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Use of Copper Slag in Concrete: Jagmeet Singh Jaspal Singh Manpreet Kaur

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International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252

Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817


Jagmeet Singh*
Jaspal Singh**
Manpreet Kaur***

Abstract: The present investigation assesses the incorporation of copper slag in concrete.
The effect of copper slag as partial replacement of cement on the compressive strength of
concrete has been investigated. The hydration of cement with copper slag was investigated
through X-ray diffraction (XRD). Five concrete mixes (C0, C5, C10, C15 and C20) were made
by replacing cement with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of copper slag by mass respectively. The
water/cement ratio in all the mixes was kept at 0.43. Results showed that the compressive
strength of concrete decreases as CS content increases for all curing ages. The reduction in
compressive strength is minor up to 10% of CS but beyond 10% of CS, there is significant
reduction in compressive strength due to the increase in free water content in mixes. XRD
showed that the 10% of copper slag slightly reduces the hydration of cement, but 20% of
copper slag significantly reduces the hydration of cement. It indicates that the copper slag
can be utilized as supplementary cement replacement material in concrete. The optimum
content of copper slag as replacement of cement is recommended as 10%.
Keywords: Alite, Compressive strength, Concrete, Copper slag, Hydration, Portlandite,
Quartz, X-ray diffraction

*Student of M. Tech. in Department of Civil Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University,

**Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana.
***Assistant Professor in Department of Civil Engineering, Punjab Agricultural University,

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 1

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

In view of global warming, efforts are on to reduce the emission of CO2 to the environment.
Cement industry is a major contributor in the emission of CO2 as well as in using up high
levels of energy resources in the production of cement. Researchers from all over the world
are focusing on the ways of utilizing industrial waste, as supplementary cement replacement
materials. This waste utilization would not only be economical, but may also help protecting
the environment. Industrial wastes, such as slag, fly ash and silica fume are being used as
supplementary cement replacement materials [1].
Copper slag is one of the material that is considered as a waste material which could have a
promising future in construction industry as partial or full substitute of either cement or
aggregates [2]. It is a by-product obtained during the smelting and refining of copper. During
smelting, a molten pool of copper forms at the bottom of the furnace while a layer of
impure metal form a less dense liquid floating on top of the copper melt, which is the slag.
The molten slag is discharged from the furnace at 1000–1300°C. If the molten slag is water
quenched, a glassy copper slag is obtained. To produce every ton of copper, approximately
2.2-3 tons copper slag is generated and approximately 24.6 million tons of slag is generated
from the world copper industry [3]. Therefore, numerous contemporary researches have
focused on the application of copper slag in cement and concrete production as a suitable
path towards sustainable development. The use of copper slag in cement and concrete
provides potential environmental as well as economic benefits for all related industries,
particularly in areas where a considerable amount of copper slag is produced.
The present investigation encourages the utilization of industrial waste copper slag in
concrete and studied its effect on the properties of concrete for obtaining a supplementary
cement replacement material.
Many researchers have investigated the use of copper slag as partial replacement of
ordinary Portland cement. The use of copper slag reduces the early age strength (1 day)
while increasing it beyond 7 days [4]. The use of ground copper slag up to 15% by mass as a
Portland cement replacement increased the strength significantly [5]. The addition of
copper slag to cement increased its initial and final setting times [6]. The concrete batches
with copper slag addition presented greater mechanical and durability performance [7].

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 2

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

Blends of copper slag with Portland cement generally possess properties equivalent to
Portland cement containing fly ash [8].
3.1 Materials used
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) of 43 grade was used. It was conforming to BIS 8112 [9].
The physical properties of OPC are given in Table 1. The fine aggregate used was locally
available river sand having a 4.75 mm nominal maximum size. The sand was conforming to
grading zone II as per BIS 383 [10]. The coarse aggregate used was crushed stone having a
20 mm nominal maximum size. The physical properties of coarse aggregate and fine
aggregate are given in Table 2. Fresh and clean tap water was used. The water was
conforming to the requirements of water for concreting and curing as per BIS 456 [11].
Copper slag obtained from Synco Industries Limited (Jodhpur, Rajasthan) was used. The
physical and chemical properties of copper slag are given in Table 3.
3.2 Concrete mixes and mix proportions
In this work, one control mix C0 was designed as per Indian Standard Specifications BIS
10262 [12] for M25 grade of concrete. The other four concrete mixes (C5, C10, C15 and C20)
were made by replacing cement with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of copper slag by mass
respectively. The water/cement (w/c) ratio in all the mixes was kept at 0.43. Mix
proportions of concrete mixes are given in Table 4.
3.3 Preparation and casting of test specimens
Compressive strength of concrete is determined from cube specimens of 150 mm X 150 mm
X 150 mm in size. All the specimens were prepared in accordance with Indian Standard
Specifications BIS 516 [13]. After casting, test specimens were covered with plastic sheets
and left in the casting room for 24 hours at a temperature of about 27±2οC. The specimens
were removed from the moulds after 24 hours of casting and put into a water-curing room
until the time of the test.
3.4 Workability of concrete
Workability of concrete was tested using compacting factor test apparatus as per BIS 1199
[14]. The workability of concrete was determined immediately after preparing fresh
3.5 Compressive strength of concrete

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 3

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

Concrete cube of size 150 mm X 150 mm X 150 was tested for compressive strength as per
BIS 516 [13]. For the compressive strength test, a loading rate of 2.5kN/s was applied. The
test was performed at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days of curing. Specimens were tested immediately on
removal from the water and while they are still in wet condition, surface water and grit shall
be wiped off the specimens and tested.
3.6 X- ray diffraction test
The X- ray diffraction test was performed on samples of cementitious powder of mixes C0,
C10, and C20. The samples of cementitious powder were collected from the remnant of
concrete specimens after 28 days compressive strength test. The X-ray diffractograms of
different samples were recorded on Panalytical X’Pert PRO with Bragg–Brentano geometry.
Cu Kα radiation was used with a wavelength (λ= 1.54060 Å). X-ray tube was operated at 45
kV voltage and 40 mA current. Powder samples were loaded on aluminum sample holder
having dimensions 2cm X 1·5cm X 0·2 cm. The measurements were carried out in a 2θ range
of 10.0066° to 99.9846° with a step width of 0.0130°.
4.1 Workability
The value of compacting factor for each mix is given in Table 4. The compacting factor of
concrete with different replacement levels of copper slag is also shown in Figure 1. It can be
observed that the workability of concrete increases as copper slag content increases as
shown in Figure 1. The compacting factor for 0% copper slag was 0.849, while compacting
factor for 20% copper slag was 0.925. The addition of copper slag increases the workability
of concrete due to its glassy surface which reduces its water absorption. Due to the low
water absorption of copper slag, free water content increases in the mix and hence, it is
observed that workability of concrete has increased.
4.2 Compressive strength
The compressive strength of concrete was determined at the curing ages of 3, 7, 14 and 28
days. Results are given in Table 5 and shown in Figure 2. It can seen that the compressive
strength of concrete decreases as copper slag content increases as shown in Figure 2. The
percentage reduction in compressive strength for 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of copper slag was
2.9528, 6.1381, 23.6224 and 34.2013 respectively after 28 days of curing. It can be seen that
the reduction in compressive strength is minor up to 10% of copper slag replacement but

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 4

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

beyond 10% of copper slag, there is significant reduction in compressive strength due to the
increase in free water content in the mixes.
4.3 X- ray diffraction
The XRD patterns of mix C0, C10 and C20 are shown in Figure 3, Figure 4 and Figure 5
respectively. The XRD patterns are present in the form of diffracted peaks of different
hydration products. The intensity of these diffracted peaks is plotted against the diffraction
angle of 2θ (degrees). The intensity of diffracted peaks was measured in counts per second
(cps). From Figure 3 to 5 it can be observed that all the mixes consist of the peaks of qrartz,
portlandite and alite on 2θ scale. But the portlandite is the main hydration product during the
hydration of cement. The peaks of portlandite in all mixes represent the degree of hydration
of cement. The major peaks of portlandite were observed at 18.1° and 34.1°. The peak of
portlandite at 18.1° was overlapped with the peak of alite. The peak of portlandite at 34.1°
was the highest among all the peaks of portlandite. The portlandite peak of mix C0 was
showed the highest intensity of 1029.0 (cps) at 34.1° in Figure 3. The mixes C10 and C20
shows the intensity of 947.0 (cps) and 738.0 (cps) in Figures 4 and Figure 5 respectively. The
mixes C0 and C10 were having almost similar diffracted peaks of portlandite, but the intensity
of portlandite peak in mix C20 was very less as compared to mixes C0 and C10. It indicates
that the degree of hydration of mixes C0 and mix C10 were quite similar, but the degree of
hydration in mix C20 was less than mixes C0 and C10. It is concluded that 10% of copper slag
slightly reduce the hydration of cement, but 20% of copper slag significantly reduces the
hydration of cement.
The following conclusions are drawn from this investigation:
i) The workability of concrete increases as CS content increases. For 20% of CS, the
workability increases by 8.21%.
ii) The compressive strength of concrete decreases as CS content increases for all
curing ages. The reduction in compressive strength is minor up to 10% of CS but
beyond 10% of CS, there is significant reduction in compressive strength due to the
increase in free water content in mixes.
iii) XRD showed that the degree of hydration of mixes C0 and mix C10 were quite
similar, but the degree of hydration in mix C20 was less than mixes C0 and C10. The

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 5

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

10% of copper slag slightly reduces the hydration of cement, but 20% of copper slag
significantly reduces the hydration of cement.
iv) Copper slag can be utilized as supplementary cement replacement material in
concrete. The optimum content of CS as replacement of cement is recommended as
Table 1: Properties of OPC 43 grade cement
Characteristics Value Obtained Values specified by
experimentally BIS 8112
Specific Gravity 3.15 -
Standard consistency 32% -
Initial Setting time 146 minutes 30 minutes (min)
Final Setting time 244 minutes 600 minutes (max)
Strength 24.60 N/mm2 23 N/mm2
3 days 35.87 N/mm2 33 N/mm2
7 days 48.45 N/mm2 43 N/mm2
28 days

Table 2: Physical properties of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate

Property Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate
Specific Gravity 2.64 2.60
Fineness modulus 2.71 6.71
Water absorption 0.5 1.0

Table 3: Physical and chemical properties of copper slag

Physical properties Copper slag
Particle Shape Irregular
Appearance Black & glassy
Type Air cooled
Specific gravity 3.51
Bulk density(g/cm3) 1.9-2.4
Hardness 6-7mohs
Chemical component % of Chemical component
SiO2 28%
Fe2O3 57.5%
Al2O3 4%
CaO 2.5%
MgO 1.2%

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 6

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

Table 4: Mix proportions of concrete mixes

Copper Coarse Fine Compacting
Cement Water w/c
Mixes slag aggregates aggregates factor
(Kg/m3) (L/m3) ratio
(Kg/m3) (Kg/m3) (Kg/m3)
C0 432 0 186 0.43 1167 548 0.849
C5 410.4 21.6 186 0.43 1167 548 0.865
C10 388.8 43.2 186 0.43 1167 548 0.871
C15 367.2 64.8 186 0.43 1167 548 0.900
C20 345.6 86.4 186 0.43 1167 548 0.925

Table 5: Test results for compressive strength of concrete

Compressive strength (N/mm2)
Mixes 3 days 7 days 14 days 28 days
C0 24.15 30.85 37.5 43.01
C5 22.35 30.6 35.45 41.74
C10 21.49 28.98 33.95 40.37
C15 16.90 23.34 27.11 32.85
C20 14.19 18.50 22.87 28.30



Compacting Factor





0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Copper Slag

Figure 1: Compacting factor of concrete with different replacement levels of copper slag

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 7

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
40 28 Days
30 14 Days

7 Days
15 3 Days
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%
Copper slag

Figure 2: Compressive strength of concrete with different replacement levels of copper slag

Figure 3: X-ray diffraction pattern of mix C0

Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 8

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

Figure 4: X-ray diffraction pattern of mix C10

Figure 5: X-ray diffraction pattern of mix C20

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Vol. 3 | No. 12 | December 2014 www.garph.co.uk IJAREAS | 9

International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6252
Engineering and Applied Sciences Impact Factor: 4.817

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