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Corp HR Policy - TB July 2014 PDF

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Jollibee Foods JFC Human Resources Policies and Procedures

Subject TB Control and Prevention in the Number 1
Workplace Policy and Guidelines
Effective Date July 1, 2014 Edition 1


This Policy covers all JFC and SBU employees regardless of rank, position and
employment status. Non-employees, i.e., On-the-Job Trainees (OJTs) and SEEDS
(Skills Enhancement & Education Development) Program beneficiaries, who are
given training hours at the main office or the stores, are likewise covered by this


Jollibee Foods Corporation (JFC) recognizes that Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be

a major public health concern in the Philippines.

As part of JFC’s commitment in maintaining a healthy and safe environment to

ensure the well-being of its employees, the Company commits to increase the
employees’ level of awareness on TB, reduce the risk of its transmission in the
workplace, and eliminate discrimination against TB-positive employees.


1. Tuberculosis or TB - an infectious disease caused by the microorganism called

Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The microorganism enters the body by inhalation
through the lungs. They spread from the initial location in the lungs to other parts
of the body via the blood stream, the lymphatic system, via the airways or by
direct extension to other organs.

2. Pulmonary tuberculosis - refers to disease involving the lung tissues. It is the

most frequent form of the disease, occurring in over 80% of cases. This form of
tuberculosis may be infectious.

3. Comprehensive and United Policy for Tuberculosis Control in the

Philippines (CUP) – Pursuant to Executive Order No. 187. CUP is the basis for
implementation of TB control among the concerned stakeholders.

4. Direct Observed Treatment Short Course (DOTS) –. A comprehensive

strategy endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and International
Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUATLD) to diagnose and cure
PTB. It utilizes a method where a treatment partner records the daily intake of the
patient’s TB drugs.

5. National TB Control Program (NTP) - a government program being

implemented nationwide in all government health centers and government
hospitals which aims to detect and cure active TB cases.

6. TB Diagnostic Committee - Provincial/city level committees created by NTP

tasked to evaluate the clinical data and x-ray films of smear negative/x-ray
Approved by Approval Date June 23, 2014

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Jollibee Foods JFC Human Resources Policies and Procedures
Subject TB Control and Prevention in the Number 1
Workplace Policy and Guidelines
Effective Date July 1, 2014 Edition 1

positive TB suspects, and come up with diagnosis and corresponding

recommendations for the patients.


1. Awareness, Prevention & Control

1.1. The Company’s safety and health committees, in partnership with an

accredited health care provider, shall spearhead employee awareness
programs which will tackle the nature, frequency and transmission,
treatment with DOTS, control and management of TB in the workplace.

1.2. Employees will be provided updated, appropriate and accurate information

on ways of strengthening their immune responses to TB infection,
specifically, information on good nutrition, adequate rest, avoidance of
tobacco and alcohol, and good personal hygiene practices.

2. Workplace Conditions

The Company shall provide appropriate sanitary and ventilation facilities to

ensure contamination control of PTB airborne particles.

3. Capability Building

The Company’s health personnel or the Occupational Safety & Health Committee
shall be given training on TB awareness raising, TB Case Finding, Case
Holding, Reporting and Recording of Cases, and DOTS implementation.

4. Medical Management

4.1. The Company shall adopt the DOTS in the management of employees with
TB. TB Case Finding, Case Holding, Reporting and Recording of Cases
shall be in accordance with the CUP and NTP.

4.2 DOTS regimen will include the following:

4.2.1. Political will or commitment to ensuring sustained and quality TB
treatment and control activities.
4.2.2. Case detection by sputum-smear microscopy among symptomatic
4.2.3. Standard short-course chemotherapy using regimens of 6 to 8
months for all confirmed active TB cases (i.e., smear positive or those
validated by the TB Diagnostic Committee). Complete drug taking
through direct observation by a designated treatment partner, during
the whole course of the treatment regimen.

Approved by Approval Date June 23, 2014

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Jollibee Foods JFC Human Resources Policies and Procedures
Subject TB Control and Prevention in the Number 1
Workplace Policy and Guidelines
Effective Date July 1, 2014 Edition 1

4.2.4. A regular uninterrupted supply of all essential anti-tuberculosis drugs

and other materials.
4.2.5. A standard recording and reporting system that allows assessment of
case finding and treatment outcomes for each patient and of the
TB control program’s performance overall.

4.3. In case an employee or any of his or her family members are found to be
afflicted with TB, the Company shall refer them to private or public DOTS

4.4. The employee may be separated from employment if the period of treatment
will require the employee to go on prolonged leave beyond six (6) months,
as certified by an accredited public health practitioner, in the same manner
as separation due to illness as provided by law.

4.5. TB Benefits Policy of ECC, SSS and Philhealth

The diagnostic and treatment criteria in the current NTP policy will be
adopted as the basis for determining appropriate compensation for TB
benefits from the ECC, SSS and PhilHealth.

5. Recording, Reporting, and Setting-up of Database

In compliance with Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE) requirements for

reporting illnesses and injuries in the workplace, the Company shall report all
diagnosed cases of TB to the DOLE using an appropriate form such as the
Annual Medical Report.

6. Social Policy

6.1. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices

The Company shall adopt a non-discriminatory approach in handling

employees who have or had TB. Such employees will be provided with
adequate diagnosis and treatment, and will be entitled to work as long as
they are certified by the Company’s accredited health provider to be
medically fit and will be restored to work as soon as their illness is

6.2. Work Accommodation

The Company will accommodate and support employees with TB through

leave arrangements, rescheduling of working times, and arrangements for
return to work.

6.3. Restoration to Work

Approved by Approval Date June 23, 2014

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Jollibee Foods JFC Human Resources Policies and Procedures
Subject TB Control and Prevention in the Number 1
Workplace Policy and Guidelines
Effective Date July 1, 2014 Edition 1

Employees may be allowed to return to work with reasonable working

arrangements as determined by the company health care and/or DOTS


1. Company

1.1. The Company shall endeavor to extend the TB awareness program to the
families of its employees and in nearby communities under its Corporate
Social Responsibility program.
1.2. Access to personal data relating to an employee’s TB status shall be
bound by the rules of confidentiality and shall be strictly limited to medical
personnel, HR and the immediate superior, or if legally required.

2. Employees with TB or at risk for TB

2.1. Employees with symptoms of TB, or at risk of incurring it, or those with family
members suffering from TB, should seek immediate assistance from the
Company’s health care provider.

2.2. If an employee or any of his or her family members are diagnosed, they
should avail of the DOTS and adhere to the prescribed course of treatment.

2.3. Employees shall practice non-discriminatory acts against co-workers afflicted

with TB.

2.4. Co-employees shall not be obliged to reveal any personal information about
the TB status of their fellow employees.


The Human Resources Division of the SBU, in partnership with the Occupational
Safety and Health Committee and accredited health care providers, shall be tasked
to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the TB Program.


Corporate Human Resources, in consultation with SBU HR, shall, from time to
time, or as the need arises, review and make the necessary recommendations to
amend, or modify, any provisions of these guidelines to conform to any applicable
law and its implementing rules and regulations.

Approved by Approval Date June 23, 2014

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