This lesson is designed to align with the Common Core Speaking and Listening standards. However, equally as
important, I wanted to get my students actively involved in groups. My class was really excited about this!
It takes about 2 hours, depending on pace. However, hour one could be done at home!
A group of five selected class investors will evaluate your presentation based on-
1. Group enthusiasm
2. How well the presentation showed the purpose of the product
3. How well the presentation used class text and convincing language
to show the benefits of the product
4. Product packaging proposal, prototype, pricing, and selling strategy
was well planned and showed promise for success
Circle from 1-10, 10 being the highest rank!
1. The presentation showed the purpose of the product and how it works:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. The presentation showed the benefits of the product in a convincing way and used the class text as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Product packaging proposal, pricing, prototype and selling strategy was well planned and showed
promise for success: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Speaking and Exceeds Requirement Meets Requirement Did not meet requirement
Listening Rubric
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.1 Students worked extremely Students were on task Students did not work well
Engage effectively in a range well collaboratively, building collaboratively, creating a collaboratively. Time was not
of collaborative discussions on each other's ideas, well organized, clear used wisely.
(one-on-one, in groups, and creating a well-organized, presentation.
teacher-led) with diverse clear presentation.
partners about history
content topics, texts, and
issues, building on others'
ideas and expressing their
own clearly.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.1.A Students referenced readings Students referenced readings Students did not reference
Come to discussions and showed a excellent and showed a good readings, creating a weak
prepared, having read or understanding of the understanding of the presentation.
researched material under material, making outstanding material and made
study; explicitly draw on that thoughtful connections with appropriate connections with
preparation by referring to the content and presentation the content topic.
evidence on the topic, text, topic.
or issue to probe and reflect
on ideas under discussion.
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6-8.4 Students used appropriate Students used appropriate Students used little eye
Present claims and findings, eye contact, had appropriate eye contact, had appropriate contact, had low volume and
emphasizing salient points in volume and clearly volume and clearly content was hard to
a focused, coherent manner pronounced content. pronounced content. understand. Students
with relevant evidence, Students showed great Students were enthusiastic showed a general lack of
sound valid reasoning, and enthusiasm and excellent and showed good command command of the content.
well-chosen details; use command of the content of the content with well-
appropriate eye contact, with well-supported claims. supported claims.
adequate volume, and clear
pronunciation. Frequent dependency on the
Students memorized lines Students depended little on
script created a weak
and were well-prepared. the script and were well-
Teacher Notes (circle all that apply):
Generally a great Great job! Excellent eye contact! Well practiced and it
presentation! showed!
Enthusiasm could have been Students could have worked Practice, practice, practice! Make sure to give eye
An overly read script made Readings were not Claims were not supported See teacher.
Directions: Use the chart to organize your thoughts. Understand that an enthusiastic delivery, humor, and
revealing positive results often work to the presenters’ advantage.
How it works:
Evidence from text:
___________________________________ ____________________________________
___________________________________ ____________________________________
How will you sell it convincingly?
uring the Tang (618 CE - 907 CE) and Song Gunpowder was another invention created during
Dynasties (960 CE - 1279 CE) China became one the Tang Dynasty. Originally gunpowder in China
of the richest, most advanced countries in the was made by
world. This era is called “the Golden Age” alchemists searching for
because China experienced a period of prosperity a potion for immortality.
inspiring many new technological achievements. Like Soon, they found the
most periods of innovation, formula made from a
China’s success came as mixture of saltpeter
food became more readily (sodium nitrate), sulfur,
available to its people. A and charcoal that could
new fast-ripening rice, be used as an explosive propellant. Initially it was used for
imported from neighboring fireworks and rockets. Eventually, guns and cannons
Vietnam, fueled a rise in would be created by Europeans, which would change the
food production. Farmers produced up to two to three way war would be conducted forever.
times the amount they could in the same amount of time
Perfected during the Tang Dynasty, the magnetic
it took to grow one traditional rice crop. Not surprisingly,
compass would revolutionize the way navigators traveled
this led to a rise in population. As the people of China
the world. The magnetic compass used
thrived, more attention could be focused on innovation.
the earth’s gravitational pull to show
The Tang and Song Dynasties produced some of direction. Explorers all over would use
the most incredible inventions in human history, this technology to navigate incredible
influencing the way things were done all over the world. distances. The compass had a
One of the ways China influenced the world is by tremendous impact on how sea travel
facilitating written communication. The invention of paper would be conducted and is responsible
in the Han Dynasty (105 CE), coupled with the invention of for some of the most successful sea
wood block printing, allowed printed pages to be created voyages throughout history.
quickly. Wood block printing is a form of printing that
Luxury goods invented in
used wood to create carved pages that were ink soaked
China were demanded all over the
and stamped. Later, in the Song Dynasty, the idea of
world. First created in the Tang
movable type would make
Dynasty, porcelain is a thin white
it so individual characters
pottery that was traded with
could be arranged to make
Europe. The Chinese kept the
sentences. In this way, the
production of porcelain secret so traders would be forced
world’s first book was
to trade with China. Although the soft cloth named silk
printed in China in the year
was produced and traded hundreds of years before the
868 CE. Also during the Song Dynasty, this same
Tang and Song
technology would be applied to make paper money,
Dynasties, it remained a
which enabled the Chinese to manage their growing
vital contributor to the
wealth more conveniently. Europeans would adopt this
wealth of China during
technology, making carrying money lighter and trading
the Golden Age. Like
easier. Today, paper money is a standard across the
porcelain, silk was a
luxury good that was
kept secret and was in high demand.
Copyright © 2014, 2020 Pavlovich
Common Core Writing 6-8.1, Common Core Literacy 6-8.2,4 & 10
Han Dynasty Typically made from flattened and dried Paper allowed for easy record keeping and
105 CE mulberry and hemp plant fibers. promoted reading and writing. As you
know, paper is still widely used today as a
medium to keep and relay information.
Late 700s A white ceramic made of a clay and China kept this technology secret so
minerals only found in China. merchants had to trade with China in order
Tang Dynasty
to fill this highly demanded product. Today,
people still call formal dishes “china,”
indicating that the Chinese created the
most prestigious ceramics.
Woodblock Woodblock printing was created from With this technology, China was able to
printing: 700s carved wood that would create a page print the first book in 868 CE. It allowed
Tang Dynasty “stamp” of text that could be duplicated. written communication to be mass-
Later, this technology evolved into movable produced. Movable type was also
Movable type:
type that allowed individual characters to developed later in Europe.
be arranged and reused in pages of text.
Song Dynasty
800s An explosive powdery material made from First used for fireworks and rockets, then
a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. weapons such as guns and cannons.
Tang Dynasty
Gunpowder would revolutionize the way
wars were fought forever.
1020s Paper currency issued by the Song was Helped China to manage their growing
used by merchants to make trade easier wealth. Paper money would be adopted by
Song Dynasty
and manage wealth. Europeans. Today, most countries only deal
in paper currency.
1100s Used the earth’s magnetic pull to show China become a sea power. Became a
direction on land for centuries before it navigational tool in the west responsible for
Song Dynasty
was adapted by sailors for use at sea. some of the most successful sea voyages in
Early Song Fast-ripening rice is a type of rice that Fast ripening rice fed a growing population
Dynasty circa ripens faster than other strains. It is also was from 60 million in the Tang to 100 million in
1000 better able to withstand harsh weather the Song dynasty. New Rice enabled farmers
conditions. Fast-ripening rice was discovered to grow two to three times the amount they
in China during the Song Dynasty. could in the same amount of time it took to
grow one traditional rice crop.
Early Song Rice grows in wet, water-saturated fields. This pump increased rice production,
Dynasty circa Used in irrigation, this pump simplified rice allowing an increased population to be fed.
1000 production by taking water from canals and
scooping it into rice fields with a turn of a
handle. Previously, this was done by hand.
Annotations are done in the margin and are used to help the reader interact with the text in order to
make the text meaningful. Annotations that are done correctly should enable the reader to look back and
remember important information from the text without having to re-read the entire text. Here are a few
annotations that will be used this year. Your teacher will specify annotations used for each reading.
1. Mystery Words Word Put a box around any word/s if you are uncertain of the
I: Write what you can infer (guess) about the meaning
or from cues in the surrounding text.
2. Key Terms Place a circle around key people, dates, vocabulary and
3. Strike Gold! (or highlight Highlight small chunks of “golden text” that you think
underline) have the most important information.
4. Star Key Points Put a star and write notes in the margin a of text that
represent the most important thought or idea in the
whole reading. Star points are given to content that is
related to class discussions, classwork or any course
5. Short summary Hashtag (#) OR Hashtag: Just as in the digital world, hashtags are used
to summarize the main idea. The hashtag is followed by
for each reading Billboard Advertisement OR text that summarizes key points of each paragraph. Ex:
subheading. #shortenedkeysummary
Web Address OR Billboard: A quick ad or ad re-phrase that summarizes
the main point. Ex: Got Milk?
A License Plate
Web Address: Create a .com web address summary of
the main idea.
Ex: www.summarizethisarticle.com
License Plate Summary: A seven letter summary
Chinese Inventions