Lesson Plan: Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic, Garage
Lesson Plan: Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic, Garage
Lesson Plan: Bedroom, Bathroom, Attic, Garage
Grade: 5th A
Number of students:
Text Book: Limba moderna 1-Limba engleza, Uniscan, Jenny Dooley
Unit: 3 Home,…sweet home
Lesson: Rooms and Parts of the House- Prepositions of place
Content: Vocabulary: words related to houses (living room, dining room, kitchen,
bedroom, bathroom, attic, garage)
Grammar: There is/There are and Prepositions of place
Communication: talk about rooms and objects in the rooms
Type of lesson: Mixed lesson
Methods and techniques:
a) main method: Communicative Approach
b) elements of: Audio-Lingual and Audio-Visual approach, The Total Physical Response
c) techniques: presentation, conversation, matching, gap-filling
Skills developed: listening, speaking, writing, reading
a) cognitive: At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
recognise the rooms of a house;
use the vocabulary in sentences;
state a sentence when pictures are shown;
use the structures there is/there are
use Prepositions of place
b) affective:
making the Ss confident in the ability to use the language;
creating interest in the topic;
using English while playing
Materials: textbook, flipchart, handouts, poster
Time: 50 minutes
Assumptions: - the Ss know the vocabulary related to furniture and objects in the house
- the Ss remember the structures there is/there are
Stage of the lesson T's activity Ss' activity Interaction Skill Time Aims
1. Warm-up a) T greets the Ss; - to create a pleasant atmosphere
b) T checks attendance. Ss answer T - Ss S 2' - to check attendance
2. Checking T asks the Ss to read Ss read T - Ss R/W 2' - to check understanding of
homework homework..They had as previously taught material
homework exercise 1 from page
3. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
4. Checking Teacher asks the Ss when we T - Ss L
previous lesson use “there is “ and when we use Ss – T S
“there are”.
Ss do the task.
T shows the Ss a poster on 5’
witch is drawn a house with
rooms and furniture.T asks Ss To check if they are familiar with
to choose and describe a room. the house rooms and furniture
Ss listen
T asks the Ss question about Ss answer
different objects from the house T – Ss S - to check previously taught
poster. Ss - T 3’ vocabulary
Ss listen
Practice 2 T shows the Ss a worksheet
with exercises related to the Ss write
T asks the Ss to complete the Ss answer T – Ss W 12’
sentences with the right
preposition of place. S
T checks answers.
7. Feedback and T offers feedback Ss listen T - Ss L 1' - to let Ss know how well they
evaluation performed
8. Homework T gives Ss their homework: Ss listen and write T - Ss L/W 2’
Draw and describe your