Change of Bank Details - Declaration Form: D M M Y Y D
Change of Bank Details - Declaration Form: D M M Y Y D
Change of Bank Details - Declaration Form: D M M Y Y D
Date D D M M Y Y
Axis Asset Management Limited
Axis House, First Floor, C-2, Wadia International Centre,
Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400025, India.
Subject: Change of Bank Account Details
In view of the aforesaid facts, I would like to hereby request you to update my bank account details, as mentioned herein below, in respect of my folio no.
I agree to furnish such other documents for effecting the aforesaid change of my bank account details, as may be required by you from time to time.
I hereby further agree to indemnify you and keep you fully indemnified, at all times, against any lossed, costs, charges, expenses, levies, penalties, etc. as may be imposed upon /
incurred by you on account of your acting on the aforesaid request for change in bank account details.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,