Field Name Data Type (Size) Constraint Empid Integer (5) Primary Key Empname VARCHAR (20) Not Null Salary DECIMAL (8,2) DOJ Date
Field Name Data Type (Size) Constraint Empid Integer (5) Primary Key Empname VARCHAR (20) Not Null Salary DECIMAL (8,2) DOJ Date
Field Name Data Type (Size) Constraint Empid Integer (5) Primary Key Empname VARCHAR (20) Not Null Salary DECIMAL (8,2) DOJ Date
Question.11: A Table "TRAINS" has degree 3 and Cardinality 8. What is the number of ray
and columns in it?
Question.12: Difference between COUNT (*) and COUNT (column).
Question.14: What is the difference between Drop Table and Delete?
Question.15: What is the purpose of ORDER By clause?
Question.19: How would you delete a column from a table (give syntax).
Question.20: How would you change a data type of a column?
Question.26: A table named "OFFICE" has 6 rows 10 columns and another table
named"STAFF" has 3 rows and 5 columns5. How many rows and columns will be there, if we
obtain the Cartesian product of these two tables?
Question.27: What are the six relational operations?
Question.28: Write a MySQL command for creating a table EMPSALARY. Whose structure is
given below:
Field Name Data type (size) Constraint
DOJ Date