The U&ME-A Programme Sounds Like It Might Be A Fit For My Needs. What Next?
The U&ME-A Programme Sounds Like It Might Be A Fit For My Needs. What Next?
The U&ME-A Programme Sounds Like It Might Be A Fit For My Needs. What Next?
Douglas Rd.
Note: this treatment is not
recommended for some
Mental Health Diagnoses. Tel: 021-4968933
Who might be best suited to
this Program?
1. Adults seeking help with
at is U&ME-A? U & ME-A Outcomes
managing both addiction
Understanding & Managing Emotion & The programme assists you in and Mental Health
Addiction (U&ME-A) is a group learning how to: Diagnoses.
programme, based on skills taught in
1. Be more aware of your thoughts, 2. Who have support from
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT).
feelings, addictions and actions a Doctor or Mental
In ‘group’ and review meetings with and how they impact on your Health Team with an up-
Case Managers, U&ME-A teaches behaviour (Mindfulness skills). to-date medical report.
you how to increase your awareness
2. Build skills to cope more effectively 3. Who are currently
of your emotions and addictions and
in managing stressful life events, challenged with alcohol,
skills to engage with them more
coping in ways that is less drug or gambling
destructive to you and your addictions.
Treatment in 3 Phases relationships, as you disengage
from using alcohol, drugs & 4. Who are motivated and
Note: Participants sign up to all 3 gambling. (Distress Tolerance). ready for change.