Matrix Principal Component Analysis For Image Compression and Recognition
Matrix Principal Component Analysis For Image Compression and Recognition
Matrix Principal Component Analysis For Image Compression and Recognition
mands long computational time especially for large size of σi(l) (l = 1, 2, 3) are three-mode singular values[9].
data. Ye et al. called this iterative algorithm the GPCA This property 2 is formally an extension of the error
which is confusing as is described above, hence we refer it bound of the SVD. The SVD is, however, the minimum er-
Ye’s-GPCA in this paper. ror solution, while the HOSVD is not necessarily so. Nev-
ertheless it is practically a good approximation of the min-
imum error solution and coincides with it in many well-
posed tensors[9]. Thus the HOSVD is a good approximate
3 Approximate Solution Based on solution of
Higher-Order SVD
min B − S ×1 U ×2 V ×3 W 2F
We derive an approximate solution of eq.(7) analytically U T U = Ir1 , V T V = Ir2 , W T W = Ir3 (8)
from the higher-order SVD (HOSVD)[9]. Before it, we
summarize the HOSVD briefly. A practical procedure for computation of the HOSVD of
a tensor B is
(1) We unfold B into three matrices B(1) , B(2) , B(3) .
3.1 Higher-Order SVD (2) We compute their first r1 , r2 , r3 left singular vectors and
The higher-order SVD (HOSVD) is an extension of the array them into matrices U, V, W .
SVD to tensors and is defined for any order of tensors, in (3) We compute the core tensor S by S = B ×1 U T ×2
which the third-order is relevant to eq.(7). V T ×3 W T .
If we pile up n p × q matrices Bk , we get a third-order
tensor B = [bijk ] (i = 1, ..., p; j = 1, ..., q; k = 1, ..., n). 3.2 Matrix PCA
Before we define the HOSVD for this tensor, we define
some terminologies. At first We can derive an analytical approximate solution of eq.(7)
[Definition 1] A tensor composed of piled-up matrices from the above HOSVD. Our derivation is based on the fol-
can be decomposed into constituent matrices which are lowing relation:
then laid end to end to construct a matrix long sideways. B − S ×1 U ×2 V ×3 W 2F
This oblong matrix and also this operation is called un-
folding and denoted by B(1) = [B1 , ..., Bn ], B(2) = = B − C ×1 U ×2 V 2F
[B1T , ..., BnT ], B(3) = [H1T , ..., HpT ]; Hi = [bijk ](j =
= Bk − U Ck V T 2F (9)
1, ..., q; k = 1, ..., n). Conversely the operation restoring
B from B(1) , B(2) , B(3) is called folding.
[Definition 2] A tensor obtained by folding of XS(1) which where C = S ×3 W and Ck = [ci,j,k ](i = 1, ..., r1 , j =
is the product of two matrices X and S(1) which is an un- 1, ..., r2 ) with C = [ci,j,k ] (i = 1, ..., r1 ; j = 1, ..., r2 ; k =
folding of a tensor S is denoted by S ×1 X and is called the 1, ..., n).
product of the tensor S and the matrix X. This multiplica- The last term in eq.(9) coincides with the objective func-
tion is commutative: S ×1 X ×2 Y = S ×2 Y ×1 X. tion in eq.(7). From this observation, we know
The HOSVD is defined by using this notation as: [Property 3] Two matrices U and V derived from the
[Property 1] An arbitrary third-order tensor with size p×q× HOSVD are approximate solutions of eq.(7).
n can be decomposed as B = T ×1 X ×2 Y ×3 Z where T is Hence we can approximately solve eq.(7) analytically
a third-order core tensor with size p × q × n and X, Y, Z are by:
20 PCA
time (sec)
0 0
302 602 902 1202 1502 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
image size compression ratio
Figure 1: Time for computation of U and V . Figure 2: Relation between compression rate and recon-
struction error
0.4 References
0 20 40 60
[1] M. Turk and A. Pentland, “Eigenfaces for recognition,” J.
Cog. Neurosci., vol. 3, pp. 71-86, 1991.
6 Conclusion
We have presented a direct solution method MPCA for si-
multaneously reducing the dimensionality of multiple ma-
trices. We have shown that the MPCA is faster than the
iterative algorithm Ye’s-GPCA, and its rates of image com-
pression and classification are higher than those of the PCA