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State and Explain The Three Dimensions of Queuing Model Used For Traffic Analysis

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Question: 01

State and Explain the Three dimensions of Queuing Model used for traffic analysis.
Generally, the queue model is referred to using the Kendall notation, which consists of several
symbols, for example M / G / 1. The first symbol is an abbreviation for the arrival time
assignment, the second is an abbreviation for the assignment of service time and the last
represents the number of servers in the system.

Model Arrival Process Service Process

M/M/I Poisson Poisson
M/G /I Poisson General
G/G/I General General
G/G/I State Dependent General General

Question: 02
State the difference between cycle and cycle time.

Cycle Cycle time

Definition: Definition:

"A cycle is the complete sequence of signal "The cycle time is the time it takes for a signal
indications, green, red, and amber." to complete a complete iteration. That is, a
rotation in all the indications of the signal. It is
OR represented by C.

"The signal period is a complete rotation of all

the provided instructions."
Question: 03
State the difference between initial green and extended green.
Minimum Green (Initial) Extended Green

In some controllers, the term "green minimum" The extended (step) parameter extends the
is called "initial minimum." There are subtle green interval for each vehicle performance to
differences. The minimum green defines the the maximum green. Timing starts when
duration of the green without an extension. vehicle performance is cancelled; that is, as the
When the controller uses the minimum vehicle passes the detector. This extension
acronym, the minimum duration in green is period may be terminated by a maximum
equal to the sum of the minimum acronym and extension timer or a forced disconnect.
an extension.

One method that can be used to calculate the

green minimum is:

Green minimum = 5 + 2n

Question: 04
Saturated flow is a very important road traffic performance indicator to measure the maximum
traffic flow. It is widely used in the control and design of marked intersections. The saturated
flow describes the number of passenger vehicle units (PCUs) in heavy traffic in a specific
intersection lane group.
Following are the factors that affect the saturation flow rate:
 Lane width
 Heavy vehicles in traffic stream
 Parking lane
 Parking activity adjacent to lane group
Question: 05
Relationship between effective red time and total lost time.

Effective red time Total lost time

The effective red time is the cycle time minus Although traffic lights show a green (travel)
the effective green time in the other direction. signal, the time at which the vehicle cannot
cross the intersection. The total loss time is the
sum of two separate elements: the boot loss
time and the elimination loss time.

Question: 06
What Equation connects capacity, cycle length and effective green time at a signalized
𝑔 = 𝐺 + 𝑌 + 𝑅𝐶 − 𝑡𝐿
Where g = effective green time, sec,
G = displayed green time, sec,
Y = yellow time, sec,
RC = red clearance time, sec, and
tL = total lost time for a phase, sec.
The effective red time is the time during the cycle that is not available to serve traffic. The
effective red time r is calculated as Equation 10 𝑟 = 𝐶 − 𝑔 where C = cycle length, sec, and g =
effective green time, sec
Where c = capacity of an approach or lane, veh/hr,
s = saturation flow rate, veh/hr, and
g/C = effective green ratio (effective green time divided by cycle length).
Question: 07
State the difference between protected movement and permitted movement at an
Protected Movement Permitted Movement
A protected movement may have a movement A permitted movement is allowed to travel
that can oppose it but the signal indication through the intersection, but must yield if a
gives the protected movement the right-of-way. higher priority opposing movement is present.

For example, a left turn movement may be For example, a permitted left turn may enter
protected if the signal indication is a green and travel through the intersection as long as
arrow while the opposing traffic movement has there are no opposing through movement.
a red indication.

Question: 08
List and discuss the three general timing characteristics of a signalized intersection.

 Traffic volume characteristics.

 Roadway geometry.
 Signal timing.

Traffic Volume Characteristics:

The traffic characteristics used in the analysis can play a fundamental role in determining the
treatment of intersections. Overly conservative trials can lead to economic inefficiencies due to
the construction of unnecessary treatments, and if certain conditions are not considered (such as
the peak entertainment season), they can lead to inadequate equipment and failure at certain
times of the year Happening. .

Roadway Geometry:

The geometry of an intersection affects the amount of service or traffic that the intersection can
handle. A key measure to establish an intersection supply is saturated flow, which is similar to
capacity, since it represents the number of vehicles crossing one point per hour. However,
assuming that the traffic signal is green all the time, saturated traffic is reported. 

Signal Timing:

The signal timing of an intersection also plays an important role in its operational performance.
Question 09:
Determine the minimum amount of pedestrian green time required for an intersection with
80 ft crosswalk length, and 12 ft crosswalk width. Assume a maximum of 30 pedestrians.

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