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Impact of Yoga On Diabetes Millitus

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632

(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020



Former Research Scholar,

Dept. of Psychology

Lalit Narayn Mithila University, Darbhanga (Bihar)

Yoga Instructor,

New Delhi

The present study has been undertaken to evaluate the role of yoga as a
lifestyle management in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. The patients
were divided into two groups – 1. Study 2. Controlled groups. The study
group consists of 80 patients who opted for yoga as a treatment. They were
compared to controlled group. This consists of 50 patients who opted or
allopathic treatment. Maximum number of patients in our study belongs to
age group 40 to 44 years. The mean age group in our study was 43.90
years. In this study, the patients with Diabetes Mellitus doing yoga exercise
regularly show a gradual decrease in fasting blood sugar (FBS) and post
prandial blood sugar (PPBS).
Key words: Yoga, Diabetes Mellitus

Although increase in birth prevalence and incidents of type – 2 Diabetes have
occurred globally, they have been especially dramatic societies in economic transition, in
newly industrialized and developing countries. Currently the number of cases of diabetes
worldwide is estimated to be around 150 million (Green, Ghristion, Pramming, 2003).
Globally, according to the International Diabetes Federation diabetes atlas (eighth edition,
2017), in 2017 there were roughly 425 million people with diseases, figure that is predicted
to increase to 629 million by 2045(International Diabetes Federation, 2017).. The results of
prevalence studies of diabetes mellitus in India were systematically reviewed with emphasis
on those utilizing the standard WHO criteria for diabetes diagnosis. The prevalence of
disease in adults was found to be 2.4% in rural and 4.0 – 11.6% in urban dwellers. High
frequencies of impaired glucose tolerance, shown by those studies, ranging from 3.6 – 9.1%
indicate potential for further rise in prevalence of diabetes mellitus in the coming decades
(Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus, Park 19th edition).

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
Most people with diabetes are overweight and obesity worsens the metabolic and
physiologic abnormalities associated with diabetes. Dietary control and exercise are
established treatment modalities in patients with type – 2 diabetes and other lifestyle
disorder, including obesity, hyper-tension and dyslipidemia, urbanization, the intake of
calorie-rich food, use in various machines, less open space for exercise, a busy modern life-
style and lack of motivation reduce to like hood of adherence to dietary control and exercise
as a management option in people with diabetes. There have been studies to assess the
effectiveness of lifestyle modification and behavioural weight loss and weight control
interventions in adults with type–2 diabetes (Susan, Novris et. al., 2004). Studies also suggest
that the lifestyle and pharmacological interventions reduce the rate of progression to type –2
diabetes in people with impaired glucose tolerance. Lifestyle interventions seem to be at least
as effective as drug treatment (Davis, Tringham, Khunti et. al., 2004). As more is understood
about the physiologically of exercise, both in normal and diabetes subjects, its role in
treatment of diabetes is becoming better defined. Although persons with diabetes may derive
many benefits from regular physical exercise, there also are a number of hazards that make
exercise difficult to management. In insulin treated diabetes, there are risks of hypoglycemia
during or after exercise or of a worsening metabolic control if insulin deficiency is present. A
number of strategies can be employed to avoid hypoglycemia in patients with insulin treated
diabetes and both type – 1 and type – 2 diabetes subject should be examined carefully for
long term complications have led many diabetologists to consider exercise to be beneficial in
the management of diabetes in some individuals but not to be recommended for everyone as
a ‘necessary’ part of diabetic treatment as was thought in past. Instead, the goals should be to
teach patients to incorporate exercise into their daily lives if they wish to develop strategies
to avoid complications of exercise. The rationale for the use of exercise a part of the
treatment program in type – 2 diabetes is much clear and regular exercise may be prescribed
as an adjunct to calorie restriction for weight reduction and as a means of improving insulin
sensitivity in the absence, insulin resistant individuals (Horton, 1988).
The science of yoga is an ancient one. It is rich heritage of our Indian culture and
originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is a means of balancing and harmonizing
the body, mind and emotions (Liu, Xc., Pan, L. et. al., 2014). Yoga practice is useful in the
management of various lifestyle diseases, including type – 2 diabetes. Yoga is a discipline to
improve or develop one’s inherent powers in balanced manner. It offers means to reach
complete self-realization. The literal meaning of Sanskrit word Yoga is ‘YUJIR’.
Accordingly, Yoga today is no longer limited hermits, saints and sages and it has taken place
in our everyday lives and has aroused a worldwide awakening and acceptance in the last few
decades. The science of yoga and its technique have been reoriented to suit modern
sociological and psychological needs and lifestyle. Experts of various branches of medicine
including modern medical science are realizing the role of these techniques in the preventive
of disease (depression, anxiety, hypertension, asthma, diabetes and other diseases),
mitigation and cure of disease and promotion of health. Some have studies; yoga reduces

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
levels of triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol and free fatty acids and improves
high density lipoprotein levels (Cui, J., Yan, J. H. et.al. 2017). Yoga induces discipline
regarding food and exercise (Miller, C. K., Kristeller, J. L. et. al., 2012). Yoga improves
glycemic control without increasingly body weight and some studies have found it to reduce
body weight (Mullur, R. S., Ames, D., 2016). There is evidence that yoga can also benefit
people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (Singh, R. H. et al. 1982). Both FBG
and HbA/c improved significantly (P<0.05) in the yoga group, compared to the controls,
three patients the yoga group were able to reduce their medication. Most patients in the yoga
group wanted to continue attending yoga classes and reported feeling better, less anxious and
more in control of themselves. No advance effects were observed (Robbin, M. et al., 1992).
Surwitt & Feingloss (1983) reported that relaxation training leads improved glucose
tolerance in NIDDM patients without affecting insulin sensitivity or glucose-stimulated
secretory activity. This could be mediated by decreases in sympathetic and adrenal cortical
activity. Yoga presumably has similar effects but may also act other ways, since it includes
postural and breathing exercises in addition to simple relaxation.

How Yoga Fits In:

1. Yoga effectively reduces stress, thus reducing Glucagon’s and possibly improving insulin
2. Weight loss induced by yoga is a well-accepted mechanism.
3. Muscular relaxation, development and improved blood supply to muscles might enhance
insulin receptor expression of muscles causing increased glucose uptake by muscles and
thus reducing blood sugar.
4. Blood pressure plays a great role in development of diabetes and related complications,
which is proven to be benefited by yoga. The same holds true for increased cholesterol
5. Yoga reduces adrenaline, noradrenalin and cortisol in blood, which are termed as ‘stress
hormones’. This is a likely mechanism of improvement in insulin action. High levels of
stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol raise blood sugar levels and high cortisol
levels also tend to promote both over eating and the accumulation of intra-abdominal fat
which contributes to insulin resistance, as well as to the risk of having a heart attack.
Yoga impact on stress can and prevents delay, or minimize the effects of the disease.
6. Many yogic postures do produce stretch on the pancreas, which is likely to stimulate the
pancreas function.
7. Yoga increases will power, self-confidence, strength, flexibility, contentment and
discipline, which can be a great help with weight loss and other health issues.

Aims and objective of the present study:

The effect of the yoga practices on the management of diabetes has not been investigated
well. Now aims and objective of the study, as well as its methodological dimensions are as

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
follows the study had been proposed to ascertain the role of yoga in the treatment of diabetes
mellitus. Thus, yoga (asana, pranayama, meditation, yog-nidra) was considered as
independent variables and diabetes mellitus were considered as dependent variables. In this
context following hypothesis were formulated :
1. Diabetes patients show a gradual decrease in FBS doing yoga exercise regularly.
2. Diabetes patients show a gradual decrease in PPBS doing yoga exercise regularly.

Definition of Variables:
Yoga is a means of balancing and harmonizing the body, mind and emotion.
Diabetes Mellitus:
Diabetes Mellitus is a condition that occurs when the body can’t use glucose..

Methodology :
For present study, diabetic patients have formed to two group, firstly - experimental or study
and secondly - controlled groups. The study group in addition to normal treatment was five
yoga classes per week for six month in MCD, Park, Nangal Raya (near – D – Block,
Janakpuri), New Delhi. The controlled group continued with normal medical treatment only.
The sample of study group were 80 and controlled groups 50. Thus, altogether 130 diabetes
mellitus patients. The age range of Diabetic patients was 40-44 years with mean age 0f 43.90

Materials Required :
1. Yoga trainer.
2. Yoga mat.
3. Space for yoga
4. Stop watch

Procedure :
The yoga specific for diabetes mellitus were taught to the patient for one hour every day by
former research scholar/qualified yoga trainer Dr. Dinesh Prasad Sahu. The following are the
yoga taught to the patients by the instruction-
A. Asana: 1. Tadasana, 2. Trikonasana, 3. Surya Namaskar, 4. Mandukasana, 5. Vajrasan,
6. Paschhimottasana, 7. Matsyandrasana, 8. Matsyasana, 9. Pavanmuktasana, 10.
Naukasana, 11. Halasana, 12. Chakarasana, 13. Shalbhasana, 14. Bhujanagasana 15.
B. Pranayam: 1. Aum chanting 2. Anulom-vilom, 3. Bhramari, 4. Kapalbhati.
C. Meditation,/Yog Nidra. (Sahu, D. P., 2013, 2014)
D. Diet Control

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020

Result and discussion :

In order to test the hypothesis – 1. Diabetes patients show a gradual decrease in Fasting
Blood Sugar (FBS) doing Yoga exercise regularly. Thus for the purpose of statistical analysis
data were tabulated according to study and controlled groups of diabetes patients. This table
summarizes the trend of FBS over 6 months in the study and controlled groups. The obtained
results are presented in Table – 1
Table - 1
Case Summaries
0 month 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Study/N 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Minimum 128 126 120 119 118 112 98
Maximum 196 190 186 188 180 176 170
Range 68 64 66 69 62 164 72
Mean 141.59 137.86 133.85 130.16 126.83 122.13 118.34
SD 12.312 11.192 11.028 11.592 10.831 16.786 12.234
Median 140.00 136.00 130.00 126.50 124.00 122.00 120.00
SEM 1.377 1.251 1.233 1.296 1.211 1.877 1.368
Controlled/N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Minimum 126 92 100 98 98 112 112
Maximum 143 138 140 142 144 146 148
Range 17 46 40 44 46 34 36
Mean 130.80 124.94 123.02 121.56 126.52 128.18 130.08
SD 4.695 8.365 10.183 13.042 9.846 6.709 7.556
Median 130.00 126.00 125.50 125.50 126.00 127.00 127.00
SEM .664 1.183 1.440 1.844 1.392 .949 1.069

In the study group the baseline mean value of FBS was 141.59 + 12.312 mg/dl, which
decreased gradually to 137.86 + 11.192 mg/dl in first month, 133.85 + 11.028 mg/dl in
second month, 130.16 + 11.592 mg/dl in third month, 126.83 + 10.831 mg/dl in fourth
month, 122.13 + 16.781 mg/dl in fifth month and 118.34 + 12.234 mg/dl in the last month.
Next, the controlled group means FBS at the start of the study was 130.80 + 4.695 mg/dl,
which decreased gradually to 121.56 + 13.042 mg/dl in third month. However the mean FBS
started increasing in this group from the fourth month 126.52 + 9.846 mg/dl to 128.18 +
6.709 mg/dl in the fifth month and 130.08 + 7.556 mg/dl in the six month.
Sahay (2007) found that fasting blood glucose came down with yoga in short term and
long term. Manjunatha, S. (2005) has finding that yoga is help for diabetes Mellitus patients.
In order to test the hypothesis - 2. Diabetes patients show a gradual decrease in PPBS
doing yoga exercise regularly. Thus for the purpose of statistical analysis data were tabulated
according to study and controlled groups of diabetes patients. This table summarizes the
trend of PPBS over 6 months in the study and controlled groups. The obtained results are
presented in Table – 2
Table - 2

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Juni Khyat ISSN: 2278-4632
(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
Case Summaries
0 month 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month
Study/N 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
Minimum 184 174 154 150 148 146 130
Maximum 266 256 248 240 230 236 228
Range 82 82 94 90 82 90 98
Mean 213.76 209.59 205.05 198.33 191.68 186.76 178.36
SD 18.788 17.160 18.299 15.940 15.208 16.552 19.484
Median 210.00 208.00 202.00 198.00 190.00 190.00 180.00
SEM 2.101 1.919 2.046 1.782 1.700 1.851 2.178
Controlled/N 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Minimum 200 132 140 145 160 164 160
Maximum 220 216 218 216 216 220 224
Range 20 84 78 71 56 56 64
Mean 207.00 197.34 194.94 195.22 200.98 201.64 204.16
SD 5.268 16.220 16.173 16.214 12.096 10.811 12.455
Median 208.00 200.00 198.00 200.00 200.00 201.50 202.00
SEM .754 2.294 2.287 2.293 1.711 1.529 1.761

In the study group, the baseline mean value of PPBS was 213.76 + 18.788 mg/dl, which
decreased gradually to 209.59 + 17.160 mg/dl in first month, 205.05 + 18.299 mg/dl in
second month, 198.33 + 15.940 mg/dl in third month, 191.68 + 15.208 mg/dl in fourth
month, 186.76 + 16.552 mg/dl in fifth month and 178.36 + 19.484 mg/dl in the last month. In
the controlled group, mean PPBS at the start of the study was 207.00 + 5.268, which
decreased gradually to 195.22 + 16.214 mg/dl in third month. However, the mean PPBS
started increasing in this from the fourth month 200.98 + 12.096 mg/dl to 201.64 + 10.811
mg/dl in the fifth month and 204.16 + 12.455 mg/dl in the six month.
Similar results were observed by Malhotra, V. (2005). He reported that after yoga (asana,
pranayama, meditation, yog-nidra), there was significant decrease in fast glucose level from
basal 208.3 + 20.8 to 171.7 + 19.5mg/di and one hour postprandial blood glucose levels
decreased from 295.3 + 22.0 to 269.0 + 19.9mg/dl.
After interpretation and discussion of the results, it becomes obvious that hypothesis no.
1 and 2 are accepted.

In the light of the results obtained and interpretation of the following conclusion are
1. Study group of diabetes mellitus patients show the doing yoga exercise regularly and
gradual decrease in fasting blood sugar (FBS). And controlled group show decrease and
increase fasting blood sugar level.
2. Post Prandial Blood Sugar (PPBS) in the study group has also gradually decreased over
six month and controlled group of PPBS has decreased and increased blood sugar level.

References :

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(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-7 No. 15 July 2020
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