Social Science Vol 1 PDF
Social Science Vol 1 PDF
Social Science Vol 1 PDF
Vol- I
Content Creation
The wise
possess all
Unit 1 India - Location, Relief and Drainage 82
Unit 1 Indian Constitution 169
Unit 1 Gross Domestic Product and its Growth: an Introduction 210
Learning Objectives
The scope of the lesson is presented
The subject to be discussed in the lesson is Introduced
QR Code
Leads the students to animated audio,
video aids for getting experiential learning
Do You Know?
Provides additional information related to the
subject in boxes to stir up the curiosity of students
Visual representations intended to make the complex simple and
make the students grasp difficult concepts easily
Describes the main points briefly in bullets for recapitulation
For self-study and self evaluation
Key words and technical terms
explained at the end of the lesson for clarity
List of books and net sources for further reading
ICT Corner
Using technology for learning activites, which enables
the students to access degital sources relevant to their lessons.
Outbreak of
World War I and
Its Aftermath
Learning Objectives
To acquaint ourselves with
The race for colonies leading to rivalry and clashes among the great powers of Europe
Emergence of Japan as the strongest and most aggressive power in East Asia
Colonialism's impact on Africa
Causes, course and results of the First World War
Treaty of Versailles and its provisions
Causes, course and outcome of the Russian Revolution
Foundation, functioning and failure of the League of Nations
All the struggles for freedom in Asia and The biggest outcome
Africa illustrated how the new spirit abroad of the War, the Russian
was affecting the minds of men and women in revolution, was unique in
distant countries of the East simultaneously. world history. The socio-
The War gave a great fillip to the women’s political and economic
movement in the West and the East. conditions prevailing in
Russia were brought to a
Impact on India head by the vast losses and sufferings caused
The First World War had a significant by the War. There were really two revolutions
impact on India. Even though Europe was the in the year 1917, one in March and the other
main theatre of the War, fighting took place in in November. On the abdication of the Tsar
others parts of the world as well. The British the bourgeois government which followed,
recruited a vast contingent of Indians to serve in wanted to continue the war. But the people
Europe, Africa and West Asia. After the War, the were against it. So there was a second great
soldiers came back with new ideas which had an uprising under the guidance their leader
impact on the Indian society. India contributed Lenin, who seized power and established a
£ 230 million in cash and over £ 125 million in communist government in Russia.
loans towards war expenses. India also sent war
materials to the value £ 250 million. This caused Causes of the Revolution
enormous economic distress. There were grain Social Causes
riots as poor people looted shops. Towards the
In Russia Peter the Great and Catherine
end of the War India too suffered under the
II attempted westernisation without changing
world-wide epidemic of influenza. (£ - symbol
the social conditions. The Russian peasants
of Pound sterling)
were serfs tied to lands owned by wealthy
The War conditions led to the rise of Home Russians. After Russia’s defeat in the Crimean
Rule Movement in India. The Congress was War, some reforms were introduced. In 1861
reunited during the war. Western revolutionary Tsar Alexander II abolished serfdom and
ideas influenced the radical nationalists and so the emancipated the serfs. But they were not
British tried to suppress the national movement given enough land to subsist. These peasants
by passing repressive acts. International events became the powder keg for the revolution.
skyscraper tall building of many stories பலமாடிகள் க�ொண்ட உயரமான கட்டிடம்
• 1914 - Outbreak of World War I
• 1917 - Russian Revolution
• 1918 - End of the World War I
• 1919 - Treaty of Versailles
• 1920 - Establishment of League of Nation
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Click on ‘Learn’ in menu and Select ‘Interactive Timeline’
• Drag the Time line bar and click to see the events
Website URL:
The World
between Two
World Wars
Learning Objectives
To acquaint ourselves with
T he post-World War I developments leading to the Great Depression,
and its impact on politics across the world.
T he unjust provisions of Treaty of Versailles and the rise of fascist
governments led by Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany.
A nti-colonial struggles and the decolonisation process in the colonized world: Case
Studies of Indo-French in South-East Asia and India in South Asia.
E uropean Colonisation in Africa – The case of Britain in South Africa.
I ndependence struggles and political developments in South America
Social Democratic Party was founded as the General German Workers Association on 23
May 1863 in Leipzig. Founder was Ferdinand Lassalle. German elites of the late 19th century
considered the very existence of a socialist party a threat to the security and stability of the newly
unified Reich, and so Bismark outlawed this party from 1878 to 1890.
Despite laws prohibiting the party from holding meetings and distributing literature,
the Social Democratic Party attracted growing support. Following World War I, the Social
Democratic Party played a central role in the formation of the Weimar Republic. But the failure
to win favourable terms from the Allies and the country’s severe economic problems led to a drop
in people's support.
Although its core support among blue-collar workers remained intact, it lost support
among white-collar workers and small businessmen, many of whom switched their loyalty to the
conservatives and later to the Nazi Party. The Social Democratic Party was outlawed soon after
the Nazis came to power. The leading Social Democrats were arrested and sent to concentration
camps. However, in 1945, with the fall of Hitler, the Social Democratic Party was revived. It was
the only surviving party from the Weimar period with a record of opposition to Hitler.
Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969) was born in Tongking. When Ho Chi Minh was twenty one, he
went to Europe. After working as a cook in a London hotel, he went to Paris. In the Paris
peace conference, he lobbied for the independence for Vietnam. His articles in newspapers
and especially the pamphlet, French Colonialism on Trial, made him well known as a Vietnam
nationalist. In 1921 he became a founder-member of the French Communist party. Two years
later he went to Moscow and learnt revolutionary techniques then. In 1925, he founded the
Revolutionary Youth Movement. After the peasant revolt he led was crushed in 1930, he went
to Moscow again. Inspired by Mao Tse Tung, he returned to Indo-China after the Japanese
invaded it organized the communists and carried on his anti-colonial struggle. He also played
an inspirational role leading the war against the USA.
US Imperial Interests
At the dawn
Simon Bolivar- Pedro I of the twentieth
El Liberator
century the United
The American and French Revolutions States had occupied
provided inspiration to the Latin Americans. The Cuba and Puerto
Napoleonic invasion of Spain and Portugal in 1808 Rico, after defeating
quickened the process of liberation Struggle in the Spanish in 1898.
South America. Already the spirit of independence From 1898 to 1902
was growing under the leadership of Simon Cuba was under US
Bolivar, called El Liberator, the liberator. In the military rule. When
case of Brazil, the Portuguese royal family in the the Americans finally
context of conquest of Portugal by Napoleon fled left they retained Theodore Roosevelt
from Lisbon and thereby assisted the transition of a naval station in
Brazil from colony to independent nation. Pedro
29 The World between Two World Wars
• 1922 - Mussolini’s March on Rome
• 1927 - Formation of Vietnam Nationalist Party
• 1929 - The Great Depression
• 1933 - Hitler became the Chancellor of Germany
• 1935 - Mussolini invaded Ethiopia
World War II
Learning Objectives
� To acquaint ourselves about the political and economic developments
after World War I which ultimately led to World War II
� To understand the course of the War, in general; in particular, to learn
the main events which were turning points in the War
� To know the effects of World War II
Rise of the United States and the USSR as the two superpowers
Beginning of the age of nuclear weapons and high defence spending
Establishment of international agencies to promote peace and development in all
� To understand the “holocaust”, and the mass killing of Jews in Nazi
Germany leading to the creation of the state of Israel as the homeland of Jews
� To acquire knowledge about the international organisations established after the
War to create a new international order:
United Nations and the associated international organisations.
World Bank and its agencies.
International Monetary Fund and its objectives.
� To understand the “welfare state”; welfare states of Western Europe after World War II.
World War II 34
The end of World War II signalled a The Treaty also set up the League of
change in the world order and political Nations, as we have seen in Lesson 1, on the
configurations among the major powers. initiative of President Woodrow Wilson of
In addition, an era of large-scale social and the United States. The League was expected
economic change across the world was to mediate between countries and take action
ushered in. against countries which indulged in military
aggression. However, the United States was
Causes, Course and not interested in playing a global role or
3.1 any role in European politics. The popular
Effects of World War II
mood favoured the traditional isolationist
(a) Causes approach, and therefore the United States
The devastation caused by World War I did not become a member of the League. The
was of such magnitude that it was referred to as other Allied nations were also determined to
The Great War, or The War to End All Wars. The maintain a non-interventionist attitude and,
belligerent nations, especially the Allies, had no in consequence, the League remained an
desire for a second prolonged conflict, and this ineffectual international body.
was the main driving force behind their actions
after the end of World War I. The immediate Post-War Crisis and Germany
and primary cause of World War II was the As mentioned above the three main
aggressive military offensive undertaken by a clauses of the Treaty of Versailles, especially the
resurgent Germany and a fast developing Japan. imposition of penal reparations caused great
However, the root causes of the War are more discontent in Germany. The interwar period
complex. Let us try to understand them in was a time of severe economic downturn in
detail. Western Europe as well as the United States.
Britain was facing massive unemployment
Germany and Treaty of Versailles,
and its economy was nearly crippled by the
General Strike of 1926. The United States was
The Treaty of Versailles ending World War I faced with the Great Depression after 1929.
was signed in June 1919. Among the many clauses The problems which many countries faced in
of the Treaty, three in particular caused great the post-World War I decades led to the rise
resentment among the Germans. (i) Germany of extreme right wing dictatorships in Italy
was forced to give up territories to the west, north (Mussolini), Germany (Hitler) and Spain
and east of the German border; (ii) Germany had (Franco).
to disarm and was allowed to retain only a very
Germany experienced both high
restricted armed force (army, navy and air force);
unemployment and severe inflation after
(iii) as reparations for the War, Germany was
the War, and its currency became practically
expected to pay for the military and civilian cost
worthless. There are several pictures of the
of the War to the Allied nations. War reparations
1920s when ordinary people had to carry
35 World War II
Axis Power Countries ZEALAND
Allied Power Countries SOUTHERN OCEAN
Not to Scale
37 World War II
World War II 38
World War II 40
41 World War II
World War II 42
43 World War II
45 World War II
devastation/ havoc total destruction பேரழிவு
belligerent one eager to fight / aggressive ப�ோர் நாட்டம்
resurgent rising again மீண்டெழுகிற
resentment a feeling of deep and bitter anger கடுங்கோபம்
reparations compensation exacted from a defeated nation இழப்பீடுகள்
by the victors
armaments weapons ப�ோர்த்தளவாடங்கள்
reluctance unwillingness தயக்கம்
conscripted compulsory military service கட்டாய இராணுவ
சேவைக்கு அழைக்கப்பட்ட
morale sense of confidenc மனத்திண்மை
slaughter kill a large number of people indiscriminately வதைத்துக் க�ொல்லுதல்
proliferation a rapid increase பல்கிப் பெருகுதல்
confiscated seized / took away பறிமுதல் செய்யப்பட்ட
ghettos slums குடிசைத்தொகுதி
veto a vote that blocks a decision / negative vote மறுப்பாணை / எதிர்வாக்கு
ambit range வரம்பு / எல்லை
scourge eternal suffering மீளாத்துயரம்
stringent tough கடுமையான
World War II 46
• 1939 - Outbreak of World War II
• 1940 - Battle of Britain
• 1941 - Pearl Harbour incident
• 1942 - Battle of Stalingrad
• 1945 - End of World War II
• 1945 - Formation of UNO
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Click on ‘map’ to see the events happened in the location
• Select any year from the bottom time line (Ex.1939) and select the
‘box’ to learn more about the World War II events.
Website URL:
World War II 48
Learning Objectives
To acquaint ourselves with
Communist Revolution in China
Cold War and the Non-Aligned Movement
Korean War and the Cuban Missile Crisis
Arab–Israeli Wars and Vietnam War
European Economic Community and European Union
Fall of Berlin Wall and the End of Cold War Era
(b) The Chinese Revolution 1911 (c) Yuan Shih-kai and After
The disintegration of the Manchu The unity of China under Yuan Shih-kai
dynasty began with the death of the Dowager- lasted for four years. During this time it was
Empress in 1908. The new emperor was two- clear that Yuan was opposed to both democracy
years old and the provincial governors began and republicanism. The Kuomintang Party
to assert their independence. In October was crushed. Yuan lost prestige in the eyes
1911 the local army mutinied and the revolt of nationalism, when he agreed to the
spread. Provincial governors removed the demand of Japan to have economic control
Manchu garrisons and proclaimed their of Manchuria and Shantung. On his death in
independence. Already there were a few 1916 a new President was appointed for the
1. Truman’s Policy of
Formation of Military
Containment of Communism 4.3
In 1948 the Soviets had
established socialist governments (a) NATO
in the countries of eastern Europe
The United
that had been liberated from the
States and its
Nazis by the Soviet Army. The
European allies
Americans and the British feared
formed the North
the permanent Soviet domination Truman
Atlantic Treaty
of eastern Europe. Truman, the president of USA,
pursued a policy of containment of communism.
(NATO) to resist
The Soviets were however determined not
Soviet aggression in Europe (1949). It was
only to maintain control of eastern Europe,
an inter-state military alliance between the
but also keen on spreading Communism
countries of North America and Europe. The
Yeltsin Gorbachev
The history of China becoming a Communist country in the aftermath of Second War is narrated
with the portrayal of developments there after the revolution of 1911.
Rivalry between the US and the USSR, leading to the division of world into two military blocs
and the significance of NATO and Warsaw Pact, are highlighted.
antagonistic acting against or indicating பகையுணர்வு க�ொண்ட
wriggle out to avoid doing something நழுவுதல்
the act of rising to an important position or a higher
level, a movement upward வளர்ச்சி, உயர்வு
c) September 1954
EXERCISE d) September 1949
4. The United States and European allies
I. C
hoose the formed _______________ to resist any
Soviet aggression in Europe.
correct answer
1. Who was the first director of Whampoa c) SENTO d) Warsaw Pact
Military Academy? 5. Who became the Chairman of the PLO’s
a) Sun Yat-Sen b) Chiang Kai-Shek Executive Committee in 1969?
c) Michael Borodin d) Chou En Lai a) Hafez al-Assad
2. Which American President followed the b) Yasser Arafat
policy of containment of Communism?. c) Nasser
a) Woodrow Wilson d) Saddam Hussein
b) Truman 6. When was North and South Vietnam
c) Theodore Roosevelt united?
d) Franklin Roosevelt a) 1975 b) 1976
3. When was People’s Political Consultative c) 1973 d) 1974
Conference held in China? 7. Where was Arab League formed?
a) September 1959 a) Cairo b) Jordan
b) September 1948 c) Lebanon d) Syria
The World After World War II 64
• 1934 - Long March
• 1949 - NATO
• 1954 - SEATO
• 1955 - Warsaw Pact
• 1956 - Suez Canal Crisis
• 1961 - Belgrade Conference
A brief account of Raja Rammohan Roy’s initiatives for social and cultural reforms has been
The foundation of Brahmo Samaj by Ram mohan Roy and the role played by Maharishi
Debendranath Tagore and Keshab Chandra Sen in carrying forward the Brahmo Samaj activities
after Roy’s death are discussed.
The contribution of M.G. Ranade and Prarthana Samaj with which he was associated are examined.
The attempts made by Arya Samaj under the aegis of Swami Dayanad Saraswati to reform Hinduism
as well as to win converts to the Hindu fold are highlighted.
The radical reformer Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar and his strivings for women’s cause are described.
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Type ‘History of modern India’ in the search box
• Explore the Timeline Events with Pictorial Descriptions.
Website URL:
India – Location,
Relief and
Learning Objectives
� To understand the strategic importance of India’s absolute and relative
location in the world
� To know the distinct characteristics of major physiographic divisions of India
� To compare the regions of Great Indian plains
� To understand the drainage system of India
� To differentiate the Himalayan and peninsular rivers
Not to Scale
Country Capital
State Capital
Inter naonal Border line
State Border line
Not to Scale
1.2.1 Himalayan
28 NE
2933 K.m
The Himalayan Mountains (Northern
t about
st to Wes
Mountains) consist of the youngest and the
Indian Standard Meridian - 8230’ E
687’E Ea
24 Tropic of Cancer loftiest mountain chains in the world because
North to south about 3214 K.m
they have been formed only few millions years
ago and also they were formed because of the
folding of the earth crust due to tectonic activity.
16 16
It stretches for a distance of 2,500 km from
the Indus gorge in the west to Brahmaputra
gorge in the east. The width of the Northern
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS Mountains varies from 500 km in Kashmir to
8N 200 km in Arunachal Pradesh. The Pamir Knot,
84’N SRI
72 76
LANKA 84 88 92
645’ popularly known as the “Roof of the World”
Not to Scale
I N D I A N O C E A N is the connecting link between the Himalayas
and the high ranges of Central Asia. From
the Pamir, Himalayas extend eastward in the
In order to avoid these differences, Indian form of an arc shape. The term “Himalaya” is
standard time is calculated. The local time of derived from Sanskrit. It means “The Abode of
the central meridian of India is the standard Snow”. The Northern Mountains that function
time of India. India’s central meridian as a great wall is grouped into three divisions.
is 82°30' E longitude. It passes through 1) The Trans-Himalayas, 2) Himalayas,
Mirzapur and roughly bisects the country 3) Eastern or Purvanchal hills.
in terms of longitude. The IST is 5.30 hrs
Aravalli range is the
ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
oldest fold mountain range in
1.2 Major Physiographic
Divisions of India
The majestic Himalayan peaks in the
north, the beautiful beaches in the south,
the great Indian desert in the west and the
breathtaking natural heritage in the east make
India a geographically vibrant, colourful and
truly incredible country.
There is a varied nature of physiographic
divisions in India. Though the country has many
landforms based on the major differences, it is
divided into the following five physiographic Find the Hill stations which
divisions: fi nd out
are located in Himalayan
1. The Himalayan Mountains Mountains.
2. The Great Northern Plains
85 India – Location, Relief and Drainage
Garwal ge
Almora iver
Nainital Tsangpo R
shikhar Mount Abu
n coa
Arma Konda
Palani Hills
Not to Scale
Sambar salt Ya
l m Gh
agh a putra
Lake ba
un Brahm
am ara
M thi
Narmada Ma ek Sundarban
ha ha
Sa Tap na
Pen i
ga nga
a Kolleru
Not to Scale
VIII. Activities
Observe the Peninsular Plateau map of
India and mark the major plateau divisions
of India
Prepare a table showing the major West
flowing and East flowing rivers of peninsular
3. Assume that you are travelling from West
Bengal to Gujarat along the beautiful coasts
of India. Find out the states which you
would pass through?
4. Find out the states through which the river
Ganga flows.
5. Prepare a table showing the major rivers
Learning Objectives
Find out the temperature of onset of southwest monsoon brings down the
fi nd out
Ooty (2240m) if it is 350C in temperature of the entire India and causes
Chennai (6.7m) moderate to heavy rainfall in many parts of
the country. Similarly, the climate of southeast
2.1.3 Distance from the Sea India is also influenced by northeast monsoon.
Distance from the sea does not cause 2.1.5 Relief
only temperature and pressure variations but
Relief of India has a great bearing
also affects the amount of rainfall. A large area
on major elements of climate such as
of India, especially the peninsular region, is
temperature, atmospheric pressure, direction
not very far from the sea and this entire area
of winds and the amount of rainfall. The
has a clear maritime influence on climate.
Himalayas acts as a barrier to the freezing
This part of the country does not have a very
cold wind blows from central Asia and keep
clearly marked winter and the temperature
the Indian subcontinent warm. As such the
is equable almost throughout the year. Areas
north India experiences tropical climate even
of central and north India experience much
during winter. During southwest monsoon,
seasonal variation in temperature due to the
areas on the western slope of the Western
absence of influence of seas. Here, summers
Ghats receive heavy rainfall. On the contrary,
are hot and winters are cold. The annual
vast areas of Maharashtra, Karnataka,
temperature at Kochi does not exceed 30°C
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil nadu
as its location is on the coast while it is as
lie in rain shadow or leeward side of the
high as 40°C at Delhi, since it is located in
Western Ghats receive very little rainfall.
the interior part. Air near the coast has more
During this season, Mangalore, located on
moisture and greater potential to produce
the coast gets the rainfall of about 280 cm
precipitation. Due to this fact, the amount of
whereas the Bengaluru located on the leeward
rainfall at Kolkata located near the coast is
side receives only about 50 cm rainfall.
119 cm and it decreases to just 24 cm at
Bikaner which is located in the interior part.
2.1.6. Jet Streams
2.1.4 Monsoon Wind Jet streams are the fast moving winds
blowing in a narrow zone in the upper
The most dominant factor which affects
atmosphere. According to the Jet stream
the climate of India is the monsoon winds.
theory, the onset of southwest monsoon is
These are seasonal reversal winds and India
driven by the shift of the sub tropical westerly
remains in the influence of these winds for a
jet from the plains of India towards the
considerable part of a year. Though, the sun’s
Tibetan plateau. The easterly jet streams cause
rays are vertical over the central part of India
tropical depressions both during southwest
during the mid-June, the summer season ends
monsoon and retreating monsoon.
in India by the end of May. It is because the
Desert Forests
Tidal Forests
from 1800 to 3000 m is covered with semi trees. Both the eastern and western coasts
temperate coniferous forests.) Chir, deodar, have this type of forests. The coasts of Kerala
blue pine, poplar, birch and elder are the and Goa are known for this type.
main trees of this region. 2.4.8 Riverine Forest
2.4.5 Alpine Forest These forests are found along the rivers
It occurs all along the Himalayas with on Khadar areas. These are known for
above 2400 m altitude. These are purely having tamarisk and tamarind trees. The rivers of
coniferous trees. Oak, silver fir, pine and juniper Great Plains are more prominent for this type
are the main trees of these forests. The eastern of natural vegetation.
parts of Himalayas has large extent of these forests. 2.5 Wildlife
2.4.6 Tidal Forest The term ‘Wildlife’ includes animals
These forests occur in and around the of any habitat in nature. Wild animals are
deltas, estuaries and creeks prone to tidal non-domesticated animals and include both
influences and as such are also known as delta vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds
or swamp forests. The delta of the Ganga- and mammals) and invertebrates (bees,
Brahmaputra has the largest tidal forest. The butterflies, moths etc.). India has a rich and
deltas of Mahanadi, Godavari and Krishna diversified wildlife. The Indian fauna consists
rivers are also known for tidal forests. These of about 81,251 species of animals out of the
are also known as mangrove forest. world’s total of about 1.5 million species.
The faunal diversity of the country consists
2.4.7 Coastal Forest
of about 6500 invertebrates, 5000 molluscs,
These are littoral forests. Generally, 2546 fishes, 1228 birds, 458 mammals,
coastal areas have these types of forests. 446 reptiles, 204 amphibians, 4 panthers and
Casurina, palm and coconut are the dominant about 60,000 species of insects.
105 Climate and Natural Vegetation of India
Our country is home to tigers, lions, of India enacted Wildlife (Protection) Act
leopards, snow leopards, pythons, wolves, in 1972 with the objective of effectively
foxes, bears, crocodiles, rhinoceroses, camels, protecting the wild life of the country and to
wild dogs, monkeys, snakes, antelope species, control poaching, smuggling and illegal trade
deer species, varieties of bison and the in wildlife and its diversities. United Nations
mighty Asian elephant. Hunting, poaching, Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
deforestation and other anthropogenic in 1992 recognizes the sovereign rights of
interferences in the natural habitats have states to use their own Biological Resources.
caused extinction of some species and To preserve the country’s rich and diverse
many are facing the danger of extinction. wildlife a network of 102 National Parks and
In view of this and the role of wild life in about 515 Wildlife Sanctuaries across the
maintaining ecological balance, conservation country have been created.
and management of biodiversity of India is
necessary at present situation. 2.5 Biosphere Reserves
The Indian Board for Wildlife (IBWL) Biosphere reserves are protected areas of
was constituted in 1952 to suggest means of land coastal environments wherein people are an
protection, conservation and management of integral component of the system.
wildlife to the government. The Government
Dadra and Nagar Odisha Simlipal
Tamil Nadu
Lakshadweep Agasthyamalai
Gulf of
Great Nicobar
Not to Scale
Indian Ocean
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Scroll Down and click on ‘Explore’
• Click on ‘Climate’ in left side menuandSelect ‘Annual Rainfall’
Website URL:
Components of
Learning Objectives
To understand the nature of India’s soil types and their distribution.
To know about the importance of irrigation and multi-purpose
projects in India.
To study about the agriculture, its types and importance.
To understand the livestock and fishing resources of India
To comprehend the problems of farming in India.
Black Soil
surface, usually composed of minerals, 29.69%
organic matter, living organisms, air and Arid & Desert Soil
water. Grains in the soil are of three categories Red Soil Forest &
namely, clay, silt, and sand. Soils are generally 28% Mountain
formed by the weathering of rocks under Alluvial Soil Soil
22.16% 7.94%
different conditions. Some soils are formed
by the deposition of agents of denudation.
Soils can vary greatly from one region to the
Forest and Mountain
Arid and Desert
Pivot irrigation
Irrigation Hydropower
Name of projects River Benefit States
(sq km) (Megawatts)
Damodar Valley project Damodar Jharkhand, West Bengal 5,150 .260
Terrace Cultivation
cereals of our country. Besides, being poor JUTE
man’s diet, it is used for making barley water, OILS AND SEEDS
beer and whiskey. Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh COFFEE
Soil is the uppermost layer of the land surface composed of minerals,
organic matter, living organisms and water
Khadar Newer alluvium soil found in valley flooded almost every year
Bhangar Older alluvium soil found in30 mts above flood level
Soil erosion Removal of top soil
Soil conservation Prevention of soil from erosion and protecting its fertility.
Irrigation Watering of plants through artificial means.
Multipurpose projects Construction of dams across rivers aimed at many purposes
It is the process of producing food, feed, fibre and many other
Agriculture desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising
of domesticated plants
Resources and
Learning Objectives
Indian lignite (brown coal) deposits occur
in the southern and western parts of Peninsular 40
India particularly in Tamil nadu, Pudhucherry
Producon of Crude Oil and Natural Gas (in Percentage)
and Kerala.
The Ministry of coal has over all
responsibility of determining policies and
strategies in respect of exploration and
development of coal resource in India. Coal India
Limited (CIL), NLC India Limited (NLCIL) and
Singareni Collieries Company limited (SCCL)
are its public sector under takings.
Petroleum is an inflammable liquid that is Source: India Petroleum and Natural Gas Stascs - 2017-2018.
a) Hydro power
Power generated from water is termed as
hydroelectricity. Hydro power is the energy
harnessed from running water. Hydro power
is considered as one of the most economic and
non-polluting sources of energy. It contributes
nearly 7% of global electricity production.
The cost of production of hydroelectricity is
relatively low, making it a competitive source
of renewable energy. It is also a flexible mode of
power generation as the quantity of production
can either be increased or decreased very
quickly adapting to changing demands.
NHPC Limited
(National Hydroelectric
Power Corporation) is
located in Faridabad,
b) Solar Energy
Solar Power is the conversion of The mass objectives of the solar thermal
sunlight into electricity, either directly energy programme, being implemented by
using photovoltaics (PV) or indirectly using the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy
concentrated solar power (CSP). Concentrated Source (MNES) are market development,
Resources and Industries 140
next only to China. Sericulture is
Development Commissioner
Budge, Haora and Bhadreshwar are the chief for Handlooms was set
centres of jute industry. Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, up as an attached non-
Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh and Odisha participating office on 20th
are the other jute goods producing areas. November, 1975 under the Ministry of
Commerce. At present it
The first attempt to is functioning under the
produce iron and steel unit Ministry of Textiles having
was set up at Porto Novo in headquarters at Udyog
Tamil nadu in 1830. Bhawan, New Delhi.
Chennai is nicknamed as
the “Detroit of Asia” due to the
presence of major automobile
manufacturing units and allied
industries around the city.
The first paper mill of
India was started in 1812 at
The modernization of the industry was
Serampore in West Bengal.
started in 1907 with the establishment of Tata
Iron and Steel Company at Sakchi, now called
The first successful effort was made Jamshedpur. Iron and steel industry of India is
in 1867 with the setting up of the Royal mainly concentrated in the states of Jharkhand,
Resources and Industries 144
West Bengal and Odisha. Proximity to the coal manufacturers which include two wheelers,
fields of Jharia, Raniganj, Bokaro and Karanpura commercial vehicles, passenger car, jeep,
and the iron ore mines of Mayurbhanj, Keonjar scooty, scooters, motor cycles, mopeds and
and Brona are responsible for this. This area also three wheelers. Major centres are at Mumbai,
has sufficient deposits of limestone, dolomite, Chennai, Jamshedpur, Jabalpur, Kolkata,
manganese, silicon and dolomite which are Pune, New Delhi, Kanpur, Bengaluru, Sadara,
required for the industry. Lucknow and Mysuru.
4.3.6 Software Industry
India is home to some of the finest
of passenger car manufacturers BMW, Audi,
software companies in the world. The software
Volkswagen and Volvo makes the Indian
companies in India are reputed across the
automobile sector a special one. Tata Motors,
globe for their efficient IT and business related
Ashok Leyland, Eicher Motors, Mahindra &
solutions. The Indian Software Industry has
Mahindra and Ford Motors are the major Indian
brought about a tremendous success for the
companies which manfacture commercial
emerging economy.
vehicles. MAN, ITEC, Mercedes-Benz, Scania
and Hyundai are the foreign companies engage
in the manfacture of commercial vehicles. Two-
wheeler manufacturing is dominated by Indian
companies like Hero, Bajaj Auto and TVS.
The automobile industries are found in
four clusters viz; Delhi, Gurgaon and Manesar
in North India, Pune, Nasik, Halol and
Aurangabad in West India, Chennai, Bengaluru
and Hosur in South India and Jamshedpur and
Kolkata in East India.
GDP and
Standard of Living
Per Capita Income
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Scroll Down and click on ‘Explore’
• Click on ‘Thematic Serious 2’ in top menuandSelect ‘Mineral’
Website URL:
13.31% (36,10,88,090)
11% (27,89,77,238)
5.75% (25,20,93,390)
(% of Populaon)
21.54% (1,02,70,15,247)
17.64% (1,21,01,93,422)
-0.31% (25,20,93,390)
21.64% (43,92,34,771)
24.80% (54,81,59,652)
24.66% (68,33,29,097)
23.87% (84,33,87,888)
0% (23,89,96,237)
1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
(Census based on every ten years)
Source: Census of India -2011
states of Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka are
India - Railways
very helpful in avoiding traffic congestion
and over crowding in urban areas.
Not to scale
terrains like high mountains and sandy deserts. available in the country. These airports are
It carries passengers, freight and mail. Air managed by Airports Authority of India.
transport plays a key role in times of emergency Some of them are Netaji Subhash Chandra
as well as in the event of natural and man-made Bose International Airport, Kolkata,
calamities like floods, epidemics and wars. Chennai International Airport, Chennai,
Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi,
Air transport in India made a beginning
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport,
on 18th February, 1918 when Henry Piquet
Mumbai, Thiruvananthapuram International
carried a mail from Allahabad to Naini. In
Airport, Thiruvananthapuram, Sardar
1953, eight different airlines which were in
Vallabh Bhai Patel International Airport,
operation in the country were nationalised.
Ahmedabad, Bangalore International Airport,
Domestic Airways fly within the Bengaluru, Rajiv Gandhi International
boundaries of a country and International Airport, Hyderbad etc. Besides this, there are
Airways connect major cities of the world. about 80 domestic airports and about 25 civil
The Indian Air lines and Air India are the enclaves at defence air fields.
two airline services run by the government
of India. Indian Air lines provides the Hots
domestic air services and Air India provides
international air services. Presently, there Why is air travel preferred in the north
are 19 designated international airports eastern states?
10. The major import item of India is 2. E xplain the importances of satellite
communication in India.
a) Cement b) Jewells
3. Bring out the distribution and density of
c) Tea d) Petroleum
population in India.
II. Match the following 4. Explain the process of measuring Human
1 Border Road - Satellite
Organisation communication 5. C
lassify and explain the roadways in India.
2 INSAT - Impact of
Urbanization VI. On the outline map of India
3 Mazagaon Dock - 1990 mark the following
Learning Objectives
To know about the making of Indian Constitution
To know the Salient features of Indian Constitution
To understand the Fundamental Rights and Duties
To know the Directive Principles of State Policy
To understand the Centre-State relations and the Emergency Provisions
1.4 Preamble
The term ‘preamble’ refers to the
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
introduction or preface to the Constitution.
After the draft had been It consists of the ideals, objectives and basic
discussed by the people, the principles of the Constitution. It contains
press, provincial assemblies the summary or essence of the Constitution.
and others, the Constitution It has great value and has been described as
was finally adopted on the ‘key to the Constitution’. The Preamble
November 26, 1949, to the Indian Constitution is based on the
contained a Preamble, 22 parts, 395 Articles ‘Objective Resolution’, drafted by Jawaharlal
and 8 Schedules. The drafted Constitution Nehru, which was adopted by the Constituent
came into force on 26th January, 1950. This Assembly on January 22, 1947. It has been
day is known as the Republic Day. It is being amended once by the 42nd Constitutional
observed every year. Amendment Act of 1976, which added three
new words - socialist, secular and integrity.
Prem Behari Narain Raizada was The Preamble begins with the phrase ‘We,
the calligrapher of the Indian the People of India’. This clearly implies
Constitution. The original that the Constitution derives its authority
constitution was handwritten by from the People of India. Thus, we can
him in a flowing italic style. say that the people of India are the source
of our Constitution. The Preamble of our
Constitution states that India is a Sovereign
1.3 Salient features of Socialist Secular Democratic Republic.
Indian Constitution Its aim is to secure to all Indian citizens
It is the lengthiest of all the written Social, economic and political justice. The
constitutions of the world. Constitution guarantees Liberty of thought,
expression, belief, faith and worship to all. It
It has borrowed most of its provisions
gives Equality of status and of opportunity to
from the constitutions of various
all. It wants to promote Fraternity among all
It is partly rigid and partly flexible.
It establishes a federal system of
Liberty, Equality and Fraternity
were the important slogans during
It establishes the parliamentary system not the French Revolution in 1789.
only at the Centre but also in the states. They are given importance in the
It makes India as a secular state. Preamble of our Constitution.
It provides an independent judiciary.
The word ‘Citizen’ is derived from the The Citizenship Act of 1955 prescribes
Latin term ‘Civis’. It means resident of a City three ways of losing citizenship whether
State. The Constitution of India provides for acquired under the Act or prior to it under the
a single and uniform citizenship for the whole Constitution, viz, renunciation, termination
of India. Articles 5 to 11 under part II of the and deprivation.
Constitution deals with the citizenship. 1. It can be voluntarily renounced by a
1.5.1 Citizenship Act of 1955 2. It can be terminated if a person acquires
The Citizenship Act of 1955 provides for the citizenship of some other country.
acquisition and loss of citizenship after the 3. The central government can deprive a
commencement of the Constitution. This naturalized citizen, if it satisfied that the
Act has been amended so far eight times. citizenship was acquired by fraud, false
Originally, the Citizenship Act (1955) also representation or concealment of material
provided for the commonwealth Citizenship. facts or indulges in trade with enemy
But, this provision was repealed by the countries or if the person has been sentenced
Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003.
to imprisonment for a period of 2 years.
1.5.2 Acquisition of Citizenship
1.6 Fundamental Rights
The Citizenship Act of 1955 prescribes
five ways of acquiring citizenship, viz, birth, The Fundamental Rights are enshrined
descent, registration, naturalisation and in Part III of the Constitution from Articles
incorporation of territory: 12 to 35. In this regard, the framers of the
Constitution derived inspiration from
According to the Citizenship Act, 1955, the
the Constitution of USA. Originally,
citizenship could be acquired through any of
the Constitution provided for seven
the following methods.
Fundamental Rights. At present, there are
1. By Birth: All persons born in India on only six Fundamental Rights. Part III of the
or after January 26, 1950 are treated as Constitution is rightly described as the Magna
citizens by birth. Carta of India. While Fundamental Rights are
2. By Descent: A person born outside India available to all persons, certain Fundamental
on or after January 26, 1950 shall be a Rights are available only to Indian Citizens.
citizen of India by descent, if his father is
a citizen of India at the time of his birth. ‘Magna Carta’ is the Charter of
3. By Registration: A person can acquire Rights issued by King John of
citizenship of India by registration with England in 1215 under pressure
appropriate authority. from the barons. This is the first
4. By Naturalisation: A foreigners can written document relating to
acquire Indian citizenship, on application the Fundamental Rights of citizens.
for naturalization to the Government of
India. Right to constitutional remedies
5. By Incorporation of Territory: In the (Articles 32)
event of a certain territory being added A writ is an order or command issued by
to the territory of India, the Government a court in writing under its seal. It is in the
of India shall specify the persons of that nature of a command or prohibition from
territory who shall be citizen of India. performing certain acts that are specified in
171 Indian Constitution
The Constitution of India was framed by a Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet
Mission Plan, 1946.
The Preamble of our Constitution states that India is a Sovereign Socialist Secular
Democratic Republic.
The word ‘Citizen’ is derived from the Latin term ‘Civis’. It means resident of a City State.
According to Dr. Ambedkar, Article 32 is “the heart and soul of the whole Constitution”.
The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired by the Constitution of
former USSR.
In 2004, the Government of India decided to create new category of languages called as
“classical languages”.
Article 368 of the Constitution in Part XX, deals with the powers of Parliament to amend the
Constitution and its procedure.
R epublic, democratic, secular,
socialist, sovereign
I C hoos e the
S overeign, socialist, secular,
C orre ct
republic, democratic
A ns w e r.
S overeign, republic, secular,
1 . Which of the socialist, democratic
following sequences
S overeign, socialist, secular,
in right regarding the
democratic, republic
Learning Objectives
To know the powers of the President and Vice President
To Know the about the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers
To understand the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
To know about Supreme Court
Central Government
Cabinet Ministers
The Cabinet is an informal body of
senior ministers who form the nucleus of
administration. Important decisions of the Parliament
government are taken by the Cabinet, such as
2.4.1 Rajya Sabha
defense, finance, external affairs and home.
The Cabinet recommends to the President to The council of State or Rajya Sabha consists
promulgate an ordinance. It is instrumental in of 250 members out of whom 238 represent
moving Amendments to the Constitution. The the states and the Union Territories, elected
Finance bills have their origin in the Cabinet by the method of indirect election.
and then they are introduced in the Lok Sabha The 12nominated members shall be chosen
with the Presidents recommendations. The by the President from amongst persons having
Cabinet decides the foreign policy of the ‘special knowledge or practical experience in
Government approves international treaties the field of literature, science, sports, art and
and plays a significant role in the appointment social service.
of Ambassadors to various countries.
Qualification of the Members
Ministers of State
A person seeking membership of
These ministers belong to the second Rajya Sabha must possess the following
category of ministers in the council. They are qualifications.
also in charge of ministries or departments
Central Government 186
Parliament Session
Budget Session from February
Universal Adult Franchise to May
Functions of the Lok Sabha Monsoon Session from July to
Any bill can be introduced and passed in September
the Lok sabha (Including Money Bill). Winter Session from November to December
The Central Government consists of three organs, namely, Union Executive,
Legislature and Judiciary.
President appoints the Prime Minister and the other members of the Council of Ministers.
The Parliament of India consists of three parts they are the President, Rajya Sabha
and Lok Sabha.
The Attorney General for the India is the highest law officer in the country. He is
appointed by the President of India.
The “Supreme Court is the Guardian of the Constitution”.
The Chief Justice of Supreme Court in India is appointed by the President of India.`
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below.
• Click on the items under the who’s who menu to view the current Governing
bodies and also know about the Lok Sabha & the Rajya Sabha.
• For example, click on the president from the leftside menu to view the details of
the President.
• Likewise you can view all the details of the current Governing bodies.
Website URL:
State Government
Learning Objectives
Students acquire knowledge about the structure of the State Government
To understand the powers and functions of the Governor, Chief Minister,
Ministers and Speaker
To know about the State Legislature
Student understand the functioning of the judicial system in the State
State Government
Through this activity you will
know about the official details
and functions of various states
of our country.
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below.
• Click on any state of the Indian map to view the official website of the state and its function.
• For example, click on the Tamilnadu state. An additional tab will open in the browser
where you can see the official website of Tamilnadu.
• Likewise you can view the details of the other states.
Website URL:
Learning Objectives
To know about the meaning of Gross Domestic Product
To Understand the basic various measures of National Income
To Understand the composition of GDP
To know the contribution of different sectors in GDP
To know the economic growth and development and its differences
To know about Development path based on GDP And Employment
To understand the growth of GDP and Economic Policies
• GDP is the value of all goods and services produced within an economy in a financial year.
• Indian economy is classified in three sectors Agriculture and allied Industry and Service
• Depreciation: The Monetary value of an asset decreases over time due to use, wear and tear or
• Income: The amount of monetary or other returns, either earned or unearned, accruing over a
period of time.
• Gross Value Added (GVA): The measure of the value of goods and services produced in an
area, industry or sector of an economy.
• GNP Deflator: The change in GNP with the change in price levels.
• Economic indicator - An economic indicator is a statistical data used to determine the health of the economy.
• Open the Browser and type the URL given below (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Click on ‘Real GDP Growth’ and select ‘India’ in Right side menu
• Drag the timeline button to see the GDP Growth of India
Website URL:
and Trade
Learning Objectives
Liberalization, Privatization and
Globalization (LPG) have become a much
talked of subjects among politicians, economists
and businessmen in modern days. These three
expressions are the supporting pillars of which
the edifice of new economic policy of our
Government has been erected and implemented
since 1991. Globalization
Not to Scale
Andre Gunder Frank argued that a form The next phase is known as proto -
of globalization has been in existence since the globalization. It was charterized by the rise of
rise of trade links between Sumer and Indus maritime European empires, in the 16th and
valley civilization in the third millennium 17th centuries, first the Portugues and Spanish
BC (BCE). An early form of globalized Empires, and Dutch and British empires. In
economics and culture, known as Archaic the 17th century, globalization became private
globalization existed during the Hellenistic business phenomenon like British East India
Age. When commercialized urban centers Company[founded in 1600] described as the
were focused around the axis of Greek culture first multinational company, and the first Dutch
over a wide range that stretched from India to East India Company [found in 1602] were
Spain with such cities as Alexandria, Athens, established. In 16th century, Portuguese
and Anthioch, as its center. An early form of started establishing trading posts [factories]
globalization in the trade link between the from Africa to Asia and Brazil.
Roman Empire, Parthian Empire and the Han
2.2.3. Modern Globalization
Dynasty made the commercial links between
these powers inspired the development of the The 19th century witnessed the advent of
Silk Road. globalization approaching its modern form.
Between the globalization in the 19th and in he
The Islamic Golden Age was also an
20th century there are significant differences.
important early stage of globalization.
There are two main points one is the global
The advent of the Mongol Empire, though
trade in his centuries as well as the capital,
destabilizing to the commercial centers of
investment and the economy and another one
the Middle East and China, greatly facilitated
is the global trade in the 20th century shows a
travel along the Silk Road. These Pre-modern
higher share of trade in merchant production,
phase of global exchange are sometimes
a growth of the trade in services and the rise of
known as archaic globalization.
production and trade by multinational firms.
Burma Champa
Not to Scale
Java Bali
FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1974) 2.6 Fair Trade Practices and
This Act referred directly to the World Trade Organization
operations of MNCs in India Fair Trade is a way of doing business that
FEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act 1999) ultimately aims to keep small farmers an active part
Under FEMA the emphasis is on of the world Market place, and aims to empower
‘Management’ rather than ‘regulation’ consumer to make purchases that support their
Foreign Contribution (regulation) Act, 2010 values. Fair Trade is a set of business practices
FCRA, 2010 has been enacted by the Parlia- voluntarily adopted by the producers and buyers
ment to consolidate the law to regulate the of agricultural commodities and hand-made crafts
acceptance and utilization of foreign contri- that are designed to advance many economic,
bution or foreign hospitality by certain in- social and environmental goals, including,
dividuals or associations or companies and • Raising and stabilizing the incomes of small-
to prohibit acceptance and utilization of for- Scale farmers, farm workers and artisans.
eign contribution or foreign hospitality for • More equitably distributing the economic
any activities detrimental to national inter- gains, opportunities and risks associated
est and for matters connected therewith or with the production and sale of these goods.
incidental thereto. • Increasing the organizational and
The flow of foreign contribution to India is commercial capacities of producer groups.
regulated under • Promoting labor rights and the right
• Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 workers to organize.
• Promoting safe and sustainable farming
• Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011
Methods and working conditions.
2.6.1 Beneficiaries of Fair trade practices: GATT was signed by 23 countries in 1947.
India was one of the founder members of GATT.
1. Consumer: In the seventh Round 99 countries participated.
Consumer support enables Fair Trade In the Eighth Round of 1986, (Uruguay Round),
Organisation to be advocates and comparing 117 countries participated. The Director
for wider reform of International trading rules. General of GATT Arthur Dunkel came up with
They can choose from an even growing range a Drafft Final Act, known as Dunked Draft and
of great products. By buying Fair trade labeled on April 15, 1994 the Final Act was ultimately
products consumers support producers who are approved and signed. GATT’s primary purpose
struggling to improve their lives. was to increase International Trade by reducing
2. Trader/companies: various tariffs, quotas and subsidies while
Since, it launch in 2002 the Fair trade mark maintaining meaningful regulations.
has become the most widely, recognized social
and development label in the world. Fair trade
offers companies a credible way to ensure that
their trade has a positive impact.
3. Producers:
Stable prices that cover the costs of
sustainable production. Market access that
enable buyers to trade with producers who would
otherwise be excluded from market. Partnership
(Producers are involved in decisions their future).
The Empowerment of farmers and workers.
GATT Uruguay Round
2.6.2 Principles of Fair trade Organization
• Creating Opportunities for Economically Rounds of GATT
Disadvantaged producers. • First in Geneva (Switzerland)
• Transparency and Accountability . (1947)
• Fair Trading Practices and Payment of a Fair • Second in Annecy (France) in 1949
Price. • Third in Torquay (UK) in 1950 – 51
• Ensuring no child Labour and Forced • Fourth, fifth, and Sixth in Geneva
Labour. (Switzerland) in 1956, 1960-61, 1964 -67.
• Commitment to Non Discrimination, • Seventh in Tokyo (Japan) in 1973 – 79
Gender Equity and freedom of association.
• Eighth and final round at Punta del Este
• Providing Capacity Building and Promoting (Uruguay) in 1986 – 1994, known as
Fair Building. ‘Uruguay Round’.
• Respect for the Environment.
• Globalization is the integration of country with the world economy.
• The three stages of Globalization : • Archiac Globalization • Proto Globalization
• Modern Globalization.
• LPG – Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization
• Multi National Company is a corporate organization which owns or control production of
goods and services in at least one country to other than its home country.
• MNC otherwise called Transnational Company(TNC) and Multinational
• GATT was signed by 23 countries in 1947. India was one of the founder members of GATT.