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Implementation of ISO 14000 in Luggage

Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study
S. B. Jaju
G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nagpur

1. Introduction
Definitions of EMS as provided by three separate documents on environmental
management systems are as given below
ISO 14001: "the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
and resources for implementing and maintaining environmental management"
BS 7750: "the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and resources
for implementing environmental management"
Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS): "that part of the overall management system
which includes the organizational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures,
processes and resources for determining and implementing the environmental policy"

2. Development of the ISO 14000 series

The ISO 14000 family includes the ISO 14001 standard, which represents the set of standards
used by various types of organizations for designing and implementing an effective
environmental management system. The major objective of the ISO 14000 series of norms is
"to promote more effective and efficient environmental management in organizations and to
provide useful and usable tools - ones that are cost effective, system-based, and flexible and
reflect the best organizations and the best organizational practices available for gathering,
interpreting and communicating environmentally relevant information".
Unlike previous environmental regulations, which began with command and control
approaches, later replaced with ones based on market mechanisms, ISO 14000 was based on
a voluntary approach to environmental regulation. The series includes the ISO 14001
standard, which provides guidelines for the establishment or improvement of an EMS. The
standard shares many common traits with its predecessor ISO 9000, the international
standard of quality management, which served as a model for its internal structure and both
can be implemented side by side. As with ISO 9000, ISO 14000 acts both as an internal
management tool and as a way of demonstrating a company’s environmental commitment
to its customers and clients.
Prior to the development of the ISO 14000 series, organizations voluntarily constructed their
own EMS systems, but this made comparisons of environmental effects between companies
difficult and therefore the universal ISO 14000 series was developed. An EMS is defined by

298 Environmental Management in Practice

ISO as: “part of the overall management system, that includes organisational structure,
planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for
developing, implementing, achieving and maintaining the environmental policy’.

3. Driving forces
Environmental concerns
For a number of years preceding the introduction of a formal EMS, there was a genuine
concern about its various environmental impacts. Some typical examples of impacts are:
 energy and resource usage (electricity, gas , water)
 raw material usage (paper, plates, inks, packaging, chemicals, film)
 general waste (domestic)
 recyclable waste (paper, timber, aluminum, silver, plastics)
 hazardous waste (chemical wastes, liquid effluent, air emissions)
 nuisances (noise, litter, dust, odors)
 contracted activities (transport, subcontracted printing work)
 product end use and disposal
Legal obligations
Over recent years, there have been considerable changes in environmental legislation. Every
organisation wants to address its legal obligations, such as compliance with effluent
discharge license parameters, or local authority planning requirements. Integrated Pollution
Control licensing, for instance, will eventually oblige most industries to comply with stricter
industry guidelines on pollution control, with the threat of heavy financial penalties
resulting from non-compliance.
Customer pressure
Lot of pressure is from customer end that is the basic aim of any organisation. Ultimately
customer should have faith in the industry that the said industry is having compliance for
environmental parameters.

4. Basic principles and methodology

The fundamental principle and overall goal of the ISO 14001 standard, is the concept of
continual improvement. ISO 14001 is based on the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology,
grouped into five phases that relate to Plan-Do-Check-Act; Environmental Policy, Planning,
Implementation & Operation, Checking & Corrective Action and lastly Management
Plan – establish objectives and processes required
Prior to implementing ISO 14001, an initial review or gap analysis of the organisation’s
processes and products is recommended, to assist in identifying all elements of the current
operation and if possible future operations, that may interact with the environment, termed
environmental aspects. Environmental aspects can include both direct, such as those used
during manufacturing and indirect, such as raw materials (Martin 1998). This review assists
the organisation in establishing their environmental objectives, goals and targets, which
should ideally be measurable; helps with the development of control and management

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 299

procedures and processes and serves to highlight any relevant legal requirements, which
can then be built into the policy.
Do – implement the processes
During this stage the organisation identifies the resources required and works out those
members of the organisation responsible for the EMS’ implementation and control. This
includes documentation of all procedures and processes; including operational and
documentation control, the establishment of emergency procedures and responses, and the
education of employees, to ensure they can competently implement the necessary processes
and record results. Communication and participation across all levels of the organisation,
especially top management is a vital part of the implementation phase, with the
effectiveness of the EMS being dependant on active involvement from all employees.
Check – measure and monitor the processes and report results
During the check stage, performance is monitored and periodically measured to ensure that
the organisation’s environmental targets and objectives are being met (Martin 1998). In
addition, internal audits are regularly conducted to ascertain whether the EMS itself is being
implemented properly and whether the processes and procedures are being adequately
maintained and monitored.
Act – take action to improve performance of EMS based on results
After the checking stage, a regular planned management review is conducted to ensure that
the objectives of the EMS are being met, the extent to which they are being met, that
communications are being appropriately managed and to evaluate changing circumstances,
such as legal requirements, in order to make recommendations for further improvement of
the system. These recommendations are then fed back into the planning stage to be
implemented into the EMS moving forward.

5. Role of EMS
1. An assessment of the existing practices and situation of an organization.
2. A register of all environmental effects associated with the company's activities,
established through an initial environmental review.
3. A list of all legislation relevant and applicable to the environmental aspects of the
activities, products and services of the organization.
4. Development of a corporate environmental policy and environmental management
5. The setting of environmental performance objectives and targets for both current and
future activities.
6. Development of environmental performance evaluation procedures.
7. Establishment of an effective environmental training program for all employees within
the organization, which will raise awareness, enhance skills for dealing with
environmental issues and stress compliance with relevant legislation.
8. Implementation of a system, which reliably manages the performance of the
organization, for both current and future activities.
9. Documentation of the system communicated to all employees and distributed to all
interested parties, especially to the public.
10. Establishment of non-conformance and corrective and preventive action procedures.

300 Environmental Management in Practice

11. Regular checking, reviewing and auditing of company practices and management
commitment to reflect changing conditions with a focus on continual improvement.

6. Benefits of EMS implementation

6.1 Natural
1. Clean Air, Water, Soil.
2. Prevention and/or significant reduction of pollution and waste Generation.
3. Improved health and safety of interested parties.
4. Reduction in the use of non-renewable resources.
5. Improved conservation and efficient use of natural resources.

6.2 Corporate
1. Reduced financial costs through reduction in consumption of resources and through
waste minimization.
2. Reduction and/or avoidance of potential emergency situations.
3. Avoidance of incidence of non-compliance with legislation and reduction in fines and
cleanup costs.
4. Reduction in the cost of gaining capital, financial backing, insurance and valuation by
becoming an "environmentally friendly" organization.
5. Improved marketing advantage as a "green" operation.
6. Increased staff morale and occupational safety and health standards.
7. Improved customer, client and community relations.
8. Increased documentation, communication and feedback of environmental policies and

7. Major requirements of ISO 14000

Following are some of the requirements of ISO 14000:
1. Environmental protection as one of the highest corporate priorities with clear
assignment of responsibilities and accountabilities to all employees.
2. Compliance with all environmental laws and regulations applicable to the company's
activities, products and services.
3. Ongoing communications on environmental commitment and performance with all
4. Strategic planning that sets forth environmental performance objectives and targets,
implemented through a disciplined management process.
5. Periodic performance measurement (as well as systems audits and management
reviews) to achieve continual improvement wherever possible.
6. Full integration with health and safety, quality, finance, business planning and other
essential management processes.
7. Focus on EMS and looks for attributes that would sustain sound environmental
decision making and performance.
8. Top management commitment.
9. Third-party registration, through ISO 14001, or self-declaration for companies that meet
the ISO 14000 standards. ISO 14001 includes discrete elements of environmental
aspects, legal requirements, objectives and targets, environmental management
program, communications, and emergency preparedness and response.

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 301

8. Stage by stage implementation of ISO 14001

First stage: commitment and policy
i. Environmental policy
Second stage: Planning
i. Environmental aspects
ii. Legal and other requirements
iii. Objectives and targets
iv. Environmental management program
Third stage: Implementation
i. Structure and responsibility
ii. Training, awareness and competence
iii. Communication
iv. Environmental documentation
v. Document control
Fourth stage: Operational control measurement and evaluation
i. Monitoring and measurement
ii. Non-conformance and corrective and preventive action
iii. Records
iv. Environmental management system audit
Fifth stage: Review and improvement
i. Management review

9. Benefits of developing ISO 14000 series

1. Having a single, global set of environmental management system guidance standards.
2. The development of a common, global approach to voluntary and self-directed
environmental management.
3. Enhancement of the ability to measure levels of sustainability and environmental
performance through auditing methods.
4. Harmonization of non-uniform standards for a range of environmental impact issues.

10. Implelementation OF ISO 14000 in luggage manufacturing industry:

The study is done for Canteen and Tools and Mould repairing.
CANTEEN: Firstly the various input to canteen are identified viz. Vegetables, spices, oil,
food grains, water, LPG gas, Electricity. Output of the canteen is Food products.
The various effects of the canteen on the environment as a whole are identified
1. Used water discharged to drainage.
2. Fire in L. P. G. (Emergency).
3. Solid waste non biodegradable (Carboys, drums, containers, empty milk bags).
4. Solid waste biodegradable (spent food and vegetables).
5. Fume generation.
6. Heat loss to atmosphere.

302 Environmental Management in Practice

7. Noise generation.
The complete canteen as process showing input and output as well its effects on
environment are tabulated in aspect register as shown in Table I.
Each aspect is studied carefully for the following category of aspects:
1. Normal aspects: Effects of aspects are negligible.
2. Abnormal Aspects: Severe effect on environment.
3. Emergency Aspects: Nature of Aspect is emergency. Emergency prepared plan has to
be there. Proper training to be given to the people for handling the emergency
situations. They should be equipped with safety devices to tackle the emergency. For
example: Suppose if there is a fire hazard. Whether the fire fighting equipment is there
or not. If it is there then whether the people are trained to operate it and so on.
Emergency preparedness plan for every department, which will consist of the following few
1. Fire equipments are available or not that too in proper place.
2. Are the people trained to handle the situations?
3. Security people should be trained.
4. First aid training is to be given to all.
5. Fire equipments layout, number of fire equipments, is to be planned.
6. Emergency siren should start immediately after the fire.
7. All people should assemble at one place.
Factor rating is applied to each aspect depending on various factors. The various ratings
used are
A: Occurrence

Continuous (8hours & above)/day 5

Less than 8 hours/day 4
Less than 8 hours/week 3
Less than 8 hours/month 2
Less than 8 hours/year 1

C: Significance of Impact

Causing death to human being on site/ offsite, damage 5

to flora fauna, air, water, land (offsite).
Damage to flora fauna, air, water, land or 4
hospitilisation to human being on site.
Damage to flora fauna, air, water, land or first aid to 3
human being on shop
Damage to flora fauna, air, water, land and or first aid 2
to human being on shop
Negligible impact 1

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 303

D: Controls

Controls absent 5
Controls present 4
Controls present but needs human intervention 3
Controls present no human intervention 2
Closed loop control 1
E: Frequency of Detection

Once in a year & above 5

Once in six months 4
Once in one to three months 3
Once in a week 2
Once in a day 1
F: Category of waste

Hazardous waste 5
Non-hazardous waste (High) 4
Non-hazardous waste (Low) 3
100% recycled in house or recycled from outside party 2
for inside use
Negligible waste generation 1

The factor rating of impacts for each aspect is shown in Table II.
After categorisation of aspects, their impact has to be ascertained. Then whether they can be
measured or not. If measured, what is the present status? Then the frequency of occurrence
is to be known. Further what is the treatment given to nullify the bad effects of aspects on
environment? All these analysis is depicted in Table III.
After rating and critical analysis of each aspect one should have the action plan for the
aspect, which is affecting severely on environment. Meetings should be conducted to take
reviews on the improvement after the implementation of action plan. The improved status
to be maintained and periodic review are done to ascertain.
In the similar way study is carried out for process of TOOL AND MOULD REPAIR and the
reports are shown in Table IV, V and VI.

11. Conclusion
With the implementation of EMS, communications concerning environmental practices were
streamlined. It was possible to identify areas where utility savings existed. EMS defined
roles and responsibilities towards each aspect of the process and their impacts on the
environment. A systematic approach is understood to handle environmental issues in place
and the overall plant cost savings coming from tracking resources and accounting for them.
The EMS also provides the more intangible benefit of employee taking pride of working in
the plant that is a good environmental neighbour.

304 Environmental Management in Practice

Table No. I
ISSUE DATE : 1-08-2003
Dept. : Pers & Admn DOC No. : ASP – 27
REV No. : 00

Process :- Canteen REV. DATE : 00

Fume Generation Heat loss to atmosphere Noise Generation

Vegetables, spices,

Water Consumption
CANTEEN Food products
L.P.G. Gas

Solid waste biodegradable
Fire in L.P.G. (Emergency)
(spent food and Vegetable)
Used water discharged to drainage
Solid waste non biodegradable
(carboys, drums, containers, empty milk bags)

Prepared by : Approved By :

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 305

Table No. II
SHEET No. : 3 of 3
ISSUE DATE : 1-08-2003
Dept. : Pers & Admn DOC No. : ASP – 27
REV No. : 00
Process :- Canteen REV. DATE : 00

01 5 1 1 2 5 1 15 No
02 Heat loss 5 1 1 2 5 1 15 No
03 -- -- -- -- -- S T A T U T O R Y -- -- -- -- -- YES
Discharge of
04 5 3 1 3 3 3 18 YES
used water
Solid waste
05 5 3 1 3 3 3 18 YES
spent food
Solid waste
06 biodegradable 2 1 1 3 3 3 13 No
corboys drums
containers etc.

07 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil No


Fire in L.P.G.
08 YES
Storage area
Prepared by : Approved By :

306 Environmental Management in Practice

Table No. III

Dept. : Pers & Admn
DOC No. : ASP – 27 REV No. : 00
Process :- Canteen REV. DATE : 00
Sr. Aspect Impact Measur. Present Frequency of Present Type of Remarks
No. Indicator status Occur Meas treatment control reference
01 Fume Air Pollution Not Not Cont. Not Nil Nil Nil
generation measured measured Measured
02 Heat Ambient Deg. Not Cont. Not Nil Nil Nil
loss warming Celsius measurable measurable
03 Noise Noise dB 72 dB Cont. Negligible Nil Statutory Noise level
generation pollution report
04 Solid waste Land Kgs/Day 45 –50 kgs Cont. Once in a Disposed Self EMP-P&A01
biodegradable Contamination day to animal
spent food feeder
and vegetable
05 Discharge of Water K Ltrs. Not Daily Not Disposed Self EMP-P&A02
used water to pollution measured measured to sewage
06 Solid waste Land Nos./month 18 Tins Cont. Once in a Disposed Self Nil
non- contamination 20 Gunny month to
biodegradable bags recyclers
carboys, 900 milk
drums, bags
07 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
08 Fire in L.P.G. Damage to - No incident - - - - Emergency
storage area flora fauna, air, so far preparedness
land, human & response
being & assets plan
Prepared by : Approved By :

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 307

Table No. IV

Dept. : Tool Room ISSUE DATE : 1-08-2003

DOC No. : ASP – 13 REV No. : 01

Process :- Tool / Mould Repairing REV. DATE : 18/01/2004

Noise generation

Dust generation
M.S. Plate, Steel round,
Copper plate / round,
Graphite blocks, Water for Heat loss to atmosphere
machine coolant, machine
oil Finished /
Semifinished Tools & Moulds

Cotton waste

Chips generation Coolant / Oil leakage

Prepared by : Approved By :

308 Environmental Management in Practice

Table No. V

SHEET No. : 3 of 3

ISSUE DATE : 1-08-2003

Dept. : Tool Room
DOC No. : ASP – 13 REV No. : 01

Process :- Tool/ Mould

REV. DATE : 18/01/2004



01 Noise generation -- -- -- -- -- S T A T U T O R Y -- -- -- -- -- YES

Heat loss to
02 5 1 1 3 5 1 16 NO
03 Dust generation 3 1 1 5 5 1 16 NO
Cotton waste
04 5 1 1 3 3 3 16 NO
05 Metal scrap 5 1 1 3 3 1 14 NO
06 Spent coolant -- -- -- -- -- S T A T U T O R Y -- -- -- -- -- YES

07 Oil leakage -- -- -- -- -- S T A T U T O R Y -- -- -- -- -- YES


08 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil nil

Prepared by : Approved By :

Implementation of ISO 14000 in
Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study 309

Table No. VI


ISSUE DATE : 1-08-2003

DOC No. : ASP – 13 REV No. : 01

Process :- Tool / Mould

REV. DATE : 18/01/2004

Sr. Measur. Present Frequency of Present Type of Remarks

Aspect Impact
No. Indicator status Occur Meas treatment control reference
Noise Noise Once in 6
01 dB 80 Cont. Nil Statutory of noise level
generation pollution months
generation Air Not
02 Mg./Nm3 Negligible Cont. Nil Nil Nil
(By Pollution measured
Max. 5C
Heat loss to Ambient above Not
03  Cent. Cont. Nil Nil Nil
atmosphere warming ambient Measured
te perature
Land Approx. 60 Disposed to Monthly issue
04 waste Kgs Cont. Monthly Nil
Contamination Kgs/Month recyclers from store
Metal Land Appr x. 30 Disposed to
05 Kgs. Cont. Monthly Nil Scrap ticket
scrap Contamination Kgs/Month recyclers
Register for
Spent Water Approx. 30 spent coolant
06 Ltrs. Cont. Monthly treatment Statutory
coolant pollution Ltr./Month to powder
Land Not Secondary
07 Oil leakage Ltrs. Negligible Rare Statutory Nil
Contamination Measured containment
08 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil nil

Prepared by : Approved By :

310 Environmental Management in Practice

12. References
[1] Ambika Zutshi and Amrik S. Sohal, (2000), Environmental management systems auditing:
auditors’ experiences in Australia, Int. J. Environment and Sustainable Development,
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 73-87.
[2] Subhash Babu, A., Madhu, K. and Sahani, N. (1998), Positioning ISO 14000 standards an
investigative study covering selected Indian Industries, Proc. ISME Conference, Dec
1998, IIT Delhi, pp 286-291.
[3] Fabio Orecchini, (2000), The ISO 14001 certification of a machine process, Journal of Cleaner
Production, Vol. 8, Issue 1, February 2000, pp 61-68.
[4] Martin, R 1998, ISO 14001 Guidance Manual, National Centre for environmental
decision-making research: Technical report, viewed 23 August 2010
[5] Company manual.

Environmental Management in Practice
Edited by Dr. Elzbieta Broniewicz

ISBN 978-953-307-358-3
Hard cover, 448 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 21, June, 2011
Published in print edition June, 2011

In recent years the topic of environmental management has become very common. In sustainable
development conditions, central and local governments much more often notice the need of acting in ways that
diminish negative impact on environment. Environmental management may take place on many different
levels - starting from global level, e.g. climate changes, through national and regional level (environmental
policy) and ending on micro level. This publication shows many examples of environmental management. The
diversity of presented aspects within environmental management and approaching the subject from the
perspective of various countries contributes greatly to the development of environmental management field of

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In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:

S. B. Jaju (2011). Implementation of ISO 14000 in Luggage Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study,
Environmental Management in Practice, Dr. Elzbieta Broniewicz (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-358-3, InTech,
Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/environmental-management-in-practice/implementation-of-

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