Environment PDF
Environment PDF
Environment PDF
n the previous class, you have
of the solar system. It is studied about our earth as the
called so because of the unique planet
all live on the earth.
Here, we find everything thatpresence
of life on it. Vve
we need to live
water, air, land, fod, etc. But, where we such as
around These include teachers, peons,
us. live, a number of other things
bus, books, bench, pen, classmates, trees, grass, wall, SCnoo
pencil, etc.
If you observe these
things, you will
find that Some are alive while others are
lifeless. Also, some are naturally available
i.e., they
nature's gift while others
are the outcome of the skill and
of humans. Whether these are natural
or man-made, we need them in our
day-to-day lives. Classroom
These things that surround together form our environment. Thus,
environment is basic life support system. This is because, it
the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land where we live and the food
we eat.
The term"environment"is derived
from a French word 'environer',
meaning 'Surroundings'. In simple
terms, whatever we see in ouI
Surroundings is collectively called
environment. That is, the place,
PEOple, things and nature that
SuTound any living organism is called
environment. These surroundings
can be divided into
two categories
natural and man-made. These are
dIso known as the components of the
Our environment consists of two main components-natural and man-made.
Air (Atmosphere)
Land (Lithosphere)
Water (Hydrosphere)
Living organisms (Biosphere) Natural
Industry Bridge
Hydrosphere Lithosphere
(land) Atmosphere
The thin layer of air that surrounds the earth is
Spheres of the Earth
known asthe atmosphere.
stmosphere and hydrosphere respectively. I t reaches upto a height of 1,600 km from
plants and nimals are the major parts of the earth surface.
biosphere. Let us recapitulate all
these The atmosphere is held around the earth by
four domains of the earth to understand our
its gravitational force.
environment well.
I t consists of various gases, such as oxygen,
Major Domains of the Earth nitrogen,carbon dioxide, neon, ozone, etc.
as well as dust and water vapours.
Lithosphere The atmosphere acts as a thick blanket
I t is the solid crust or the hard top layer of which protects us from harmful ultraviolet
the earth. rays of the Sun.
Lithosphere has many ups and downs. It The changes in the atmosphere bringg
consists of different types of landscapes changes in the weather and climate.
such as mountains, plateaus, hills, valleys, Air provides us all the weather related
etc. phenomena such as wind, rain, etc.
.These landscapes are found over the .The atmosphere acts as a big air conditioner
continents and ocean floors. moderating the extremes of heat and cold.
I t also contains life giving gases like oxygen
.The lithosphere is made up of various rocks
and carbon dioxide.
and minerals.
The domain of water is referred to as
hydrosphere. Oceans, seas, lakes and rivers
collectively forn. the hydrosphere. It is essential
for human beings, plants and animals. Without
water, life is not possible. About 71% of the earth's
surface is covered with water.
I t provides us great
variety of sea foods and
Lithosphere .It provides a natural link between the
The lithosphere is covered with a thin layer continents.
of soil. .Oceans are the main
component of the
The soil helps to grow different types
of hydrosphere. The elevation of
any landform
food not is measured by the
plants and shrubs, which provides animals .It is also
ocean floor.
only to human beings
but to the used as a means of
transport by the
also. people.
of food and raw materials. All the
animals and human beings depend on the lants,
Do Vou Kpow? This interrelation
surroundings. ween
Environmental Hazards human beings and their surroundings om
A risk or a danger, existing or perceived, is an ecosystem.
termed as a hazard. Natural hazards such as
earthquakes, landslidings, volcanos, floods, ECOSYSTEM
droughts, cyclones, tsunamis, lightenings and An ecosystem is a system formed by the
other such interaction of all living organisms with each other
happenings and with their environment through transfer of
are a part energy and material.
of earth's
In other words, it refers to a community of
plants and animals within a particular physical
They take
environment which is linked by a flowof
place materials through the non-living as well as the
because of
living sections of the system. Al plants, animals
the interplay Disaster situation caused by
of many earthquake and human beings depend on their immediate
natural processes operating on the surface surroundings. They are interdependent on each
or in the interior ot the earth. For other also. That is, the relation among the living
example, organisms as well as the relation between the
hot molten rock material called magma
rising trom the interior of the earth is a part organisms and their surroundings form an
of the process of rock formation. But, at the ecosystem.
same time, it also causes earthquakes and That is why, Kerala with heavy downpour
volcanoes. The earthquakes and volcanoes has lush green fields and coconut plantations,
cause great harm both to the living and elephants and other animals. Whereas in
non-living things. Rajasthan, it doesn't rain much. There is Kikar
Do you think that human actions are also and sand everywhere. Also, it has camels, snakes,
responsible tor these occurrences? lt so, how? lizards, etc. In this way, we find that the animals,
the vegetation and the way people live
vary from
place to place. This shows that they are related to
Biosphere each other.
It means the living world. It contains all forms
of life such as plants, animals, human beings, etc.
Biosphere is a narrow zone of the earth where Moisture
Solar Radiation
land, water and air interact with each other to
support life. Habitat
political attention and public action to it. The duty to maintain the environmental stability and
environment day was celebrated on balance. They must learn to live and use their
first world
It is celebrated every year with
5th June, 1973. environment in a judicious way.
a different theme.
About 71% of the earth's surtace is covered with
Whatever we see in our surroundings is collectively
known as our environment. water
Our environment can be natural or man-made. .Water, air and landforms are abiotic while plants,
animals and human beings torm the biotic
Lithosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere are the
main components of the environment. environment.
The atmosphere is hold around the earth by its An aquarium is an example of artificial ecosystem.
gravitational force. Rising temperature of the earth is termed as'global
The atmosphere protects us from harmful ultraviolet warmin8
rays of the sun.
L. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
Choose the correct option from the following:
1. Environer is a _ word
(a) Hindi (b) Greek (c) French (a) English
2. Which of the following is included in the natural environment?
(a) Air (b) Land () Water (d) All of these
3. Lithos refers to
(a) water (b) rocks (c) moisture (d) gases
4. Which of the following forces hold the atmosphere around the earth ?
a) Gravitational force (6) Neutron force (c) Coriolis force (d) None of these
5. The elevation of any landform is measured by the .
(a) plains (b) plateaus (c) ocean tloor (d) none of these
which one
Which of the
t following factors is a threat to
environment? OTs
(a) Growing industries (b) Growing crops (d) None of these
) Growing population
Short Answer Type Questions
1. rite down the omponents of the human environment.
an ecosystem.
2. Define
3. Which are the two major componens of the biotic and abiotic environment? 0 s
4. What do you know about the termbiosphere'?
Project Work
and out tne impact ot men on the environment. Also, make a list of the
Evamine vour local surrounaings ust
in your area. NOW, make a chart showing these aspects.
environmental problems
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