Fine Cooking 067
Fine Cooking 067
Fine Cooking 067
on: ving
fine side dishes
how to roast
a moist turkey
making a
pan gravyrich
flavor tonew
fall vegetables
apple an
pie or crisp
chicken for
a casual
harvest menu
creating a
quick thai soup
NOVEMBER 2004 NO. 67
$5.95 CAN
o 94115 56529 5
fine ki
8 Contributors
14 Letters
20 In Season
Fennel is fabulous
24 Q&A
28 Readers' Tips
94C Quick & Delicious
32 Great Finds
Mini chopper; garlic grater;
smaller santoku knife
68 Shopping for aNew Range
Our top picks in 30-inch models
by Amy Albert
Artisan Foods
Organically grown potatoes
Q) recipes
1J • Quick (under
45 minutes)
Cover Recipe
Brined Roast Turkey with Sage Butter
Rub, 75
• Make ahead
• Vegetarian Meat, Poultry, Fish & Shellfish
- - • Baking Brined Roast Turkey with Sage Butter
Rub, 75
• Broiled Tex- Mex Drumsticks with Avocado
& Tomato Salad, 94C
• G reek-Style Shrimp Salad,94C
• Lemon
Chicken Soup with Spinach & Dill,
•• Whipped Yukon Gold Potatoes with
H orseradish, 10E
- -
While growing up, Joanne
McAllister Smart always
helped pull together Thanksgiving
-f-' dinners for her family. "My mother,
a nurse, often worked on Thanks
C giving, so my dad and the four of us
kids would cook the entire meal;'
she says. Joanne rose enthusiasti
cally to the task of gathering her flair, as well as down-to-eartn
favorite Fine Cooking side dishes kitchen advice: ";The trick is
for "Thanksgiving on the Side"
(p. 1 OE). A former Fine Cooking
editor, Joanne is the co-author of
. ... . . ... . .... .... ....0I.I.:.j... 1:,l.•.:I- •
•• •
- - .
the award-winning Bistro Cooking
at Home with Boston chef Gordon
. . :.,
Hamersley. She's at work on an
Italian cookbook with New York
chef Scott Conant, which will be Australian ambassadors to France Nancie McDermott ("Thai
published in the fall of 2005. and to the U.S. ambassador to Chicken Soup;' p. 60) is a food
Hungary, and as chef at the U.S. writer and cooking teacher who
Eva Katz ("Fall Vegetables;' embassy in Paris. He was also specializes in the cuisines of
p. 45) has worked in almost every chef at the Cafe de Mars in Paris Southeast Asia. She fell in love
aspect of the food industry, as and was host of Europe's Classic with Thai food when she spent
Nancie McDermott Inns on the Travel Channel, sam
a chef, caterer, teacher, recipe three years in rural Thailand as a
developer and tester, food stylist, pling the best in all good things Peace Corps volunteer. She now
and food writer. She was the direc for food-loving travelers. These lives with her family in Chapel Hill,
tor of the test kitchen for Cook's days, Randall is the resident chef at North Carolina, where, just like in
Illustrated and has contributed
La Varenne's Chateau du Fey and Thailand, all the iced tea is sweet
to numerous cookbooks. After cooks for private clients in Paris and food is almost always the
cooking professionally in Australia and the Auvergne. main event. Nancie's cookbooks
and aboard private yachts in the include Real Thai, Real Vegetarian
Mediterranean and Caribbean, Amy Albert ("Ranges;' p. 68, Thai, and, most recently, Ouick
Eva now lives and cooks in and "The Winning Recipes," p. 54) & Easy Thai: 70 Everyday Recipes.
Massachusetts, where she is is Fine Cooking's senior editor.
Eva Katz
also on the advisory board of the Between researching and writing After graduating from the Culinary
Cambridge School of Culinary Arts. about the best in 30-inch ranges Institute of America, Wendy
and covering the America's Best Kalen ("Apple Desserts;' p. 62)
Randall Price ("Crustless Home Cook competition (both went on to cook and bake in
Quiche;' p. 50) was working as words and images) for this issue, Boston restaurants before finding
a chef in Ohio years ago when she has logged in a lot of road time her way to a career as a recipe
he entered a recipe contest, won lately. "I was especially tickled to developer. Wendy loves baking
a pastry course at La Varenne in meet and photograph the contest with many types of apples, but for
Paris, and from there launched a finalists;' she says. "Every one of eating out of hand, her favorite is a
career in Europe as a caterer, chef, them was lovely-and every bit as new variety called Honeycrisp: "It's
and teacher, including several cool and calm as the most experi a fabulous apple, so juicy and crisp
Randall Price years as chef to the Austrian and enced pros I've worked alongside:' and sweet-true to its name:'
8 F I N E C O OK I N G Photos: top left. Sylvia Ramer; bottom left. Martha Holmberg: all others. Scott Phillips
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(f) Thanksgiving Menu
Starter wines
(Italy) ; $1 1 .
Ruggeri Gold Label
Prosecco (Italy) ; $1 0.
Dinners, for II! I I . •
Thanksgiving Brined Roast Turkey with Sage Butter & Mushroom Gravy, p. 75
hanksgiving is the mother of all meals at 2003 Beringer Chenin Blanc
this time of year-arguably of the whole (California) $6; slightly
year-and like the rest of us, you'll need
a delicious, crowd pleaser of a lineup. We've 2003 Covey Run Riesling
(Washington State) $9;
created one that can't miss, complete with
easy wine pairing choices which include op
E&M Berger Gruner Veltliner
tions for a range of tastes and preferences. So
(Austria) $1 2 ; dry
if you're having a crowd, why not set out a se
Annie's Lane Riesling 2003
lection of wine and let your dinner guests pick
(Clare Valley Australia)
and choose? And speaking of options, you can
$ 1 4 ; dry.
customize your side dishes by choosing from
1 5 recipes in our special section at right. Red wines listed from light
Love Thanksgiving though we do, the to fuller bodied:
truth is that you still need to eat dinner, enjoy I'
• 2003 Rosemount Diamond
a glass of wine, and entertain on lots of other Label Pinot Noir
nights, too. Check out Tom Douglas's great Gin g e r Apple-Cru m b Pie, p. 65 (Australia) ; $7.
late-summer harvest menu on p. 38 for a re 2001 Potel-Aviron Morgon
laxed dinner with friends. And on p. 12 are Chateau-Gaillard
menu ideas that run the gamut of possible (Beaujolais) ; $ 1 9.
scenarios: busy weeknights, casual Friday 2002 Meridian Pinot Noir
nights, entertaining on Saturday nights, even Reserve (Santa Barbara,
do-able dinner parties to cover you at the last California) ; $ 1 6.
minute . . . for that Thursday-night dinner invi Black Opal Barossa Shiraz
tation that your spouse just maybe forgot to (Australia) ; $ 1 5.
10 F I N E C O O K I NG
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The best chocolate chunk cookies
made with love in Frannyland."'1
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Rustic Roast Chicken Dinner TO DRI NK: For the mus
Sophisticated Vegetarian Dinner T O DRI NK: For the
tard flavoring in the peperonata, try a crisp
Mustard-Crusted Roast "last of the Yakima
chicken, a full-bodied Sauvignon Blanc like
Chicken , p. 42 Peppers" Peperonata, p. 41,
Chardonnay (try La the 2003 Kim Crawford
served on crostini with an
Crema from California's from New Zealand ($ 1 4).
Mashed Potatoes with Olive arugula salad
Oil & Parsley, p.10e
Sonoma Coast, $1 5) or Follow with a crisp white
medium-bodied Pinot Butternut Squash Ravioli wine with forward fruit
long-Cooked Gree n Beans Noir (2002 Echelon, with Rosemary Oil, p. 94c to match the rich flavors
with Oregano, p . 10e also from California, of the squash, like the
$ 1 1 ) would be the thing. Cornmeal Rosemary 2003 Renwood Viognier
Apple-Cranberry Crisp, p. 64 Cake with Pine Nuts & "Select Series" ($1 0).
Orange Glaze, p. 44
Sausage, Potato, & Apple Greek-Style Shrimp Salad, Rib-Eye Steak Sandwiches,
Saute, p . 94c p. 94c p.55
TO DRINK: A dry or off-dry TO DRI NK: A crisp, citrusy wine TO DRINK: A light- to medium
Riesling; try 2003 MOnchhof with herbal notes like Albaririo; try weight Shiraz like Delicato ($7)
Estate from Germany ($1 2). the 2002 Martin Codax ($1 4). or a medium-weight RhOne
blend like 2001 Guigal C(,tes
du RhOne ($1 2).
No other Cookware conducts heat more
efficiently or evenly than Falk Copper.
Bouquet Pan
And Fine Cooking gives you plenty of menu options. For Thanks In a small, shallow d ish (about
giving, we have a selection of fifteen of our favorite side dish recipes 1 1/2-cup capacity, preferably straight
(see p. 10E) to help solve that "keeping everyone happy" problem. For sided ; I use a small cazuela), arrange
that "what to serve with" question, see the menu ideas on pp. 1 0- 1 2 . the six pieces of goat cheese in
one layer. Don't worry if some of
And i n case you're stuck for a starter, I offer you a simple idea a t right.
the cheese pieces crumble; just
-Susie Middleton, editor tuck them into the d ish. Sprinkle
the lemon zest, sun-dried tomatoes,
capers, and thyme over the cheese.
Sprinkle a l ittle sea salt (fleur de
Mining the treasures used before. It's been a delicious sel is great if you have it) or kosher
of back issues method for unearthing good salt over the cheese, and tuck the
Looking at my row of Fine Cook things overlooked the first time rosemary sprigs into the dish. Pour
ing magazines ( I have every issue) around. the olive oil over the cheese so that
-Jeanie Foote,
it just covers it (use a l ittle more if
it occurred to me one day that
necessary). Let the cheese marinate
there were treasures there I had IierraAmarilla, New Mexico
in the refrigerator for two to six hours
not mined. I dreamed up this (you can serve it sooner, too) . Bring
solution: For one week, I would A pizza ston e for the g rill the dish to room temperature (about
feature one issue in numerical I read your article o n grilling 45 min utes) before setting out with a
order, starting with Fine Cooking pizza by Frank McC lelland in small hors d'oeuvre knife and a plate
#1. I would write the number on Fine Cooking #66. I t was very of crostini or crackers. Spread a tea·
the calendar to keep track of my helpful. I enjoy cooking pizza on spoon or so of the cheese (with some
my outdoor grill. I thought you of the marinade ingredients) over a
progress. I would reread the tips .
crostini or cracker to serve.
I would use one recipe I had not (Continued on p. 16)
holidayshopping resources
Getting the most
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checking for doneness. www
Unless otherwise noted, assume that
.:. butter is unsalted;
•:. eggs are large (about 2 ounces each ) ;
.:. flour is all-purpose (don't sift unless
.:. sugar is granulated;
.:. salt is table salt; if the recipe calls for
kosher salt (which is coarser than table
salt) and you only have table salt, use a
bit less of it; Two fun g ifts Meal of The Month Club
.:. fresh herbs, greens, and lettuces are Convenient Shopping From Home or BBQ Sauce Club - $1 9.95 includes
washed and dried ; Log on to shipping, choose from 2 to 1 2 months.
be placed directly over grill flames. A wine from any other place TEST KITCHEN MANAGER/RECIPE EDITOR
FibraMent stones for the grill come My wife and I have been reading Fine
with a protective metal pan. Cooking since the beginning, and we
Rebecca Freedman, KimberlyY. Masibay
constantly recommend your maga
Corn from a whole cob zine to our friends and associates. I LiAgen
I like your method of cutting corn off work for a wine agency that imports ASSOCIATE ART DIRECTOR
the cob, which you explained in Fine d 'Are nberg into Ontario and was Annie Giammattei
Cooking #66 ( p . 69 ) . Instead of cut very pleased to see the recommenda EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
Kim Landi
ting the ear of corn in half, you can tion of The Olive Grove Chardonnay
also j ust start in the middle of the for grilled food in Fine Cooking #66 .
Jessica Bard
whole ear, cut the kernels down to I'd like t o point out that d'Arenberg
the end, and when the bottom half is Chardonnay comes from McLaren Jeff Borofsky, Hilary R. Patten
done, turn the cob around and do the Vale , not from South Australia. The CONTRIBUTING EDITORS
other half in the same way. This varia McLaren Vale is a very distinct grow PamAnderson,Abigail Johnson Dodge,
Tim Gaiser, Tony Rosenfeld, Molly Stevens
tion accomplishes the same thing, and ing region in Australia with a specific
you don't have to cut the cob in half, style and profile, much like Sonoma or PUBLISHER
Dominique Clancy
special events g
tips for entertaining from from November 1 Mark Stiekman
up with Frei Brothers holiday feasts from the La Table store. SENIOR NATIONAL ACCOUNT MANAGER
Joel Burger
Reserve winery and Sur experts at Sur la Table. See Molly Stevens
La Table cookware re- And we're "going live" teach recipes from her Linda Petersell, Kathy Reilly
tailer on a speCial holiday with all this holiday new book, All About AD SALES SUPPORT SUPERVISOR
cooking event designed excitement. Fine Cooking Braising, at Sur La Marjorie Brown
to get you inspired, in- contributors Pam Ander- Table stores arou nd the AD SALES SUPPORT ASSOCIATE
Cindy Nesline
formed, equipped and son, Diane Morgan, and country, from October
energized for Thanks- Molly Stevens will teach Fine Cooking: (ISSN: 1072-5121) is published
1 8 through 28; visit bimonthly, with a special seventh issue in the winter, by The
giving, Christmas, and a fantastic Than ksgiving for Taunton Press, Inc., Newtown, CT 06470-5506. Telephone
203-426-8171. Periodicals postage paid at Newtown, CT
more. We've created a menu at Sur La Table details. 06470 and at additional mailing offices. GST paid registra
special Web site, www. stores across the And for radio listeners, Subscription Rates: U.S. and Canada, $29.95 for
one year, $49.95 for two years, $69.95 for three years, country, with wine tast- contributing editor Abby (GST included, payable in U.S. funds). Outside the U.S.!
where you'll find excel- Canada: $36 for one year, $62 for two years, $88
ing and advice from Dodge a ppears on for three years (payable in U.S. funds). Single copy, $5.95.
lent Fine Cooking recipes Frei Brothers Reserve. "Good Food with Evan Single copy outside the U.S., $6.95.
To contribute an article, give a tip, or ask a
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O CTOBE R / N oV E MB E R 2004 17
Just like raising kids, making great wine isn't a 9 to 5 job. At least, not the way we do it here at
Woodbridge. I've been working with my team for more than twenty years, day and night, to keep
making our wines better. And from back when the winery got started, we've known there aren't
any shortcuts. So we age our wines in small oak barrels, and we sample every barrel over and over
again (that's the fun part). All to bring you our great tasting, award-winning wines. And then,
after I've tucked my wines in for the night, I can sleep just fine.
Information Technology Services: Applications Development:
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W Ql O D B 1t l � 6I E.
O C TOBE R / N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 19
aw or
Easy ways
fennel reveals its other side: It label fennel as anise, a misnomer.
gets soft-even silky-and its Fennel is a natural partner
licorice flavor melts away to just for fish and shellfish, particularly with fennel
a hint of its raw self. shrimp and scallops, but it's also
Make a fennel gratin by layer
There are two forms of ed very good with pork, chicke n ,
ing blanched fennel slices in a
ible fennel. One is strictly an lamb , beef, a n d duck. It pa irs
gratin dish with tomato sauce
herb whose leaves, stalks, and well with onions, leeks, toma
or cream. Top either version
seeds are used as flavorings; the toes, artichokes, and potatoes.
other-often called Florence fen As for seasonings, take a cue with fresh breadcrumbs
nel-is the vegetable we find in from fennel's region of origin, the tossed with olive oil and
the market. Mediterranean. Olives and olive grated Parmesan and bake
We refer to fennel "bulbs," but oil, lemon juice, balsamic vinegar, until tender and bubbly.
that swollen portion is really the saffron, anchovies , and the anise Parboil fennel wedges, set
thickened, succulent stem of the flavored liquor called pastis are on a broiler tray, top with
plant growing in tight layers above good matches. butter and grated Parmesan,
and broil until browned
and bubbly.
How to tri m and cut fennel for any dish Grill blanched wedges of
To prep fennel, I trim off and fennel, drizzle with balsamic
vinegar, and serve as a
d iscard the stalks and fully
side dish or add to a pasta
expanded leaves, or save them
or salad.
to use in stocks. I often save the
Make a salad of thinly sliced
dense, tight, baby leaves for
fennel, arugula, apples, and
mincing and garnishing the
shaved Parmesan or Dry Jack
finished dish. If the outer layer cheese. Toss with an anchovy
of the bulb is in good shape spiked vinaigrette.
and isn't too fibrous, I use it; Wedges for braiSing or Vertical slices for grilling
roasting or frying
Cook thin slivers of fennel
otherwise, I break it off and slowly in oil until caramelized
feed it to my rabbit. I carefully and serve as a side dish or as
trim off a thin slice of the root a topping for crostini or pizza.
end, leaving the rest of the core Fry fennel. Dip thinly sliced
i ntact to hold together wedges fennel in lightly whisked egg
or vertical slices (top two whites, dredge in seasoned
photos at right). For diced or flour or cornmeal, and fry.
slivered fennel, I'll cut the bulb Sprinkle with salt and lemon
juice and eat while hot.
lengthwise in half or quarters,
and then cut away the dense Slivers or dice for sautes, Crosswise slices for
inner core. soups, or risotto salads (In Season continues on p. 22)
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O C T O B E R/N O V E M B E R 2004 21
Bra i sed Fennel with Pastis
Serves four.
If you don't have a pan large enough to hold all
the fen nel wedges in one layer, brown the fen nel
in batches on top of the stove, and then braise
them in a covered pan in the oven. Plan on one
large bulb for every two people. Pastis, an
anise-flavored liquor, is my favorite, but if you
can't find it, Pernod is a good substitute.
Fennel as a
or broths). Cut the bulbs into lengthwise quarters,
or, if the bulbs are very large, into sixths. Each
supporting player wedge should be 2 to 3 inches wide and should
be held intact with a portion of the core. Set a
large (1 O-inch) skillet over medium heat. If using
.:. When making risotto, add diced
the saffron, put it in the dry pan and let heat for a
fennel along with leeks or onions to the couple of minutes. Pour in the olive oil and swirl
pot before adding the rice. to coat the bottom of the pan. Add the fennel
.:. Boil fennel slices until tender, puree wedges, flat side down, and season lightly with
salt and pepper. Increase the heat to medium high.
them, and then fold them into mashed
When the first side is brown, after 3 minutes, turn
potatoes. the fennel and season again with salt and pep-
.:. Tuck thin slices of fennel and lemon per. Brown the second flat side, turn, season, and
inside whole fish before roasting or brown the rounded side the same way. The total
browning time should be about 1 0 minutes.
Lower the heat to medium, give the pan a
.:. Put fennel wedges in the roasting min ute to cool slightly, and then add the pastis,
pan alongside chicken or pork, or set wine, or vermouth. Let the alcohol cook until
nearly evaporated, 30 to 6 0 seconds, and
the meat on a bed of thinly sliced fennel.
then add the broth or water. Lower the heat to
.:. Simmer diced fennel and tomatoes medium low, cover, and simmer gently until the
together for a flavorful base for fish core is tender when pierced with a table fork,
chowder or vegetable soup. 30 to 40 minutes. Turn the pieces every 1 0 min
utes so they cook evenly and, if necessary, add
.:. Add thinly sliced fennel to your more water, % cup at a time, to keep the pan
favorite lemon-Dijon vinaigrette and let Fennel likes spring a n d fall's shorter from getting dry. (A glass lid makes it easy to
sit for 20 minutes so the fennel softens days and cooler temperatures. To pre monitor the moisture level.) While the fennel
somewhat. Use to dress a salad or as cooks, m ince the reserved leaves.
vent bolting in the long, hot days of
Transfer the fen nel wedges to a platter,
a sauce for salmon. summer, time spring fennel plantings turning them to sit on their rounded sides. If the
.:. Add fennel to leek and potato soup to be mature by mid-June, before the braising liquid looks watery, boil briefly until it
for another dimension of flavor. summer solstice. In regions with long reduces to a syrupy consistency. Drizzle the
growing seasons, fall is an excellent syrupy juices over the fennel, season to taste
.:. Simmer diced or slivered fennel with with salt and pepper, and sprinkle the minced
time to grow fennel. If fennel does go
white beans, or with chickpeas and leaves on top. Serve hot, warm, or at room
to flower in your garden, let the seeds
tomatoes. Drain, season with olive oil, temperature.
mature, harvest them when they've
lemon juice, salt, and pepper, and serve
turned brown and dry, and use them
as a warm or room-temperature salad.
in spice mixes to flavor meats, soups, Ruth Lively writes, cooks, and gardens in
pickles, and vinaigrettes. New Haven, Connecticut . •
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D i s c ove r S o n o m a C o u n ty's Fi n e s t
Cabernet' Sauvignon, Alexander Valley
Join us for
An intense and full-bodied wine, Cabernet Sauvignon
is an ideal complement for your holiday meal. Filled
holiday inspiration
with ripe, rich, and jammy flavors of plum and black
cherry, balanced with a touch of cocoa, sweet vanilla,
and know-how at
and toasty oak, Frei Brothers Reserve Cabernet
Sauvignon pairs well with Roasted Filet of Beef with
& Herb Crust.
Whole-Grain Mustard
(and unstuff) a bird
Before I stuff chicken or turkey, I line the
empty cavity with a layer of rinsed cheese
cloth-and then I add the stuffing. This makes
removing the cooked stuffing much easier.
Vancouver, British Columbia
A gold mesh
coffee filter
works overtime
My kitchen is very small, so I
try to get the most out of every
kitchen tool I have . I recently
A prize for
discovered that my reusable gold
the best tip
mesh coffee filter can do double-duty
Attention clever cooks:
as a strainer: After steaming clams,
We want your best
I wanted to reserve the broth but saw
tips-we'll pay for the
sand in the bottom of the pot. The
ones we publish-and coffee filter happened to be within
we'll give a prize to the reach, so I used it to strain the broth.
cleverest tip in each Now I also use the filter for straining
issue. Write to Tips, small quantities of sauce and gravy.
Fine Cooking, PO Box -Tonya Rubiano,
5506, Newtown, CT Westfield, New Jersey
06470-5506 or email
fc@tau Pomegranate seeds
add crunch to
1 S-piece cast
cranberry sauce
iron fondue For years now, I 've been adding
pomegranate seeds to both cooked
Swissmar; cranberry sauce and sweet or savory
cranberry relish-they add a delight
A foil shield for pie crusts ful juicy crunch. For every two bags
To keep the edges of pie crust from browning of cranberries, I add the seeds of one
too quickly, I used to wrap little strips of foil pomegranate, taking care to remove
around the rim of the pie, a tedious process. all the bitter white pith from the
Now, I simply take a square of foil somewhat seeds. I add the seeds the night before
larger than the pie, cut a big through the
X serving, which gives them time to
center, and place it over the pie. Then I fold marinate in the acidity, sugar, and salt.
back the quadrants from the center and -Sarah Jane Freymann,
secure the edges of the foil around the pie pan. New York City
-Carol Spier, via email
(Tips continues on p. 30)
28 F I N E COOKING Photos: Scott Phillips
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O C T O B E R / N o V E M B E R 2004 31
Though scaled down in size, these tools and
ingredients are big on function and flavor.
A miniatu re chopper
Unlike larger hand choppers on the market,
this one's size prevents small ingredients like
nuts and herbs from getting lost in the blades;
we found that chopped items are easy to
A s m a l ler scoop right out. The chopper also comes with
santoku knife a detachable spoon for removing ingredients
You may have seen larger santoku from the cup. Oxo Good Grips mini chopper,
knives on the market, but this one, with $ 1 4.99, at Bed, Bath & Beyond (800-462-
a blade of only 5 inches, is much more 3966;
compact than your average chef's knife.
It's a great option if you'd like a smaller,
all-purpose knife for your kitchen, or for A pocket g uide to
the novice cook who isn't comfortable dim s u m
wielding a larger blade. LamsonSharp
If you're unfamiliar with the small dishes
5-inch santoku knife, $59.99, at
that make up what Chinese restaurants
Professional Cutlery Direct (800-859-
call dim sum, then this little book is for
6994; cutlery. com).
you. With photos and descriptions, it
demystifies traditional dumplings, soups,
buns, and other treats you might en
counter while ordering. And we like that
the guide fits right in the palm of your
hand, so it's easy to tote along. Dim Sum:
A Pocket Guide, by Kit Shan Li, $Z95
(Chronicle Books). Lots of flavor in
a little cu be
For a quick way to add mushroom
Tiny casseroles for flavor to dishes, try these porcini bouil
ba king o r serving lon cubes. We keep them in the pantry
The next time you make individual baked and stir them into soups, creamy pasta
pastas or souffles, charm your guests with sauces, or rice dishes. Though you
these 8-ounce casseroles. They're great for might be tempted to use one or two
presentation and versatile, too-safe for the cubes at a time, we've found them so
oven, microwave, freezer, and dishwasher. intensely flavored that even half of one
We've used them for cooking, but they easily will do the job. Star Porcini Mushroom
double as serving pieces for soups, dips, or Cubes, $5 for a 3.9-ounce (1 O-cube)
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O C T O B E R/ N o V E M B E R 2004 33
Spoon rest built for two
For us, this spoon rest resolved a small but
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Flexible stirring spoon when you're cooking two
knife b l ock dishes at once? This stainless-steel
We like this knife block rest cradles both utensils so you
for its creative design won't make a mess of your stove.
twist: Its interior is Amco double spoon rest,
made of plastic bristles. $ 1 4.95 at Cooking. com
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figure out which knives
go in which slots,
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into any spot.
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O C T O B E R/ N O V E M B E R 2004 37
Dinner with friends
A Seattle Chef's
Celebrate the sweet, ripe flavo rs of late s u m m e r
with a rustic m e n u and a workable t i m etable
t this time of year, farmers'
markets in Seattle overflow
with summer's last ripe to
matoes, sweet peppers, and
tender green beans, and the
fall harvest is coming in with pears
and grapes of every color. Of course,
this doesn't j ust happen in Seattle.
Markets all across the country are
awash with gorgeous produce, and
that's a great reason to whip up a ter
rific dinner to share with friends.
Even though my wife, Jackie, and
I own four restaurants and work long
hours, we don't need an excuse to invite
guests to our home for dinner whenever
we can. Maybe it's because we both
grew up in big, convivial households
where dinner for twelve was common
place and there was always room for
another chair at the table.
Naturally, though, with our busy
schedules, it's important that we keep
entertaining hassle-free. This dinner
is easy to pull off because much of it
can be prepared ahead of time . (The
timetable on p. 43 will guide you. )
As a restaurant chef, I 've learned
the value of keeping things simple.
That's why this dinner menu features
a pair of succulent roast chickens.
What could be easier or more satisfy
ing? While the chickens roast, I just
set out the appetizer, finish the salad,
and spend time with our guests.
As soon as you put a cocktail in
someone's hand, the mood turns
festive. And a cocktail matched to the
menu or the season is an almost ef-
Warm Green
Bea n , Pancetta
&Tom ato Salad
with Parmesan
Corn meal
Rosemary Cake
with Pine N uts &
O ra n ge G laze
-Christina Tilley,
Longmont, Colorado
O C TO B E R/ NoV E M B E R 2004 39
fortless way to make even the simplest the table. (You'll need a carving board
dinner seem special. My homemade with a moat because fat and juices will
b i anco p ractica l ly makes itself: run off as you carve . ) If you're plan
Rosemary, mint, and lemon zest steep ning to ask your guests to pass their
in a couple of bottles of Sauvignon plates up to you to be served, you can
Blanc. Six hours later, the wine is pile all the chicken on one beautiful
transformed into a fragrant herbal platter. But if you're going to pass the
aperitif. For a nice harvest touch, pour chicken around the table , I suggest
the bianco over frozen red grapes in you use a few smaller platters rather
stead of ice cubes. than a big, heavy one. You don't want
This time of year, I like to use the your guests to struggle.
last of the peppers from the Yakima Offer savory a nd sweet n i bbles
Valley, east of Seattle ( but you can for dessert. I put out ripe pears and
use a selection of sweet to medium grapes, a round of creamy, aged Quilli
hot peppers from your local grocery) sascutt goat cheese ( made by a local
to make a mushroom pe pero nata . producer ) , and a crusty loaf of the
It's colorful, olivy, salty, and piquant.Dahlia B akery's walnut bread. For
Spooned onto a crisp baguette toast, a bite of something sweet, I serve
wedges of one of my favorite cakes-a
it's the perfect starter. And since it can
be made well ahead , there's no last moist, orange-glazed cornmeal rose
minute work involved. mary cake that Jackie bakes a day
Roasting a pair of chickens keeps ahead and glazes on the day of the
your hands free. The mustard rub, party. ( I f baking isn't your thing, pick
which is slathered on the chickens a up something sweet at a good bakery. )
day ahead, was inspired by a prime-rib Then I pour each of my guests a glass
glaze that we served for years at Palace ofWhite Riesling Ice Wine or Moscato
Kitchen. The rub gets crusty and deli d'Asti, and we make a toast to the end
cious as the chickens roast to a golden of another beautiful summer.
nut brown. I like to take the chickens
to a temperature of about 1 70°F; this
leaves the meat thoroughly cooked
and succulent, but not falling off the
bone . The chickens need to rest for
at least 1 0 minutes before you carve
them, which gives you time to finish
up the warm salad of green beans ,
tomatoes, and Parmigiano Reggiano.
Prep the ingredients ahead of time
and finish the salad at the last minute.
w n e c h o c e s
I cook the green beans and make the
pancetta vinaigrette at the last minute
so the salad will be warm and flavor
ful. But in advance , I cook the pan
cetta and prep the tomatoes, chives,
and cheese. I also lay out the dressing
ingredients beside the stove . It then
takes just a few minutes to put the
whole salad together.
Jackie always sets the table beauti
fully, so I find it easier to carve the
chickens in the kitchen rather than at
Homemade Bia nco
with Icy Grapes
Serves six to eight.
A strategy for an easy di n ner
Up to three days ahead
Make the peperonata and the
mustard rub; refrigerate.
O CTOBE R / N o V E M B E R 2004 43
Corn meal Rose m a ry Cake with
Pine N uts &
Orange Glaze
Yields one 9-inch cake; serves M a ke the cake: Position a rack
eight to ten. in the center of the oven and
heat the oven to 35 0°F. Butter a
Soft butter for the pan
9x2-inch round cake pan, line the
6% ounces ( 1 % cups) a l l - bottom with a round of parch
pu rpose flour ment, and butter the parchment.
4% ounces (% cup) finely ground In a medium bowl, whisk
yellow cornmeal (Quaker together the flour, cornmeal, pine
brand is fine) nuts, rosemary, orange zest,
Y3 cup coarsely chopped toasted baking powder, and salt.
pine nuts (about 1 % ounces) In a large bowl, briefly whisk
1 ta blespoon finely chopped the mascarpone to loosen it. Add
fresh rosemary the eggs one at a time, whisking
1 tablespoon finely grated to combine. Add the sugar and
orange zest
whisk until smooth. Using a rub
1 teaspoon baking powder
ber spatula, fold the dry ingredi
% teaspoon kosher salt
ents, in two batches, into the wet
5 ounces (% cup) mascarpone,
ingredients, m ixing until smooth.
at room temperature
4 large eggs Stir in the melted butter with the
1 0 ou nces ( 1 %cups) granu lated rubber spatula until blended.
sugar Scrape the batter i nto the
% pou nd (% cup) unsalted butter, prepared pan, spread evenly,
melted and bake until the entire top of
the cake is a rich golden brown
and springs back when pressed
% c u p fresh orange j u ice
gently in the center, 40 to
3 ta blespoons granu lated sugar
45 min utes. A skewer inserted giving the syrup time to sink sti ll wet, transfer the cake to
FOR THE ORANGE G LAZE: in the m iddle of the cake should i nto the cake, until you've used a cake plate.
1 ta blespoon whole fresh come out looking a bit moist, and all the syrup. Let the cake cool Let sit for an hour or more
rosemary leaves (stripped the sides of the cake may have completely. before cutting the cake into
from the stem but not begun to pull away from the pan. wedges and serving. The glaze
chopped) M a ke the orange g laze: Bri ng may or may not become firm,
5 ounces ( 1 % cups) sifted Make the o ra n g e syru p : While a small saucepan of water to a depending on the weather;
confectioners' sugar the cake is baking, combine the boil. Have ready a small bowl
5 tablespoons heavy cream
it's delicious either way.
orange ju ice and sugar in a small of ice water. Put the rosemary
2 ta blespoons fresh orange
saucepan over medium heat and leaves in a small sieve and dip it
j u i ce
cook for a few minutes, stirring i nto the boiling water to blanch
1 teaspoon grated orange zest
occasionally, until the sugar dis them for 1 minute. Drain the
solves. Remove from the heat. rosemary leaves and immed iately
Let the cake cool in its pan on set them (still in the sieve) into
a rack for 5 minutes. Run a small the ice water. Drain and spread
Make-ahead tip
Yo u c a n bake a n d
knife around the cake. Set an
inverted plate over the cake pan
the rosemary leaves on a paper
towel to dry. In a bowl, whisk
g l aze t h i s cake and, protecting your hands with the confectioners' sugar, cream,
the day you se rve a kitchen towel, invert the whole and orange ju ice until smooth
thing. The cake should slide right and then whisk in the blanched
it. Or bake it a day Tom Douglas owns
out onto the plate. Peel off the rosemary and the zest.
ahead, brush it parchment and set a 9-inch card When the cake is cool, Dahlia Lounge, Etta s
with the syrup, l et board round or another inverted transfer it to a rack set over a Seafood, Palace
it cool c o m p l etely, plate over the cake and, again, baking sheet. (If your cake isn't Kitchen, and Dahlia
wrap it in p l astic,
invert the whole thing. Remove on a cardboard round, use a Bakery in Seattle,
the top plate and the cake will wide spatula to transfer it.) Washington. •
a n d store at room
be right side up. With a wooden Pour the glaze over the top of
te m pe rature. The skewer or toothpick, poke a few the cake and let it drip off the
afternoon before dozen holes all over the top of sides. You can gently tilt the
your d i n n er, g l aze the cake. While the cake is still cardboard or the wire rack back
warm, brush the cake with the and forth to encourage the glaze
the cake.
warm orange syrup. Continue to completely flow over the top
brushing for several min utes, of the cake. While the glaze is
Cider-Glazed Tu rnips & Apples
with Sage Bacon&
Serves four to six.
Braising turnips transforms them into trans
lucent, buttery, tender morsels. I prefer small
turnips, but if all you can find are large ones,
be sure to peel them thickly (I use a paring
knife) or the turnip will be tough and taste
bitter. This dish is a perfect accompaniment
to roast lamb or pork.
back on the burner. Add the butter and,
when it's melted, add the turnips, apple cider,
sugar, and 1 1!2 teaspoons salt. Bring to a
boil over high heat. Cover the pan with the
are one of the most lid sl ightly askew, reduce the heat to medium
high, and cook at a steady boil, shaki ng the
unappreciated of all pan occasionally, u ntil the turnips are j ust
tender but not soft (a pairing knife should
the fa l l vegeta b le s , enter a turnip with just a l ittle resistance),
8 to 1 0 minutes. Meanwhile, peel and core
which is too bad, as they have a com
the apple and cut it into lh-i nch slices.
plex and intriguing flavor. Up front, they're U ncover the pan, add the sliced apples
and sage, and continue to boil, sti rring
strong and peppery, yet there are undertones of sweetness occasionally, u ntil the liquid has reduced to
a sticky glaze, 2 to 3 minutes. The turnips
as well. Their open-grained texture does a remarkable
should be soft and the apples should be
job of absorbing flavors when they're simmered in stews crisp-tender. (If not, add a few tablespoons
of water and continue to cook for another
and braises. I treat turnips as I do potatoes: I cut them in 1 to 2 minutes.) Toss i n the cooked bacon
and season to taste with black pepper and
wedges and roast them alongside chicken or pork. Or I
more salt if necessary.
steam them until tender with a potato or two, mash with a
bit of cream and butter, and fold in fresh chives or parsley.
Good flavor pairings for turnips include apples, bacon,
sage, mustard, and spices like cumin or coriander-all of
which help to balance turnips' assertive flavor. ( For more
on turnips, see From Our Test Kitchen, p. 80. )
handle, sl ice off about the top one-quarter
or one-third (lengthwise) of each potato to
expose the interior. Peel off and discard the
skin from this top section and put the potato
flesh in a medium bowl. Use a spoon to
scoop out the rest of the flesh of each potato,
leaving about %inch of sweet potato at
come in s everal varie tached to the skin to help retain its structure.
Put the potato flesh in the bowl.
ties, some creamier and Beat the sweet potato flesh, sour cream,
sweeter and others less so, but I use chile paste, butter, and salt with an elec
tric hand m ixer on medium speed just until
them interchangeably. Many markets label smooth. Taste and, if you want more heat,
mince more chipotle to a paste and add it.
sweet potatoes as yams, but true yams are very starchy
Mound the mixture into the potato skins and
and not as sweet, quite a different tuber altogether. Sweet set them i n a baking pan. Bake the stuffed
potatoes at 425°F until hot, 20 to 25 min
potatoes' earthy richness makes them a natural for gratins, utes. Serve with the lime wedges and more
sour cream.
soups, and pies. For a quick side dish, toss sweet potato
wedges in olive oil and roast them; they cook faster than
white potatoes. Or simply bake sweet potatoes in their
skins and serve with butter or sour cream. I like to add
a touch of maple syrup, molasses, or brown sugar to Eva Katz is a recipe
developer and food writer
highlight the vegetable's sweetness. Or I use that natural who lives in Jamaica
sweetness as a counterpoint to play off stronger flavors Plain, Massachusetts. •
----....fUSt ess
s a personal chef, I'm always look
ing for something new and un
complicated that I can make on
a moment's notice. My "crustless
quiche" was born on one such day.
The inspiration for this savory treat ac
tually comes from a custard-like dessert
called clafoutis ( clah-foo-TEE ) , which is a
country French specialty. Served warm, a
traditional clafoutis is almost like a sweet
omelet or fritatta. But take out the sugar
and fruit and you have a perfect vehicle
for savory morsels to make a light sup
per dish or warming lunch; a quiche but
without the fuss of making pastry crust.
The basic batter is a snap to make, and the
filling variations are endless.
The batter takes two minutes to mix by
hand; it's simply eggs, milk, cream, and
cornstarch. The cornstarch makes the
but may shimmy slightly in the pan. Like a roughly chopped (to yield a bout FI LLING:
quiche, this dish needs to sit for 30 minutes Va cup) 1 tablespoon olive oil
1 large or 2 med i u m red bell peppers
before serving so it cools and sets. C H EESE:
( 1 0 ounces tota l), cored, seeded,
Using the right pan is key, but nothing V2 pound wedge of Brie or a small and cut into %-inch dice
exotic is required. After much testing, I found Camem bert, rind trimmed, cheese Kosher salt
cut into %-inch-thick wedges
that this recipe works best in a 2-quart, C H EESE:
7xI I-inch Pyrex pan, which is easy to find in HERB: 4 ou nces fresh goat cheese, coarsely
supermarkets and hardware stores. Another % c u p chopped fresh flat-leaf pa rsley crumbled
good option is a ceramic gratin dish; if you Heat the butter or oil in a 1 O-inch skil let H ERB:
have one with those same dimensions , by over medium heat. Add the bacon and 2 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves,
all means, use it. The pan needs to be shal shallots and cook, stirring, until they lightly chopped
low enough for the batter to bake through begin to brown, 8 to 1 0 m inutes. Stir in
the sugar and cook until the bacon and Heat the olive oil in a 1 O-inch skillet
quickly ( ideally, the batter will fill the pan
over medium-high heat. When the oil is
about Ph inches dee p ) . A 2-quart pan of shallots turn deep golden brown, about
hot, add the peppers and a generous
smaller dimensions will be deeper, and the 4 minutes. Remove from the heat and
add the vi negar. Stir in the sun-d ried pinch of salt. Cook, stirring often, u ntil
clafoutis won't cook through (the sides will the peppers soften and brown slightly,
tomatoes; set aside to cool. Have the
be done while the center is liquid ) . A pan cheese and chopped parsley ready. about 5 minutes. Set aside to cool.
with larger dimensions will cause the batter Have the goat cheese and chopped
to cook through too quickly. thyme ready.
Before dinner, turn on your oven, make
one of the fillings, and mix the batter while
the oven heats up. Thenjust toss a big green
H a m , M u s h rooms & Chives
1 ta blespoon vegetable o i l
1 ta blespoon unsalted butter
1f2 pound white button mushrooms, wiped
clean, stems trimmed, caps qua rtered
(or cut smaller if l a rge)
Kosher salt
6 ounces ham, sl iced Va inch thick and cut into
1 1f2x1f2-inch strips
Freshly ground black pepper The savory clafoutis (or crustless quiche) batter on
C H E ESE: p. 51 can be the key to unique nibbles for your next
2 ounces Gruyere, grated (to yield 1f2 cup)
cocktail party. Heat the oven to 450°F. O i l mini m uffin
2 tablespoons sni pped chives tins and put 1/2 teaspoon grated cheese into each
Heat the oil and butter in a 1 O-i nch skillet over m uffin cup, plus a n interesting tidbit-half a n olive,
medium-high heat. When the butter has melted ,
add the mushrooms, sprinkle with salt, and three tiny cooked cocktail shrimp, 1f2 teaspoon crisp
cook, sti rring occasionally, u ntil softened and
crumbled bacon, sauteed m ushroom, or chopped
browned slightly, about 8 mi nutes. If the mush
rooms release a lot of water, increase the heat to jalapeno a re all good choices_ A pinch of chopped
evaporate it. Toss in the ham and cook, stirring
frequently, until it has browned a bit, 2 to 3 min fresh dill or basil adds flavor and color. Add 2 table
utes. Remove from the heat, season with a l ittle
spoons of the batter to each m uffin cup. B a ke until
salt and pepper, and set aside to cool . Have the
cheese and sn ipped chives ready. the clafoutis puff and start to turn golden, 1 5 to
O C TOBER/NoV E M B E R 2 0 04 53
America's Best Home Cook
The Winning Recipes
Try these rec i pes and you ' l l know
why they made the finals i n Fine
Cooking's nationwide contest
hen Fine Cooking decided to hold a cook
ing contest, we settled on the same "market
basket" challenge we often give our authors.
Along with our co-sponsor, kitchenware re
tailer Sur La Table, we put out a call for home cooks
to create a recipe for a main dish from a limited num
ber of ingredients ( for contest rules, see p. 59). It's
the type of challenge that puts a cook's ingenuity and
skill to the test-perfect for Fine Cooking readers.
More than 600 responses poured in, and the Fine
Cooking editors and contributing editors read and
tested recipes for the first cut. We chose 15 semi
finalists to compete last spring at regional cookoffs
in Washington, DC, Chicago, and Seattle. At each
regional, two finalists were chosen. The six finalists
were flown to California for the national finals of our
first-ever search for America's Best Home Cook.
On a beautiful June morning in San Francisco, in
the kitchens of Sur La Table's downtown store, the
cooking began. Despite the pressure, each contes
tant was as calm and as poised as a seasoned pro in
a busy restaurant kitchen. Everyone did well-the
dishes were creative, delicious, and
A day of cooking, well executed-but only one cook
judging, and celebration, could be awarded the distinction of
clockwise from top
America's Best Home Cook 2004.
left: preparing for the
Kara Adanalian prepared her Rib
judges; kitchen bustle;
54 FINE COOKING Photos: this page and contestants, AmyAlbert; all others, Scott Phillips.
T h e G ra n d - Pr i z e W i n n e r
Adanalian, Fairfax, California
Rib-Eye Steak Sandwiches
Serves four.
Pugl iese is an Italian country bread with a
very crisp crust and a soft interior; a good
su bstitute is ciabatta or another artisan
Italian loaf. Cambozola is like a cross be
tween Camembert and Gorgonzola-it has
a white rind and a creamy, blue-streaked
4 rib-eye steaks, each Y2 inch thick, trimmed
5 cloves ga rlic, m i nced; plus 2 cloves, sl iced
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 tablespoons u nsalted butter
2 shal lots, minced
16 medium crem i n i mushrooms (about
8 ounces), sl iced
% cup sweet M a rsala
1 med i u m onion, sliced
1 tablespoon extra -virg i n olive oil
4 to 6 ounces Cambozola cheese, rind
removed (or creamy Gorgonzola)
8 slices (Y2-i nch thick) pugliese-style bread,
lightly toasted
1 Y2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
O C TOBE R / N oV E M B E R 2004 55
Kosher salt a n d freshly ground
black pepper
3 tablespoons unsa lted butter;
more for the souffle dishes
3 tablespoons all-purpose flou r
4 large egg yolks
1 cup (about 4 ounces) crumbled
goat cheese (prefera bly
Bucheron, rind trimmed)
6 large egg whites
Janice Elder, Charlotte, North Carolina
O C T O B E R/ N oV E M B E R 2004 57
Kate Lynn,
Savory Mediterranean Baklava ,
Serves eight.
Look for Athens brand phyllo twin
packs (two 8-ounce packs in one
box). The phyllo sheets are the per
fect size for this dish. The compo
nents can be made a day ahead and
refrigerated. Wait to assemble the
baklava until you're ready to bake it.
3 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons finely minced shal lot
Y2 cup finely diced sweet onion
4 cups roughly chopped assorted
fresh mushrooms (chanterelle,
oyster, porta bel la, cremi n i,
hedgehog, shi ita ke, or white
button; about 1 pound)
1 tablespoon chopped fresh
This recipe, rosemary Make the m u s h room layer: Melt To assemble: Unroll the phyllo;
1f2cup low-salt vegeta ble or chicken the butter in a large saute pan over keep it covered with plastic wrap
Kate laughingly broth medium heat. Add the shallot and and a damp cloth. Liberally brush
admits, suits her % cup dry white wine (optional) onion ; cook until softened, 3 to the bottom of a 9x1 3-inch baking
Kosher salt and freshly ground 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms, d ish with some of the melted butter.
extended family's black pepper rosemary, broth, and wine if using ; Lay a sheet of phyllo in the dish and,
season with salt and pepper to taste.
dietary needs, FOR TH E RED PEPPER LAYER: starting from the edges, brush lightly
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil Cook until the mushrooms are tender
with butter. Repeat with seven more
including vege 3 large red bell peppers, cut into and most of the liquid has evapo
sheets, brushing each with butter.
%-inch d i ce (about 3 cups) rated, 8 to 1 0 minutes. Let cool.
tarian and kosher. 1 clove ga rlic, finely minced
With a rubber spatula, spread the
Make the red p e p p e r layer: Heat mushrooms evenly over the phyllo.
But it's a hit with 1 cup finely d i ced red onion (about
the oil in a large saute pan over
1f2 medium red onion) Repeat the layering and buttering
meat-eaters, too. 1 tablespoon chopped fresh medium-high heat. Add the peppers, with eight more sheets of phyllo.
rosemary garlic, onion, and rosemary. Season Spread the goat cheese evenly over
Kosher salt and freshly ground with salt and pepper to taste. Cook, the phyllo. Repeat the layering and
black pepper stirring often, until the peppers and buttering with eight more sheets
onions are well softened, 7 to 1 0 min
FOR TH E G OAT CHEESE LAYER: of phyllo. Spread the red peppers
utes. Don't let them brown ; add more
20 to 22 ounces good -qual ity goat evenly over the phyllo. Top with eight
cheese l i ke Laura Chenel)
oil if the pan is dry. Let cool.
more phyllo sheets, buttering as you
2 large eggs M a ke the g oat cheese layer: In a go. Butter the top two sheets as
2 ta blespoons heavy cream
food processor or with an electric evenly as possible.
1 tablespoon finely minced
mixer, blend the goat cheese, eggs, With a sharp knife, cut the bak
cream, rosemary, pepper, and salt lava lengthwise into thirds, cutting
1 teaspoon freshly ground
black pepper
until smooth. Set aside. all the way to the bottom of the pan,
1f2teaspoon kosher salt Make the balsamic-rosemary holding the top layers of phyllo in
syru p :In a medium saucepan, bring place with your fingers. Next, cut
ROSEMARY SYR U P: the vinegar and rosemary to a boil. d iagonally from one corner to an
2 cups balsamic vinega r Reduce the heat to a simmer and other. Continue making d iagonal
2- to 3-i nch-long sprig fresh cook until reduced to a thin syrupy cuts about 2 inches apart to create
rosemary; more sprigs for garnish consistency, about 1 5 minutes. 2x3-inch diamonds. Bake until deep
Watch closely during the last few golden brown, 40 to 5 0 minutes. Let
1 pound 9x1 4-inch frozen phyllo
minutes of cooking. (The reduc- rest for at least 1 5 to 20 minutes.
dough, thawed in the refrigerator
tion goes fast at the end and if you
overreduce it, it may be too thick To s e rve: Drizzle a l ittle of the syrup
Y2 pound u nsalted butter, melted;
more as needed or even burn. It will th icken more on each plate. Arrange one or two
as it cools.) You should have about pieces of the baklava on each plate,
Position a rack in the center of the 1/2 cup syrup. Remove from the heat; drizzle with a bit more syrup, and
oven and heat the oven to 375°F. d iscard the rosemary. garnish with a rosemary sprig.
Karen Tedesco, St. Louis, Missouri
Put the dough in an oiled bowl, on the salad. Fold the flatbread over
cover with plastic, and let rest at to eat like a sandwich or use a fork
AmyAlbert is Fine Cooking's
room temperature for 30 minutes or and knife. Pass the extra dressing at
in the refrigerator for up to 2 hours. the table. senior editor. •
O C T O B E R / N oV E M B E R 2 0 0 4 59
BY N A N C I E M c D E R M OTT fibrous, intensely flavored rhizome in several dif
ferent forms : fresh, frozen (whole or sliced ) , or
fell in love with chicken coconut soup soon after sliced and dried into humble-looking woody chips.
I arrived in Thailand as a Peace Corps volunteer. All three forms deliver galangal's intense, citrusy
Its flavors were unfamiliar yet inviting, as if all tang. Ground dried galangal, however, does not,
my early impressions of Thailand had been sim so please don't use it in this soup. If you can't find
mered up and ladled into a bowl . galangal, use its cousin, fresh ginger. The flavor will
Though I spent my time in Thailand eating Thai be different, but still delicious . And if you can't
food rather than learning to cook it, when I returned find lemongrass or lime leaves, my ben lai-"Don't
home to North Carolina, I was able to make a deli worry!" They add magic, but even without them ,
cious pot of tome kha gai (chicken coconut soup) you'll still have a delicious soup. That's how I made
on my velY first try with ingredients I tracked down it the first ten years after returning from Thailand,
at a small Korean market. Nowadays, you can find because fresh Thai herbs were difficult to find dur
Thai ingredients like coconut milk, fish sauce, fresh ing that time .
lemongrass, and jasmine rice at supermarkets; and Making the soup is a snap. There are no new tech
Asian markets often carry fresh or frozen lime leaves niques to master. It's a simple matter of prepping Galangal, a relative of
and galangal; for sources, see p. 90. the ingredients, boiling, stirring, and simmering. ginger, gives this soup
The defining flavor of this soup is galangal, known I usually serve the soup Thai style, leaving the a bright, citrusy flavor.
in Thai as kha. For this recipe , you can use this lemongrass, galangal, and lime leaves floating in the
Nancie McDermott, a cooking instructor, is the author ofQuick & Easy Thai: 70 Everyday Recipes . •
A sweet, buttery crunch gives
a lift to four comforting classics
fyou like apple desserts-and A crumb topping i s a versa
who doesn't?-you'li love the tile creature. Sometimes I make
crisp, pie , cake, and bars on a little extra and bake it sepa
these pages. They've got all rately on a sheet pan. It keeps its
the comforting, satisfying crunch for a few weeks in an air
flavors that make these types of tight container (or longer in the
desserts such favorites, plus one freezer) , and it's fun to sprinkle
thing more: They all feature easy on ice-cream sundaes, crush and
crumb toppings, which are the press into the sides of a frosted
crowning touch for j ust about cake, or add to your favorite
anything appley. The tenderness granola mix. You can also mix it
of cooked apples practically cries into homemade applesauce and
out for the contrast of a crisp add a dollop of creme frakhe for
crunchy top. And flavorwise, a quick apple compote. Or just
too, toppings made with brown munch on it as a snack.
sugar and butter ( and perhaps A quick note about apples: I
spiked with cinnamon or nuts) love all kinds and often experi
marry beautifully with apples. ment with different varieties.
B ut some apples break down
Toppings are flexible faster than others when they're
The crumb toppings for the fol cooked ( s e e From Our Test
lowing desserts are all slightly Kitchen, p . 78), so be aware that
different from one another, but cooking times can vary. I like the
they have one very important consistency of results that I get
thing in common: They're a cinch when baking with B raeburns,
to make. For three of them, you and I like the way they get ten
don't even need a mixer to com der without falling apart. Also,
bine the ingredients, just a bowl apples behave differently at dif
and your fingers . Depending ferent times of year due to mois
on the proportions of the three ture loss, so you might find that
main ingredients-flour, butter, desserts like crisps and pies may
and sugar-and on how well you end up slightly more or less juicy
blend them, the topping might depending on the season.
be crunchier, coarser, or sandier
( see the sidebar at far right) .
Crunchier Stnoother
Adding confectioners' sugar To encourage the topping to
in addition to the other sugars spread together rather than
provides more crunch and also remain pebbly and separate,
causes the mixture to spread try any of the following: add
a bit for a more classic coffee more butter, use melted butter,
cake look. Melting the butter or bake at a higher tempera
produces a similar effect. ture. All of these changes lead
I ncreasing the brown sugar to a crum b topping that tends
adds crunch and also delivers more to one unified layer than
a deeper, caramelized flavor. lots of individual clumps.
Coarser Sandier
For larger lumps, the simplest Three changes can help pro
approach is to blend the duce a finer, sandier texture:
mixture very thoroughly; the don't blend the mixture too
more you work it between thoroughly, use more flour,
your fingers, the more it will or reverse the proportions of
clump together into larger granulated sugar to brown
pieces. You can also use a sugar. If you replace all of the
little less flour or boost the brown sugar with g ranulated
amount of brown sugar. sugar, the topping will be
extra tender, too.
O C T O B E R/ NoVE M B E R 2 0 0 4 63
Peca n Top p i n g
Yields enough for the Apple
Cranberry Crisp below.
5% ounces (1 % cups)
a l l-purpose flour
Y2 cup firmly packed
light brown sugar
2 tablespoons gra n u l ated
V2 teaspoon g round
% teaspoon table salt
% pound (V2 cup) cold
unsalted butter, cut into
Y2-inch pieces
3 ounces (% cup) pecans,
coarsely chopped
an unexpected range
1 tablespoon unsa lted butter
a small pan. Heat in the microwave or over
3 tablespoons fresh orange j u ice
Pinch table salt
med ium-low heat until the butter melts, about
of textures and tart 1 cup granu lated sugar 1 min ute. Swirl to blend and pour the m ix
Pecan Topping (recipe above right) ture over the apples. Toss to coat. Add the
sweet flavors. sugar and toss to coat again. Pour the apple
Heat the oven to 375°F. Butter the sides only mixture into the prepared pan and spread it
of a g-inch-square baking pan. evenly. Sprinkle the topping evenly on top of
Peel, quarter, and core the apples. Cut the apples.
each apple quarter crosswise into %-inch Line a heavy-duty rim med baking sheet
thick slices. Put them in a large bowl, sprinkle with foil. Set the pan on the sheet and bake
on the cinnamon, and toss until evenly until the juices are bubbling on the sides, the
coated. Combine the cranberries and orange top is golden brown, crisp, and hard, and the
zest in a food processor and pulse until apples in the center are tender when pierced
the cranberries are finely chopped, scrap- with a fork, 60 to 70 minutes (rotate the pan
ing down the sides with a rubber spatula for even brown ing, if necessary). If the top
as needed. starts to get too brown after 45 minutes,
Add the cranberries to the apples and cover it loosely with aluminum foil. Let cool
toss to combine. Put the butter, orange juice, on a rack for at least 30 minutes to let the
and salt in a small microwaveable dish or juices thicken. Serve warm.
The size of the crumb
G i n g e r Topping
is a function of how
Yields enough for the Ginger
Apple Crumb Pie below. thoroughly you mix
4% ounces (1 cup)
a l l -pu rpose flour the m ore you work it,
% cup granu lated sugar
2 tablespoons firmly packed the clumpier it gets.
l ight brown sugar
1 V2 teaspoons ground g i nger
Va teaspoon table salt
% pound (% cup) cold
u nsalted butter, cut into
8 pieces
3 pounds Braeburn or G a l a apples (about
6 med i u m) peeled, cored, and cut into
%-inch-thick slices
2 teaspoons finely g rated fresh g i nger
( 1 1/4 inches deep) u pside down over the cen
(I use a M icroplane)
ter of dough. Slip your hand under the plastic
V2 cup granu lated sugar
and turn the pie plate right side up. Slip the
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 ounce (2 tablespoons) unsalted butter,
dough into the pan to fit snugly and carefully
cut into very small pieces remove the plastic. Trim the dough overhang
to about 1f4 inch, fold it under to create a
G i nger Topping (recipe above right) thicker edge, and flute the edge. Cover
loosely with plastic and refrigerate for at least
M a ke the crust: In a stand m ixer bowl (or a 30 min utes or until ready to use. Rub the mixture between your
large m ixing bowl), whisk the flour and salt Position an oven rack in the lower third of fingertips until it comes together
to blend. Add the shortening and butter. the oven and heat the oven to 425°F. in small clumps.
Starting on low speed and then shifting to
medium, beat with the paddle attachment (or M a ke the fil l i n g : In a large bowl, toss the
cut in by hand) until the largest pieces of fat apples with the ginger, distributing the ginger
are about the size of peas, 1 to 2 minutes. as evenly as possible. Add the sugar and
With the m ixer running on low (or mixing by flour and toss to coat evenly.
hand), sprinkle on 2 1/2 tablespoons of the Scrape the apple mixture into the shell
water and blend u ntil the dough just comes and mound it slightly in the center. Dot with
together into clumps; if the dough is too dry the butter. Top with the crumb topping, keep
to do this, add the remaining water 1/2 table ing it as clumpy (not sandy) as you can. Try to
spoon at a time. With your hands, shape the cover all the apples. If any crumbs roll off the
dough into a 4-inch wide disk. Wrap i n plas pie, gather them up and reapply.
tic and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes. Put the pie on a foil-lined baking sheet.
Roll out the dough between two sheets Bake for 20 minutes and then reduce the
of plastic wrap. (If the dough was chil led for heat to 375°F. Bake until the apples are ten
more than 30 minutes, you may need to let der (a skewer inserted into the center of the As you cover the pie, keep the
it warm up at room temperature to become pie will meet slight resistance) and the juices topping as clumpy as possible for
pliable.) Occasionally loosen and reapply are bubbling around the edges, another the most satisfying texture.
the wrap and continue rolling until you have 30 to 35 m inutes; if the top starts to brown
an 1 1 - to 1 2-inch round that's about 1Jeinch too qu ickly after about 20 minutes, cover the
thick. Remove the top sheet of plastic. Turn pie lightly with foil. Let cool on a rack for 3 to
a standard 9-inch metal or glass pie plate 4 hours to let the ju ices set.
O CTOBER/NoV E M B E R 2 0 0 4 65
Wa l n ut Topping
Yields enough for the Moist
Apple - Walnut Cake below.
9 ou nces (2 cups) all-pu rpose flour Add the eggs, one at a time, beating until
1 teaspoon baking powder combined and scraping the bowl as needed.
1 teaspoon baking soda Add about one-third of the flour mixture,
Applesauce makes this % teaspoon ground ci nnamon m ixing on medium low until combined. Add
Y2 teaspoon table salt the applesauce, mixing on medium low
cake wonderfully m oist. 3 ounces (6 tablespoons) u nsalted butter, until incorporated and scraping the bowl
softened at room temperature
as needed. M ix in another third of the flour
Homemade is best, but 1 % cups granu lated sugar
mixture, then the sour cream, and then the
2 large eggs, at room temperature
remaining flour mixture, mixing after each
% cup smooth homemade or store-bought
store-bought is good, too. addition until just incorporated. Don't over
1 cup sour cream mix. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan
Wa lnut Topping (recipe above right) and spread it evenly.
Bake until the edges of the cake are
Heat the oven to 35 0°F. Butter the bottom slightly set and the rest is very jiggly, about
and sides of a 9x1 3-inch baking pan. Line the 1 5 minutes. Scatter the walnut topping
bottom of the pan with parchment and butter evenly over the cake and bake until the
the parchment. cru mbs are golden brown, the center of the
In a med ium bowl , whisk the flour, baking cake springs back when lightly touched, and
powder, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt a toothpick inserted in the center has a few
to blend. moist crumbs sticking to it, 30 to 35 minutes;
Combine the butter and sugar in a large check the cake early and if the crumbs are
bowl . Beat with an electric mixer on medium golden but the cake isn't fully baked, cover
speed until combi ned (but not fluffy), scrap loosely with foil. Let cool on a rack for at
ing the bowl as needed, about 30 seconds. least 20 minutes. Serve warm.
Almond Cheesecake
Apple Bars
Yields sixteen 2 112-inch squares.
4 ounces (V2 cup) cream cheese, softened
V2 cup granu lated sugar
1 large egg, at room temperature
2 teaspoons freshly grated lemon zest
1 tablespoon fresh lemon ju ice
Pinch table salt
1 pound (about 2 medium) Braeburn, Gala,
or Rome apples, peeled, cored and cut
into Vs-i nch-thick slices (to yield 2V2 cups)
O C TOBE R / N o V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 67
S ho ppi n g for a n ew ran g e ?
hat You
Here are ou r t o p p icks i n
30- i n ch m odels
ith so many models and options
from which to choose, buying a
. si e,
range can seem a bit daunting.
Although less expensive than a b ig
ticket item like , say, a new car, buying
a range is just as exciting-or maybe
nIce prIce
even more for those of us who love to Bosch all-gas or
dual-fuel range
cook. But there's a lot to think about
Model: HG or H D (complete model
before you make a decision and plunk
numbers depend on color and options)
down the dough: how you cook, what Burners: 400 to 1 5,000 Btu
you cook, how your kitchen is laid out, Price range: $1 , 1 00 to $1 ,900
and what you want to spend. You want
This range is a new offering for Bosch,
to be sure you make the right choice. a company known for dishwashers
After a lot of footwork (see How and ovens. Its new freestanding range
We Tested, at far right ) , we've come up caught our attention because of its
simple, sleek design, as well as for all the
with some recommendations to help
features it offers at a reasonable price.
you decide. Here, in ascending order
of price, are the seven 30-inch ranges What's to love:
.:. Simple, streamlined control-panel
we 'd most love to own. The models
that follow made the cut because of .:. Generously sized oven cavity.
the total package they offer: top per .:. Electric cooktop models have a
formance, smart features, good value, removable magnetic control knob for
and good looks. Some are loaded with easy cleaning. It's designed for extra
safety, too: Burners automatically go
nifty details at a nice price. Others have
off as soon as you remove the knob.
unique fe atures that make cooking
.:. Warming drawer.
more convenient or more fun . Others
are j ust plain powerful and impres Shortcomings:
.:. Control panel is so streamlined that
sively built. Depending on what you're
menu choices aren't immediately evi
after, there's a good bet in a range of dent and take a little getting used to.
prices. And although we've focused .:. Dual-fuel, true convection, expandable
on 30-inch ranges (the standard size oven racks, and stainless finish aren't
if you're replacing one ) , most models standard and will beef up the price.
Speed cooking
new technology
GE Profile electric range 1 5 minutes, as opposed to an hour.) .:. Despite the microwave com
with Trivection The range has a complete comple ponent, there's no need to use
Model: JS998 ment of conventional modes, too. special pans.
Price: about $2,800
What's to love : Shortcomings:
G E's Trivection technology combines .:. Speedy Trivection cooking is con .:. Computerized features could feel
radiant, microwave, and convection heat venient when you're hungry and superfluous if you like using your
all in one oven, making for faster cook want dinner fast. instincts and would rather test for
ing. (For example, a lasagna baked in •:. There's a programming option doneness yourself.
that's helpful for getting used to .:. This range with a Trivection oven
Trivection. It's easy to use, even for is available only with an electric
a computer klutz (the menu reads cooktop.
like an ATM screen). Food didn't
taste microwaved.
How we tested
After looking at dozens side and then broiled it on
of ranges at trade shows, the other.
showrooms, and appliance There are hundreds of
stores, we narrowed our ranges on the market, so
list of favorites. We then we decided to focus on
visited locations that had 30-inch ranges, because
the models hooked up it's a standard size if you're
and ready for cooking and replacing an old range. Plus,
performed several cooking it's a good reference and
tasks when possible. We jumping-off point when you
put lots of different pans start shopping. M ost of the
on the stovetop to check models featured on these
out the working space. We pages come in bigger sizes;
boiled water, simmered for more information, see
tomato sauce, pan-seared p. 73 for a list of manufac
a chicken breast on one turers' Web sites.
cranked up high.
"Gas under glass" infrared broiler is
Gas ovens with convection usually fea
ture a simple fan ("convection") while the
convection fan in a better model of elec
Des 5-burner gas range tric oven will have its own heating unit
Model: RG SC-305
("true" or "European" convection).
Burners: low simmer to 1 7,500 Btu
.:. "Gas under glass" infrared broiler
Price range: $3,500 to $4,300
browns efficiently and even ly. Dual-fuel refers to a range with
This is one of the few 30-inch models .:. Deep area to capture cooktop a combination of gas cooktop and
we saw that has five burners-most spills is made of a type of electric oven. If you're wed to a n electric
offer only four. DCS also offers a stainless that doesn't show oven, you might want the combination of
self-cleaning gas oven, a feature scratches from scrubbing.
gas cooktop and electric oven.
that's more common than it used to
be, but still not standard. I nfrared broiler, available
.:. Squared sides and corners of
in both electric and gas configurations,
What's to love: cooktop's capture area offer
.:. Smart cooktop design: hot places for goop to collect. is a cut above a traditional broiler. This
test bumer in center, nearest to .:. Continuous cast-iron grates are type of broiler offers an entire sheet of
where you'd position overhead good and sturdy, but will be heavy heat that's great for tasks like melting
ventilation. when it's time to clean . cheese, broiling salmon, and browning
•:. Oven shelves on rollers pull out creme br(jh�e.
especially smoothly.
What's to love
.:. Excellent heat distribution on all
cooktop burner settings, from high
flame to gentle simmer. Especially
good on the low end.
Infrared gas broiler throws
an even sheet of flame.
I" --�_-
Top perforn1ance
homey-retro style
Heartland Legacy .:. Sturdy build and feel.
dual-fuel range
.:. Cooktop has a generous spill
Model: 3530 over area and u pswept, seam
Burners: 450 to 1 5,500 Btu less corners that don't trap
Price: about $4, 1 55 food residue .
perfortnance to Inatch
_. _� ,, _ . &it
- - .... t
=�;:;::;� ; .. 0=-
�-.. ... - .. - � - _
What's to love:
.:. Star-shaped sealed burners distrib
ute heat well and boil pasta water
quickly; burners disassemble espe Star-shaped sealed burners
cially easily for cleaning. distribute heat well.
ssional feel with
cooking in mind
Wolf dual-fuel range What's to love
Model: D F304 .:. Simple control-panel design; oven tempera
Burners: 500 to 1 5,000 Btu ture readout on knob makes for easy reading.
Price: about $4,800 Hidden control panel makes cleaning easy
and provides a streamlined look.
Wolf's dual-fuel model is a relatively new offering
.:. Bottom rack slides right onto oven door to
from a company long known for its professional balance heavy roasts.
gas ranges. This model has an electric oven and
.:. Electric oven is true convection with two fans.
gas cooktop and boasts several nifty features.
.:. Hydraulic door lowers by itself with just a tug.
.:. Sturdy, continuous cast-iron grates are easy
to slide pans around on, but are also large
and heavy; possibly cumbersome.
Ma-or manufacturers
-. .
grilled cheese sandwich to check
out how efficiently the broiler
who enjoy discussing the very
minutiae you're mulling over as
browns. Simmer some tomato you decide on the range you want.
-.. - .- lenn-Alr
Showroo s with
lVe ranges
Amana Ken more " . "
.- .
Bosch KIIchenAld
·. .. •
La Com ue Kupperabuach
East CentraVMidwest West Coast
- • Albano Appliance Oakton Distributors, Inc . Bradlee Distributors (Wolt)
Pound Ridge, New York Des Plaines, Illinois Seattle, Washington
Dacor Lacanche
·- . 9 1 4-764-4051 800-262-5866 206-284-8400
Cincinnati, Ohio
DCS Ma ytag BSH (Bosch, Thermador) McPhails Appliance
... . .. · Brooklyn, New York 800-5 1 0-6392 San Rafael, California
7 1 8-625-2425 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 41 5-453-6070
Diva MoIIenl
· .. . - . - . Clarke Distribution (Wolt)
Norwalk, Connecticut Roth Concept Center Brisbane, California
Rve Star Morice
. . .- . . • 203-838-9385 Aurora, Colorado
303-373-9090 and other
HADCO Huntington Beach,
Frigidaire Thennador
. .. ... Dulles, Virginia
locations California
800-565-0330 The Westye Group (Wolf)
· - .. . .
. . ·- . Suwanee, Georgia
800-24 1 -9 1 52
Glendale Heights, Ill inois
630-872-51 00
San Jose, California
Heartland . .. . . •
Whlrl. PC!O
I Yale Electrical Supply
Dorchester, Massachusetts
Jade and Dynasty Wolf
• ... ·
6 1 7-825-9253
.. . - .. . .
AmyAlbert is Fine Cooking's senior editor. •
O C T O B E R/ N oV E M B E R 2 0 0 4 73
CI) What we mean
by "heavy-duty
.c roasting pan"
the time the legs are done, the breast can of thick metal ( sometimes more than one
get overcooked. There are plenty of strat layer) with a flat bottom, so it won't warp in
the oven, and you can put it right over your
I J egies to offset this problem, like roasting the
stove burners to make gravy
:; (f)
bird upside down or basting vigilantly, and from pan drippings , or
while they certainly don't hurt, the best re use it as a pancake
i (])
griddle in a
sults I 've ever tasted come from brinin g. I 've
experimented with brining turkeys for several
.... I J
years , and over the next few pages, I 'll share
my methods for preparing the Thanksgiving
bird-and for making delicious gravy. In this
installment of From Our Test Kitchen, you'll
also learn the best way to roast red peppers ,
discover which apples are best for bakin g ,
and learn how to make apple butter. Plus ,
we'll reveal the surprising results of our beef
broth tastin g.
O C TO B E R/ N o V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 75
co o l t o o l
Sage Butter
Yields about 1/2 cup.
112 cup u nsalted butter, at room
You can't g o temperature
2 tablespoons chopped
wrong pairing sage fresh sage
114 teaspoon kosher salt
with turkey. Make 114teaspoon freshly grou nd
BASICS RECIPE this butter up to 114
black pepper
teaspoon Bell's poultry
seasoning (optional)
better tool for
Tu rkey Broth two days ahead.
In a medium bowl, stir all the The fat separator-a cup with
Yields about 3 1/2 cups.
ingredients until well combined.
You can make this broth up to a spout at the bottom that lets
Refrigerate if making ahead.
you pour off fat-free liquid
M us h ro o m G ravy
three days ahead.
once the fat has risen to the
Turkey neck, tail, gizzard, and
top-is a pretty good idea,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil except for one d rawback:
1 large onion, peeled and cut The woodsy flavor of porcini makes this gravy some Some fat always gets i n the
into 2-i nch pieces thing special. Start soaking the mushrooms at least spout, too. Oxo has come u p
112 teaspoon kosher salt 15 minutes before the turkey is done. with a neat little solution to
1 small carrot, peeled and cut
into 2-i nch pieces Yields about 1 quart. back into the roasting pan. that problem: A rubber stop
1 rib celery, cut into 2-i nch V2 ounce (V2 cup) dried
Set the roasting pan over per in the spout that keeps
pieces porci ni mushrooms two burners on medium the fat in the cup and out of
1 bay leaf 1 recipe tu rkey broth (left) heat. Sprin kle the flour into
the spout. The fat separator
2 large sprigs each fresh 114 cup tu rkey fat (see the pan and use a flat whisk
thyme and parsley or wooden spoon to com holds 4 cups of liquid and has
below) or vegetable oil
1 0 black peppercorns 6 tablespoons a l l -pu rpose bine it with the fat. Cook for a handy built-i n strainer, too.
flour about 2 min utes. It isn't perfect, however. I n
Chop the neck into three or 2 to 3 sprigs fresh thyme
four pieces with a cleaver;
Slowly pour 1/2
cup of order for the stopper t o do its
1 112 teaspoons fresh lemon the broth into the pan while
chop the gizzard in half. Heat job, you have to have enough
ju ice; more to taste wh isking vigorously to dis
the oil in a large (at least 3- Kosher salt and freshly liquid to come a bove the top
perse the flour. The liquid
quart) saucepan over medium ground black pepper of the spout opening (about
should thicken qu ickly and
low heat. Add the neck, tail, 1 % cups). Otherwise, you end
Soak the porci ni in 1 cup become gluey. As soon
gizzard, heart, onion, and salt.
as it th ickens, whisk in up actually sucking more fat
Stir to coat with oil, cover, and very hot water until soft,
cook gently for 20 minutes, 1 0 to 1 5 minutes. Fish another 1/2 cup broth. Re into the spout when you re
out the porcini and slowly peat until the gravy starts move the stopper. For those
stirring occasionally; the meat
pour the soaki ng liquid to look more like a smooth
will release lots of juices. Add times when you don't have
into the tu rkey broth, leav sauce; then whisk in the
4 cups cold water, the carrot, enough liquid, this cup isn't
ing any sediment from the remaining broth and bring
celery, herbs, and peppercorns. the best choice-a smaller
mushrooms behind; you to a simmer. Add the thyme
Bring to a boil over medium
and simmer for 5 minutes. version would be ideal.
high heat, cover, and simmer should have about 4 cups
combined liquid. Chop the Strain the gravy through a
gently until the broth is flavor
porcini finely. medium sieve and stir in the
ful, about 45 minutes. Strain
After transferring the chopped porcini and lemon
the broth, cool, and, if using
turkey to a cutting board, juice. Season to taste with
right away, remove and discard
pour the drippings from the salt, pepper, and more
the fat (for a tool to help you
lemon juice.
do this, see above right) . If roasting pan into a heat
making ahead, refrigerate the proof measuring cup. Let
broth and discard the solidified the fat rise to the top and
fat before using. then spoon % cup of the fat
quality custom
Your Dr emd
Explore the
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O C T O B E R/ N o V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 77
Not every apple belongs in a pie
It's hard to think of another some of the most common vari
fruit that's available in more eties into these three helpful
varieties than apples. With all categories. For pies, Pam rec
those choices, picking one for a ommends mainly using apples
pie or other apple dessert ( like that hold their shape, along
the ones on pp. 64-67) can be with a few apples that soften
tricky because each variety be to tie evetything together. I f
haves a little differently when you're considering a variety
cooked. To cut down on the that isn't listed, test its flavor
guesswork, contributing editor and texture yourself by saute
Pam Anderson has classified ing a few slices in butter.
78 F I N E C O OKI N G
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O C T O B E R/ N o V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 79
°1Rutabaga ,
Because they're sometimes marketed as
yellow turnips or wax turnips, rutabagas
are frequently confused with turnips.
Both of these root vegetables are mem
The others Beef broths are numbered in order of preference; prices may vary.
$1 .29 for a Lower Sod i u m Lower Sod i u m VALLEY
$3. 1 9 for a 1 O.5-ounce can $1 .29 for a 89¢ for a $ 1 .89 for a
32-ounce aseptic carton This concentrated broth 1 4-ounce can 1 4.5-ounce can 1 4.25-ounce can
This clear, amber-colored was coffee-dark (even Its bland flavor-vaguely Available primarily in the This product received low
broth had a nice peppery after being diluted with sweet, vaguely vegetal- Northeast, this broth scores because it didn't
note, but tasters wanted water, as instructed on wasn't exactly offensive, had a familiar bouillony taste like beef broth. The
a fuller, rounder beef fla- the label) and looked but it wasn't beefy either. aroma, reminiscent of pleasant, sweet flavors of
vor. Inoffensive and mild, promising. But tast- "This could almost pass a high-school cafeteria. cooked carrot, celery, and
this lightly salted broth ers complained that it for chicken broth;' noted The slightly beefy flavor onion came through loud
is a safe bet for braises, tasted like bouillon and one taster. Its pale brown was marred by a deep, and clear, but tasters won-
pan sauces, and risot- was staggeringly salty. color and thin consistency lingering bitterness. The dered, "Where's the beef?"
tos, where reduction is Marrowy undertones didn't help. broth was the lightest The broth was greenish-
involved and other strong and notes of onion and colored of the bunch and brown and clouded with
flavors dominate. burnt caramel. slightly cloudy. sediment.
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c F reezlng
e all have a favorite kitchen pealing, even i f it's still techni Freezing isn't forever. Com many variables: How fresh was
appliance , one that we cally safe to eat. mercially frozen foods often the food whe n it was frozen?
couldn't imagine being have a "best if used by" date, How quickly did it freeze? What
without. For me, it's the freezer. Not all freezi n g is created which makes inventory-control was the storage temperature ,
It holds everything I need-fro equal easy. But what about all the food and was it consistent? How will
zen tortillas and breads, an as It might seem like the only role you've frozen yourself: Can you the food ultimately be used?
sortment of vegetables and you play in freezing is finding eat that chili from 1999? And, perhaps most important,
meats-to make tasty meals space in the freezer, but actu I don't think there's a simple how discriminating is your pal
within minutes of arriving home ally there's a lot you can do to answer. Storage guidelines, like ate? For the sake of flavor, I'd
from work. And when time is on streamline the freezing process those on p. 86, give wide esti probably make a new batch of
my side, I know I 'll have chopped and to keep your food in opti mates because they depend on (Continued on p. 86)
herbs, homemade stock, berries, mum condition.
pastry dough, and many other Faster is better. The pack
ingredients at hand to prepare aged frozen foods you see at the
more elaborate dishes. supermarket were most likely
How does the freezer make "flash frozen" in a super-cold in
all this possible ? Well, when dustrial freezer. The faster food Set the freezer to QOF or lower and monitor the temperature
you freeze food, a couple of fre ezes, the better-because with a freezer thermometer (available at supermarkets and
important things happen. First, freezing is a bit injurious to food. hardware stores).
the pathogens that cause food the water in food freezes, ice
As Store food in containers that provide a barrier to air and
borne illness can't grow, which crystals form and rupture cell moisture. Well-sealed plastic freezer containers work, as do
makes food-safety experts like walls. Rapid freezing keeps the heavy-duty plastic freezer bags or wrap, freezer paper, or
me jump for joy. In fact, as long ice crystals tiny and reduces heavy-duty foil. (Many foods expand upon freezing, so don't
as food remains frozen, it's as the time for cells to leak fluids, overfill, but at the same time don't leave too much air space.)
safe as the day it was put in the which is good for the food's Small items freeze faster, so freeze food portions you normally
freezer. ( It's thawing that invites quality. Large ice crystals can use in recipes: one or two cups of stock, a cup of sliced
trouble , but we 'll get to that damage meat or produce, lead bananas, a tablespoon of tomato paste.
later. ) Second, freezing also pre ing to texture and moisture loss
Arrange unfrozen packages in a single layer, slightly separated
serves food's quality by slowing when the food is thawed.
from one another, so they freeze faster.
down the microbes and chemi Yo ur home fre e zer c a n ' t
cal reactions that degrade food . mimic the efficacy o f an indus Try to place foods on the freezer's floor or near the walls.
But some of these reactions do trial freezer that freezes food in Don't overload the freezer with too much unfrozen food at once.
continue during frozen storage , minutes and stores it well below And once food is frozen, keep the items stacked closely together.
so eventually, the flavor, color, D°F. But you can still get decent Freezers are most energy efficient when full. If your freezer is
and texture deteriorate to the results at home by using the tac running low, consider freezing jugs or containers of water.
point that the food just isn't ap- tics in the box at right.
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O C T O B E R/N o V E M B E R 2004 85
c chili before consuming vintage Those temperature fluctua
To freeze
food in a stand-alone freezer suffer because fluids that
that won't be opened often and seep from cells during re
o r not to fr ze? doesn't have a defrost feature. freezi ng and subsequent
The table below lists foods that freeze thawing can adversely
Thawi n g foods safely affect texture and flavor.
well and those that don't. Before you put
There 's one thing I don't like
an item in the freezer, stick a label on
about frozen food : thawing it.
it. Write the item's name and the date it
From a food-safety perspective,
was prepared. The guidelines below will
that's when you court trouble. refrigerate the food until you're
help you calculate a "use-by" date.
As food thaws, the outer surface ready to use it-which, ideally,
warms up first. Cells that were should happen quickly. Thawed
Foods that freeze well damaged during freezing release frozen food spoils as fast as, or
Red meat: 4 to 1 2 months nutrients and moisture . And faster than, its never-frozen
in some foods, this can create co unte r p a rt b e c a u s e c e l l s
Poultry: 9 to 1 2 months ideal conditions for pathogens ruptured during freezing and
Seafood : 3 to 6 months to grow and multiply. thawing release nutrients for
Thaw food at the tempera microbes to consume.
Raw bacon: 1 to 2 months that don't
freeze well ture you plan to store it. Baked If you're in a real hurry to put
Some casseroles: 1 to 4 months goods-breads , cake s , cook something on the table, you can
High-moisture vege
Soup, stew, and stock: ies-can be safely thawed and use your microwave's defrost
tables like lettuce,
2 to 4 months celery, and cabbage
stored at room temperature. But feature to thaw food you plan to
become watery. meat, prepared entrees, fruits prepare and eat right away.
Cooked legumes: 4 to 6 months and vegetables, and raw dough Or, better yet, skip thaw
Cream and custard should be thawed and stored ing entirely. My favorite frozen
Whole berries: 8 to 1 2 months
fillings separate.
in the refrigerator to minimize foods a re those that can go
Peeled ripe bananas:
Meringue toughens. pathogen activity. Just like slow straight from the freezer to the
2 to 4 weeks
freezing, slow thawing can lead oven or microwave for reheat
Milk u ndergoes flavor
Blanched vegetables: to moisture loss, but food safety ing: Frozen vegetables can go
2 to 1 2 months, depending always trumps quality. right from the freezer into a
on the vegetable Sour cream and yogurt Admittedly, doing things the steamer or pot of boiling water.
separate. right way can try one's patience: And, of course, frozen fruit can
Bread: 6 to 8 months
Heavy cream won't It can take more than two days go right into the blender for a
Pie dough: 6 to 8 weeks
whip after being to defrost a 12-pound frozen quick, satisfying smoothie.
N uts: 6 to 1 2 months frozen. turkey in the fridge . To safely
Butter: 6 to 9 months hasten thawing, seal the frozen Linda J. Harris, Ph.D., has a
item in a leakproof container or doctorate in microbiology and is a
Egg whites: 1 2 months plastic bag and immerse it in cooperative extension specialist in
Flour: 6 to 1 2 months cold tap water. (Check the water the Department of Food Science
every half an hour to be sure it Technology at the University of
remains cold . ) Once thawed , California, Davis. •
advertisers' i ndex
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Classic Cookers p. 93 M icroplane 69 p. 36
p. 91 p. 92
The Clever Cook
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Cook Street
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Cookbook Publishers 3912 p. 93 Nordic Ware p. 13
Cookbooks by Morris Press p. 91 Nordic Ware 93 p. 85
p. 1 1 p. 91
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The Pepper Mill
Petaluma Coffee and Tea Co.
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p. 91
Culinary Parts Unlimited 42 p. 35 Pig Tail Food Flipper 4734 p. 77
Culinary Vacations, Inc. 58 p. 91 Pillivuyt USA, I n c . p. 33 96 p. 79 Plum Pudding Kitchen p. 9
Damco-Messermeister, Inc. 85 p. 21 Plum's Cooking Co. 80103 p. 25
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Easy Cookin' 774 p. 93 Replacements, Ltd. p. 91
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www. l
factorydirectrestaurantsupply p. 91
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Doors, Inc. 826452 www
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Staub USA, Inc.
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Fine Cooking's Shopping Guide p. 37
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Sullivan University 6118
. p. 93
p. 92
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F ood
Food Saver
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Sweet Celebrations
29 .
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73 www
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Trois Petits Cochons, Inc.
Upton Tea I mports
317227 wwwwww
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p. 92 p. 91
Gourmet Kitchen Store
Gourmet Food Auction
90 www
. p. 21
p. 25
Vac Master
WMF of America 59471 wwwwwwwww p. 31
p. 31
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Hida Tool
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81112 wwwwww
. p. 77
William Bounds, Ltd.
Woodbridge Winery
Wusthof Knife
95104 wwwwww
p. 18
p. 31
Education 65116 wwwwww p. 93
J. Lohr Winery p. 7
We've found
Best Home Cook!
... and she is Kara Adanalian,
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Kara's recipe for Ribeye Steak Sandwiches
was judged best of the six original recipes
prepared by the finalists at our national
cook-off in San Francisco.
Please turn to page 54 for Kara's and
the other finalists' recipes and visit our
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Metal Chef's mill, plus fresh
Emile Henry's
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Fal l Vegetables, p. 45
Chipotle chiles in adobo (used
in the twice-baked sweet pota
toes) are available in ethnic food
sections of well-stocked super
markets, but you can also buy a
number of brands online from (877-463-9476),
where prices start at $2.1 O.
Crustless Quiche, p. 50
For the appetizer-size version of
Randall Price's clafoutis, you'll
need mini muffin pans. They're
available in most kitchenware
stores, or try A Cook's Wares
( ; 800-9 1 5-
9788), where 24-cup nonstick
pans start at $20.
I n Season, p. 20
America's Best Home Cook
potatoes Winning ReCipes, p. 54
Nancy Wiese's goat cheese
You can find seeds for Florence
(bulb) fennel in seed catalogs and
in many garden centers as well.
Potatoes are such a ver souffle recipe calls for 9- to
Good mail-order seed sources
satile vegetable for Thanksgiving that you're 1 O-ounce individual souffle
include The Cook's Garden
likely to find them on most holiday tables, dishes. Visit (800-
(800-457-9703; cooksgarden.
and several tools can make preparing 663-8 8 1 0), which carries a set
com), John Scheepers Kitchen
your potato side dishes easier. of four 1 O-ounce souffle dishes
Garden Seeds (860-567-6086 ;
A range of potato mashers in vari for $1 3.95, as well as individual, and
ous shapes and sizes is available Apilco extra-high 9-ounce dishes
Stokes Seeds (800-396-9238;
at (from $2.99). for $1 3.50 each. .
We're especially fond of
Thai Chicken Soup, p. 60
traditional wire mashers From Our Test Kitchen, p. 74
Stock up on ingredients for Thai
like the ones above. AII For large, heavy-duty roasting
chicken soup at Temple of Thai
Clad's food mill (left) is very pans, visit (800-
(, where you'll
sturdy, comes apart easily, 663-88 1 0), or Sur La Table (800-
find fresh galangal ($3.89 for
and purees thoroughly and 243-0852;, both
3.5 ounces), lemongrass ($2.99
efficiently. It sells for $99.99 at of which carry a range of brands.
for 8 ounces), and wild (kaffir) lime
Chef's Catalog (800-884-2433; Sur La Table also sells a stovetop
leaves ($3.79 for about 20). . pepper roaster for $1 4.99.
90 FINE COOKING Photos: top left, Amy Albert; a l l others, Scott Phillips
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O C T O B E R/ N o V E M B E R 2 0 0 4 93
nutrition information
Recipe Page Galories Protein Garb Fats (g) Ghol. Sodium Fiber Notes
(analysis per serving) total from fat (g) (g) total sat mono poly (mg) (mg) (g)
Letters 14
Goat Cheese Marinated with Lemon & Herbs 160 1 40 15 15 400 0 based on 6 servings, wlo crostini
In Sea son 20
Braised Fennel with Pastis 1 40 70 15 400 based on 4 servings
Green Beans with Toasted Slivered Almonds 150 1 20 3 7 13 6 5 2 25 290 3 based on 8 servings
Butternut Squash Gratin with Onion & Sage 290 150 4 34 17 9 6 1 45 640 8 based on 6 servings
Pearl Onion Gratin with Parmesan, Savory & Thyme 240 150 5 19 17 10 5 1 55 380 2 based on 8 servings
Sweet Potato & Leek Gratin 560 380 8 38 43 24 15 3 1 25 730 4 based on 6 servings
Fa l l Vegeta bles 45
Cider-Glazed Turnips &
Apples with Sage Bacon & 190 110 2 18 13 6 5 1 20 760 3 based on 6 servings
Parsnip Pancakes with Sour Cream Caramelized Onions 320 170 5 34 19 6 11 1 70 620 6 based on 4 servings
Creamy Brussels Sprout Gratin 380 240 9 28 27 17 8 1 90 550 5 based on 6 servings
Twice-Baked Sweet Potatoes with Chipotle Chile 310 90 4 53 10 6 3 0 25 660 7 based on 4 servings
Crustless Quiche 50
Shallot, Bacon & Sun-Dried Tomato Clafoutis 590 470 17 15 52 28 18 270 1020 0 based on 6 servings
Red Bell Pepper, Thyme & Goat Cheese Clafoutis 330 250 10 11 28 16 9 220 650 1 based on 6 servings
Ham, Mushroom & Chive Clafoutis 350 250 14 11 28 14 9 235 910 0 based on 6 servings
W i n n i ng Recipes 54
Rib-Eye Steak Sandwiches 710 400 50 23 45 21 20 4 220 1150 2 based on 4 servings, 5-oz. steaks
Goat Cheese Souffle with Red Peppers & Chanterelles 420 340 12 9 38 21 15 2 240 760 1 based on 6 servings
Mediterranean Beef Wraps with Roasted Red Peppers 650 320 40 41 35 9 22 4 55 1 200 3 based on 8 servings
Stuffed Filet Mignon with Mushroom-Gorgonzola Grits 960 510 67 47 57 33 16 8 195 2380 4 based on 4 servings
Savory Mediterranean Baklava 840 540 24 52 60 35 20 4 190 1 410 3 based on 8 servings
Warm Steak Salad with Rosemary Flatbread 840 330 49 75 37 16 18 3 105 2550 10 based on 6 servings
Thai C h i c ke n Soup 60
Chicken Coconut Soup 350 210 16 25 23 19 25 770 based on 4 servings
Apple Desserts 62
Apple Cranberry Crisp 520 190 3 86 21 9 8 35 1 20 based on 8 servings
Ginger Apple Crumb Pie 410 140 3 67 16 9 5 35 80 based on 12 servings
Moist Apple-Walnut Cake 380 160 5 51 18 9 4 65 200 based on 16 servings
Almond Cheesecake Apple Bars 210 90 3 30 10 4 4 35 90 based on 16 servings
The nutritional analyses have been calculated by a registered dietitian calculations. Optional ingredients and those listed without a specific quantity of salt and pepper aren't specified, the analysis is based
teaspoon salt and V1V6a teaspoon pepper per serving for entrees, and
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makes potatoes grown in the
Catskill Mountains taste so good,"
the best-tasting
At harvest time, Joan and John Janiszewski enlist their kids,
oan and John Janiszewski can Peruvian fingerlings are a strik
barely keep up with the de ing and delicious way to dress up
mand for the organic potatoes a potato salad, while Yukon Golds
from their farm in upstate N ew are great mashers.
York, part of Catskill Family Farms, Growing potatoes without herbi
a small grower's cooperative in New cides or pesticides is hard work:
York State's Catskill Mountains. Managing weeds through cultiva
The potatoes, sold to restaurants tion is time-consuming, avoiding
and at local farmers' markets and blight means planting earlier than
greenmarkets, are prized for their usual and rotating crops more often,
thin skin, creamy texture, and con and constant vigilance is required to
centrated flavor. French fingerlings keep potato beetles at bay. So why
(the family's favorite ) are good in go through the hardship? "Putting
any dish, but especially hash browns toxins in the land scares the hell out
and home fries, while Austrian of me, " says John Janiszewski. " It's
C rescents are particularly tasty worth the extra work."
roasted or grilled, they say. Purple -AmyAlbert, senior editor Clockwise from bottom left: Purple Peruvians, Austrian
Crescents, Yukon Golds, and French fingerlings.
f course there will be turkey at your Thanks
Wh ipped Yukon Mashed Potatoes with
Gold Potatoes Ol ive Oil &
with Horseradish Serves eight.
Serves ten to twelve.
4 lb. Yukon Gold potatoes,
4 lb. Yukon Gold potatoes peeled and cut into 2·i nch
2 Tbs. kosher salt cubes Molasses Mashed
12 Tbs. u nsa lted butter 2 Tbs. kosher salt; more for Sweet Potatoes
1 % cups light cream seasoning Serves eight.
Ground white pepper to taste 1 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 med i u m sweet potatoes
1f2cup prepared horseradish Freshly ground black pepper
(2 l b. tota l), peeled and cut
to taste
into l -inch chu n ks
Peel and quarter the potatoes 1.12 cup chopped fresh flat-leaf
and put them in a large pot. pa rsley
8 small carrots (1 lb. total),
peeled and cut into 1 -inch
Cover with cold water and add ch u nks
1 Tbs. salt. Bring to boil, reduce Put a large pot of cold water
4 medium parsnips (1 lb. tota l),
to a gentle boil, and cook u ntil on high heat. Add the potatoes
peeled a nd cut into l -inch
easily pierced with a fork, about and 2 Tbs. salt and bring to a ch u n ks
20 minutes. Drain the potatoes. boil. Boil just until a skewer or Kosher salt
In an electric stand mixer with knife can easily penetrate the 4 Tbs. u nsalted butter
the whisk attachment or with center of the potatoes, 20 to % cup sour cream
an electric hand mixer, whip the 3 0 minutes. 1.14
cup molasses
potatoes until smooth, about When the potatoes are done, 1 Tbs. finely grated fresh g i nger
1 minute; add the butter and d raw off about 1 cup of the cook 1f2cup half-and-half
ing liquid; set aside. Drain the Freshly grou nd black pepper
mix u ntil melted and combined
' potatoes and return them to the
about 30 seconds. Add the
pot in which they were cooked. In a large saucepan, combine
cream, 1 Tbs. salt, and white the sweet potatoes, carrots, and
pepper to taste. Starting on low Mash them with a potato masher.
With a wooden spoon, stir in parsn ips; cover with cold water.
and gradually increasing the
the ol ive oil. Add some of the Bring to a boil, add 1 Tbs. salt,
speed to prevent splattering,
and simmer until tender, 1 5 to
whip until smooth and creamy, 20 minutes. Drain and return
about 2 m inutes, scraping down
to the saucepan. Set the pan
the sides of the bowl frequently.
over low heat, uncovered, and
Alternatively, use a food mill to
let the vegetables dry in the pan
puree the potatoes and then
for about 2 minutes, shaking
beat in the remaining ingredients
the pan occasionally so they
by hand. Fold in the horseradish don't stick. Pass the vegetables
and combine well.
through a food mill or mash them
-Michael Brisson,
by hand, if you prefer. Stir in the
Fine Cooking #29 butter, sour cream ' molasses
grated ginger, and half-and·h lf
(if you're preparing the pota-
toes ahead, save 2 Tbs. of the
reserved cooking liquid u ntil you half-and-half for reheating) . Add
reach the consistency you like. 1/2 tsp. salt and pepper to taste,
Be sure to Season generously with salt and adjust the seasonings, and serve.
whip potatoes several grinds of black pepper. -Karen & Ben Barker,
-they'll get
ture, immediately turn the heat to
medium low (the sauce will begin
to thicken), and stir vigorously (or
use tongs) to toss and combine
the beans with the sauce. Con
tinue cooking to heat the beans
through and to thoroughly coat
them, 1 to 2 minutes. Season to
taste with more salt and pepper.
- Susie Middleton,
Fine Cooking #45
Butternut Squash Pearl O n ion Grati n
G ratin with Onion with Parmesan,
& Sage Savory &
Serves four to six. Serves eight.
cook evenly.
gin to color, u ntil they're very soft Va V4
toes to inch thick. Arrange
and brown, 30 to 45 minutes to one overlapping layer of russets
tal. Season with salt and pepper on the bottom of the casserole.
and add them to the gratin dish, Season lightly with salt and pep
mixing them with the squash. per; spoon 2 Tbs. of the leek
Pour the warm cream over the cream evenly over the potatoes.
vegetables. Toss the bread Add a layer of sweet potatoes,
the thyme sprigs from the cream.
crumbs with the 1 112 Tbs. melted
Pour the cream over the onions
season lightly, and spoon on an
butter and a large pinch of salt; other 2 Tbs. of the leek cream. Re
and scatter the bread crumbs on
sprinkle the crumbs evenly over peat with the remaining potatoes
top. Bake u ntil the breadcrumbs
the gratin. Bake until the top is until all are used. Press firmly on
are deep golden brown and
lightly browned and the cream is the potatoes; drizzle the remaining
the cream is bubbling furiously
bubbling, about 40 minutes. leek cream over them. Bake until
around the edges, about 30 min
- Deborah Madison, the top is golden and the potatoes
utes. Let rest for 1 0 minutes
Fine Cooking # 1 7 in the center feel tender when
before serving.
pierced with a fork, 50 to 60 min
-Jennifer Armentrout,
utes. Let rest in a warm place for
test kitchen manager 1 5 minutes before serving.
-Karen & Ben Barker,
Cran erry
tor early in the day to bring it to
room temperature. Fold in the
sliced scallions and scrape into
a serving bowl.
-Michael Brisson,
Fine Cooking #29
o o
:::( Bridging
-o � .;wnmer
:J lX.. autumn
Greek-Style Shrimp Salad
Serves four. per. Arrange the shrimp in a
single layer on a foil-covered
1 lb. large (31 -40 count) rimmed baking sheet. Broil
These recipes offer the best of
shrimp, peeled and
the shrimp until they're pink
summer and fall. A light, Greek deveined
on the outside and opaque in
5 Tbs. extra-virgin olive oil
style shrimp salad and a dish of the center, 3 to 4 minutes.
Kosher salt and freshly
Mix the tomatoes, feta,
spiced drumsticks with zesty grou n d black pepper
1 heaping cup seeded a nd
olives, capers, oregano,
with 1 tsp. salt and several (muscle tabs removed the scallops in two batches,
1 112 lb. russet potatoes
1 large apple grinds pepper. Cook, stirring if necessa ry) turning once with tongs, until
Kosher salt and freshly frequently, until the potatoes % cup malt vinegar golden brown on both sides,
ground black pepper and apple are golden brown 2 tsp. Old Bay seasoning about 2 min utes per side.
2 Tbs. tomato ketchu p and the potatoes are tender, 2 cups neutral oil, such as Adjust the heat as necessary
1 Tbs. Dijon mustard 1 Q to 1 2 minutes. Meanwhile, ca nola, vegeta ble, or to keep the oil hot but not
112 tsp. dried thyme leaves peanut oil smoking.
mix the ketchup, mustard,
2 Tbs. chopped fresh thyme, parsley, and 2 Tbs. Transfer the scallops
flat-leaf pa rsley
Beat the egg in a shallow
water in a small bowl. Return to paper towels to drain.
dish; put the breadcrumbs in
the sausage and onions Serve immediately with the
Heat 1 Tbs. of the oil over another shallow dish. Work
to the skillet and stir in the seasoned malt vinegar.
medium·high heat in an ing with one scallop at a time,
ketchup m ixture. Cook, stir
1 1 - to 1 2-inch nonstick dip it in the beaten egg and
ring frequently, u ntil the hash
skillet. When the oil is hot, then dredge it in the bread
has browned nicely, about Serve with roasted or
add the onion and sau crumbs; set each breaded
another 5 minutes. Season
sage and cook, stirring and scallop on a plate or tray as fried potatoes, or serve
to taste with more salt and
breaking u p the sausage you finish it.
pepper before serving. over greens.
with the side of a wooden Mix the vinegar and Old
spoon, until the sausage is Bay in a small dish.
golden brown and broken Pour the oil into a 1 Q-inch
into small ('h-inch) pieces, straight-sided saute pan (cast-
B to 1 Q m inutes. While the
sausage and onion cook,
peel and cut the potatoes
PamAnderson is a contributing editor to Fine Cooking and a
cookbook author. Her most recent book is CookS mart . •