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The 4.

3 Softmod Guide
Works on all 4.3 wiis, white wiis, blacks wiis, and red wiis.
Unfortunatly, there is no workable exploit for virgin 4.3k wiis at this time.
Please Click Thanks below if this was helpful in anyway.
Password = NOT-A-PIRATE
Softmoding can brick your wii, this is very very unlikely. Accept this fact or s
top now.


If you are not on 4.3, do this- Guide: Softmod ANY wii
Warning: It is illegal to obtain/distribute backups of games you do not own. Thi
s guide, myself, and this site does not support or promote software piracy. Play
Spoiler Alert: This guide uses many spoilers. You must click on the spoiler to o
pen it.
I am a spoiler- Click me please
Congratulations, you can follow simple instructions and may proceed with this gu
Have 350 free blocks of nand space
Remove all GC controllers , GC memory cards, usb devices
Don't lose power
Indiana Jones Original Adventures(ntsc-u/pal) -4.3u/e
Super Smash Bros Brawl(ntsc-u/j) -4.3u/j
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's -4.3u/e/j
Lego Star Wars -4.3u/e/j
Lego Batman -4.3u/e/j
Is there some other way? NO
Can I bannerbomb? NO
Please? NO
Cios FAQ- What this mod installs
After completion of this guide, your wii will have the HomeBrew Channel, Bootmii
, a Backup Disk Channel, a CFG USBloader forwarder, and a loadmii channel instal
led along with a cios setup very similar to that listed below. Below is a list o
f those cios, and an explanation to what they do for those that are interested.
If you don't know, or don't care, don't worry about it as the info below may be
over your head at the moment. If you don't understand it, just take assurance th
at this is how my wii is setup and how I think your wii should be (if you care).
System Menu 4.1 v544##
IOS9 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS11 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS12 (rev 269+): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 273+): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 520+): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 523+): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 54321): Trucha, Es-Identify, Nand, Flash -Patched ios16-v257
IOS17 (rev 775): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS21 (rev 782+): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1037+): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1550+): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS31 (rev 3608+): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3091+): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3348+): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3349+): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, Nand, r13 dip -patched ios50-v4889
IOS37 (rev 3869+): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 3867): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios50-v4889
IOS53 (rev 5406+): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5406+): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5562+): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5661+): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6175+): No Patches
IOS60 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS61 (rev 5405+): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS80 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS90 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES_Identify, r13 dip -patched ios60-v6174
IOS202 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -hermes v5.1 base-60
IOS222 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -hermes v4 base-38
IOS223 (rev 4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -hermes v4 base -3
IOS224 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -hermes v5.1 b
IOS236 (rev 54321) Trucha Burg, Es Identify, Nand access, version patch - in
IOS247 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -wani cios37-r
21 d2v2
IOS248 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -wani cios56-r
21 d2v2
IOS249 (rev 17): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -wani cios38-r17
IOS250 (rev 65535): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0 -wani cios57-r21 d2v2
IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
BC v6+?
MIOS -cmios (WiiGator)= mios v4 with WiiGator's GC Backup Launcher 0.2 embedded
into it.
System Menu 4.1 v544## is installed, preventing N updates, restoring region free
and bannerbomb
rev65281 are maxed to prevent Nintendo from stubbing them
v54321 is elevated way above the current version to prevent Nintendo from stubbi
ng them
Trucha Bug- enables the ios to load fakesigned, custom data, disks, wads, etc
Es-Identify- used by apps such as "any title deleter'
Nand- I have no idea, but it is important
Flash- only found in older ios, like ios36-v1042 or ios16-v257 and many other ol
d ios. When loaded with this ios, Any Title Deleter gives no error at startup.
cios9,11,20,30,50,60,70,80,80- all have trucha, es-edentify, rev13 dip, and vers
ion 54321. This prevents their removal during nintendo updates. This provides ne
ed patches to load custom data. This provides dip patches to run recovery disks
without a modchip on wiis that can read burned dvds. This supports system menu 1
.0-4.3+ on all wiis, even lu64+wiis. Prevents stubbed system ios bricks, and dow
ngrade upgrade bricks, and the like of similar stupid brick types. Prevents erro
r 003 on 4.2/4.3 and possible furture system menu version on region changed Kore
an wiis. Assuming the next system ios is ios90, it provides needed patches to re
cover softmod should you update (like a fool).
cio16- is just a version patched ios16-v257. This is the ios that runs the Ninte
ndo Backup Disk, which was stubbed on 4.x system menus. Installing this cios res
tores the Nintendo Backup Disk, but it only runs via modchip. The Nintendo Backu
p Disk can backup all of your save data. It can format your wii removing bannerb
ricks, mailbox corruptions and other system menu corruptions. Most importantly,
it can install any savegame exploit supported by your system menu, such as India
na PWNS or Yo Gi Vah, Twilight hack, etc. I have tried to disk swap with it, but
have failed, perhaps I did not try hard enough.
cios36 has trucha, es-identify, nand, r13 dip- allows for recovery via mario kar
t patched channel install or Castelvenia disk swap from recovery menu. From disk
channel, allows for SSBB, Castelvania disk swap without modchip to recovery sof
tmod from SM update (assuming ios90 is not sm ios).
cios200+ has most common used cios configs and can all be loaded from cfg loader
, and other usbloaders.
cio236- has trucha bug, es identify, nand, and version patch. - this cios is use
d to restore the trucha bug and is installed via cboot2 or ABHPROT. Once install
ed, it is used to install all other patched ios. The version patch removes the n
eed to delete stubbed ios, which is common in many 4.2 guides but is no longer r
equired when using current TBR methods.
The System Menu 4.1 has been installed with elevated version of 544## making it
completely imposible for Nintendo to update your system menu from disc or online
. The 4.1 system menu is exactly the same as 4.2/4.3 but still has support for r
egion free disc loading and function bannerbomb v1 v2 exploits.
This ios config has been setup to support all common recovery methods known to m
e, without the need of a modchip, and to preserve them during a FAIL update. It
also has all required cios for game play, that I am aware of.

Chapter 1-Installing The HomeBrew Channel and Bootmii

Format SD-CARD
Have 350 free blocks of nand space
Remove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices
Don't lose power
Use a standard SD-Card, 1-2g (SanDisk is good)
If you have any issue, try to format with this tool
If needed, use 7-zip to extract archive files.
Part 1- Launch Hackmii Installer
As of hackmii 0.8, ios58 will be install prior to hbc install for all wiis 4.2 a
nd less.
Below you will find many methods for loading the hackmii installer. Choose the m
ethod compatible with your wii.
Softmods with HOMEBREW CHANNEL installed
If you already have a softmod with HBC installed, you can update your softmod wi
th this guide.
Backup and Format your sd-card
Extract MMM-58-61.zip to sd:\
Load the HomeBrew Channel
Launch the hackmii_installer_v0.8
Hackmii Installer Loads
4.3u/e- Indiana PWNS or 4.3u/j- Smash Stack
download Hackmii_0.8_IP_SS_BB2.zip, Extract to sd:\
Use Indiana PWNS or Smash Stack
Option 1- Indiana PWNS - Works with 4.3u/e
-Play Lego Indiana Jones Original. Start a new game, then exit to System Menu.
-Go to wii settings, data management, save games, wii, SD
-Click SD, copy Indiana PWNS for your region
-Play Lego Indiana Jones original, load save game slot 1
When the game loads, you will be in Barnett College. Walk to the Art Room (throu
gh the Courtyard), approach the left character on the podium. When it zooms on h
im, choose the switch to option (two silhouettes, staggered, with an arrow point
ing between them).
-Hackmii Installer Loads
Option 2- Smash Stack - Works with 4.3u/j
-Load SSBB ntsc, with sd-card removed, make a save file if asked
-Go to the stage builder, delete all custom stages found, exit the stage builder
-Exit all the way back to the main SSBB menu
-Insert SD-CARD, Go back to the stage builder
-HackMii Installer loads
Jap NTSC-J wiis, use this file- Hackmii_0.8-SS-J.zip
4.3u/e/j all wiis- use YU-GI-OWNED! or YU-GI-VAH
Works with 4.3u/e/j
You need YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker game
4.3u wiis- download Hackmii_0.8-yu-gi-vah-U.zip , Extract to sd:\
4.3j wiis- download Hackmii_0.8_yu-gi-vah-J.zip, Extract to sd:\
4.3e wiis- download:
PAL 50hrz- Hackmii_0.8-yu-gi-OWNED!-E50.zip
PAL 60hrz- Hackmii_0.8-yu-gi-OWNED!-E60.zip

-Play YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker, make a savegame

-Go to Wii settings -> Data Management -> Savegames -> Wii
-Delete the Yu-Gi-Oh savegame
-Go to the Sd-card menu
-Copy the YU-GI-OH5D exploit to the wii
-Run the game YU-GI-OH 5D Wheelie Breaker and load the savegame file ...
-Hackmii installer 0.8 loads
4.3u/e/j Return of Jodi
Requires 1-2g SD card
Requires Lego Star Wars game
Play the game once
Download hackmii-0.8_return-jodi.zip
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii data managment, savegames
Delete your lego starwars save file (backup it up if you like)
Copy the hacked save file for your region from your sd card to your wii
Start up the game, load the first save slot (on the left, at 0.0%)
As soon as the level loads, run to the right and you'll see two characters float
ing. Run to the area in front of them and you'll see "Return of Jodi" show up, p
ress the "A" button on your Wiimote and your boot.elf will run
Hackmii Installer 0.8 loads
4.3u/e Jabba the HAXX
Requires 1-2g SD card
Requires Lego Star Wars game
Play the game once
Download Hackmii-0.8_jabba-haxx.zip
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii data managment, savegames
Delete your lego starwars save file (backup it up if you like)
Copy the hacked save file for your region from your sd card to your wii
Then start the Lego Star Wars and load the first save. When the game starts, wal
k to the left and stand in front of the big jars of water containing the 2 custo
m characters. If you see "press A to hack", then press A. This should trigger th
e exploit which will start the elf loader and load a boot.elf from the root of y
our SD card
Hackmii Installer 0.8 Loads
4.3u/e/j Bat HAXX
Requires 1-2g SD card
Requires Lego Batman game
Play the game once
Download hackmii-0.8_bathaxx.zip
Extract to sd:\
Go to wii data managment, savegames
Delete your lego Batman save file (backup it up if you like)
Copy the hacked save file for your region from your sd card to your wii
Boot LEGO Batman and load the savegame you just copied. You are now in the batca
ve, take the elevator on the right side. Then in the trophy room, go to the uppe
r corner and go through the door in order to enter the "Wayne Manor". Now you ca
n select a character. Choose the last enabled one in the lowest row
Hackmii Installer 0.8 Loads
Other desperate options
Boot2 Bootmii Option -
Only works for wiis with boot2 bootmii already installed
-Extract bootmii folder-PAL.rar or bootmii_folder-NTSC.zip to sd:\
-Extract Hackmii_0.8_bootmini.zip to sd:\
-Boot the wii, bootmii loads
-Go To the bootmii SD menu
-Load bootmini.elf
Hackmii Installer loads (maybe)
Extract MMM-58-61_Hackmii_0.8_CB2.zip to sd:\
Boot the wii, MMM loads
Select App Manager- Load Hackmii installer
Installed Forwarder Channel Option-
If you have a forwarder channel installed, say for neogamma, or mplayer, or othe
Replace the sd:\apps\(forwarder app dir)\boot.dol with the boot.elf from http://
Launch the forwarder Channel
Hackmii Installer loads (maybe)
Cioscorp/Darkcorp installed
If you had Cioscorp/Darkcorp installed prior to a system update
You can load a facksigned disc via disc swap or possibly the disc channel
-Pick a game that reloads the health/safety screen when rebooted
-Pick a game that runs on a cios installed by cioscorp/darkcorp
-Rip/get a 1:1 iso of this game to your pc
-Example "Castlevania Judgment" which runs on ios36
Extract ios-tools.zip to the location of your game iso
-Extract MMM-58-61-Hackmii_0.8_BB2.zip, mirror, to sd:\
-copy sd:\apps\mmm\boot.dol to the location of your game iso
-Run MakeKeyBin.exe, type 42, click generate and exit
-Run WIIScrubber.exe
Click load ISO, select your game iso
Double click Partition 1- data
Right click on main.dol,
Click replace
Select boot.dol
main.dol name will not change
-Burn the patched game iso, burn it good and proper
You may be able to load this from the disc channel if you have a current version
of darkcorp installed- try
If the patched game iso does not load, do the following-
Load your retail game from the disc channel
Once the game loads press [HOME] on the wiimote
Press eject and remove the retail game, insert the patched game disc
Press restart
Multi-Mod Manager loads
-Select Wad Manager -Press A
-Press (1) to "Install all Wads" - Press A
-IOS58 and IOS61 will install
-Press "any button"
-Press 2- load "App Manager"
-Select hackmii_installer_v0.8 -Press A
Hackmii Installer Loads
There is no exploit for 4.3k, but give this a read.
Virgin 4.3k = read this- MarioKart PWNS
Part 2- Install The HomeBrew Channel and Bootmii
Read the Scam warning and press 1
It may take a minute or two for the "press 1" to appear- be patient
Install the HomeBrew Channel
Install Bootmii as Boot2(boot2 may not be available, IOS installs automatically)
Prepare the SD-card
If Step1 fails with error "no vulnerable ios", DO THIS
Part 3- Make A NAND Backup (NOT Optional, do this,)
Alternative to nand backup, if you can't make one now
If you are unable to make a nand backup ATM, you can skip it if your wii is onli
ne. You must run XYZZY from the HBC and extract your nand keys.
This does not work if the wii is not online.
Backup and format the sd card
Extact MMM-xyzzy_CB2.zip to sd:\
Load the HBC, press [HOME] launch bootmii
MMM will load, Select wadmanager
Press (1) to "Install all Wads" - Press A
1 wad will install without error -Press A
Press 2 - Load the App Manager, Launch XYZZY
Let it do its magic, then save sd:\keys.txt to a very safe place
Be sure to make a bootmii nand backup ASAP
But having the keys is good enough in a pinch
The Keys are needed for nand reprogramming of a fully bricked wii
Load HBC, press -HOME-, launch Bootmii
Make a nand backup
Press Power, Power, Power, Reset, Reset (or use gc-controller)
Power = Right, Eject = Left, Reset = Select
Once the backup is complete, exit bootmii to HBC
Backup your Bootmii files to your PC
If you want to load bootmii again at a later date, copy the bootmii folder back
to sd:\
Congratulations, you now have the Homebrew Channel and bootmii installed. You ha
ve made your nand backup and are ready to move on the chapter 2. If you purchase
d a game to run these exploits, you may now sell them if you wish.

Chapter 2- Hacking your wii

Format the sd-card!!! (not optional)
Download Modpack Files
Have 350 free blocks of nand space
Remove all GC controllers, GC memory cards, USB devices.
Don't lose power- Very important
Password = NOT-A-PIRATE
Download the modpack for the region of your wii, or the region you wish your wii
to be when your done. Be sure to download to right one.
USA-ModPack-NTSC-U.zip EURO-ModPack-PAL-E.zip
JAP- ModPack-NTSC-J.zip KOR- ModPack-NTSC-K.zip
Be sure to download the region you want your wii to be.
Extract your ModPack to sd:\
Requires a standard SD card, 1-2g scandisk is best. SDHC cards will not work
Update IOS if you like, download IOS Update.zip and extract to sd:\
Update Wii Shop Channel if you like, download Wii_Shop_Channel-v20.zip
Verify Checksums -very important
On your PC, navigate to your sd card
Run sd:\md5summer.exe (this is run on your computer, not the wii)
Click "Verify Sums", Select "ModPack.md5"
All check sums should verify without error (very important)
Click "Verify Sums" again, Select "IOS Update.md5" If your updating ios.

Part 1- Wad Installs

Start HBC, press [HOME], Launch Bootmii
Multi-Mod Manager Starts (via cboot2)
Never Uninstall IOS, you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, you will brick your wii
Select "WAD Manager" - Press A
Press (1) to "Install all Wads" - Press A
All wads should install without error
"Press any button to continue"
Be sure all the wads install, very important
Mac users may get an error of 27 wads installing and 27 wads failing. There are
only 27 wads in the modpack. This issue is caused by the Mac creating extra file
s and is not an issue.
Be sure all the wads install, very important
Never Uninstall IOS, you will brick your wii
Never Uninstall IOS, you will brick your wii
Press 2 to load the MMM App Manager
You should now be in the App Manager of MMM
Launch "HomeBrew Channel Loader"
The Homebrew Channel loads
Help Multi-Mod Manager does not load-- try this alternate method
If Multi-Mod Manager will not load for you via bootmii cboot2, Install a patched
ios236 with the methods below. Once you have ios236 installed, load Multi-Mod M
anager from the HBC and follow the wad install instructions found above in chapt
er 2 part 1.
Download- IOS236-install.zip
Originally Posted by ModMii
Extract to sd-card, replace any files if asked.
Start the Homebrew Channel.
In the Homebrew channel, if you do not have a working internet connection alread
y set up, you will see an icon flashing in the bottom right corner of the screen
indicating its inability to initialize the network. You MUST wait for the icon
to stop flashing OR let it flash for 30-60 seconds before proceeding otherwise t
hese apps will error shortly after being launched. If you encounter this harmles
s error, power off the Wii and repeat this step from the beginning. To increase
your chances of success, add a working internet connection to your Wii via the o
fficial Wii Settings Menu, but be sure to say "No" when asked to perform an upda

You only need to perform ONE of the below methods.

Method A: Using IOS236 Installer

After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, la
unch "IOS236 Installer v5 MOD".
Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work prop
It should say "IOS236 installation is complete!" and return to The Homebrew Chan
If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.
If you continue to experience errors you can try using Simple IOS Patcher instea
Once either method successfully installs IOS236, you can move onto the next step

Method B: Using Simple IOS Patcher

After waiting 30-60 seconds for the HBC to attempt to initialize the network, la
unch "IOS236 Installer".
Note: This app must be launched using HBC v1.0.7 or higher in order to work prop
Choose "IOS36" (already selected by default) and push A,
Select "Install IOS to slot" and choose 236,
Select "Install patched IOS36" leaving the 4 patches set to "yes" and press A,
Choose "Load IOS from SD card".
Confirm your choice with the A button,
When prompted, push A to continue the installation.
When the installation is over you'll be back at the Main Menu,
Then push B button to exit.
If you experience errors, keep trying and it should eventually work.
If you continue to experience errors you can try using IOS236 Installer instead.
Once either method successfully installs IOS236
, load Multi-mod Manager from the HBC. The follow the wad install instructions a
bove in Chapter 2 part 1.
Part 2- Optional Region Change
If you are changing the region of your wii, do this now
Wii Region Change
You will be changing to the region you installed above
This is most common when changing Korean/Japan wiis to USA
Wii Shop Users-
If you use the wii shopping channel, you must go into the wii shop and delete yo
ur account before starting chapter 2 of this guide. If you don't the wii shop wi
ll error.
Supported TV display-
Ensure that your tv supports the display of the region you are changing to. If y
our TV does not support PAL, don't region change to PAL. Same goes for NTSC.
From the HBC-
Launch ARCmod06_Offline
IOS249 is selected- press A
Read the WARNING- press 1
You will see this error at the top screen "WARNING: AREA: SysMenu MISMATCH!"
Use the wiimote, go down to-"system menu 4.1 installer"
Select "System Menu Region"
Change the region to USA (or Europe or Jap or KOREAN)
Go down to "Auto set from System Menu Region" -Press A
"WARNING: AREA: SysMenu MISMATCH!" error will go away
Do not install system menu 4.1
Verify that your settings are correct
Exit to the Homebrew Channel(do not restart)
HBC will loads

Part 3- Install Priiloader (brick protection, you need this)

You should be in the Homebrew Channel
Launch Priiloader
Priiloader 0.6 Installer will load
Read the warning- Press +/A to install
When finished the HBC should load. If the wii freazes, hold the power down for 1
Hold reset and boot wii while holding reset- priiloader will load
If MMM loads at boot, delete sd:\bootmii from your sd card
Select "System Menu Hacks"- Press A
Enable any hacks you like. I suggest-
"Block Disk Updates", "Block Online Updates", "Remove Diagnostic Disc Check", "M
ove Disc Channel"
If you don't know what the hack does- you don't need it.
Select Save settings -Press A
Press B to go back to the main screen
select "load/install"
Install USBLoaderCFG_Forwarder.dol
Your wii should now block Disk updates and online updates, you can move the disc
channel and if you like autoboot the usbloader.
NEVER UPDATE YOUR WII FROM NINTENDO- read the forum and do it yourself
Optional priiloader settings-
You can set you wii to boot the system menu, HomeBrew Channel, Priiloader, USBlo
ader, and any other app you wish. Settings are found in priiloader, settings. Se
t the autoboot and return to what you like best.
Example: Set the autoboot and return to installed file, now your wii will autobo
ot to your USBloader - Excellent option for those with kids.

Chapter 3- The Final Step

Don't forget to do this
Format your sd-card, one last time
Extract SD App Pack.zip
to sd:\
Now you have some useful apps on your sd-card, you are ready to play. Have fun.
Included apps- Homebrew Browser, WiiMC, CFG-USBLoader, and SaveGame Manager GX.
There are many many many more for you to try. All apps install to the sd-card, o
r optionally you can install them to your fat32 usb drive. Apps should be instal
led like this- sd:\apps\app name\boot.dol ,otherwise they don't work.
Optional extra brick protection
You can add extra layer of brick protection to your wii by installing the Indian
a PWNS, Yo-Gi-VAH, and Yo-Gi-OWNED disc exploits onto your wii. These exploits c
an be used to load code should you ever be in a tight spot and need to use them.
You can install them by first playing the game and installing the exploit save
file, or you can install them without having the game with the method below.
Extract your Savegame exploit HACK rbk file to sd:\
Indiana PWNS
PAL- Indiana_PWNS-PAL.zip
USA- Indiana_PWNS-USA.zip
JAP- Indiana_PWNS-JAP.zip
PAL60- YU-GI-OWNED-PAL-60hz.zip
PAL50- YU-GI-OWNED-PAL-50hz.zip
Load Nintendo Backup(250).iso.zip from disc or usb
The disc loads well with neogamma r8 running cios38-r17 via disc or wbfs usb.
Select the restore option
restore your Savegame HACK rbk file
Loading Backups FAQ:
Does my wii load dvds? If it is new, probably not. Discs suck anyway, usbloading
is much better. Disks must be loaded from a disk loader, like the neogamma chan
nel installed on your wii. They will not work from the disk channel, unless you
installed darkcorp. Read this for tips on burning- http://www.wiihacks.com/other
Cios- you have:
Hermes- cIOS202[60]-v5.1
Hermes- cIOS222[38]-v4, cIOS223[37-38]-v4, cIOS224[57]-v5.1
Wanikoko- cIOS247[37]-v21d2v2, cIOS248[56]-v21d2v2, cIOS249[38]-v17, cIOS250[57]
You have all the current cios needs, so if you have any issue and so and so says
use this cios, you have it.
CFG-USBLoader has been set to use cios248[56]-v21 d2v2, this should load just ab
out everything for you. But if you have games that need other cios you can use t
hose as well. Triforce and other app compatibility has been maintained with ios2
Setup you HD for usbloading: You can use FAT32, NTFS, or WBFS file systems. FAT3
2 is recommended, so I think you should use FAT32, but you do what you like.
These guide will explain this topic in more detail- You don't need to install an
ything to your wii, just get the drive setup.
FAT32 Hard Drives - Formatting, Loading, Ripping, Playing
Loading and Playing Wii Backup Games from USB HDD
Apps you may like:
WiiMC- Multimedia Player
HomeBrew Browser- DL many Apps
Many others @ wiibrew.org
USB Loaders-
Configurable USB Loader
USB Loader GX 2.0
WBFS Managers-
WBFS Manager
Wii Game Manager
Wii Backup Manager
Must read Guides:
Brick Prevention- Things you should never do
WiiHACKS USB Compatibility List
GBATEMP USB Compatibility List
Wii CIOS explained
Wiihacks Recommended FAQ's

Warning: It is illegal to obtain/distribute backups of games you do not own. Thi

s guide, myself, and this site does not support or promote software piracy. Play

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