Sparky Floyd
Sparky Floyd
Sparky Floyd
Every kind of matter produces a field, the fields all mesh in complex ways,
often from interference with other fields. Fields are the "stuff" of the
virtual vacuum. A light particle is nothing more than a large interference in
the electromagnetic field. Apart from interaction with other fields a field
will not be changed in the vacuum.
It will not go away; it cannot. Fields are a fundamental part of the vacuum
structure itself. Fields in their most quiescent state form the virtual vacuum
itself. Even when everything that can be removed from a vacuum has been
removed, the Higgs field remains.
Imagine the entire universe permeated with a constant magnetic field. One need
not imagine, for it is true. It is clear from experimentation certain results
appear that are not explainable without the presence of a field.
This device, however, produces negative energy which is the reverse of the
conventional positive energy generated by all devices in service today. The
arc generated by a short-circuit in a negative energy system is excessively
bright and cold, producing barely an audible hiss with no explosive force.
Melting of conductors does not occur and this type of negative current passes
through the human body with only the feeling of a chill. Conductors remain
cool under load while only tiny cross-sectional areas of copper are required
to convey many hundreds of watts of power.
Although all of this seems nearly unbelievable, only what has been
demonstrated in the laboratory has been described in this paper. The source of
energy is unlimited, the virtual vacuum of space itself structured by a
motional electromagnetic field is the powerhouse.
Space itself is the ability to accommodate energy. Consider for a moment the
following illustration: A signal (energy) is transmitted from point A to point
B. A and B are separated by a finite distance. Consider three periods of
time: 1) The signal is launched from A.
2) The signal resides in the space between A and B.
3) The signal arrives at B.
If (3) occurs simultaneously with (1) we say that the signal has traveled at
infinite velocity. The signal has never resided in the intervening space and
therefore there exists no space between A and B.
If a signal will not travel between two 2 points, as in the case when c = 0,
then we can also conclude that there is no link or intervening space between
them. We have no means of detecting either an infinite velocity-supporting
space or zero-velocity space, so they do not exist as usable scientific
If space cannot accommodate a signal it has no function and no reality. We are
left then with the only real space, the home of the real and virtual vacuum.
Space supports a finite, nonzero velocity. The above discussion dealt with a
definition of space and the propagation velocity it will support.
Neither an infinitely strong string nor an infinitely weak one can absorb or
accommodate energy by being compressed. Neither an infinitely large mass nor
an infinitely light mass can absorb or accommodate energy imparted by
collision. The same holds true for space.
Energy cannot enter space of zero impedance (i.e; ) any more than a force can
bear on a mass of zero magnitude. Similarly, energy could not enter space of
infinite impedance.
If the energy reaches a point where the dielectric changes (but not the
geometry), some of it will continue on and some of it will reflect. If the
energy reaches a change in the width of the transmission line some will
reflect and some will continue as well. The energy current will not know
whether: (a) the dielectric is changing, or (b) the geometry is changing
Energy current does not have directional inertia, so that (a) is equivalent to
(b). Energy current does have an aspect ratio. If the aspect ratio is forced
to change, some of the flowing energy will reflect in order to assure that its
total aspect ratio remains constant.
Crudely, the aspect ratio is similar to the ratio of E to H. The aspect ratio
of energy current is much like the aspect ratio of space. While the aspect
ratio of space can change, its fundamental velocity cannot really change. This
parameter becomes merely our way of conceptualizing time delay when energy
resides in a region of space. 4 A /B = Aspect Ratio Uniform space has only two
parameters: 1) aspect ratio 2) time delay Aspect ratio defines the shape of
energy entering a given region of space, but not its amplitude.
Velocity or length define the time during which the properly shaped energy can
be accommodated by a region of space. Aspect ratio is really a definition of
the relative compatibility of adjacent regions of space. Does flowing energy
current largely travel unimpeded through an interface, or does it largely
reflect at the interface?
Space has quiet zones through which energy glides virtually unreflected. There
are also zones where energy current becomes incoherent, bounces about and
splits apart. Noises in space have either rapidly changing geometry or rapidly
changing impedance .
The energy density of the fields remain as calculated above, but the value of
the E-field will double from E /2 to E . It is a simple matter using the
equations for a team wave [group wave?] to get rid of H and c and so convert
the first equation into the well known equation for energy density in the so-
called electrostatic field.
Similarly, if two signals flow through each other in such a way as to give the
appearance of a steady magnetic field as a result of their E-field canceling.
It is easily shown using the above equations to cancel out H and c.
It is worth remembering that neither Einstein nor most modern physicists were
or are familiar with the concept of energy currents described herein. However,
their work still survives by ignoring the energy current concept, scalar
electromagnetics, the works of T. E. Bearden, Kaluza-Klein, and others who
dispute Heaviside's interpretations of Maxwell's equations.
The flaw in this model appears when we notice that the current entered the
capacitor at only one point on the capacitor plate. We then are left with the
major difficulty of explaining how the electric charge flowing down the wire
suddenly distributes itself uniformly across entire capacitor plate, at a
velocity in excess of the speed of light.
The nature of the motionally induced electric field is quite unique; in order
understand it more fully we must start by parting with a few misleading
A better term, time varying flux modulation, does not imply any separation of
lines of flux. Truly, lines of flux are always in closure upon themselves and
are mathematically expressed as line integrals.
According to T.E. Bearden it seems that the charged particles in the atom
(electrons and protons) act like tiny magnets. Their motion in the space
surrounding the atom would create this motional E-field. The field created
both the positive and negative charges would cancel to some degree, but due to
the high orbital velocity of the negative electron relative to that of the
positive proton the induced field of the electron should dominate the
resulting field.
Consider for a moment the construction of the triode which includes the
bifilar coils located within the fields of the two conditioned magnets. When
the current in one half of the conductors in the coils (i.e., one of the
bifilar elements in each coil) of the device is moving up, both the current
and the magnetic field follow the right-hand rule. The resultant motional E-
field would be vertical to both and inwardly directed.
At the same time the current in the other half of the conductors in the coils
is moving down and both the current and magnetic field follow the right-hand
rule. The resulting motion E-field is again vertical to both and inwardly
directed. Thus, the resultant field intensity is double the intensity
attributable to either one of the set of coil conductors taken singularly.
Electrometer readings were always close to parabolic, thus indicating that the
source was of infinite capacity. It was further determined through experiment
that the magnetic field does change with temperature. Also, there is no reason
yet identified which would lead one to believe that electron drift velocity
changes. It has been found remarkable that the vacuum triode runs
approximately 20 F below ambient.
Since work is the line integral of force (F), the work per unit charge is the
line integral of force per unit charge. Letting F/Q denote the vector
electromagnetic force per unit charge (in newtons per coulomb) we have The
scalar product (F/Q) dtdl is the product of (F/Q) * cos q dl with q denoting
the angle (3) between vectors F/Q and dl.
The electric force per unit charge is the electric field intensity (E) in
volts/meter. The magnetic force per unit charge is V x B where V denotes the
velocity of the test charge in meters per second and B denotes the magnetic
flux density in webers/M 2. In terms of the smaller angle q between V and B,
the cross product of V and B is a vector having the magnitude VB sin q .
The direction of vector VxB is normal to the plane which contains vectors V
and B in accordance with the right-hand rule (i.e., VxB is in the direction of
the thumb while the fingers curl through the angle q from V toward B). Since
the total force per unit charge is E + VB the total e.m.f. in terms of the
fields is: It appears from eq. (4) that the e.m.f. depends the forward
velocity with which the test charge (4) is moved along the path C. This,
however, is not the case. If V and dl in eq. (4) have the same direction then
their associated scalar product is zero.
Thus, only the component of V which is 9 not in-line with dl (i.e. q =0) can
contribute to the e.m.f.. This component has value only if the differential
path length dl has a sideways motion. Thus, V in eq. (4) the sideways motion,
if any, of dl . The fields E and B in eq.(4) could well be represented as
functions of time as well as functions of the space coordinates. In addition,
the velocity V of each differential path length dl may vary with time.
However, eq. (4) correctly expresses the e.m.f. or voltage drop along path C
as a function of time. That component of the e.m.f. consisting of the line
integral V x B is the motional E-field since it has value ony when path C is
moving through a magnetic field, traversing lines of magnetic flux. For
stationary paths there is no motional E-field and the voltage drop is simply
the integral of the electric field E. E.m.f.s are generated by devices that
separate charge.
Any increase of F due to the motion of the surface in the B-field is not
included in that calculation. Continuing this discussion leads us to note
that an electric field must be present in any region containing a time varying
magnetic field. This is shown by eq. (7) displayed below: In this equation F
is the magnetic flux in webers out of the positive side of any surface having
(7) path C as its contour. Combining e. (7) above with e. (4) we are able
to calculate the e.m.f. about a closed path C. Thus, the e.m.f. around a
closed path consists in of two components. The component (9) d F /dt is the
variational e.m.f. and the second component is the motional E-field. In eq.(9)
(VxB) dl can be means of a vector identity be replaced with B*(Vx dl )A. V is
the sideways velocity of dl, the vector Vx dl has magnitude V dl and a
direction normal to the surface ds swept out by moving length dl in time d.
Letting Bn denote the component of B normal to this area we can see that -
B*(vx dl ) becomes -BnV dl and eq.(9) can be rewritten as: Clearly, the
integral of BnV around the closed contour C with sideways velocity of
magnitude (10) V for each length dl traversed is simply the time rate of
change of the magnetic flux through the surface bounded by C. This change is
due directly to the passage of path C through lines of magnetic flux. Hence,
the complete expression of e.m.f. above in eq.(10) is the time rate of change
of the magnetic flux over any surface S bounded by the closed path C, due to
the changing magnetic field and the movement of the path through the magnetic
field. eq.(10) may be written: NOTE:
The only difference between eq.(7) and eq.(11) is that eq.(7) contains only
the (11) variational e.m.f. while eq.(11) is the sum of the variational and
motional emf's. In eq.(7) the partial time derivative of magnetic flux F is
the rate of flux change due only to the time varying magnetic field while
eq.(11) includes the total time derivative of the rate of flux change due to
the time varying magnetic field and path C's passage through the magnetic
If the closed 11 path C is not passing through lines of magnetic flux then
eq.(7) and eq.(11) are equivalent. It is also important to point out that d F
/dt in eq.(11) does not necessarily mean the total time rate of change of the
flux F over the surface S. For example, the flux over surface S is bounded by
the closed contour C of the left portion of the electric circuit shown in
Figure 1.
The flux is changing as the coil is unwound by the rotation of the cylinder as
illustrated. However, since B is static there is no variational e.m.f. and
since the conductors are not modulating lines of flux there is no motional
e.m.f. Thus, d F /dt in eq.(11) is zero even the flux is changing with time.
Note that d F /dt was defined as representing the right hand part of the
expression in e.(10) and d F /dt must not be more broadly interpreted. In the
application of the presented equations it is required that one refer all flux
densities and movements to a single specified coordinate system.
In particular, the velocities will all be with respect to this system alone
and not interpreted as relative velocities between conductors or moving lines
of flux. The coordinate system is arbitrarily selected and the magnitudes of
variational and motional fields depend upon the selection.
This component results from modulation of the lines of flux by the moving
conductor. If the voltmeter draws no current, there can be no electromagnetic
force on the free of the wire. Therefore, the e.m.f. along the path of the
metal conductors including the moving conductor is zero.
Suppose the conductor with the sliding taps is stationary (V=0) and it is
located at y=y 1 . Also suppose the magnetic field B is produced by a system
of moving conductors not shown in Figure 2 which are travelling with a
constant velocity V=V ay . At time t=0 the magnetic field B is B o sinBy ax.
Determine the voltage across the voltmeter. Solution: There is no motional E-
field because the conductors in Figure 2 are at rest (stationary) with respect
to our selected coordinate system.
However, the magnetic field at points fixed with respect to the coordinate
system is changing with time and as a result there is a variational e.m.f.
Since the B-field at t=0 is B 0 sinBy ax and has a velocity of V=Vay it can be
calculated that the B-field as a function of time B o sin[B(y-vt)] ax. This is
verified by noting that an observer located at y at time t=0 who is travelling
at the constant velocity (V=Vay) of the moving current would have a y
coordinate of y=y +Vt and an accordingly different expression for B.
He would observe a constant field where the magnetic current density is: The
counterclockwise e.m.f. can be arrived at by taking the negative of an
integral of the above expression for the rectangular surface bounded by the
electric circuit with the positive side facing the reader with the limits of
zero and y. The resulting e.m.f. equals: which is the voltage across the
Conventional theory says that electric fields and magnetic are different
things. Consider for a moment a charge with an electric field around it. If
the charge is moved a magnetic field develops and the moving charge
constitutes a current.
If an observer were to move along with the charge, he would see no relative
motion, no current, and no magnetic field. A stationary observer would see
motion, current and a magnetic field.
It would appear that a magnetic field is an electric field observed from a
motional reference frame. Similarly, if we take a mass with a gravity field
around it and we move the mass and create a mass current, a new field is also
created. It is a different kind of gravity field with no source and no sink.
It is called the Protational field also known as the "Effect". This field and
its governing principles will form the basis for future anti-gravity devices.
(See illustrations 1-4). Within the confined area of the Vacuum Triode box,
the spacetime continuum is reversed by the fields that are produced in the
presence of excited coherent space flux quanta.
These quanta have been attracted from and ultimately extracted from the
virtual vacuum, the infinitely non-exhaustible Dirac Sea. For a more detailed
mathematical format see Appendix A, a paper on "The Phase Conjugate Vacuum
Triode" by T.E. Bearden, April 23, 1987. Much of the theory which likely
applies to the vacuum triode has been developed in the field of phase
conjugate optics.
The laws of conservation of energy always apply to all systems. However, the
induced motional E-filed changes the upon which those laws need be applied.
Since the vacuum triode operates in dimensions more than four and provides a
line between the multi-dimensional reality of the quantum state a link between
Dirac Sea we are now dealing with an open-ended system, not the closed system
within which all conservation and thermodynamic laws were developed.
To achieve unity, the summation of all magnetic and ohmic losses must equal
zero. To achieve this state negative energy and resistance moves to zero and
all energy flows along the outside of conductors in the form of a special
space field.
Output of the vacuum triode is not proportional to the excitation input as the
output produced by the device is directly proportional to the load which is
placed upon it. That load is the only dependent variable for device output.
The triode's output voltage and frequency always remains constant due to the
conditioning of the motional E-field in the permanent magnets and the small
regulated excitation signal which is provided through a small oscillator.
Regulation remains constant, output locks into an in-phase condition (cos q =1
Kvar=1) under all load characteristics.
The coils are very small diameter copper wire but are capable of producing in
excess of 5 kilowatts of useful power; this in itself is a clear indicator
that the type of electrical energy provided by the device is not conventional.
The wire sizes employed by the device would not be capable of carrying such
large currents without excessive heat gain, however, the triode's coils
actually run cooler when loaded at 5 kW.
The fundamental magnets have been broken free of their binding forces which
constrained them to be steadystate single pole uniform magnetic flux devices.
They are now able to simply support mass, as demonstrated with the transformer
steel illustration. They can now easily be made to adopt a dynamic motional
field by applying a tiny amount of excitation.