskikh obshchin g. Saratova pered sudom
obshchestvennosti', Antireligioznik, the monthly Scientific-
Methodological Journal of the LMG Central Council, no. 1 (]an. 1929)
pp. 83-5.
23. 'Trudovoe sektantstvo', RiTS, no. 1-3 (1922) pp. 26-30.
24. Bezbozhnik, no. 1 (Jan. 1929) p. 15.
25. P. Zarin, 'Politicheskii maskarad tserkovnikov i sektantov', Antirel.,
26. A. Rostovtsev, 'Kommuna "Bich"', Bezbozh., no. 18 (October 1928) p. 5;
Levitin, Likhie ... , pp. 152-5.
27. For example, the following articles in the Bezbozh. magazine: Boitsov,
'Kulaki sektanty razvalivaiut kolkhoz' (no. 6,June 1933, p. 4)- adjacent
toitisacaricatureon the Virgin Mary's Assumption (whose feast is on 15
August) which allegedly wrecks the harvest gathering; Putintsev,
'Sektanty protiv kolkhoznogo urozhaia' (no. 7, 1933, pp. 6-7); P. Zarin,
'Religiozniki protiv podniatiia urozhainosti i kollektivizatsii sel'skogo
khoziaistva' (no.24, Dec. 1929, pp.6-7); V. Shishakov, 'Religioznoe
mrakobesie v bor'be s sotsialisticheskim pereustroistvom sel'skogo
khoziaistva' (no. 19, October 1930, pp. 3-4); B. F-n, 'Tserkovniki protiv
tret'ego bol'shevitskogo seva' (no. 5-6, March 1932, p. 17); I\.G.,
'Vreditel'skaia deiatel'nost' vraga za vremia uborki khleba' (no. 17-18,
Sept. 1932, p. 20), etc.
28. A. Reinmarus, 'Sektantstvo v 1917 g.', Antirel., no. 5 (May 1930) pp. 14-
29. lv. Tregubov et al., 'Sotsial'no-revolutsionnaia rol' sektantstva', and
Putintsev's and editorial responses to it. Bezbozhnik newspaper, nos 49
(150) and 50 (151) (Dec. 1925); 'Sovremennoe sektantstvo', Bezbozh.,
no. II (21 March 1926); Putintsev, 'Opyt uborki 1932 g. i zadachi bor'by s
sektantstvom', Bezbozh., no. 8 ( 1933) pp. 18-19; and his other articles in
the same publication in 1933, including nos I, 5, and especially 'Novaia
taktika sekt' in no. 6, pp. 14-15; Oleshchuk, 'Otvet baptistu', Bezbozh.,
no. 8 (Aug. 1934).
30. A. Arsharuni, 'Ideologiia sultangalievshchiny', Antirel., no. 5 (May 1930)
pp. 22-9.
31. See note 18 above; and Alexandre A. Benningsen and S. Enders
Wimbush,MuslimNationalCommu nism in the Soviet Union (The University
of Chicago Press, 1979) pp. 3-94.
32. VI. Sarab'ianov, 'Piatiletkoi po religii', Bezbozh., no. 21 (I\ovember 1929)
p. I.
33. See note 27 above. See also the Bezbozh. fortnightly, no. 3 (February
1932), where in several articles on page 19 and others, even former
priests are attacked for working in the collective farm administration,
while the latter are attacked for supplying a village priest with grain for
food; context is: let the priests starve. See also no. 6 (June 1933) articles,
'Uborka urozhaia i bor'ba s religiei' and 'Chego stoiat prazdniki', pp.
Notes and References 235
34. Bezbust., no.l9 (1929) pp.8-10. See also, V. Shishakov, 'Religiia i
alkogolizm', Bezbozh., no. 18 (Sept. 1929).
35. For example: M. Zhurakovskaia, 'Iz tserkvi - v sumasshedshii dom',
Bezbozh., no. 1 (1934) pp. 8-9; S. Mit-v, 'Religiia i prestupnost", ibid,
no. 9 (Sept. 1933) pp. 12-13.
36. Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway, Russia's Political Hospitals (London:
Futura Publications, 1978) pp. 43-65, 220-57.
37. See Pospielovsky, Russian Church, ch. 12 and Chapter 7 of the current
book, illustrating that this type of propaganda is a permanent feature of
the Soviet ideological establishment.
38. M. Kostelovskaia (editor of Bezbust.), 'Ob oshibkakh v antireligioznoi
propagande', Pravda, no. 20 ( 1925); E. Yaroslavsky, 'Ob oshibkakh tov.
Kostelovskoi', Bezbozh., no. 5 (l Feb. 1925) pp. 2-3; lv. Zyrianov, 'Ob
antireligioznoi propagande', Bezbozh., no.46 (15 Nov. 1925); 'Sten-
ogrammy Vtorogoplenuma TsSSVB',Antirel., no. 5 (May 1930)pp. 116,
122, 126-7, etc. The last pre-congress attempt by the Moscow LMG to
defend its positions against Yaroslavsky's line appeared in a Koms. pr.
report (no. 128, 1929, early June, on the eve of the Second Congress) on
the Moscow Provincial LMGCongress. It stressed thatitcontained 20 per
cent of the All-Union membership of the organization (60 000 of
300 000) and that 60 per cent of the Moscow city and region LMG were
CPSU members. It attacked the central LMG textbook for antireligious
circles, for stating that Christianity was born as a religion of the urban
proletariat and for having some good words on 'the toiling sectarian
movement which began to fight for the Soviet power from the first days
of the proletarian dictatorship'. The Moscow Congress resolved 'to take
more active and decisive measures against the Orthodox and sectarian
organizations' and to achieve 'a broad movement for the closure of
churches'. See also Chapter I in this volume.
39. See note 33 above; or Bezbust., no. 12 (December 1927) p. 3 - with
blasphemous caricatures on the Nativity and other episodes of Christ's
terrestrial life, and on Christian celebrations of the feasts. The verses
under the 'I loly Family' cartoon are from Gavriliada, a blasphemous
literary prank written by the teen-aged Pushkin.
40. Krokodil even calculated that over 40 000 Orthodox clergy consumed in
food the equivalent of9 per cent of peasants' state tax-in-kind (no. 7, 18
Feb. 1923);Koms.pr., !Jan. 1929;andothers.
4 I. See his 'Soiuz bezbozhnikov SSSR. 0 priemakh oskorbliaiuschchikh
religioznoe chuvstvo veruiushchikh', and 'Propaganda naiznanku',
Bezbozh., newspaper, respectively no. 25 (4July 1926) and no. 27 (l8July
42. M. Kovalev, 'Boloto im. gospoda boga', and B. Kandidov, 'Khristos v
zhivopisi- primer dlia rabov i pokrovitel' palachei', Bezbozh., fortnightly,
respectively no. 22 (November 1928) p. 17, and no. 17 (Sept. 1928)
pp. 1-5. Kovalev confuses the ancient Assumption Cathedral in
Vladimir with the nineteenth-century Kiev Cathedral ofSt Vladimir: he
talks about the 'ugliness' of churches in the city of Vladimir, but the
photograph in his article shows the interior of the Kiev cathedral with
frescoes by the late nineteenth-century artist, Vasnetsov.
236 Notes and References
43. Photos with captions and comments in practically every issue of Bezbozh.
in 1928and 1929. For example, in 1928: no. 3, p. 17; 4, pp. 6-8. In 1929:
3, p. 6; 6, pp. 4-6; 6, p. 9; 9, pp. 10-11; 10, p. 10; etc.
44. On Loginov: n. 40 above. On schools and teachers: Koms. pr. 21 Febr.
1929, p. 3 etc. On Stalin: 'Poslednie resheniia partii i zadachi bezbozh-
nikov', Bezbust., no. 2 (Feb. 1928) p. 2.
45. 'Poslednie resheniia'; Also, Koms. pr., nos: 130 (June 1929) p. 4; 305 (late
Nov.l930)p.3; 101 (lateAprill93l)p.2;etc.
46. I. L., 'Interesy klassa i revolutsii vyshe zhalosti k staromu ... Nash otvet
komsomolke Kon', Koms. pr. (25 Apr. 1929) p. 4.
47. 'Sviataia professura', signed by a 'Neprosveshchensky', i.e. the 'Unen-
lightened one', Bezbust., no. 3 (March 1929) pp. 6-7.
48. 'Materialy k istorii Akademii nauk', Pamiat', a samizdat historical
miscellany (Moscow, 1979) (Paris, 1981: YMCA Press) especially p. 4 76.
49. Bezbust., no. 12 (1931) p.l9.
50. Ant. Zorsky, 'Dve demonstratsii', Bezbozh., no. 8 (Feb. 1923) p. 2.
51. The 'angelic resolution' is the hymn, 'Glory to God in the Highest .. .'.
See: M. Kostelovskaia, 'Khristos rozhdaetsia' ,Bezbust., no. 12 (Dec. 1927)
p. 2; 'Komsomol'skoe rozhdestvo',Bezbozh., no. II (21 March 1926) p. 8;
N. Amosov, an editorial on the LMG anti-Christmas campaign, Bezbozh.,
fortnightly, no. 3 (Feb. 1930).
52. 'Shestvie bezbozhnikov na prazdnovanii I 0-letiia Oktiabrskoi revolutsii',
Bezbozh., no. 5 ( 1928), p. 15.
53. Koms. pr.: 11 Apr. (1929) p.4, 25 Apr. (1929) p.4; 8 May (1929) p.4;
no. I 01 (late April 1931) p. 2. The latter also complains that both the
Orthodox and the sectarian clergy continue to attract young people to
the detriment oflethargic LMG and Komsomol cells. No. 305 (late Nov.
1930) p. 3, writes that the Church and the sectarians counteract the
Komsomol quite successfully with their Khristomol organizations. But all
such religious groups were made illegal by the 1929legislation. Does the
paper infer underground activities of the Churches or is its information
simply over a year outdated? Also: Oleshchuk, 'Protiv burzhuazno-
kulatskogo rozhdestva', Bezbozh. I illustr./, no. 23 (Dec. 1931 ).
54. Oleshchuk, 'Za bol'shevitskii sev, protiv kulatskoi paskhi', Bezbozh.l
newsp./, no. 2-3 (Jan. 1933) p. 17.
55. M. Galaktionov, 'ltogi ianvarskogo plenuma TsKa i TseKaKa VKP (b)',
Bezbozh., no. I (1933) pp. 2-3; Amosov, n. 50 above.
56. Powell, Antireligious Propaganda ... (a solid book otherwise), p. 38. See:
'Moskovskomu komitetu VKP (b) 'a resolution of the LMG C. Counc.
which concludes by praising Stalin and 'Stalin's faithful disciple,
Comrade Khrushchev', Bezbozh., no. 9 (1936) p. 4. Several issues of the
journal in 1939 carry a boring serialized article 'Stalin on Religion' ....
82. Pravda, no. 263 (23 Sept. 1935); translation, Colton Coli., Box 7, Folder
83. 'Chernosotenets-ofitser-spekulia nt-episkop', Bez.bozh., no. I7 -I8 ( I932)
pp. 22-3. The case is further obscured by the Patriarchate Synod's
acceptance of Bishop Dometian's alleged court confession of 'crimes
against chastity', suspending him until the time when he would be able to
appear before an ecclesiatic court in person for a hearing on the moral
issue. 'Po delu Episkopa Dometiana Gorokhova [of Arzamas]', ZhMP,
no. I3 (1933), Paris Retyping, 3-4.
84. Rakusheva, pp. 40-I, quoting lz.vestia of 22 Nov. I937.
85. Ibid, p. 41. He was rearrested in I937 and shot in I938: 'Preosvias-
chennyi Manuil.', VRSKhD, no. 93, I24n.
86. Rakusheva, pp. 42-3.
87. Vybory v sovety ... , pp. 47-8 et passim.
88. Levitin, Ocherki, vol. 3, p. 344.
89. VRKhD, no. I26, p. 249.
90. A list of known imprisoned bishops and priests up to I930, dated
Moscow, I 0 March I930, includes I97 bishops and 89 parish priests. The
author stresses it is far from complete. It includes a description of the
murder ofBp. Erofei (Afonin) on 23 Apriii928. The bishop, who had a
presentimentofhis forthcoming arrest, was making arch pastoral visits to
his diocesan villages. In one of the villages the GPU arrived to arrest him.
When they saw masses of villagers converging on the horse-cart in which
they were hauling the bishop away, they simply shot him on the spot.
Making use of the panic caused by the shooting, the GPU made a number
of arrests of peasants, sentencing each to a prison or exile term, including
the bishop's I6-year-old acholyte, sentenced to a three-year exile to the
north. 'Spisok pravoslavnykh episkopov .. .', Ms., Nicolaevsky Collec-
tion, Hoover Inst. Archives, Box 144, Folder 1, Also: Konstantinov,
Gonimai 'tserkov', p. I7.
1941 or 1944, the latter in retirement in 1946. The other three, Bishop
Arkadii (Ostalsky), Archbishop Feodor (Pozdeevsky) and BishopGavriil
(Abalymov) either made peace with the Patriarchate or had never been in
opposition; yet none of them was allowed to function as a bishop: Arkadii
died in the camps or exile in the 1940s, Feodor in retirement in the late
1940s, Gavriil as dean of the Balta Monastery in 1958. None of them at
the time was older than many ruling bishops. Regelson, pp. 560, 566-7,
576, 577 and 604.
5. Nikolai Shemetov, 'Edinstvennaia vstrecha', VRKhD, no.l28 (1979)
pp. 244-51.
6. V. Alexeeva, 'Vospominaniia o khrame sv. bessrebrennikov Kira i
Ioanna na Solianke', VRKhD, no. 141 (1984) 214 n.
7. Levitin-Krasnov, 'Slovo ob umershem' (Samizdat: ms.), 1969 (?);
another, incomplete, biography in VRSKhD, nos 93 ( 1969) and 94 ( 1969),
pp.ll2-29and 154-67,resp.
8. Archb. Vasilii (Krivocheine), 'Pamiati episkopa-ispovednika', VRKhD,
no. 116 (1975) pp. 255-9.
9. Pospielovsky, Russian Church, vol. I, ch. 7; vol. 2, ch. 12.
10. Archb. Vasilii, 'Arkhiepiskop Veniamin (Novitsky)', VRKhD, no. 120
(1977) pp. 189-94.
II. See: Shemetov above, n. 5; and Sv. Dmitri Dudko, 'Pust' snovasazhaiut',
Posev, no. I 0 (October 1977) pp. 28-30.
12. Fr. Ilia Shmain's oral testimony to this author, Jerusalem, Israel, July
13. Pospielovsky, Russian Church, vol. 2, ch. 9.
14. N. Mikhailov, 'Kommunisticheskoe vospitanie molodezhi - glavnaia
zadacha Komsomola', Bol'shevik, no. 23-24 (December 1946) pp. 11-15.
He doesn't directly attack religion, but calls for an active ideological
upbringing of youth, criticizing the Komsomol for relegating this
function to schools and the school for limiting itself to strictly educational
(informationally) functions. Also, Mark Popovsky, Zhizn' i zhitie Voino-
Yasenetskogo(Paris: YMCA Press, 1979)pp. 414-21. By 1954thenumber
of open churches in Crimea was reduced to 49, despite Luka's energetic
and desperate struggle. Popovsky, p. 469.
pp.32-7. For Levitin's rebuttal, see his 'Moi otvet zhurnalu Nauka i
religiia', (20 June 1960, Dialogs tserkovnoiRossiei (Paris: I xis 1967) pp. 43-
69; E. Baller, 'Vospityvat' voinstvuiushchikh ateistov', NiR, no. 2 (Oct.
1959) pp. 78-9.
6. Voskresensky, 'Dukhovnyi .. .', pp. 32-3; being a character assassin-
ation of the late Vadim Shavrov, a son of a Soviet general, himself a
veteran and an invalid of the Second World War whom Levitin had
baptized while they were in a concentration camp during Stalin's post-
war purges. A. Shamaro, 'Tsvet stoiachei vody', and 'Krestonosnoe
predatel'stvo',NiR, no. 9 (1960) pp. 45-50, and no. 3 ( 1961) pp. 38-43,
respectively. There he attacks the clergy of the Orenburg Diocese at the
time when, as he himself states, twenty-six priests have just been
imprisoned; and the clergy of the Belorussian archdiocese for their
alleged sell-out to the Nazis during the Second World War. In fact, the
very reverse is true regarding Belorussia (see Pospielovsky, The Russian
Church, vol. 1, ch. 7), while the Orenburg Diocese was being persecuted to
frustrate the religious revival effected by its remarkable bishop-martyr,
Manuil (Pospielovsky, Russian Church, vol. I, pp. 58 and Ill, vol. 2,
ch. 10). Religious faith is again represented as a mental malaise. Edit.,
'Dushevnobol'nye v roli sviatykh', NiR, no. 6 ( 1961) pp. 18-19.
7. L. Zavelev, 'Istoriia novogo lova', NiR, no. 7 (July 1960) pp. 36-43; M.
Khomenko, 'Zhitie vladyki Andreia', NiR, No.8 (1962) pp. 62-9; V.
Siuris, a former priest, 'Chomu ia zrixia dukhovnoho sanu?', Voiovnychyi
ateist, no. 7 (july 1961) pp. 25-7: N. Kar'kov, 'K komu zhe idti
ispovedovatsia?',NiR, no. 6 ( 1960) pp. 61-5. The fraudulence and fixed
stereotypes of such publications and clergy character-assassinations are
revealed particularly when well-known (alas, not for the average Soviet
citizen) historical facts are thus twisted: for instance, the story of the
1921-2 famine and Patriarch Tikhon 's attitude to it. Contrast: U n-
signed, 'Padenie sviateishego patriarkha', NiR, no. 3 ( 1964) pp. 88 -90;
and Pospielovsky, The Russian Church, vol. I, ch. 3. Attacks against Arch b.
lov continued even after he had served his prison term and became a
diocesan bishop once again. For example, V. Ushakov, Pravoslavie i XX
vek (Alma-Ata: Kazakhstan, 1968) pp. 52-6. Had there been any
substance in these accusations, neither of the bishops would have been
reappointed soon after their release.
8. A. Osipov, 'Bitva za dushi chelovecheskie', Oktiabr', no. 10 (1963)
pp. 163-70.
9. 'S krestom na shee', Lit. gaz., (2 Oct. 1962). Other similar slanderous
material on monasteries and pilgrimages: three letters by former
theology students, 'Podumaite o svoei sud'be!' and 'Dnevnik inokini',
NiR, no. 4 ( 1962) pp. 27-33. Particular attacks on the Pochaev Monas-
tery: lu. Melmiichuk, 'V Pochaeve kolokola zvoniat', NiR, no. 2 (1960)
pp. 57 -9; 0. Shamaro, 'Meshkantsi bratskoho korpusu', Voi. at., no. 12
(Dec. 1961) pp. 18-24; Shamaro, 'Bessilie "chudotvornykh sviatyn"',
NiR, no. I ( 1962) pp. 26-30; E. Maiat, I. Uzkov, 'Rushatsia monastyrskie
steny', NiR, no. 9 (1961) pp. 22-31.
10. Levitin,ZashchitaveryvsSSR(Paris: IX0YC, 1966)pp.32-62.
II. 'Kiikushi ... ', pp. 138-42. There is also an implied attack on the Church
Notes and References 245
Establishment when the author states that the Church only pretends not
to render direct support to pilgrimages (p. 142). The decree in question
is dated 16 March I96I: II, IO (b) which forbids 'religious centres,
religious associations, priests ... to organize believers' pilgrimages to the
so-called holy places'. Zakonodatel'stvo o religioznykh kul'takh (New York:
Chalidze Publications, 1981) p. 80. The struggle against the Velikor-
etskoe pilgrimages has continued well into the I980s. In I98I the
pilgrims were met by militia and the KGB troops, who enclosed the holy
stream in barbed wire, banning all access. Posev, no. II ( I98I) p. 3.
I2. 'Klikushi', p. I36; 'Tainik', p. I64,
I3. For example, N. Proskuriakova, 'Marnovirstvo - voroh zdorov'ia',
Voiovnychyi ateist, no. 7 (Kiev, I963) pp. I2-I5.
I4. 'Formirovanie ... ', pp. 30, 38, and others.
I5. 'Tainik', pp. I63-5 et passim. Similar slanderous stories on the Old
Believer and 'True Orthodox' hideaways in: Shamaro, 'Vernopod-
dannye bezvozvratnogo proshlogo', NiR, no.3 (I959) pp.49-54; 'Na
beregu chernoi magii', NiR, no. I ( I963) pp. 2I-9; L. Khvoiovsky,
'Byvshie liudi', NiR, no. 7 ( I964) pp. 24-32.
I6. See Volume I, chapter 4, and volume 2, chapter 7 of this present study.
I7. NiR,no.3(1965)pp.23-5.
I8. L. Pinchuk, 'Otvechaem veruiushchim', ibid, p. 25. This idealization of
the cave-man is a central anti-historical and nihilistic feature in Marxism
(from Rousseau), contradicting its Hegelian historicism.
19. Zhenshchina podkrestom (L.: Lenizdat, I966) pp. 6-27. Osipov prefers not
to elaborate on the fact that this woman, a Soviet schoolteacher with full
higher education, 'retired' in I959 after only nineteen years of work as a
teacher, the same year that Levitin-Krasnov and the late Boris Talantov
were expelled from their teaching positions for their belief in God. This
was the year of the purge of the teachers who practised their religious
20. E. Sergienko, 'Sviatye pis'ma', NiR, no. 4 (I977) pp. 55-8.
2I. A characteristic case is that of Levitin. Slandering him in I960 (n. 5 and 6
above), the journal not only did not withdraw its statement after he had
hand-delivered his true autobiography to its office, but continued
slandering him six years later (n. 4 above).
22. Osipov, 'Bitva', pp. I66-9.
23. In the above report Il'ichev criticizes the atheist literature for being 'too
academic'; he says that there should be a more direct attack- that is, he
advocates propaganda that would stimulate and justify persecutions.
24. NiR, therefore, relegates the crudest hate propaganda to readers' letters.
For example, the editorial in no. I2 for I967, 'Otkrovennyi razgovor',
cites inter alia a reader's letter: 'Our error is obvious: we sentimentalize,
we fear to insult the believer's feelings ... Your position is that of
pandering to the believers. NiR publishes most of its material with the
aim of presenting atheists as creative optimists, working for the good of
man, unselfish, hard-working, dedicated, while contrasting these with
alleged opposite characteristics of religious believers, under the heading
of 'The Spiritual World of Man', in almost every issue, at least in the
246 Notes and References
replenish itself from among the ranks of new waves of emigres, make it
particularly hateful to the Soviets, who constantly label it as a Western
intellegence services' front organization.
35. Belov and Shilkin, ldeologicheskie, Religiia v sovremennoi ideologicheskoi
bor'be (M.: Znanie, 1971), and Diversiia; V. V. Konik, Tainy religioz.nykh
missii (M.: Molodaia gvardiia, 1980); and a multitude of other similar
36. For example, the above-cited 'Otkrovennyi razgovor', NiR, no. 12
(1967), also quotes letters which say, for instance: 'I'm ashamed and
deeply hurt that we are approaching ... fiftieth anniversary ofthe Soviet
power without having overcome religion.' A 1984 survey of readers'
letters says that readers of the older generation express much concern
that 'some young people ... fall under the spell of religion'. For some it is
a fad, in other cases 'the youth's interest in religion is not that superficial
at all ... to a considerable extent this interest is stimulated by some ...
[Soviet) works of literature, cinema, theatre, painting': 'Chitatel' i
zhurnal', NiR, no. 9 ( 1984) p. 3.
37. Mir cheloveka, E. Romanov (ed.), (M.: Molodaia gvardiia, 1976, eire.
100 000) p. 14 et passim.
38. Cited from A. Babiichuk, 'Molodiozhy ideinuiu zakalku', NiR, no. 1
(1985) p. 10. It is interesting that the resolutions of that ideological
plen urn do not mention religion by name, but only ideological diversions
and the necessity to struggle for a better ideological education of the
Soviet people. Soviet 'religiological' publications constantly refer to that
plenum, and cite excerpts from speeches, as in Babichuk's article, in the
way of a guidance for the intensification of anti-religious struggle. In
most such quotations it is merely declared, 'as stated at the plenum', thus
giving the impression that such direct appeals were contained in oneofits
resolutions (or perhaps there was an unpublished secret resolution to
this effect as well).
39. G. Belikova, 'Strannaia sud'ba Sashi Karpova', NiR, no. 9 ( 1984) pp. 37-
40. A. Shamaro, 'Delo igumenii Mitrofanii', NiR, no. 9 ( 1984) pp. 41-5; D.
Koretsky and Shamaro, '"Sviataia" Nastia',NiR, no. 3 (1984) pp. 45-50;
A. Shuvalov, 'Piushchee dukhovenstvo', NiR, no. 6 (1984) p. 40; F.
Nikitina, 'V belom klobuke s zhandarmskim axelbantom', NiR, nos 11
and 12 (1982) pp.41-3 and42-4, respectively; N. Aleev, 'Ne ukradi, a
sam ukral', Pravda vostoka ( 1 January 1970) p. 4.
41. 'Chi tate I' i zhurnal', NiR, no. 9 ( 1984) pp. 4-5.
42. Vladimir Tendriakov, 'Chudotvornaia' (The Miracle-Working Icon),
Chrezvychainoe (M.: Sovremennik, 1972) pp. 91-178; the story was first
published in the early 1960s. M. G. Pismanik, Lichnost' i religiia (M.:
Nauka, 1976) pp. 18-21.
43. In addition, there is the obligatory ideological dimension. The CPSU
Central Committee may adopt a less aggressive policy towards religion
for tactical reasons (as in East Germany, Poland, Hungary, for instance),
but to abandon its principle of hostility would be tantamount to
abandoning Marxism as the official doctrine.
248 Notes and References
I. See his various speeches on ideological matters between I954 and I964,
and the I959 educational reform resolution, a Khrushchev pet project.
2. Bourdeaux, 'The Black Quinquennium: The Russian Church, I959-
I964', Religion in Communist Lands (henceforth RCF), vol. 9, no. I-2
(I98I) p. I8.
3. Levitin, 'Sviataia Rus' v eti dni' (Samizdat: 2I October I964), AS 7I9,
p. I5.
4. Popovsky, Zhizu' i zhitie, pp.466-7, and the above I954 Khrushchev
5. According to a private report, when schoolchildren brought this story
home and asked their grandmother why the cosmonaut Gagarin had not
seen God, she replied: 'Of course he did not, for Jesus said only the pure
in heart will see God.'
6. See the last section of this chapter.
7. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe polozhenie Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi v Kirovskoi
oblasti i rol' Moskovskoi patriarkhii' (Kirov: Samizdat, 1966-7), Keston
College Samizdat archive (no. 739?) p. I 021; Bourdeaux, Patriarch, ch. 4.
On Talantov, see Levitin-Krasnov, Rodnoiprostor(Frankfurt!M.: Possev,
198I) pp. 293-9.
8. Bourdeaux, Patriarch, pp. I2I-2.
9. Ibid, p. 123.
I 0. F. Kovalsky, 'Pressure on the Orthodox Church in Belorussia' (Samizdat,
1965?), Keston Coil. Archives, SU Ort. 1211; see also, Pospielovsky,
Russian Church, vol. 2, p. 44I.
II. Konstantinov, Gonimaia Tserkov, p. 290.
I2. Ibid, p. 29I; Bourdeaux, Patriarch, p. 121.
13. 'Pis'mo prikhozhanki gor. Zhitomira', VRKhD, no. Ill ( 1974) p. 241;
'Razrushenie khrama v Zhitomire', Ibid, no. 116 ( 1975) pp. 230-31.
14. Bourdeaux, Patriarch, p. 119.
15. I. A. Kryvelev, 'Preodolenie religiozno-bytovykh perezhitkov u narodov
SSR', Sovetskaia etnografiia, no. 4 (1961) pp. 37-43.
16. I. V. Gagarin, Religioznye perezhitki v Komi ASSR i ikh preodolenie
(Sykty'vkar, 1971) pp. 64-73.
17. V. M. Motitsky, Staroobriadchestvo Zabaikal'ia (Ulan Ude: Buriatskoe
knigoizdatel'stvo, 1976) pp. 60-62. See also n. 28 below, on the growth
of religious observances in the late 1950s to early 1960s.
18. Statementstothepressin the West by Metropolitan Nikodim in 1964, for
instance, as heard personally by the present author in London and as
cited by Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe', pp. 26 and 27, from BBC Russian
broadcasts of that year and of 8 October 1966.
19. Talantov, ibid, p. 26.
20. T alantov, 'Bedstvennoe', p. 28, citing the Soviet author G. Z. Anashkin.
21. Shafarevich, Zakonodatel'stvo . .. , pp. 60-l; Yakunin, '0 sovremennom
polozhenii .. .',passim; V. Furov, 'Iz otcheta .. .', VRKhD, no. 130 (1979)
pp. 275-7.
22. 'Rech' Patriarkha ... Alexiia na konferentsii sovetskoi obshchestven-
Notes and References 249
nosti za razoruzhenie' (Moscow, 16 February 1960), ZhMP, no. 3 (1960)
pp. 33-5.
23. 'Deianiia Arkhiereiskogo sobora Russkoi Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi', ZhMP,
no. 8 ( 1961) pp. 5- 29; 'Osnovnye voprosy deiatel'nosti Komissii sodeist-
viia pri ispolkomakh v raionnykh Sovetakh deputatov trudiashchikhsia
po kontroliu za sobliudeniem zakonodatel'stva o kul'takh', VRKhD,
no. 136 ( 1982) pp. 273-8. A more detailed discussion of this in my
Russian Orthodox Church under the Soviet . ...
24. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe', passim. As the testimony of Fr. Konstantin
Tivetsky, a Moscow priest until his immigration to the USA in 1980 (oral
testimony to this author, San Francisco,June 1980), and documents cited
in the next chapter demonstrate, these high-handed practices continued
to this day.
25. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe', p. 32; and multiple documents on the persecu-
tions at the Pochaev Lavra and other monasteries. Also, the oral
testimony to this author of I uri Kublanovsky, poet and historian, who
had worked for six years as a church janitor in the Moscow area and also
worked on artistic restoration in monasteries prior to his expulsion to the
West in the autumn of 1982 (Paris, August 1983).
26. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe', p. 34; 'Otkrytoe pis'mo sviashchennikov Niko-
laia Eshlimana i Gleba lakunina Patriarkhu Alexiiu', Grani, no. 61 ( 1966)
p. 133.
27. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe', p. 34.
28. Shafarevich, Zakondatel'stvo o religii . .. , p. 34 et passim.
29. Bourdeaux, Ferment . .. , pp. 20-1 et passim.
30. Michael Rowe, 'The 1979 Baptist Congress in Moscow .. .', Religion in
Communist Lands, no. 3 ( 1978) pp. 188-200; Pospielovsky, 'The Forty-
First All-Union Congress of the Evangelical Baptists .. .' St. Vladimir's
Theological Quarterly, no. 4 ( 1975) pp. 246-53.
31. Rev. D. Konstantinov, Gonimaia Tserkov' (New York: Vseslavianskoe izd-
vo, 1967) p. 287; he cites the 1962 date. An inside source from Belorussia
gives 1960 as the date of implementation of this measure in the
Belorussian SSR: F. Kovalsky, 'Pressure on the Orthodox Church in
Belorussia' (Keston College Archives, Su Ort. 12/ 1). As documents 713
and 717 (an appeal offour lay persons to the Eastern Patriarchs on behalf
of the Pochaev Lavra, dated 1963; and an unsigned group address oflay
Orthodox believers of the Ukraine and Belorussia to the World Council
of Churches conference in Odessa, of2 February 1964) cite 1961 as the
year of the implementation of all these oppressive measures.
32. Talantov, 'Bedstvennoe .. .', p. 35.
33. ibid, pp. 35-6.
34. Oral information to this author by a Russian Orthodox wife of an
American diplomat in Moscow. The above AS 713, and the L'vov
resident Feodosia Varavva, persistently harassed by the Soviet author-
ities and the press with attempts to deprive her of parental rights owing to
the religious upbringing of her children, state that children are
permitted to participate in church services and to receive communion
only in Zagorsk and Moscow to placate the many Western tourists,
diplomats and journalists there. Varavva, 'Vostochnym patriarkham
250 Notes and References
Ind.) pp.6-ll.
32. Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta RSFSR, no. 12 (390) p. 219.
33. 'Believers .. .', Posev (weekly), 27 Oct, 1967, pp. 6-7.
34. 'Baptisty: uspekhi i poteri', and 'Khronika', Posev, nos 8 (Aug. 1983) and
II (Nov. 84), pp. 4 and 3 respectively.
35. Khronika, no. 42, pp. 70-1.
36. Ibid, p. 69.
3 7. V. Tishchenko, 'Under Cover of a Lie', Trud, 21 May 1981, p. 4; cited
from The Current Digest . .. , vol. 33, no. 31 ( 1981 ).
38. 'Prisoner Update: Dmitri Miniakov', Prisoner Bulletin, vol5, no. 3, 4-5;
Khronika, no. 47 (30 Nov. 1977) pp. 58-9; no. 61 (16 March 1981) p.49;
no. 63 (31 Dec. 1981) p. II 0. On Graham: 'U veruiushchikh eto vyzovet
razocharovanie .. .', Russkaia mysl', no. 3538 (II Oct. 1984) p. 7; and
other sources.
39. Khronika, no.44 (M., 16 March 1977; 1\.Y., 1977) p. 71.
40. For example: Khronika, no. 39, p. 54; no. 41 (M., 3 August 1976; N.Y.
1976) pp.20-l; no. 52 (M., I March 1979; N.Y. 1979) p.l08; no. 55,
pp. 42-3; no. 56 (M., 30 Apr. 1980; N.Y., 1980) pp. 93-4.
4 I. Klmmika, no. 44, p. 72. On the imprisonment of jehovah's Witnesses for
their conscientious objection: Khronika, no. 54, p. 104; M. Derimov,
'jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn 1\ets', Pravda Ukrainy Qanuary 21, 22
and 23, 1983).
42. Klmmika, no. 44, p. 71; a 1983 report of the Christian Committee for the
Defence of Believers' Rights to the WCC IV General Assembly
(Vancouver, Canada), 24. VII, 1983, AS 5037.
43. The Christian Committee for the Defence of Believers' Rights in the
CSSR, 'To the Delegates and Participants of the VI WCC General
Assembly in Vancouver' (M.: Samizdat, 24.July I 983),Materialysamizdata
( 12 Aug. 1mt1), AS 5o:n.
44. The International Iluman Rights Society in Frankfurt/Main West
Germany, has 895 names of Soviet prisoners of conscience currently in
camps, jails, and psycho-prisons ( 183 cases). Of these 352 have been
incarcet·ated entirely for their religious activities. The Society believes
that the real number of Soviet prisoners of conscience, including those
imprisoned for their faith, may be more than ten times the above
numbers. 'Mrachnaia Statistika', Novoye Russkoye Slovo (New York) 9
March I 986, p. 3.
45. 'Persecution of Believers' and 'Letters of Pochaev Monks', VRKhD,
no. 135 ( 1981) pp. 250-2; 'Attack on the Pochaev Lavra', ibid, no. 136
( 1982) pp. 260-1; Khrunika, no. 63, pp. 112-13.
46. 'Persecution of Believers', VRKhD, no. 132 (1980) pp. 209-11; 'Reports
from Russia', Rus. m., 20 Nov. 1980.
4 7. For example, interview with Larisa Volokhonskaia (New York, 16 Apr.
1980), baptized in this fashion in 1972.
48. Archbishop Feodosii, 1-l'ltn, pp. 220-49.
49. C:RA Report to the CPSU Central Committee, VRKhD, no. 130 (1979)
50. 'Fr. Vladimir Rusak's Open Letter to the ... VI WCC General Assembly
in Vancouver' and his 'Lenten Sermon', Rwskaia mysl', nos 3476 (4 Aug.
256 Notes and References
1983) and 3484 (29 Sept. 1983) respectively; also, AS 5017 and 5031. In
October 1983, Fr. Rusak received a warning that unless he found a
secular job by 24 November he would be tried for parasitism. But a
clergyman has no labour passport in the USSR; without this no one may
be employed. Rus. m., no. 3493 (I Dec. 1983) p. 7.
51. Archbishop Feodosii, Letter, pp. 220-49.
52. VRKhD, no. 130, pp. 279-99.
53. Oral testimony to this author, 1982.
54. This point was stressed to this author in 1983 by a non-Russian Orthodox
cleric who had received his education at a theological academy in the
USSR, but who preferred to remain anonymous.
55. Khronika, no. 60, p. 73. The fact that the priest served merely as a church
choir director indicates that this was not the first time he was in trouble
with the Soviet authorities.
56. Khronika, no.63, pp. 112-13; VRKhD, no. 136, pp. 167-9.
57. VRKhD: no.ll7, pp.240-62; no.l30, p.370; no.ll2-113, pp.261-
text of Dudko's TV 'confession' see Izvestia, 21 June 1980.
58. CRA Report for 1968 (Keston College: Samizdat Archive Ms.), 9p.
59. The same Moroz later repaid the priest by harassing him, and instigating
his equally fanatical but apparently more athletic friend Ivan I lei' to beat
up the priest in a Mordovian concentration camp, as part of their
campaign to intimidate Ukrainians and put an end to their friendship
and co-operation with the Russian and Jewish political prisoners.
Subsequently an unofficial comrade court of political prisoners of
different nationalities, including Ukrainians, deprived Moroz and He!'
of the status of political prisoners and declared them boycotted. See:
Khronika, no. 47 (1977) pp. 98-9; 'The Valentyn Moroz Saga: A
Conspiracy of Silence', Student, Canada's Newpaper for Ukrainian
Students, vol. 12, no. 61 (February 1980) pp. 8-10. Moroz now resides in
the USA.
60. Fr. Sergii Zheludkov on Fr. Vasilii Romaniuk, and other documents on
him, VRKhD, no. 117 (1976 - samizdat documents) pp. 232-9; Rom-
aniuk's letter, VRKhD, no. 129, pp. 281-3.
61. Oral testimony ofMr Lev Yudovich, currently professor at the US Army
College of Modern Languages and Area Studies, Garmisch, West
Germany. For the Soviet line, see: V. Efimov, 'From the Life of"Saint"
Paul', Pravda Vostoka, (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 12July 1970); V. Alexeev
and N. Dmitrieva, 'Father Paul without a Mask', ibid (26July 1970). For
an independent analysis of the Soviet press on the subject, see, V.
Deriugin, 'What is the Guilt of Fr. Adelgeim?', VRSKhD, no. 97 ( 1970)
pp. 157-63.
62. Khronika, no. 25 (5 March 1972; reprint: Vol'noe slovo, no. 4, 1972) p. 39;
Khronika, no.34 (Samizdat, Feb. 1975; N.Y. 1975) pp.52-3; Vestnik
RSKhD, no. 106, pp. 320-38.
63. Khronika, no. 58 (M., 1980; l':. Y., 1981) pp. 21-3, and other samizdat
documents. Over 200 Soviet citizens signed letters protesting his
incarceration and sentence.
Notes and References 257
64. Alena Kozhevnikova, 'Interview with Vadim Shcheglov' (a member of
the Christian Comm.), Rus. m., no. 3476 (4 Aug. 83) p. 7.
65. Russk.m., no. 3481 (8 Sept. 1983) p. 2.
66. Lenin's letter to Gorky, November 1913, Collected Works (M.: Progress
Publishers, 1966) vol. 35, pp. 133-3.
67. 'K "delu" ieromonakha Pavia', VRKhD, no. 144 (1985) pp. 226-43.
68. Posev, no. 10 (October 1983) p. 12; Russk. m., no. 3481, p. 2.
69. Khronika, no. 63, p. 113.
70. Khronika,nos51,pp.121-6,and57(M.,3Aug.1980; N.Y.I981)p.66.
Documents on persecutions of the monastics and clergy, VRKhD,
nos 135, pp. 250-2, and 136, pp. 260-9.
71. Posev. no. 2 (February 1984) p. 3.
72. Fr. Gleb Yakunin, 'On the Contemporary Situation of the ROC and the
Prospects of Religious Revival in Russia'. Report to the Christian
Committee (M .. 15 Aug. 1979). Vol'noe slovo (reprint), no. 35-36 (1979)
pp. 12-13, 81-2, et passim.
73. 'A I loly Place Desecrated' (a samizdat letter dated Aprill983 and signed
'Orthodox Christians'), Rwsk. m., no. 34 76 (4 Aug. 1983) p. 6.
74. Yuri Kublanobsky's oral testimony to this author (Paris, August 1983).
Kublanovsky, one of Russia's most talented poets of the young
generation (born in 1946), and adult convert to Orthodoxy, spent most
of his free time during his last decade in Russia as a 'working pilgrim' in
monasteries and convents, not only praying, but also living there, and
doing different jobs including restoration work for them. Also, his '0
Pochaevskoi lavre' (On the Pochaev lavra), Russk. m., no. 34 71 (30 June
75. See note 67 above.
76. D Dudko, 'The New Martyr', VRKhD, no. 129, p. 280.
77. Khronika, no.63, pp. I02-3; Natalia Gorbanevskaia, 'Interviews with
Valeri Smolkin', Russk. m., no. 3471 (30 June 1983) p. 6.
78. Sidney Bloch and Peter Reddaway, Russia's Political Hospital5 (London:
Futura Books, 1977) pp. 23-45. On p. 44, the authors state, on the basis
of authentic data: '25 percent of the medical curriculum is devoted to
political studies: ... bases of Marxism-Leninism, political economy,
dialectical materialism, historical materialism, history of the CP, and
Scientific Atheism.'
79. Khronika, no.62 (M., 1981, 1'\.Y., 1982) p. 156; no. 53, pp.40-1; The
Christian Committee ... , An Appeal (M.: Samizdat, 24 April 1979) AS
80. Klmmika, no. 45 (M., 25 May 1977; 1'\.Y., 1977) pp. 61-2; no. 46 (M., 15
Aug. 1977; N.Y., 1977) p. 78; no.47 (M., 30 Nov. 1977; N.Y., 1978)
p. 142; no. 51 (M., I Dec. 1978; N.Y. 1979) p.l48.
81. Klmmika,no.34(M.,31 Dec.l974;N.Y., 1975)p.35;no.45,pp.62-4.
82. Khronika, no. 21 (M., II Sept. 1971; repr. in Vol'noe slovo, no. I, 1972)
p. 27.
83. Khronika, no. 49, pp. 37 -8; no. 63, pp. 212-13.
84. Ibid, no. 48, p. 87; no. 53, pp. I 05-6.
85. Ibid, no. 53, p. I 07; no. 54, pp. 84-5.
258 Notes and References
86. Ibid, no. 43, pp. 60-3; N. A. Trushin, 'Religion in the USSR: New
Believers, New Persecutions', Russkaia mysl', no. 3119 (30 Sept. 1976)
87. 'A Letter to Fillip Potter, General Secretary of the WCC from Seven
Russian Orthodox Christians' (M.: Samizdat, 16-31 July 1976), AS
2602a; 'Six Documents on Alexander Argentov' (M.: Sanizdat, 16-31
July 1976), AS 2608; Eduard (George) Fedotov's Letter to Potter (M.:
Samizdat, Sept. 76), AS 2771; Khronika, no. 41, pp. 12-14; no. 42, p. 68.
88. I lis and similar other extensions of concentration-camp terms are based
on a new law adopted in 1983, on 'Malicious Disobedience in Labour
Camps and Punitive Colonies'. Ox ana Antic, 'Vladimir Poresh -a Victim
of the Law of "Malicious Disobedience" in Soviet Camps', RFE-RL Res.
Bul., RL 72/85 (6 March 1985); 'Est' vysshii zakon, kotoryi trebuetot nas
spravedlivosti v otnosheniiakh drugs drugom', Russk. m., no. 3 O anuary
89. Khronika, nos: 41, p. 14; 43, pp. 60-3; 46, pp. 41-2; 51, pp. 124-5; 55,
p. 35; 56, pp 51-5; 57, p. 65. Also: 'The Testimony of a Witness', Russk.
m., no. 3324 (4 Sept. 1980) p. 6; Georgi Fedotov, 'Letter to Titiana
Khodorovich' (Samizdat, 13 Oct. 1976), AS 2747b; 'The Christian
Seminar', a collection of documents from samizdat, Vol'noe slovo, no. 39
( 1980) passim. On 23 October 1984, Poresh was re-tried on fraudulent
charges, and his sentence prolonged by an additional three years at a
strict regime camp. Posev, no. I Oan. 1985) p. 8.
90. On 19 January 1980 another b1·am:h of the Khri.1tianin Publishers was
discovered by the KGB in the Dnepropetrovsk Prov. (Ukraine);
Khronika, no. 56, pp. 89-90.
91. The trial ended on 6 December 1982. When searching for religious
literature printed by the defendants, among their main recipients and
probably secondary distributors were found not only priests and nuns,
but also a doctoral student in the history of the CPSU and a militia (police)
officer. 'On ReligiousSamizdat', 'AChronicleoftheCo untry', 'The Trial
of a Group of Orthodox Christians' - all in Posev, respectively nos 6
(1982) pp.6-7; I (1983) p.9; 6 (1983) p.5. 'A Report from Moscow',
VRKhD, no. 136, pp. 277-8, unfortunately takes the official version at
face value, namely that the defendants were black-marketeers with
pecuniary aims. Subsequent information proved this version to be
92. Felix Svetov, 'An Open Letter to Russian Writers'; 'Zoia Krakhmal'ni-
kova Sentenced'- both in Posev, resp. no. I 0 (Oct. 1982) pp. 3-5, and
no. 5 (May 1983) pp. 5-6. Also: 'Interview with Shcheglov', Rus. m., (4
Aug. 83) p. 7; Pospielovsky, Rwsian Church, vol. 2, ch. 12. Nos 8-10 of
Nadezhda had reached the West after her arrest; and nos II and 12 were
'published' in 1983-5 by her unnamed successors.
93. ()xana Antic, 'Member of a Christian Rock Group on Hunger Strike',
Radio Liberty Research (RL 233/85) 17 July 1985. Release information
supplied by Keston College.
94. Khronika, no. 54, pp. 104-5.
95. Michael Bourdeaux and Katherine Murray, Young Christians in Rwsia
(London: Lakeland & Keston, 1976) pp. 130-40; Khronika, no. 48,
Notes and References 259
I. See the speeches from the floor at the Eighth Writers' Congress. Lit. gazeta,
2 .July 19H6, particularly those of D. Likhachev and A. Voznesensky. Also
Valentin Rasputin's novella Pozhar (The Fire) and Victor Astafiev's novel
Pechal'nyi detektiv (A Sad Detective Story), first published respectively in
Nash sovremennik, no. 7 Ouly 1985) and Oktiabr', no. I Oanuary 1986).
2. /.it. gazeta, 19 1\'ovember 1986.
3. E. Pylilo in l.itl'ratura i iskusstvo (Minsk) 5 September, 1986; response in
Kom. jmwda, 3 October 1986. As cited by Vera Tolz, 'Soviet Writers
Criticised for Christian J.enings',RadioLibertyResearch, 5 November 1986.
4. Both inKom. pravda, 10 December 1986. Cited in Fr. Kirill Fotiev, 'Sud'by
kul'tury i khristianstva', Ru.ukaia mysl', 30 January 1987, p. 5.
5. G. Razumikhina, AI. Razumikhin, '0 delakh semeinykh', Nash sovre-
mnmik, no. 12 (December 1986), p. 150. The quotation within the citation
is from V. Belov, a leading ruralist writer.
6. A. Tursunov, 'Ateizm i kul'tura', Pravda, january 1987.
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Zybkovets, N. F. Natsionalizatsiia monastyrskikh imushchestv v Sovetskoi Rossii,
1917-1921. M.: Akademiia Nauk SSR, 1975.
Academy of Sciences 43 19, 24, 26, 98-102, 104-5,
Adventists 31, 180, Appendix 2 108-16; Revolution and the
Church of Seventh Day Church (Revoliutsiia i Tserkov)
Adventists 157-8 19-20, 23, 30; World of Man
Legal Defence Group 174 117
True and Free Seventh Day and religion in art, culture, and
Adventists (AUCTFSDA) literature 112-14, 117,
156-9 189-92
Alexii, Patriarch 79, 92, 128, 231 religion as a drug 36, 37
n.37 religion as a mental disorder 36
All-Union Council of Evangelical and religious revival 117
Christians and Baptists see in serial publications:
Baptists Komsorrwl'skaia Pravdn 28,
Andropov, Yurii 145 37, 43, 87; Krokodil 37, 95,
Antireligious decrees, resolutions, 113; Soviet Ethnography 127
legistlation, and Church laws support of Renovationist schism
213-14 24,27
Decree of 23 Jan. 1918- tactics, debates over
Separation of Church and methodology: pre-
State x, I, 12-13, 16, 62 Khrushchev 36-7, 42, 44-
Decree of 1 March 1919 - 6, 56, 64, 69; under
Liquidation of the cult of Khrushchev 99, 101-4,
corpses and mumies 19 106-7; post-Khrushchev
Soviet Constitutions of 1918 and 108-11, 114
1924 61 and youth and religion 71, 108,
under Stalin 61-3, 70, 150, 117' 125
207-8 Antireligious propaganda - attacks
under Khrushchev 105, 121-2, on
127, 129, 135-6 'anti-semitism' of Orthodox
under Brezhnev 150, 157, 159- Church 28
60, 163-4, 169, 186-7,259 Baptists 30, 85-6, 114, 161-2
n.96 Bishops 87-8, 103, 134
under Gorbachev 188 Buddhists (Hare Krishna) 155-
Antireligious education 42, 102 6
Antireligious parades, meetings Christian scholars 43
44-5 Christians in kolkhozy 32, 35, 89
Antireligious propaganda Church holidays 37, 44-5
antireligious serial publications Church in connection with
45, 91, 99, 189: Antireligioznik famine relief 24-7
30-1, 34; Bezbozhnik 19, Church for alleged involvement
31, 34-5, 37-8, 42-3, 45, in intelligence organised
71, 98; Bezbozhnik u stanka criminal and blackmarket
29, 35-7, 42-3, 98; Science operations 85-9, 111,
and Religion (Nauka i religiia) 111-17
266 Index