Transition Towards Sustainability: Adoption of Eco-Products Among Consumers
Transition Towards Sustainability: Adoption of Eco-Products Among Consumers
Transition Towards Sustainability: Adoption of Eco-Products Among Consumers
Transition towards Sustainability: Adoption of
Eco-Products among Consumers
Jana Hojnik 1, *, Mitja Ruzzier 1 and Maja Konečnik Ruzzier 2
1 Faculty of Management, University of Primorska, Cankarjeva 5, 6000 Koper, Slovenia
2 Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Kardeljeva ploščad 17, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
* Correspondence:
Received: 31 May 2019; Accepted: 6 August 2019; Published: 9 August 2019
Abstract: Transition to sustainability is a long-term challenge which should also actively engage
consumers, as consumption causes environmental stress. In order to understand how consumers
adopt eco-products, we conducted an extensive literature review of green consumerism and presented
findings of 47 previous research works. In addition, this study’s aim was to explore whether consumers
remain only concerned about the environment or whether they actually make a difference. Moreover,
we examined gender differences. Because the relationship between consumers’ environmental
concern and purchase intention is not straightforward, we aimed to explore the effect of consumers’
environmental concern on their purchase intention. The purpose of this paper was to explore
how consumers’ familiarity with and consciousness of eco-products and their perceived sense of
environmental responsibility mediate the relationship between consumers’ environmental concern and
their purchase intention. We used structural equation modeling to test the proposed conceptual model
based on a sample of 705 Slovenian consumers. Our findings suggest that all the above-mentioned
constructs mediate the relationship between consumers’ environmental concern and their purchase
intention in relation to eco-products. However, consumers’ consciousness of eco-products has
the greatest effect in channeling environmental concern into purchase intention of eco-products.
In addition, the findings indicate that female consumers express greater environmental concern,
consciousness of eco-products, and perceived environmental responsibility than male consumers.
The paper concludes with policy and managerial implications, theoretical implications, limitations of
the study, and future research directions based on the findings of consumers’ perspectives.
1. Introduction
Transformation towards sustainability has taken an increasingly central position in global
sustainability research and policy discourse in recent years [1]. According to researchers [1], governance
and politics are central to understanding, analyzing, and shaping transformations towards sustainability.
However, ways of understanding and analyzing transition towards sustainability should place more
emphasis on consumers as well, because, in developed countries, consumption directly or indirectly
drives much of the environmental stress, waste, degradation, and resource exhaustion being produced
by the goods and services demanded [2]. Being green and behaving in an environmentally friendly
way is thus today more a necessity than a lifestyle [3], as people have become increasingly aware of the
fact that the more conventional energy resources on the planet are finite [4]. A lifestyle that is oriented
towards care for the environment is becoming a trend worldwide, as well as a salient issue with which
we need to cope quickly and effectively, because we are running out of certain resources.
Environmental awareness is increasing worldwide [5]. Many companies have started to brand
themselves as environmentally friendly and to offer products that have a smaller adverse effect on
the environment while also offering benefits to the end-user (such as being made from less harmful
ingredients, resulting in energy or material savings, etc.). Many companies have thus adopted
the concept of cleaner production in order to cater accordingly to consumers’ needs and demands
and to operate in an environmentally friendly way by reducing pollutants and conserving finite
resources. Cleaner production is a relatively new preventive environmental strategy which tries to
increase resource efficiency of products, processes, and services, and reduce risk to people and the
environment [6]. Therefore, cleaner production delivers several benefits, such as pollution reduction,
resource saving, and economic-efficiency improvements [7]. The previously mentioned benefits do not
pertain only to the environment and companies that act in an environmentally friendly way, but also
regard consumers, who can enjoy environmentally friendly products (i.e., eco-products), which are
energy efficient, less harmful for the environment and their health, and more frugal when it comes to
consumption of resources.
In addition, many sustainable labels addressing different aspects of sustainability have emerged
in recent years [8]. Thus, awareness of environmental issues, as well as solutions and eco-products,
has been increasing steadily. Perhaps as a result, some companies have been observed to be “green” in
their words but not in their actions. As stated above, there are many reasons why companies adopt
eco-innovations, and many literature reviews have been conducted on this topic [9,10].
As stated above, protecting the environment has become a salient issue during recent decades.
Companies need to adhere to certain environmental regulations if they want to operate and remain
active players in the market. On the other hand, an increasing number of studies stressed the relevance
of the consumer experience in research about new trajectories towards sustainability, suggesting that
consumers should not be viewed solely as passive agents who select between different commercial
options [11]. On the contrary, consumers are active players, which can heavily affect and participate in
transitioning to sustainability by changing their purchasing habits, behaviors, and mindset. Nowadays,
consumers demand eco-products, and companies need to cater to this demand accordingly. It is
essential to consider environmental issues in product development to explore and comprehend why
consumers adopt eco-innovations [12]. Given the current market situation, consumers have many
choices among various brands of products, including many eco-products. As we live in a capitalist
economy, the principles, values, and behaviors of a great part of the population are centered on buying
things and possessing goods [13]. Thus, in order to achieve sustainable development, we should place
more emphasis not only on the creation and the promotion of environmentally sustainable products,
but also on green consumerism, which presents one of the paths to sustainability.
As past research has focused primarily on companies and their behavior towards the environment
(the drivers of companies’ eco-innovation adoption and their consequences at the firm level), we aim
to explore what drives customers to green purchase intentions and, furthermore, what mediates the
relationship between customers’ environmental concern and purchase intention. Within our study, we
define green consumerism as a concept that includes a broader social awareness of green consumer
behaviors, where green consumers are the main drivers of green consumerism [14]. Three typical
statements of green consumers are as follows: (1) “I identify myself as someone who is concerned with
‘green/environmental issues’”, (2) “I perceive my lifestyle as ‘green’”, and (3) “I purchase and consume
green products” [14]. We have conducted an extensive literature review of green consumerism from
the point of view of consumers. In the literature review, we searched papers that contained one of the
two key phrases, “green consumerism” and “environmentally responsible consumption”. We have
used the Science Direct database and enriched our search with Google Scholar. Our search for the
above-mentioned key phrases in Science Direct yielded a total of 1237 results. We have reviewed all
the papers and finally presented the main findings of 47 papers, which can be found in Table 1.
Pertaining to green consumerism, past research implies that the relationship between consumers’
environmental concern and their purchase intention is not straightforward. Being concerned about the
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 3 of 29
environment does not necessarily lead to purchasing of eco-products, although it leads to other behaviors
related to green consumerism. Some researchers [15] posited that consumers’ environmental concern
works as an antecedent of environmental knowledge, whereas others [16] found that environmental
concern positively relates to consumers’ sense of responsibility and to consumers’ consciousness of
eco-products [17]. On the other hand, environmental knowledge affects green purchasing behavior [17],
as does consumers’ environmental consciousness [18] and consumers’ perceived sense of environmental
responsibility [15]. This fragmented empirical evidence collected from different research works and
assumptions based on literature reviews clearly shows that there is a gap between consumers’
environmental concern and their green purchase intention and thus calls for further empirical evidence.
The availability of and preference for eco-products have increased; however, the understanding
of consumers’ choice for eco-products is still insufficient [19]. Therefore, we aimed to explore the
role of consumers as a small fragment in transition to sustainability. In more detail, we examined
what motivates consumers to act in an environmentally responsible way and purchase eco-products.
Our research question is how consumers’ familiarity with and consciousness of eco-products and
perceived sense of environmental responsibility translate environmental concern into purchase intention.
The main aim of this study is to explore what channels the effect of environmental concern on purchase
intention and what gender differences occur in the examined constructs. As such, this study makes a
major contribution to the body of research on green consumerism and tries to clarify why consumers
decide to purchase eco-products. By conducting an extensive literature review and reporting the main
findings of prior research works (47 in total), moreover by exploring and presenting both the prior
research findings and empirical findings based on our research regarding the consumers’ perspective,
the findings of the literature review and empirical study ease companies’ understanding of consumers’
actions. This study offers companies an answer to the question of what persuades consumers to
purchase eco-products. We test a unique model to explore how consumers’ perceived sense of
environmental responsibility, familiarity with eco-products, and consciousness of eco-products mediate
the relationship between environmental concern and purchase intention. In addition, we have tested
for the differences between female and male consumers related to the above-mentioned constructs.
2. Literature Review
We conducted a literature review in order to explore what has already been done with regard to
green consumerism from the viewpoint of consumers. In the literature review, we searched for papers
which contained one of the two key phrases, “green consumerism” and/or “environmentally responsible
consumption”. The literature review used the Science Direct database, to which researchers had full
access, and it was most relevant to this topic. We enriched our search with Google Scholar and added a
few papers that were not included in the literature review conducted using the Science Direct database.
In total, our search for the above-mentioned key words using Science Direct yielded 1237 results for
papers containing either “green consumerism” or “environmentally responsible consumption”. We
have focused only on research papers and papers that were focused on consumers, not companies, on
green products and green consumption, but not energy-saving behavior, services (e.g., adoption of
renewable energy, tourism), or selection of environmentally friendly hotels. The final sample of papers
fitting all the above-mentioned criteria results in 47 papers, which are presented in Table 1. Table 1
contains the selected papers, providing authors and year of publication, the journal in which paper
was published, details of the sample, determinants that were examined, and main findings.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 4 of 29
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
Table 1. Cont.
3. Hypotheses Development
Looking at the past decades, we can observe rapid economic growth and patterns of rising
consumer consumption worldwide, which are the main causes of environmental deterioration, derived
from overconsumption and overutilization of limited natural resources [66]. On one hand, sustainable
production emerged as a concept at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
in 1992 and is closely related to the concept of sustainable development [67]. On the other hand, we can
talk about sustainable consumption. However, unsustainable patterns of production and consumption,
which result in irrational production and consumption of products made from scarce and finite natural
resources, lead to continuous environmental deterioration. Sustainable production thus involves
companies and organizations that offer sustainable services and make sustainable products, whereas
sustainable consumption targets consumers [67]. It is clear and obvious that the development of
more environmentally sustainable consumption and production systems depends upon consumers’
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 15 of 29
willingness to engage in “greener” consumption behaviors [68]. Thus, to pursue sustainability and
sustainable development, we should try to find an equilibrium between production and consumption.
Eco-innovations, which focus on incorporating environmental sustainability practices at every stage
of creation of goods and services and green consumption, should thus be encouraged in order to
pursue sustainable development [67]. For almost two decades, researchers have focused on companies’
motives for adopting and investing in eco-innovation; however, less research has been done on the
subject of green consumerism. The reasons and objectives which explain the actions and practices of
ecologically oriented consumers (e.g., selecting, purchasing, and using eco-products) are myriad [69]
and thus require further research. A conceptual framework grounded in this study is based on The
Theory of Planned Behavior [70], which considers human beings as rational and postulates that
attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control determine intentions. Based on the
literature review, we have noticed that prior research works anchored their model in TPB. However,
considering prior research works, we extended the model to better fit the topic of green consumerism,
which differs from consumerism in general, in that it engages the environmental dimension as well
and thus puts environmental concern ahead of consumers’ familiarity with and consciousness of
eco-products and perceived sense of environmental responsibility, as it has been found that consumers’
environmental concern does not necessarily lead to purchase of eco-products, although it leads to other
behaviors related to green consumerism.
Many researchers [15] have, based on existing literature, deemed consumers’ environmental
concern to be a predecessor of environmental knowledge. In theory, environmental concern should
be positively associated with environmental knowledge, but prior research on this subject offers
inconclusive findings [15]. As researchers in their work use familiarity interchangeably with knowledge,
we refer to the construct related to knowledge of eco-products as familiarity with eco-products.
In addition, other researchers [16] have found environmental concern to be positively related to
individuals’ moral or ethical obligations and/or personal norms and sense of responsibility. It seems
that consumers who feel and exhibit a strong sense of responsibility towards green products will be more
likely to select green products [16]. True moral obligation, or a personal sense of responsibility, thus
enhances the attitude–behavior relationship, meaning that environmental concern translates into green
purchases if it is mediated by consumers’ sense of responsibility. In addition, environmental concern
exerts an influence not only on consumers’ familiarity with eco-products and their sense of responsibility,
but also on consumers’ consciousness of eco-products. Consumers that pay more attention and
importance to environmental and social consequences and thus express greater environmental concern
are also more conscious of eco-products and their features [17]. Based on the above discussion, we
formulate the following hypotheses:
Hypothesis 1. Consumers’ environmental concern positively affects their familiarity with eco-products.
Peattie [68] stressed that environmental knowledge is frequently assumed to drive green
consumption behavior. Based on a literature review of 53 empirical articles on green purchase
behavior conducted by Joshi and Rahman [17], we can observe that knowledge, or familiarity in our
case, was the most studied variable when exploring the factors that influence green purchase behavior.
Joshi and Rahman [17] found that out of 18 studies, 15 found knowledge of environmental issues to
exert a positive effect on consumers’ purchase intention and actual purchase of eco-products. Three
studies found no connection between the previously mentioned constructs, while two other studies
found a negative effect of lack of information on green purchase behavior [17]. Furthermore, a study
conducted on a sample of Kazakhstani consumers found that consumers’ environmental concern,
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 16 of 29
knowledge, belief, and attitude towards renewable power positively affected their willingness to pay
a premium price for renewable energy [15]. Moreover, other researchers [15] found that consumers’
knowledge of renewable energy drives the connection between consumers’ sense of social responsibility
and attitude towards renewable energy, and this relationship enhanced the consumers’ willingness to
pay more for such energy. Also, sense of responsibility has been found to have a positive effect on
green purchase behavior [71]. Based on previous findings, the following hypothesis is deduced:
Hypothesis 4. Consumers’ familiarity with eco-products positively affects their purchase intention.
Researchers [18] found that consumers’ environmental consciousness may influence their purchasing
decisions. They stress that consumers’ environmental consciousness often explains more than 20% of the
variation in the purchasing measures. Consumers’ consciousness also involves favorable functional and
ethical attributes and high quality, which act as strong motives for actual purchase of eco-products [17].
Researchers [17] stress that consumers generally make a trade-off between environmental concern and
product attributes when purchasing eco-products. Consumers tend to evaluate various environmental,
social, and individual consequences of an eco-product purchase. Consumers that deem environmental
and social consequences as more important than individual consequences will look for green attributes
of products (i.e., will exert greater consciousness of eco-products), whereas those that deem them less
important will seek functional attributes [17]. That means that consumers that do not express consciousness
of eco-products and seek mostly functional attributes will likely not purchase eco-products, despite having
high environmental concern. In sum, consciousness of eco-products channels the effect of environmental
concern into purchase intention of eco-products.
According to Lin and Syrgabayeva [15], consumers who consider themselves environmentalists
and feel responsible for protecting the environment are more inclined to use renewable energy. Moral
obligation or personal sense of responsibility thus affects consumers’ environmental behavior and
works as an important factor in the environmental behavior of consumers [66,72]. Likewise, Prakash
and Pathak [73] stressed that strong personal norms have the strength and ability to affect/change the
consumption patterns of consumers and thus facilitate eco-friendly behavior (i.e., intention to buy
eco-products). The results of prior research conducted by Prakash and Pathak [73] demonstrate that
personal responsibility emerged as the strongest predictor of the purchase intention of eco-friendly
packaged products among other important predictors of the purchase intention of eco-friendly packaged
products. Their results thus suggest that young consumers possess strong ethical motives and high
moral values which favor protection of the environment. As personal responsibility is significantly
and positively related to purchase intention, researchers [73] conclude that individual and social
consequences are in association with green product purchase. Consumers thus seek to fulfill their
personal satisfaction and act in compliance with their personal responsibility towards the environment,
which ultimately affects their purchasing decisions. In conclusion, a personal sense of responsibility
(consumers’ personal norm or moral obligation) was found to be the most important determinant of
consumers’ attitudes towards green products [66].
Hypothesis 6. Consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility positively affects their purchase intention.
Figure 1 depicts all the hypotheses and thus illustrates the conceptual model, which has also been
empirically tested.
Hypothesis 6. Consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility positively affects their
purchase intention.
Sustainability 1 depicts
all the hypotheses and thus illustrates the conceptual model, which has
11, 4308 also
17 of 29
been empirically tested.
Figure 1. Conceptual
Figure 1. Conceptual model.
model. H—Hypothesis.
by the National Geographic, which recognized the efforts of Slovenia and rewarded it with the World
Legacy Award in the Destination Leadership category. The World Legacy Award is given to countries
that demonstrate the following efforts/practices: environmental best practices, protection of cultural
and natural heritage, benefits to local communities, and educating travelers.
Because this green aspect of Slovenia is closely related to “I feel Slovenia” [79], it is also reflected
in the mind and consciousness of Slovenians. In recent years, much has been done in the country with
regard to the environment, above and beyond the government’s regulations and companies’ reactions
to them. Many startups have begun their entrepreneurial path in the field of environmental protection
or building/creating products or services that are environmentally friendly. Thus, we can see that
companies do not only react to the regulations imposed by the government, but also strive to find
ways to protect the environment with their activities or new businesses. However, when we discuss
the pathway to sustainability, we cannot leave out the mindset of consumers, which has been affected
heavily by the media exposure of natural disasters all over the world and products that are safer for
the environment and the end-user. Consumers thus prefer products that are environmentally friendly
and are more environmentally responsible.
With regard to demographic characteristics (see Table 3), the respondents included 351 males
(49.8%) and 354 females (50.2%). Concerning the age of respondents, 109 respondents (15.5%) were
between 18 and 34 years old, 118 (16.7%) were between 35 and 44, 145 (20.6%) were between 45 and 54,
147 (20.9%) were between 55 and 64, and 179 respondents (25.4%) were 65 or older. Regarding the
respondents’ education, 481 had completed elementary high school, seven only elementary school,
190 had received a bachelor’s degree, and 26 respondents had a higher educational degree (e.g.,
specialization, MBA, master’s degree, or PhD).
EC 1
CC 0.56 * 1
CF 0.39 * 0.62 * 1
CPR 0.27 * 0.23 * 0.14 * 1
PI 0.48 * 0.63 * 0.49 * 0.29 * 1
Note: EC = consumers’ environmental concern; CC = consumers’ consciousness of eco-products; CF = consumers’
familiarity with eco-products; CPER = consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility; PI = consumers’
purchase intention; * p-values are significant at the 0.05 level.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 21 of 29
Figure 2. Structural equation model result for the conceptual model. Note: * p-values are significant at
Figure 2. Structural equation model result for the conceptual model. Note: * p-values are significant
the 0.05 level.
at the 0.05 level.
The results of the present study suggest that the environmental concern of consumers exerts
The results of the present study suggest that the environmental concern of consumers exerts a
a positive impact on consumers’ familiarity with eco-products, on consumers’ consciousness of
positive impact on consumers’ familiarity with eco-products, on consumers’ consciousness of eco-
eco-products, and on consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility, thus lending
products, and on consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility, thus lending support
support to Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3. In sum, we found a positive effect of consumers’ environmental
to Hypotheses 1, 2, and 3. In sum, we found a positive effect of consumers’ environmental concern
concern on consumers’ familiarity with eco-products, which offers support to Hypothesis 1, even
on consumers’ familiarity with eco-products, which offers support to Hypothesis 1, even though the
though the findings of previous research are not always consistent and offer inconclusive findings,
findings of previous research are not always consistent and offer inconclusive findings, as noted by
as noted by researchers [15]. Moreover, pertaining to Hypotheses 2 and 3, we found that consumers’
environmental concern positively affects their consciousness of eco-products as well as their perceived
sense of environmental responsibility, which is consistent with the research of Doran [16], who
found that individuals’ moral or ethical obligations and personal sense of responsibility enhance
the attitude–behavior relationship. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that consumers’
familiarity with eco-products positively affects their purchase intentions (Hypothesis 4), which is in line
with findings of other researchers [17,68]. In addition, we found support for Hypothesis 5, which states
that consumers’ consciousness of eco-products positively affects their purchase intention. This finding
is consistent with the prior research of Schlegelmilch et al. [18] and Joshi and Rahman [17]. Finally,
the results also indicate a positive effect of consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility
on their purchase intention (Hypothesis 6), which is in line with the research of Makatouni [71], who
found that a sense of responsibility exerts a positive effect on green purchase [15,66,72]. According to
the research of Prakash and Pathak [73], personal responsibility emerged as the strongest predictor
among other important predictors of the purchase intention of eco-friendly products. Likewise, our
findings demonstrate a positive effect of perceived sense of environmental responsibility on purchase
intention of eco-products, whereas the strongest mediator (in our case) has been shown to be consumers’
consciousness of eco-products. In sum, we conclude that consumers’ familiarity with eco-products,
their consciousness of eco-products, and the perceived sense of environmental responsibility translate
the effect of environmental concern into purchase intention of eco-products.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 4308 23 of 29
Our findings related to the differences in gender are in line with previous studies [25,44], which
found that green purchase intention motivational factors are greater among female consumers,
indicating that women behave in a more environmentally friendly way. In our case, this concerns
environmental concern, consciousness of eco-products, and a perceived sense of environmental
responsibility. However, we have found that, regarding green purchase intention, no significant
differences occurred between female and male consumers, which is not consistent with the findings
of prior research [44], which found that female consumers had higher purchase intention than
male consumers.
6. Conclusions
In this section we present the summary of findings (Section 6.1), followed by policy and
managerial implications (Section 6.2), theoretical implications, contributions, and limitations of
the study (Section 6.3), and future research directions (Section 6.4).
for differences concerning female and male consumers. The findings of ANOVA revealed that female
consumers express greater environmental concern, consciousness of eco-products, and perceived
environmental responsibility than male consumers, although no differences between female and male
consumers have been found for green purchase intention and environmental familiarity. In addition,
an extensive literature review was conducted, and the main findings of 47 prior research works were
presented in Section 2.
informed about sustainable actions and how they can behave in a more sustainable way, so that they
can contribute to society and to saving not only their own country but also our common planet. More
conscious consumers are more likely to purchase eco-products and act more sustainably in their lives.
eco-products or services, the consumers’ attitude/behavior differs. For more commercially oriented
research, it would be important to include the price sensitivity of consumers—how much more are
consumers willing to spend for an eco-product and under which conditions are they willing to swap a
conventional product for an ecological one. In addition, a multigroup analysis which would examine
whether female and male consumers differ in respect of the effect of consumers’ environmental concern on
consumers’ perceived sense of environmental responsibility, their consciousness of eco-products, and their
familiarity with eco-products would be valuable as future research. Moreover, do female consumers differ
from male consumers in terms of the effect of the above-mentioned constructs on purchase intention?
In future research, it would also be beneficial for eco-producers to test different samples (social status,
financial status, education level, location, personality traits) of consumers in more detail in order to
better determine the green consumer market and more easily target it when entering the market with an
eco-product or expanding the market.
Author Contributions: All authors equally contributed to this work. All authors wrote, reviewed, and commented
on the manuscript. All authors have read and approved the final manuscript.
Funding: This research was supported/funded by the Slovenian Research Agency [grant number 1000-17-1988].
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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