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Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering)

Scheme of Studies/Examination
Semester VII
S. Course Subject L:T:P Hours/ Examination Schedule Duration
No. No. Week of Exam
Major Minor Practical Total
Test Test
1 CSE 401N Unix & 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
2 CSE 403N Computer 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
3 PE-I Elective* – 3:0:0 3 75 25 0 100 3
4 PE-II Elective* – 3:0:0 3 75 25 0 100 3
5 CSE 405N Computer 0:0:2 2 0 40 60 100 3
6 CSE 407N Project-I** 0:0:9 9 0 100 100 200 3
7 CSE 409N Unix & 0:0:2 2 0 40 60 100 3
ming Lab
8 CSE 411N Seminar 0:0:2 2 0 100 0 100
9 CSE 413N Industrial 100 0 100
Total 29 300 480 220 1000

Code PE-I Code PE-II

CSE-415N Object Oriented Software Engineering CSE-421N Agile Software Engineering
CSE-417N Cyber Security CSE-423N Big Data and Analytics
CSE-419N Cryptography & Information Security CSE-425N Expert Systems

*The students will choose any two departmental electives courses out of the given elective list in
**Project should be initiated in the beginning of 7thsemester, and should be completed by the end of
8thsemester with good Report and power-point Presentation etc.
***4-6 weeks hand on training completed after 6thSemester Exams.
CSE-401N Unix & Linux Programming

Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time

4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose Introduces commands and numerous programming concepts and application
domains to cover important topics for implementation of the Unix programming
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn basic and advanced Unix Commands.
CO2 Expose the role of filters and file compression techniques.
CO3 To explore knowledge of programming language development tools.
CO4 To expand knowledge of Unix/Linux system administration and networking.

Unit I: Basic Command Usage

Linux Startup: User accounts, accessing Linux - starting and shutting processes, Logging in
andLogging out, Unix commands like zip, unzip, pack, unpack, compress, uncompress, Shell
Programming, Unix file system: Linux/Unix files, i-nodes and structure, file systemrelated commands,
Shell as command processor, shell variables, creating command substitution, scripts, functions,
conditionals, loops, customizing environment

Unit II: Filters and File Compression

Regular Expressions and Filters: Introducing regular expressions patterns, syntax, character classes,
quantifiers, introduction to grep, egrep, sed, programming with awk and perl, File Compression
Techniques: data redundancy elimination using fingerprint generation deduplication and data
similarities removal using delta techniques for data reduction storage, parallel compression with
Xdelta utility.

Unit III: Program Development Tools

The C Environment: C compiler, vi editor, compiler options, managing projects, memory
management, use of makefile, cmake, dependency calculations, memory management – static and
dynamic memory, static and dynamic libraries, dynamic loader, debugging tools like gdb, fixed-size
and variable-size blocks of data files chunks divisor chunking techniques like Frequency Based
Chunking and Content Defined Chunking Unix based open source coding.

Unit IV: Process Control

Processes in Linux: Processes, starting and stopping processes, initialization processes, rc and init
files, job control - at, batch, cron, time, network files, security, privileges, authentication,password
administration, archiving, Signals and signal handlers, Threading, Linux I/O system, Networking tools
like ping, telnet, ftp, route, Firewalls, Backup and Restore tar, cpio, dd.
Case Study: PCOMPRESS open source free software

Text Books:
1. John Goerzen: Linux Programming Bible, IDG Books, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Sumitabha Das: Unix – Concept and Applications, Fourth Edition TMH, 2015.
3. Neil Matthew, Richard Stones: Beginning Linux Programming, 4 th. Edition, Wrox-Shroff, 2011.
4. Welsh & Kaufmann: Running Linux, O'Reiley & Associates, 2013.

Reference Book:
1. B.M. Harwani, Unix and Shell Programming, Oxford University Press, 2013.
CSE-403N Computer Graphics and Animation
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 03 Hrs.
Purpose Introduces Computer Graphics that help in designing different kinds of static
and movable objects.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Explore the background and standard line and circle drawing algorithms.
CO2 Exposure of various transformation approaches and its comparative analysis.
CO3 Illustrate Projection and clipping with explore different techniques.
CO4 Apply design principles to create different curves and explore hidden lines and
surface techniques.

Computer Graphics applications, Display Devices, Point & Positioning Devices, Plotting Techniques
for point and Line, Line drawing algorithms: DDA, Bresenhams’s Circle drawing algorithms, Filled
area algorithms: Scan line, Polygon filling algorithms, Boundary filled algorithms.

Window to view port transformation, Window to view port mapping, Two Dimensional transformation:
translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and Shear, Homogeneous Coordinate system.
3-D transformation: Rotation, Shear, translation, Numerical Problems of transformation viewing

Clipping: Point & Line clipping algorithm, 4-bit code algorithm, Cohen-Sutherland Line clipping
algorithms, Liang-Barsky line clipping algorithms. Polygon clipping: Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon
clipping algorithm. Curve clipping, Text clipping.
Projection: Parallel, Perspective, Vanishing Points.

Representation of 3-D Curves and Surfaces: interpolation and approximation alpines, parametric
conditions, Geometric continuity conditions, Beizer curves and surfaces: properties of beizer curves,
beizer surfaces.
Hidden Surfaces removal: Hidden surface elimination, depth buffer algorithm, scan line coherence
and area coherence algorithm, priority algorithm

Text Books
1. Donald Hearn & M.Pauline Baker, Computer Graphics, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education.
2. William M. Newmann & Robert F. Sproull, Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, Tata
McGraw-Hill Second Edition, New Delhi, India.
3. Zhigang Xiang & Roy A Plastock , Computer Graphics, Second Edition, Schaum’s Outline,
Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
Reference Book
1. Foley, van Dam, Feiner, and Hughes. Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, 3rd edition
in C.
CSE-415N Object Oriented Software Engineering
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide the thorough knowledge to use the concepts and their design
attributes for Object Oriented Software Engineering approaches and
platforms to solve real time problems.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn the basic concepts of object oriented systems and software engineering.
CO2 To get exposure of various object modeling methodologies, tools for analyzing and
designing software based systems using UML.
CO3 To explore problems using Use Cases, analyzing relations, responsibilities and
collaborations among classes and their behavior in problem domain.
CO4 To evaluate object oriented design processes using models, design patterns,
interfaces designs and communication mechanisms for performing required tasks.

Unit - I
An Overview of Object-Oriented system Development, Objects Basis, Class Hierarchy, Inheritance,
Polymorphism, Object Relationships and Associations, Aggregations and Object Containment, Object
Persistence, Meta-Classes, Object Oriented Systems Development Life Cycle: Software
Development Process, Object Oriented Systems Development: A Use-Case Driven Approach.

Unit - II
Object Oriented Methodologies:Rumbaugh Methodology, Jacobson Methodology,
BoochMethodology, Patterns, Frameworks, The Unified approach, Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Unit - III
Object Oriented Analysis Process, Use Case Driven Object Oriented Analysis, Use Case
Model,Object Analysis: Classification, Classification Theory, Approaches for identifying classes,
Responsibilities and Collaborators, Identifying Object Relationships, Attributes and Methods:
Associations, Super-Sub Class relationships, A-Part-of-Relationships-Aggregation, Class
Responsibilities, Object Responsibilities.
Unit - IV
Object Oriented Design process and Design Axioms, Corollaries, Design Patterns, Designing
Classes: Object Oriented Design Philosophy, UML Object Constraint Language, Designing Classes:
The Process, Class Visibility, Refining Attributes, Designing Methods and Protocols, Packages and
Managing classes, View Layer: Designing Interface objects,Designing View layer Classes, Macro and
Micro Level Interface Design Process.

Text Books:
1. Ali Bahrami, Object Oriented Systems Development, McGraw Hill Publishing Company
Limited, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Rumbaugh et al., Object Oriented Modeling and Design, PHI, 2006.
3. Robert Laganière and Timothy C. Lethbridge, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Practical
Software Development, McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, Sixth Print
Reference Books:
1. Ivar Jacobson, MagnosChristerson, Patrick Jonsson, Gunnar Overgaard, Object-oriented
Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach, Pearson Education, New Delhi, Seventh
Edition Reprint, 2009.
2. David C. Kung, Object-Oriented Software Engineering: An Agile Unified Methodology,
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Bernd Bruegge, Allen H. Dutoit, Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns,
and Java: Pearson New International, Third Edition, 2013.
CSE-417N Cyber Security
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To gain a broad understanding in order to get predictive ways out related to cyber
Course Outcomes
CO1 To facilitate the basic knowledge of cyber security.
CO2 To explore and sort issues related to different types of activities in cyber crime.
CO3 To get enable to fix the various cyber attacks.
CO4 To deal with the digital forensics and related scenarios of cyber crimes.

Introduction: Introduction and Overview of Cyber Crime, Nature and Scope of Cyber Crime, Types
of Cyber Crime: crime against individual,Crime against property, Cyber extortion, Drug trafficking,
cyber terrorism.
Need for Information security, Threats to Information Systems, Information Assurance, Cyber
Security, and Security Risk Analysis.

Cyber Crime Issues: Unauthorized Access to Computers, Computer Intrusions, Viruses and
Malicious Code, Internet Hacking and Cracking, Virus and worms, Software Piracy, Intellectual
Property, Mail Bombs, Exploitation, Stalking and Obscenity in Internet, Password Cracking,
Steganography, Key loggers and Spyware, Trojan and backdoors, phishing, DOS and DDOS attack,
SQL injection, Buffer Overflow.

Introduction to cyber attacks: passive attacks, active attacks, Cyber crime prevention methods,
Application security (Database, E-mail and Internet), Data Security Considerations-Backups, Archival
Storage and Disposal of Data, Security Technology-Firewall and VPNs, Intrusion Detection, Access
Control,Hardware protection mechanisms,OS Security

Digital Forensics: Introduction to Digital Forensics, historical background of digital forensics,
Forensic Software and Hardware, need for computer forensics science, special tools and techniques
digital forensic life cycle, challenges in digital forensic.
Law Perspective: Introduction to the Legal Perspectives of Cybercrimes and Cyber security,
Cybercrime and the Legal Landscape around the World, Why Do We Need Cyber laws, The Indian
IT Act, Cybercrime Scenario in India, Digital Signatures and the Indian IT Act, Cybercrime and

Text Books:
1. Nelson Phillips and Enfinger Steuart, “Computer Forensics and Investigations”, Cengage
Learning, New Delhi, 2009.

Reference Books:
1. Robert M Slade,” Software Forensics”, Tata McGraw - Hill, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Sunit Belapure and Nina Godbole, “Cyber Security: Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer
Forensics and Legal Perspectives”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.
CSE-419N Cryptography and Information Security
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose The course will be useful for students who plan to do research/product
development/analysis in areas related to secure computing in their career.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn basics of network security and cryptography.
CO2 Exposing the knowledge about network authentication mechanism, with security
CO3 To explore the knowledge of key exchange protocols.
CO4 To realize the effect on digitized security.

Unit I: Basics of Cryptography

Introduction to cryptography, security threats, types of cryptography, Classical cryptography and their
cryptanalysis, perfect secrecy, Shannon's theorem, stream ciphers, Security attacks

Unit II: Authentication Mechanism and Security Algorithms

Access control mechanism, Discretionary v/s mandatory access control, CPA-secure encryption,
Pseudorandom permutations, practical block ciphers (3-DES, AES), RSA, modes of operation,
MACs, Hash functions-Tiger Hash, Gear hash, pseudorandom generators, Public key infrastructure.

Unit III: Key Exchange Protocols

CCA-secure encryption, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Public key crypto systems (El Gamal, Paillier,
Rabin, Goldwasser-Micali), Key exchange protocols, example protocol such as PGP, Kerberos,

Unit IV: Digitized Security

Digital signatures,-MD5, SHA1, Rabin Finger Print, digital certificates, DSS, firewall and intrusion
detection systems, Byzantine agreement, secure multiparty computation, interactive proof systems

Text Books:
1. Y. Lindell and J. Katz. Introduction to Modern Cryptography. MIT press, 2012.
2. OedGoldreich. Foundations of Modern cryptography: Parts I and II, Cambridge Press, 2011.
3. A. Menezes, P.C. Van Oorschot and S.A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC
Press, 2010.
4. William Stalling, Cryptography and Network Security: Pearson Education, 2013.

Reference Books:
1. Michael EWhitman& Herbert J. Mattord, Principles of Information Security, Vikash Publishing
House PVT. LTD., New Delhi, 2015.
2. Charles P. Pfleeger, Security in Computing, 4 th Edition, Prentice Hall, 2011.
3. Jeff Crume, Inside Internet Security Addison Wesley, 2014.
CSE-421N Agile Software Engineering
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose Introduces the business value of adopting Agile approaches and provide
complete understanding of the Agile development practices
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Understand the background and driving forces for taking an Agile approach to
software development.
CO2 Understand the business value of adopting Agile approaches.
CO3 Drive development with unit tests using Test Driven Development.
CO4 Apply design principles and refactoring to achieve Agility.

Unit I: Fundamentals of Agile

The Genesis of Agile, Introduction and background, Agile Manifesto and Principles, Overview of
Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature Driven development, Lean Software Development, Agile
project management, Design and development practices in Agile projects, Test Driven Development,
Continuous Integration, Refactoring, Pair Programming, Simple Design, User Stories, Agile Testing,
Agile Tools

Unit II: Agile Scrum Framework

Introduction to Scrum, Project phases, Agile Estimation, Planning game, Product backlog, Sprint
backlog, Iteration planning, User story definition, Characteristics and content of user stories,
Acceptance tests and Verifying stories, Project velocity, Burn down chart, Sprint planning and
retrospective, Daily scrum, Scrum roles – Product Owner, Scrum Master, Scrum Team, Scrum case
study, Tools for Agile project management.

Unit III: Agile Testing

The Agile lifecycle and its impact on testing, Test-Driven Development (TDD), xUnit framework and
tools for TDD, Testing user stories - acceptance tests and scenarios, Planning and managing testing
cycle, Exploratory testing, Risk based testing, Regression tests, Test Automation, Tools to support
the Agile tester.

Unit IV: Agile Software Design and Development

Agile design practices, Role of design Principles including Single Responsibility Principle, Open
Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principles, Dependency
Inversion Principle in Agile Design, Need and significance of Refactoring, Refactoring Techniques,
Continuous Integration, Automated build tools, Version control.

Text Books:
1. Ken Schawber, Mike Beedle, Agile Software Development with Scrum, Pearson publications.
2. Robert C. Martin, Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns and Practices, Prentice
3. Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory, Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams,
Addison Wesley.

Reference Books:
1. Alistair Cockburn, Agile Software Development: The Cooperative Game, Addison Wesley.
2. Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied: For Agile Software, Addison Wesley.
CSE-423N Big Data and Analytics
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide knowledge of Big Data Analytics and Distributed File Systems.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn in details the concepts of big data.
CO2 Expose the criteria of big data analytics and big data storage.
CO3 To explore knowledge of big data compression techniques.
CO4 To explore learning of big data tools and state-of-the-art knowledge with
implementation for big data.

Unit I: Big Data Background

Big data definition and features of big data, big data value, development of big data, challenges of
big data, NoSQL databases, technologies related to big data including cloud computing, Internet of
Things, data center, Hadoop, relationship between IoT and big data, relationship between hadoop
and big data, big data generation and acquisition includes data collection, data transmission, data
pre-processing, big data applications.

Unit II: Big Data Analytics and Storage

Big data analysis, big data analytic methods and tools, Pig, Hive, Flume, Mahout, Big data storage,
distributed storage system for massive data, storage mechanism for big data GFS, HDFS, HBase,
MongoDB, Cassandra, big data storage deduplication techniques, fixed-size and variable-size blocks
based deduplication, content defined chunking, frequency based chunking, byte and multi-byte
indexing techniques, Cloud storage.

Unit III: Big Data Compression

Big data delta compression, Xdelta implementation, Message Digest (MD5), Secure Hash Algorithm
(SHA-1/SHA-256), Gear Hash, Tiger Hash, Rabin and Incremental Secure Fingerprint based
deduplication, lossless duplicate and similar data elimination approaches, Parallel deduplication and
compression using PCOMPRESS, Scalable Decentralized Deduplication Store (SDDS) using

Unit IV: Big Data Processing

Installation procedure with system requirements for Apache Hadoop, Cassandra, Spark, Pig, Hive,
HBase, MongoDB large scale distributed storage systems, Map Reduce programming model
working, YARN architecture, Apache Pig and Hive architecture, Single node and Multi-nodes Hadoop
Cluster Set up and running a Big Data example, NoSQL implementation.
Text Books:
1. "Big Data" by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, Kenneth Cukier, ISBN:978-0544002692, Eamon
Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 2013.
2. “Big Data Now”, by O’Reilly Media Inc., ASIN: B0097E4EBQ, O’Reilly 2012.
3. “Hadoop Operation”, by Eric Sammer, ISBN: 978-1449327057, O’Reilly 2012.
4. “MapReduce Design Patterns: Building Effective Algorithms and Analytics for Hadoop and
Other Systems”, by Donald Miner, Adam Shook, ISBN:978-1449327170, O’Reilly 2012.

Reference Books:
1. “Programming Hive”, by Edward Capriolo, ISBN: 978-1449319335,O’Reilly 2012.
2. “HBase: the Definitive Guide”, by Lars George, ISBN: 978-1449396107, O’Reilly 2011.
3. “Mahout in Action”, by Sean Owen, Robin Anil, Ted Dunning, Ellen Friedman, ISBN:
978-1935182689, Manning 2011.
4. “Programming Pig”, by Alan Gates, ISBN: 978-1449302641, O’Reilly 2011.
5. “Cassandra, the Definitive Guide”, by Eben Hewitt ISBN: 978-1449390419 O’Reilly 2011.
6. “MongoDB: The Definitive Guide” by Kristina Chodorow, Michael Dirolf,ISBN: 978-
1449381561, O’Reilly, 2010.
CSE-425N Expert Systems
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
3 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
In this course the student will learn the methodologies used to transfer the
Purpose knowledge of a human expert into an intelligent program that can be used to solve
real-time problems.
Course Outcomes(CO)
CO1 Examining the fundamentals and terminologies of expert system.
To facilitate students to implement various knowledge representation techniques
for acquisition and validate various structures in experts system domain.
CO3 Signifying AI techniques to solve social, industrial and environmental problems.
Application of professional aspects in multi-disciplinary approach to meet global
standards towards design, realizing and manufacturing.

Introduction to AI programming languages, Blind search strategies, Breadth first – Depth first –
Heuristic search techniques Hill Climbing – Best first – A Algorithms AO* algorithm – game tress,
Min-max algorithms, game playing – Alpha beta pruning.
Knowledge representation issues predicate logic – logic programming Semantic nets- frames and
inheritance, constraint propagation; Representing Knowledge using rules, Rules based deduction
Introduction to Expert Systems, Architecture of expert system, Representation and organization of
knowledge, Basics characteristics, and types of problems handled by expert systems.
Expert System Tools: Techniques of knowledge representations in expert systems, knowledge
engineering, System-building aids, support facilities, stages in the development of expert
Building an Expert System: Expert system development, Selection of tool, Acquiring
Knowledge, Building process.
Problems with Expert Systems: Difficulties, common pitfalls in planning, dealing with domain
expert, difficulties during development.

Text Books
1. Elain Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Waterman D.A., “A Guide to Expert Systems”, Addison Wesley Longman, 1985.

Reference Books
1. Staurt Russel and other Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence – A Modern Approach”, Prentice
Hall, 1995.
2. Patrick Henry Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley, 1979.
3. Patterson, Artificial Intelligence & Expert System, Prentice Hall India,1999.
4. Hayes-Roth, Lenat and Waterman: Building Expert Systems, Addison Wesley, 1983.
5. Weiss S.M. and Kulikowski C.A., “A Practical Guide to Designing Expert Systems”, Rowman
&Allanheld, New Jersey, 2011.
CSE-405N Computer Graphics Lab
Lecture Tutorial Practical Minor Test Practical Total Time
0 0 2 40 60 100 3Hrs.
Purpose To Design and implement various Line and Circle Drawing Algorithms.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To Implement basic algorithms related to Line & Circle Drawing.
CO2 Implement various Line & Circle Drawing Algorithms.
CO3 Hands on experiments on 2-D transformations.
CO4 Conceptual implementation of Clipping and other drawing algorithms..

List of Practicals
1. Write a program to implement DDA line drawing algorithm.
2. Write a program to implement Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
3. Implement the Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm.
4. Write a program to draw a decagon whose all vertices are connected with every other vertex
using lines.
5. Write a program to move an object using the concepts of 2-D transformations.
6. Write a program to implement the midpoint circle drawing algorithmany Object Oriented
Programming Languagelike Python, C++,Java.
7. Implement the line clipping algorithm using any Object Oriented Programming Language like
Python, C++, Java.
8. Implement boundary fill algorithm using any Object Oriented Programming Language like
Python, C++, Java.
9. Implement the depth buffer algorithm using any Object oriented language like Python,
10. Perform the Polygon Clipping Algorithm using any Object oriented language like Python,
11. Draw a Rectangle using Bresenham’s and DDA Algorithm using any Object oriented language
like Python, C++,Java.

Note: At least 5 to 10 more exercises are to be given by the teacher concerned.

CSE-409N Unix & Linux Programming Lab
Lecture Tutorial Practical Minor Test Practical Total Time
0 0 2 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide experimental knowledge of Unix & Linux Programs
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO Exploring knowledge by implementation of programs using UNIX/LINUX.

List of Practicals
1. Familiarize with Unix/Linux logging/logout and simple commands.
2. Familiarize with vi editor.
3. Using Bash shell develop simple shell programs.
4. Develop advanced shell programs using grep, fgrep&egrep.
5. Compile and debug various C programs using different options.
Content defined chunking, frequency based chunking, delta/Xdelta, Rabin Fingerprint
Generator, Parallel Compression pcompress.
6. Learning of installation and upgradation of Linux operating system.
7. Install Linux on a PC having some other previously installed operating system. All operating
systems should be usable.
8. As supervisor create and maintain user accounts, learn package installation, taking
backups, creation of scripts for file and user management, creation of startup and shutdown
scripts using at, cron etc.

Note: At least 5 to 10 more exercises are to be given by the teacher concerned.

Bachelor of Technology (Computer Science & Engineering)
Scheme of Studies/Examination
Semester VIII
S. Course Subject L:T:P Hours/ Examination Schedule Duration
No. No. Week of Exam
Major Minor Practical Total
Test Test
1 CSE Neural 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
402N Networks
& Fuzzy
2 PE-III Elective*- 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
3 PE-IV Elective* - 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
4 CSE Mobile 4:0:0 4 75 25 0 100 3
404N Apps
5 CSE Mobile 0:0:2 2 0 40 60 100 3
406N Apps
ent Lab
6 CSE Computer 0:0:2 2 0 40 60 100 3
408N Hardware
ooting Lab
7 CSE Project-II 0:0:9 09 0 100 100 200 3
8 CSE General 0 0 100 100 8
424N Fitness &
al Aptitude
Total 29 300 280 320 900

Code PE-III Code PE-IV

CSE-412N Software Testing CSE-418N Parallel Computing
CSE-414N Graph Theory CSE-420N Cloud Computing
CSE-416N Data Mining CSE-422N Natural Language Processing

*The students will choose any two departmental electives courses out of the given elective list in VIII
CSE-402N Neural Networks & Fuzzy Logic

Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time

4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide knowledge of various artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic
techniques and Genetic Engineering approach for optimization
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn the basics of artificial neural networks concepts.
CO2 Expose detailed explanation of various neural networks architecture.
CO3 To explore knowledge of special types of Artificial neural networks.
CO4 To explore fuzzy logic techniques and genetic algorithms in neural networks.

Unit I: Fundamentals of Artificial Neural Networks

Introduction: Concepts of neural networks, Characteristics of Neural Networks, Applications of Neural
Networks. Fundamentals of Neural Networks: The biological prototype, Neuron concept, Single layer
Neural Networks, Multi-Layer Neural Networks, terminology, Notation and representation of Neural
Networks, Training of Artificial Neural Networks. Representation of perceptron, perceptron learning
and training, Classification, linear Separability

Unit II: Neural Networks

Hopfield nets: Structure, training, and applications, Back Propagation: Concept, Applications and
Back Propagation Training Algorithms. Counter Propagation Networks: Kohonan Network, Grossberg
Layer & Training, applications of counter propagation, Image classification.
Bi-directional Associative Memories: Structure, retrieving a stored association, encoding

Unit III: Special Neural Networks

ART: ART architecture, ART classification operation, ART implementation and characteristicsof ART.
Image Compression Using ART, Optical Neural Networks: Vector Matrix Multipliers, Hop field net
using Electro optical matrix multipliers, Holographic correlator, Optical Hopfield net using Volume
Holograms, Cognitrons and Neocognitrons: structure and training.

Unit IV: Fuzzy Logic

Fuzzy Logic:Introduction to Fuzzy Logic, Classical and Fuzzy Sets: Overview of Classical
Sets,Membership Function, Fuzzy rule generation, Operations on Fuzzy Sets: Compliment,
Intersections,Unions, Combinations of Operations, Aggregation Operations, Fuzzy Arithmetic: Fuzzy
Numbers,Linguistic Variables, Arithmetic Operations on Intervals & Numbers, Lattice of Fuzzy
Numbers, Fuzzy Equations, Introduction of Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Architecture of Neuro Fuzzy
Networks, Genetic Algorithms: genetic algorithm implementation in problem solving and working of
genetic algorithms evolving neural networks, Differential Evolution optimization for engineering

Text Books:
1. Li Min Fu, “Neural Networks in Computer Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 2012.
2. S N Sivanandam, “Neural Networks using MATLAB 6.0”, TMH, 4 th. Reprint 2015.
3. S N Sivanandam, “Principles of Soft Computing”, 2 nd. Edition, Wiley, Reprint 2014.
Reference Books:
1. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundations”, Prentice-Hall International,
New Jersey, 2013.
2. Freeman J.A. & D.M. Skapura, “Neural Networks: Algorithms, Applications and Programming
Techniques”, Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass, 2014.
CSE-412N Software Testing
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide an understanding of concepts and techniques for testing software and
assuring its quality.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Expose the criteria and parameters for the generation of test cases.
CO2 • Learn the design of test cases and generating test cases.
CO3 • Be familiar with test management and software testing activities.
CO4 Be exposed to the significance of software testing in web and Object orient

Introduction: Overview of software evolution, SDLC, Testing Process, Terminologies in Testing:
Error, Fault, Failure, Verification, Validation, Difference between Verification and Validation, What is
software testing and why it is so hard? Test Cases, Test Oracles,Testing Process, Limitations of
Functional Testing: Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Class Testing, Decision Table Based
Testing, Cause Effect Graphing Technique.
Structural Testing: Path testing, DD-Paths, Cyclomatic Complexity, Graph Metrics, Data Flow
Testing, Mutation testing.

Reducing the number of test cases:Prioritization guidelines, Priority category, Scheme, Risk
Analysis, Regression Testing, and Slice based testing
Testing Activities: Unit Testing, Levels of Testing, Integration Testing, System Testing, Debugging,
Domain Testing.

Object oriented Testing: Definition, Issues, Class Testing, Object Oriented Integration and System
Testing Web Applications: What is Web testing?, User interface Testing, Usability Testing, Security
Testing, Performance Testing, Database testing, Post Deployment Testing.

Text Books:
1. Naresh Chauhan “Software Testing Principles and Practices” Oxford Publications, 2012.
2. Louise Tamres, “Software Testing”, Pearson Education Asia, 2002.
3. Robert V. Binder, “Testing Object-Oriented Systems-Models, Patterns and Tools”, Addison
Wesley, 1999.
4. William Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995.
Reference Books:
1. CemKaner, Jack Falk, Nguyen Quoc, “Testing Computer Software”, Second Edition, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1993.
2. K.K. Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, 2 nd Ed., New Age International
Publishers, New Delhi, 2005.
3. Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Second Volume, Second Edition, Van Nostrand
Reinhold, New York, 1990.
4. Boris Beizer, “Black-Box Testing – Techniques for Functional Testing of Software and
Systems”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1995.
5. Gopalaswamy Ramesh, Srinivasan Desikan, Software Testing : Principles and Practices,
Pearson India, 2005.
CSE-414N Graph Theory
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3Hrs.
Purpose To familiarize the students with the fundamentals of Graph Theory and Graph
Course Outcomes
CO1 To get enabled about the various concepts of graph theory.
CO2 To explore different trees, graphs and algorithms.
CO3 To deal with the concept of planar graph and its related algorithms.
CO4 To implement the concept of vectors, colouring, covering and partitioning of a graph.

Introduction: Graphs, Isomorphism, Sub graphs, some basic properties, various example of graphs
& their sub graphs, walks, path & circuits, connected graphs, disconnected graphs and component,
directed graphs, types of directed graphs,Euler graphs, various operation on graphs, Hamiltonian
paths and circuits, the traveling sales man problem.

Trees: Trees and fundamental circuits, distance diameters, radius and pendent vertices, rooted and
binary trees, on counting trees, spanning trees, fundamental circuits, finding all spanning trees of a
graph and a weighted graph, algorithms of primes, Kruskal and Dijkstra Algorithms.

Fundamentals of Cut sets: Cut sets Cuts sets and cut vertices, some properties, all cut sets in a
graph, fundamental circuits and cut sets, connectivity and separability, network flows.
Planar Graphs: Planer graphs, different representation of a planar graph, combinatorial and
geometric dual: Kuratowski graphs, detection of planarity, geometric dual, Discussion on criterion of
planarity, thickness and crossings.

Vector: Vector space of a graph and vectors, basis vector, cut set vector, circuit vector, circuit and
cut set subspaces, Matrix representation of graph – Basic concepts; Incidence matrix, Circuit matrix,
Path matrix, Cut-set matrix and Adjacency matrix.
Graph Colouring, covering and partitioning: Colouring, covering and partitioning of a graph,
chromatic number, chromatic partitioning, chromatic polynomials, matching, covering, four color

Text Books:
1. Deo, N, Graph theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science, PHI.
2. Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang, Introduction to Graph Theory, TMH.

Reference Books:
1. Robin J. Wilson, Introduction to Graph Theory, Pearson Education.
2. Harary, F, Graph Theory, Narosa Publication.
3. Bondy and Murthy: Graph theory and application. Addison Wesley.
4. V. Balakrishnan, Schaum's Outline of Graph Theory, TMH.
5. GeirAgnarsson, Graph Theory: Modeling, Applications and Algorithms, Pearson Education.
CSE-416N Data Mining
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide the knowledge of data mining and its techniques.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To learn data mining concepts in details.
CO2 Expose the criteria for data generalization.
CO3 To explore knowledge of mining associations, correlations and classification.
CO4 To evaluate various types of data mining.

Unit I: Data Mining and Data Preprocessing

Introduction :Data Mining, Functionalities, Data Mining Systems classification, Integration with Data
Warehouse System, Data summarization, data cleaning, data integration and transformation, data
reduction. Data Warehouse:Need for Data Warehousing, Paradigm Shift, Business Problem
Definition, Operational and Information Data Stores, Data Warehouse Definition and Characteristics,
Data Warehouse Architecture and Implementation, OLAP.

Unit II: Data Generalization

Data Mining Primitives, Query Language and System Architecture, Concept Description, Data
generalization, Analysis of attribute relevance, Mining descriptive statistical measures in large
databases, Data deduplication methodologies.

Unit III: Mining Associations and Correlations

Mining association rules in large databases:Association rule mining, Mining single dimensional
boolean association rules from transactional databases, mining multilevel association rules from
transaction databases, Relational databases and data warehouses, correlation analysis,
classification and prediction, Data redundancy detection and elimination techniques.

Unit IV: Cluster Analysis and Mining

Introduction to cluster analysis, Mining complex type of data: Multidimensional analysis and
descriptive mining of complex data objects, Spatial databases, Multimedia databases, Mining
timeseries and sequence data, Mining text databases, Mining World Wide Web, Data Chunking

Text Books
1. J.Han, M.Kamber, Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques, Academic Press, Morgan
Kanfman Publishers, 2015.
2. Pieter Adrians, DolfZantinge, Data Mining, Addison Wesley 2013.
3. C.S.R. Prabhu, Data Ware housing: Concepts, Techniques, Products and Applications,
Prentice Hall of India, 2014.

Reference Books
1. Berry and Lin off, Mastering Data Mining: The Art and Science of Customer Relationship
Management, John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
2. Seidman, Data Mining with Microsoft SQL Server, Prentice Hall of India,2016.
CSE-418N Parallel Computing
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To enable students to compare various architectural taxonomies and design
paradigms of parallel computers and computational models, parallelism
approaches, performance metrics and techniques to parallelize and schedule
loops and their programming constructs.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Classify various synchronous and asynchronous paradigms of parallel computing as
well as identify some of the taxonomies for architectural classification of parallel
CO2 Compare various parallel computation models and approaches and describe different
performance metrics in parallel computers.
CO3 Distinguish shared memory and distributed memory multiprocessors and
explainvarious parallel programming models and relative advantages and
disadvantages of interconnection networks based on network parameters for reliable
connections and achieving efficient speed.
CO4 Examine various techniques of parallelizing loops and sequential programs and
Introduction: The state of computing, system attributes to performance, Paradigms of parallel
computing: Synchronous – Vector/ Array, SIMD, systolic, Asynchronous- MIMD, reduction paradigm.
Hardware Taxonomy: Flynn’s classification, Feng’s classification, handler’s classification. Software
taxonomy: Kung’s taxonomy.
Abstract parallel computational models: combinational circuits, sorting network, PRAM models,
VLSI complexity model, Interconnections RAMs, Parallelism approaches- data parallelism, control
parallelism, Conditions of parallelism: Data, control and resource dependencies, Hardware and
software parallelism.
Performance metrics: Laws governing performance measurements, Metrics- speedups, efficiency,
utilization, communication overheads, single/ multiple program performances.
Parallel processors: taxonomy and topology: shared memory multi processors, distributed memory
multicomputer, static and dynamic interconnections.
Parallel programming: shared memory programming, distributed memory programming, object
orientedprogramming, data parallel programming, functional and data flow programming.
Scheduling and parallelization: Loop parallelization and pipelining-Loop transformation
theory,parallelization and wave fronting, tiling and localization, software pipelining, Scheduling
parallel programs, program partitioning and scheduling: Grain size, latency, grain packing and
scheduling, loop scheduling, Parallelization of sequential programs.

Text Books
1. Kai Hwang and Naresh Jotwani, Advanced Computer Architecture, Second Edition,McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, India, 2012.
2. M.J. Quinn, Parallel Computing: Theory and Practice, Second Edition, McGraw Hill,New
Delhi, India, 2008.
3. D.Sima, T.Fountain, P.Kasuk, Advanced Computer Architecture-A Design spaceApproach,
Pearson Education,India, 2009.
Reference Books
1. J. L. Hennessy and D. A. Patterson, Computer Architecture: A Quantitative approach, 5th
Edition, Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier-India.
2. T.G.Lewis, Parallel Programming: A machine Independent approach, IEEE Computer
Society Press,Los Alamitos, 1994.
3. T.G.Lewis and H. EI-Rewini, Introduction to parallel computing, Prentice Hall, New Jersey,
CSE-420N Cloud Computing
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 03 Hrs.
Purpose To familiar the concepts of cloud services and storageto deploy various
resources and arbitrary software.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Facilitate the basic usage and applicability of computing paradigm.
CO2 Explore various cloud service and deployment models to utilize different cloud services.
CO3 To get enabled for various data, scalability &cloud services in order to get efficient
database for cloud storage.
CO4 To deal with various security threats and their controlling mechanism for accessing safe
cloud services.

Overview of Computing Paradigm: Recent trends in Computing, Grid Computing, Cluster Computing,
Distributed Computing, Utility Computing, Cloud Computing, evolution of cloud computing, Business
driver for adopting cloud computing.
Cloud Computing (NIST Model), History of Cloud Computing, Cloud service providers, Properties,
Characteristics & Disadvantages, Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing, Benefits of Cloud
Computing, Cloud computing vs. Cluster computing vs. Grid computing, Role of Open Standards.

Cloud Computing Architecture: Cloud computing stack, Comparison with traditional computing
architecture (client/server), Services provided at various levels, How Cloud Computing Works, Role
of Networks in Cloud computing, protocols used, Role of Web services, Service Models (XaaS) -
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS),
Deployment Models- Public cloud, Private cloud, Hybrid cloud, Community cloud.

Service Management in Cloud Computing: Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Billing & Accounting,
comparing Scaling Hardware: Traditional vs. Cloud, Economics of scaling: Benefitting enormously,
Managing Data- Looking at Data, Scalability & Cloud Services, Database & Data Stores in Cloud,
Large Scale Data Processing.
Case study: Eucalyptus, Microsoft Azure, Amazon EC2.

Cloud Security: Infrastructure Security, Network level security, Host level security, Application level
security, Data security and Storage, Data privacy and security Issues, Jurisdictional issues raised by
Data location, Identity & Access Management, Access Control, Trust, Reputation, Risk,
Authentication in cloud computing, Client access in cloud, Cloud contracting Model, Commercial and
business considerations.

Text Books
1. Barrie Sosinsky, Cloud Computing Bible, Wiley-India, 2010.
2. Rajkumar Buyya,James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinski,Cloud Computing: Principles and
Paradigms, Wiley, 2011.
Reference Books
1. Nikos Antonopoulos, Lee Gillam, Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications,
Springer, 2012.
2. Ronald L. Krutz, Russell Dean Vines, Cloud Security: A Comprehensive Guide to Secure
Cloud Computing, Wiley-India, 2010.
CSE-422N Natural Language Processing
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To provide the understanding of the mathematical and linguistic foundations
underlying approaches to the various areas in NLP.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Be familiar with syntax and semantics in NLP.
CO2 To implement various concepts of knowledge representation using Prolog.
CO3 To classify different parsing techniques and understand semantic networks.
CO4 To identify/explain various applications of NLP.

Fundamental components of Natural Language Processing: Lexicography,syntax, semantics,
prosody, phonology, pragmatic analysis, world knowledge.
Knowledge Representation schemes: Semantic net, Frames, Conceptual Dependency, Scripts.

Representing knowledge using rules: Logic Programming, Introduction to LISP and Prolog, Rules
based deduction systems, General concepts in knowledge acquisition.
Syntax Analysis: Formal Languages and grammars, Chomsky Hierarchy, Left- Associative
Grammars, ambiguous grammars, resolution of ambiguities.

Computation Linguistics: Recognition and parsing of natural language structures- ATN and RTN,
General Techniques of parsing- CKY, Earley and Tomitas algorithm.
Semantics: Knowledge representation, semantics networks logic and inference pragmatics, graph
models and optimization.
Applications of NLP: Intelligent work processor, Machine translation, user interfaces, Man-Machine
interfaces, natural language querying, tutoring and authoring systems, speech recognition,
commercial use of NLP.

Text Books:
1. Daniel Jurafsky, James H. Martin, “Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to
Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics and Speech Recognition”, 2nd
edition, Pearson Edu., 2013.
2. James Allen, “Natural Language Understanding”, Pearson Education, Second Edition, 2003.

Reference Books:
1. Ivan Bratko, “Prolog: Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, 3 rd Edition, Pearson Education,
Fifth Impression 2009.
2. G. Gazder, “Natural Language processing in prolog”, Addison Wesley, 1989.
CSE-404N Mobile Apps Development
Lecture Tutorial Practical Major Test Minor Test Total Time
4 0 0 75 25 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To introduce the concepts of developing the mobile applications.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Be exposed to technology and Mobile apps development aspects.
CO2 Be competent with the characterization and architecture of mobile applications.
CO3 Appreciation of nuances such as native hardware play, location awareness, graphics,
and multimedia.
CO4 Perform testing, signing, packaging and distribution of mobile apps.

Unit I: Introduction to Mobility

Mobility landscape, Mobile platforms, Mobile apps development, Overview of Android platform,
Setting up the Mobile App Development environment along with an Emulator.
App User Interface Designing – Mobile UI resources (Layout, UI elements, Drawable, Menu).

Unit II: Building blocks of Mobile Apps

Activity- States and Life Cycle, Interaction amongst Activities.
App functionality beyond user interface - Threads, Async task, Services – States and Life Cycle,
Notifications, Broadcast receivers, Content provider.

Unit III: Sprucing up Mobile Apps

Graphics and animation – Custom views, Canvas, Animation APIs, Multimedia – Audio/Video
playback and record, Location awareness.
Native data handling–file I/O, Shared preferences, Mobile databases such as SQLite, and Enterprise
data access (via Internet/Intranet).

Unit IV: Testing Mobile Apps

Debugging mobile apps, White box testing, Black box testing, and test automation of Mobile apps,
JUnit for Android.

Text Books:
1. Barry Burd, Android Application Development All in one for Dummies, Wiley publications, 2nd
Edition 2015.
2. Android Developer Fundamentals Course– Concepts (Learn to develop Android applications)
Concepts Reference Developed by Google Developer Training Team, 2016.
3. Valentino Lee, Heather Schneider, and Robbie Schell, Mobile Applications: Architecture,
Design, and Development, Prentice Hall, 2004.
4. Rick Boyer, Kyle Mew,Android Application Development Cookbook - Second Edition,2016.

Reference Books:
1. Carmen Delessio, Lauren Darcey, Teach Yourself Android Application Development In 24
Hours , SAMS, 2013.
2. Brian Fling, Mobile Design and Development, O'Reilly Media, 2009.
3. Maximiliano Firtman, Programming the Mobile Web, O'Reilly Media, 2010.
4. Christian Crumlish and Erin Malone, Designing Social Interfaces, O'Reilly Media, 2009.
5. Jerome F. DiMarzio, Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio, 4th edition, 2016.
6. Max Lemann ,Android Studio: App Development on Android 6, 2016.
CSE-406N Mobile Apps Development Lab
Lecture Tutorial Practical Minor Test Practical Total Time
0 0 2 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose Design and Implement various mobile applications using emulators and learn how to
Deploy applications to hand-held devices.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 Know the components and structure of mobile application development frameworks
for Android based mobiles.
CO2 Understand how to work with various mobile application development frameworks.
CO3 Learn the basic and important design concepts and issues of development of mobile
CO4 Understand the capabilities of mobile devices.

List of Practicals:
1. Develop an application that uses GUI components, Font and Colours
2. Develop an application that uses Layout Managers and event listeners.
3. Develop a native calculator application.
4. Write an application that draws basic graphical primitives on the screen.
5. Implement an application that implements Multi threading
6. Develop a native application that uses GPS location information.
7. Implement an application that writes data to the SD card.
8. Implement an application that creates an alert upon receiving a message.
9. Write a mobile application that creates alarm clock.
10. Develop a sign-in page with appropriate validation.
11. Develop a real life application that makes use of database.

Note: At least 5 to 10 more exercises are to be given by the teacher concerned.

CSE-408N Computer Hardware & Troubleshooting Lab
Lecture Tutorial Practical Minor Test Practical Total Time
0 0 2 40 60 100 3 Hrs.
Purpose To study the current personal computer hardware including personal computer
assembly upgrading, setup configuration and troubleshooting.
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO1 To understand the fundamental hardware components that makes up a computer’s
hardware and the role of each of these components.
CO2 Assemble/setup and upgrade personal computer hardware.
CO3 Perform installation, configuration, and upgrading of microcomputer hardware and
CO4 Diagnose and troubleshoot microcomputer systems hardware and software, and
other peripheral equipment.

List of Practicals:
1. To make the comparative study of various motherboards.
2. To study various cables used in computer communication.
3. To study various connections and ports used in computer communication.
4. To study various cards used in a computer System like Ethernet, sound, video card etc.
5. To study different microprocessor like P-IV, dual core, i3, i5, i7 etc.
6. To study SMPS and UPS.
7. To study rotational and loading mechanisms of the following drives:(Floppy disk drive, Hard
disk, CD ROM,CD-R/RW,DVD-ROM, DVD recordable drives, DUAL LAYER DVD-R/W)
8. To study monitor and its circuitry (CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), LCD (Liquid Crystal Display),
LED (Light-Emitting Diodes), Plasma (OLED).
9. To study different types of printers and its installation.
10. To study working of keyboard and mouse.
11. To assemble a PC and trouble shooting.
12. To install different Operating System and install different hardware components.

Text Books:
1. How Computers WorkBy, Ron White and Timothy Edward Downs, 10th Revised edition,
Pearson Education, 2014.
2. Upgrading and Repairing PCs, Scott Mueller,22nd Edition,Que Publishing, 2015.
3. Learning PC Hardware, Ramesh Bangia, Khanna Book Publishing, 2 nd revised edition, 2012.

Reference Book:
1. Pc Hardware: The Complete Reference 1st Edition, Craig Zacker, McGraw Hill Education; 1st
edition, 2001.
2. Modern Computer Hardware Course, Manahar Lotia, Pradeep Nair, PayalLotia, BPB
Publications, 2nd Revised Edition, 2007.

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