Impact of Yoga On Diabetes Millitus
Impact of Yoga On Diabetes Millitus
Impact of Yoga On Diabetes Millitus
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
Dept. of Psychology
Yoga Instructor,
New Delhi
The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the role of yoga as a
lifestyle management in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. The patients
were divided into two groups – 1. Study 2. Controlled groups. The study
group consists of 80 patients who opted for yoga as a treatment. They were
compared to controlled group. This consists of 50 patients who opted or
allopathic treatment. Maximum number of patients in our study belongs to
age group 40 to 44 years. The mean age group in our study was 43.90
years. In this study, the patients with Diabetes Mellitus doing yoga exercise
regularly show a gradual decrease in fasting blood sugar (FBS) and post
prandial blood sugar (PPBS).
Key words: Yoga, Diabetes Mellitus
Although increase in birth prevalence and incidents of type – 2 Diabetes have
occurred globally, they have been especially dramatic societies in economic transition, in
newly industrialized and developing countries. Currently the number of cases of diabetes
worldwide is estimated to be around 150 million (Green, Ghristion, Pramming, 2003).
Globally, according to the International Diabetes Federation diabetes atlas (eighth edition,
2017), in 2017 there were roughly 425 million people with diseases, figure that is predicted
to increase to 629 million by 2045(International Diabetes Federation, 2017).. The results of
prevalence studies of diabetes mellitus in India were systematically reviewed with emphasis
on those utilizing the standard WHO criteria for diabetes diagnosis. The prevalence of
disease in adults was found to be 2.4% in rural and 4.0 – 11.6% in urban dwellers. High
frequencies of impaired glucose tolerance, shown by those studies, ranging from 3.6 – 9.1%
indicate potential for further rise in prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the coming decades
(Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus, Park 19th edition).
Definition of Variables:
Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotion.
Diabetes Mellitus:
Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that occurs when the body can’t use glucose..
Methodology :
For present study, diabetic patients have formed to two group, firstly - experimental or study
and secondly - controlled groups. The study group in addition to normal treatment was five
yoga classes per week for six month in MCD, Park, Nangal Raya (near – D – Block,
Janakpuri), New Delhi. The controlled group continued with normal medical treatment only.
The sample of study group were 80 and controlled groups 50. Thus, altogether 130 diabetes
mellitus patients. The age range of Diabetic patients was 40-44 years with mean age 0f 43.90
Materials Required :
1. Yoga trainer.
2. Yoga mat.
3. Space for yoga
4. Stop watch
Procedure :
The yoga specific for diabetes mellitus were taught to the patient for one hour every day by
former research scholar/qualified yoga trainer Dr. Dinesh Prasad Sahu. The following are the
yoga taught to the patients by the instruction-
A. Asana: 1. Tadasana, 2. Trikonasana, 3. Surya Namaskar, 4. Mandukasana, 5. Vajrasan,
6. Paschhimottasana, 7. Matsyandrasana, 8. Matsyasana, 9. Pavanmuktasana, 10.
Naukasana, 11. Halasana, 12. Chakarasana, 13. Shalbhasana, 14. Bhujanagasana 15.
B. Pranayam: 1. Aum chanting 2. Anulom-vilom, 3. Bhramari, 4. Kapalbhati.
C. Meditation,/Yog Nidra. (Sahu, D. P., 2013, 2014)
D. Diet Control
In the study group the baseline mean value of FBS was 141.59 + 12.312 mg/dl, which
decreased gradually to 137.86 + 11.192 mg/dl in first month, 133.85 + 11.028 mg/dl in
second month, 130.16 + 11.592 mg/dl in third month, 126.83 + 10.831 mg/dl in fourth
month, 122.13 + 16.781 mg/dl in fifth month and 118.34 + 12.234 mg/dl in the last month.
Next, the controlled group means FBS at the start of the study was 130.80 + 4.695 mg/dl,
which decreased gradually to 121.56 + 13.042 mg/dl in third month. However the mean FBS
started increasing in this group from the fourth month 126.52 + 9.846 mg/dl to 128.18 +
6.709 mg/dl in the fifth month and 130.08 + 7.556 mg/dl in the six month.
Sahay (2007) found that fasting blood glucose came down with yoga in short term and
long term. Manjunatha, S. (2005) has finding that yoga is help for diabetes Mellitus patients.
In order to test the hypothesis - 2. Diabetes patients show a gradual decrease in PPBS
doing yoga exercise regularly. Thus for the purpose of statistical analysis data were tabulated
according to study and controlled groups of diabetes patients. This table summarizes the
trend of PPBS over 6 months in the study and controlled groups. The obtained results are
presented in Table – 2
Table - 2
In the study group, the baseline mean value of PPBS was 213.76 + 18.788 mg/dl, which
decreased gradually to 209.59 + 17.160 mg/dl in first month, 205.05 + 18.299 mg/dl in
second month, 198.33 + 15.940 mg/dl in third month, 191.68 + 15.208 mg/dl in fourth
month, 186.76 + 16.552 mg/dl in fifth month and 178.36 + 19.484 mg/dl in the last month. In
the controlled group, mean PPBS at the start of the study was 207.00 + 5.268, which
decreased gradually to 195.22 + 16.214 mg/dl in third month. However, the mean PPBS
started increasing in this from the fourth month 200.98 + 12.096 mg/dl to 201.64 + 10.811
mg/dl in the fifth month and 204.16 + 12.455 mg/dl in the six month.
Similar results were observed by Malhotra, V. (2005). He reported that after yoga (asana,
pranayama, meditation, yog-nidra), there was significant decrease in fast glucose level from
basal 208.3 + 20.8 to 171.7 + 19.5mg/di and one hour postprandial blood glucose levels
decreased from 295.3 + 22.0 to 269.0 + 19.9mg/dl.
After interpretation and discussion of the results, it becomes obvious that hypothesis no.
1 and 2 are accepted.
In the light of the results obtained and interpretation of the following conclusion are
1. Study group of diabetes mellitus patients show the doing yoga exercise regularly and
gradual decrease in fasting blood sugar (FBS). And controlled group show decrease and
increase fasting blood sugar level.
2. Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) in the study group has also gradually decreased over
six month and controlled group of PPBS has decreased and increased blood sugar level.
References :