Dijkstra's and A-Star in Finding The Shortest Path: A Tutorial
Dijkstra's and A-Star in Finding The Shortest Path: A Tutorial
Dijkstra's and A-Star in Finding The Shortest Path: A Tutorial
Abstract—As one form of the greedy algorithm, Dijkstra's number of nodes determines the speed of finding a solution.
can handle the shortest path search with optimum result in Dijkstra's can handle the shortest path with optimum result,
longer search time. Dijkstra's is contrary to A-Star, a best-first but the time spent searching for the shortest path is longer.
search algorithm, which can handle the shortest path search
with a faster time but not always optimum. By looking at the On the other hand, A* algorithm was first described by
advantages and disadvantages of Dijkstra's and A-Star, this Peter Hart, Nils Nilsson, and Bertram Raphael in 1968 with a
tutorial discusses the implementation of the two algorithms in heuristic method [6]. A* algorithm is one of the many search
finding the shortest path in routes selection between 24 SPBU algorithms that take input, evaluates some possible paths, and
(gas stations). The routes are located in Medan City and return the solution. A* is widely used in pathfinding and graph
represented in a directed graph. Moreover, the authors compare transversal, the process of plotting an efficiently traversable
Dijkstra's and A-star based on the complexity of Big-Theta (Θ) path between points [7]. A* is a best-first search algorithm
and running time. The results show that the shortest path search by modifying the heuristic function. This algorithm minimizes
between SPBU can be solved with Dijkstra's and A-Star, where the total cost of the path, and in the right conditions will
in some cases, the routes produced by the two algorithms are provide the best solution in optimal time. A * can choose the
different so that the total distance generated is also different. In shortest path in a faster time, but it is not always optimum.
this case, the running time of A-Star is proven to be faster than
Dijkstra's, and it is following A-Star principle which selects the By looking at the advantages and disadvantages of
location point based on the best heuristic value while Dijkstra's Dijkstra's and A*, the authors apply both algorithms and
does not. For the complexity, Dijkstra's is Θ(n2) and A-Star is analyze the performance in finding the shortest path based on
Θ(m*n), where 0 ≤ m ≤ n. Big-Theta (Θ) and running time.
Keywords—A-Star, Dijkstra's, Big-Theta, running time, II. METHODS
This section will discuss how Dijkstra's and A* solve the
I. INTRODUCTION shortest path problem and define their performance.
The shortest path problem is the problem of finding a path A. Dijkstra's
that will be passed from one point to another with minimum Dijkstra's works by assigning some initial distance values and
or optimal value. In graph theory, object of the problem is trying to improve them step by step, as explained below.
represented as a node (vertice) and the relationship between
the objects is represented by a line (edge) that connecting the 1) Assign to every node a tentative distance value: set it
nodes [1]. The shortest path search has been applied in various
fields to optimize the performance of a system, either to to zero for the initial node and to infinity for all other nodes
minimize the costs or to speed up the process. In this tutorial, (undefined).
the authors discuss the implementation of Dijkstra's and A* 2) Mark all nodes "unvisited" and initial node as "start."
(A-Star) algorithms in generating the optimal solution in the 3) Consider all of its unvisited neighbors and calculate
route's selection between 24 SPBU (gas stations). their tentative distances through the "start" node. Compare
Furthermore, the authors compare the performance of both the newly calculated tentative distance to the "start" node
algorithms based on Big-Theta (Θ) and running time. The value and assign the smaller one.
routes are represented as a weighted graph that has a value or 4) When all neighbors already visited from the "start"
weight and all weights are assumed to be positive. In this case node, mark these nodes as "visited." A "visited" node will
study, the edge-weighted graph represents the distance never be rechecked and last-saved tentative distance is the
between the locations of SPBU in Medan City.
smallest value.
Dijkstra's is one of the most popular shortest path
algorithms formulated by computer scientist Edsger W. 5) Set the "unvisited" node that is marked with the
Dijkstra's in 1956 and published in 1959. Dijkstra's algorithm smallest tentative distance as the new "start" and go back to
solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with step 3.
non-negative edge path costs [2]. If the graph contains
negative edges, the path cannot be passed and may give For a better understanding, the authors explain how
incorrect results [3]. This algorithm chooses the closest point Dijkstra's finds the shortest path from the example. As shown
which is the smallest weight [4], and these weights are the in Fig. 1, initial node = A and goal node = E.
value of each edge [5]. As a form of the greedy algorithm,
Dijkstra's processes each node on the graph once, and the
2 Step 4:
A B - At i = 4; DE = 10+8 = 18; as shown in Table 4.
10 8 - The current node E [20,C] is greater than E [18,D], so
the value is unchanged [18,D].
C 8 - Then, set E cannot be a "start" node because it is a
"goal" node.
10 5
- Finish.
i u c A B C D E
0 ABCDE - 0,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,-
Fig. 1. Graph for Dijkstra's Algorithm
1 BCDE A 0,- 2,A 10,A ∞,- ∞,-
2 CDE B 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B ∞,-
Step 1: 3 DE C 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B 20,C
4 E D 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B 18,D
- Create a table for result distance, with i as iteration, u as
unvisited node, v as visited node, c as current node, as
shown in Table 1. Therefore, the resulting path in Dijkstra's is A-B-D-E, as
- i = 0 is initial condition. shown in Fig.2.
Step 2: 8
- At i = 2; BC = 2+8 = 10, BD = 2+8 = 10, as shown in
Table 2.
Fig. 2. The resulting path for Dijkstra's
- The current node C [10,B] is the same as the previous
node C [10,A], so result node C can be [10,B] or [10,A].
B. A*
- Then, set C as "start" node for i = 3.
A good heuristic function provides approximate costs that are
close to actual costs. One of the heuristic functions that can
be used in the shortest path problem is Euclidean Distance.
i u c A B C D E A* use Euclidean Distance and evaluates nodes by combining
0 ABCDE - 0,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,-
1 BCDE A 0,- 2,A 10,A ∞,- ∞,-
g(n) and h(n) as:
2 CDE B 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B ∞,-
f(n) = g(n) + h(n) (1)
Step 3: where:
- At i = 3; CD = 10+5 = 15, CE = 10+10 = 20; as shown f (n) = evaluation costs
in Table 3. g (n) = cost that already incurred from initial state to n state
h (n) = estimated cost to arrive at a destination from n state
- At current node D [15,C] is greater than the previous
node D [10,B], so its value will be change to [10,B]
A* work step by step as explained below.
from [15,C].
1) Start
- Then, set D as "start" node for i = 4. 2) Set the "Start" node as a successor.
3) Calculate all evaluation cost which is connected from
the successor.
i u c A B C D E 4) Do the testing: if the prospective successor is the goal,
0 ABCDE - 0,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,- ∞,- it will stop, and if not, then proceed to the next step.
1 BCDE A 0,- 2,A 10,A ∞,- ∞,-
2 CDE B 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B ∞,- 5) Determine the new successor from the best evaluation
3 DE C 0,- 2,A 10,B 10,B 20,C cost (minimum cost) and alphabet order (if there are two
evaluation costs have the same value) from previous
6) Moreover, go back to step 4.
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2020 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA)
10 8 2 10
C 8
10 5 8
2+4.3 = 6.3 10+4.12 = 14.12
Fig. 3. Graph for A* Algorithm
10+4.12 = 14.12 10+2 = 12
ℎ(𝐵𝐸) = 4.3
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = '(𝑥! − 𝑥$ )# + (𝑦! + 𝑦$ )# 8 8
2+4.3 = 6.3 10+4.12 = 14.12
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = '(4 − 0)# + (6 − 5)#
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = '4# + 1# C D
5 8
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = √16 + 1 10+4.12 = 14.12 10+2 = 12
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = √17
ℎ(𝐶𝐸) = 4.12 C E final state
Fig. 6. Graph for step 3 in A*
2 10
Therefore, the resulting path in A* is A-B-D-E.
2+4.3 = 6.3 10+4.12 = 14.12 10 8
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2020 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA)
C. Asymptotic time complexity Moreover, the distance and running time of Dijkstra's and A*
Asymptotic notation is a notation that concern with the for different paths can be seen in Table 5 and Table 6.
running time of the algorithm to explain the asymptotic time
complexity. Asymptotic time complexity is an analysis of the
asymptotic efficiency of an algorithm to determine the No. Path Total Distance (km) Running Time (ms)
appropriate time complexity. 1. C→X 13.9 7.5111
2. V→E 23.3 7.9772
This research uses the Θ (Big-Theta) since it is more 3. D→A 21.9 7.777
accurate than the O (Big-Oh) and the Ω (Big-Omega) notation. 4. G→W 20.8 7.0161
The Θ (Big-Theta) is used to categorize an algorithm into 5. A→K 18.8 8.3112
functions that describe the tight bound, which can be given the Average 7.71852
upper bound and lower bound of the function growth when the
input of the function increases. TABLE VI. THE RUNNING TIME OF A*
No. Path Total Distance (km) Running Time (ms)
The function of t(n) is defined in Θ(g(n)) and denoted by 1. C→X 13.9 4.1866
t(n) ∈ Θ(g(n)). The t(n) function is given the upper and the 2. V→E 23.3 5.0898
lower limits by several multiples of positive constants of g(n) 3. D→A 21.9 4.2552
for all large values of n if there are some positive constants (c1 4. G→W 20.8 4.1213
and c2) and some non-negative integers n0 [8], so that 5. A→K 18.8 4.3774
Average 4.40606
𝑐# 𝑔(𝑛) ≤ 𝑡(𝑛) ≤ 𝑐& 𝑔(𝑛) (2) Besides, the path and running time for Dijkstra's and A* can
been seen in Fig. 10 and Fig.11. Meanwhile, the map for the
for all 𝑛 ≥ 𝑛' .
graph can be seen in Fig.12.
Runnig Time (ms)
Fig. 8. The path, distance, and running time with Dijkstra's
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2020 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA)
The experiments show that Dijkstra's and A* can solve the
shortest path problem. However, in some cases, the routes
produced by the two algorithms are different so that the total
distance generated is also different. Furthermore, the running
time of A* is faster than Dijkstra's where the average running
time of Dijkstra's is 7.719 milliseconds and A* is 4.406
milliseconds. It is in line with A* principle that selects the
location point based on the best heuristic value. Finally, the
complexity of algorithm for Dijkstra's and A* is considered
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