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Company News: Focus ON Catalysts

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implementation of MEAs in the Asian region. As a completely bio-based if the second monomer ethylene
Original Source: Speciality Chemicals Magazine, 23 DEC 2019
result, Asian countries have now commenced to glycol is also substituted with something based on
(Website: http://www.specchemonline.com) ã Quartz
impose control efforts over new chemicals that are renewable raw materials. In terms of recycling,
Chemicals Ltd 2019.
handled and those that are to be ruled under new however, PET is the most successful among all
chemicals and waste MEAs. Completion of the United polymers. PET bottles are 100% recyclable into new
Nations project financed by the China Trust Fund and packaging. For more than 20 years, recovery
led by the Chemicals & Health Branch of the schemes and “super-clean” recycling methods have
Plastics world market update: Economy Division in Geneva, Switzerland, is been established to produce recyclates for food
scheduled by Jul 2020. The project intends to bolster applications. Bottles based on 100% post-consumer
Polypropylene (PP) the capacity of Asian stakeholders in sound chemicals recyclate are currently available, but PET bottles still
management via better understanding of alternatives, receive heavy criticism. The world’s throw-away
Polypropylene (PP) is an interesting substitute to while meeting the conditions of chemicals and waste culture is represented by the PET bottle, including
polyethylene (PE) due to its comparable mechanical conventions and the UN’s Sustainable Development marine litter discussions that involve PET bottles. The
properties and reduced density. Novel catalysts and Goals. problem is that marine litter mainly comes from
manufacturing methods offer various products, with countries outside Europe. These non-European
monolayer films and recycling currently under Original Source: Speciality Chemicals Magazine, 23 DEC 2019 countries do not have recycling infrastructures. Even
development. The worldwide PP market volume (Website: http://www.specchemonline.com) ã Quartz highly industrialized countries like the US still lag
reached about 74 M tonnes in 2018. It is the most Chemicals Ltd 2019. behind Europe in terms of PET recycling, and no
widely utilized plastic globally, surpassed only by boost in growth is anticipated. The world’s recycling
different PE variants (approximately 94 M tonnes) out quota for PET bottles exceeds 50%, but remains
of the total plastics market of around 300 M tonnes. under 30% in the US. Quota in the US is projected to
PP’s average growth rate is about 5%/y and is higher reach just 33% in 2025 and 36% in 2030. Emerging
than for other standard plastics. European growth is economies like the Philippines are much further along
in recycling PET. Meanwhile, Europe has installed

slightly under 2%, but the market focus is on Asia,
particularly China that already consumes nearly a third efficient collecting and recycling methods in the last
of global PP production. PP’s production volume, decades, with 58.2% re-collection and recycling rate.
This is 1.93 M tonnes out of the total European sales
contrary to that of PE, is rising more slowly than
consumption, which could lead to scarcity in supply in of around 3.31 M tonnes in 2017. Film production still
the years to come. This would result in PE and PP accounted for most of pan-European recyclates
prices gradually matching each other. In the medium applications in 2017 with 40% share, followed by
term, this could be disadvantageous for producers as bottle applications (29.5%) and fibres (15.5%).
Strapping bands and others account for the remaining
substituting PP with other materials like PE and
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) could become
Sasol ramps up ethylene production 15%. A table presents reutilization rates of PET
attractive. All PP producers are keen on matching their at Louisiana complex bottles in the US, Germany and the Philippines. Bar
production process with their catalyst system as this graphs show the five largest PET producers with their
defines potential product range, process economy, Sasol Ltd is increasing production rates following the production capacities in 2017 and collected quantities
productivity and product purity. Ziegler-Natta catalyst replacement of acetylene reactor catalyst at its Lake and the return quotas for PET bottles in Europe.
types continue to lead the market, including WR Grace Charles Chemicals Project (LCCP), an integrated
& Co’s Consista catalysts. Meanwhile, PP’s key ethane cracker and downstream derivatives complex Original Source: Kunststoffe International 17 DEC 2019
application stand-up pouches are being developed to commissioned earlier this year in Westlake, LA, US, (Website: http://www.kunststoffe-international.com) ã Carl
be mono-material instead of the hard-to-recycle multi- near Lake Charles. The cracker, which achieved Hanser Verlag 2019.
layer form. An example of the new design includes a full operation in Aug 2019, had been running about
laminate made of a biaxially oriented PP (BOPP) film 50-60% of its nameplate 1.5 M-tonne/y capacity
and a cast PP film. These kinds of mono-material because of underperformance of the plant’s acetylene
systems, however, can only be manufactured using removal system, Sasol said on 17 Dec 2019. An
special PP copolymers, such as Borealis’ transparent outage to replace the catalyst recently was completed NIS awards contract to McDermott
BC918CF and highly tough BD212CF. Other important on schedule and within budget, which resolved the
applications of PP include beverages and medical issue. Following the maintenance outage, the unit was
to modernize FCC unit at Pancevo
technology, as well as lighter motor vehicles. A pie started up smoothly, with ethylene production rates
chart shows the global production of different polymers now at about 85-90% of nameplate capacity and McDermott International said it has won a technology
in 2018. continuing to increase, Sasol said. Ethylene contract from Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS) to upgrade
production quality also US Gulf Coast ethylene its existing fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) unit at its
Original Source: Kunststoffe International, 23 DEC 2019 pipeline specifications, the operator added. Sasol said refinery in Pancevo, Serbia, to shift the yield of the unit
(Website: http://www.kunststoffe-international.com) ã Carl it also looks forward to completing the LCCP’s low- toward the production of “valuable” olefins and higher-
Hanser Verlag 2019. density polyethylene unit that, now in its octane naphtha. Under the contract, valued at between
commissioning phase, is scheduled to reach $1 M and $50 M, McDermott’s Lummus Technology will
beneficial operation by end-2019. Currently, Sasol provide the licence and basic engineering for the
said it expects the timeline for LCCP’s other “state-of-the-art” Indmax FCC technology and a
remaining three units to achieve full operation to be grassroots CDEtbe unit for the production of bioethanol
Chemical waste management is still as follows: Zeigler alcohols unit: Jan 2020; Guerbet base ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE). The Indmax
technology was jointly developed by Indian Oil Corp
in a very poor state in much of Asia alcohols unit: Mar 2020; and ethoxylation unit: Jan
2020. and Lummus.

Countries in the South-East Asian region have Original Source: PetroChemical News,23 DEC 2019 (Website:
become dumping sites for hazardous and other Original Source: PennWell Corporation, 12 DEC 2019
(Website: http://www.ogj.com/index.html), ã Pennwell http://www.petrochemical-news.com) ã William F. Bland Co.
waste. Hazardous chromate chemical waste from 2019.
tanneries in Ranipet, India, are captured and stored in Corporation 2019.
open pits. The chromium levels in the groundwater of
Ranipet are higher than WHO recommendations by
1000 times. Drinking water also contains very high
chromate levels. Developing nations do not have a
clear set of treatment requirements and disposal
Will Polyethylene furanoate (PEF) Baltic selects Univation’s PE
mechanisms associated with harmful waste. Based on challenge Polyethylene technology for new PE lines planned
the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry, Croda India is
decreasing its environmental impact, waste to landfill terephthalate (PET)? in Ust-Luga
and carbon footprint. The firm is using technologies to
cut effluent discharges in India. In the longer term, it Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) used in packaging Baltic Chemical Plant LLC (BCP), a wholly-owned
targets zero liquid discharge facilities. The company is continues to grow steadily, with PET consumption subsidiary of RusGasDobycha, has chosen Univation
also participating in a study to support the people at doubling to 21 M tonnes in 2016 from around 12 M Technologies’ Unipol polyethylene (PE) process for
Singapore’s Jurong Island in working towards the tonnes in 2006. Around 24 M tonnes and 25 M tonnes six new PE reactor lines to be built at the Ust-Luga
circular economy. The company is looking for were projected in 2018 and 2019, respectively. marine port in Leningradsky region, Russia. The PE
opportunities to cut the waste disposal cost. It is Growth is primarily driven by Asian markets, with lines, each designed to have a capacity of 500,000
moving towards turning 100% of its palm-based raw moderate support from Europe and North America. tonnes/y, are part of a project that also includes two
material into mass balance grades. Present national These figures exclude fibres, Global PET production ethylene cracking facilities with a capacity of 1.4 M
laws and multilateral environmental agreements capacity was around 33 M tonnes in 2018 is fibers are tonnes/y each. Cost of the project and a schedule
(MEAs) for the complete management of hazardous included. China has the largest capacity share at were not given. BCP will also utilize Univation’s
wastes and chemicals should be fully executed. A 35%, followed by the US and India with 11% and 7%, Acclaim technology for unimodal high-density PE
new UN Environment Programme (UNEP) report respectively. The proposed PET bio-based alternative (HDPE), Prodigy technology for bimodal HDPE
revealed that countries may be unsuccessful to meet polyethylene furanoate (PEF) has yet to materialize. grades, and XCat technology for advanced
the globally agreed goal to reduce the hazardous BASF has withdrawn from its Synvina joint venture metallocene linear low-density PE. In addition, BCP
effect of chemicals and waste by 2020. In 2018, the with Avantium, with the PEF introduction postponed will incorporate Univation’s latest process control
Chinese government authorized a new plan to help for 2025. Avantium plans to commercialize PEF on its system, Premier APC+ 3.0, across all production
address pollution issues and enhance waste own. PEF demonstrates excellent polymer properties, lines. The system is designed to maximize production
management. The plan includes tax exemptions to making the industry very excited about the new rates, facilitate product transitions and enhance
promote the complete recycle of waste. In 2018, development. Biopolymer PEF uses furandicarboxylic overall economic performance of the Unipol PE
China and the UNEP worked together to back the acid instead of terephthalic acid. It could be process.

4 February 2020

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