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02 (2) Dubai-Traffic Control Device Manual

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vreoa-nemin li _ Chapter 2- GENERAL “This chapter proves a gneralovrow of speci epoca are common to the ale ss, ‘pavement merngs and Wee pal far = basomanuacurg dts are conned 24 Traffic Signs nfo us and tandarézaton oti ssi estab ssur recognition and usin bat maton Te doen apm se ana coe) fafa sgn ined te mat DCs ‘tnoay ae poeinto elon gn anda In order tobe afective, sgn shoud have atlonon vate ace singe message, te wall mated nae locaed such tat dors ne edu tine fo aes, comport ana por appropri, Infration owed ay reut arfo mary sgn, novesarial sigs, eulScet spacing between ‘San, excesve nes oageng, adequate conspal or eb) ore combination ofthese ators, Regustry and waming ape shold be nia ely whete manda or warn co at Hoe Seclvenss wil nt be dished by exons Use. Gua Site shoud be nslaled wen ey a> ‘ssa to ha als are bral rumber of vers. Cue si lng away ‘enecesser frmetostewho arurfamlar win heros ended gudancto rea el estat 2.1.4 Uniformity of Traffic Sign Attributes nila ofstibtessppes fo shap, dimensions, clr, aged an ight te vty of ss. {The tandardaton of hoe arbor seseamy tr a faet snd unr spar 8m. Thess sues are bey disused eon ‘Size Regulatory and Waring Signe ‘ese shown nats past pn pene wn pc mun in Se a Table 24: Minimum Sign Size Posted Speed Lint |_| Regulatory ign Sis wm) | Warning Sign Sie iam) aDorless 300. 750 0 750. 300 80 300. 0) 76 or are 7200) 7500 yas Sign 600 75 Should @ parser warn ‘uo noes a be considered hazardous, based on proven acon recs, te 2s fhe equsary sore may be Ieeased fo prove the conspouly ana be vance war Color ‘Aretoretcvesheetg shllbe naa olers EXCEPT ihe ftowing signs al stalin laments ‘st Suoscent ore Page FA ‘ohaptor2—Gonerat Tcom-2 Eason Fluorescent yellow gresn sheet + Backgtound hosing f warn igs fer etal oe uses + Peseta ross zation sin ‘Fluorascont yellow shes “+ Rout umber component roi number bem and iometr sons ‘+The backgroud of ho fest ROADWORKS sign nthe sequence of signs ang oa ansrston worsens Retroreection & Retrreictive Shestng ‘wate gn tobe uso in Ou sal be ily okorafecve. Rafer lo ASTM ESOE.O fo standard ‘eseiona ne rovorotachaty arrestin The eloretecvty spocietns to exe ‘wind nut ar oper in Sones eee ‘At round mourted regu 2 waning sg ha be mantacyed for Tp revoetectve ‘etna A gui sor hatave x reomnenty we bacon br examols COMMUNITY STREET [NAME sone, COMMUNITY NOE Spr, CISTRCT NAME ain shal eo be manus ra {pel song ound moured puesta have at, ren oro bce un sal be smanfacired using Type XI soa Iumination TA poy is © use sgn luninaton for loved sls unless sign macs fe rsa speci In DTCOM Volume 1. The cveread sgn lurnaton dtl are proved i te RTA saad awng HonaTabe Sign Shusres Sgn ing Dota Sian Support [A sore on the Emits of Diba roads sal be eure on supe in sosardance ih te RTAS ‘Sandu eravings The found muted sgn wppoi re died fo mata il 93 ibd ‘eras and ae toma los bt wl ys whe sc bya wee. The beak feo Is ‘tcomplsned by aadn tango plates to tetop fhe lounaton post ate bata tho Sl pst. ‘Sreaaway connections sha be ited on obaways wh speed ef Dkr and bb. ‘Tho ground mourtod sgn supe salon eae ae prove nthe RTA standard ving Ground Nourted Sgn Struct Slaten Tale and Tyla tal Recanglr Pos, Ground outed Sgn 'SruaureSalocion Table an Typiea etal (pe Pox), Crowd hunted Sgn Suse Fount Det (Rectangr Post) and Mscallanaus Sin Mourn Dea “Te slacton cetera for overhead sn etre ae proved i tha RT sland anings Mono: Tube Stutre Sachon Tie and Types Geta CableverStucue Type C, ManoTube Suse Selcion Taie ar Typal Dens ~ Canty Siucie Type G, MoneTube So Susur ~ Sevcual Framing Geta 1.2. erie Sn Sees ty aly Mtg Sit hens Sn ‘Sucre escolancos Deal, ana Meno Tube Sigh Stuctue-CIDH Fowoaton Oeil “Tee drawings a indded in Chap 9 is Vein For overhead cantover an gary sans, h supports thi te clea 20re muse protec gurl erete bare, oF oe approved snot abet Systm. Peacon maanres sal campy wih ‘enurements proved ante Roadees Sogn Gx ar Dub Pageae vameT rcoM - 2+ Eaton i tater? ena 2.2 Pavement Markings LUnstorm use and stndarzaton of gaverent masngs is desebl to ensure reconten and unter iteration by at meters. The cel Chape, so, ae clo) of pevemort meng wed to Erato of Oubal conor oa wsmatona standards The OTCDM volun reve Inert, {uidance and slocton ero Varo ype of parame nang. The DTCDMValume 2 provi Sroventow of pavomentmarengsspectaton, Defrons ‘+ Transverse Marings: Road matings placed at ght argo t te longudal aes fhe rosawey 1+ Longtna Markings Road arings ato paral othe longa sth roasnay 1+ Sybe:Used on rasa to cony ater guidance or mandate iematon 9 eatvay = Word Marirgs: Used on oatways to gue or wan ives conden hea ‘Curbs Marg: Loans marin to donate roads curs: + sed avn ars: Bn peek oa ns ale yg ‘Water based Pat: The cet end most idly used pavemant mareng materi 1 Thomoplasc Amature ofplasizorandresis that sores ool allo he theringresens topeter ents ara sold arom ferris, bul becomes Id when healed ‘+ Prelomed Tapes Colt, prefered pavement marking meals bt ae supa ‘annuus rks otvaroue eng nd wih. 1 Hoatedinplace Themolasc: A preformed thamaplatis that has ion shepod by the Imarufacrerr sal shape an toss andes 2 yor ef beads + Ravrtectve Razed Pavenet Matos Hgbinpct te mara wth oo 2.2.1 Uniformity of Pavement Marking Attributes [aterm of atrautes apes to shape, ype, dmarsons, cor an materi pavement arings. The Slandatdeaton othe sate ienecesary for ure, eset and ec alle coal ‘Those abuts ar ety darned below ato Type oad paverors nay be arte iho, heeplats, wo component nt pls ecu shestng ‘eed pavamant mater eo-tatectve on atacve of Munna ox pavement at, Color For arate cont purposes, pavement mags shale whi, alow ord Pages (chapee2~ General ie rem Eaton “yc pavement mating ses ao proved in the Table 22 blow ‘abl 22: TyplealPavoment Marking Ses Tian ype Sis for< CO Kn Sop Lrae ‘trim ie nay ne ‘mm Tranaverse | Pedocon Cos — [eye cross Sm Paring Space Line ‘en Eagan “en [ane ning “ore No Pasig Line (Gansg towed ‘00 erection oni) = No Pasa Lire ji Longtuainat [No Fassna ie 100mm ‘sen ur ine eng ‘ow Sn resection Bx F “stn uncon arn dl ating Econ ‘cone “crm Mane Worumez any 28 2.3 Traffic Signals “Trac signa are an tegrated samt of ae contol an itis xa 6 main uno ana ansistertapoeaten Doth nmtalon an sprain. The desig shape, sz, cb cls) of ate ‘Sas used the Ea of ba conor the remain! sal sana “Tafic sonale de sons for veils, podostins and cysts well ashing beacons Zac ogre are pay ved for aerating Pgh of way taeen cating ate vere ‘Svr expectatan of conan Jeg i! parsrant siren. The ost cormon Wa Sal tamenchtre a dstbedin Vola Chapeau 23:1 Uniformity of Traffic Signal Attibutos try of stunts aps shape ‘ate lgnal coments ae nay led sons, col, legend and operton oft srs. The ran effet and ufler sal sytem. These Koy eroed mda Von ‘Slona Aspects Size ‘Signal aspects an etna ave «200mm or 2 300mm aspect, ad shal use LED lps ‘A viata signal naads shall be ther Alaioum or pojeabnate and 30mm aspects In Standard ed, een an ytow ear, ‘Aebiculaafie gnlNeds sha be ete luioum or partons ‘Signal Aspects Arrangement ‘The rlatve poston of signal sections in a verticalyaanged sgn! face, tm topo bom, shal bo {ae shown me egue 24 Figure 24: Aspect Anangoment for Throe-Scton Sigal Host eo) [e) fe) © Oyo ) ie fe @ 2) [2) yo @@ OgoO Gana ee caytr2- Goer i bream >Eaton ‘The rltve postions of onal sectors ina vera ranged signa ac, rom top tbat, shal be Ethonin be owe 22 Figure 22: Aspect Arangement for Twe-Secton Sigal Heed (eo) © ‘The boom ofthe house of sig face mound on tnd os onside of he oud shod be

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