Music 7 - Quarter 1 - Module 2
Music 7 - Quarter 1 - Module 2
Music 7 - Quarter 1 - Module 2
Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Music of Lowlands of Luzon:
Liturgy and Devotional Music and
Secular Music
Music – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Music of Lowlands of Luzon: Liturgy and Devotional Music and
Secular Music
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 1 – Module 2:
Music of Lowlands of Luzon:
Liturgy and Devotional Music and
Secular Music
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Music 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Music of
Lowlands of Luzon: Liturgy and Devotional Music and Secular Music!”
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their
personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module. You
also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage their
own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Music 7 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Music of
Lowlands of Luzon: Liturgy and Devotional Music and Secular Music!”
This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
This comprises activities for
independent practice to solidify your
understanding and skills of the topic.
What’s More You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
What I Need to Know
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you master the Music of Lowlands of Luzon: Liturgy and Devotional Music
and Secular Music. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the
standard sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them
can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are now using.
What I Know
The following are the different musical elements. Read the definition given
in each item and arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct word.
Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Group the following songs according to different Philippine music styles.
Write you answers on your answer sheet.
Liturgy or Devotional Music
2 and Secular Music
The music of the lowlands of Luzon is composed of Vocal and Instrumental music,
which varies in every province of Luzon.
The lowland folks are composed mostly of farmers, fishermen, artisans, vendors, and
traders, and common people. They have a deep faith in God, whom they serve with
faith and devotion. His/her key celebrations are fiestas or festivals for thanksgiving of
good harvest, and to honor Jesus Christ, Santo Niño, Virgin Mary, and patron saints
in the Roman Catholic Church.
This lesson is an overview on the music of the Lowlands of Luzon, particularly on the
Liturgy and Devotional Music, and Secular Music. Through the lesson, one will
discover how the people of the Lowlands of Luzon express their feelings towards each
other and the environment, their history, and their religious beliefs through the medium
of voice and musical instruments. You will be asked to participate in a series of
activities provided in this module.
What’s In
Those terms listed on the previous page are in the Latin and English language and
refers to the parts and songs of the Catholic Mass. Choose one song from the list, and
do the following:
2. Analyze the song by describing its elements of music. Use a separate sheet for
your answers.
Melody : _____________________________________
Rhythm : _____________________________________
Tempo : _____________________________________
Harmony : _____________________________________
Dynamics : _____________________________________
What’s New
I. Vocal Music
Religious music of the lowlands of Luzon reveals the impact of Spanish colonization
to the Philippines which lasted for almost three centuries. With the introduction of
Christianity came the different Western forms of music that are used for religious rites.
Some of these were adapted by Filipino musicians to suit Philippine culture and
traditions (i.e. Music used for Salubong, Senakulo, Santacruzan, Flores de Mayo.) At
the same time, some indigenous Philippine musical forms were incorporated to
Christian practices (i.e. Obando Fertility Rites and Pasyon chant.)
FRJ. “Ang Mga Sumulat ng Naunang Tagalog version ng Pasyon.” GMA News, 2017.
Pata, Danny. “Filipinos Celebrate Easter Sunday with Traditional Salubong.” GMA News, 2017.
Salubong is a religious ritual that re-enacts the meeting of the Risen Christ with His
mother on the dawn of Easter Sunday. It is performed under a prepared arch where
the veiled image of the Virgin Mary has been placed.
A child dressed as an angel is lowered by ropes from a high platform to lift the
mourning veil of the grieving Mother while other children dressed in angel costumes
sing the “Regina Coeli Laetare” meaning “Queen of Heaven.” The church bells are
rung to signify the end of Virgin Mary’s mourning for Jesus Christ’s resurrection from
the dead.
PIO Batangas City. “Flores de Mayo at Santacruzan muling ipagdiriwang sa Batangas City.” City Tourism Office and Cultural Affairs, 2016.
Flores de Mayo or “Flowers of May” is a Catholic festival held on the month of May.
It is one of devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary or “Alay” (offering). The celebration is
held inside the church wherein children bring flowers to offer to the image of the Virgin
Mary at the altar while they sing the “Alay ng Bulaklak kay Maria”.
Photo from:
What is It
In this lesson, you will learn the colonially-influenced secular music in Luzon.
SECULAR MUSIC refers to any music that is not religious in nature.
Kumintang is originated from Balayan, Batangas. This song is in triple meter with
themes of love and courtship.
In 1926, when Pasig became the venue of carnival performances, Nicanor Abelardo
was inspired to compose the “Mutya ng Pasig” in kumintang tempo. In this song, the
mutya expresses her feelings under the light of the moon. She is mourning the loss of
her love, which symbolizes the country’s loss of freedom.
English Translation
As she moves
In the white foam of
With a song, with
With a song, with
I was once a muse,
In the kingdom of
When love died,
The kingdom
Pandanggo is a dance form that can be found in the different islands of Luzon such
as Batanes, Ilocos, Tarlac, and parts of the Visayas. It is a variation of a Spanish word
“fandango.” It became popular in the 19th century among the elite of Manila and was
later adapted among the local communities. A form of entertainment in the Tagalog
region called Pandangguhan is performed during social celebrations.
Pandanggo is a courtship dance but it can also refer to a type of song to entertain the
farmers in the rice field. The singers of this folk song are called pandanggeros and
Polka is originated from a Bohemian dance that became popular in Europe and
America in the early 19th century. In the Philippines, it was performed in elegant
evening gatherings at the height of its popularity during the Spanish colonial period.
The tempo is in quick duple meter while the melody is supported by the
chords/harmonies of tonic (I), dominant (V), and sub-dominant (IV). There are some
Philippine folk songs that are in polka rhythm like Pamulinawen (“Stone-hearted”),
Magtanim Ay Di Biro (“Planting Rice Is Never Fun”) and Leron, Leron Sinta (“Leron
the Beloved”).
Balitaw is a dialogue or courtship song in triple meter, mostly in 2 and 3 part forms
and arranged with counter melodies. Some of the examples are:
Kundiman came from the words “kung hindi man.” Through its melody, lyrics, and
expressive singing, the kundiman conveys a selfless and spiritual attitude, intense
love, longing, caring, devotion, and oneness not only with a romantic partner, but also
with a parent, child, a spiritual figure, or the motherland.
Some famous Filipino kundiman composers are Francisco Santiago, Nicanor
Abelardo, Bonifacio Abdon, Francisco Buencamino, and Angel Peña.
Among the famous kundiman performers in the early 1900’s are Atang de la Rama,
Jovita Fuentes, Conching Rosal, and Ruben Tagalog.
In musical context, kundiman usually starts in a minor key then goes to the major key
and in triple meter. Some examples of the kundiman are:
What’s More
Music of lowland Luzon may be divided into: Music for Liturgy and devotional music;
Secular music with Spanish Influences and the music during the American Regime
and Japanese Occupations.
Vocal Music is any type of music that is sung orally or without a musical
accompaniment. It is also called “a capella, a vocal composition where singers
performed by means of the human voice.
Instrumental Music – type of music that is sung with accompaniment
Philippine Music – is a product of unique blending of the Eastern and Western music.
Early Filipinos, even before the colonial era was innately musical in nature.
Categories of Philippine Music:
A. Indigenous or Ethnic Music is diverse in nature. It can either be vocal or instrumental. It
is rhythmic in nature rather than melodic.
The Spaniards discovered that the Filipinos were singing people who proved to be
adept and enthusiastic in learning the plainsong, flute, harp and the guitar. And the
very first sound of Christian church music that the “natives” heard was the Gregorian
Chant or plain chant, an austere, unaccompanied monophony.
The following are examples of religious music:
1. Ave Maria – This music is for tenor solo with piano or harmonium
2. Flores de Maria – This is intended for three voices with organ or harmonium
3. O Salutaris Hostia – This is a grand mass for full orchestra (eight voices)
C. American-colonial music – was a period of cultural and musical growth in the Philippines.
R & B and Rock and Roll became part of the school curriculum. During the 1960’s, the song
of the Beatles became popular.
D. Contemporary Music – Refers to the song of the 21st century known as “Pinoy
Music or Original Pilipino Music (OPM)” which are written in Tagalog, Taglish and
English language. This is also the period where Filipino artists and song writers
became popular like Freddie Aguilar and different Pinoy bands like Parokya ni Edgar,
Rivermaya, Sandwich, Cueshe, and other Pinoy rock bands.
Ready, Set, DESCRIBE!
Write in the cluster map the Categories of Philippine Music and describe
each. Use a separate sheet for your answers.
What I Have Learned
The music for liturgy and devotional music of the lowlands of Luzon
reflects the impact of Spanish colonization which lasted for almost three
centuries, and how the Christianity affected the religious practices of the
ethno-linguistic groups. Unfortunately, these are on the limit of extinction
due to modernization and diversity of religion. However, efforts from the
youth and education sector are joining forces in reviving long lost
traditions, if not through the traditional means, through the surviving
remnants of the Hispanic-influenced music which are undergoing a
transformation into present day versions.
Secular music of the lowlands of Luzon bears influences of Spanish
culture and serves as reflections of that era, as seen in the messages of
the songs. These songs, mostly about love of a man for a woman, have a
deeper meaning for the Filipinos at that time. The man’s longing for the
love of a woman is transformed into the country’s love and longing for a
free Philippines, as embodied in the woman.
What I Can Do
Pasig River is used to be a major waterway lined with beautiful houses and
breathtaking scenery. It inspired many artists to create remarkable literature and
artworks. However, industrial development has led to its decline.
How can you help create awareness on the environmental rehabilitation of Pasig
Choose one (1) of the activities below:
A. Compose a song that applies the different elements of music. (Write your
own song on a long bond paper. You can record a video of yourself singing
the song using a cellphone or camera if you have.)
B. Illustrate your concepts and thoughts on a cartolina or 1/8 sized illustration
C. On a long bond paper, make a collage using recycled photos, newspaper
clippings, or magazines. Write an explanation below the collage.
Rubric: (Illustration)
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Rubric: (Collage Making)
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Attention to The student gives a The student gives The student gives The student’s
Theme reasonable a reasonable a fairly explanations are
explanation of how explanation of reasonable weak and
every item in the how most items explanation of illustrate difficulty
collage is related to in the collage are how most items understanding
the assigned related to the in the collage are how to relate
theme. For most assigned theme. related to the items to the
items, the For many of the assigned theme. assigned theme.
relationship is clear items, the
without relationship is
explanation. clear without
Creativity Several of the One or two of the One or two The student did
graphics or objects graphics or graphics or not make or
used in the collage objects used in objects were customize any of
reflect an the collage reflect made or the items on the
exceptional degree student creativity customized by collage.
of student creativity in his/her creation the students, but
in his/her creation and/or display. the ideas were
and/or display. typical rather
than creative
(e.g., apply
emboss filter to a
drawing in
Quality of The collage shows The collage The collage The collage was
Construction considerable shows attention shows some put together
attention to to construction. attention to sloppily. Items
construction. The The items are construction. appear to be just
items are neatly neatly trimmed. Most items are “slapped on.”
trimmed. All items All items are neatly trimmed. Pieces may be
are carefully and carefully and All items are loose or hanging
securely attached securely attached carefully and over the edges.
to the backing. to the backing. A securely attached Smudges, stains,
There are no stray few barely to the backing. A rips, uneven
marks, smudges or noticeable stray few barely edges, and/or
glue stains. Nothing marks, smudges noticeable stray stray marks are
is hanging over the or glue stains are marks, smudges evident.
edges. present. Nothing or glue stains are
is hanging over present. Nothing
the edges. is hanging over
the edges.
Directions: Read the following music samples. What part of the people’s
lives is it commonly used? What message does the music convey to
people? Write your answers on your answer sheet. An example is given
for you.
Additional Activities
“Bayan Ko” is one of the examples of secular music. Sing or listen to the
song, and describe its elements of music.
1. Melody: __________________________________________
2. Pitch: __________________________________________
3. Timbre: __________________________________________
4. Dynamics: __________________________________________
5. Tempo: __________________________________________
Answer Key
Depart of Education- Bureau of Learning Resources. Music & Arts 7
Teacher’s Guide, pp. 20-37.
Depart of Education- Bureau of Learning Resources. Music & Arts 7
Learner’s Material, pp.19-36.
DepEd 2015
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call: