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A. E. VAN VOGT - Novel - "Automaton"

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EDITOR, Raymond » hstmer

MANAGING EDITOR, toatrlai Mahcrffoy
ASSOCIATE EDITOR, Moras tanks Bodwlo

October Issue on Sale

August 8

lU l illl
AUTOMATON (4^00 words) A. E. von Vogf 6 .-'

FORGET-ME-NOT (SJOS words) William F. Temple tS.D

(900 words)
IGNORANCS (6400 words)
Clive Jackson 38 Q
E. Everett Evans 40 -

THE MUTE QUESTION (400 words) Forrest J. Acker mar, 53 fj

PALACE Of DARKNESS (23,80© words) Peter Deleter 54
COLOSSUS HI (25,000 words) S. J. Byrne 96
MR. GARFINKE1 AND THE UPRA-COHEN WOO words) Charles S. Tanner 142


Cover painting by Malcolm Smith

Fvblished bi-monthly by Clark Publishing Company, at 1144 Ashland Avenoe, Evonston, Illinois
Entered as second-class mailer at the Post Office at Evonston, III. Additional entry ot Chicago, III.
- W. do o^p, resper*,^^™^ jagMM ~„,p,,, ph.toor.nh, or artwork.
UlumaHoH by Malcolm Smith

, The Tobors were automatons, obeying only the
order to fight. They could be made human once
more if you appealed to a basic human emotion.
f I ^IIE human automaton stirred Think we ought to go after him?"
I uneasily in his small, almost "Naw! The automatons they send
invisible plane. His eyes out this far are basically the clever
strained into the visiplate, scanning ones. That means we couldn't cap-
the sky ahead. Out of the blue ture him. He'd be just fast enough
came two flashes of fire. Instantly, on the uptake to make it necessary
the plane careened as if struck from for us to kill him, and who the devil
a double blow. wants to kill those poor, tortured
Jt fell slowly at first, then more slaves? — Did you get his picture?"
rapidly, down into the enemy lines. "Yep, he was listening with an
As the Earth came near, a resisting intent look on his face. Fine looking
mechanism went into operation. The chap . .It's funny, aud kind of

rate of fall grew slower. The auto- terrible how all this started, isn't it?"
maton had time to see that there was "Yeah. Wonder what this guy's
a vast ruin of a city below. Sound- number is."
lessly, the tiny machine settled into There was a distinct pause. The
the shelter of the crumbled base of automaton stirred uneasily. His
what had once been a building. number? Ninety-two, of course.
A moment passed, then the radio What else? The voice was speaking
beside him sibilated. Voices which again:
were strange to him were talking to "Poor fellow probably doesn't re-
each other. member that he once had a name."
"Bill!" said the first voice.
The other voice said, "Who'd have
"Shoot I" thought when they first made a hu-
"Did we get him?" —
man duplicate flesh and blood and
"Don't think so. Not permanently,
anyway. I think he went down un-
bones and all —that today, only fifty
years later, we'd be fighting for our
der at least partial control, though lives against people who look exactly
it's hard to tell with that safety de-
like us, except that they're natural
vice they have. My guess is he's eunuchs."
down there somewhere with his motor
shut off.
The automaton listened witfi vague
"I think we disabled him."
attention, as the two men went on
"Well, then, you know
the routine talking. Every little while he nodded
when one of 'em
cornered just in-
as their words reminded him of
side our lines. Do your psychology something he had almost forgotten.
stuff. I'll call the Vulture:'
The human duplicates had first been
"Don't pass the buck to me. I'm called robots. They had resented that
sick of spouting those lines. You give name, and changed it around to make
'eml" it Tobor, and that stuck. The Tobors

"AH right, Shoot me the come-on!" proved to be very effective scientists,

"Hmrnmra . . he's down there.
. and ai first no one noticed how rapid-

ly they took over scientific posts in He felt the ship tug in response to
every part of the world. Nor was it his urgent thought, but no movement
immediately noticed that the Tobors followed. For seconds, he lay lethar-
were secretly carrying on a duplica- gically, then came a second urge for
tion campaign on a tremendous scale. flight. Once more the tiny ship
The great shock to the human masses writhed with effort, but no upward
came when Tobor-infiltrated govern- movement resulted.
ments on each continent simultane- This time the automaton had the
ously enacted laws declaring dupli- slow thought: "Something must have
cation would henceforth be the only fallen across the ship, and is holding
means of procreation. Sex was for- it down , Have to go out and
. .

bidden under penalty of a fine for remove it ... "

the first offense, then imprisonment, He squirmed against the metal and
and then, for recalcitrants, the padding that encased him. Sweat
Tobor-invented process of being poured down his cheeks, but pres-
made into an automaton. ently he stood free in ankle deep
A special police organization — dust. As he had been trained to do

which turned out to be already in on such occasions, he checked his

existence —
was set up to administer equipment
mask —
weapons, tools, gas
. . .

the new law, Tobor enforcement

officers swung into action immediate- He flung himself flat on the ground

ly, and there was some street fight- as a great, dark ship swooped down
ing on that first day. Neither side out of the sky, and settled to the

even thought of compromise, so ground several hundred yards away.

within two weeks full-scale war was From his prone position, the auto-
maton watched it, but there was no
sign of movement now. Puzzled, the
The account ended, as Bill said:
automaton climbed to his feet. He
"I guess he's heard enough. Come
recalled that one of the men on the
on, let's go."
radio had said a Vulture had been
There was muffled laughter, then
So they had been playing a trick
The automaton waited, disturbed. on him, pretending to go away. Clear-
Sketchy memories were in his mind was the
ly visible on the ship's hull
of a past when there had been no name: Vulture 121.
war, and, somewhere, there was a Its appearance seemed to suggest
girl, and another world.
that an attack was to be made. His
The unreal pictures faded. And strong, determined mouth tightened.
again there was only this ship that They'd soon learn it didn't pay to
clothed his body in almost form- meddle with a Tobor slave.
fitting metal. There was the need to Die for Tobor, mighty Tobor . . .

go on, aerial pictures to be taken . .

Must get up into the aid Tensely, the young woman watch-

ed as her pilot lowered the high- "Definitely, your fiance, John

speed plane toward the leveled ruin Gregson, chemist extraordinary." . . .

of the city where the Vulture lay. It was a younger man who spoke.
The big ship was unmistakable. It He stepped forward and took the
towered above the highest remnant suitcase from the older man's fingers.
of shattered wall. It was a black "The patrol got the picture by the
bulk against the gray-dark sameness new process, whereby we tune in on
of the rubble. their communicating plates. It was
There was a bump and she was flashed to headquarters, and tlien

out of the machine, clutching her bag. transmitted to us."

Twice, her right ankle twisted cruelly He paused, and smiled engagingly.
as she raced over the uneven ground. "My name Madden.
is That's
Breathlessly, she ran up the narrow Phillips with the long, gloomy face.
gangplank. The big fellow with the uncombed
A door clicked open. As she
steel background
hair, lurking there in the
hurried she glanced behind
inside, likean elephant, is Rice, our field
her. The door clanged shut; and she man. And you've already met Doctor
realized gratefully that she was safe. Claremeyer."
She stopped, as her eyes had to Rice said gruffly, "We've got a
accustom themselves to the dim metal hell of a job here, ma'am, begging
room. After a moment she saw a your pardon for them rough words."
little group of men. One of them, Miss Harding took off her hat with
a small individual with glasses and a a brisk sweep of one hand. The
thin face, stepped forward. He took shadows retreated from her face into
the suitcase from her with one hand, her eyes, but there was a hint of a
and with the other, he grabbed her smile on her lips. "Mr. Rice, I live
hand, and shook it warmly. with a father whose nickname is
"Good girl!" he said. "That was 'Cyclone' Harding. To him, our
well and swiftly run, Miss Harding. everyday language is an enemy which
I'm sure no spying ship of the robots he attacks with all available weapons.
could have identified you in any way Does that answer your apology?"
during the half-minute you were ex- The big man chuckled. "You win.
posed. Oh, pardon me." But let's get down to business. Mad-
He smiled. "I shouldn't be calling den, you've got a brain that thinks
them robots, should I? They've re- in words, tell Miss Harding the sit-

versed all that, haven't they? Tobors uation!"

is their name. It does have more "Right!" The young man took up
rhythm and should be psychological- the refrain grimly. "We had the good
ly more satisfying to them. There fortune to be in the air near here
now, you've caught you're breath." when thefirst report came through

By the way, I'm Doctor Claremeyer." that an automaton had been brought
"Doctor!" Juanita Harding man- down alive. As soon as the identifica-
aged to say, "are you sure it's he?" tion arrived, we asked army head-
quarters to get up a defense ring of to someone else.
all available planes. They stripped A second voice spoke hesitantly,
the entire nearby line to help us." "Normally, I wouldn't have both-
He paused, frowning. "It has had ered, but this is the one that de-
to be very carefully done, because stroyed his file. Now, a Vulture crew
we don't want to give the Tabors is trying to save him."

any idea of what's going on. Your "They do it every time."

fiance can't get away; that is certain, "I know, I know." The second
I think. And he can't be rescued speaker sounded impatient with him-
unless they come out in force of a self, as if he was aware that he might
size that catches us momentarily off be acting foolishly. "Still, they've al-
guard. Our big problem is to cap- ready given a lot of time to him, more
ture him alive." And
"And that, of course " — It was

than normal,
there is
it seems to me.
the fact that this particular
Claremeyer, who cut in with a shrug
of his shoulders
—"may be easy or it
ship engaged in a lengthy series of
code messages with its headquarters.
may be difficult. Unfortunately, it Afterwards, a woman arrived on the
must be fast. The Tobors will not be scene."
unaware long of this concentration "They nearly always use women
of forces, then they will examine his in. these rescue operations." The
file, analyze at least a part of the true Tobor's voice held a note of distaste,
situation, and act. but his words were a dismissal of the
"The second unfortunate aspect is other's argument.
that in the past we have allowed our- This time there was silence for
selves a percentage of failures. You many seconds. Finally, the doubting
must realize that our tactics are al- one spoke again, "In my department,
most entirely psychological, based I have been acutely conscious that
upon fundamental human impulses." somewhere in our operations about
Patiently, he explained the method. two years ago we unexpectedly cap-
tured a human chemist who, it was
"Ninety-two! . . . This is Sorn stated, had discovered a process for
speaking." sexualizing Tobors."
The voice came sharp, insistent, His emotional disgust was almost
commanding, from the automaton's too much for him, and in spite of the
wrist radio. The automaton stirred frankness of his next words, his voice
in his concrete shelter. "Yes, Mas- trembled. "Unfortunately, we learned
ter?" of this too late for us to identify the
Apparently, the contact was all individual involved. Apparently, he
that was desired, for he heard the was put through a routine interview,
other say, "He's still alive!" The and dementalized."
voice was farther away this time, as He had full control of himself
if the humanoid had turned to speak again and went on sardonically. "Of

course the whole thing could be just a different level. That's an appeal to
a propaganda story, designed to un- his loyalty, to his indoctrinated ha-
nerve us. And yet, at the time, our tred of our human enemies and to his
Intelligence reported that an atmos- patriotism to the Tobor cause."
phere of gloom and depression per- Lying in the rubble, the automaton
vaded human headquarters. It ap- nodded as the Master's firm voice
pears that we
raided a city, captured issued the commands. Naturally . . .

him home, wrecked his labor-

in his to the death ... of course.
atory and burned his papers." On the radio, Sorn still sounded
His tone implied that he was dissatisfied. "I think we should force
shrugging. "It was one of scores of the issue. I think we should con-
similar raids, quite impossible to centrate projectors in the area, and
identify. Prisoners captured in such see what happens."
forays were in no way differentiated
"They've always accepted such
from those captured in other ways." challenges in the past."
Once more, silence then . . . . . .
"Up to a point only. I believe
"Shall I order him to kill himself?"
most earnestly that we should test
"Find out if he has a weapon?" their reaction. I feel that this man
There was a pause. The voice came resisted too hard during his captivity
close, "Have you a blaster, Ninety- and there's a tremendous pressure
two?" working on him."
The human automaton, who had "Human beings are very decep-
listened to the conversation with
a tive," said the other doubtfully.
faraway blankness in his eyes and "Some of them are merely anxious to
mind, alerted as the question was go home. It seems to be a powerful
directed at him through his wrist motivation."
radio. His objection must have been rhe-
"I have hand weapons," he said torical. After a bare moment of si-
dully. lence, he looked up and said decisive-
Once more the interrogator turned ly, "Very well, we'll attack!"
away from the distant microphone.
"Well?" he said. By an hour after dark, a hundred
"Direct action is too dangerous," projectors were engaged on both
said the second Tobor. "You know sides. The night flashed with long
how they resist actual suicide. Some- trailers of bright flame.
times it brings them right out of their "Phew!" Rice raced up the gang-
automaton state. The will to live is plank into the ship. His heavy face
too basic." was scarlet with effort. As the door
"Then we're right back where we clanged shut behind him, he gasped,
started." "Miss Harding, that fiance of yours
"No! Tell him specifically to de- is a dangerous man. He's trigger
fend himself to the death. That's on happy, and needs more propaganda."

The girl was pale. She had watched to do. We want to make you well.
Rice's attempt to get the screen into We want to save you. . .
position from the great barrier win- Abruptly, the ship moved. A mo-
dow the observation room. She
in ment later, the Vulture commander
said, "Maybe I should go out now!" came over.
"And get burned!" Doctor Clare- "I had to give the order to take
mcyer came forward. He was blink- off," he said. "Well come back again

ing behind his glasses. "Now, don't about dawn. The Tobors must be
you feel badly, Miss Harding. I losing equipment at a terrific rate.
know it seems incredible that the man It's a bridgehead fight for them, but

who loves you has been so changed it's getting too hot for us also."
that he would kill you on sight He must have felt the girl would
but you'll just have to accept the place the worst construction on the
reality. The fact that the Tobors withdrawal order. He explained to
have decided to put up a fight for her in a low voice:
him hasn't helped matters any." "We can depend on a slave using
"Those beasts!" she said. It was every precaution to stay alive. He'll
& dry sob. "What are you going to have been given training for that.
do now? ; ' Besides, we did get the screen up and
the picture will show over and over."
"More propaganda."
"You think he'll hear it over the
He went on, before she could
speak, "Besides, we have been given
roar the projectors?"
of She was
permission to try direct contact with
"He knows what it is," said Doctor
"What does that mean?"
Claremeyer matter-of-factly. "The
"We'll use a weak signal that won't
pattern has been established. Even
carry more than a few hundred yards.
a single word coming through will be
That way they won't be able to tune
a reminder of the whole pattern."
in on what we're saying. Our hope
A few moments later, she was is that he'll be sufficiently stimulated
listening gloomily while the loud
to tell us his secret formula."
speakers blared their message:
Juanita Harding sat for a long
". . You are a human being. We
. time, frowning. Her comment, when
are human beings. You were cap- it finally came, was extremely fem-
tured by the robots. We want to inine. "I'm not sure," she said, "that
rescue you from the robots. These I approve of the pictures you're
robots call Tobors be-
themselves showing on that screen."
cause it sounds better. They're ro- The commander said judiciously,
bots. They're not human beings, but "We've got to strike at the basic
you are a human being. We are hu- drives of human beings."
man beings, and we want to rescue He departed hastily.
you. Do everything that we ask you
to do. Do nothing that they tell you John Gregson, who had been an


automaton, became aware that he Surely, be a bright landmark."


was clawing at a bright screen. As "It must be in a hollow, or behind

he grew more conscious of his actions, a pile of debris. I'm in pitch dark-
he slowed his frantic attempt to grasp ness. Contact Ninety-two and
*' —
at the elusive shapes that had lured The first reference to his number
him out of hiding. He stepped back. had started the train of associations.
All around him was intense dark- The second one brought such a flood
ness. As he backed away a little of hideous memory that Gregson
further, he stumbled over a twisted cringed. In a flashing kaleidoscope
girder. He started to fall, but saved of pictures, he realized his situation
himself by grasping at the burned and tried to recall the immediate
and rusted metal. It creaked a little sequence of events that had brought
from his weight and flakes of metal him back to control of himself. Some-
came away free in his hands. body had called his name insistently
He retreated anxiously into the .... not his number his name. —
darkness to take better advantage of Each time they had a«ked him a
the light reflections. For the first question, something about a formula
time he recognized that he was in for —
For what? He couldn't re-
one of the destroyed cities. He member, something about about —
thought: "But how did I get here? Abruptly, it came back!
What's happened to me?" Crouching there in the darkness,
A voice from his wrist radio made he closed his eyes in a sheer physical
him jump. "Sornl" it said insistent- reaction. "I gave it them. I told
ly.The icy tone stiffened Gregson. them the formula. But who was —
Deep in his mind a bell of recognition them?"
clanged its first warning. He was It could only have been some mem-
about to reply, when he realized that ber of the crew of a Vulture ship, he
it was not he who had been ad- told himself shakily. The Tobors did-
dressed. n't know his name. To them he was
"Yes?" The answer was clear . . . Ninety-two.
enough, but it seemed to come from That recollection brought him back
a much greater distance. with a start to his own predicament.
"Where are you now?" He was just in time to hear the voice
Sorn said slowly, "I landed about on the Wristo say vindictively:
half a mile from the screen. It was a "All right, I've got it. I'll be over
misjudgment, as I intended to come there in ten minutes."
down much closer. Unfortunately, in The Tobor in the distant Control
landing I got my directions twisted. Center was impersonal. "This is on
I can't see a thing." your own head, Sorn. You seem to
"The screen they're using for the have an obsession about this case."
pictures is still up. I can see a re- "They were broadcasting to him
flection of it in Ninety-two's Wristo. on a local wave," said Sorn in a
" " "

dark voice, "so direct, so close that clothes, and now had a robe wrapped
we couldn't catch what they were around her. She did not hesitate
saying. And his answer, when he when Rice beckoned. He grinned at
: finally made it, was interfered with her reassuringly.
so that, again, we didn't hear it, but "I'm taking along a cylinder of
it was a formula of some kind. I'm the stuff," he said, "just in case he
counting on the possibility that he doesn't become inspired quickly
was not able to give them the full enough."
description. Since he's still at the She smiled wanly, but said nothing.
screen, he hasn't been rescued, so if Doctor Claremeyer came to the door
I can kill him now, within minutes
— with them. He gave her hand a
There was a click ... the voice quick squeeze.
trailed off into silence. Gregson stood "Remember," he said, "this is
in the darkness beside the screen, and war !

shndderingly considered his position. She replied, "I know. And all's
Where was the Vulture? The sky fair in love and war, isn't it?"
was pitch dark, though there was an "Now, you're talking."
evcr-so-faint light in the East, the A moment later they were gone
first herald of the coming dawn. The into the night.
sound of the projectors had become a
mutter far away, no longer threaten- Gregson was retreating in earnest

ing. The great battle of the night and he felt a lot better. It was going
was over. to be hard for any one person to
. . . The battle of the individuals locate him maze of shat-
in this vast

was about to begin. . . .

tered concrete and marble and metal.
Gregson retreated even farther Moment by moment, however, the
into the darkness, and fumbled over desolate horizon grew lighter. He
his body for hand weapons. There saw the ship suddenly in the shadowy
were none. "But that's ridiculous," ruins to his right. Its shape was un-

he told himself shakily. "I had a mistakable. Vulture ! Gregson raced

blaster and
— toward it over the uneven ruins of

He stopped the thought. Once what had once been a paved street.
again, now, he searched
desperate Gasping with relief, he saw that the
himself Nothing. He guessed
. . .
gangplank was down. As he raced up
it, two men covered him with their
that in his mad scramble to get to
the screen, he had lost his weapons. blasters. Abruptly, one of them
He was still teetering indecisively gasped, "It's Gregson!"
when he heard a movement in the Weapons were scraped back into
near night. their leathery holsters. Hands grasp-
ed eagerly at his hands, and there
Vulture 121 landed gently in the was a pumping of arms. Eyes search-
Intense darkness of the false dawn. ed his face eagerly for signs of sanity,
Ijuanita Harding had taken off her found them, and glowed with plea-
" " "


sure. A thousand words attacked the son's Wristo. From their vantage
dawn air. point they watched Sorn looking at
"We got your formula." the pictures on the screen itself.
"Great . . . wonderful." "Sorn, your last report was that
"The genius made up some of the you were near where Ninety-two was
hormone gas in our own ship lab. last known to be hiding

How fast does it work?" Rice put one plump hand over
Gregson guessed that the "genius" Gregson's Wristo, to block off the
was the tail, gloomy individual who sound; and whispered, "That's when
had been introduced as Phillips. He I let him have it. Boy, I never had
said, "It takes only a few seconds. a better idea than when I took along
After all, you breathe it in and it's a cylinder of your gas, Gregson. I
taken right into your bloodstream. shot -a dose of it at him from fifty

It's pretty powerful stuff." feet, and he never even knew what
Madden said, "We had some idea hit him."
of using it to intensify your own
— re- —
" Sorn, I know you're still alive.
actions. In fact,Rice took some I can hear you mumbling to your-
He stopped. "But just a minute," self."
and Miss Harding
— " He"Rice
stopped again.
Rice said, "We'll have to be care-
ful ofour dosage in the future. He's
It was the small man, Doctor practically ready to eat up the pic-
Claremeyer, who took up the thread tures. You can see for yourself —the
of Madden's thought. "Mr. Greg- Tobor-human war is as good as over."
son," he said, "we saw a man on our Gregson watched silently as the
infra-red plates heading for the one-time Tobor leader scrambled
screen. He was too far away to
eagerly in front of the screen. A
identify, so we took it for granted it
dozen girls were on parade beside a
was you. And so, Rice and Miss
Harding went out and
— pool. Periodically, they would all
dive into the water. There would be
The Commander cut him off at a flash of long, bare limbs, the glint
that point. "Quick, let's get out of a tanned back, then they would all
therel It may be a trap!" climb out. They did that over and
Gregson scarcely heard that. He over.
was already racing down the gang- The trouble was, each time Sorn
plank. tried to grasp one of the images, his
shadow fell across the screen and
"SornI" The voice on the Wristo blotted her out. Frustrated, he
sounded impatient. "Sorn, what's rushed to another, only to have the
happened to you?" same thing happen again.
In the half-darkness near the "Sorn, answer me!"
screen, the men and the girl listened This time the Tobor paused. The
to the words of the Tobor on Greg- reply he made then must have
shocked the entire Tobor headquar- wore her robe over the beauty

ters, and the effect reached out to with which she was to have lured
all the Tobor armies around the him back to safety) as he listened to
world. the fateful words.
Gregson tightened his arm appre- "Women," Sorn was saying,
ciatively around Juanita's waist (she "they're wonderful!"

ATTENTION: Anyone with information Aug. '23, Dec. '24; stills from The Sky
as to the present whereabouts of David A. Splitter, Just Imagine, Metropolis, Our
Maclnnes please notify Don Ford, 129 Heavenly Bodies, By Rocket to the Moon,
Maple, Sharonville, Ohio. Maclnnes was Mysterious Island, RUR, High Treason,
last heard of in Sandy Springs, Maryland First Men in the Moon; addresses of Slater
and is now believed to be in Canada, LaMaster, Albert DePina, Cordwainer
presumably Toronto . . Burton R. Terrell,
. Smith, Ree Dragonette, Leslie Rubenstein,
Pekin, Ind. would like to hear from anyone Evi Detring-Nathan, Andrew Lenard,
who has seen flying disks or believes that Eleanor McGeary ; issues of Orchideen-
invisible beings walk the earth . Roger . . garten, Thrill Book, Fantastica, Shuster
Nelson, 62 7 Robinson, San Diego, Calif, & Siegel's Science Fiction, first 2 yrs. Buck
has a collection of stf and fantasy books Rogers Sunday strips; any gold or silver
which he is selling 3/$l and has some artwork by Paul; Science Fiction League
magazines to sell or trade. He wants lapel emblem; Science Fiction Ass'n. rock-
copies of books by Cummings, Wheatley, et tie; $1,000,000 to keep up with science-
Kline, Stapledon and Merritt , . , Guy A. fiction . . Will trade Weapon Makers,

Gosselin, Gorham, N. Hamp. wants to Outsider, Futuria Fantasia, Acolytes, Worm

correspond with amateur astronomers . , . Ouioboros, Fantazius Mallare for what —
Carl H. Geist, 2323 W. Ainslie St., Chica- rarities have you? The Case of the Baroque
go 25, III. has for sale Unknown Worlds Baby Killer: Bradbury, 5c; The Mystery
1948 Anthology, AS March thru Sept. 1948, of the 33 Stolen Idiots: Keller, 50c Invasion
FA Oct. '44, Mar. '48, May thru Sept. '48 from Mars text; Welles, 15c; Monsters of
and the first 8 issues starting May, 1939 the Moon, Scientifilmemento, 2 5c ; Fan
. .Fans wishing to join The Science-
. Artists Portfolio, 75c; Bok Artfolio, $1.50.
Fantasy Society write to Calvin T. Beck, Contact Weaver Wright, Box 6151 Metro
Box 877, Grand Central Station, New York Station, Los Angeles 55, Calif. Mrs. . . .

17, N. Y. If you live in or near Cleveland, June Leeds Moore, 1112 Turk Street, San
O., ask Cal for information on the Cleve- Francisco 15, Calif, would like pen pals
land chapter of the S.F.S. . . The Uni- . who are interested in metaphysics . Tom . .

versal Musketeers, an up-and-coming fan Moulton, 15 Fordway Ave., Blackpool,

club announces that it has a free library Lancashire, England will exchange English
for the use of members, as well as five fantasy books for back issues of Fate,
fanzines which all members receive free. Other Worlds, and other stf magazines
Interested fans should write Ronald Fried- . . . Wanted: Reports on Flying Saucers,
man, 1980 E. 8th St., Brooklyn 23, N. Y. Readers who have seen mysterious objects
If you live in the vicinity of Norfolk, in the sky, and who can report accurate
Suffolk, Newport News, Richmond or Tide- details, please send your report to Robert
water, Virginia get in touch with Jack N. Webster, editor FATE, 1144 Ashland,
Schwab, 58 Greene Blvd., Portsmouth, Va. Evanston, Illinois . . . This is your column;
. Wanted, by F. J. Ackerman, 236*4 send in your personals for publication, on

. .

N. New Hampshire, Hollywood 4, Calif., any subject. Exchange penpals or heads.

Canadian WT
M3-'38; Science & Invention, Anything goes.

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