Intergraph Smart™ 3D Installation & Configuration Checklist
Intergraph Smart™ 3D Installation & Configuration Checklist
Intergraph Smart™ 3D Installation & Configuration Checklist
Task No. Tool Task Step Comments Additional Resources Setup Notes
S3D Enable Network Access in Windows Server 2012 Enable Network Access in Windows Server
S3D Internet Explorer 11.0 or later Available from the Microsoft web site.
S3D Adobe Reader 11.0 or later Available from Adobe web site.
If you are using MSSQL Server 2014 as your database software, skip to Task Installing and Configuring Oracle Server
3.0.1 S3D Configure for Oracle
Number 3.0.2. Software
If you are using Oracle 12c as your database software and have
Installing and Configuring Microsoft SQL
3.0.2 S3D Configure for MSSQL Server 2014 completed Task Number 3.0.1, skip this section and go to Task
Server 2014
Number 4.0.
If you are using Smart 3D in a stand-alone environment, install SQL Server
Install and configure MSSQL Server 2014 on the database 2014 Standard edition. If you are using Smart 3D in a Global Workshare
S3D Install Microsoft SQL Server 2014
server. Environment, install SQL Server 2014 Enterprise edition. Microsoft SQL
Server 2014 requires MSXML 6.0 SP1.
Verify Automatic Startup of Microsoft SQL
S3D Verify automatic startup of MSSQL Server 2014 services.
Server 2014 Services
1 4/6/2016]
Intergraph Smart™ 3D
Installation & Configuration Checklist
Software Version 2016 (11.0)
Unless otherwise specified, the topics listed in the Additional Resources column can be found in the Intergraph Smart ™ 3D Installation Guide.
Smart 3D Installation and Configuration Flowchart
S3D Register the database server in SQL Management Studio. Register Microsoft SQL Server
Assign system administrator privileges and grant access to Assign System Administrator Privileges for
Smart 3D users. SQL Server 2014
If you are using MSSQL Server 2014 as your database software, skip this
Install the 32 bit Oracle 12c Client ( software on
4.0.1 S3D section and go to Task Number 4.0.2. Do not use Oracle "light client" as it Oracle 12c Client Installation
the workstation.
does not include some of the DLLs required by Smart 3D.
If you are using MSSQL Server 2014 as your database software, skip this
Install the 64 bit Oracle 12c Client ( if running 64
S3D section and go to Task Number 4.0.2. Do not use Oracle "light client" as it Oracle 12c Client Installation
bit IFC or 64 bit Drawings Batch.
does not include some of the DLLs required by Smart 3D.
If you are using Oracle 12c as your database software, skip this
Install MSSQL Server 2014 Client Software on the Smart 3D
4.0.2 S3D section and have completed Task Number 4.0.1, go to Task
Number 4.1.
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 requires MSXML 6.0 SP1 and will automatically
S3D Install Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Client Tools Install Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Client
install it as part of the SQL Server 2014 Prerequisite installation.
S3D Internet Explorer 11.0 or later Available from the Microsoft web site.
S3D Adobe Reader 11.0 or later Available from the Adobe web site.
S3D Install Microsoft Excel 2013 (32-bit only) Microsoft Excel is required for reports generation. Install Microsoft Office
4.2.1 S3D Install Smart 3D Reference Data. Delivered on the product CD. Install Smart 3D Reference Data
4.2.2 S3D Install the Smart 3D Client software. Delivered on the product CD. Install Smart 3D Client Software
S3D Register Solid Edge ST3, ST4, or ST5 .DLL File (optional)
4.3 S3D Install and Configure the Name Generator Service. Delivered on the product CD. Name Generator Service Setup
2 4/6/2016]
Intergraph Smart™ 3D
Installation & Configuration Checklist
Software Version 2016 (11.0)
Unless otherwise specified, the topics listed in the Additional Resources column can be found in the Intergraph Smart ™ 3D Installation Guide.
Smart 3D Installation and Configuration Flowchart
4.5 S3D Integrate with SmartPlant P&ID. Integrating with SmartPlant P&ID
4.6 S3D Install PDS Export Tools. Delivered on the product CD under Prerequisite Software. Install PDS Export Tools
4.7 S3D Install Programming Resources. Delivered on the product CD. Programming Resources Setup
4.7.1 S3D Install the Smart 3D Command Wizard. Delivered as part of the Programming Resources setup. Install the Smart 3D Command Wizard
4.8 S3D Install Piping Specification Remote Access Server. Delivered as part of Smart 3D setup
Configure the Piping Specification Remote Access Server Configure the Piping Specification Remote
4.8.1 S3D
Service Access Server Service
4.8.2 S3D Register the Site Database for P&ID Access Register the Site Database for P&ID Access
5.0 S3D Create the Site, Catalog, and Schema Databases Configuring the Databases
5.2 S3D Assign Access Permissions (SQL) Assign Access Permissions for SQL
For guidelines about integrating Smart 3D, see the SmartPlant Configure the Smart 3D Integration
7.0 S3D Configure the Smart 3D Integration Plant
Enterprise Installation and Configuration Checklist. Plant
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Smart 3D Flowchart
Smart 3D Installation and Configuration Checklist
4 4/6/2016]